
Package resty

import "github.com/go-resty/resty/v2"

Overview ▾

Package resty provides Simple HTTP and REST client library for Go.

Example (ClientCertificates)


// Parsing public/private key pair from a pair of files. The files must contain PEM encoded data.
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("certs/client.pem", "certs/client.key")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("ERROR client certificate: %s", err)

// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()


Example (CustomRootCertificate)


// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()

Example (DropboxUpload)


// For example: upload file to Dropbox
// POST of raw bytes for file upload.
file, _ := os.Open("/Users/jeeva/mydocument.pdf")
fileBytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(file)

// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()

// See we are not setting content-type header, since go-resty automatically detects Content-Type for you
resp, err := client.R().
    SetBody(fileBytes).     // resty autodetects content type
    SetContentLength(true). // Dropbox expects this value
    Post("https://content.dropboxapi.com/1/files_put/auto/resty/mydocument.pdf") // you can use PUT method too dropbox supports it

// Output print
fmt.Printf("\nError: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("Time: %v\n", resp.Time())
fmt.Printf("Body: %v\n", resp)

Example (EnhancedGet)


// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()

resp, err := client.R().
        "page_no": "1",
        "limit":   "20",
        "sort":    "name",
        "order":   "asc",
        "random":  strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10),
    SetHeader("Accept", "application/json").

printOutput(resp, err)

Example (Get)


// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()

resp, err := client.R().Get("http://httpbin.org/get")

fmt.Printf("\nError: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("\nResponse Status Code: %v", resp.StatusCode())
fmt.Printf("\nResponse Status: %v", resp.Status())
fmt.Printf("\nResponse Body: %v", resp)
fmt.Printf("\nResponse Time: %v", resp.Time())
fmt.Printf("\nResponse Received At: %v", resp.ReceivedAt())

Example (Post)


// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()

// POST JSON string
// No need to set content type, if you have client level setting
resp, err := client.R().
    SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
    SetBody(`{"username":"testuser", "password":"testpass"}`).
    SetResult(AuthSuccess{}). // or SetResult(&AuthSuccess{}).

printOutput(resp, err)

// POST []byte array
// No need to set content type, if you have client level setting
resp1, err1 := client.R().
    SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
    SetBody([]byte(`{"username":"testuser", "password":"testpass"}`)).
    SetResult(AuthSuccess{}). // or SetResult(&AuthSuccess{}).

printOutput(resp1, err1)

// POST Struct, default is JSON content type. No need to set one
resp2, err2 := client.R().
    SetBody(resty.User{Username: "testuser", Password: "testpass"}).
    SetResult(&AuthSuccess{}). // or SetResult(AuthSuccess{}).
    SetError(&AuthError{}).    // or SetError(AuthError{}).

printOutput(resp2, err2)

// POST Map, default is JSON content type. No need to set one
resp3, err3 := client.R().
    SetBody(map[string]interface{}{"username": "testuser", "password": "testpass"}).
    SetResult(&AuthSuccess{}). // or SetResult(AuthSuccess{}).
    SetError(&AuthError{}).    // or SetError(AuthError{}).

printOutput(resp3, err3)

Example (Put)


// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()

// Just one sample of PUT, refer POST for more combination
// request goes as JSON content type
// No need to set auth token, error, if you have client level settings
resp, err := client.R().
        Title:   "go-resty",
        Content: "This is my article content, oh ya!",
        Author:  "Jeevanandam M",
        Tags:    []string{"article", "sample", "resty"},
    SetError(&Error{}). // or SetError(Error{}).

printOutput(resp, err)

Example (Socks5Proxy)


// create a dialer
dialer, err := proxy.SOCKS5("tcp", "", nil, proxy.Direct)
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("Unable to obtain proxy dialer: %v\n", err)

// create a transport
ptransport := &http.Transport{Dial: dialer.Dial}

// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()

// set transport into resty

resp, err := client.R().Get("http://check.torproject.org")
fmt.Println(err, resp)

