const ( // StatementInTotoV01 is the statement type for the generalized link format // containing statements. This is constant for all predicate types. StatementInTotoV01 = "" // PredicateSPDX represents a SBOM using the SPDX standard. // The SPDX mandates 'spdxVersion' field, so predicate type can omit // version. PredicateSPDX = "" // PredicateCycloneDX represents a CycloneDX SBOM PredicateCycloneDX = "" // PredicateLinkV1 represents an in-toto 0.9 link. PredicateLinkV1 = "" )
const (
AllowAllConstraint = "*"
ISO8601DateSchema defines the format string of a timestamp following the ISO 8601 standard.
const ISO8601DateSchema = "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
const LinkGlobFormat = "%s.????????.link"
LinkNameFormat represents a format string used to create the filename for a signed Link (wrapped in a Metablock). It consists of the name of the link and the first 8 characters of the signing key id. E.g.:
fmt.Sprintf(LinkNameFormat, "package", "2f89b9272acfc8f4a0a0f094d789fdb0ba798b0fe41f2f5f417c12f0085ff498") // returns ""
const LinkNameFormat = ""
LinkNameFormatShort is for links that are not signed, e.g.:
fmt.Sprintf(LinkNameFormatShort, "unsigned") // returns ""
const LinkNameFormatShort = ""
PayloadType is the payload type used for links and layouts.
const PayloadType = "application/"
const PreliminaryLinkNameFormat = ""
SublayoutLinkDirFormat represents the format of the name of the directory for sublayout links during the verification workflow.
const SublayoutLinkDirFormat = "%s.%.8s"
ErrCurveSizeSchemeMismatch gets returned, when the scheme and curve size are incompatible for example: curve size = "521" and scheme = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp224"
var ErrCurveSizeSchemeMismatch = errors.New("the scheme does not match the curve size")
var ErrEmptyCommandArgs = errors.New("the command args are empty")
ErrEmptyKeyField will be thrown if a field in our Key struct is empty.
var ErrEmptyKeyField = errors.New("empty field in key")
ErrFailedPEMParsing gets returned when PKCS1, PKCS8 or PKIX key parsing fails
var ErrFailedPEMParsing = errors.New("failed parsing the PEM block: unsupported PEM type")
ErrInspectionRunDirIsSymlink gets thrown if the runDir is a symlink
var ErrInspectionRunDirIsSymlink = errors.New("runDir is a symlink. This is a security risk")
ErrInvalidHexString will be thrown, if a string doesn't match a hex string.
var ErrInvalidHexString = errors.New("invalid hex string")
ErrInvalidKey is returned when a given key is none of RSA, ECDSA or ED25519
var ErrInvalidKey = errors.New("invalid key")
ErrInvalidPayloadType indicates that the envelope used an unknown payload type
var ErrInvalidPayloadType = errors.New("unknown payload type")
ErrInvalidSignature is returned when the signature is invalid
var ErrInvalidSignature = errors.New("invalid signature")
ErrKeyKeyTypeMismatch will be thrown, if the specified keyType does not match the key
var ErrKeyKeyTypeMismatch = errors.New("the given key does not match its key type")
ErrNoPEMBlock gets triggered when there is no PEM block in the provided file
var ErrNoPEMBlock = errors.New("failed to decode the data as PEM block (are you sure this is a pem file?)")
ErrNoPublicKey gets returned when the private key value is not empty.
var ErrNoPublicKey = errors.New("the given key is not a public key")
var ErrNotLayout = errors.New("verification workflow passed a non-layout")
ErrSchemeKeyTypeMismatch will be thrown, if the given scheme and key type are not supported together.
var ErrSchemeKeyTypeMismatch = errors.New("the scheme and key type are not supported together")
ErrSymCycle signals a detected symlink cycle in our RecordArtifacts() function.
var ErrSymCycle = errors.New("symlink cycle detected")
var ErrUnknownMetadataType = errors.New("unknown metadata type encountered: not link or layout")
ErrUnsupportedHashAlgorithm signals a missing hash mapping in getHashMapping
var ErrUnsupportedHashAlgorithm = errors.New("unsupported hash algorithm detected")
ErrUnsupportedKeyIDHashAlgorithms will be thrown, if the specified KeyIDHashAlgorithms is not supported.
