Package ctutil
Package ctutil contains utilities for Certificate Transparency.
- func ContainsSCT(cert *x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp) (bool, error)
- func LeafHash(chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) ([sha256.Size]byte, error)
- func LeafHashB64(chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) (string, error)
- func VerifySCT(pubKey crypto.PublicKey, chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) error
- func VerifySCTWithVerifier(sv *ct.SignatureVerifier, chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) error
- type LogInfo
- func NewLogInfo(log *loglist3.Log, hc *http.Client) (*LogInfo, error)
- func (li *LogInfo) LastSTH() *ct.SignedTreeHead
- func (li *LogInfo) SetSTH(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead)
- func (li *LogInfo) VerifyInclusion(ctx context.Context, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf, timestamp uint64) (int64, error)
- func (li *LogInfo) VerifyInclusionAt(ctx context.Context, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf, timestamp, treeSize uint64, rootHash []byte) (int64, error)
- func (li *LogInfo) VerifyInclusionLatest(ctx context.Context, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf, timestamp uint64) (int64, error)
- func (li *LogInfo) VerifySCTSignature(sct ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf) error
- type LogInfoByHash
- func LogInfoByKeyHash(ll *loglist3.LogList, hc *http.Client) (LogInfoByHash, error)
Package files
func ContainsSCT(cert *x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp) (bool, error)
ContainsSCT checks to see whether the given SCT is embedded within the given
func LeafHash(chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) ([sha256.Size]byte, error)
LeafHash calculates the leaf hash of the certificate or precertificate at
chain[0] that sct was issued for.
sct is required because the SCT timestamp is used to calculate the leaf hash.
Leaf hashes are unique to (pre)certificate-SCT pairs.
This function can be used with three different types of leaf certificate:
- X.509 Certificate:
If using this function to calculate the leaf hash for a normal X.509
certificate then it is enough to just provide the end entity
certificate in chain. This case assumes that the SCT being provided is
not embedded within the leaf certificate provided, i.e. the certificate
is what was submitted to the Certificate Transparency Log in order to
obtain the SCT. For this case, set embedded to false.
- Precertificate:
If using this function to calculate the leaf hash for a precertificate
then the issuing certificate must also be provided in chain. The
precertificate should be at chain[0], and its issuer at chain[1]. For
this case, set embedded to false.
- X.509 Certificate containing the SCT embedded within it:
If using this function to calculate the leaf hash for a certificate
where the SCT provided is embedded within the certificate you
are providing at chain[0], set embedded to true. LeafHash will
calculate the leaf hash by building the corresponding precertificate.
LeafHash will return an error if the provided SCT cannot be found
embedded within chain[0]. As with the precertificate case, the issuing
certificate must also be provided in chain. The certificate containing
the embedded SCT should be at chain[0], and its issuer at chain[1].
Note: LeafHash doesn't check that the provided SCT verifies for the given
chain. It simply calculates what the leaf hash would be for the given
(pre)certificate-SCT pair.
func LeafHashB64(chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) (string, error)
LeafHashB64 does as LeafHash does, but returns the leaf hash base64-encoded.
The base64-encoded leaf hash returned by B64LeafHash can be used with the
get-proof-by-hash API endpoint of Certificate Transparency Logs.
func VerifySCT(pubKey crypto.PublicKey, chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) error
VerifySCT takes the public key of a Certificate Transparency Log, a
certificate chain, and an SCT and verifies whether the SCT is a valid SCT for
the certificate at chain[0], signed by the Log that the public key belongs
to. If the SCT does not verify, an error will be returned.
This function can be used with three different types of leaf certificate:
- X.509 Certificate:
If using this function to verify an SCT for a normal X.509 certificate
then it is enough to just provide the end entity certificate in chain.
This case assumes that the SCT being provided is not embedded within
the leaf certificate provided, i.e. the certificate is what was
submitted to the Certificate Transparency Log in order to obtain the
SCT. For this case, set embedded to false.
- Precertificate:
If using this function to verify an SCT for a precertificate then the
issuing certificate must also be provided in chain. The precertificate
should be at chain[0], and its issuer at chain[1]. For this case, set
embedded to false.
- X.509 Certificate containing the SCT embedded within it:
If the SCT you wish to verify is embedded within the certificate you
are providing at chain[0], set embedded to true. VerifySCT will
verify the provided SCT by building the corresponding precertificate.
