
Package funcr

import "github.com/go-logr/logr/funcr"

Overview ▾

Package funcr implements formatting of structured log messages and optionally captures the call site and timestamp.

The simplest way to use it is via its implementation of a github.com/go-logr/logr.LogSink with output through an arbitrary "write" function. See New and NewJSON for details.

Custom LogSinks

For users who need more control, a funcr.Formatter can be embedded inside your own custom LogSink implementation. This is useful when the LogSink needs to implement additional methods, for example.


This will respect logr.Marshaler, fmt.Stringer, and error interfaces for values which are being logged. When rendering a struct, funcr will use Go's standard JSON tags (all except "string").

func New

func New(fn func(prefix, args string), opts Options) logr.Logger

New returns a logr.Logger which is implemented by an arbitrary function.



var log logr.Logger = funcr.New(func(prefix, args string) {
    fmt.Println(prefix, args)
}, funcr.Options{})

log = log.WithName("MyLogger")
log = log.WithValues("savedKey", "savedValue")
log.Info("the message", "key", "value")


MyLogger "level"=0 "msg"="the message" "savedKey"="savedValue" "key"="value"

func NewJSON

func NewJSON(fn func(obj string), opts Options) logr.Logger

NewJSON returns a logr.Logger which is implemented by an arbitrary function and produces JSON output.



var log logr.Logger = funcr.NewJSON(func(obj string) {
}, funcr.Options{})

log = log.WithName("MyLogger")
log = log.WithValues("savedKey", "savedValue")
log.Info("the message", "key", "value")


{"logger":"MyLogger","level":0,"msg":"the message","savedKey":"savedValue","key":"value"}

type Caller

Caller represents the original call site for a log line, after considering logr.Logger.WithCallDepth and logr.Logger.WithCallStackHelper. The File and Line fields will always be provided, while the Func field is optional. Users can set the render hook fields in Options to examine logged key-value pairs, one of which will be {"caller", Caller} if the Options.LogCaller field is enabled for the given MessageClass.

type Caller struct {
    // File is the basename of the file for this call site.
    File string `json:"file"`
    // Line is the line number in the file for this call site.
    Line int `json:"line"`
    // Func is the function name for this call site, or empty if
    // Options.LogCallerFunc is not enabled.
    Func string `json:"function,omitempty"`

type Formatter

Formatter is an opaque struct which can be embedded in a LogSink implementation. It should be constructed with NewFormatter. Some of its methods directly implement logr.LogSink.

type Formatter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields



package funcr_test

import (


// NewStdoutLogger returns a logr.Logger that prints to stdout.
// It demonstrates how to implement a custom With* function which
// controls whether INFO or ERROR are printed in front of the log
// message.
func NewStdoutLogger() logr.Logger {
    l := &stdoutlogger{
        Formatter: funcr.NewFormatter(funcr.Options{}),
    return logr.New(l)

type stdoutlogger struct {
    logMsgType bool

func (l stdoutlogger) WithName(name string) logr.LogSink {
    return &l

func (l stdoutlogger) WithValues(kvList ...any) logr.LogSink {
    return &l

func (l stdoutlogger) WithCallDepth(depth int) logr.LogSink {
    return &l

func (l stdoutlogger) Info(level int, msg string, kvList ...any) {
    prefix, args := l.FormatInfo(level, msg, kvList)
    l.write("INFO", prefix, args)

func (l stdoutlogger) Error(err error, msg string, kvList ...any) {
    prefix, args := l.FormatError(err, msg, kvList)
    l.write("ERROR", prefix, args)

func (l stdoutlogger) write(msgType, prefix, args string) {
    var parts []string
    if l.logMsgType {
        parts = append(parts, msgType)
    if prefix != "" {
        parts = append(parts, prefix)
    parts = append(parts, args)
    fmt.Println(strings.Join(parts, ": "))

// WithLogMsgType returns a copy of the logger with new settings for
// logging the message type. It returns the original logger if the
// underlying LogSink is not a stdoutlogger.
func WithLogMsgType(log logr.Logger, logMsgType bool) logr.Logger {
    if l, ok := log.GetSink().(*stdoutlogger); ok {
        clone := *l
        clone.logMsgType = logMsgType
        log = log.WithSink(&clone)
    return log

