
Package flatbuffers

import "github.com/google/flatbuffers/go"

Overview ▾

Package flatbuffers provides facilities to read and write flatbuffers objects.

Index ▾

func BufferHasIdentifier(buf []byte, identifier string) bool
func GetBool(buf []byte) bool
func GetBufferIdentifier(buf []byte) string
func GetByte(buf []byte) byte
func GetFloat32(buf []byte) float32
func GetFloat64(buf []byte) float64
func GetInt16(buf []byte) (n int16)
func GetInt32(buf []byte) (n int32)
func GetInt64(buf []byte) (n int64)
func GetInt8(buf []byte) (n int8)
func GetRootAs(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT, fb FlatBuffer)
func GetSizePrefix(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT) uint32
func GetSizePrefixedBufferIdentifier(buf []byte) string
func GetSizePrefixedRootAs(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT, fb FlatBuffer)
func GetUint16(buf []byte) (n uint16)
func GetUint32(buf []byte) (n uint32)
func GetUint64(buf []byte) (n uint64)
func GetUint8(buf []byte) (n uint8)
func SizePrefixedBufferHasIdentifier(buf []byte, identifier string) bool
func WriteBool(buf []byte, b bool)
func WriteByte(buf []byte, n byte)
func WriteFloat32(buf []byte, n float32)
func WriteFloat64(buf []byte, n float64)
func WriteInt16(buf []byte, n int16)
func WriteInt32(buf []byte, n int32)
func WriteInt64(buf []byte, n int64)
func WriteInt8(buf []byte, n int8)
func WriteSOffsetT(buf []byte, n SOffsetT)
func WriteUOffsetT(buf []byte, n UOffsetT)
func WriteUint16(buf []byte, n uint16)
func WriteUint32(buf []byte, n uint32)
func WriteUint64(buf []byte, n uint64)
func WriteUint8(buf []byte, n uint8)
func WriteVOffsetT(buf []byte, n VOffsetT)
type Builder
    func NewBuilder(initialSize int) *Builder
    func (b *Builder) CreateByteString(s []byte) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) CreateByteVector(v []byte) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) CreateSharedString(s string) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) CreateString(s string) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) CreateVectorOfSortedTables(offsets []UOffsetT, keyCompare KeyCompare) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) CreateVectorOfTables(offsets []UOffsetT) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) EndObject() UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) EndVector(vectorNumElems int) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) Finish(rootTable UOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) FinishSizePrefixed(rootTable UOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) FinishSizePrefixedWithFileIdentifier(rootTable UOffsetT, fid []byte)
    func (b *Builder) FinishWithFileIdentifier(rootTable UOffsetT, fid []byte)
    func (b *Builder) FinishedBytes() []byte
    func (b *Builder) Head() UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) Offset() UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) Pad(n int)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceBool(x bool)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceByte(x byte)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceFloat32(x float32)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceFloat64(x float64)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceInt16(x int16)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceInt32(x int32)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceInt64(x int64)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceInt8(x int8)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceSOffsetT(x SOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceUOffsetT(x UOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceUint16(x uint16)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceUint32(x uint32)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceUint64(x uint64)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceUint8(x uint8)
    func (b *Builder) PlaceVOffsetT(x VOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) Prep(size, additionalBytes int)
    func (b *Builder) PrependBool(x bool)
    func (b *Builder) PrependBoolSlot(o int, x, d bool)
    func (b *Builder) PrependByte(x byte)
    func (b *Builder) PrependByteSlot(o int, x, d byte)
    func (b *Builder) PrependFloat32(x float32)
    func (b *Builder) PrependFloat32Slot(o int, x, d float32)
    func (b *Builder) PrependFloat64(x float64)
    func (b *Builder) PrependFloat64Slot(o int, x, d float64)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt16(x int16)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt16Slot(o int, x, d int16)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt32(x int32)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt32Slot(o int, x, d int32)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt64(x int64)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt64Slot(o int, x, d int64)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt8(x int8)
    func (b *Builder) PrependInt8Slot(o int, x, d int8)
    func (b *Builder) PrependSOffsetT(off SOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) PrependStructSlot(voffset int, x, d UOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUOffsetT(off UOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUOffsetTSlot(o int, x, d UOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint16(x uint16)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint16Slot(o int, x, d uint16)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint32(x uint32)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint32Slot(o int, x, d uint32)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint64(x uint64)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint64Slot(o int, x, d uint64)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint8(x uint8)
