
Package progress

import "github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/v6/progress"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func FormatBytes(value int64) string
func FormatNumber(value int64) string
type IndeterminateIndicator
type IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator
    func IndeterminateIndicatorDominoes(duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator
    func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth(indicator string, duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator
    func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingLeftToRight(indicator string, duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator
    func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingRightToLeft(indicator string, duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator
    func IndeterminateIndicatorPacMan(duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator
type Position
type Progress
    func (p *Progress) AppendTracker(t *Tracker)
    func (p *Progress) AppendTrackers(trackers []*Tracker)
    func (p *Progress) IsRenderInProgress() bool
    func (p *Progress) Length() int
    func (p *Progress) LengthActive() int
    func (p *Progress) LengthDone() int
    func (p *Progress) LengthInQueue() int
    func (p *Progress) Log(msg string, a ...interface{})
    func (p *Progress) Render()
    func (p *Progress) SetAutoStop(autoStop bool)
    func (p *Progress) SetMessageWidth(width int)
    func (p *Progress) SetNumTrackersExpected(numTrackers int)
    func (p *Progress) SetOutputWriter(writer io.Writer)
    func (p *Progress) SetSortBy(sortBy SortBy)
    func (p *Progress) SetStyle(style Style)
    func (p *Progress) SetTrackerLength(length int)
    func (p *Progress) SetTrackerPosition(position Position)
    func (p *Progress) SetUpdateFrequency(frequency time.Duration)
    func (p *Progress) ShowETA(show bool)
    func (p *Progress) ShowOverallTracker(show bool)
    func (p *Progress) ShowPercentage(show bool)
    func (p *Progress) ShowTime(show bool)
    func (p *Progress) ShowTracker(show bool)
    func (p *Progress) ShowValue(show bool)
    func (p *Progress) Stop()
    func (p *Progress) Style() *Style
type SortBy
    func (sb SortBy) Sort(trackers []*Tracker)
type Style
type StyleChars
type StyleColors
type StyleOptions
type StyleVisibility
type Tracker
    func (t *Tracker) ETA() time.Duration
    func (t *Tracker) Increment(value int64)
    func (t *Tracker) IncrementWithError(value int64)
    func (t *Tracker) IsDone() bool
    func (t *Tracker) IsErrored() bool
    func (t *Tracker) IsIndeterminate() bool
    func (t *Tracker) MarkAsDone()
    func (t *Tracker) MarkAsErrored()
    func (t *Tracker) PercentDone() float64
    func (t *Tracker) Reset()
    func (t *Tracker) SetValue(value int64)
    func (t *Tracker) UpdateMessage(msg string)
    func (t *Tracker) Value() int64
type Units
    func (tu Units) Sprint(value int64) string
type UnitsFormatter
type UnitsNotationPosition
type Writer
    func NewWriter() Writer

Package files

indicator.go progress.go render.go style.go tracker.go tracker_sort.go units.go writer.go


var (
    // DefaultLengthTracker defines a sane value for a Tracker's length.
    DefaultLengthTracker = 20

    // DefaultUpdateFrequency defines a sane value for the frequency with which
    // all the Tracker's get updated on the screen.
    DefaultUpdateFrequency = time.Millisecond * 250
var (
    // StyleDefault uses ASCII text to render the Trackers.
    StyleDefault = Style{
        Name:       "StyleDefault",
        Chars:      StyleCharsDefault,
        Colors:     StyleColorsDefault,
        Options:    StyleOptionsDefault,
        Visibility: StyleVisibilityDefault,

    // StyleBlocks uses UNICODE Block Drawing characters to render the Trackers.
    StyleBlocks = Style{
        Name:       "StyleBlocks",
        Chars:      StyleCharsBlocks,
        Colors:     StyleColorsDefault,
        Options:    StyleOptionsDefault,
        Visibility: StyleVisibilityDefault,

    // StyleCircle uses UNICODE Circle runes to render the Trackers.
    StyleCircle = Style{
        Name:       "StyleCircle",
        Chars:      StyleCharsCircle,
        Colors:     StyleColorsDefault,
        Options:    StyleOptionsDefault,
        Visibility: StyleVisibilityDefault,