var ErrUnsupportedKeyIDHashAlgorithms = errors.New("the given keyID hash algorithm is not supported")
ErrUnsupportedKeyType is returned when we are dealing with a key type different to ed25519 or RSA
var ErrUnsupportedKeyType = errors.New("unsupported key type")
func InterfaceKeyStrings(m map[string]interface{}) []string
InterfaceKeyStrings returns string keys of passed interface{} map in an unordered string slice.
func LoadLayoutCertificates(layout Layout, intermediatePems [][]byte) (*x509.CertPool, *x509.CertPool, error)
LoadLayoutCertificates loads the root and intermediate CAs from the layout if in the layout. This will be used to check signatures that were used to sign links but not configured in the PubKeys section of the step. No configured CAs means we don't want to allow this. Returned CertPools will be empty in this case.
func LoadLinksForLayout(layout Layout, linkDir string) (map[string]map[string]Metadata, error)
LoadLinksForLayout loads for every Step of the passed Layout a Metablock containing the corresponding Link. A base path to a directory that contains the links may be passed using linkDir. Link file names are constructed, using LinkNameFormat together with the corresponding step name and authorized functionary key ids. A map of link metadata is returned and has the following format:
{ <step name> : { <key id>: Metablock, <key id>: Metablock, ... }, <step name> : { <key id>: Metablock, <key id>: Metablock, ... } ... }
If a link cannot be loaded at a constructed link name or is invalid, it is ignored. Only a preliminary threshold check is performed, that is, if there aren't at least Threshold links for any given step, the first return value is an empty map of Metablock maps and the second return value is the error.
func RecordArtifact(path string, hashAlgorithms []string, lineNormalization bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)
RecordArtifact reads and hashes the contents of the file at the passed path using sha256 and returns a map in the following format:
{ "<path>": { "sha256": <hex representation of hash> } }
If reading the file fails, the first return value is nil and the second return value is the error. NOTE: For cross-platform consistency Windows-style line separators (CRLF) are normalized to Unix-style line separators (LF) before hashing file contents.
func RecordArtifacts(paths []string, hashAlgorithms []string, gitignorePatterns []string, lStripPaths []string, lineNormalization bool, followSymlinkDirs bool) (evalArtifacts map[string]interface{}, err error)
RecordArtifacts is a wrapper around recordArtifacts. RecordArtifacts initializes a set for storing visited symlinks, calls recordArtifacts and deletes the set if no longer needed. recordArtifacts walks through the passed slice of paths, traversing subdirectories, and calls RecordArtifact for each file. It returns a map in the following format:
{ "<path>": { "sha256": <hex representation of hash> }, "<path>": { "sha256": <hex representation of hash> }, ... }
If recording an artifact fails the first return value is nil and the second return value is the error.
func ReduceStepsMetadata(layout Layout, stepsMetadata map[string]map[string]Metadata) (map[string]Metadata, error)
ReduceStepsMetadata merges for each step of the passed Layout all the passed per-functionary links into a single link, asserting that the reported Materials and Products are equal across links for a given step. This function may be used at a time during the overall verification, where link threshold's have been verified and subsequent verification only needs one exemplary link per step. The function returns a map with one Metablock (link) per step:
{ <step name> : Metablock, <step name> : Metablock, ... }
If links corresponding to the same step report different Materials or different Products, the first return value is an empty Metablock map and the second return value is the error.
func RunCommand(cmdArgs []string, runDir string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
RunCommand executes the passed command in a subprocess. The first element of cmdArgs is used as executable and the rest as command arguments. It captures and returns stdout, stderr and exit code. The format of the returned map is:
{ "return-value": <exit code>, "stdout": "<standard output>", "stderr": "<standard error>" }
If the command cannot be executed or no pipes for stdout or stderr can be created the first return value is nil and the second return value is the error. NOTE: Since stdout and stderr are captured, they cannot be seen during the command execution.
func RunInspections(layout Layout, runDir string, lineNormalization bool, useDSSE bool) (map[string]Metadata, error)
RunInspections iteratively executes the command in the Run field of all inspections of the passed layout, creating unsigned link metadata that records all files found in the current working directory as materials (before command execution) and products (after command execution). A map with inspection names as keys and Metablocks containing the generated link metadata as values is returned. The format is:
{ <inspection name> : Metablock, <inspection name> : Metablock, ... }
If executing the inspection command fails, or if the executed command has a non-zero exit code, the first return value is an empty Metablock map and the second return value is the error.