    func (b *Builder) PrependUint8Slot(o int, x, d uint8)
    func (b *Builder) PrependVOffsetT(x VOffsetT)
    func (b *Builder) Reset()
    func (b *Builder) Slot(slotnum int)
    func (b *Builder) StartObject(numfields int)
    func (b *Builder) StartVector(elemSize, numElems, alignment int) UOffsetT
    func (b *Builder) WriteVtable() (n UOffsetT)
type FlatBuffer
type FlatbuffersCodec
    func (FlatbuffersCodec) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
    func (FlatbuffersCodec) Name() string
    func (FlatbuffersCodec) String() string
    func (FlatbuffersCodec) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
type KeyCompare
type SOffsetT
    func GetSOffsetT(buf []byte) SOffsetT
type Struct
type Table
    func (t *Table) ByteVector(off UOffsetT) []byte
    func (t *Table) GetBool(off UOffsetT) bool
    func (t *Table) GetBoolSlot(slot VOffsetT, d bool) bool
    func (t *Table) GetByte(off UOffsetT) byte
    func (t *Table) GetByteSlot(slot VOffsetT, d byte) byte
    func (t *Table) GetFloat32(off UOffsetT) float32
    func (t *Table) GetFloat32Slot(slot VOffsetT, d float32) float32
    func (t *Table) GetFloat64(off UOffsetT) float64
    func (t *Table) GetFloat64Slot(slot VOffsetT, d float64) float64
    func (t *Table) GetInt16(off UOffsetT) int16
    func (t *Table) GetInt16Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int16) int16
    func (t *Table) GetInt32(off UOffsetT) int32
    func (t *Table) GetInt32Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int32) int32
    func (t *Table) GetInt64(off UOffsetT) int64
    func (t *Table) GetInt64Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int64) int64
    func (t *Table) GetInt8(off UOffsetT) int8
    func (t *Table) GetInt8Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int8) int8
    func (t *Table) GetSOffsetT(off UOffsetT) SOffsetT
    func (t *Table) GetUOffsetT(off UOffsetT) UOffsetT
    func (t *Table) GetUint16(off UOffsetT) uint16
    func (t *Table) GetUint16Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint16) uint16
    func (t *Table) GetUint32(off UOffsetT) uint32
    func (t *Table) GetUint32Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint32) uint32
    func (t *Table) GetUint64(off UOffsetT) uint64
    func (t *Table) GetUint64Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint64) uint64
    func (t *Table) GetUint8(off UOffsetT) uint8
    func (t *Table) GetUint8Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint8) uint8
    func (t *Table) GetVOffsetT(off UOffsetT) VOffsetT
    func (t *Table) GetVOffsetTSlot(slot VOffsetT, d VOffsetT) VOffsetT
    func (t *Table) Indirect(off UOffsetT) UOffsetT
    func (t *Table) MutateBool(off UOffsetT, n bool) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateBoolSlot(slot VOffsetT, n bool) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateByte(off UOffsetT, n byte) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateByteSlot(slot VOffsetT, n byte) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateFloat32(off UOffsetT, n float32) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateFloat32Slot(slot VOffsetT, n float32) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateFloat64(off UOffsetT, n float64) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateFloat64Slot(slot VOffsetT, n float64) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt16(off UOffsetT, n int16) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt16Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int16) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt32(off UOffsetT, n int32) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt32Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int32) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt64(off UOffsetT, n int64) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt64Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int64) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt8(off UOffsetT, n int8) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateInt8Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int8) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateSOffsetT(off UOffsetT, n SOffsetT) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUOffsetT(off UOffsetT, n UOffsetT) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint16(off UOffsetT, n uint16) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint16Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint16) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint32(off UOffsetT, n uint32) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint32Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint32) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint64(off UOffsetT, n uint64) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint64Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint64) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint8(off UOffsetT, n uint8) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateUint8Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint8) bool
    func (t *Table) MutateVOffsetT(off UOffsetT, n VOffsetT) bool
    func (t *Table) Offset(vtableOffset VOffsetT) VOffsetT
    func (t *Table) String(off UOffsetT) string
    func (t *Table) Union(t2 *Table, off UOffsetT)
    func (t *Table) Vector(off UOffsetT) UOffsetT
    func (t *Table) VectorLen(off UOffsetT) int
type UOffsetT
    func GetIndirectOffset(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT) UOffsetT
    func GetUOffsetT(buf []byte) UOffsetT
type VOffsetT
    func GetVOffsetT(buf []byte) VOffsetT