Index ▾

func Backoff(operation func() (*Response, error), options ...Option) error
func DetectContentType(body interface{}) string
func IsJSONType(ct string) bool
func IsStringEmpty(str string) bool
func IsXMLType(ct string) bool
func Unmarshalc(c *Client, ct string, b []byte, d interface{}) (err error)
type Client
    func New() *Client
    func NewWithClient(hc *http.Client) *Client
    func NewWithLocalAddr(localAddr net.Addr) *Client
    func (c *Client) AddRetryAfterErrorCondition() *Client
    func (c *Client) AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client
    func (c *Client) AddRetryHook(hook OnRetryFunc) *Client
    func (c *Client) DisableTrace() *Client
    func (c *Client) EnableTrace() *Client
    func (c *Client) GetClient() *http.Client
    func (c *Client) IsProxySet() bool
    func (c *Client) NewRequest() *Request
    func (c *Client) OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Client
    func (c *Client) OnBeforeRequest(m RequestMiddleware) *Client
    func (c *Client) OnError(h ErrorHook) *Client
    func (c *Client) OnRequestLog(rl RequestLogCallback) *Client
    func (c *Client) OnResponseLog(rl ResponseLogCallback) *Client
    func (c *Client) R() *Request
    func (c *Client) RemoveProxy() *Client
    func (c *Client) SetAllowGetMethodPayload(a bool) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetAuthScheme(scheme string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetAuthToken(token string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetBaseURL(url string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetCertificates(certs ...tls.Certificate) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetCloseConnection(close bool) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetContentLength(l bool) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetCookie(hc *http.Cookie) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetCookieJar(jar http.CookieJar) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetCookies(cs []*http.Cookie) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetDebug(d bool) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetDebugBodyLimit(sl int64) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetDisableWarn(d bool) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetDoNotParseResponse(parse bool) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetError(err interface{}) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetFormData(data map[string]string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetHeader(header, value string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetHeaderVerbatim(header, value string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetHeaders(headers map[string]string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetHostURL(url string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetJSONEscapeHTML(b bool) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetLogger(l Logger) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetOutputDirectory(dirPath string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetPathParam(param, value string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetPathParams(params map[string]string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetPreRequestHook(h PreRequestHook) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetProxy(proxyURL string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetQueryParam(param, value string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetRedirectPolicy(policies ...interface{}) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetRetryAfter(callback RetryAfterFunc) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetRetryCount(count int) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetRetryMaxWaitTime(maxWaitTime time.Duration) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetRetryWaitTime(waitTime time.Duration) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetRootCertificate(pemFilePath string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetRootCertificateFromString(pemContent string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetScheme(scheme string) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetTLSClientConfig(config *tls.Config) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client
    func (c *Client) SetTransport(transport http.RoundTripper) *Client
type ErrorHook
type File
    func (f *File) String() string
type Logger
type MultipartField
type OnRetryFunc
type Option
    func MaxWaitTime(value time.Duration) Option
    func Retries(value int) Option
    func RetryConditions(conditions []RetryConditionFunc) Option
    func RetryHooks(hooks []OnRetryFunc) Option
    func WaitTime(value time.Duration) Option
type Options
type PreRequestHook
type RedirectPolicy
    func DomainCheckRedirectPolicy(hostnames ...string) RedirectPolicy
    func FlexibleRedirectPolicy(noOfRedirect int) RedirectPolicy
    func NoRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy
type RedirectPolicyFunc
    func (f RedirectPolicyFunc) Apply(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error
type Request
    func (r *Request) AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request
    func (r *Request) Context() context.Context
    func (r *Request) Delete(url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) EnableTrace() *Request
    func (r *Request) Execute(method, url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) ExpectContentType(contentType string) *Request
    func (r *Request) ForceContentType(contentType string) *Request
    func (r *Request) Get(url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) Head(url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) Options(url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) Patch(url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) Post(url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) Put(url string) (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) Send() (*Response, error)
    func (r *Request) SetAuthScheme(scheme string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetAuthToken(token string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetBody(body interface{}) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetContentLength(l bool) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetContext(ctx context.Context) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetCookie(hc *http.Cookie) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetCookies(rs []*http.Cookie) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetDoNotParseResponse(parse bool) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetError(err interface{}) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetFile(param, filePath string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetFileReader(param, fileName string, reader io.Reader) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetFiles(files map[string]string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetFormData(data map[string]string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetFormDataFromValues(data url.Values) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetHeader(header, value string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetHeaderMultiValues(headers map[string][]string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetHeaderVerbatim(header, value string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetHeaders(headers map[string]string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetJSONEscapeHTML(b bool) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetMultipartField(param, fileName, contentType string, reader io.Reader) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetMultipartFields(fields ...*MultipartField) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetMultipartFormData(data map[string]string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetOutput(file string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetPathParam(param, value string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetPathParams(params map[string]string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetQueryParam(param, value string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetQueryParamsFromValues(params url.Values) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetQueryString(query string) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetResult(res interface{}) *Request
    func (r *Request) SetSRV(srv *SRVRecord) *Request
    func (r *Request) TraceInfo() TraceInfo
type RequestLog
type RequestLogCallback
type RequestMiddleware
type Response
    func (r *Response) Body() []byte
    func (r *Response) Cookies() []*http.Cookie
    func (r *Response) Error() interface{}
    func (r *Response) Header() http.Header
    func (r *Response) IsError() bool
    func (r *Response) IsSuccess() bool
    func (r *Response) Proto() string
    func (r *Response) RawBody() io.ReadCloser
    func (r *Response) ReceivedAt() time.Time
    func (r *Response) Result() interface{}
    func (r *Response) Size() int64
    func (r *Response) Status() string
    func (r *Response) StatusCode() int
    func (r *Response) String() string
    func (r *Response) Time() time.Duration
type ResponseError
    func (e *ResponseError) Error() string
    func (e *ResponseError) Unwrap() error
type ResponseLog
type ResponseLogCallback
type ResponseMiddleware
type RetryAfterFunc
type RetryConditionFunc
type SRVRecord
type TraceInfo
type User

Package files

client.go middleware.go redirect.go request.go response.go resty.go retry.go trace.go transport.go util.go


const (
    // MethodGet HTTP method
    MethodGet = "GET"

    // MethodPost HTTP method
    MethodPost = "POST"

    // MethodPut HTTP method
    MethodPut = "PUT"

    // MethodDelete HTTP method
    MethodDelete = "DELETE"

    // MethodPatch HTTP method
    MethodPatch = "PATCH"

    // MethodHead HTTP method
    MethodHead = "HEAD"

    // MethodOptions HTTP method
    MethodOptions = "OPTIONS"

Version # of resty

const Version = "2.7.0"

func Backoff

func Backoff(operation func() (*Response, error), options ...Option) error

Backoff retries with increasing timeout duration up until X amount of retries (Default is 3 attempts, Override with option Retries(n))

func DetectContentType

func DetectContentType(body interface{}) string

DetectContentType method is used to figure out `Request.Body` content type for request header

func IsJSONType

func IsJSONType(ct string) bool

IsJSONType method is to check JSON content type or not

func IsStringEmpty

func IsStringEmpty(str string) bool

IsStringEmpty method tells whether given string is empty or not

func IsXMLType

func IsXMLType(ct string) bool

IsXMLType method is to check XML content type or not

func Unmarshalc

func Unmarshalc(c *Client, ct string, b []byte, d interface{}) (err error)

Unmarshalc content into object from JSON or XML

type Client

Client struct is used to create Resty client with client level settings, these settings are applicable to all the request raised from the client.

Resty also provides an options to override most of the client settings at request level.

type Client struct {
    BaseURL               string
    HostURL               string // Deprecated: use BaseURL instead. To be removed in v3.0.0 release.
    QueryParam            url.Values
    FormData              url.Values
    PathParams            map[string]string
    Header                http.Header
    UserInfo              *User
    Token                 string
    AuthScheme            string
    Cookies               []*http.Cookie
    Error                 reflect.Type
    Debug                 bool
    DisableWarn           bool
    AllowGetMethodPayload bool
    RetryCount            int
    RetryWaitTime         time.Duration
    RetryMaxWaitTime      time.Duration
    RetryConditions       []RetryConditionFunc
    RetryHooks            []OnRetryFunc
    RetryAfter            RetryAfterFunc
    JSONMarshal           func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
    JSONUnmarshal         func(data []byte, v interface{}) error
    XMLMarshal            func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
    XMLUnmarshal          func(data []byte, v interface{}) error

    // HeaderAuthorizationKey is used to set/access Request Authorization header
    // value when `SetAuthToken` option is used.
    HeaderAuthorizationKey string
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New() *Client

New method creates a new Resty client.



// Creating client1
client1 := resty.New()
resp1, err1 := client1.R().Get("http://httpbin.org/get")
fmt.Println(resp1, err1)

// Creating client2
client2 := resty.New()
resp2, err2 := client2.R().Get("http://httpbin.org/get")
fmt.Println(resp2, err2)

func NewWithClient

func NewWithClient(hc *http.Client) *Client

NewWithClient method creates a new Resty client with given `http.Client`.

func NewWithLocalAddr

func NewWithLocalAddr(localAddr net.Addr) *Client

NewWithLocalAddr method creates a new Resty client with given Local Address to dial from.

func (*Client) AddRetryAfterErrorCondition

func (c *Client) AddRetryAfterErrorCondition() *Client

AddRetryAfterErrorCondition adds the basic condition of retrying after encountering an error from the http response

Since v2.6.0

func (*Client) AddRetryCondition

func (c *Client) AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Client

AddRetryCondition method adds a retry condition function to array of functions that are checked to determine if the request is retried. The request will retry if any of the functions return true and error is nil.

