const ( // MessageQuit causes the processMessages loop to exit MessageQuit = 0 // MessageRequest sends a request to the server MessageRequest = 1 // MessageResponse receives a response from the server MessageResponse = 2 // MessageFinish indicates the client considers a particular message ID to be finished MessageFinish = 3 // MessageTimeout indicates the client-specified timeout for a particular message ID has been reached MessageTimeout = 4 )
const ( // DefaultLdapPort default ldap port for pure TCP connection DefaultLdapPort = "389" // DefaultLdapsPort default ldap port for SSL connection DefaultLdapsPort = "636" )
const ( // ControlTypePaging - ControlTypePaging = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.319" // ControlTypeBeheraPasswordPolicy - ControlTypeBeheraPasswordPolicy = "" // ControlTypeVChuPasswordMustChange - ControlTypeVChuPasswordMustChange = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4" // ControlTypeVChuPasswordWarning - ControlTypeVChuPasswordWarning = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5" // ControlTypeManageDsaIT - ControlTypeManageDsaIT = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2" // ControlTypeWhoAmI - ControlTypeWhoAmI = "" // ControlTypeSubtreeDelete - ControlTypeSubtreeDelete = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805" // ControlTypeServerSideSorting - ControlTypeServerSideSorting = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.473" // ControlTypeServerSideSorting - ControlTypeServerSideSortingResult = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.474" // ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification - ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.528" // ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted - ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.417" // ControlTypeMicrosoftServerLinkTTL - ControlTypeMicrosoftServerLinkTTL = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.2309" // ControlTypeDirSync - Active Directory DirSync - ControlTypeDirSync = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.841" // ControlTypeSyncRequest - ControlTypeSyncRequest = "" // ControlTypeSyncState - ControlTypeSyncState = "" // ControlTypeSyncDone - ControlTypeSyncDone = "" // ControlTypeSyncInfo - ControlTypeSyncInfo = "" )
Flags for DirSync control
const ( DirSyncIncrementalValues int64 = 2147483648 DirSyncPublicDataOnly int64 = 8192 DirSyncAncestorsFirstOrder int64 = 2048 DirSyncObjectSecurity int64 = 1 )
LDAP Result Codes
const ( LDAPResultSuccess = 0 LDAPResultOperationsError = 1 LDAPResultProtocolError = 2 LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded = 3 LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded = 4 LDAPResultCompareFalse = 5 LDAPResultCompareTrue = 6 LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported = 7 LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired = 8 LDAPResultReferral = 10 LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded = 11 = 12 LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired = 13 LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress = 14 LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute = 16 LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType = 17 LDAPResultInappropriateMatching = 18 LDAPResultConstraintViolation = 19 LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists = 20 LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax = 21 LDAPResultNoSuchObject = 32 LDAPResultAliasProblem = 33 LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax = 34 LDAPResultIsLeaf = 35 LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem = 36 LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication = 48 LDAPResultInvalidCredentials = 49 LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights = 50 LDAPResultBusy = 51 = 52 LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform = 53 LDAPResultLoopDetect = 54 LDAPResultSortControlMissing = 60 LDAPResultOffsetRangeError = 61 LDAPResultNamingViolation = 64 LDAPResultObjectClassViolation = 65 LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf = 66 LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN = 67 LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists = 68 LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited = 69 LDAPResultResultsTooLarge = 70 LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs = 71 LDAPResultVirtualListViewErrorOrControlError = 76 LDAPResultOther = 80 LDAPResultServerDown = 81 LDAPResultLocalError = 82 LDAPResultEncodingError = 83 LDAPResultDecodingError = 84 LDAPResultTimeout = 85 LDAPResultAuthUnknown = 86 LDAPResultFilterError = 87 LDAPResultUserCanceled = 88 LDAPResultParamError = 89 LDAPResultNoMemory = 90 LDAPResultConnectError = 91 LDAPResultNotSupported = 92 LDAPResultControlNotFound = 93 LDAPResultNoResultsReturned = 94 LDAPResultMoreResultsToReturn = 95 LDAPResultClientLoop = 96 LDAPResultReferralLimitExceeded = 97 LDAPResultInvalidResponse = 100 LDAPResultAmbiguousResponse = 101 LDAPResultTLSNotSupported = 112 LDAPResultIntermediateResponse = 113 LDAPResultUnknownType = 114 LDAPResultCanceled = 118 LDAPResultNoSuchOperation = 119 LDAPResultTooLate = 120 LDAPResultCannotCancel = 121 LDAPResultAssertionFailed = 122 LDAPResultAuthorizationDenied = 123 LDAPResultSyncRefreshRequired = 4096 ErrorNetwork = 200 ErrorFilterCompile = 201 ErrorFilterDecompile = 202 ErrorDebugging = 203 ErrorUnexpectedMessage = 204 ErrorUnexpectedResponse = 205 ErrorEmptyPassword = 206 )
Filter choices
const ( FilterAnd = 0 FilterOr = 1 FilterNot = 2 FilterEqualityMatch = 3 FilterSubstrings = 4 FilterGreaterOrEqual = 5 FilterLessOrEqual = 6 FilterPresent = 7 FilterApproxMatch = 8 FilterExtensibleMatch = 9 )
SubstringFilter options
const ( FilterSubstringsInitial = 0 FilterSubstringsAny = 1 FilterSubstringsFinal = 2 )
MatchingRuleAssertion choices
const ( MatchingRuleAssertionMatchingRule = 1 MatchingRuleAssertionType = 2 MatchingRuleAssertionMatchValue = 3 MatchingRuleAssertionDNAttributes = 4 )
LDAP Application Codes
const ( ApplicationBindRequest = 0 ApplicationBindResponse = 1 ApplicationUnbindRequest = 2 ApplicationSearchRequest = 3 ApplicationSearchResultEntry = 4 ApplicationSearchResultDone = 5 ApplicationModifyRequest = 6 ApplicationModifyResponse = 7 ApplicationAddRequest = 8 ApplicationAddResponse = 9 ApplicationDelRequest = 10 ApplicationDelResponse = 11 ApplicationModifyDNRequest = 12 ApplicationModifyDNResponse = 13 ApplicationCompareRequest = 14 ApplicationCompareResponse = 15 ApplicationAbandonRequest = 16 ApplicationSearchResultReference = 19 ApplicationExtendedRequest = 23 ApplicationExtendedResponse = 24 ApplicationIntermediateResponse = 25 )
Ldap Behera Password Policy Draft 10 (
const ( BeheraPasswordExpired = 0 BeheraAccountLocked = 1 BeheraChangeAfterReset = 2 BeheraPasswordModNotAllowed = 3 BeheraMustSupplyOldPassword = 4 BeheraInsufficientPasswordQuality = 5 BeheraPasswordTooShort = 6 BeheraPasswordTooYoung = 7 BeheraPasswordInHistory = 8 )
Change operation choices
const ( AddAttribute = 0 DeleteAttribute = 1 ReplaceAttribute = 2 IncrementAttribute = 3 // ( )