Package files

builder.go doc.go encode.go grpc.go lib.go sizes.go struct.go table.go


const (

    // SizeUint8 is the byte size of a uint8.
    SizeUint8 = 1
    // SizeUint16 is the byte size of a uint16.
    SizeUint16 = 2
    // SizeUint32 is the byte size of a uint32.
    SizeUint32 = 4
    // SizeUint64 is the byte size of a uint64.
    SizeUint64 = 8

    // SizeInt8 is the byte size of a int8.
    SizeInt8 = 1
    // SizeInt16 is the byte size of a int16.
    SizeInt16 = 2
    // SizeInt32 is the byte size of a int32.
    SizeInt32 = 4
    // SizeInt64 is the byte size of a int64.
    SizeInt64 = 8

    // SizeFloat32 is the byte size of a float32.
    SizeFloat32 = 4
    // SizeFloat64 is the byte size of a float64.
    SizeFloat64 = 8

    // SizeByte is the byte size of a byte.
    // The `byte` type is aliased (by Go definition) to uint8.
    SizeByte = 1

    // SizeBool is the byte size of a bool.
    // The `bool` type is aliased (by flatbuffers convention) to uint8.
    SizeBool = 1

    // SizeSOffsetT is the byte size of an SOffsetT.
    // The `SOffsetT` type is aliased (by flatbuffers convention) to int32.
    SizeSOffsetT = 4
    // SizeUOffsetT is the byte size of an UOffsetT.
    // The `UOffsetT` type is aliased (by flatbuffers convention) to uint32.
    SizeUOffsetT = 4
    // SizeVOffsetT is the byte size of an VOffsetT.
    // The `VOffsetT` type is aliased (by flatbuffers convention) to uint16.
    SizeVOffsetT = 2
const (
    // VtableMetadataFields is the count of metadata fields in each vtable.
    VtableMetadataFields = 2


Codec implements gRPC-go Codec which is used to encode and decode messages.

var Codec = "flatbuffers"

func BufferHasIdentifier

func BufferHasIdentifier(buf []byte, identifier string) bool

BufferHasIdentifier checks if the identifier in a buffer has the expected value

func GetBool

func GetBool(buf []byte) bool

GetBool decodes a little-endian bool from a byte slice.

func GetBufferIdentifier

func GetBufferIdentifier(buf []byte) string

GetBufferIdentifier returns the file identifier as string

func GetByte

func GetByte(buf []byte) byte

GetByte decodes a little-endian byte from a byte slice.

func GetFloat32

func GetFloat32(buf []byte) float32

GetFloat32 decodes a little-endian float32 from a byte slice.

func GetFloat64

func GetFloat64(buf []byte) float64

GetFloat64 decodes a little-endian float64 from a byte slice.

func GetInt16

func GetInt16(buf []byte) (n int16)

GetInt16 decodes a little-endian int16 from a byte slice.

func GetInt32

func GetInt32(buf []byte) (n int32)

GetInt32 decodes a little-endian int32 from a byte slice.

func GetInt64

func GetInt64(buf []byte) (n int64)

GetInt64 decodes a little-endian int64 from a byte slice.

func GetInt8

func GetInt8(buf []byte) (n int8)

GetInt8 decodes a little-endian int8 from a byte slice.

func GetRootAs

func GetRootAs(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT, fb FlatBuffer)

GetRootAs is a generic helper to initialize a FlatBuffer with the provided buffer bytes and its data offset.

func GetSizePrefix

func GetSizePrefix(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT) uint32

GetSizePrefix reads the size from a size-prefixed flatbuffer

func GetSizePrefixedBufferIdentifier

func GetSizePrefixedBufferIdentifier(buf []byte) string

GetBufferIdentifier returns the file identifier as string for a size-prefixed buffer

func GetSizePrefixedRootAs

func GetSizePrefixedRootAs(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT, fb FlatBuffer)

GetSizePrefixedRootAs is a generic helper to initialize a FlatBuffer with the provided size-prefixed buffer bytes and its data offset

func GetUint16

func GetUint16(buf []byte) (n uint16)

GetUint16 decodes a little-endian uint16 from a byte slice.

func GetUint32

func GetUint32(buf []byte) (n uint32)

GetUint32 decodes a little-endian uint32 from a byte slice.

func GetUint64

func GetUint64(buf []byte) (n uint64)

GetUint64 decodes a little-endian uint64 from a byte slice.

func GetUint8

func GetUint8(buf []byte) (n uint8)

GetUint8 decodes a little-endian uint8 from a byte slice.

func SizePrefixedBufferHasIdentifier

func SizePrefixedBufferHasIdentifier(buf []byte, identifier string) bool

BufferHasIdentifier checks if the identifier in a buffer has the expected value for a size-prefixed buffer

func WriteBool

func WriteBool(buf []byte, b bool)

WriteBool encodes a little-endian bool into a byte slice.

func WriteByte

func WriteByte(buf []byte, n byte)

WriteByte encodes a little-endian uint8 into a byte slice.

func WriteFloat32

func WriteFloat32(buf []byte, n float32)

