func EnumDescriptorProto(e proto.GeneratedEnum) (*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, *descriptorpb.EnumDescriptorProto)
EnumDescriptorProto returns the file descriptor proto representing the enum and the enum descriptor proto for the enum itself. The returned proto messages must not be mutated.
func EnumRawDescriptor(e proto.GeneratedEnum) ([]byte, []int)
EnumRawDescriptor returns the GZIP'd raw file descriptor representing the enum and the index path to reach the enum declaration. The returned slices must not be mutated.
func ForMessage(m Message) (*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto)
ForMessage returns the file descriptor proto containing the message and the message descriptor proto for the message itself. The returned proto messages must not be mutated.
Deprecated: Not all concrete message types satisfy the Message interface. Use MessageDescriptorProto instead. If possible, the calling code should be rewritten to use protobuf reflection instead. See package "" for details.
func MessageDescriptorProto(m proto.GeneratedMessage) (*descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto, *descriptorpb.DescriptorProto)
MessageDescriptorProto returns the file descriptor proto representing the message and the message descriptor proto for the message itself. The returned proto messages must not be mutated.
func MessageRawDescriptor(m proto.GeneratedMessage) ([]byte, []int)
MessageRawDescriptor returns the GZIP'd raw file descriptor representing the message and the index path to reach the message declaration. The returned slices must not be mutated.
Message is proto.Message with a method to return its descriptor.
Deprecated: The Descriptor method may not be generated by future versions of protoc-gen-go, meaning that this interface may not be implemented by many concrete message types.
type Message interface { proto.Message Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) }