scope choices
const ( ScopeBaseObject = 0 ScopeSingleLevel = 1 ScopeWholeSubtree = 2 )
const ( NeverDerefAliases = 0 DerefInSearching = 1 DerefFindingBaseObj = 2 DerefAlways = 3 )
ApplicationMap contains human readable descriptions of LDAP Application Codes
var ApplicationMap = map[uint8]string{ ApplicationBindRequest: "Bind Request", ApplicationBindResponse: "Bind Response", ApplicationUnbindRequest: "Unbind Request", ApplicationSearchRequest: "Search Request", ApplicationSearchResultEntry: "Search Result Entry", ApplicationSearchResultDone: "Search Result Done", ApplicationModifyRequest: "Modify Request", ApplicationModifyResponse: "Modify Response", ApplicationAddRequest: "Add Request", ApplicationAddResponse: "Add Response", ApplicationDelRequest: "Del Request", ApplicationDelResponse: "Del Response", ApplicationModifyDNRequest: "Modify DN Request", ApplicationModifyDNResponse: "Modify DN Response", ApplicationCompareRequest: "Compare Request", ApplicationCompareResponse: "Compare Response", ApplicationAbandonRequest: "Abandon Request", ApplicationSearchResultReference: "Search Result Reference", ApplicationExtendedRequest: "Extended Request", ApplicationExtendedResponse: "Extended Response", ApplicationIntermediateResponse: "Intermediate Response", }
BeheraPasswordPolicyErrorMap contains human readable descriptions of Behera Password Policy error codes
var BeheraPasswordPolicyErrorMap = map[int8]string{ BeheraPasswordExpired: "Password expired", BeheraAccountLocked: "Account locked", BeheraChangeAfterReset: "Password must be changed", BeheraPasswordModNotAllowed: "Policy prevents password modification", BeheraMustSupplyOldPassword: "Policy requires old password in order to change password", BeheraInsufficientPasswordQuality: "Password fails quality checks", BeheraPasswordTooShort: "Password is too short for policy", BeheraPasswordTooYoung: "Password has been changed too recently", BeheraPasswordInHistory: "New password is in list of old passwords", }
var ControlServerSideSortingCodes = []ControlServerSideSortingCode{ ControlServerSideSortingCodeSuccess, ControlServerSideSortingCodeOperationsError, ControlServerSideSortingCodeTimeLimitExceeded, ControlServerSideSortingCodeStrongAuthRequired, ControlServerSideSortingCodeAdminLimitExceeded, ControlServerSideSortingCodeNoSuchAttribute, ControlServerSideSortingCodeInappropriateMatching, ControlServerSideSortingCodeInsufficientAccessRights, ControlServerSideSortingCodeBusy, ControlServerSideSortingCodeUnwillingToPerform, ControlServerSideSortingCodeOther, }
ControlTypeMap maps controls to text descriptions
var ControlTypeMap = map[string]string{ ControlTypePaging: "Paging", ControlTypeBeheraPasswordPolicy: "Password Policy - Behera Draft", ControlTypeManageDsaIT: "Manage DSA IT", ControlTypeSubtreeDelete: "Subtree Delete Control", ControlTypeMicrosoftNotification: "Change Notification - Microsoft", ControlTypeMicrosoftShowDeleted: "Show Deleted Objects - Microsoft", ControlTypeMicrosoftServerLinkTTL: "Return TTL-DNs for link values with associated expiry times - Microsoft", ControlTypeServerSideSorting: "Server Side Sorting Request - LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results (RFC2891)", ControlTypeServerSideSortingResult: "Server Side Sorting Results - LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results (RFC2891)", ControlTypeDirSync: "DirSync", ControlTypeSyncRequest: "Sync Request", ControlTypeSyncState: "Sync State", ControlTypeSyncDone: "Sync Done", ControlTypeSyncInfo: "Sync Info", }
DefaultTimeout is a package-level variable that sets the timeout value used for the Dial and DialTLS methods.
WARNING: since this is a package-level variable, setting this value from multiple places will probably result in undesired behaviour.
var DefaultTimeout = 60 * time.Second
DerefMap contains human readable descriptions of derefAliases choices
var DerefMap = map[int]string{ NeverDerefAliases: "NeverDerefAliases", DerefInSearching: "DerefInSearching", DerefFindingBaseObj: "DerefFindingBaseObj", DerefAlways: "DerefAlways", }
ErrConnUnbound is returned when Unbind is called on an already closing connection.
var ErrConnUnbound = NewError(ErrorNetwork, errors.New("ldap: connection is closed"))
var ( // ErrNilConnection is returned if doRequest is called with a nil connection. ErrNilConnection = errors.New("ldap: conn is nil, expected net.Conn") )
FilterMap contains human readable descriptions of Filter choices
var FilterMap = map[uint64]string{ FilterAnd: "And", FilterOr: "Or", FilterNot: "Not", FilterEqualityMatch: "Equality Match", FilterSubstrings: "Substrings", FilterGreaterOrEqual: "Greater Or Equal", FilterLessOrEqual: "Less Or Equal", FilterPresent: "Present", FilterApproxMatch: "Approx Match", FilterExtensibleMatch: "Extensible Match", }
FilterSubstringsMap contains human readable descriptions of SubstringFilter choices
var FilterSubstringsMap = map[uint64]string{ FilterSubstringsInitial: "Substrings Initial", FilterSubstringsAny: "Substrings Any", FilterSubstringsFinal: "Substrings Final", }
LDAPResultCodeMap contains string descriptions for LDAP error codes
var LDAPResultCodeMap = map[uint16]string{ LDAPResultSuccess: "Success", LDAPResultOperationsError: "Operations Error", LDAPResultProtocolError: "Protocol Error", LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded: "Time Limit Exceeded", LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded: "Size Limit Exceeded", LDAPResultCompareFalse: "Compare False", LDAPResultCompareTrue: "Compare True", LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported: "Auth Method Not Supported", LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired: "Strong Auth Required", LDAPResultReferral: "Referral", LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded: "Admin Limit Exceeded", LDAPResultUnavailableCriticalExtension: "Unavailable Critical Extension", LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired: "Confidentiality Required", LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress: "Sasl Bind In Progress", LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute: "No Such Attribute", LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType: "Undefined Attribute Type", LDAPResultInappropriateMatching: "Inappropriate Matching", LDAPResultConstraintViolation: "Constraint Violation", LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists: "Attribute Or Value Exists", LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax: "Invalid Attribute Syntax", LDAPResultNoSuchObject: "No Such Object", LDAPResultAliasProblem: "Alias Problem", LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax: "Invalid DN Syntax", LDAPResultIsLeaf: "Is Leaf", LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem: "Alias Dereferencing Problem", LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication: "Inappropriate Authentication", LDAPResultInvalidCredentials: "Invalid Credentials", LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights: "Insufficient Access Rights", LDAPResultBusy: "Busy", LDAPResultUnavailable: "Unavailable", LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform: "Unwilling To Perform", LDAPResultLoopDetect: "Loop Detect", LDAPResultSortControlMissing: "Sort Control Missing", LDAPResultOffsetRangeError: "Result Offset Range Error", LDAPResultNamingViolation: "Naming Violation", LDAPResultObjectClassViolation: "Object Class Violation", LDAPResultResultsTooLarge: "Results Too Large", LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf: "Not Allowed On Non Leaf", LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN: "Not Allowed On RDN", LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists: "Entry Already Exists", LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited: "Object Class Mods Prohibited", LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs: "Affects Multiple DSAs", LDAPResultVirtualListViewErrorOrControlError: "Failed because of a problem related to the virtual list view", LDAPResultOther: "Other", LDAPResultServerDown: "Cannot establish a connection", LDAPResultLocalError: "An error occurred", LDAPResultEncodingError: "LDAP encountered an error while encoding", LDAPResultDecodingError: "LDAP encountered an error while decoding", LDAPResultTimeout: "LDAP timeout while waiting for a response from the server", LDAPResultAuthUnknown: "The auth method requested in a bind request is unknown", LDAPResultFilterError: "An error occurred while encoding the given search filter", LDAPResultUserCanceled: "The user canceled the operation", LDAPResultParamError: "An invalid parameter was specified", LDAPResultNoMemory: "Out of memory error", LDAPResultConnectError: "A connection to the server could not be established", LDAPResultNotSupported: "An attempt has been made to use a feature not supported LDAP", LDAPResultControlNotFound: "The controls required to perform the requested operation were not found", LDAPResultNoResultsReturned: "No results were returned from the server", LDAPResultMoreResultsToReturn: "There are more results in the chain of results", LDAPResultClientLoop: "A loop has been detected. For example when following referrals", LDAPResultReferralLimitExceeded: "The referral hop limit has been exceeded", LDAPResultCanceled: "Operation was canceled", LDAPResultNoSuchOperation: "Server has no knowledge of the operation requested for cancellation", LDAPResultTooLate: "Too late to cancel the outstanding operation", LDAPResultCannotCancel: "The identified operation does not support cancellation or the cancel operation cannot be performed", LDAPResultAssertionFailed: "An assertion control given in the LDAP operation evaluated to false causing the operation to not be performed", LDAPResultSyncRefreshRequired: "Refresh Required", LDAPResultInvalidResponse: "Invalid Response", LDAPResultAmbiguousResponse: "Ambiguous Response", LDAPResultTLSNotSupported: "Tls Not Supported", LDAPResultIntermediateResponse: "Intermediate Response", LDAPResultUnknownType: "Unknown Type", LDAPResultAuthorizationDenied: "Authorization Denied", ErrorNetwork: "Network Error", ErrorFilterCompile: "Filter Compile Error", ErrorFilterDecompile: "Filter Decompile Error", ErrorDebugging: "Debugging Error", ErrorUnexpectedMessage: "Unexpected Message", ErrorUnexpectedResponse: "Unexpected Response", ErrorEmptyPassword: "Empty password not allowed by the client", }
MatchingRuleAssertionMap contains human readable descriptions of MatchingRuleAssertion choices
var MatchingRuleAssertionMap = map[uint64]string{ MatchingRuleAssertionMatchingRule: "Matching Rule Assertion Matching Rule", MatchingRuleAssertionType: "Matching Rule Assertion Type", MatchingRuleAssertionMatchValue: "Matching Rule Assertion Match Value", MatchingRuleAssertionDNAttributes: "Matching Rule Assertion DN Attributes", }
ScopeMap contains human readable descriptions of scope choices
var ScopeMap = map[int]string{ ScopeBaseObject: "Base Object", ScopeSingleLevel: "Single Level", ScopeWholeSubtree: "Whole Subtree", }
func CompileFilter(filter string) (*ber.Packet, error)
CompileFilter converts a string representation of a filter into a BER-encoded packet
func DebugBinaryFile(fileName string) error
DebugBinaryFile reads and prints packets from the given filename
func DecompileFilter(packet *ber.Packet) (_ string, err error)
DecompileFilter converts a packet representation of a filter into a string representation
func EscapeDN(dn string) string
EscapeDN escapes distinguished names as described in RFC4514. Characters in the set `"+,;<>\` are escaped by prepending a backslash, which is also done for trailing spaces or a leading `#`. Null bytes are replaced with `\00`.
func EscapeFilter(filter string) string
EscapeFilter escapes from the provided LDAP filter string the special characters in the set `()*\` and those out of the range 0 < c < 0x80, as defined in RFC4515.
func GetLDAPError(packet *ber.Packet) error
GetLDAPError creates an Error out of a BER packet representing a LDAPResult The return is an error object. It can be casted to a Error structure. This function returns nil if resultCode in the LDAPResult sequence is success(0).
func IsErrorAnyOf(err error, codes ...uint16) bool
IsErrorAnyOf returns true if the given error is an LDAP error with any one of the given result codes
func IsErrorWithCode(err error, desiredResultCode uint16) bool
IsErrorWithCode returns true if the given error is an LDAP error with the given result code
func Logger(l *log.Logger)
Logger allows clients to override the default logger
func NewError(resultCode uint16, err error) error
NewError creates an LDAP error with the given code and underlying error
AddRequest represents an LDAP AddRequest operation
type AddRequest struct { // DN identifies the entry being added DN string // Attributes list the attributes of the new entry Attributes []Attribute // Controls hold optional controls to send with the request Controls []Control }
func NewAddRequest(dn string, controls []Control) *AddRequest
NewAddRequest returns an AddRequest for the given DN, with no attributes
func (req *AddRequest) Attribute(attrType string, attrVals []string)
Attribute adds an attribute with the given type and values
Attribute represents an LDAP attribute
type Attribute struct { // Type is the name of the LDAP attribute Type string // Vals are the LDAP attribute values Vals []string }
AttributeTypeAndValue represents an attributeTypeAndValue from
type AttributeTypeAndValue struct { // Type is the attribute type Type string // Value is the attribute value Value string }
func (a *AttributeTypeAndValue) Equal(other *AttributeTypeAndValue) bool
Equal returns true if the AttributeTypeAndValue is equivalent to the specified AttributeTypeAndValue Case of the attribute type is not significant
func (a *AttributeTypeAndValue) EqualFold(other *AttributeTypeAndValue) bool
EqualFold returns true if the AttributeTypeAndValue is equivalent to the specified AttributeTypeAndValue Case of the attribute type and value is not significant
func (a *AttributeTypeAndValue) String() string
String returns a normalized string representation of this attribute type and value pair which is the a lowercased join of the Type and Value with a "=".