WriteFloat32 encodes a little-endian float32 into a byte slice.

func WriteFloat64

func WriteFloat64(buf []byte, n float64)

WriteFloat64 encodes a little-endian float64 into a byte slice.

func WriteInt16

func WriteInt16(buf []byte, n int16)

WriteInt16 encodes a little-endian int16 into a byte slice.

func WriteInt32

func WriteInt32(buf []byte, n int32)

WriteInt32 encodes a little-endian int32 into a byte slice.

func WriteInt64

func WriteInt64(buf []byte, n int64)

WriteInt64 encodes a little-endian int64 into a byte slice.

func WriteInt8

func WriteInt8(buf []byte, n int8)

WriteInt8 encodes a little-endian int8 into a byte slice.

func WriteSOffsetT

func WriteSOffsetT(buf []byte, n SOffsetT)

WriteSOffsetT encodes a little-endian SOffsetT into a byte slice.

func WriteUOffsetT

func WriteUOffsetT(buf []byte, n UOffsetT)

WriteUOffsetT encodes a little-endian UOffsetT into a byte slice.

func WriteUint16

func WriteUint16(buf []byte, n uint16)

WriteUint16 encodes a little-endian uint16 into a byte slice.

func WriteUint32

func WriteUint32(buf []byte, n uint32)

WriteUint32 encodes a little-endian uint32 into a byte slice.

func WriteUint64

func WriteUint64(buf []byte, n uint64)

WriteUint64 encodes a little-endian uint64 into a byte slice.

func WriteUint8

func WriteUint8(buf []byte, n uint8)

WriteUint8 encodes a little-endian uint8 into a byte slice.

func WriteVOffsetT

func WriteVOffsetT(buf []byte, n VOffsetT)

WriteVOffsetT encodes a little-endian VOffsetT into a byte slice.

type Builder

Builder is a state machine for creating FlatBuffer objects. Use a Builder to construct object(s) starting from leaf nodes.

A Builder constructs byte buffers in a last-first manner for simplicity and performance.

type Builder struct {
    // `Bytes` gives raw access to the buffer. Most users will want to use
    // FinishedBytes() instead.
    Bytes []byte
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBuilder

func NewBuilder(initialSize int) *Builder

NewBuilder initializes a Builder of size `initial_size`. The internal buffer is grown as needed.

func (*Builder) CreateByteString

func (b *Builder) CreateByteString(s []byte) UOffsetT

CreateByteString writes a byte slice as a string (null-terminated).

func (*Builder) CreateByteVector

func (b *Builder) CreateByteVector(v []byte) UOffsetT

CreateByteVector writes a ubyte vector

func (*Builder) CreateSharedString

func (b *Builder) CreateSharedString(s string) UOffsetT

CreateSharedString Checks if the string is already written to the buffer before calling CreateString

func (*Builder) CreateString

func (b *Builder) CreateString(s string) UOffsetT

CreateString writes a null-terminated string as a vector.

func (*Builder) CreateVectorOfSortedTables

func (b *Builder) CreateVectorOfSortedTables(offsets []UOffsetT, keyCompare KeyCompare) UOffsetT

func (*Builder) CreateVectorOfTables

func (b *Builder) CreateVectorOfTables(offsets []UOffsetT) UOffsetT

CreateVectorOfTables serializes slice of table offsets into a vector.

func (*Builder) EndObject

func (b *Builder) EndObject() UOffsetT

EndObject writes data necessary to finish object construction.

func (*Builder) EndVector

func (b *Builder) EndVector(vectorNumElems int) UOffsetT

EndVector writes data necessary to finish vector construction.

func (*Builder) Finish

func (b *Builder) Finish(rootTable UOffsetT)

Finish finalizes a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable`.

func (*Builder) FinishSizePrefixed

func (b *Builder) FinishSizePrefixed(rootTable UOffsetT)

FinishSizePrefixed finalizes a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable`. The buffer is prefixed with the size of the buffer, excluding the size of the prefix itself.

func (*Builder) FinishSizePrefixedWithFileIdentifier

func (b *Builder) FinishSizePrefixedWithFileIdentifier(rootTable UOffsetT, fid []byte)

FinishSizePrefixedWithFileIdentifier finalizes a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable` and applies a file identifier. The buffer is prefixed with the size of the buffer, excluding the size of the prefix itself.

func (*Builder) FinishWithFileIdentifier

func (b *Builder) FinishWithFileIdentifier(rootTable UOffsetT, fid []byte)

FinishWithFileIdentifier finalizes a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable`. as well as applys a file identifier

func (*Builder) FinishedBytes

func (b *Builder) FinishedBytes() []byte

FinishedBytes returns a pointer to the written data in the byte buffer. Panics if the builder is not in a finished state (which is caused by calling `Finish()`).

