DemoPrivateKey is the private key itself; must only be used for testing purposes
const DemoPrivateKey string = ` -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED DEK-Info: DES-CBC,B71ECAB011EB4E8F +6cz455aVRHFX5UsxplyGvFXMcmuMH0My/nOWNmYCL+bX2PnHdsv3dRgpgPRHTWt IPI6kVHv0g2uV5zW8nRqacmikBFA40CIKp0SjRmi1CtfchzuqXQ3q40rFwCjeuiz t48+aoeFsfU6NnL5sP8mbFlPze+o7lovgAWEqHEcebU= -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----`
DemoPrivateKeyPass is the password for DemoPrivateKey
const DemoPrivateKeyPass string = "towel"
DemoPublicKey is the public key that corresponds to DemoPrivateKey.
const DemoPublicKey string = ` -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEsAVg3YB0tOFf3DdC2YHPL2WiuCNR 1iywqGjjtu2dAdWktWqgRO4NTqPJXUggSQL3nvOupHB4WZFZ4j3QhtmWRg== -----END PUBLIC KEY-----`
func NewSignerWithErr(pubKey crypto.PublicKey, err error) crypto.Signer
NewSignerWithErr creates a signer that always returns err when Sign() is called.
func NewSignerWithFixedSig(pubKey crypto.PublicKey, sig []byte) crypto.Signer
NewSignerWithFixedSig creates a signer that always return sig when Sign() is called.