Change for a ModifyRequest as defined in
type Change struct { // Operation is the type of change to be made Operation uint // Modification is the attribute to be modified Modification PartialAttribute }
Client knows how to interact with an LDAP server
type Client interface { Start() StartTLS(*tls.Config) error Close() error GetLastError() error IsClosing() bool SetTimeout(time.Duration) TLSConnectionState() (tls.ConnectionState, bool) Bind(username, password string) error UnauthenticatedBind(username string) error SimpleBind(*SimpleBindRequest) (*SimpleBindResult, error) ExternalBind() error NTLMUnauthenticatedBind(domain, username string) error Unbind() error Add(*AddRequest) error Del(*DelRequest) error Modify(*ModifyRequest) error ModifyDN(*ModifyDNRequest) error ModifyWithResult(*ModifyRequest) (*ModifyResult, error) Compare(dn, attribute, value string) (bool, error) PasswordModify(*PasswordModifyRequest) (*PasswordModifyResult, error) Search(*SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error) SearchAsync(ctx context.Context, searchRequest *SearchRequest, bufferSize int) Response SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32) (*SearchResult, error) DirSync(searchRequest *SearchRequest, flags, maxAttrCount int64, cookie []byte) (*SearchResult, error) DirSyncAsync(ctx context.Context, searchRequest *SearchRequest, bufferSize int, flags, maxAttrCount int64, cookie []byte) Response Syncrepl(ctx context.Context, searchRequest *SearchRequest, bufferSize int, mode ControlSyncRequestMode, cookie []byte, reloadHint bool) Response }
CompareRequest represents an LDAP CompareRequest operation.
type CompareRequest struct { DN string Attribute string Value string }
Conn represents an LDAP Connection
type Conn struct {
Debug debugging
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func Dial(network, addr string) (*Conn, error)
Dial connects to the given address on the given network using net.Dial and then returns a new Conn for the connection. @deprecated Use DialURL instead.
func DialTLS(network, addr string, config *tls.Config) (*Conn, error)
DialTLS connects to the given address on the given network using tls.Dial and then returns a new Conn for the connection. @deprecated Use DialURL instead.
func DialURL(addr string, opts ...DialOpt) (*Conn, error)
DialURL connects to the given ldap URL. The following schemas are supported: ldap://, ldaps://, ldapi://, and cldap:// (RFC1798, deprecated but used by Active Directory). On success a new Conn for the connection is returned.
func NewConn(conn net.Conn, isTLS bool) *Conn
NewConn returns a new Conn using conn for network I/O.
func (l *Conn) Add(addRequest *AddRequest) error
Add performs the given AddRequest
func (l *Conn) Bind(username, password string) error
Bind performs a bind with the given username and password.
It does not allow unauthenticated bind (i.e. empty password). Use the UnauthenticatedBind method for that.
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) Close() (err error)
Close closes the connection.
func (l *Conn) Compare(dn, attribute, value string) (bool, error)
Compare checks to see if the attribute of the dn matches value. Returns true if it does otherwise false with any error that occurs if any.
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) Del(delRequest *DelRequest) error
Del executes the given delete request
func (l *Conn) DigestMD5Bind(digestMD5BindRequest *DigestMD5BindRequest) (*DigestMD5BindResult, error)
DigestMD5Bind performs the digest-md5 bind operation defined in the given request
func (l *Conn) DirSync( searchRequest *SearchRequest, flags int64, maxAttrCount int64, cookie []byte, ) (*SearchResult, error)
DirSync does a Search with dirSync Control.
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) DirSyncAsync( ctx context.Context, searchRequest *SearchRequest, bufferSize int, flags, maxAttrCount int64, cookie []byte, ) Response
DirSyncDirSyncAsync performs a search request and returns all search results asynchronously. This is efficient when the server returns lots of entries.
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) ExternalBind() error
ExternalBind performs SASL/EXTERNAL authentication.
Use ldap.DialURL("ldapi://") to connect to the Unix socket before ExternalBind.
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) GSSAPIBind(client GSSAPIClient, servicePrincipal, authzid string) error
GSSAPIBind performs the GSSAPI SASL bind using the provided GSSAPI client.
func (l *Conn) GSSAPIBindRequest(client GSSAPIClient, req *GSSAPIBindRequest) error
GSSAPIBindRequest performs the GSSAPI SASL bind using the provided GSSAPI client.
func (l *Conn) GetLastError() error
GetLastError returns the last recorded error from goroutines like processMessages and reader. Only the last recorded error will be returned.
func (l *Conn) IsClosing() bool
IsClosing returns whether or not we're currently closing.
func (l *Conn) MD5Bind(host, username, password string) error
MD5Bind performs a digest-md5 bind with the given host, username and password.
func (l *Conn) Modify(modifyRequest *ModifyRequest) error
Modify performs the ModifyRequest
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) ModifyDN(m *ModifyDNRequest) error
ModifyDN renames the given DN and optionally move to another base (when the "newSup" argument to NewModifyDNRequest() is not "").
▹ Example (MoveOnly)
▹ Example (RenameAndMove)
▹ Example (RenameNoMove)
func (l *Conn) ModifyWithResult(modifyRequest *ModifyRequest) (*ModifyResult, error)
ModifyWithResult performs the ModifyRequest and returns the result
func (l *Conn) NTLMBind(domain, username, password string) error
NTLMBind performs an NTLMSSP Bind with the given domain, username and password
func (l *Conn) NTLMBindWithHash(domain, username, hash string) error
NTLMBindWithHash performs an NTLM Bind with an NTLM hash instead of plaintext password (pass-the-hash)
func (l *Conn) NTLMChallengeBind(ntlmBindRequest *NTLMBindRequest) (*NTLMBindResult, error)
NTLMChallengeBind performs the NTLMSSP bind operation defined in the given request
func (l *Conn) NTLMUnauthenticatedBind(domain, username string) error
NTLMUnauthenticatedBind performs an bind with an empty password.
A username is required. The anonymous bind is not (yet) supported by the go-ntlmssp library (
See part
func (l *Conn) PasswordModify(passwordModifyRequest *PasswordModifyRequest) (*PasswordModifyResult, error)
PasswordModify performs the modification request
▹ Example (Admin)
▹ Example (GeneratedPassword)
▹ Example (SetNewPassword)
func (l *Conn) Search(searchRequest *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error)
Search performs the given search request
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) SearchAsync( ctx context.Context, searchRequest *SearchRequest, bufferSize int) Response
SearchAsync performs a search request and returns all search results asynchronously. This means you get all results until an error happens (or the search successfully finished), e.g. for size / time limited requests all are recieved until the limit is reached. To stop the search, call cancel function of the context.