func (*Builder) Head

func (b *Builder) Head() UOffsetT

Head gives the start of useful data in the underlying byte buffer. Note: unlike other functions, this value is interpreted as from the left.

func (*Builder) Offset

func (b *Builder) Offset() UOffsetT

Offset relative to the end of the buffer.

func (*Builder) Pad

func (b *Builder) Pad(n int)

Pad places zeros at the current offset.

func (*Builder) PlaceBool

func (b *Builder) PlaceBool(x bool)

PlaceBool prepends a bool to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceByte

func (b *Builder) PlaceByte(x byte)

PlaceByte prepends a byte to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceFloat32

func (b *Builder) PlaceFloat32(x float32)

PlaceFloat32 prepends a float32 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceFloat64

func (b *Builder) PlaceFloat64(x float64)

PlaceFloat64 prepends a float64 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceInt16

func (b *Builder) PlaceInt16(x int16)

PlaceInt16 prepends a int16 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceInt32

func (b *Builder) PlaceInt32(x int32)

PlaceInt32 prepends a int32 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceInt64

func (b *Builder) PlaceInt64(x int64)

PlaceInt64 prepends a int64 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceInt8

func (b *Builder) PlaceInt8(x int8)

PlaceInt8 prepends a int8 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceSOffsetT

func (b *Builder) PlaceSOffsetT(x SOffsetT)

PlaceSOffsetT prepends a SOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceUOffsetT

func (b *Builder) PlaceUOffsetT(x UOffsetT)

PlaceUOffsetT prepends a UOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceUint16

func (b *Builder) PlaceUint16(x uint16)

PlaceUint16 prepends a uint16 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceUint32

func (b *Builder) PlaceUint32(x uint32)

PlaceUint32 prepends a uint32 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceUint64

func (b *Builder) PlaceUint64(x uint64)

PlaceUint64 prepends a uint64 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceUint8

func (b *Builder) PlaceUint8(x uint8)

PlaceUint8 prepends a uint8 to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) PlaceVOffsetT

func (b *Builder) PlaceVOffsetT(x VOffsetT)

PlaceVOffsetT prepends a VOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for space.

func (*Builder) Prep

func (b *Builder) Prep(size, additionalBytes int)

Prep prepares to write an element of `size` after `additional_bytes` have been written, e.g. if you write a string, you need to align such the int length field is aligned to SizeInt32, and the string data follows it directly. If all you need to do is align, `additionalBytes` will be 0.

func (*Builder) PrependBool

func (b *Builder) PrependBool(x bool)

PrependBool prepends a bool to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependBoolSlot

func (b *Builder) PrependBoolSlot(o int, x, d bool)

PrependBoolSlot prepends a bool onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependByte

func (b *Builder) PrependByte(x byte)

PrependByte prepends a byte to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependByteSlot

func (b *Builder) PrependByteSlot(o int, x, d byte)

PrependByteSlot prepends a byte onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependFloat32

func (b *Builder) PrependFloat32(x float32)

PrependFloat32 prepends a float32 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependFloat32Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependFloat32Slot(o int, x, d float32)

PrependFloat32Slot prepends a float32 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependFloat64

func (b *Builder) PrependFloat64(x float64)

PrependFloat64 prepends a float64 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependFloat64Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependFloat64Slot(o int, x, d float64)

PrependFloat64Slot prepends a float64 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependInt16

func (b *Builder) PrependInt16(x int16)

PrependInt16 prepends a int16 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependInt16Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependInt16Slot(o int, x, d int16)

PrependInt16Slot prepends a int16 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependInt32

func (b *Builder) PrependInt32(x int32)

PrependInt32 prepends a int32 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependInt32Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependInt32Slot(o int, x, d int32)

PrependInt32Slot prepends a int32 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependInt64

func (b *Builder) PrependInt64(x int64)

PrependInt64 prepends a int64 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependInt64Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependInt64Slot(o int, x, d int64)

PrependInt64Slot prepends a int64 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependInt8

func (b *Builder) PrependInt8(x int8)

PrependInt8 prepends a int8 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependInt8Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependInt8Slot(o int, x, d int8)

PrependInt8Slot prepends a int8 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependSOffsetT

func (b *Builder) PrependSOffsetT(off SOffsetT)

PrependSOffsetT prepends an SOffsetT, relative to where it will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependStructSlot

func (b *Builder) PrependStructSlot(voffset int, x, d UOffsetT)

PrependStructSlot prepends a struct onto the object at vtable slot `o`. Structs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added. In generated code, `d` is always 0.