// Assert conformance to the interfaces.
var _ logr.LogSink = &stdoutlogger{}
var _ logr.CallDepthLogSink = &stdoutlogger{}

func ExampleFormatter() {
    l := NewStdoutLogger()
    l.Info("no message type")
    WithLogMsgType(l, true).Info("with message type")
    // Output:
    // "level"=0 "msg"="no message type"
    // INFO: "level"=0 "msg"="with message type"

func NewFormatter

func NewFormatter(opts Options) Formatter

NewFormatter constructs a Formatter which emits a JSON-like key=value format.

func NewFormatterJSON

func NewFormatterJSON(opts Options) Formatter

NewFormatterJSON constructs a Formatter which emits strict JSON.

func (*Formatter) AddCallDepth

func (f *Formatter) AddCallDepth(depth int)

AddCallDepth increases the number of stack-frames to skip when attributing the log line to a file and line.

func (*Formatter) AddName

func (f *Formatter) AddName(name string)

AddName appends the specified name. funcr uses '/' characters to separate name elements. Callers should not pass '/' in the provided name string, but this library does not actually enforce that.

func (*Formatter) AddValues

func (f *Formatter) AddValues(kvList []any)

AddValues adds key-value pairs to the set of saved values to be logged with each log line.

func (Formatter) Enabled

func (f Formatter) Enabled(level int) bool

Enabled checks whether an info message at the given level should be logged.

func (Formatter) FormatError

func (f Formatter) FormatError(err error, msg string, kvList []any) (prefix, argsStr string)

FormatError renders an Error log message into strings. The prefix will be empty when no names were set (via AddNames), or when the output is configured for JSON.

func (Formatter) FormatInfo

func (f Formatter) FormatInfo(level int, msg string, kvList []any) (prefix, argsStr string)

FormatInfo renders an Info log message into strings. The prefix will be empty when no names were set (via AddNames), or when the output is configured for JSON.

func (Formatter) GetDepth

func (f Formatter) GetDepth() int

GetDepth returns the current depth of this Formatter. This is useful for implementations which do their own caller attribution.

func (*Formatter) Init

func (f *Formatter) Init(info logr.RuntimeInfo)

Init configures this Formatter from runtime info, such as the call depth imposed by logr itself. Note that this receiver is a pointer, so depth can be saved.

type MessageClass

MessageClass indicates which category or categories of messages to consider.

type MessageClass int
const (
    // None ignores all message classes.
    None MessageClass = iota
    // All considers all message classes.
    // Info only considers info messages.
    // Error only considers error messages.

type Options

Options carries parameters which influence the way logs are generated.

type Options struct {
    // LogCaller tells funcr to add a "caller" key to some or all log lines.
    // This has some overhead, so some users might not want it.
    LogCaller MessageClass

    // LogCallerFunc tells funcr to also log the calling function name.  This
    // has no effect if caller logging is not enabled (see Options.LogCaller).
    LogCallerFunc bool

    // LogTimestamp tells funcr to add a "ts" key to log lines.  This has some
    // overhead, so some users might not want it.
    LogTimestamp bool

    // TimestampFormat tells funcr how to render timestamps when LogTimestamp
    // is enabled.  If not specified, a default format will be used.  For more
    // details, see docs for Go's time.Layout.
    TimestampFormat string

    // LogInfoLevel tells funcr what key to use to log the info level.
    // If not specified, the info level will be logged as "level".
    // If this is set to "", the info level will not be logged at all.
    LogInfoLevel *string

    // Verbosity tells funcr which V logs to produce.  Higher values enable
    // more logs.  Info logs at or below this level will be written, while logs
    // above this level will be discarded.
    Verbosity int

    // RenderBuiltinsHook allows users to mutate the list of key-value pairs
    // while a log line is being rendered.  The kvList argument follows logr
    // conventions - each pair of slice elements is comprised of a string key
    // and an arbitrary value (verified and sanitized before calling this
    // hook).  The value returned must follow the same conventions.  This hook
    // can be used to audit or modify logged data.  For example, you might want
    // to prefix all of funcr's built-in keys with some string.  This hook is
    // only called for built-in (provided by funcr itself) key-value pairs.
    // Equivalent hooks are offered for key-value pairs saved via
    // logr.Logger.WithValues or Formatter.AddValues (see RenderValuesHook) and
    // for user-provided pairs (see RenderArgsHook).
    RenderBuiltinsHook func(kvList []any) []any

