func ComposeDot(w io.Writer, g *Graph, a *DotAttributes, c *DotConfig)
ComposeDot creates and writes a in the DOT format to the writer, using the configurations given.
func ShortenFunctionName(f string) string
ShortenFunctionName returns a shortened version of a function's name.
DotAttributes contains details about the graph itself, giving insight into how its elements should be rendered.
type DotAttributes struct { Nodes map[*Node]*DotNodeAttributes // A map allowing each Node to have its own visualization option }
DotConfig contains attributes about how a graph should be constructed and how it should look.
type DotConfig struct { Title string // The title of the DOT graph LegendURL string // The URL to link to from the legend. Labels []string // The labels for the DOT's legend FormatValue func(int64) string // A formatting function for values Total int64 // The total weight of the graph, used to compute percentages }
DotNodeAttributes contains Node specific visualization options.
type DotNodeAttributes struct { Shape string // The optional shape of the node when rendered visually Bold bool // If the node should be bold or not Peripheries int // An optional number of borders to place around a node URL string // An optional url link to add to a node Formatter func(*NodeInfo) string // An optional formatter for the node's label }
Edge contains any attributes to be represented about edges in a graph.
type Edge struct { Src, Dest *Node // The summary weight of the edge Weight, WeightDiv int64 // residual edges connect nodes that were connected through a // separate node, which has been removed from the report. Residual bool // An inline edge represents a call that was inlined into the caller. Inline bool }
func (e *Edge) WeightValue() int64
WeightValue returns the weight value for this edge, normalizing if a divisor is available.
EdgeMap is used to represent the incoming/outgoing edges from a node.
type EdgeMap map[*Node]*Edge
func (e EdgeMap) Sort() []*Edge
Sort returns a slice of the edges in the map, in a consistent order. The sort order is first based on the edge weight (higher-to-lower) and then by the node names to avoid flakiness.
func (e EdgeMap) Sum() int64
Sum returns the total weight for a set of nodes.
Graph summarizes a performance profile into a format that is suitable for visualization.
type Graph struct { Nodes Nodes }
func New(prof *profile.Profile, o *Options) *Graph
New summarizes performance data from a profile into a graph.
func (g *Graph) DiscardLowFrequencyNodePtrs(nodeCutoff int64) NodePtrSet
DiscardLowFrequencyNodePtrs returns a NodePtrSet of nodes at or over a specific cum value cutoff.
func (g *Graph) DiscardLowFrequencyNodes(nodeCutoff int64) NodeSet
DiscardLowFrequencyNodes returns a set of the nodes at or over a specific cum value cutoff.
func (g *Graph) RemoveRedundantEdges()
RemoveRedundantEdges removes residual edges if the destination can be reached through another path. This is done to simplify the graph while preserving connectivity.
func (g *Graph) SelectTopNodePtrs(maxNodes int, visualMode bool) NodePtrSet
SelectTopNodePtrs returns a set of the top maxNodes *Node in a graph.
func (g *Graph) SelectTopNodes(maxNodes int, visualMode bool) NodeSet
SelectTopNodes returns a set of the top maxNodes nodes in a graph.
func (g *Graph) SortNodes(cum bool, visualMode bool)
SortNodes sorts the nodes in a graph based on a specific heuristic.
func (g *Graph) String() string
String returns a text representation of a graph, for debugging purposes.
func (g *Graph) TrimLowFrequencyEdges(edgeCutoff int64) int
TrimLowFrequencyEdges removes edges that have less than the specified weight. Returns the number of edges removed
func (g *Graph) TrimLowFrequencyTags(tagCutoff int64)
TrimLowFrequencyTags removes tags that have less than the specified weight.
func (g *Graph) TrimTree(kept NodePtrSet)
TrimTree trims a Graph in forest form, keeping only the nodes in kept. This will not work correctly if even a single node has multiple parents.
