
Directory /src/github.com/google/go-github/v33/example

Name Synopsis
appengine Package demo provides an app that shows how to use the github package on Google App Engine.
basicauth The basicauth command demonstrates using the github.BasicAuthTransport, including handling two-factor authentication.
commitpr The commitpr command utilizes go-github as a CLI tool for pushing files to a branch and creating a pull request from it.
migrations migrations demonstrates the functionality of the user data migration API for the authenticated GitHub user and lists all the user migrations.
newrepo The newrepo command utilizes go-github as a cli tool for creating new repositories.
simple The simple command demonstrates a simple functionality which prompts the user for a GitHub username and lists all the public organization memberships of the specified username.
tokenauth The tokenauth command demonstrates using the oauth2.StaticTokenSource.
topics The simple command demonstrates the functionality that prompts the user for a GitHub topic and lists all the entities that are related to the specified topic or subject.