VerifySCT will return an error if the provided SCT cannot be found
embedded within chain[0]. As with the precertificate case, the issuing
certificate must also be provided in chain. The certificate containing
the embedded SCT should be at chain[0], and its issuer at chain[1].
func VerifySCTWithVerifier(sv *ct.SignatureVerifier, chain []*x509.Certificate, sct *ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, embedded bool) error
VerifySCTWithVerifier takes a ct.SignatureVerifier, a certificate chain, and
an SCT and verifies whether the SCT is a valid SCT for the certificate at
chain[0], signed by the Log whose public key was used to set up the
ct.SignatureVerifier. If the SCT does not verify, an error will be returned.
This function can be used with three different types of leaf certificate:
- X.509 Certificate:
If using this function to verify an SCT for a normal X.509 certificate
then it is enough to just provide the end entity certificate in chain.
This case assumes that the SCT being provided is not embedded within
the leaf certificate provided, i.e. the certificate is what was
submitted to the Certificate Transparency Log in order to obtain the
SCT. For this case, set embedded to false.
- Precertificate:
If using this function to verify an SCT for a precertificate then the
issuing certificate must also be provided in chain. The precertificate
should be at chain[0], and its issuer at chain[1]. For this case, set
embedded to false.
- X.509 Certificate containing the SCT embedded within it:
If the SCT you wish to verify is embedded within the certificate you
are providing at chain[0], set embedded to true. VerifySCT will
verify the provided SCT by building the corresponding precertificate.
VerifySCT will return an error if the provided SCT cannot be found
embedded within chain[0]. As with the precertificate case, the issuing
certificate must also be provided in chain. The certificate containing
the embedded SCT should be at chain[0], and its issuer at chain[1].
LogInfo holds the objects needed to perform per-log verification and
validation of SCTs.
type LogInfo struct {
Description string
Client client.CheckLogClient
MMD time.Duration
Verifier *ct.SignatureVerifier
PublicKey []byte
func NewLogInfo(log *loglist3.Log, hc *http.Client) (*LogInfo, error)
NewLogInfo builds a LogInfo object based on a log list entry.
func (*LogInfo) LastSTH
func (li *LogInfo) LastSTH() *ct.SignedTreeHead
LastSTH returns the last STH known for the log.
func (*LogInfo) SetSTH
func (li *LogInfo) SetSTH(sth *ct.SignedTreeHead)
SetSTH sets the last STH known for the log.
func (li *LogInfo) VerifyInclusion(ctx context.Context, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf, timestamp uint64) (int64, error)
VerifyInclusion checks that the given Merkle tree leaf, adjusted for the provided timestamp,
is present in the current tree size of the log. On success, returns the index of the leaf
in the log.
func (li *LogInfo) VerifyInclusionAt(ctx context.Context, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf, timestamp, treeSize uint64, rootHash []byte) (int64, error)
VerifyInclusionAt checks that the given Merkle tree leaf, adjusted for the provided timestamp,
is present in the given tree size & root hash of the log. On success, returns the index of the
leaf in the log.
func (li *LogInfo) VerifyInclusionLatest(ctx context.Context, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf, timestamp uint64) (int64, error)
VerifyInclusionLatest checks that the given Merkle tree leaf, adjusted for the provided timestamp,
is present in the latest known tree size of the log. If no tree size for the log is known, it will
be queried. On success, returns the index of the leaf in the log.
func (li *LogInfo) VerifySCTSignature(sct ct.SignedCertificateTimestamp, leaf ct.MerkleTreeLeaf) error
VerifySCTSignature checks the signature in the SCT matches the given leaf (adjusted for the
timestamp in the SCT) and log.
LogInfoByHash holds LogInfo objects index by the SHA-256 hash of the log's public key.
type LogInfoByHash map[[sha256.Size]byte]*LogInfo
func LogInfoByKeyHash(ll *loglist3.LogList, hc *http.Client) (LogInfoByHash, error)
LogInfoByKeyHash builds a map of LogInfo objects indexed by their key hashes.
Name |
Synopsis |
.. |
sctcheck is a utility to show and check embedded SCTs (Signed Certificate Timestamps) in certificates.
sctscan is a utility to scan a CT log and check embedded SCTs (Signed Certificate Timestamps) in certificates in the log.