func Escape(s string) string
Escape text for terminal.
func Format(s ...interface{}) string
Format text for terminal. You can pass an arbitrary number of Attribute or []Attribute followed by any other values, that can either be a string or something else (that is converted to string using fmt.Sprint).
func StripAttributes(s ...interface{}) (raw string)
StripAttributes from input arguments and return unformatted text.
Attribute defines a single SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) code.
type Attribute int
Base attributes
const ( Reset Attribute = iota Bold Faint Italic Underline BlinkSlow BlinkRapid ReverseVideo Concealed CrossedOut )
Foreground text colors
const ( FgBlack Attribute = iota + 30 FgRed FgGreen FgYellow FgBlue FgMagenta FgCyan FgWhite )
Foreground Hi-Intensity text colors
const ( FgHiBlack Attribute = iota + 90 FgHiRed FgHiGreen FgHiYellow FgHiBlue FgHiMagenta FgHiCyan FgHiWhite )
Background text colors
const ( BgBlack Attribute = iota + 40 BgRed BgGreen BgYellow BgBlue BgMagenta BgCyan BgWhite )
Background Hi-Intensity text colors
const ( BgHiBlack Attribute = iota + 100 BgHiRed BgHiGreen BgHiYellow BgHiBlue BgHiMagenta BgHiCyan BgHiWhite )