Note: These retry conditions are applied on all Request made using this Client. For Request specific retry conditions check *Request.AddRetryCondition

func (*Client) AddRetryHook

func (c *Client) AddRetryHook(hook OnRetryFunc) *Client

AddRetryHook adds a side-effecting retry hook to an array of hooks that will be executed on each retry.

Since v2.6.0

func (*Client) DisableTrace

func (c *Client) DisableTrace() *Client

DisableTrace method disables the Resty client trace. Refer to `Client.EnableTrace`.

Since v2.0.0

func (*Client) EnableTrace

func (c *Client) EnableTrace() *Client

EnableTrace method enables the Resty client trace for the requests fired from the client using `httptrace.ClientTrace` and provides insights.

client := resty.New().EnableTrace()

resp, err := client.R().Get("https://httpbin.org/get")
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
fmt.Println("Trace Info:", resp.Request.TraceInfo())

Also `Request.EnableTrace` available too to get trace info for single request.

Since v2.0.0

func (*Client) GetClient

func (c *Client) GetClient() *http.Client

GetClient method returns the current `http.Client` used by the resty client.

func (*Client) IsProxySet

func (c *Client) IsProxySet() bool

IsProxySet method returns the true is proxy is set from resty client otherwise false. By default proxy is set from environment, refer to `http.ProxyFromEnvironment`.

func (*Client) NewRequest

func (c *Client) NewRequest() *Request

NewRequest is an alias for method `R()`. Creates a new request instance, its used for Get, Post, Put, Delete, Patch, Head, Options, etc.

func (*Client) OnAfterResponse

func (c *Client) OnAfterResponse(m ResponseMiddleware) *Client

OnAfterResponse method appends response middleware into the after response chain. Once we receive response from host server, default Resty response middleware gets applied and then user assigened response middlewares applied.

client.OnAfterResponse(func(c *resty.Client, r *resty.Response) error {
		// Now you have access to Client and Response instance
		// manipulate it as per your need

		return nil 	// if its success otherwise return error

func (*Client) OnBeforeRequest

func (c *Client) OnBeforeRequest(m RequestMiddleware) *Client

OnBeforeRequest method appends request middleware into the before request chain. Its gets applied after default Resty request middlewares and before request been sent from Resty to host server.

client.OnBeforeRequest(func(c *resty.Client, r *resty.Request) error {
		// Now you have access to Client and Request instance
		// manipulate it as per your need

		return nil 	// if its success otherwise return error

func (*Client) OnError

func (c *Client) OnError(h ErrorHook) *Client

OnError method adds a callback that will be run whenever a request execution fails. This is called after all retries have been attempted (if any). If there was a response from the server, the error will be wrapped in *ResponseError which has the last response received from the server.

client.OnError(func(req *resty.Request, err error) {
	if v, ok := err.(*resty.ResponseError); ok {
		// Do something with v.Response
	// Log the error, increment a metric, etc...

func (*Client) OnRequestLog

func (c *Client) OnRequestLog(rl RequestLogCallback) *Client

OnRequestLog method used to set request log callback into Resty. Registered callback gets called before the resty actually logs the information.

func (*Client) OnResponseLog

func (c *Client) OnResponseLog(rl ResponseLogCallback) *Client

OnResponseLog method used to set response log callback into Resty. Registered callback gets called before the resty actually logs the information.

func (*Client) R

func (c *Client) R() *Request

R method creates a new request instance, its used for Get, Post, Put, Delete, Patch, Head, Options, etc.

func (*Client) RemoveProxy

func (c *Client) RemoveProxy() *Client

RemoveProxy method removes the proxy configuration from Resty client


func (*Client) SetAllowGetMethodPayload

func (c *Client) SetAllowGetMethodPayload(a bool) *Client

SetAllowGetMethodPayload method allows the GET method with payload on Resty client.

For Example: Resty allows the user sends request with a payload on HTTP GET method.


func (*Client) SetAuthScheme

func (c *Client) SetAuthScheme(scheme string) *Client

SetAuthScheme method sets the auth scheme type in the HTTP request. For Example:

Authorization: <auth-scheme-value> <auth-token-value>

For Example: To set the scheme to use OAuth


This auth scheme gets added to all the requests rasied from this client instance. Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.

Information about auth schemes can be found in RFC7235 which is linked to below along with the page containing the currently defined official authentication schemes:


See `Request.SetAuthToken`.

func (*Client) SetAuthToken

func (c *Client) SetAuthToken(token string) *Client

SetAuthToken method sets the auth token of the `Authorization` header for all HTTP requests. The default auth scheme is `Bearer`, it can be customized with the method `SetAuthScheme`. For Example:

Authorization: <auth-scheme> <auth-token-value>

For Example: To set auth token BC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08FBC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08F


This auth token gets added to all the requests rasied from this client instance. Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.

See `Request.SetAuthToken`.

func (*Client) SetBaseURL

func (c *Client) SetBaseURL(url string) *Client

SetBaseURL method is to set Base URL in the client instance. It will be used with request raised from this client with relative URL

// Setting HTTP address

// Setting HTTPS address

Since v2.7.0

func (*Client) SetBasicAuth

func (c *Client) SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Client

SetBasicAuth method sets the basic authentication header in the HTTP request. For Example:

Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-value>

For Example: To set the header for username "go-resty" and password "welcome"

client.SetBasicAuth("go-resty", "welcome")

This basic auth information gets added to all the request rasied from this client instance. Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.

See `Request.SetBasicAuth`.

func (*Client) SetCertificates

func (c *Client) SetCertificates(certs ...tls.Certificate) *Client

SetCertificates method helps to set client certificates into Resty conveniently.



// Parsing public/private key pair from a pair of files. The files must contain PEM encoded data.
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("certs/client.pem", "certs/client.key")
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("ERROR client certificate: %s", err)

// Create a resty client
client := resty.New()


func (*Client) SetCloseConnection

func (c *Client) SetCloseConnection(close bool) *Client

SetCloseConnection method sets variable `Close` in http request struct with the given value. More info: https://golang.org/src/net/http/request.go

func (*Client) SetContentLength

func (c *Client) SetContentLength(l bool) *Client

SetContentLength method enables the HTTP header `Content-Length` value for every request. By default Resty won't set `Content-Length`.


Also you have an option to enable for particular request. See `Request.SetContentLength`

func (*Client) SetCookie

func (c *Client) SetCookie(hc *http.Cookie) *Client

SetCookie method appends a single cookie in the client instance. These cookies will be added to all the request raised from this client instance.

			Value:"This is cookie value",

func (*Client) SetCookieJar

func (c *Client) SetCookieJar(jar http.CookieJar) *Client

SetCookieJar method sets custom http.CookieJar in the resty client. Its way to override default.