func (*Builder) PrependUOffsetT

func (b *Builder) PrependUOffsetT(off UOffsetT)

PrependUOffsetT prepends an UOffsetT, relative to where it will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependUOffsetTSlot

func (b *Builder) PrependUOffsetTSlot(o int, x, d UOffsetT)

PrependUOffsetTSlot prepends an UOffsetT onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependUint16

func (b *Builder) PrependUint16(x uint16)

PrependUint16 prepends a uint16 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependUint16Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependUint16Slot(o int, x, d uint16)

PrependUint16Slot prepends a uint16 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependUint32

func (b *Builder) PrependUint32(x uint32)

PrependUint32 prepends a uint32 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependUint32Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependUint32Slot(o int, x, d uint32)

PrependUint32Slot prepends a uint32 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependUint64

func (b *Builder) PrependUint64(x uint64)

PrependUint64 prepends a uint64 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependUint64Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependUint64Slot(o int, x, d uint64)

PrependUint64Slot prepends a uint64 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependUint8

func (b *Builder) PrependUint8(x uint8)

PrependUint8 prepends a uint8 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) PrependUint8Slot

func (b *Builder) PrependUint8Slot(o int, x, d uint8)

PrependUint8Slot prepends a uint8 onto the object at vtable slot `o`. If value `x` equals default `d`, then the slot will be set to zero and no other data will be written.

func (*Builder) PrependVOffsetT

func (b *Builder) PrependVOffsetT(x VOffsetT)

PrependVOffsetT prepends a VOffsetT to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for space.

func (*Builder) Reset

func (b *Builder) Reset()

Reset truncates the underlying Builder buffer, facilitating alloc-free reuse of a Builder. It also resets bookkeeping data.

func (*Builder) Slot

func (b *Builder) Slot(slotnum int)

Slot sets the vtable key `voffset` to the current location in the buffer.

func (*Builder) StartObject

func (b *Builder) StartObject(numfields int)

StartObject initializes bookkeeping for writing a new object.

func (*Builder) StartVector

func (b *Builder) StartVector(elemSize, numElems, alignment int) UOffsetT

StartVector initializes bookkeeping for writing a new vector.

A vector has the following format:

<UOffsetT: number of elements in this vector>
<T: data>+, where T is the type of elements of this vector.

func (*Builder) WriteVtable

func (b *Builder) WriteVtable() (n UOffsetT)

WriteVtable serializes the vtable for the current object, if applicable.

Before writing out the vtable, this checks pre-existing vtables for equality to this one. If an equal vtable is found, point the object to the existing vtable and return.

Because vtable values are sensitive to alignment of object data, not all logically-equal vtables will be deduplicated.

A vtable has the following format:

  <VOffsetT: size of the vtable in bytes, including this value>
  <VOffsetT: size of the object in bytes, including the vtable offset>
  <VOffsetT: offset for a field> * N, where N is the number of fields in
	        the schema for this type. Includes deprecated fields.

Thus, a vtable is made of 2 + N elements, each SizeVOffsetT bytes wide.

An object has the following format:

<SOffsetT: offset to this object's vtable (may be negative)>
<byte: data>+

type FlatBuffer

FlatBuffer is the interface that represents a flatbuffer.

type FlatBuffer interface {
    Table() Table
    Init(buf []byte, i UOffsetT)

type FlatbuffersCodec

FlatbuffersCodec defines the interface gRPC uses to encode and decode messages. Note that implementations of this interface must be thread safe; a Codec's methods can be called from concurrent goroutines.

type FlatbuffersCodec struct{}

func (FlatbuffersCodec) Marshal

func (FlatbuffersCodec) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)

Marshal returns the wire format of v.

func (FlatbuffersCodec) Name

func (FlatbuffersCodec) Name() string

Name returns the name of the Codec implementation. The returned string will be used as part of content type in transmission. The result must be static; the result cannot change between calls.

add Name() for ForceCodec interface

func (FlatbuffersCodec) String

func (FlatbuffersCodec) String() string

String old gRPC Codec interface func

func (FlatbuffersCodec) Unmarshal

func (FlatbuffersCodec) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error

Unmarshal parses the wire format into v.

type KeyCompare

type KeyCompare func(o1, o2 UOffsetT, buf []byte) bool

type SOffsetT

A SOffsetT stores a signed offset into arbitrary data.

type SOffsetT int32

func GetSOffsetT

func GetSOffsetT(buf []byte) SOffsetT

GetSOffsetT decodes a little-endian SOffsetT from a byte slice.

type Struct

Struct wraps a byte slice and provides read access to its data.