func UnpackRule(rule []string) (map[string]string, error)
UnpackRule parses the passed rule and extracts and returns the information required for rule processing. It can be used to verify if a rule has a valid format. Available rule formats are:
MATCH <pattern> [IN <source-path-prefix>] WITH (MATERIALS|PRODUCTS) [IN <destination-path-prefix>] FROM <step>, CREATE <pattern>, DELETE <pattern>, MODIFY <pattern>, ALLOW <pattern>, DISALLOW <pattern>
Rule tokens are normalized to lower case before returning. The returned map has the following format:
{ "type": "match" | "create" | "delete" |"modify" | "allow" | "disallow" "pattern": "<file name pattern>", "srcPrefix": "<path or empty string>", // MATCH rule only "dstPrefix": "<path or empty string>", // MATCH rule only "dstType": "materials" | "products">, // MATCH rule only "dstName": "<step name>", // Match rule only }
If the rule does not match any of the available formats the first return value is nil and the second return value is the error.
func ValidateMetablock(mb Metablock) error
ValidateMetablock ensures that a passed Metablock object is valid. It indirectly validates the Link or Layout that the Metablock object contains.
func VerifyArtifacts(items []interface{}, itemsMetadata map[string]Metadata) error
VerifyArtifacts iteratively applies the material and product rules of the passed items (step or inspection) to enforce and authorize artifacts (materials or products) reported by the corresponding link and to guarantee that artifacts are linked together across links. In the beginning all artifacts are placed in a queue according to their type. If an artifact gets consumed by a rule it is removed from the queue. An artifact can only be consumed once in the course of processing the set of rules in ExpectedMaterials or ExpectedProducts.
Rules of type MATCH, ALLOW, CREATE, DELETE, MODIFY and DISALLOW are supported.
All rules except for DISALLOW consume queued artifacts on success, and leave the queue unchanged on failure. Hence, it is left to a terminal DISALLOW rule to fail overall verification, if artifacts are left in the queue that should have been consumed by preceding rules.
func VerifyCertificateTrust(cert *x509.Certificate, rootCertPool, intermediateCertPool *x509.CertPool) ([][]*x509.Certificate, error)
VerifyCertificateTrust verifies that the certificate has a chain of trust to a root in rootCertPool, possibly using any intermediates in intermediateCertPool
func VerifyLayoutExpiration(layout Layout) error
VerifyLayoutExpiration verifies that the passed Layout has not expired. It returns an error if the (zulu) date in the Expires field is in the past.
func VerifyLayoutSignatures(layoutEnv Metadata, layoutKeys map[string]Key) error
VerifyLayoutSignatures verifies for each key in the passed key map the corresponding signature of the Layout in the passed Metablock's Signed field. Signatures and keys are associated by key id. If the key map is empty, or the Metablock's Signature field does not have a signature for one or more of the passed keys, or a matching signature is invalid, an error is returned.
func VerifyLinkSignatureThesholds(layout Layout, stepsMetadata map[string]map[string]Metadata, rootCertPool, intermediateCertPool *x509.CertPool) ( map[string]map[string]Metadata, error)
VerifyLinkSignatureThesholds verifies that for each step of the passed layout, there are at least Threshold links, validly signed by different authorized functionaries. The returned map of link metadata per steps contains only links with valid signatures from distinct functionaries and has the format:
{ <step name> : { <key id>: Metablock, <key id>: Metablock, ... }, <step name> : { <key id>: Metablock, <key id>: Metablock, ... } ... }
If for any step of the layout there are not enough links available, the first return value is an empty map of Metablock maps and the second return value is the error.
func VerifySignature(key Key, sig Signature, unverified []byte) error
VerifySignature will verify unverified byte data via a passed key and signature. Supported key types are:
When encountering an RSA key, VerifySignature will decode the PEM block in the key and will call rsa.VerifyPSS() for verifying the RSA signature. When encountering an ed25519 key, VerifySignature will decode the hex string encoded public key and will use ed25519.Verify() for verifying the ed25519 signature. When the given key is an ecdsa key, VerifySignature will unmarshall the ASN1 object and will use the retrieved ecdsa components 'r' and 's' for verifying the signature. On success it will return nil. In case of an unsupported key type or any other error it will return an error.