    // StyleRhombus uses UNICODE Rhombus runes to render the Trackers.
    StyleRhombus = Style{
        Name:       "StyleRhombus",
        Chars:      StyleCharsRhombus,
        Colors:     StyleColorsDefault,
        Options:    StyleOptionsDefault,
        Visibility: StyleVisibilityDefault,
var (
    // StyleCharsDefault uses simple ASCII characters.
    StyleCharsDefault = StyleChars{
        BoxLeft:       "[",
        BoxRight:      "]",
        Finished:      "#",
        Finished25:    ".",
        Finished50:    ".",
        Finished75:    ".",
        Indeterminate: IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth("<#>", DefaultUpdateFrequency/2),
        Unfinished:    ".",

    // StyleCharsBlocks uses UNICODE Block Drawing characters.
    StyleCharsBlocks = StyleChars{
        BoxLeft:       "║",
        BoxRight:      "║",
        Finished:      "█",
        Finished25:    "░",
        Finished50:    "▒",
        Finished75:    "▓",
        Indeterminate: IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth("▒█▒", DefaultUpdateFrequency/2),
        Unfinished:    "░",

    // StyleCharsCircle uses UNICODE Circle characters.
    StyleCharsCircle = StyleChars{
        BoxLeft:       "(",
        BoxRight:      ")",
        Finished:      "●",
        Finished25:    "○",
        Finished50:    "○",
        Finished75:    "○",
        Indeterminate: IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth("○●○", DefaultUpdateFrequency/2),
        Unfinished:    "◌",

    // StyleCharsRhombus uses UNICODE Rhombus characters.
    StyleCharsRhombus = StyleChars{
        BoxLeft:       "<",
        BoxRight:      ">",
        Finished:      "◆",
        Finished25:    "◈",
        Finished50:    "◈",
        Finished75:    "◈",
        Indeterminate: IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth("◈◆◈", DefaultUpdateFrequency/2),
        Unfinished:    "◇",
var (
    // StyleColorsDefault defines sane color choices - None.
    StyleColorsDefault = StyleColors{}

    // StyleColorsExample defines a few choice color options. Use this is just
    // as an example to customize the Tracker/text colors.
    StyleColorsExample = StyleColors{
        Message: text.Colors{text.FgWhite},
        Error:   text.Colors{text.FgRed},
        Percent: text.Colors{text.FgHiRed},
        Stats:   text.Colors{text.FgHiBlack},
        Time:    text.Colors{text.FgGreen},
        Tracker: text.Colors{text.FgYellow},
        Value:   text.Colors{text.FgCyan},
        Speed:   text.Colors{text.FgMagenta},
var (
    // UnitsDefault doesn't define any units. The value will be treated as any
    // other number.
    UnitsDefault = Units{
        Notation:         "",
        NotationPosition: UnitsNotationPositionBefore,
        Formatter:        FormatNumber,

    // UnitsBytes defines the value as a storage unit. Values will be converted
    // and printed in one of these forms: B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB
    UnitsBytes = Units{
        Notation:         "",
        NotationPosition: UnitsNotationPositionBefore,
        Formatter:        FormatBytes,

    // UnitsCurrencyDollar defines the value as a Dollar amount. Values will be
    // converted and printed in one of these forms: $x.yz, $x.yzK, $x.yzM,
    // $x.yzB, $x.yzT
    UnitsCurrencyDollar = Units{
        Notation:         "$",
        NotationPosition: UnitsNotationPositionBefore,
        Formatter:        FormatNumber,

    // UnitsCurrencyEuro defines the value as a Euro amount. Values will be
    // converted and printed in one of these forms: ₠x.yz, ₠x.yzK, ₠x.yzM,
    // ₠x.yzB, ₠x.yzT
    UnitsCurrencyEuro = Units{
        Notation:         "₠",
        NotationPosition: UnitsNotationPositionBefore,
        Formatter:        FormatNumber,