For Example: sometimes we don't want to save cookies in api contacting, we can remove the default CookieJar in resty client.


func (*Client) SetCookies

func (c *Client) SetCookies(cs []*http.Cookie) *Client

SetCookies method sets an array of cookies in the client instance. These cookies will be added to all the request raised from this client instance.

cookies := []*http.Cookie{
		Value:"This is cookie 1 value",
		Value:"This is cookie 2 value",

// Setting a cookies into resty

func (*Client) SetDebug

func (c *Client) SetDebug(d bool) *Client

SetDebug method enables the debug mode on Resty client. Client logs details of every request and response. For `Request` it logs information such as HTTP verb, Relative URL path, Host, Headers, Body if it has one. For `Response` it logs information such as Status, Response Time, Headers, Body if it has one.


func (*Client) SetDebugBodyLimit

func (c *Client) SetDebugBodyLimit(sl int64) *Client

SetDebugBodyLimit sets the maximum size for which the response and request body will be logged in debug mode.


func (*Client) SetDisableWarn

func (c *Client) SetDisableWarn(d bool) *Client

SetDisableWarn method disables the warning message on Resty client.

For Example: Resty warns the user when BasicAuth used on non-TLS mode.


func (*Client) SetDoNotParseResponse

func (c *Client) SetDoNotParseResponse(parse bool) *Client

SetDoNotParseResponse method instructs `Resty` not to parse the response body automatically. Resty exposes the raw response body as `io.ReadCloser`. Also do not forget to close the body, otherwise you might get into connection leaks, no connection reuse.

Note: Response middlewares are not applicable, if you use this option. Basically you have taken over the control of response parsing from `Resty`.

func (*Client) SetError

func (c *Client) SetError(err interface{}) *Client

SetError method is to register the global or client common `Error` object into Resty. It is used for automatic unmarshalling if response status code is greater than 399 and content type either JSON or XML. Can be pointer or non-pointer.

// OR

func (*Client) SetFormData

func (c *Client) SetFormData(data map[string]string) *Client

SetFormData method sets Form parameters and their values in the client instance. It's applicable only HTTP method `POST` and `PUT` and requets content type would be set as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. These form data will be added to all the request raised from this client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level form data.

See `Request.SetFormData`.

		"access_token": "BC594900-518B-4F7E-AC75-BD37F019E08F",
		"user_id": "3455454545",

func (*Client) SetHeader

func (c *Client) SetHeader(header, value string) *Client

SetHeader method sets a single header field and its value in the client instance. These headers will be applied to all requests raised from this client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level header options.

See `Request.SetHeader` or `Request.SetHeaders`.

For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`

	SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
	SetHeader("Accept", "application/json")

func (*Client) SetHeaderVerbatim

func (c *Client) SetHeaderVerbatim(header, value string) *Client

SetHeaderVerbatim method is to set a single header field and its value verbatim in the current request.

For Example: To set `all_lowercase` and `UPPERCASE` as `available`.

	SetHeaderVerbatim("all_lowercase", "available").
	SetHeaderVerbatim("UPPERCASE", "available")

Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.

Since v2.6.0

func (*Client) SetHeaders

func (c *Client) SetHeaders(headers map[string]string) *Client

SetHeaders method sets multiple headers field and its values at one go in the client instance. These headers will be applied to all requests raised from this client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level headers options.

See `Request.SetHeaders` or `Request.SetHeader`.

For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`

		"Content-Type": "application/json",
		"Accept": "application/json",

func (*Client) SetHostURL

func (c *Client) SetHostURL(url string) *Client

SetHostURL method is to set Host URL in the client instance. It will be used with request raised from this client with relative URL

// Setting HTTP address

// Setting HTTPS address

Deprecated: use SetBaseURL instead. To be removed in v3.0.0 release.

func (*Client) SetJSONEscapeHTML

func (c *Client) SetJSONEscapeHTML(b bool) *Client

SetJSONEscapeHTML method is to enable/disable the HTML escape on JSON marshal.

Note: This option only applicable to standard JSON Marshaller.

func (*Client) SetLogger

func (c *Client) SetLogger(l Logger) *Client

SetLogger method sets given writer for logging Resty request and response details.

Compliant to interface `resty.Logger`.

func (*Client) SetOutputDirectory

func (c *Client) SetOutputDirectory(dirPath string) *Client

SetOutputDirectory method sets output directory for saving HTTP response into file. If the output directory not exists then resty creates one. This setting is optional one, if you're planning using absolute path in `Request.SetOutput` and can used together.


func (*Client) SetPathParam

func (c *Client) SetPathParam(param, value string) *Client

SetPathParam method sets single URL path key-value pair in the Resty client instance.

client.SetPathParam("userId", "sample@sample.com")

   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/details

It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.

Also it can be overridden at request level Path Params options, see `Request.SetPathParam` or `Request.SetPathParams`.

func (*Client) SetPathParams

func (c *Client) SetPathParams(params map[string]string) *Client

SetPathParams method sets multiple URL path key-value pairs at one go in the Resty client instance.

   "userId": "sample@sample.com",
   "subAccountId": "100002",

   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/{subAccountId}/details
   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/100002/details

It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.

Also it can be overridden at request level Path Params options, see `Request.SetPathParam` or `Request.SetPathParams`.

func (*Client) SetPreRequestHook

func (c *Client) SetPreRequestHook(h PreRequestHook) *Client

SetPreRequestHook method sets the given pre-request function into resty client. It is called right before the request is fired.

Note: Only one pre-request hook can be registered. Use `client.OnBeforeRequest` for mutilple.

func (*Client) SetProxy

func (c *Client) SetProxy(proxyURL string) *Client

SetProxy method sets the Proxy URL and Port for Resty client.


OR Without this `SetProxy` method, you could also set Proxy via environment variable.

Refer to godoc `http.ProxyFromEnvironment`.

func (*Client) SetQueryParam

func (c *Client) SetQueryParam(param, value string) *Client

SetQueryParam method sets single parameter and its value in the client instance. It will be formed as query string for the request.

For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large` in the URL after `?` mark. These query params will be added to all the request raised from this client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level Query Param options.

See `Request.SetQueryParam` or `Request.SetQueryParams`.

	SetQueryParam("search", "kitchen papers").
	SetQueryParam("size", "large")

func (*Client) SetQueryParams

func (c *Client) SetQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Client

SetQueryParams method sets multiple parameters and their values at one go in the client instance. It will be formed as query string for the request.

For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large` in the URL after `?` mark. These query params will be added to all the request raised from this client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level Query Param options.

See `Request.SetQueryParams` or `Request.SetQueryParam`.