Note that in-toto-golang has different requirements to an ecdsa key. In in-toto-golang we use the string 'ecdsa' as string for the key type. In the key scheme we use: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256.
func VerifyStepCommandAlignment(layout Layout, stepsMetadata map[string]map[string]Metadata)
VerifyStepCommandAlignment (soft) verifies that for each step of the passed layout the command executed, as per the passed link, matches the expected command, as per the layout. Soft verification means that, in case a command does not align, a warning is issued.
func VerifySublayouts(layout Layout, stepsMetadataVerified map[string]map[string]Metadata, superLayoutLinkPath string, intermediatePems [][]byte, lineNormalization bool) (map[string]map[string]Metadata, error)
VerifySublayouts checks if any step in the supply chain is a sublayout, and if so, recursively resolves it and replaces it with a summary link summarizing the steps carried out in the sublayout.
CertificateConstraint defines the attributes a certificate must have to act as a functionary. A wildcard `*` allows any value in the specified attribute, where as an empty array or value asserts that the certificate must have nothing for that attribute. A certificate must have every value defined in a constraint to match.
type CertificateConstraint struct { CommonName string `json:"common_name"` DNSNames []string `json:"dns_names"` Emails []string `json:"emails"` Organizations []string `json:"organizations"` Roots []string `json:"roots"` URIs []string `json:"uris"` }
func (cc CertificateConstraint) Check(cert *x509.Certificate, rootCAIDs []string, rootCertPool, intermediateCertPool *x509.CertPool) error
Check tests the provided certificate against the constraint. An error is returned if the certificate fails any of the constraints. nil is returned if the certificate passes all of the constraints.
CycloneDXStatement defines a cyclonedx sbom in the predicate. It is not currently serialized just as its SPDX counterpart. It is an empty interface, like the generic Statement.
type CycloneDXStatement struct { StatementHeader Predicate interface{} `json:"predicate"` }
type Envelope struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (e *Envelope) Dump(path string) error
func (e *Envelope) GetPayload() any
func (e *Envelope) GetSignatureForKeyID(keyID string) (Signature, error)
func (e *Envelope) SetPayload(payload any) error
func (e *Envelope) Sign(key Key) error
func (e *Envelope) Sigs() []Signature
func (e *Envelope) VerifySignature(key Key) error
Inspection represents an in-toto supply chain inspection, whose command in the Run field is executed during final product verification, generating unsigned link metadata. Materials and products used/produced by the inspection are constrained by the artifact rules in the inspection's ExpectedMaterials and ExpectedProducts fields.
type Inspection struct { Type string `json:"_type"` Run []string `json:"run"` SupplyChainItem }
Key represents a generic in-toto key that contains key metadata, such as an identifier, supported hash algorithms to create the identifier, the key type and the supported signature scheme, and the actual key value.
type Key struct { KeyID string `json:"keyid"` KeyIDHashAlgorithms []string `json:"keyid_hash_algorithms"` KeyType string `json:"keytype"` KeyVal KeyVal `json:"keyval"` Scheme string `json:"scheme"` }
func (k *Key) LoadKey(path string, scheme string, KeyIDHashAlgorithms []string) error
LoadKey loads the key file at specified file path into the key object. It automatically derives the PEM type and the key type. Right now the following PEM types are supported:
The following key types are supported and will be automatically assigned to the key type field:
The following schemes are supported:
Note that, this behavior is consistent with the securesystemslib, except for ecdsa. We do not use the scheme string as key type in in-toto-golang. Instead we are going with a ecdsa/ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 pair.
On success it will return nil. The following errors can happen:
func (k *Key) LoadKeyDefaults(path string) error
func (k *Key) LoadKeyReader(r io.Reader, scheme string, KeyIDHashAlgorithms []string) error
LoadKeyReader loads the key from a supplied reader. The logic matches LoadKey otherwise.
func (k *Key) LoadKeyReaderDefaults(r io.Reader) error
KeyVal contains the actual values of a key, as opposed to key metadata such as a key identifier or key type. For RSA keys, the key value is a pair of public and private keys in PEM format stored as strings. For public keys the Private field may be an empty string.
type KeyVal struct { Private string `json:"private,omitempty"` Public string `json:"public"` Certificate string `json:"certificate,omitempty"` }
Layout represents the definition of a software supply chain. It lists the sequence of steps required in the software supply chain and the functionaries authorized to perform these steps. Functionaries are identified by their public keys. In addition, the layout may list a sequence of inspections that are executed during in-toto supply chain verification. A layout should be contained in a generic Metablock object, which provides functionality for signing and signature verification, and reading from and writing to disk.
