func CRLToString(crl *x509.CertificateList) string
CRLToString generates a string describing the given certificate revocation list. The output roughly resembles that from openssl crl -text.
func CertificateFromPEM(pemBytes []byte) (*x509.Certificate, error)
CertificateFromPEM takes a certificate in PEM format and returns the corresponding x509.Certificate object.
func CertificateToString(cert *x509.Certificate) string
CertificateToString generates a string describing the given certificate. The output roughly resembles that from openssl x509 -text.
func CertificatesFromPEM(pemBytes []byte) ([]*x509.Certificate, error)
CertificatesFromPEM parses one or more certificates from the given PEM data. The PEM certificates must be concatenated. This function can be used for parsing PEM-formatted certificate chains, but does not verify that the resulting chain is a valid certificate chain.
func ExtractSCT(sctData *x509.SerializedSCT) (*ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, error)
ExtractSCT deserializes an SCT from a TLS-encoded SCT.
func GeneralNamesToString(gname *x509.GeneralNames) string
GeneralNamesToString creates a string description of an x509.GeneralNames object.
func GetIssuer(cert *x509.Certificate, client *http.Client) (*x509.Certificate, error)
GetIssuer attempts to retrieve the issuer for a certificate, by examining the cert's Authority Information Access extension (if present) for the issuer's URL and retrieving from there.
func MarshalSCTsIntoSCTList(scts []*ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp) (*x509.SignedCertificateTimestampList, error)
MarshalSCTsIntoSCTList serializes SCTs into SCT list.
func NameToString(name pkix.Name) string
NameToString creates a string description of a pkix.Name object.
func OIDForStandardExtension(oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier) bool
OIDForStandardExtension indicates whether oid identifies a standard extension. Standard extensions are listed in RFC 5280 (and other RFCs).
func OIDInExtensions(oid asn1.ObjectIdentifier, extensions []pkix.Extension) (int, bool)
OIDInExtensions checks whether the extension identified by oid is present in extensions and returns how many times it occurs together with an indication of whether any of them are marked critical.
func OtherNameToString(other x509.OtherName) string
OtherNameToString creates a string description of an x509.OtherName object.
func ParseSCTsFromCertificate(certBytes []byte) ([]*ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, error)
ParseSCTsFromCertificate parses any SCTs that are embedded in the certificate provided. The certificate bytes provided can be either DER or PEM, provided the PEM data starts with the PEM block marker (i.e. has no leading text).
func ParseSCTsFromSCTList(sctList *x509.SignedCertificateTimestampList) ([]*ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, error)
ParseSCTsFromSCTList parses each of the SCTs contained within an SCT list.
func ReadFileOrURL(target string, client *http.Client) ([]byte, error)
ReadFileOrURL returns the data from a target which may be either a filename or an HTTP(S) URL.
func ReadPossiblePEMFile(filename, blockname string) ([][]byte, error)
ReadPossiblePEMFile loads data from a file which may be in DER format or may be in PEM format (with the given blockname).
func ReadPossiblePEMURL(target, blockname string) ([][]byte, error)
ReadPossiblePEMURL attempts to determine if the given target is a local file or a URL, and return the file contents regardless. It also copes with either PEM or DER format data.
func RevocationReasonToString(reason x509.RevocationReasonCode) string
RevocationReasonToString generates a string describing a revocation reason code.
PEMCertPool is a wrapper / extension to x509.CertPool. It allows us to access the raw certs, which we need to serve get-roots request and has stricter handling on loading certs into the pool. CertPool ignores errors if at least one cert loads correctly but PEMCertPool requires all certs to load.
type PEMCertPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPEMCertPool() *PEMCertPool
NewPEMCertPool creates a new, empty, instance of PEMCertPool.
func (p *PEMCertPool) AddCert(cert *x509.Certificate)
AddCert adds a certificate to a pool. Uses fingerprint to weed out duplicates. cert must not be nil.
func (p *PEMCertPool) AppendCertsFromPEM(pemCerts []byte) (ok bool)
AppendCertsFromPEM adds certs to the pool from a byte slice assumed to contain PEM encoded data. Skips over non certificate blocks in the data. Returns true if all certificates in the data were parsed and added to the pool successfully and at least one certificate was found.
func (p *PEMCertPool) AppendCertsFromPEMFile(pemFile string) error
AppendCertsFromPEMFile adds certs from a file that contains concatenated PEM data.
func (p *PEMCertPool) CertPool() *x509.CertPool
CertPool returns the underlying CertPool.
func (p *PEMCertPool) Included(cert *x509.Certificate) bool
Included indicates whether the given cert is included in the pool.
func (p *PEMCertPool) RawCertificates() []*x509.Certificate
RawCertificates returns a list of the raw bytes of certificates that are in this pool
func (p *PEMCertPool) Subjects() (res [][]byte)
Subjects returns a list of the DER-encoded subjects of all of the certificates in the pool.