    // UnitsCurrencyPound defines the value as a Pound amount. Values will be
    // converted and printed in one of these forms: £x.yz, £x.yzK, £x.yzM,
    // £x.yzB, £x.yzT
    UnitsCurrencyPound = Units{
        Notation:         "£",
        NotationPosition: UnitsNotationPositionBefore,
        Formatter:        FormatNumber,
var (
    // StyleOptionsDefault defines sane defaults for the Options. Use this as an
    // example to customize the Tracker rendering.
    StyleOptionsDefault = StyleOptions{
        DoneString:              "done!",
        ErrorString:             "fail!",
        ETAPrecision:            time.Second,
        ETAString:               "~ETA",
        PercentFormat:           "%5.2f%%",
        PercentIndeterminate:    " ??? ",
        Separator:               " ... ",
        SnipIndicator:           "~",
        SpeedPosition:           PositionRight,
        SpeedPrecision:          time.Microsecond,
        SpeedOverallFormatter:   FormatNumber,
        SpeedSuffix:             "/s",
        TimeDonePrecision:       time.Millisecond,
        TimeInProgressPrecision: time.Microsecond,
        TimeOverallPrecision:    time.Second,
var (
    // StyleVisibilityDefault defines sane defaults for the Visibility.
    StyleVisibilityDefault = StyleVisibility{
        ETA:            false,
        ETAOverall:     true,
        Percentage:     true,
        Speed:          false,
        SpeedOverall:   false,
        Time:           true,
        Tracker:        true,
        TrackerOverall: false,
        Value:          true,

func FormatBytes

func FormatBytes(value int64) string

FormatBytes formats the given value as a "Byte".

func FormatNumber

func FormatNumber(value int64) string

FormatNumber formats the given value as a "regular number".

type IndeterminateIndicator

IndeterminateIndicator defines the structure for the indicator to indicate indeterminate progress. Ex.: {0, <=>}

type IndeterminateIndicator struct {
    Position int
    Text     string

type IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator

IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator is a function that takes the maximum length of the progress bar and returns an IndeterminateIndicator telling the indicator string, and the location of the same in the progress bar.

Technically, this could generate and return the entire progress bar string to override the full display of the same - this is done by the Dominoes and Pac-Man examples below.

type IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator func(maxLen int) IndeterminateIndicator

func IndeterminateIndicatorDominoes

func IndeterminateIndicatorDominoes(duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator

IndeterminateIndicatorDominoes simulates a bunch of dominoes falling back and forth.

func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth

func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth(indicator string, duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator

IndeterminateIndicatorMovingBackAndForth incrementally moves from the left to right and back for each specified duration. If duration is 0, then every single invocation moves the indicator.

func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingLeftToRight

func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingLeftToRight(indicator string, duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator

IndeterminateIndicatorMovingLeftToRight incrementally moves from the left to right and starts from left again for each specified duration. If duration is 0, then every single invocation moves the indicator.

func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingRightToLeft

func IndeterminateIndicatorMovingRightToLeft(indicator string, duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator

IndeterminateIndicatorMovingRightToLeft incrementally moves from the right to left and starts from right again for each specified duration. If duration is 0, then every single invocation moves the indicator.

func IndeterminateIndicatorPacMan

func IndeterminateIndicatorPacMan(duration time.Duration) IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator

IndeterminateIndicatorPacMan simulates a Pac-Man character chomping through the progress bar back and forth.

type Position

Position defines the position of the Tracker with respect to the Tracker's Message.

type Position int
const (
    // PositionLeft will make the Tracker be displayed first before the Message.
    PositionLeft Position = iota

    // PositionRight will make the Tracker be displayed after the Message.

type Progress

Progress helps track progress for one or more tasks.

type Progress struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Progress) AppendTracker

func (p *Progress) AppendTracker(t *Tracker)

AppendTracker appends a single Tracker for tracking. The Tracker gets added to a queue, which gets picked up by the Render logic in the next rendering cycle.

func (*Progress) AppendTrackers

func (p *Progress) AppendTrackers(trackers []*Tracker)

AppendTrackers appends one or more Trackers for tracking.

func (*Progress) IsRenderInProgress

func (p *Progress) IsRenderInProgress() bool

IsRenderInProgress returns true if a call to Render() was made, and is still in progress and has not ended yet.