type Layout struct { Type string `json:"_type"` Steps []Step `json:"steps"` Inspect []Inspection `json:"inspect"` Keys map[string]Key `json:"keys"` RootCas map[string]Key `json:"rootcas,omitempty"` IntermediateCas map[string]Key `json:"intermediatecas,omitempty"` Expires string `json:"expires"` Readme string `json:"readme"` }
func SubstituteParameters(layout Layout, parameterDictionary map[string]string) (Layout, error)
SubstituteParameters performs parameter substitution in steps and inspections in the following fields: - Expected Materials and Expected Products of both - Run of inspections - Expected Command of steps The substitution marker is '{}' and the keyword within the braces is replaced by a value found in the substitution map passed, parameterDictionary. The layout with parameters substituted is returned to the calling function.
func (l *Layout) RootCAIDs() []string
RootCAIDs returns a slice of all of the Root CA IDs
Link represents the evidence of a supply chain step performed by a functionary. It should be contained in a generic Metablock object, which provides functionality for signing and signature verification, and reading from and writing to disk.
type Link struct { Type string `json:"_type"` Name string `json:"name"` Materials map[string]interface{} `json:"materials"` Products map[string]interface{} `json:"products"` ByProducts map[string]interface{} `json:"byproducts"` Command []string `json:"command"` Environment map[string]interface{} `json:"environment"` }
LinkStatement is the definition for an entire link statement.
type LinkStatement struct { StatementHeader Predicate Link `json:"predicate"` }
Metablock is a generic container for signable in-toto objects such as Layout or Link. It has two fields, one that contains the signable object and one that contains corresponding signatures. Metablock also provides functionality for signing and signature verification, and reading from and writing to disk.
type Metablock struct { // NOTE: Whenever we want to access an attribute of `Signed` we have to // perform type assertion, e.g. `metablock.Signed.(Layout).Keys` // Maybe there is a better way to store either Layouts or Links in `Signed`? // The notary folks seem to have separate container structs: // // // I implemented it this way, because there will be several functions that // receive or return a Metablock, where the type of Signed has to be inferred // on runtime, e.g. when iterating over links for a layout, and a link can // turn out to be a layout (sublayout) Signed interface{} `json:"signed"` Signatures []Signature `json:"signatures"` }
func (mb *Metablock) Dump(path string) error
Dump JSON serializes and writes the Metablock on which it was called to the passed path. It returns an error if JSON serialization or writing fails.
func (mb *Metablock) GetPayload() any
func (mb *Metablock) GetSignableRepresentation() ([]byte, error)
GetSignableRepresentation returns the canonical JSON representation of the Signed field of the Metablock on which it was called. If canonicalization fails the first return value is nil and the second return value is the error.
func (mb *Metablock) GetSignatureForKeyID(keyID string) (Signature, error)
GetSignatureForKeyID returns the signature that was created by the provided keyID, if it exists.
func (mb *Metablock) Load(path string) error
Load parses JSON formatted metadata at the passed path into the Metablock object on which it was called. It returns an error if it cannot parse a valid JSON formatted Metablock that contains a Link or Layout.
Deprecated: Use LoadMetadata for a signature wrapper agnostic way to load an envelope.
func (mb *Metablock) Sign(key Key) error
Sign creates a signature over the signed portion of the metablock using the Key object provided. It then appends the resulting signature to the signatures field as provided. It returns an error if the Signed object cannot be canonicalized, or if the key is invalid or not supported.
func (mb *Metablock) Sigs() []Signature
func (mb *Metablock) VerifySignature(key Key) error
VerifySignature verifies the first signature, corresponding to the passed Key, that it finds in the Signatures field of the Metablock on which it was called. It returns an error if Signatures does not contain a Signature corresponding to the passed Key, the object in Signed cannot be canonicalized, or the Signature is invalid.
type Metadata interface { Sign(Key) error VerifySignature(Key) error GetPayload() any Sigs() []Signature GetSignatureForKeyID(string) (Signature, error) Dump(string) error }
func GetSummaryLink(layout Layout, stepsMetadataReduced map[string]Metadata, stepName string, useDSSE bool) (Metadata, error)
GetSummaryLink merges the materials of the first step (as mentioned in the layout) and the products of the last step and returns a new link. This link reports the materials and products and summarizes the overall software supply chain. NOTE: The assumption is that the steps mentioned in the layout are to be performed sequentially. So, the first step mentioned in the layout denotes what comes into the supply chain and the last step denotes what goes out.