		"search": "kitchen papers",
		"size": "large",

func (*Client) SetRedirectPolicy

func (c *Client) SetRedirectPolicy(policies ...interface{}) *Client

SetRedirectPolicy method sets the client redirect poilicy. Resty provides ready to use redirect policies. Wanna create one for yourself refer to `redirect.go`.


// Need multiple redirect policies together
client.SetRedirectPolicy(FlexibleRedirectPolicy(20), DomainCheckRedirectPolicy("host1.com", "host2.net"))

func (*Client) SetRetryAfter

func (c *Client) SetRetryAfter(callback RetryAfterFunc) *Client

SetRetryAfter sets callback to calculate wait time between retries. Default (nil) implies exponential backoff with jitter

func (*Client) SetRetryCount

func (c *Client) SetRetryCount(count int) *Client

SetRetryCount method enables retry on Resty client and allows you to set no. of retry count. Resty uses a Backoff mechanism.

func (*Client) SetRetryMaxWaitTime

func (c *Client) SetRetryMaxWaitTime(maxWaitTime time.Duration) *Client

SetRetryMaxWaitTime method sets max wait time to sleep before retrying request.

Default is 2 seconds.

func (*Client) SetRetryWaitTime

func (c *Client) SetRetryWaitTime(waitTime time.Duration) *Client

SetRetryWaitTime method sets default wait time to sleep before retrying request.

Default is 100 milliseconds.

func (*Client) SetRootCertificate

func (c *Client) SetRootCertificate(pemFilePath string) *Client

SetRootCertificate method helps to add one or more root certificates into Resty client


func (*Client) SetRootCertificateFromString

func (c *Client) SetRootCertificateFromString(pemContent string) *Client

SetRootCertificateFromString method helps to add one or more root certificates into Resty client

client.SetRootCertificateFromString("pem file content")

func (*Client) SetScheme

func (c *Client) SetScheme(scheme string) *Client

SetScheme method sets custom scheme in the Resty client. It's way to override default.


func (*Client) SetTLSClientConfig

func (c *Client) SetTLSClientConfig(config *tls.Config) *Client

SetTLSClientConfig method sets TLSClientConfig for underling client Transport.

For Example:

// One can set custom root-certificate. Refer: http://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/#example_Dial
client.SetTLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{ RootCAs: roots })

// or One can disable security check (https)
client.SetTLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: true })

Note: This method overwrites existing `TLSClientConfig`.

func (*Client) SetTimeout

func (c *Client) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Client

SetTimeout method sets timeout for request raised from client.

client.SetTimeout(time.Duration(1 * time.Minute))

func (*Client) SetTransport

func (c *Client) SetTransport(transport http.RoundTripper) *Client

SetTransport method sets custom `*http.Transport` or any `http.RoundTripper` compatible interface implementation in the resty client.


- If transport is not type of `*http.Transport` then you may not be able to take advantage of some of the Resty client settings.

- It overwrites the Resty client transport instance and it's configurations.

transport := &http.Transport{
	// somthing like Proxying to httptest.Server, etc...
	Proxy: func(req *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) {
		return url.Parse(server.URL)


type ErrorHook

ErrorHook type is for reacting to request errors, called after all retries were attempted

type ErrorHook func(*Request, error)

type File

File struct represent file information for multipart request

type File struct {
    Name      string
    ParamName string

func (*File) String

func (f *File) String() string

String returns string value of current file details

type Logger

Logger interface is to abstract the logging from Resty. Gives control to the Resty users, choice of the logger.

type Logger interface {
    Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
    Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})
    Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})

type MultipartField

MultipartField struct represent custom data part for multipart request

type MultipartField struct {
    Param       string
    FileName    string
    ContentType string

type OnRetryFunc

OnRetryFunc is for side-effecting functions triggered on retry

type OnRetryFunc func(*Response, error)

type Option

Option is to create convenient retry options like wait time, max retries, etc.

type Option func(*Options)

func MaxWaitTime

func MaxWaitTime(value time.Duration) Option

MaxWaitTime sets the max wait time to sleep between requests

func Retries

func Retries(value int) Option

Retries sets the max number of retries

func RetryConditions

func RetryConditions(conditions []RetryConditionFunc) Option

RetryConditions sets the conditions that will be checked for retry.

func RetryHooks

func RetryHooks(hooks []OnRetryFunc) Option

RetryHooks sets the hooks that will be executed after each retry

func WaitTime

func WaitTime(value time.Duration) Option

WaitTime sets the default wait time to sleep between requests

type Options

Options struct is used to hold retry settings.

type Options struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type PreRequestHook

PreRequestHook type is for the request hook, called right before the request is sent

type PreRequestHook func(*Client, *http.Request) error

type RedirectPolicy

RedirectPolicy to regulate the redirects in the resty client. Objects implementing the RedirectPolicy interface can be registered as

Apply function should return nil to continue the redirect jounery, otherwise return error to stop the redirect.

type RedirectPolicy interface {
    Apply(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error

func DomainCheckRedirectPolicy

func DomainCheckRedirectPolicy(hostnames ...string) RedirectPolicy

DomainCheckRedirectPolicy is convenient method to define domain name redirect rule in resty client. Redirect is allowed for only mentioned host in the policy.

resty.SetRedirectPolicy(DomainCheckRedirectPolicy("host1.com", "host2.org", "host3.net"))

func FlexibleRedirectPolicy

func FlexibleRedirectPolicy(noOfRedirect int) RedirectPolicy

FlexibleRedirectPolicy is convenient method to create No of redirect policy for HTTP client.


func NoRedirectPolicy

func NoRedirectPolicy() RedirectPolicy

NoRedirectPolicy is used to disable redirects in the HTTP client


type RedirectPolicyFunc

The RedirectPolicyFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of ordinary functions as RedirectPolicy. If f is a function with the appropriate signature, RedirectPolicyFunc(f) is a RedirectPolicy object that calls f.

type RedirectPolicyFunc func(*http.Request, []*http.Request) error

func (RedirectPolicyFunc) Apply

func (f RedirectPolicyFunc) Apply(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error

Apply calls f(req, via).

type Request

Request struct is used to compose and fire individual request from resty client. Request provides an options to override client level settings and also an options for the request composition.

type Request struct {
    URL        string
    Method     string
    Token      string
    AuthScheme string
    QueryParam url.Values
    FormData   url.Values
    PathParams map[string]string
    Header     http.Header
    Time       time.Time
    Body       interface{}
    Result     interface{}
    Error      interface{}
    RawRequest *http.Request
    SRV        *SRVRecord
    UserInfo   *User
    Cookies    []*http.Cookie

    // Attempt is to represent the request attempt made during a Resty
    // request execution flow, including retry count.
    // Since v2.4.0
    Attempt int
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Request) AddRetryCondition

func (r *Request) AddRetryCondition(condition RetryConditionFunc) *Request

AddRetryCondition method adds a retry condition function to the request's array of functions that are checked to determine if the request is retried. The request will retry if any of the functions return true and error is nil.