Node is an entry on a profiling report. It represents a unique program location.
type Node struct { // Info describes the source location associated to this node. Info NodeInfo // Function represents the function that this node belongs to. On // graphs with sub-function resolution (eg line number or // addresses), two nodes in a NodeMap that are part of the same // function have the same value of Node.Function. If the Node // represents the whole function, it points back to itself. Function *Node // Values associated to this node. Flat is exclusive to this node, // Cum includes all descendents. Flat, FlatDiv, Cum, CumDiv int64 // In and out Contains the nodes immediately reaching or reached by // this node. In, Out EdgeMap // LabelTags provide additional information about subsets of a sample. LabelTags TagMap // NumericTags provide additional values for subsets of a sample. // Numeric tags are optionally associated to a label tag. The key // for NumericTags is the name of the LabelTag they are associated // to, or "" for numeric tags not associated to a label tag. NumericTags map[string]TagMap }
func (n *Node) AddToEdge(to *Node, v int64, residual, inline bool)
AddToEdge increases the weight of an edge between two nodes. If there isn't such an edge one is created.
func (n *Node) AddToEdgeDiv(to *Node, dv, v int64, residual, inline bool)
AddToEdgeDiv increases the weight of an edge between two nodes. If there isn't such an edge one is created.
func (n *Node) CumValue() int64
CumValue returns the inclusive value for this node, computing the mean if a divisor is available.
func (n *Node) FlatValue() int64
FlatValue returns the exclusive value for this node, computing the mean if a divisor is available.
NodeInfo contains the attributes for a node.
type NodeInfo struct { Name string OrigName string Address uint64 File string StartLine, Lineno int Columnno int Objfile string }
func (i *NodeInfo) NameComponents() []string
NameComponents returns the components of the printable name to be used for a node.
func (i *NodeInfo) PrintableName() string
PrintableName calls the Node's Formatter function with a single space separator.
NodeMap maps from a node info struct to a node. It is used to merge report entries with the same info.
type NodeMap map[NodeInfo]*Node
func (nm NodeMap) FindOrInsertNode(info NodeInfo, kept NodeSet) *Node
FindOrInsertNode takes the info for a node and either returns a matching node from the node map if one exists, or adds one to the map if one does not. If kept is non-nil, nodes are only added if they can be located on it.
NodeOrder sets the ordering for a Sort operation
type NodeOrder int
Sorting options for node sort.
const ( FlatNameOrder NodeOrder = iota FlatCumNameOrder CumNameOrder NameOrder FileOrder AddressOrder EntropyOrder )
NodePtrSet is a collection of nodes. Trimming a graph or tree requires a set of objects which uniquely identify the nodes to keep. In a graph, NodeInfo works as a unique identifier; however, in a tree multiple nodes may share identical NodeInfos. A *Node does uniquely identify a node so we can use that instead. Though a *Node also uniquely identifies a node in a graph, currently, during trimming, graphs are rebuilt from scratch using only the NodeSet, so there would not be the required context of the initial graph to allow for the use of *Node.
type NodePtrSet map[*Node]bool
NodeSet is a collection of node info structs.
type NodeSet map[NodeInfo]bool
Nodes is an ordered collection of graph nodes.
type Nodes []*Node
func CreateNodes(prof *profile.Profile, o *Options) (Nodes, map[uint64]Nodes)
CreateNodes creates graph nodes for all locations in a profile. It returns set of all nodes, plus a mapping of each location to the set of corresponding nodes (one per location.Line).
func (ns Nodes) Sort(o NodeOrder) error
Sort reorders a slice of nodes based on the specified ordering criteria. The result is sorted in decreasing order for (absolute) numeric quantities, alphabetically for text, and increasing for addresses.
func (ns Nodes) Sum() (flat int64, cum int64)
Sum adds the flat and cum values of a set of nodes.
Options encodes the options for constructing a graph
type Options struct { SampleValue func(s []int64) int64 // Function to compute the value of a sample SampleMeanDivisor func(s []int64) int64 // Function to compute the divisor for mean graphs, or nil FormatTag func(int64, string) string // Function to format a sample tag value into a string ObjNames bool // Always preserve obj filename OrigFnNames bool // Preserve original (eg mangled) function names CallTree bool // Build a tree instead of a graph DropNegative bool // Drop nodes with overall negative values KeptNodes NodeSet // If non-nil, only use nodes in this set }
Tag represent sample annotations
type Tag struct { Name string Unit string // Describe the value, "" for non-numeric tags Value int64 Flat, FlatDiv int64 Cum, CumDiv int64 }
func SortTags(t []*Tag, flat bool) []*Tag
SortTags sorts a slice of tags based on their weight.
func (t *Tag) CumValue() int64
CumValue returns the inclusive value for this tag, computing the mean if a divisor is available.
func (t *Tag) FlatValue() int64
FlatValue returns the exclusive value for this tag, computing the mean if a divisor is available.
TagMap is a collection of tags, classified by their name.
type TagMap map[string]*Tag