const ( AttachmentBufferFrontLeft = 0 AttachmentBufferBackLeft = 1 AttachmentBufferFrontRight = 2 AttachmentBufferBackRight = 3 AttachmentBufferDepth = 4 AttachmentBufferStencil = 5 AttachmentBufferAccum = 6 AttachmentBufferFakeFrontLeft = 7 AttachmentBufferFakeFrontRight = 8 AttachmentBufferDepthStencil = 9 AttachmentBufferHiz = 10 )
const ( DriverTypeDri = 0 DriverTypeVdpau = 1 )
const ( EventTypeExchangeComplete = 1 EventTypeBlitComplete = 2 EventTypeFlipComplete = 3 )
BufferSwapComplete is the event number for a BufferSwapCompleteEvent.
const BufferSwapComplete = 0
InvalidateBuffers is the event number for a InvalidateBuffersEvent.
const InvalidateBuffers = 1
func AttachFormatListBytes(buf []byte, list []AttachFormat) int
AttachFormatListBytes writes a list of AttachFormat values to a byte slice.
func AttachFormatRead(buf []byte, v *AttachFormat) int
AttachFormatRead reads a byte slice into a AttachFormat value.
func AttachFormatReadList(buf []byte, dest []AttachFormat) int
AttachFormatReadList reads a byte slice into a list of AttachFormat values.
func BufferSwapCompleteEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event
BufferSwapCompleteEventNew constructs a BufferSwapCompleteEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.
func DRI2BufferListBytes(buf []byte, list []DRI2Buffer) int
DRI2BufferListBytes writes a list of DRI2Buffer values to a byte slice.
func DRI2BufferRead(buf []byte, v *DRI2Buffer) int
DRI2BufferRead reads a byte slice into a DRI2Buffer value.
func DRI2BufferReadList(buf []byte, dest []DRI2Buffer) int
DRI2BufferReadList reads a byte slice into a list of DRI2Buffer values.
func Init(c *xgb.Conn) error
Init must be called before using the DRI2 extension.
func InvalidateBuffersEventNew(buf []byte) xgb.Event
InvalidateBuffersEventNew constructs a InvalidateBuffersEvent value that implements xgb.Event from a byte slice.
type AttachFormat struct { Attachment uint32 Format uint32 }
func (v AttachFormat) Bytes() []byte
Bytes writes a AttachFormat value to a byte slice.
AuthenticateCookie is a cookie used only for Authenticate requests.
type AuthenticateCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func Authenticate(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Magic uint32) AuthenticateCookie
Authenticate sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling AuthenticateCookie.Reply()
func AuthenticateUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, Magic uint32) AuthenticateCookie
AuthenticateUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook AuthenticateCookie) Reply() (*AuthenticateReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a Authenticate request.
AuthenticateReply represents the data returned from a Authenticate request.
type AuthenticateReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes Authenticated uint32 }
type BufferSwapCompleteEvent struct { Sequence uint16 // padding: 1 bytes EventType uint16 // padding: 2 bytes Drawable xproto.Drawable UstHi uint32 UstLo uint32 MscHi uint32 MscLo uint32 Sbc uint32 }
func (v BufferSwapCompleteEvent) Bytes() []byte
Bytes writes a BufferSwapCompleteEvent value to a byte slice.
func (v BufferSwapCompleteEvent) SequenceId() uint16
SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the BufferSwapComplete event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.
func (v BufferSwapCompleteEvent) String() string
String is a rudimentary string representation of BufferSwapCompleteEvent.
ConnectCookie is a cookie used only for Connect requests.
type ConnectCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func Connect(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, DriverType uint32) ConnectCookie
Connect sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling ConnectCookie.Reply()
func ConnectUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Window xproto.Window, DriverType uint32) ConnectCookie
ConnectUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook ConnectCookie) Reply() (*ConnectReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a Connect request.
ConnectReply represents the data returned from a Connect request.
type ConnectReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes DriverNameLength uint32 DeviceNameLength uint32 // padding: 16 bytes DriverName string // size: xgb.Pad((int(DriverNameLength) * 1)) AlignmentPad []byte // size: xgb.Pad(((((int(DriverNameLength) + 3) & -4) - int(DriverNameLength)) * 1)) DeviceName string // size: xgb.Pad((int(DeviceNameLength) * 1)) }
CopyRegionCookie is a cookie used only for CopyRegion requests.
type CopyRegionCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func CopyRegion(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region uint32, Dest uint32, Src uint32) CopyRegionCookie
CopyRegion sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling CopyRegionCookie.Reply()
func CopyRegionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Region uint32, Dest uint32, Src uint32) CopyRegionCookie
CopyRegionUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook CopyRegionCookie) Reply() (*CopyRegionReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a CopyRegion request.