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32) (*SearchResult, error)
SearchWithPaging accepts a search request and desired page size in order to execute LDAP queries to fulfill the search request. All paged LDAP query responses will be buffered and the final result will be returned atomically. The following four cases are possible given the arguments:
A requested pagingSize of 0 is interpreted as no limit by LDAP servers.
func (l *Conn) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration)
SetTimeout sets the time after a request is sent that a MessageTimeout triggers
func (l *Conn) SimpleBind(simpleBindRequest *SimpleBindRequest) (*SimpleBindResult, error)
SimpleBind performs the simple bind operation defined in the given request
func (l *Conn) Start()
Start initializes goroutines to read responses and process messages
func (l *Conn) StartTLS(config *tls.Config) error
StartTLS sends the command to start a TLS session and then creates a new TLS Client
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) Syncrepl( ctx context.Context, searchRequest *SearchRequest, bufferSize int, mode ControlSyncRequestMode, cookie []byte, reloadHint bool, ) Response
Syncrepl is a short name for LDAP Sync Replication engine that works on the consumer-side. This can perform a persistent search and returns an entry when the entry is updated on the server side. To stop the search, call cancel function of the context.
▹ Example
func (l *Conn) TLSConnectionState() (state tls.ConnectionState, ok bool)
TLSConnectionState returns the client's TLS connection state. The return values are their zero values if StartTLS did not succeed.
func (l *Conn) UnauthenticatedBind(username string) error
UnauthenticatedBind performs an unauthenticated bind.
A username may be provided for trace (e.g. logging) purpose only, but it is normally not authenticated or otherwise validated by the LDAP server.
See . See .
func (l *Conn) Unbind() error
Unbind will perform an unbind request. The Unbind operation should be thought of as the "quit" operation. See
func (l *Conn) WhoAmI(controls []Control) (*WhoAmIResult, error)
WhoAmI returns the authzId the server thinks we are, you may pass controls like a Proxied Authorization control
▹ Example
Control defines an interface controls provide to encode and describe themselves
type Control interface { // GetControlType returns the OID GetControlType() string // Encode returns the ber packet representation Encode() *ber.Packet // String returns a human-readable description String() string }
func DecodeControl(packet *ber.Packet) (Control, error)
DecodeControl returns a control read from the given packet, or nil if no recognized control can be made
func FindControl(controls []Control, controlType string) Control
FindControl returns the first control of the given type in the list, or nil
ControlBeheraPasswordPolicy implements the control described in
type ControlBeheraPasswordPolicy struct { // Expire contains the number of seconds before a password will expire Expire int64 // Grace indicates the remaining number of times a user will be allowed to authenticate with an expired password Grace int64 // Error indicates the error code Error int8 // ErrorString is a human readable error ErrorString string }
func NewControlBeheraPasswordPolicy() *ControlBeheraPasswordPolicy
NewControlBeheraPasswordPolicy returns a ControlBeheraPasswordPolicy
func (c *ControlBeheraPasswordPolicy) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlBeheraPasswordPolicy) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlBeheraPasswordPolicy) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlDirSync implements the control described in
type ControlDirSync struct { Criticality bool Flags int64 MaxAttrCount int64 Cookie []byte }
func NewControlDirSync(flags int64, maxAttrCount int64, cookie []byte) *ControlDirSync
@deprecated Use NewRequestControlDirSync instead
func NewRequestControlDirSync( flags int64, maxAttrCount int64, cookie []byte, ) *ControlDirSync
NewRequestControlDirSync returns a dir sync control
func NewResponseControlDirSync(value *ber.Packet) (*ControlDirSync, error)
NewResponseControlDirSync returns a dir sync control
func (c *ControlDirSync) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlDirSync) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlDirSync) SetCookie(cookie []byte)
SetCookie stores the given cookie in the dirSync control
func (c *ControlDirSync) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlManageDsaIT implements the control described in
type ControlManageDsaIT struct { // Criticality indicates if this control is required Criticality bool }
func NewControlManageDsaIT(Criticality bool) *ControlManageDsaIT
NewControlManageDsaIT returns a ControlManageDsaIT control
func (c *ControlManageDsaIT) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlManageDsaIT) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlManageDsaIT) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlMicrosoftNotification implements the control described in
type ControlMicrosoftNotification struct{}
func NewControlMicrosoftNotification() *ControlMicrosoftNotification
NewControlMicrosoftNotification returns a ControlMicrosoftNotification control
func (c *ControlMicrosoftNotification) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlMicrosoftNotification) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlMicrosoftNotification) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL implements the control described in
type ControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL struct{}
func NewControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL() *ControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL
NewControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL returns a ControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL control
func (c *ControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlMicrosoftServerLinkTTL) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted implements the control described in
type ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted struct{}
func NewControlMicrosoftShowDeleted() *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted
NewControlMicrosoftShowDeleted returns a ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted control
func (c *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlMicrosoftShowDeleted) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlPaging implements the paging control described in
type ControlPaging struct { // PagingSize indicates the page size PagingSize uint32 // Cookie is an opaque value returned by the server to track a paging cursor Cookie []byte }
▹ Example (ManualPaging)
func NewControlPaging(pagingSize uint32) *ControlPaging
NewControlPaging returns a paging control
func (c *ControlPaging) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlPaging) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlPaging) SetCookie(cookie []byte)
SetCookie stores the given cookie in the paging control
func (c *ControlPaging) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
type ControlServerSideSorting struct { SortKeys []*SortKey }
func NewControlServerSideSorting(value *ber.Packet) (*ControlServerSideSorting, error)
func NewControlServerSideSortingWithSortKeys(sortKeys []*SortKey) *ControlServerSideSorting
func (c *ControlServerSideSorting) Encode() *ber.Packet
func (c *ControlServerSideSorting) GetControlType() string
func (c *ControlServerSideSorting) String() string
type ControlServerSideSortingCode int64
const ( ControlServerSideSortingCodeSuccess ControlServerSideSortingCode = 0 ControlServerSideSortingCodeOperationsError ControlServerSideSortingCode = 1 ControlServerSideSortingCodeTimeLimitExceeded ControlServerSideSortingCode = 2 ControlServerSideSortingCodeStrongAuthRequired ControlServerSideSortingCode = 8 ControlServerSideSortingCodeAdminLimitExceeded ControlServerSideSortingCode = 11 ControlServerSideSortingCodeNoSuchAttribute ControlServerSideSortingCode = 16 ControlServerSideSortingCodeInappropriateMatching ControlServerSideSortingCode = 18 ControlServerSideSortingCodeInsufficientAccessRights ControlServerSideSortingCode = 50 ControlServerSideSortingCodeBusy ControlServerSideSortingCode = 51 ControlServerSideSortingCodeUnwillingToPerform ControlServerSideSortingCode = 53 ControlServerSideSortingCodeOther ControlServerSideSortingCode = 80 )
func (c ControlServerSideSortingCode) Valid() error
Valid test the code contained in the control against the ControlServerSideSortingCodes slice and return an error if the code is unknown.
