
Package report

import "github.com/google/pprof/internal/report"

Overview ▾

Package report summarizes a performance profile into a human-readable report.


Output formats.

const (
    Callgrind = iota

func AddSourceTemplates

func AddSourceTemplates(t *template.Template)

AddSourceTemplates adds templates used by PrintWebList to t.

func Generate

func Generate(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error

Generate generates a report as directed by the Report.

func GetDOT

func GetDOT(rpt *Report) (*graph.Graph, *graph.DotConfig)

GetDOT returns a graph suitable for dot processing along with some configuration information.

func PrintAssembly

func PrintAssembly(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool, maxFuncs int) error

PrintAssembly prints annotated disassembly of rpt to w.

func ProfileLabels

func ProfileLabels(rpt *Report) []string

ProfileLabels returns printable labels for a profile.

type Options

Options are the formatting and filtering options used to generate a profile.

type Options struct {
    OutputFormat int

    CumSort       bool
    CallTree      bool
    DropNegative  bool
    CompactLabels bool
    Ratio         float64
    Title         string
    ProfileLabels []string
    ActiveFilters []string
    NumLabelUnits map[string]string

    NodeCount    int
    NodeFraction float64
    EdgeFraction float64

    SampleValue       func(s []int64) int64
    SampleMeanDivisor func(s []int64) int64
    SampleType        string
    SampleUnit        string // Unit for the sample data from the profile.

    OutputUnit string // Units for data formatting in report.

    Symbol     *regexp.Regexp // Symbols to include on disassembly report.
    SourcePath string         // Search path for source files.
    TrimPath   string         // Paths to trim from source file paths.

    IntelSyntax bool // Whether or not to print assembly in Intel syntax.

type Report

Report contains the data and associated routines to extract a report from a profile.

type Report struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(prof *profile.Profile, o *Options) *Report

New builds a new report indexing the sample values interpreting the samples with the provided function.

func NewDefault

func NewDefault(prof *profile.Profile, options Options) *Report

NewDefault builds a new report indexing the last sample value available.

func (*Report) OutputFormat

func (rpt *Report) OutputFormat() int

OutputFormat returns the output format for the report.

func (*Report) Stacks

func (rpt *Report) Stacks() StackSet

Stacks returns a StackSet for the profile in rpt.

func (*Report) Total

func (rpt *Report) Total() int64

Total returns the total number of samples in a report.

type Stack

Stack holds a single stack instance.

type Stack struct {
    Value   int64 // Total value for all samples of this stack.
    Sources []int // Indices in StackSet.Sources (callers before callees).

type StackSet

StackSet holds a set of stacks corresponding to a profile.

Slices in StackSet and the types it contains are always non-nil, which makes Javascript code that uses the JSON encoding less error-prone.

type StackSet struct {
    Total   int64         // Total value of the profile.
    Scale   float64       // Multiplier to generate displayed value
    Type    string        // Profile type. E.g., "cpu".
    Unit    string        // One of "B", "s", "GCU", or "" (if unknown)
    Stacks  []Stack       // List of stored stacks
    Sources []StackSource // Mapping from source index to info

type StackSlot

StackSlot identifies a particular StackSlot.

type StackSlot struct {
    Stack int // Index in StackSet.Stacks
    Pos   int // Index in Stack.Sources

type StackSource

StackSource holds function/location info for a stack entry.

type StackSource struct {
    FullName   string
    FileName   string
    UniqueName string // Disambiguates functions with same names
    Inlined    bool   // If true this source was inlined into its caller

    // Alternative names to display (with decreasing lengths) to make text fit.
    // Guaranteed to be non-empty.
    Display []string

    // Places holds the list of stack slots where this source occurs.
    // In particular, if [a,b] is an element in Places,
    // StackSet.Stacks[a].Sources[b] points to this source.
    // No stack will be referenced twice in the Places slice for a given
    // StackSource. In case of recursion, Places will contain the outer-most
    // entry in the recursive stack. E.g., if stack S has source X at positions
    // 4,6,9,10, the Places entry for X will contain [S,4].
    Places []StackSlot

    // Combined count of stacks where this source is the leaf.
    Self int64

    // Color number to use for this source.
    // Colors with high numbers than supported may be treated as zero.
    Color int

type TextItem

TextItem holds a single text report entry.

type TextItem struct {
    Name                  string
    InlineLabel           string // Not empty if inlined
    Flat, Cum             int64  // Raw values
    FlatFormat, CumFormat string // Formatted values

func TextItems

func TextItems(rpt *Report) ([]TextItem, []string)

TextItems returns a list of text items from the report and a list of labels that describe the report.

type WebListCall

WebListCall holds the per-inlined-call information for HTML source code listing.

type WebListCall struct {
    SrcLine  string
    FileBase string
    Line     int

type WebListData

WebListData holds the data needed to generate HTML source code listing.

type WebListData struct {
    Total string
    Files []WebListFile

func MakeWebList

func MakeWebList(rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool, maxFiles int) (WebListData, error)

MakeWebList returns an annotated source listing of rpt. rpt.prof should contain inlined call info.

type WebListFile

WebListFile holds the per-file information for HTML source code listing.

type WebListFile struct {
    Funcs []WebListFunc

type WebListFunc

WebListFunc holds the per-function information for HTML source code listing.

type WebListFunc struct {
    Name       string
    File       string
    Flat       string
    Cumulative string
    Percent    string
    Lines      []WebListLine

type WebListInstruction

WebListInstruction holds the per-instruction information for HTML source code listing.

type WebListInstruction struct {
    NewBlock     bool // Insert marker that indicates separation from previous block
    Flat         string
    Cumulative   string
    Synthetic    bool
    Address      uint64
    Disasm       string
    FileLine     string
    InlinedCalls []WebListCall

type WebListLine

WebListLine holds the per-source-line information for HTML source code listing.

type WebListLine struct {
    SrcLine      string
    HTMLClass    string
    Line         int
    Flat         string
    Cumulative   string
    Instructions []WebListInstruction