func (*Progress) Length

func (p *Progress) Length() int

Length returns the number of Trackers tracked overall.

func (*Progress) LengthActive

func (p *Progress) LengthActive() int

LengthActive returns the number of Trackers actively tracked (not done yet).

func (*Progress) LengthDone

func (p *Progress) LengthDone() int

LengthDone returns the number of Trackers that are done tracking.

func (*Progress) LengthInQueue

func (p *Progress) LengthInQueue() int

LengthInQueue returns the number of Trackers in queue to be actively tracked (not tracking yet).

func (*Progress) Log

func (p *Progress) Log(msg string, a ...interface{})

Log appends a log to display above the active progress bars during the next refresh.

func (*Progress) Render

func (p *Progress) Render()

Render renders the Progress tracker and handles all existing trackers and those that are added dynamically while render is in progress.

func (*Progress) SetAutoStop

func (p *Progress) SetAutoStop(autoStop bool)

SetAutoStop toggles the auto-stop functionality. Auto-stop set to true would mean that the Render() function will automatically stop once all currently active Trackers reach their final states. When set to false, the client code will have to call Progress.Stop() to stop the Render() logic. Default: false.

func (*Progress) SetMessageWidth

func (p *Progress) SetMessageWidth(width int)

SetMessageWidth sets the (printed) length of the tracker message. Any message longer the specified width will be snipped abruptly. Any message shorter than the specified width will be padded with spaces.

func (*Progress) SetNumTrackersExpected

func (p *Progress) SetNumTrackersExpected(numTrackers int)

SetNumTrackersExpected sets the expected number of trackers to be tracked. This helps calculate the overall progress with better accuracy.

func (*Progress) SetOutputWriter

func (p *Progress) SetOutputWriter(writer io.Writer)

SetOutputWriter redirects the output of Render to an io.writer object like os.Stdout or os.Stderr or a file. Warning: redirecting the output to a file may not work well as the Render() logic moves the cursor around a lot.

func (*Progress) SetSortBy

func (p *Progress) SetSortBy(sortBy SortBy)

SetSortBy defines the sorting mechanism to use to sort the Active Trackers before rendering the. Default: no-sorting == sort-by-insertion-order.

func (*Progress) SetStyle

func (p *Progress) SetStyle(style Style)

SetStyle sets the Style to use for rendering.

func (*Progress) SetTrackerLength

func (p *Progress) SetTrackerLength(length int)

SetTrackerLength sets the text-length of all the Trackers.

func (*Progress) SetTrackerPosition

func (p *Progress) SetTrackerPosition(position Position)

SetTrackerPosition sets the position of the tracker with respect to the Tracker message text.

func (*Progress) SetUpdateFrequency

func (p *Progress) SetUpdateFrequency(frequency time.Duration)

SetUpdateFrequency sets the update frequency while rendering the trackers. the lower the value, the more number of times the Trackers get refreshed. A sane value would be 250ms.

func (*Progress) ShowETA

func (p *Progress) ShowETA(show bool)

ShowETA toggles showing the ETA for all individual trackers. Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.ETA

func (*Progress) ShowOverallTracker

func (p *Progress) ShowOverallTracker(show bool)

ShowOverallTracker toggles showing the Overall progress tracker with an ETA. Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.TrackerOverall

func (*Progress) ShowPercentage

func (p *Progress) ShowPercentage(show bool)

ShowPercentage toggles showing the Percent complete for each Tracker. Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Percentage

func (*Progress) ShowTime

func (p *Progress) ShowTime(show bool)

ShowTime toggles showing the Time taken by each Tracker. Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Time

func (*Progress) ShowTracker

func (p *Progress) ShowTracker(show bool)

ShowTracker toggles showing the Tracker (the progress bar). Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Tracker

func (*Progress) ShowValue

func (p *Progress) ShowValue(show bool)

ShowValue toggles showing the actual Value of the Tracker. Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Value

func (*Progress) Stop

func (p *Progress) Stop()

Stop stops the Render() logic that is in progress.

func (*Progress) Style

func (p *Progress) Style() *Style

Style returns the current Style.

type SortBy

SortBy helps sort a list of Trackers by various means.

type SortBy int
const (
    // SortByNone doesn't do any sorting == sort by insertion order.
    SortByNone SortBy = iota

    // SortByMessage sorts by the Message alphabetically in ascending order.