type ControlServerSideSortingResult struct { Criticality bool Result ControlServerSideSortingCode }
func NewControlServerSideSortingResult(pkt *ber.Packet) (*ControlServerSideSortingResult, error)
func (c *ControlServerSideSortingResult) Encode() *ber.Packet
func (control *ControlServerSideSortingResult) GetControlType() string
func (c *ControlServerSideSortingResult) String() string
ControlString implements the Control interface for simple controls
type ControlString struct { ControlType string Criticality bool ControlValue string }
func NewControlString(controlType string, criticality bool, controlValue string) *ControlString
NewControlString returns a generic control
func (c *ControlString) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlString) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlString) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlSubtreeDelete implements the subtree delete control described in
type ControlSubtreeDelete struct{}
func NewControlSubtreeDelete() *ControlSubtreeDelete
NewControlSubtreeDelete returns a ControlSubtreeDelete control.
func (c *ControlSubtreeDelete) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlSubtreeDelete) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlSubtreeDelete) String() string
ControlSyncDone implements the Sync Done Control described in
type ControlSyncDone struct { Criticality bool Cookie []byte RefreshDeletes bool }
func NewControlSyncDone(pkt *ber.Packet) (*ControlSyncDone, error)
func (c *ControlSyncDone) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode encodes the control
func (c *ControlSyncDone) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlSyncDone) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlSyncInfo implements the Sync Info Control described in
type ControlSyncInfo struct { Criticality bool Value ControlSyncInfoValue NewCookie *ControlSyncInfoNewCookie RefreshDelete *ControlSyncInfoRefreshDelete RefreshPresent *ControlSyncInfoRefreshPresent SyncIdSet *ControlSyncInfoSyncIdSet }
func NewControlSyncInfo(pkt *ber.Packet) (*ControlSyncInfo, error)
func (c *ControlSyncInfo) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode encodes the control
func (c *ControlSyncInfo) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlSyncInfo) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlSyncInfoNewCookie implements a part of syncInfoValue described in
type ControlSyncInfoNewCookie struct { Cookie []byte }
func (c *ControlSyncInfoNewCookie) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlSyncInfoRefreshDelete implements a part of syncInfoValue described in
type ControlSyncInfoRefreshDelete struct { Cookie []byte RefreshDone bool }
func (c *ControlSyncInfoRefreshDelete) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlSyncInfoRefreshPresent implements a part of syncInfoValue described in
type ControlSyncInfoRefreshPresent struct { Cookie []byte RefreshDone bool }
func (c *ControlSyncInfoRefreshPresent) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlSyncInfoSyncIdSet implements a part of syncInfoValue described in
type ControlSyncInfoSyncIdSet struct { Cookie []byte RefreshDeletes bool SyncUUIDs []uuid.UUID }
func (c *ControlSyncInfoSyncIdSet) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
Tag For ControlSyncInfo
type ControlSyncInfoValue uint64
const ( ControlSyncInfoValue = 0 SyncInfoRefreshDelete ControlSyncInfoValue = 1 SyncInfoRefreshPresent ControlSyncInfoValue = 2 SyncInfoSyncIdSet ControlSyncInfoValue = 3 )
ControlSyncRequest implements the Sync Request Control described in
type ControlSyncRequest struct { Criticality bool Mode ControlSyncRequestMode Cookie []byte ReloadHint bool }
func NewControlSyncRequest( mode ControlSyncRequestMode, cookie []byte, reloadHint bool, ) *ControlSyncRequest
func (c *ControlSyncRequest) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode encodes the control
func (c *ControlSyncRequest) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlSyncRequest) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
Mode for ControlTypeSyncRequest
type ControlSyncRequestMode int64
const ( SyncRequestModeRefreshOnly ControlSyncRequestMode = 1 SyncRequestModeRefreshAndPersist ControlSyncRequestMode = 3 )
ControlSyncState implements the Sync State Control described in
type ControlSyncState struct { Criticality bool State ControlSyncStateState EntryUUID uuid.UUID Cookie []byte }
func NewControlSyncState(pkt *ber.Packet) (*ControlSyncState, error)
func (c *ControlSyncState) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode encodes the control
func (c *ControlSyncState) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlSyncState) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
State for ControlSyncState
type ControlSyncStateState int64
const ( SyncStatePresent ControlSyncStateState = 0 SyncStateAdd ControlSyncStateState = 1 SyncStateModify ControlSyncStateState = 2 SyncStateDelete ControlSyncStateState = 3 )
ControlVChuPasswordMustChange implements the control described in
type ControlVChuPasswordMustChange struct { // MustChange indicates if the password is required to be changed MustChange bool }
func (c *ControlVChuPasswordMustChange) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlVChuPasswordMustChange) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlVChuPasswordMustChange) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
ControlVChuPasswordWarning implements the control described in
type ControlVChuPasswordWarning struct { // Expire indicates the time in seconds until the password expires Expire int64 }
func (c *ControlVChuPasswordWarning) Encode() *ber.Packet
Encode returns the ber packet representation
func (c *ControlVChuPasswordWarning) GetControlType() string
GetControlType returns the OID
func (c *ControlVChuPasswordWarning) String() string
String returns a human-readable description
DN represents a distinguishedName from
type DN struct { RDNs []*RelativeDN }
func ParseDN(str string) (*DN, error)
ParseDN returns a distinguishedName or an error. The function respects
func (d *DN) AncestorOf(other *DN) bool
AncestorOf returns true if the other DN consists of at least one RDN followed by all the RDNs of the current DN. "ou=widgets," is an ancestor of "ou=sprockets,ou=widgets," "ou=widgets," is not an ancestor of "ou=sprockets,ou=widgets," "ou=widgets," is not an ancestor of "ou=widgets,"
func (d *DN) AncestorOfFold(other *DN) bool
AncestorOfFold returns true if the other DN consists of at least one RDN followed by all the RDNs of the current DN. Case of the attribute type and value is not significant
func (d *DN) Equal(other *DN) bool
Equal returns true if the DNs are equal as defined by rfc4517 4.2.15 (distinguishedNameMatch). Returns true if they have the same number of relative distinguished names and corresponding relative distinguished names (by position) are the same.
func (d *DN) EqualFold(other *DN) bool
EqualFold returns true if the DNs are equal as defined by rfc4517 4.2.15 (distinguishedNameMatch). Returns true if they have the same number of relative distinguished names and corresponding relative distinguished names (by position) are the same. Case of the attribute type and value is not significant
func (d *DN) String() string
String returns a normalized string representation of this DN which is the join of all relative DNs with a ",".