CopyRegionReply represents the data returned from a CopyRegion request.
type CopyRegionReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply }
CreateDrawableCookie is a cookie used only for CreateDrawable requests.
type CreateDrawableCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func CreateDrawable(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) CreateDrawableCookie
CreateDrawable sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func CreateDrawableChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) CreateDrawableCookie
CreateDrawableChecked sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using CreateDrawableCookie.Check()
func (cook CreateDrawableCookie) Check() error
Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply. This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
type DRI2Buffer struct { Attachment uint32 Name uint32 Pitch uint32 Cpp uint32 Flags uint32 }
func (v DRI2Buffer) Bytes() []byte
Bytes writes a DRI2Buffer value to a byte slice.
DestroyDrawableCookie is a cookie used only for DestroyDrawable requests.
type DestroyDrawableCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func DestroyDrawable(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) DestroyDrawableCookie
DestroyDrawable sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func DestroyDrawableChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) DestroyDrawableCookie
DestroyDrawableChecked sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using DestroyDrawableCookie.Check()
func (cook DestroyDrawableCookie) Check() error
Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply. This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
GetBuffersCookie is a cookie used only for GetBuffers requests.
type GetBuffersCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func GetBuffers(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Count uint32, Attachments []uint32) GetBuffersCookie
GetBuffers sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetBuffersCookie.Reply()
func GetBuffersUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Count uint32, Attachments []uint32) GetBuffersCookie
GetBuffersUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook GetBuffersCookie) Reply() (*GetBuffersReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetBuffers request.
GetBuffersReply represents the data returned from a GetBuffers request.
type GetBuffersReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes Width uint32 Height uint32 Count uint32 // padding: 12 bytes Buffers []DRI2Buffer // size: xgb.Pad((int(Count) * 20)) }
GetBuffersWithFormatCookie is a cookie used only for GetBuffersWithFormat requests.
type GetBuffersWithFormatCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func GetBuffersWithFormat(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Count uint32, Attachments []AttachFormat) GetBuffersWithFormatCookie
GetBuffersWithFormat sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetBuffersWithFormatCookie.Reply()
func GetBuffersWithFormatUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Count uint32, Attachments []AttachFormat) GetBuffersWithFormatCookie
GetBuffersWithFormatUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook GetBuffersWithFormatCookie) Reply() (*GetBuffersWithFormatReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetBuffersWithFormat request.
GetBuffersWithFormatReply represents the data returned from a GetBuffersWithFormat request.
type GetBuffersWithFormatReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes Width uint32 Height uint32 Count uint32 // padding: 12 bytes Buffers []DRI2Buffer // size: xgb.Pad((int(Count) * 20)) }
GetMSCCookie is a cookie used only for GetMSC requests.
type GetMSCCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func GetMSC(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) GetMSCCookie
GetMSC sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetMSCCookie.Reply()
func GetMSCUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable) GetMSCCookie
GetMSCUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook GetMSCCookie) Reply() (*GetMSCReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetMSC request.
GetMSCReply represents the data returned from a GetMSC request.
type GetMSCReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes UstHi uint32 UstLo uint32 MscHi uint32 MscLo uint32 SbcHi uint32 SbcLo uint32 }
GetParamCookie is a cookie used only for GetParam requests.
type GetParamCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func GetParam(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Param uint32) GetParamCookie
GetParam sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling GetParamCookie.Reply()
func GetParamUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Param uint32) GetParamCookie
GetParamUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook GetParamCookie) Reply() (*GetParamReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a GetParam request.
GetParamReply represents the data returned from a GetParam request.
type GetParamReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply IsParamRecognized bool ValueHi uint32 ValueLo uint32 }
type InvalidateBuffersEvent struct { Sequence uint16 // padding: 1 bytes Drawable xproto.Drawable }
func (v InvalidateBuffersEvent) Bytes() []byte
Bytes writes a InvalidateBuffersEvent value to a byte slice.
func (v InvalidateBuffersEvent) SequenceId() uint16
SequenceId returns the sequence id attached to the InvalidateBuffers event. Events without a sequence number (KeymapNotify) return 0. This is mostly used internally.
func (v InvalidateBuffersEvent) String() string
String is a rudimentary string representation of InvalidateBuffersEvent.