Note: These retry conditions are checked before all retry conditions of the client.

Since v2.7.0

func (*Request) Context

func (r *Request) Context() context.Context

Context method returns the Context if its already set in request otherwise it creates new one using `context.Background()`.

func (*Request) Delete

func (r *Request) Delete(url string) (*Response, error)

Delete method does DELETE HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.5 of RFC7231.

func (*Request) EnableTrace

func (r *Request) EnableTrace() *Request

EnableTrace method enables trace for the current request using `httptrace.ClientTrace` and provides insights.

client := resty.New()

resp, err := client.R().EnableTrace().Get("https://httpbin.org/get")
fmt.Println("Error:", err)
fmt.Println("Trace Info:", resp.Request.TraceInfo())

See `Client.EnableTrace` available too to get trace info for all requests.

Since v2.0.0

func (*Request) Execute

func (r *Request) Execute(method, url string) (*Response, error)

Execute method performs the HTTP request with given HTTP method and URL for current `Request`.

resp, err := client.R().Execute(resty.GET, "http://httpbin.org/get")

func (*Request) ExpectContentType

func (r *Request) ExpectContentType(contentType string) *Request

ExpectContentType method allows to provide fallback `Content-Type` for automatic unmarshalling when `Content-Type` response header is unavailable.

func (*Request) ForceContentType

func (r *Request) ForceContentType(contentType string) *Request

ForceContentType method provides a strong sense of response `Content-Type` for automatic unmarshalling. Resty gives this a higher priority than the `Content-Type` response header. This means that if both `Request.ForceContentType` is set and the response `Content-Type` is available, `ForceContentType` will win.

func (*Request) Get

func (r *Request) Get(url string) (*Response, error)

Get method does GET HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.1 of RFC7231.

func (*Request) Head

func (r *Request) Head(url string) (*Response, error)

Head method does HEAD HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.2 of RFC7231.

func (*Request) Options

func (r *Request) Options(url string) (*Response, error)

Options method does OPTIONS HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.7 of RFC7231.

func (*Request) Patch

func (r *Request) Patch(url string) (*Response, error)

Patch method does PATCH HTTP request. It's defined in section 2 of RFC5789.

func (*Request) Post

func (r *Request) Post(url string) (*Response, error)

Post method does POST HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.3 of RFC7231.

func (*Request) Put

func (r *Request) Put(url string) (*Response, error)

Put method does PUT HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.4 of RFC7231.

func (*Request) Send

func (r *Request) Send() (*Response, error)

Send method performs the HTTP request using the method and URL already defined for current `Request`.

     req := client.R()
     req.Method = resty.GET
     req.URL = "http://httpbin.org/get"
		resp, err := client.R().Send()

func (*Request) SetAuthScheme

func (r *Request) SetAuthScheme(scheme string) *Request

SetAuthScheme method sets the auth token scheme type in the HTTP request. For Example:

Authorization: <auth-scheme-value-set-here> <auth-token-value>

For Example: To set the scheme to use OAuth


This auth header scheme gets added to all the request rasied from this client instance. Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.

Information about Auth schemes can be found in RFC7235 which is linked to below along with the page containing the currently defined official authentication schemes:


This method overrides the Authorization scheme set by method `Client.SetAuthScheme`.

func (*Request) SetAuthToken

func (r *Request) SetAuthToken(token string) *Request

SetAuthToken method sets the auth token header(Default Scheme: Bearer) in the current HTTP request. Header example:

Authorization: Bearer <auth-token-value-comes-here>

For Example: To set auth token BC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08FBC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08F


This method overrides the Auth token set by method `Client.SetAuthToken`.

func (*Request) SetBasicAuth

func (r *Request) SetBasicAuth(username, password string) *Request

SetBasicAuth method sets the basic authentication header in the current HTTP request.

For Example:

Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-value>

To set the header for username "go-resty" and password "welcome"

client.R().SetBasicAuth("go-resty", "welcome")

This method overrides the credentials set by method `Client.SetBasicAuth`.

func (*Request) SetBody

func (r *Request) SetBody(body interface{}) *Request

SetBody method sets the request body for the request. It supports various realtime needs as easy. We can say its quite handy or powerful. Supported request body data types is `string`, `[]byte`, `struct`, `map`, `slice` and `io.Reader`. Body value can be pointer or non-pointer. Automatic marshalling for JSON and XML content type, if it is `struct`, `map`, or `slice`.

Note: `io.Reader` is processed as bufferless mode while sending request.

For Example: Struct as a body input, based on content type, it will be marshalled.

		Username: "jeeva@myjeeva.com",
		Password: "welcome2resty",

Map as a body input, based on content type, it will be marshalled.

		"username": "jeeva@myjeeva.com",
		"password": "welcome2resty",
		"address": &Address{
			Address1: "1111 This is my street",
			Address2: "Apt 201",
			City: "My City",
			State: "My State",
			ZipCode: 00000,

String as a body input. Suitable for any need as a string input.

		"username": "jeeva@getrightcare.com",
		"password": "admin"

[]byte as a body input. Suitable for raw request such as file upload, serialize & deserialize, etc.

	SetBody([]byte("This is my raw request, sent as-is"))

func (*Request) SetContentLength

func (r *Request) SetContentLength(l bool) *Request

SetContentLength method sets the HTTP header `Content-Length` value for current request. By default Resty won't set `Content-Length`. Also you have an option to enable for every request.

See `Client.SetContentLength`


func (*Request) SetContext

func (r *Request) SetContext(ctx context.Context) *Request

SetContext method sets the context.Context for current Request. It allows to interrupt the request execution if ctx.Done() channel is closed. See https://blog.golang.org/context article and the "context" package documentation.

func (*Request) SetCookie

func (r *Request) SetCookie(hc *http.Cookie) *Request

SetCookie method appends a single cookie in the current request instance.

			Value:"This is cookie value",

Note: Method appends the Cookie value into existing Cookie if already existing.

Since v2.1.0

func (*Request) SetCookies

func (r *Request) SetCookies(rs []*http.Cookie) *Request

SetCookies method sets an array of cookies in the current request instance.

cookies := []*http.Cookie{
		Value:"This is cookie 1 value",
		Value:"This is cookie 2 value",

// Setting a cookies into resty's current request

Note: Method appends the Cookie value into existing Cookie if already existing.

Since v2.1.0

func (*Request) SetDoNotParseResponse

func (r *Request) SetDoNotParseResponse(parse bool) *Request

SetDoNotParseResponse method instructs `Resty` not to parse the response body automatically. Resty exposes the raw response body as `io.ReadCloser`. Also do not forget to close the body, otherwise you might get into connection leaks, no connection reuse.