    // RenderValuesHook is the same as RenderBuiltinsHook, except that it is
    // only called for key-value pairs saved via logr.Logger.WithValues.  See
    // RenderBuiltinsHook for more details.
    RenderValuesHook func(kvList []any) []any

    // RenderArgsHook is the same as RenderBuiltinsHook, except that it is only
    // called for key-value pairs passed directly to Info and Error.  See
    // RenderBuiltinsHook for more details.
    RenderArgsHook func(kvList []any) []any

    // MaxLogDepth tells funcr how many levels of nested fields (e.g. a struct
    // that contains a struct, etc.) it may log.  Every time it finds a struct,
    // slice, array, or map the depth is increased by one.  When the maximum is
    // reached, the value will be converted to a string indicating that the max
    // depth has been exceeded.  If this field is not specified, a default
    // value will be used.
    MaxLogDepth int



var log logr.Logger = funcr.NewJSON(
    func(obj string) { fmt.Println(obj) },
        LogCaller: funcr.All,
        Verbosity: 1, // V(2) and higher is ignored.
log.V(0).Info("V(0) message", "key", "value")
log.V(1).Info("V(1) message", "key", "value")
log.V(2).Info("V(2) message", "key", "value")


{"logger":"","caller":{"file":"example_test.go","line":67},"level":0,"msg":"V(0) message","key":"value"}
{"logger":"","caller":{"file":"example_test.go","line":68},"level":1,"msg":"V(1) message","key":"value"}

Example (MaxLogDepth)


type List struct {
    Next *List
l := List{}
l.Next = &l // recursive

var log logr.Logger = funcr.NewJSON(
    func(obj string) { fmt.Println(obj) },
    funcr.Options{MaxLogDepth: 4})
log.Info("recursive", "list", l)



Example (RenderHooks)


// prefix all builtin keys with "log:"
prefixSpecialKeys := func(kvList []any) []any {
    for i := 0; i < len(kvList); i += 2 {
        k, _ := kvList[i].(string)
        kvList[i] = "log:" + k
    return kvList

// present saved values as a single JSON object
valuesAsObject := func(kvList []any) []any {
    return []any{"labels", funcr.PseudoStruct(kvList)}

var log logr.Logger = funcr.NewJSON(
    func(obj string) { fmt.Println(obj) },
        RenderBuiltinsHook: prefixSpecialKeys,
        RenderValuesHook:   valuesAsObject,
log = log.WithName("MyLogger")
log = log.WithValues("savedKey1", "savedVal1")
log = log.WithValues("savedKey2", "savedVal2")
log.Info("the message", "key", "value")


{"log:logger":"MyLogger","log:level":0,"log:msg":"the message","labels":{"savedKey1":"savedVal1","savedKey2":"savedVal2"},"key":"value"}

type PseudoStruct

PseudoStruct is a list of key-value pairs that gets logged as a struct.

type PseudoStruct []any



var log logr.Logger = funcr.NewJSON(
    func(obj string) { fmt.Println(obj) },
kv := []any{
    "field1", 12345,
    "field2", true,
log.Info("the message", "key", funcr.PseudoStruct(kv))


{"logger":"","level":0,"msg":"the message","key":{"field1":12345,"field2":true}}

type Underlier

Underlier exposes access to the underlying logging function. Since callers only have a logr.Logger, they have to know which implementation is in use, so this interface is less of an abstraction and more of a way to test type conversion.

type Underlier interface {
    GetUnderlying() func(prefix, args string)



var log logr.Logger = funcr.New(func(prefix, args string) {
    fmt.Println(prefix, args)
}, funcr.Options{})

if underlier, ok := log.GetSink().(funcr.Underlier); ok {
    fn := underlier.GetUnderlying()
    fn("hello", "world")


hello world


Name Synopsis
example Package main is an example of using funcr.