func InTotoRecordStart(name string, materialPaths []string, key Key, hashAlgorithms, gitignorePatterns []string, lStripPaths []string, lineNormalization bool, followSymlinkDirs bool, useDSSE bool) (Metadata, error)
InTotoRecordStart begins the creation of a link metablock file in two steps, in order to provide evidence for supply chain steps that cannot be carries out by a single command. InTotoRecordStart collects the hashes of the materials before any commands are run, signs the unfinished link, and returns the link.
func InTotoRecordStop(prelimLinkEnv Metadata, productPaths []string, key Key, hashAlgorithms, gitignorePatterns []string, lStripPaths []string, lineNormalization bool, followSymlinkDirs bool, useDSSE bool) (Metadata, error)
InTotoRecordStop ends the creation of a metatadata link file created by InTotoRecordStart. InTotoRecordStop takes in a signed unfinished link metablock created by InTotoRecordStart and records the hashes of any products creted by commands run between InTotoRecordStart and InTotoRecordStop. The resultant finished link metablock is then signed by the provided key and returned.
func InTotoRun(name string, runDir string, materialPaths []string, productPaths []string, cmdArgs []string, key Key, hashAlgorithms []string, gitignorePatterns []string, lStripPaths []string, lineNormalization bool, followSymlinkDirs bool, useDSSE bool) (Metadata, error)
InTotoRun executes commands, e.g. for software supply chain steps or inspections of an in-toto layout, and creates and returns corresponding link metadata. Link metadata contains recorded products at the passed productPaths and materials at the passed materialPaths. The returned link is wrapped in a Metablock object. If command execution or artifact recording fails the first return value is an empty Metablock and the second return value is the error.
func InTotoVerify(layoutEnv Metadata, layoutKeys map[string]Key, linkDir string, stepName string, parameterDictionary map[string]string, intermediatePems [][]byte, lineNormalization bool) ( Metadata, error)
InTotoVerify can be used to verify an entire software supply chain according to the in-toto specification. It requires the metadata of the root layout, a map that contains public keys to verify the root layout signatures, a path to a directory from where it can load link metadata files, which are treated as signed evidence for the steps defined in the layout, a step name, and a paramater dictionary used for parameter substitution. The step name only matters for sublayouts, where it's important to associate the summary of that step with a unique name. The verification routine is as follows:
1. Verify layout signature(s) using passed key(s) 2. Verify layout expiration date 3. Substitute parameters in layout 4. Load link metadata files for steps of layout 5. Verify signatures and signature thresholds for steps of layout 6. Verify sublayouts recursively 7. Verify command alignment for steps of layout (only warns) 8. Verify artifact rules for steps of layout 9. Execute inspection commands (generates link metadata for each inspection) 10. Verify artifact rules for inspections of layout
InTotoVerify returns a summary link wrapped in a Metablock object and an error value. If any of the verification routines fail, verification is aborted and error is returned. In such an instance, the first value remains an empty Metablock object.
NOTE: Artifact rules of type "create", "modify" and "delete" are currently not supported.
▹ Example
func InTotoVerifyWithDirectory(layoutEnv Metadata, layoutKeys map[string]Key, linkDir string, runDir string, stepName string, parameterDictionary map[string]string, intermediatePems [][]byte, lineNormalization bool) ( Metadata, error)
InTotoVerifyWithDirectory provides the same functionality as InTotoVerify, but adds the possibility to select a local directory from where the inspections are run.
func LoadMetadata(path string) (Metadata, error)
ProvenanceStatement is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 0.2 predicate. Deprecated: Only version-specific provenance structs will be maintained (ProvenanceStatementSLSA01, ProvenanceStatementSLSA02).
type ProvenanceStatement struct { StatementHeader Predicate slsa02.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"` }
ProvenanceStatementSLSA01 is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 0.1 predicate.
type ProvenanceStatementSLSA01 struct { StatementHeader Predicate slsa01.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"` }
ProvenanceStatementSLSA02 is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 0.2 predicate.
type ProvenanceStatementSLSA02 struct { StatementHeader Predicate slsa02.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"` }
ProvenanceStatementSLSA1 is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 1.0 predicate.
type ProvenanceStatementSLSA1 struct { StatementHeader Predicate slsa1.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"` }
SPDXStatement is the definition for an entire SPDX statement. This is currently not implemented. Some tooling exists here:, but this software is still in early state. This struct is the same as the generic Statement struct but is added for completeness
type SPDXStatement struct { StatementHeader Predicate interface{} `json:"predicate"` }
Set represents a data structure for set operations. See `NewSet` for how to create a Set, and available Set receivers for useful set operations.