DelRequest implements an LDAP deletion request
type DelRequest struct { // DN is the name of the directory entry to delete DN string // Controls hold optional controls to send with the request Controls []Control }
func NewDelRequest(DN string, Controls []Control) *DelRequest
NewDelRequest creates a delete request for the given DN and controls
DialContext contains necessary parameters to dial the given ldap URL.
type DialContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DialOpt configures DialContext.
type DialOpt func(*DialContext)
func DialWithDialer(d *net.Dialer) DialOpt
DialWithDialer updates net.Dialer in DialContext.
func DialWithTLSConfig(tc *tls.Config) DialOpt
DialWithTLSConfig updates tls.Config in DialContext.
func DialWithTLSDialer(tlsConfig *tls.Config, dialer *net.Dialer) DialOpt
DialWithTLSDialer is a wrapper for DialWithTLSConfig with the option to specify a net.Dialer to for example define a timeout or a custom resolver. @deprecated Use DialWithDialer and DialWithTLSConfig instead
DigestMD5BindRequest represents a digest-md5 bind operation
type DigestMD5BindRequest struct { Host string // Username is the name of the Directory object that the client wishes to bind as Username string // Password is the credentials to bind with Password string // Controls are optional controls to send with the bind request Controls []Control }
DigestMD5BindResult contains the response from the server
type DigestMD5BindResult struct { Controls []Control }
Entry represents a single search result entry
type Entry struct { // DN is the distinguished name of the entry DN string // Attributes are the returned attributes for the entry Attributes []*EntryAttribute }
func NewEntry(dn string, attributes map[string][]string) *Entry
NewEntry returns an Entry object with the specified distinguished name and attribute key-value pairs. The map of attributes is accessed in alphabetical order of the keys in order to ensure that, for the same input map of attributes, the output entry will contain the same order of attributes
func (e *Entry) GetAttributeValue(attribute string) string
GetAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or ""
func (e *Entry) GetAttributeValues(attribute string) []string
GetAttributeValues returns the values for the named attribute, or an empty list
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldAttributeValue(attribute string) string
GetEqualFoldAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or "". Attribute comparison is done with strings.EqualFold.
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldAttributeValues(attribute string) []string
GetEqualFoldAttributeValues returns the values for the named attribute, or an empty list. Attribute matching is done with strings.EqualFold.
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValue(attribute string) []byte
GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or an empty slice
func (e *Entry) GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValues(attribute string) [][]byte
GetEqualFoldRawAttributeValues returns the byte values for the named attribute, or an empty list
func (e *Entry) GetRawAttributeValue(attribute string) []byte
GetRawAttributeValue returns the first value for the named attribute, or an empty slice
func (e *Entry) GetRawAttributeValues(attribute string) [][]byte
GetRawAttributeValues returns the byte values for the named attribute, or an empty list
func (e *Entry) PrettyPrint(indent int)
PrettyPrint outputs a human-readable description indenting
func (e *Entry) Print()
Print outputs a human-readable description
func (e *Entry) Unmarshal(i interface{}) (err error)
Unmarshal parses the Entry in the value pointed to by i
Currently, this methods only supports struct fields of type string, []string, int, int64, []byte, *DN, []*DN or time.Time. Other field types will not be regarded. If the field type is a string or int but multiple attribute values are returned, the first value will be used to fill the field.
type UserEntry struct { // Fields with the tag key `dn` are automatically filled with the // objects distinguishedName. This can be used multiple times. DN string `ldap:"dn"` // This field will be filled with the attribute value for // userPrincipalName. An attribute can be read into a struct field // multiple times. Missing attributes will not result in an error. UserPrincipalName string `ldap:"userPrincipalName"` // memberOf may have multiple values. If you don't // know the amount of attribute values at runtime, use a string array. MemberOf []string `ldap:"memberOf"` // ID is an integer value, it will fail unmarshaling when the given // attribute value cannot be parsed into an integer. ID int `ldap:"id"` // LongID is similar to ID but uses an int64 instead. LongID int64 `ldap:"longId"` // Data is similar to MemberOf a slice containing all attribute // values. Data []byte `ldap:"data"` // Time is parsed with the generalizedTime spec into a time.Time Created time.Time `ldap:"createdTimestamp"` // *DN is parsed with the ParseDN Owner *ldap.DN `ldap:"owner"` // []*DN is parsed with the ParseDN Children []*ldap.DN `ldap:"children"` // This won't work, as the field is not of type string. For this // to work, you'll have to temporarily store the result in string // (or string array) and convert it to the desired type afterwards. UserAccountControl uint32 `ldap:"userPrincipalName"` } user := UserEntry{} if err := result.Unmarshal(&user); err != nil { // ... }
EntryAttribute holds a single attribute
type EntryAttribute struct { // Name is the name of the attribute Name string // Values contain the string values of the attribute Values []string // ByteValues contain the raw values of the attribute ByteValues [][]byte }
func NewEntryAttribute(name string, values []string) *EntryAttribute
NewEntryAttribute returns a new EntryAttribute with the desired key-value pair
func (e *EntryAttribute) PrettyPrint(indent int)
PrettyPrint outputs a human-readable description with indenting
func (e *EntryAttribute) Print()
Print outputs a human-readable description
Error holds LDAP error information
type Error struct { // Err is the underlying error Err error // ResultCode is the LDAP error code ResultCode uint16 // MatchedDN is the matchedDN returned if any MatchedDN string // Packet is the returned packet if any Packet *ber.Packet }
func (e *Error) Error() string
func (e *Error) Unwrap() error
GSSAPIBindRequest represents a GSSAPI SASL mechanism bind request. See rfc4752 and rfc4513 section
type GSSAPIBindRequest struct { // Service Principal Name user for the service ticket. Eg. "ldap/<host>" ServicePrincipalName string // (Optional) Authorization entity AuthZID string // (Optional) Controls to send with the bind request Controls []Control }
GSSAPIClient interface is used as the client-side implementation for the GSSAPI SASL mechanism. Interface inspired by GSSAPIClient from
type GSSAPIClient interface { // InitSecContext initiates the establishment of a security context for // GSS-API between the client and server. // Initially the token parameter should be specified as nil. // The routine may return a outputToken which should be transferred to // the server, where the server will present it to AcceptSecContext. // If no token need be sent, InitSecContext will indicate this by setting // needContinue to false. To complete the context // establishment, one or more reply tokens may be required from the server; // if so, InitSecContext will return a needContinue which is true. // In this case, InitSecContext should be called again when the // reply token is received from the server, passing the reply token // to InitSecContext via the token parameters. // See RFC 4752 section 3.1. InitSecContext(target string, token []byte) (outputToken []byte, needContinue bool, err error) // NegotiateSaslAuth performs the last step of the Sasl handshake. // It takes a token, which, when unwrapped, describes the servers supported // security layers (first octet) and maximum receive buffer (remaining // three octets). // If the received token is unacceptable an error must be returned to abort // the handshake. // Outputs a signed token describing the client's selected security layer // and receive buffer size and optionally an authorization identity. // The returned token will be sent to the server and the handshake considered // completed successfully and the server authenticated. // See RFC 4752 section 3.1. NegotiateSaslAuth(token []byte, authzid string) ([]byte, error) // DeleteSecContext destroys any established secure context. DeleteSecContext() error }
ModifyDNRequest holds the request to modify a DN
type ModifyDNRequest struct { DN string NewRDN string DeleteOldRDN bool NewSuperior string // Controls hold optional controls to send with the request Controls []Control }
func NewModifyDNRequest(dn string, rdn string, delOld bool, newSup string) *ModifyDNRequest
NewModifyDNRequest creates a new request which can be passed to ModifyDN().