Structs do not have a vtable.

type Struct struct {

type Table

Table wraps a byte slice and provides read access to its data.

The variable `Pos` indicates the root of the FlatBuffers object therein.

type Table struct {
    Bytes []byte
    Pos   UOffsetT // Always < 1<<31.

func (*Table) ByteVector

func (t *Table) ByteVector(off UOffsetT) []byte

ByteVector gets a byte slice from data stored inside the flatbuffer.

func (*Table) GetBool

func (t *Table) GetBool(off UOffsetT) bool

GetBool retrieves a bool at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetBoolSlot

func (t *Table) GetBoolSlot(slot VOffsetT, d bool) bool

GetBoolSlot retrieves the bool that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetByte

func (t *Table) GetByte(off UOffsetT) byte

GetByte retrieves a byte at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetByteSlot

func (t *Table) GetByteSlot(slot VOffsetT, d byte) byte

GetByteSlot retrieves the byte that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetFloat32

func (t *Table) GetFloat32(off UOffsetT) float32

GetFloat32 retrieves a float32 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetFloat32Slot

func (t *Table) GetFloat32Slot(slot VOffsetT, d float32) float32

GetFloat32Slot retrieves the float32 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetFloat64

func (t *Table) GetFloat64(off UOffsetT) float64

GetFloat64 retrieves a float64 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetFloat64Slot

func (t *Table) GetFloat64Slot(slot VOffsetT, d float64) float64

GetFloat64Slot retrieves the float64 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetInt16

func (t *Table) GetInt16(off UOffsetT) int16

GetInt16 retrieves a int16 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetInt16Slot

func (t *Table) GetInt16Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int16) int16

GetInt16Slot retrieves the int16 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetInt32

func (t *Table) GetInt32(off UOffsetT) int32

GetInt32 retrieves a int32 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetInt32Slot

func (t *Table) GetInt32Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int32) int32

GetInt32Slot retrieves the int32 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetInt64

func (t *Table) GetInt64(off UOffsetT) int64

GetInt64 retrieves a int64 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetInt64Slot

func (t *Table) GetInt64Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int64) int64

GetInt64Slot retrieves the int64 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetInt8

func (t *Table) GetInt8(off UOffsetT) int8

GetInt8 retrieves a int8 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetInt8Slot

func (t *Table) GetInt8Slot(slot VOffsetT, d int8) int8

GetInt8Slot retrieves the int8 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetSOffsetT

func (t *Table) GetSOffsetT(off UOffsetT) SOffsetT

GetSOffsetT retrieves a SOffsetT at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetUOffsetT

func (t *Table) GetUOffsetT(off UOffsetT) UOffsetT

GetUOffsetT retrieves a UOffsetT at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetUint16

func (t *Table) GetUint16(off UOffsetT) uint16

GetUint16 retrieves a uint16 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetUint16Slot

func (t *Table) GetUint16Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint16) uint16

GetUint16Slot retrieves the uint16 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetUint32

func (t *Table) GetUint32(off UOffsetT) uint32

GetUint32 retrieves a uint32 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetUint32Slot

func (t *Table) GetUint32Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint32) uint32

GetUint32Slot retrieves the uint32 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetUint64

func (t *Table) GetUint64(off UOffsetT) uint64

GetUint64 retrieves a uint64 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetUint64Slot

func (t *Table) GetUint64Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint64) uint64

GetUint64Slot retrieves the uint64 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetUint8

func (t *Table) GetUint8(off UOffsetT) uint8

GetUint8 retrieves a uint8 at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetUint8Slot

func (t *Table) GetUint8Slot(slot VOffsetT, d uint8) uint8

GetUint8Slot retrieves the uint8 that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) GetVOffsetT

func (t *Table) GetVOffsetT(off UOffsetT) VOffsetT

GetVOffsetT retrieves a VOffsetT at the given offset.

func (*Table) GetVOffsetTSlot

func (t *Table) GetVOffsetTSlot(slot VOffsetT, d VOffsetT) VOffsetT

GetVOffsetTSlot retrieves the VOffsetT that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned.

func (*Table) Indirect

func (t *Table) Indirect(off UOffsetT) UOffsetT

Indirect retrieves the relative offset stored at `offset`.