QueryVersionCookie is a cookie used only for QueryVersion requests.
type QueryVersionCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func QueryVersion(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion uint32, MinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie
QueryVersion sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling QueryVersionCookie.Reply()
func QueryVersionUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, MajorVersion uint32, MinorVersion uint32) QueryVersionCookie
QueryVersionUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook QueryVersionCookie) Reply() (*QueryVersionReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a QueryVersion request.
QueryVersionReply represents the data returned from a QueryVersion request.
type QueryVersionReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes MajorVersion uint32 MinorVersion uint32 }
SwapBuffersCookie is a cookie used only for SwapBuffers requests.
type SwapBuffersCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func SwapBuffers(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, TargetMscHi uint32, TargetMscLo uint32, DivisorHi uint32, DivisorLo uint32, RemainderHi uint32, RemainderLo uint32) SwapBuffersCookie
SwapBuffers sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling SwapBuffersCookie.Reply()
func SwapBuffersUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, TargetMscHi uint32, TargetMscLo uint32, DivisorHi uint32, DivisorLo uint32, RemainderHi uint32, RemainderLo uint32) SwapBuffersCookie
SwapBuffersUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook SwapBuffersCookie) Reply() (*SwapBuffersReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a SwapBuffers request.
SwapBuffersReply represents the data returned from a SwapBuffers request.
type SwapBuffersReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes SwapHi uint32 SwapLo uint32 }
SwapIntervalCookie is a cookie used only for SwapInterval requests.
type SwapIntervalCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func SwapInterval(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Interval uint32) SwapIntervalCookie
SwapInterval sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func SwapIntervalChecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, Interval uint32) SwapIntervalCookie
SwapIntervalChecked sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it can be retrieved using SwapIntervalCookie.Check()
func (cook SwapIntervalCookie) Check() error
Check returns an error if one occurred for checked requests that are not expecting a reply. This cannot be called for requests expecting a reply, nor for unchecked requests.
WaitMSCCookie is a cookie used only for WaitMSC requests.
type WaitMSCCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func WaitMSC(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, TargetMscHi uint32, TargetMscLo uint32, DivisorHi uint32, DivisorLo uint32, RemainderHi uint32, RemainderLo uint32) WaitMSCCookie
WaitMSC sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling WaitMSCCookie.Reply()
func WaitMSCUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, TargetMscHi uint32, TargetMscLo uint32, DivisorHi uint32, DivisorLo uint32, RemainderHi uint32, RemainderLo uint32) WaitMSCCookie
WaitMSCUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook WaitMSCCookie) Reply() (*WaitMSCReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a WaitMSC request.
WaitMSCReply represents the data returned from a WaitMSC request.
type WaitMSCReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes UstHi uint32 UstLo uint32 MscHi uint32 MscLo uint32 SbcHi uint32 SbcLo uint32 }
WaitSBCCookie is a cookie used only for WaitSBC requests.
type WaitSBCCookie struct { *xgb.Cookie }
func WaitSBC(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, TargetSbcHi uint32, TargetSbcLo uint32) WaitSBCCookie
WaitSBC sends a checked request. If an error occurs, it will be returned with the reply by calling WaitSBCCookie.Reply()
func WaitSBCUnchecked(c *xgb.Conn, Drawable xproto.Drawable, TargetSbcHi uint32, TargetSbcLo uint32) WaitSBCCookie
WaitSBCUnchecked sends an unchecked request. If an error occurs, it can only be retrieved using xgb.WaitForEvent or xgb.PollForEvent.
func (cook WaitSBCCookie) Reply() (*WaitSBCReply, error)
Reply blocks and returns the reply data for a WaitSBC request.
WaitSBCReply represents the data returned from a WaitSBC request.
type WaitSBCReply struct { Sequence uint16 // sequence number of the request for this reply Length uint32 // number of bytes in this reply // padding: 1 bytes UstHi uint32 UstLo uint32 MscHi uint32 MscLo uint32 SbcHi uint32 SbcLo uint32 }