    // SortByMessageDsc sorts by the Message alphabetically in descending order.

    // SortByPercent sorts by the Percentage complete in ascending order.

    // SortByPercentDsc sorts by the Percentage complete in descending order.

    // SortByValue sorts by the Value in ascending order.

    // SortByValueDsc sorts by the Value in descending order.

func (SortBy) Sort

func (sb SortBy) Sort(trackers []*Tracker)

Sort applies the sorting method defined by SortBy.

type Style

Style declares how to render the Progress/Trackers.

type Style struct {
    Name       string          // name of the Style
    Chars      StyleChars      // characters to use on the progress bar
    Colors     StyleColors     // colors to use on the progress bar
    Options    StyleOptions    // misc. options for the progress bar
    Visibility StyleVisibility // show/hide components of the progress bar(s)

type StyleChars

StyleChars defines the characters/strings to use for rendering the Tracker.

type StyleChars struct {
    BoxLeft       string // left-border
    BoxRight      string // right-border
    Finished      string // finished block
    Finished25    string // 25% finished block
    Finished50    string // 50% finished block
    Finished75    string // 75% finished block
    Indeterminate IndeterminateIndicatorGenerator
    Unfinished    string // 0% finished block

type StyleColors

StyleColors defines what colors to use for various parts of the Progress and Tracker texts.

type StyleColors struct {
    Message text.Colors // message text colors
    Error   text.Colors // error text colors
    Percent text.Colors // percentage text colors
    Stats   text.Colors // stats text (time, value) colors
    Time    text.Colors // time text colors (overrides Stats)
    Tracker text.Colors // tracker text colors
    Value   text.Colors // value text colors (overrides Stats)
    Speed   text.Colors // speed text colors

type StyleOptions

StyleOptions defines misc. options to control how the Tracker or its parts gets rendered.

type StyleOptions struct {
    DoneString              string         // "done!" string
    ErrorString             string         // "error!" string
    ETAPrecision            time.Duration  // precision for ETA
    ETAString               string         // string for ETA
    Separator               string         // text between message and tracker
    SnipIndicator           string         // text denoting message snipping
    PercentFormat           string         // formatting to use for percentage
    PercentIndeterminate    string         // when percentage cannot be computed
    SpeedPosition           Position       // where speed is displayed in stats
    SpeedPrecision          time.Duration  // precision for speed
    SpeedOverallFormatter   UnitsFormatter // formatter for the overall tracker speed
    SpeedSuffix             string         // suffix (/s)
    TimeDonePrecision       time.Duration  // precision for time when done
    TimeInProgressPrecision time.Duration  // precision for time when in progress
    TimeOverallPrecision    time.Duration  // precision for overall time

type StyleVisibility

StyleVisibility controls what gets shown and what gets hidden.

type StyleVisibility struct {
    ETA            bool // ETA for each tracker
    ETAOverall     bool // ETA for the overall tracker
    Percentage     bool // tracker progress percentage value
    Speed          bool // tracker speed
    SpeedOverall   bool // overall tracker speed
    Time           bool // tracker time taken
    Tracker        bool // tracker ([===========-----------])
    TrackerOverall bool // overall tracker
    Value          bool // tracker value

type Tracker

Tracker helps track the progress of a single task. The way to use it is to instantiate a Tracker with a valid Message, a valid (expected) Total, and Units values. This should then be fed to the Progress Writer with the Writer.AppendTracker() method. When the task that is being done has progress, increment the value using the Tracker.Increment(value) method.

type Tracker struct {
    // Message should contain a short description of the "task"; please note
    // that this should NOT be updated in the middle of progress - you should
    // instead use UpdateMessage() to do this safely without hitting any race
    // conditions
    Message string
    // ExpectedDuration tells how long this task is expected to take; and will
    // be used in calculation of the ETA value
    ExpectedDuration time.Duration
    // Total should be set to the (expected) Total/Final value to be reached
    Total int64
    // Units defines the type of the "value" being tracked
    Units Units
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Tracker) ETA

func (t *Tracker) ETA() time.Duration

ETA returns the expected time of "arrival" or completion of this tracker. It is an estimate and is not guaranteed.