Note: Response middlewares are not applicable, if you use this option. Basically you have taken over the control of response parsing from `Resty`.

func (*Request) SetError

func (r *Request) SetError(err interface{}) *Request

SetError method is to register the request `Error` object for automatic unmarshalling for the request, if response status code is greater than 399 and content type either JSON or XML.

Note: Error object can be pointer or non-pointer.

// OR

Accessing a error value from response instance.


func (*Request) SetFile

func (r *Request) SetFile(param, filePath string) *Request

SetFile method is to set single file field name and its path for multipart upload.

	SetFile("my_file", "/Users/jeeva/Gas Bill - Sep.pdf")

func (*Request) SetFileReader

func (r *Request) SetFileReader(param, fileName string, reader io.Reader) *Request

SetFileReader method is to set single file using io.Reader for multipart upload.

	SetFileReader("profile_img", "my-profile-img.png", bytes.NewReader(profileImgBytes)).
	SetFileReader("notes", "user-notes.txt", bytes.NewReader(notesBytes))

func (*Request) SetFiles

func (r *Request) SetFiles(files map[string]string) *Request

SetFiles method is to set multiple file field name and its path for multipart upload.

			"my_file1": "/Users/jeeva/Gas Bill - Sep.pdf",
			"my_file2": "/Users/jeeva/Electricity Bill - Sep.pdf",
			"my_file3": "/Users/jeeva/Water Bill - Sep.pdf",

func (*Request) SetFormData

func (r *Request) SetFormData(data map[string]string) *Request

SetFormData method sets Form parameters and their values in the current request. It's applicable only HTTP method `POST` and `PUT` and requests content type would be set as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.

		"access_token": "BC594900-518B-4F7E-AC75-BD37F019E08F",
		"user_id": "3455454545",

Also you can override form data value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetFormDataFromValues

func (r *Request) SetFormDataFromValues(data url.Values) *Request

SetFormDataFromValues method appends multiple form parameters with multi-value (`url.Values`) at one go in the current request.

		"search_criteria": []string{"book", "glass", "pencil"},

Also you can override form data value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetHeader

func (r *Request) SetHeader(header, value string) *Request

SetHeader method is to set a single header field and its value in the current request.

For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`.

	SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
	SetHeader("Accept", "application/json")

Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetHeaderMultiValues

func (r *Request) SetHeaderMultiValues(headers map[string][]string) *Request

SetHeaderMultiValues sets multiple headers fields and its values is list of strings at one go in the current request.

For Example: To set `Accept` as `text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, image/webp, */*;q=0.8`

		"Accept": []string{"text/html", "application/xhtml+xml", "application/xml;q=0.9", "image/webp", "*/*;q=0.8"},

Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetHeaderVerbatim

func (r *Request) SetHeaderVerbatim(header, value string) *Request

SetHeaderVerbatim method is to set a single header field and its value verbatim in the current request.

For Example: To set `all_lowercase` and `UPPERCASE` as `available`.

	SetHeaderVerbatim("all_lowercase", "available").
	SetHeaderVerbatim("UPPERCASE", "available")

Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.

Since v2.6.0

func (*Request) SetHeaders

func (r *Request) SetHeaders(headers map[string]string) *Request

SetHeaders method sets multiple headers field and its values at one go in the current request.

For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`

		"Content-Type": "application/json",
		"Accept": "application/json",

Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetJSONEscapeHTML

func (r *Request) SetJSONEscapeHTML(b bool) *Request

SetJSONEscapeHTML method is to enable/disable the HTML escape on JSON marshal.

Note: This option only applicable to standard JSON Marshaller.

func (*Request) SetMultipartField

func (r *Request) SetMultipartField(param, fileName, contentType string, reader io.Reader) *Request

SetMultipartField method is to set custom data using io.Reader for multipart upload.

func (*Request) SetMultipartFields

func (r *Request) SetMultipartFields(fields ...*MultipartField) *Request

SetMultipartFields method is to set multiple data fields using io.Reader for multipart upload.

For Example:

		Param:       "uploadManifest1",
		FileName:    "upload-file-1.json",
		ContentType: "application/json",
		Reader:      strings.NewReader(`{"input": {"name": "Uploaded document 1", "_filename" : ["file1.txt"]}}`),
		Param:       "uploadManifest2",
		FileName:    "upload-file-2.json",
		ContentType: "application/json",
		Reader:      strings.NewReader(`{"input": {"name": "Uploaded document 2", "_filename" : ["file2.txt"]}}`),

If you have slice already, then simply call-


func (*Request) SetMultipartFormData

func (r *Request) SetMultipartFormData(data map[string]string) *Request

SetMultipartFormData method allows simple form data to be attached to the request as `multipart:form-data`

func (*Request) SetOutput

func (r *Request) SetOutput(file string) *Request

SetOutput method sets the output file for current HTTP request. Current HTTP response will be saved into given file. It is similar to `curl -o` flag. Absolute path or relative path can be used. If is it relative path then output file goes under the output directory, as mentioned in the `Client.SetOutputDirectory`.


Note: In this scenario `Response.Body` might be nil.

func (*Request) SetPathParam

func (r *Request) SetPathParam(param, value string) *Request

SetPathParam method sets single URL path key-value pair in the Resty current request instance.

client.R().SetPathParam("userId", "sample@sample.com")

   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/details

It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL. Also you can override Path Params value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetPathParams

func (r *Request) SetPathParams(params map[string]string) *Request

SetPathParams method sets multiple URL path key-value pairs at one go in the Resty current request instance.

   "userId": "sample@sample.com",
   "subAccountId": "100002",

   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/{subAccountId}/details
   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/100002/details

It replaces the value of the key while composing request URL. Also you can override Path Params value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetQueryParam

func (r *Request) SetQueryParam(param, value string) *Request

SetQueryParam method sets single parameter and its value in the current request. It will be formed as query string for the request.

For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large` in the URL after `?` mark.

	SetQueryParam("search", "kitchen papers").
	SetQueryParam("size", "large")

Also you can override query params value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetQueryParams

func (r *Request) SetQueryParams(params map[string]string) *Request

SetQueryParams method sets multiple parameters and its values at one go in the current request. It will be formed as query string for the request.

For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large` in the URL after `?` mark.

		"search": "kitchen papers",
		"size": "large",

Also you can override query params value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetQueryParamsFromValues

func (r *Request) SetQueryParamsFromValues(params url.Values) *Request

SetQueryParamsFromValues method appends multiple parameters with multi-value (`url.Values`) at one go in the current request. It will be formed as query string for the request.

For Example: `status=pending&status=approved&status=open` in the URL after `?` mark.

		"status": []string{"pending", "approved", "open"},

Also you can override query params value, which was set at client instance level.

func (*Request) SetQueryString

func (r *Request) SetQueryString(query string) *Request

SetQueryString method provides ability to use string as an input to set URL query string for the request.

