Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
codec | |
conformance | conformance implements the conformance test subprocess protocol as documented in conformance.proto. |
gogoproto | Package gogoproto provides extensions for protocol buffers to achieve: |
gogoreplace | |
io | |
jsonpb | Package jsonpb provides marshaling and unmarshaling between protocol buffers and JSON. |
jsonpb_test_proto | |
plugin | |
compare | |
defaultcheck | The defaultcheck plugin is used to check whether nullable is not used incorrectly. |
description | The description (experimental) plugin generates a Description method for each message. |
embedcheck | The embedcheck plugin is used to check whether embed is not used incorrectly. |
enumstringer | The enumstringer (experimental) plugin generates a String method for each enum. |
equal | The equal plugin generates an Equal and a VerboseEqual method for each message. |
face | The face plugin generates a function will be generated which can convert a structure which satisfies an interface (face) to the specified structure. |
gostring | The gostring plugin generates a GoString method for each message. |
marshalto | The marshalto plugin generates a Marshal and MarshalTo method for each message. |
oneofcheck | The oneofcheck plugin is used to check whether oneof is not used incorrectly. |
populate | The populate plugin generates a NewPopulated function. |
size | The size plugin generates a Size or ProtoSize method for each message. |
stringer | The stringer plugin generates a String method for each message. |
testgen | The testgen plugin generates Test and Benchmark functions for each message. |
union | The onlyone plugin generates code for the onlyone extension. |
unmarshal | The unmarshal plugin generates a Unmarshal method for each message. |
proto | Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers. |
proto3_proto | |
test_proto | |
protoc-gen-combo | |
protoc-gen-gofast | |
protoc-gen-gogo | protoc-gen-go is a plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler to generate Go code. |
descriptor | Package descriptor provides functions for obtaining protocol buffer descriptors for generated Go types. |
generator | The code generator for the plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler. |
grpc | Package grpc outputs gRPC service descriptions in Go code. |
plugin | |
protoc-gen-gogofast | |
protoc-gen-gogofaster | |
protoc-gen-gogoslick | |
protoc-gen-gogotypes | |
protoc-gen-gostring | |
protoc-min-version | |
sortkeys | |
test | |
asymetric-issue125 | |
cachedsize | |
casttype | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
neither | |
unmarshaler | |
castvalue | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
unmarshaler | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
unmarshaler | |
custom | Package custom contains custom types for test and example purposes. |
custom-dash-type | Package custom contains custom types for test and example purposes. |
custombytesnonstruct | |
dashfilename | |
data | |
defaultconflict | |
deterministic | |
embedconflict | |
empty-issue70 | |
enumcustomname | |
enumdecl | |
enumdecl_all | |
enumprefix | |
enumstringer | |
example | |
filedotname | |
fuzztests | |
group | |
importcustom-issue389 | |
imported | |
importing | |
importdedup | |
subpkg | |
importduplicate | |
proto | |
sortkeys | |
indeximport-issue72 | |
index | |
int64support | |
issue260 | |
issue261 | |
issue262 | |
issue270 | |
issue312 | |
events | |
issue322 | |
issue330 | |
issue34 | |
issue411 | |
issue42order | |
issue435 | |
issue438 | |
issue444 | |
issue449 | |
issue498 | |
issue503 | |
issue530 | |
issue617 | |
issue620 | |
issue630 | |
issue8 | |
jsonpb-gogo | |
mapdefaults | Package mapdefaults is a generated protocol buffer package. |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
neither | |
unmarshaler | |
mapsproto2 | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
neither | |
unmarshaler | |
merge | |
mixbench | |
moredefaults | |
nopackage | |
oneof | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
neither | |
unmarshaler | |
oneof3 | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
neither | |
unmarshaler | |
oneofembed | |
packed | |
proto3extension | |
protobuffer | |
protosize | |
required | |
setextensionbytes | |
sizerconflict | |
sizeunderscore | |
stdtypes | |
tags | |
theproto3 | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
neither | |
unmarshaler | |
typedecl | |
typedecl_all | |
typedeclimport | Package typedeclimport is a generated protocol buffer package. |
subpkg | Package subpkg is a generated protocol buffer package. |
types | |
combos | |
both | |
marshaler | |
neither | |
unmarshaler | |
unmarshalmerge | |
unrecognized | |
unrecognizedgroup | |
xxxfields | |
types | Package types contains code for interacting with well-known types. |
vanity | |
command | |
test | |
fast | |
faster | |
slick | |
version |