func (*Tracker) Increment

func (t *Tracker) Increment(value int64)

Increment updates the current value of the task being tracked.

func (*Tracker) IncrementWithError

func (t *Tracker) IncrementWithError(value int64)

IncrementWithError updates the current value of the task being tracked and marks that an error occurred.

func (*Tracker) IsDone

func (t *Tracker) IsDone() bool

IsDone returns true if the tracker is done (value has reached the expected Total set during initialization).

func (*Tracker) IsErrored

func (t *Tracker) IsErrored() bool

IsErrored true if an error was set with IncrementWithError or MarkAsErrored.

func (*Tracker) IsIndeterminate

func (t *Tracker) IsIndeterminate() bool

IsIndeterminate returns true if the tracker is indeterminate; i.e., the total is unknown and it is impossible to auto-calculate if tracking is done.

func (*Tracker) MarkAsDone

func (t *Tracker) MarkAsDone()

MarkAsDone forces completion of the tracker by updating the current value as the expected Total value.

func (*Tracker) MarkAsErrored

func (t *Tracker) MarkAsErrored()

MarkAsErrored forces completion of the tracker by updating the current value as the expected Total value, and recording as error.

func (*Tracker) PercentDone

func (t *Tracker) PercentDone() float64

PercentDone returns the currently completed percentage value.

func (*Tracker) Reset

func (t *Tracker) Reset()

Reset resets the tracker to its initial state.

func (*Tracker) SetValue

func (t *Tracker) SetValue(value int64)

SetValue sets the value of the tracker and re-calculates if the tracker is "done".

func (*Tracker) UpdateMessage

func (t *Tracker) UpdateMessage(msg string)

UpdateMessage updates the message string.

func (*Tracker) Value

func (t *Tracker) Value() int64

Value returns the current value of the tracker.

type Units

Units defines the "type" of the value being tracked by the Tracker.

type Units struct {
    Formatter        UnitsFormatter // default: FormatNumber
    Notation         string
    NotationPosition UnitsNotationPosition // default: UnitsNotationPositionBefore

func (Units) Sprint

func (tu Units) Sprint(value int64) string

Sprint prints the value as defined by the Units.

type UnitsFormatter

UnitsFormatter defines a function that prints a value in a specific style.

type UnitsFormatter func(value int64) string

type UnitsNotationPosition

UnitsNotationPosition determines notation position relative to unit value.

type UnitsNotationPosition int

Supported unit positions relative to tracker value; default: UnitsNotationPositionBefore

const (
    UnitsNotationPositionBefore UnitsNotationPosition = iota

type Writer

Writer declares the interfaces that can be used to setup and render a Progress tracker with one or more trackers.

type Writer interface {
    AppendTracker(tracker *Tracker)
    AppendTrackers(trackers []*Tracker)
    IsRenderInProgress() bool
    Length() int
    LengthActive() int
    LengthDone() int
    LengthInQueue() int
    Log(msg string, a ...interface{})
    SetAutoStop(autoStop bool)
    SetMessageWidth(width int)
    SetNumTrackersExpected(numTrackers int)
    SetOutputWriter(output io.Writer)
    SetSortBy(sortBy SortBy)
    SetStyle(style Style)
    SetTrackerLength(length int)
    SetTrackerPosition(position Position)
    // Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.ETA
    ShowETA(show bool)
    // Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.TrackerOverall
    ShowOverallTracker(show bool)
    // Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Percentage
    ShowPercentage(show bool)
    // Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Time
    ShowTime(show bool)
    // Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Tracker
    ShowTracker(show bool)
    // Deprecated: in favor of Style().Visibility.Value
    ShowValue(show bool)
    SetUpdateFrequency(frequency time.Duration)
    Style() *Style

func NewWriter

func NewWriter() Writer

NewWriter initializes and returns a Writer.