func (*Table) MutateBool

func (t *Table) MutateBool(off UOffsetT, n bool) bool

MutateBool updates a bool at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateBoolSlot

func (t *Table) MutateBoolSlot(slot VOffsetT, n bool) bool

MutateBoolSlot updates the bool at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateByte

func (t *Table) MutateByte(off UOffsetT, n byte) bool

MutateByte updates a Byte at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateByteSlot

func (t *Table) MutateByteSlot(slot VOffsetT, n byte) bool

MutateByteSlot updates the byte at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateFloat32

func (t *Table) MutateFloat32(off UOffsetT, n float32) bool

MutateFloat32 updates a Float32 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateFloat32Slot

func (t *Table) MutateFloat32Slot(slot VOffsetT, n float32) bool

MutateFloat32Slot updates the float32 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateFloat64

func (t *Table) MutateFloat64(off UOffsetT, n float64) bool

MutateFloat64 updates a Float64 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateFloat64Slot

func (t *Table) MutateFloat64Slot(slot VOffsetT, n float64) bool

MutateFloat64Slot updates the float64 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateInt16

func (t *Table) MutateInt16(off UOffsetT, n int16) bool

MutateInt16 updates a Int16 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateInt16Slot

func (t *Table) MutateInt16Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int16) bool

MutateInt16Slot updates the int16 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateInt32

func (t *Table) MutateInt32(off UOffsetT, n int32) bool

MutateInt32 updates a Int32 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateInt32Slot

func (t *Table) MutateInt32Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int32) bool

MutateInt32Slot updates the int32 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateInt64

func (t *Table) MutateInt64(off UOffsetT, n int64) bool

MutateInt64 updates a Int64 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateInt64Slot

func (t *Table) MutateInt64Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int64) bool

MutateInt64Slot updates the int64 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateInt8

func (t *Table) MutateInt8(off UOffsetT, n int8) bool

MutateInt8 updates a Int8 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateInt8Slot

func (t *Table) MutateInt8Slot(slot VOffsetT, n int8) bool

MutateInt8Slot updates the int8 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateSOffsetT

func (t *Table) MutateSOffsetT(off UOffsetT, n SOffsetT) bool

MutateSOffsetT updates a SOffsetT at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateUOffsetT

func (t *Table) MutateUOffsetT(off UOffsetT, n UOffsetT) bool

MutateUOffsetT updates a UOffsetT at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateUint16

func (t *Table) MutateUint16(off UOffsetT, n uint16) bool

MutateUint16 updates a Uint16 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateUint16Slot

func (t *Table) MutateUint16Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint16) bool

MutateUint16Slot updates the uint16 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateUint32

func (t *Table) MutateUint32(off UOffsetT, n uint32) bool

MutateUint32 updates a Uint32 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateUint32Slot

func (t *Table) MutateUint32Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint32) bool

MutateUint32Slot updates the uint32 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateUint64

func (t *Table) MutateUint64(off UOffsetT, n uint64) bool

MutateUint64 updates a Uint64 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateUint64Slot

func (t *Table) MutateUint64Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint64) bool

MutateUint64Slot updates the uint64 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateUint8

func (t *Table) MutateUint8(off UOffsetT, n uint8) bool

MutateUint8 updates a Uint8 at the given offset.

func (*Table) MutateUint8Slot

func (t *Table) MutateUint8Slot(slot VOffsetT, n uint8) bool

MutateUint8Slot updates the uint8 at given vtable location

func (*Table) MutateVOffsetT

func (t *Table) MutateVOffsetT(off UOffsetT, n VOffsetT) bool

MutateVOffsetT updates a VOffsetT at the given offset.

func (*Table) Offset

func (t *Table) Offset(vtableOffset VOffsetT) VOffsetT

Offset provides access into the Table's vtable.

Fields which are deprecated are ignored by checking against the vtable's length.

func (*Table) String

func (t *Table) String(off UOffsetT) string

String gets a string from data stored inside the flatbuffer.

func (*Table) Union

func (t *Table) Union(t2 *Table, off UOffsetT)

Union initializes any Table-derived type to point to the union at the given offset.

func (*Table) Vector

func (t *Table) Vector(off UOffsetT) UOffsetT

Vector retrieves the start of data of the vector whose offset is stored at "off" in this object.

func (*Table) VectorLen

func (t *Table) VectorLen(off UOffsetT) int

VectorLen retrieves the length of the vector whose offset is stored at "off" in this object.

type UOffsetT

A UOffsetT stores an unsigned offset into vector data.

type UOffsetT uint32

func GetIndirectOffset

func GetIndirectOffset(buf []byte, offset UOffsetT) UOffsetT

GetIndirectOffset retrives the relative offset in the provided buffer stored at `offset`.

func GetUOffsetT

func GetUOffsetT(buf []byte) UOffsetT

GetUOffsetT decodes a little-endian UOffsetT from a byte slice.

type VOffsetT

A VOffsetT stores an unsigned offset in a vtable.

type VOffsetT uint16

func GetVOffsetT

func GetVOffsetT(buf []byte) VOffsetT

GetVOffsetT decodes a little-endian VOffsetT from a byte slice.