Using String as an input

	SetQueryString("productId=232&template=fresh-sample&cat=resty&source=google&kw=buy a lot more")

func (*Request) SetResult

func (r *Request) SetResult(res interface{}) *Request

SetResult method is to register the response `Result` object for automatic unmarshalling for the request, if response status code is between 200 and 299 and content type either JSON or XML.

Note: Result object can be pointer or non-pointer.

// OR

Accessing a result value from response instance.


func (*Request) SetSRV

func (r *Request) SetSRV(srv *SRVRecord) *Request

SetSRV method sets the details to query the service SRV record and execute the request.

	SetSRV(SRVRecord{"web", "testservice.com"}).

func (*Request) TraceInfo

func (r *Request) TraceInfo() TraceInfo

TraceInfo method returns the trace info for the request. If either the Client or Request EnableTrace function has not been called prior to the request being made, an empty TraceInfo object will be returned.

Since v2.0.0

type RequestLog

RequestLog struct is used to collected information from resty request instance for debug logging. It sent to request log callback before resty actually logs the information.

type RequestLog struct {
    Header http.Header
    Body   string

type RequestLogCallback

RequestLogCallback type is for request logs, called before the request is logged

type RequestLogCallback func(*RequestLog) error

type RequestMiddleware

RequestMiddleware type is for request middleware, called before a request is sent

type RequestMiddleware func(*Client, *Request) error

type Response

Response struct holds response values of executed request.

type Response struct {
    Request     *Request
    RawResponse *http.Response
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Response) Body

func (r *Response) Body() []byte

Body method returns HTTP response as []byte array for the executed request.

Note: `Response.Body` might be nil, if `Request.SetOutput` is used.

func (*Response) Cookies

func (r *Response) Cookies() []*http.Cookie

Cookies method to access all the response cookies

func (*Response) Error

func (r *Response) Error() interface{}

Error method returns the error object if it has one

func (*Response) Header

func (r *Response) Header() http.Header

Header method returns the response headers

func (*Response) IsError

func (r *Response) IsError() bool

IsError method returns true if HTTP status `code >= 400` otherwise false.

func (*Response) IsSuccess

func (r *Response) IsSuccess() bool

IsSuccess method returns true if HTTP status `code >= 200 and <= 299` otherwise false.

func (*Response) Proto

func (r *Response) Proto() string

Proto method returns the HTTP response protocol used for the request.

func (*Response) RawBody

func (r *Response) RawBody() io.ReadCloser

RawBody method exposes the HTTP raw response body. Use this method in-conjunction with `SetDoNotParseResponse` option otherwise you get an error as `read err: http: read on closed response body`.

Do not forget to close the body, otherwise you might get into connection leaks, no connection reuse. Basically you have taken over the control of response parsing from `Resty`.

func (*Response) ReceivedAt

func (r *Response) ReceivedAt() time.Time

ReceivedAt method returns when response got received from server for the request.

func (*Response) Result

func (r *Response) Result() interface{}

Result method returns the response value as an object if it has one

func (*Response) Size

func (r *Response) Size() int64

Size method returns the HTTP response size in bytes. Ya, you can relay on HTTP `Content-Length` header, however it won't be good for chucked transfer/compressed response. Since Resty calculates response size at the client end. You will get actual size of the http response.

func (*Response) Status

func (r *Response) Status() string

Status method returns the HTTP status string for the executed request.

Example: 200 OK

func (*Response) StatusCode

func (r *Response) StatusCode() int

StatusCode method returns the HTTP status code for the executed request.

Example: 200

func (*Response) String

func (r *Response) String() string

String method returns the body of the server response as String.

func (*Response) Time

func (r *Response) Time() time.Duration

Time method returns the time of HTTP response time that from request we sent and received a request.

See `Response.ReceivedAt` to know when client received response and see `Response.Request.Time` to know when client sent a request.

type ResponseError

ResponseError is a wrapper for including the server response with an error. Neither the err nor the response should be nil.

type ResponseError struct {
    Response *Response
    Err      error

func (*ResponseError) Error

func (e *ResponseError) Error() string

func (*ResponseError) Unwrap

func (e *ResponseError) Unwrap() error

type ResponseLog

ResponseLog struct is used to collected information from resty response instance for debug logging. It sent to response log callback before resty actually logs the information.

type ResponseLog struct {
    Header http.Header
    Body   string

type ResponseLogCallback

ResponseLogCallback type is for response logs, called before the response is logged

type ResponseLogCallback func(*ResponseLog) error

type ResponseMiddleware

ResponseMiddleware type is for response middleware, called after a response has been received

type ResponseMiddleware func(*Client, *Response) error

type RetryAfterFunc

RetryAfterFunc returns time to wait before retry For example, it can parse HTTP Retry-After header https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html Non-nil error is returned if it is found that request is not retryable (0, nil) is a special result means 'use default algorithm'

type RetryAfterFunc func(*Client, *Response) (time.Duration, error)

type RetryConditionFunc

RetryConditionFunc type is for retry condition function input: non-nil Response OR request execution error

type RetryConditionFunc func(*Response, error) bool

type SRVRecord

SRVRecord struct holds the data to query the SRV record for the following service.

type SRVRecord struct {
    Service string
    Domain  string

type TraceInfo

TraceInfo struct is used provide request trace info such as DNS lookup duration, Connection obtain duration, Server processing duration, etc.

Since v2.0.0

type TraceInfo struct {
    // DNSLookup is a duration that transport took to perform
    // DNS lookup.
    DNSLookup time.Duration

    // ConnTime is a duration that took to obtain a successful connection.
    ConnTime time.Duration

    // TCPConnTime is a duration that took to obtain the TCP connection.
    TCPConnTime time.Duration

    // TLSHandshake is a duration that TLS handshake took place.
    TLSHandshake time.Duration

    // ServerTime is a duration that server took to respond first byte.
    ServerTime time.Duration

    // ResponseTime is a duration since first response byte from server to
    // request completion.
    ResponseTime time.Duration

    // TotalTime is a duration that total request took end-to-end.
    TotalTime time.Duration

    // IsConnReused is whether this connection has been previously
    // used for another HTTP request.
    IsConnReused bool

    // IsConnWasIdle is whether this connection was obtained from an
    // idle pool.
    IsConnWasIdle bool

    // ConnIdleTime is a duration how long the connection was previously
    // idle, if IsConnWasIdle is true.
    ConnIdleTime time.Duration

    // RequestAttempt is to represent the request attempt made during a Resty
    // request execution flow, including retry count.
    RequestAttempt int

    // RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
    RemoteAddr net.Addr

type User

User type is to hold an username and password information

type User struct {
    Username, Password string