func Base64(v strfmt.Base64) *strfmt.Base64
Base64 returns a pointer to of the Base64 value passed in.
func Base64Value(v *strfmt.Base64) strfmt.Base64
Base64Value returns the value of the Base64 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func CIDR(v strfmt.CIDR) *strfmt.CIDR
CIDR returns a pointer to of the CIDR value passed in.
func CIDRValue(v *strfmt.CIDR) strfmt.CIDR
CIDRValue returns the value of the CIDR pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func CreditCard(v strfmt.CreditCard) *strfmt.CreditCard
CreditCard returns a pointer to of the CreditCard value passed in.
func CreditCardValue(v *strfmt.CreditCard) strfmt.CreditCard
CreditCardValue returns the value of the CreditCard pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func Date(v strfmt.Date) *strfmt.Date
Date returns a pointer to of the Date value passed in.
func DateTime(v strfmt.DateTime) *strfmt.DateTime
DateTime returns a pointer to of the DateTime value passed in.
func DateTimeValue(v *strfmt.DateTime) strfmt.DateTime
DateTimeValue returns the value of the DateTime pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func DateValue(v *strfmt.Date) strfmt.Date
DateValue returns the value of the Date pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func Duration(v strfmt.Duration) *strfmt.Duration
Duration returns a pointer to of the Duration value passed in.
func DurationValue(v *strfmt.Duration) strfmt.Duration
DurationValue returns the value of the Duration pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func Email(v strfmt.Email) *strfmt.Email
Email returns a pointer to of the Email value passed in.
func EmailValue(v *strfmt.Email) strfmt.Email
EmailValue returns the value of the Email pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func HexColor(v strfmt.HexColor) *strfmt.HexColor
HexColor returns a pointer to of the HexColor value passed in.
func HexColorValue(v *strfmt.HexColor) strfmt.HexColor
HexColorValue returns the value of the HexColor pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func Hostname(v strfmt.Hostname) *strfmt.Hostname
Hostname returns a pointer to of the Hostname value passed in.
func HostnameValue(v *strfmt.Hostname) strfmt.Hostname
HostnameValue returns the value of the Hostname pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func IPv4(v strfmt.IPv4) *strfmt.IPv4
IPv4 returns a pointer to of the IPv4 value passed in.
func IPv4Value(v *strfmt.IPv4) strfmt.IPv4
IPv4Value returns the value of the IPv4 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func IPv6(v strfmt.IPv6) *strfmt.IPv6
IPv6 returns a pointer to of the IPv6 value passed in.
func IPv6Value(v *strfmt.IPv6) strfmt.IPv6
IPv6Value returns the value of the IPv6 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func ISBN(v strfmt.ISBN) *strfmt.ISBN
ISBN returns a pointer to of the ISBN value passed in.
func ISBN10(v strfmt.ISBN10) *strfmt.ISBN10
ISBN10 returns a pointer to of the ISBN10 value passed in.
func ISBN10Value(v *strfmt.ISBN10) strfmt.ISBN10
ISBN10Value returns the value of the ISBN10 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func ISBN13(v strfmt.ISBN13) *strfmt.ISBN13
ISBN13 returns a pointer to of the ISBN13 value passed in.
func ISBN13Value(v *strfmt.ISBN13) strfmt.ISBN13
ISBN13Value returns the value of the ISBN13 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func ISBNValue(v *strfmt.ISBN) strfmt.ISBN
ISBNValue returns the value of the ISBN pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func MAC(v strfmt.MAC) *strfmt.MAC
MAC returns a pointer to of the MAC value passed in.
func MACValue(v *strfmt.MAC) strfmt.MAC
MACValue returns the value of the MAC pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func Password(v strfmt.Password) *strfmt.Password
Password returns a pointer to of the Password value passed in.
func PasswordValue(v *strfmt.Password) strfmt.Password
PasswordValue returns the value of the Password pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func RGBColor(v strfmt.RGBColor) *strfmt.RGBColor
RGBColor returns a pointer to of the RGBColor value passed in.
func RGBColorValue(v *strfmt.RGBColor) strfmt.RGBColor
RGBColorValue returns the value of the RGBColor pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func SSN(v strfmt.SSN) *strfmt.SSN
SSN returns a pointer to of the SSN value passed in.
func SSNValue(v *strfmt.SSN) strfmt.SSN
SSNValue returns the value of the SSN pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func ULID(v strfmt.ULID) *strfmt.ULID
ULID returns a pointer to of the ULID value passed in.
func ULIDValue(v *strfmt.ULID) strfmt.ULID
ULIDValue returns the value of the ULID pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func URI(v strfmt.URI) *strfmt.URI
URI returns a pointer to of the URI value passed in.
func URIValue(v *strfmt.URI) strfmt.URI
URIValue returns the value of the URI pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func UUID(v strfmt.UUID) *strfmt.UUID
UUID returns a pointer to of the UUID value passed in.
func UUID3(v strfmt.UUID3) *strfmt.UUID3
UUID3 returns a pointer to of the UUID3 value passed in.
func UUID3Value(v *strfmt.UUID3) strfmt.UUID3
UUID3Value returns the value of the UUID3 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func UUID4(v strfmt.UUID4) *strfmt.UUID4
UUID4 returns a pointer to of the UUID4 value passed in.
func UUID4Value(v *strfmt.UUID4) strfmt.UUID4
UUID4Value returns the value of the UUID4 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func UUID5(v strfmt.UUID5) *strfmt.UUID5
UUID5 returns a pointer to of the UUID5 value passed in.
func UUID5Value(v *strfmt.UUID5) strfmt.UUID5
UUID5Value returns the value of the UUID5 pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.
func UUIDValue(v *strfmt.UUID) strfmt.UUID
UUIDValue returns the value of the UUID pointer passed in or the default value if the pointer is nil.