Under the hood Set aliases map[string]struct{}, where the map keys are the set elements and the map values are a memory-efficient way of storing the keys.
type Set map[string]struct{}
func NewSet(elems ...string) Set
NewSet creates a new Set, assigns it the optionally passed variadic string elements, and returns it.
func (s Set) Add(elem string)
Add adds the passed string to the set on which it was called, if the string is not a member of the set.
func (s Set) Difference(s2 Set) Set
Difference creates and returns a new Set with the elements of the set on which it was called that are not in the passed set.
func (s Set) Filter(pattern string) Set
Filter creates and returns a new Set with the elements of the set on which it was called that match the passed pattern. A matching error is treated like a non-match plus a warning is printed.
func (s Set) Has(elem string) bool
Has returns True if the passed string is member of the set on which it was called and False otherwise.
func (s Set) Intersection(s2 Set) Set
Intersection creates and returns a new Set with the elements of the set on which it was called that are also in the passed set.
func (s Set) IsSubSet(subset Set) bool
IsSubSet checks if the parameter subset is a subset of the superset s.
func (s Set) Remove(elem string)
Remove removes the passed string from the set on which was is called, if the string is a member of the set.
func (s Set) Slice() []string
Slice creates and returns an unordered string slice with the elements of the set on which it was called.
Signature represents a generic in-toto signature that contains the identifier of the Key, which was used to create the signature and the signature data. The used signature scheme is found in the corresponding Key.
type Signature struct { KeyID string `json:"keyid"` Sig string `json:"sig"` Certificate string `json:"cert,omitempty"` }
func GenerateSignature(signable []byte, key Key) (Signature, error)
GenerateSignature will automatically detect the key type and sign the signable data with the provided key. If everything goes right GenerateSignature will return a for the key valid signature and err=nil. If something goes wrong it will return a not initialized signature and an error. Possible errors are:
Currently supported is only one scheme per key.
Note that in-toto-golang has different requirements to an ecdsa key. In in-toto-golang we use the string 'ecdsa' as string for the key type. In the key scheme we use: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256.
func (sig Signature) GetCertificate() (Key, error)
GetCertificate returns the parsed x509 certificate attached to the signature, if it exists.
Statement binds the attestation to a particular subject and identifies the of the predicate. This struct represents a generic statement.
type Statement struct { StatementHeader // Predicate contains type speficic metadata. Predicate interface{} `json:"predicate"` }
StatementHeader defines the common fields for all statements
type StatementHeader struct { Type string `json:"_type"` PredicateType string `json:"predicateType"` Subject []Subject `json:"subject"` }
Step represents an in-toto step of the supply chain performed by a functionary. During final product verification in-toto looks for corresponding Link metadata, which is used as signed evidence that the step was performed according to the supply chain definition. Materials and products used/produced by the step are constrained by the artifact rules in the step's ExpectedMaterials and ExpectedProducts fields.
type Step struct { Type string `json:"_type"` PubKeys []string `json:"pubkeys"` CertificateConstraints []CertificateConstraint `json:"cert_constraints,omitempty"` ExpectedCommand []string `json:"expected_command"` Threshold int `json:"threshold"` SupplyChainItem }
func (s Step) CheckCertConstraints(key Key, rootCAIDs []string, rootCertPool, intermediateCertPool *x509.CertPool) error
CheckCertConstraints returns true if the provided certificate matches at least one of the constraints for this step.
Subject describes the set of software artifacts the statement applies to.
type Subject struct { Name string `json:"name"` Digest common.DigestSet `json:"digest"` }
SupplyChainItem summarizes common fields of the two available supply chain item types, Inspection and Step.
type SupplyChainItem struct { Name string `json:"name"` ExpectedMaterials [][]string `json:"expected_materials"` ExpectedProducts [][]string `json:"expected_products"` }