To move an object in the tree, set the "newSup" to the new parent entry DN. Use an empty string for just changing the object's RDN.
For moving the object without renaming, the "rdn" must be the first RDN of the given DN.
A call like
mdnReq := NewModifyDNRequest("uid=someone,dc=example,dc=org", "uid=newname", true, "")
will setup the request to just rename uid=someone,dc=example,dc=org to uid=newname,dc=example,dc=org.
func NewModifyDNWithControlsRequest(dn string, rdn string, delOld bool, newSup string, controls []Control) *ModifyDNRequest
NewModifyDNWithControlsRequest creates a new request which can be passed to ModifyDN() and also allows setting LDAP request controls.
Refer NewModifyDNRequest for other parameters
ModifyRequest as defined in
type ModifyRequest struct { // DN is the distinguishedName of the directory entry to modify DN string // Changes contain the attributes to modify Changes []Change // Controls hold optional controls to send with the request Controls []Control }
func NewModifyRequest(dn string, controls []Control) *ModifyRequest
NewModifyRequest creates a modify request for the given DN
func (req *ModifyRequest) Add(attrType string, attrVals []string)
Add appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
func (req *ModifyRequest) Delete(attrType string, attrVals []string)
Delete appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
func (req *ModifyRequest) Increment(attrType string, attrVal string)
Increment appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
func (req *ModifyRequest) Replace(attrType string, attrVals []string)
Replace appends the given attribute to the list of changes to be made
ModifyResult holds the server's response to a modify request
type ModifyResult struct { // Controls are the returned controls Controls []Control // Referral is the returned referral Referral string }
NTLMBindRequest represents an NTLMSSP bind operation
type NTLMBindRequest struct { // Domain is the AD Domain to authenticate too. If not specified, it will be grabbed from the NTLMSSP Challenge Domain string // Username is the name of the Directory object that the client wishes to bind as Username string // Password is the credentials to bind with Password string // AllowEmptyPassword sets whether the client allows binding with an empty password // (normally used for unauthenticated bind). AllowEmptyPassword bool // Hash is the hex NTLM hash to bind with. Password or hash must be provided Hash string // Controls are optional controls to send with the bind request Controls []Control }
NTLMBindResult contains the response from the server
type NTLMBindResult struct { Controls []Control }
PacketResponse contains the packet or error encountered reading a response
type PacketResponse struct { // Packet is the packet read from the server Packet *ber.Packet // Error is an error encountered while reading Error error }
func (pr *PacketResponse) ReadPacket() (*ber.Packet, error)
ReadPacket returns the packet or an error
PartialAttribute for a ModifyRequest as defined in
type PartialAttribute struct { // Type is the type of the partial attribute Type string // Vals are the values of the partial attribute Vals []string }
PasswordModifyRequest implements the Password Modify Extended Operation as defined in
type PasswordModifyRequest struct { // UserIdentity is an optional string representation of the user associated with the request. // This string may or may not be an LDAPDN [RFC2253]. // If no UserIdentity field is present, the request acts up upon the password of the user currently associated with the LDAP session UserIdentity string // OldPassword, if present, contains the user's current password OldPassword string // NewPassword, if present, contains the desired password for this user NewPassword string }
func NewPasswordModifyRequest(userIdentity string, oldPassword string, newPassword string) *PasswordModifyRequest
NewPasswordModifyRequest creates a new PasswordModifyRequest
According to the RFC 3602 ( userIdentity is a string representing the user associated with the request. This string may or may not be an LDAPDN (RFC 2253). If userIdentity is empty then the operation will act on the user associated with the session.
oldPassword is the current user's password, it can be empty or it can be needed depending on the session user access rights (usually an administrator can change a user's password without knowing the current one) and the password policy (see pwdSafeModify password policy's attribute)
newPassword is the desired user's password. If empty the server can return an error or generate a new password that will be available in the PasswordModifyResult.GeneratedPassword
PasswordModifyResult holds the server response to a PasswordModifyRequest
type PasswordModifyResult struct { // GeneratedPassword holds a password generated by the server, if present GeneratedPassword string // Referral are the returned referral Referral string }
RelativeDN represents a relativeDistinguishedName from
type RelativeDN struct { Attributes []*AttributeTypeAndValue }
func (r *RelativeDN) Equal(other *RelativeDN) bool
Equal returns true if the RelativeDNs are equal as defined by rfc4517 4.2.15 (distinguishedNameMatch). Relative distinguished names are the same if and only if they have the same number of AttributeTypeAndValues and each attribute of the first RDN is the same as the attribute of the second RDN with the same attribute type. The order of attributes is not significant. Case of attribute types is not significant.
func (r *RelativeDN) EqualFold(other *RelativeDN) bool
EqualFold returns true if the RelativeDNs are equal as defined by rfc4517 4.2.15 (distinguishedNameMatch). Case of the attribute type is not significant
func (r *RelativeDN) String() string
String returns a normalized string representation of this relative DN which is the a join of all attributes (sorted in increasing order) with a "+".
Response defines an interface to get data from an LDAP server
type Response interface { Entry() *Entry Referral() string Controls() []Control Err() error Next() bool }
SearchRequest represents a search request to send to the server
type SearchRequest struct { BaseDN string Scope int DerefAliases int SizeLimit int TimeLimit int TypesOnly bool Filter string Attributes []string Controls []Control }
func NewSearchRequest( BaseDN string, Scope, DerefAliases, SizeLimit, TimeLimit int, TypesOnly bool, Filter string, Attributes []string, Controls []Control, ) *SearchRequest
NewSearchRequest creates a new search request
SearchResult holds the server's response to a search request
type SearchResult struct { // Entries are the returned entries Entries []*Entry // Referrals are the returned referrals Referrals []string // Controls are the returned controls Controls []Control }
func (s *SearchResult) PrettyPrint(indent int)
PrettyPrint outputs a human-readable description with indenting
func (s *SearchResult) Print()
Print outputs a human-readable description
SearchSingleResult holds the server's single entry response to a search request
type SearchSingleResult struct { // Entry is the returned entry Entry *Entry // Referral is the returned referral Referral string // Controls are the returned controls Controls []Control // Error is set when the search request was failed Error error }
func (s *SearchSingleResult) PrettyPrint(indent int)
PrettyPrint outputs a human-readable description with indenting
func (s *SearchSingleResult) Print()
Print outputs a human-readable description
SimpleBindRequest represents a username/password bind operation
type SimpleBindRequest struct { // Username is the name of the Directory object that the client wishes to bind as Username string // Password is the credentials to bind with Password string // Controls are optional controls to send with the bind request Controls []Control // AllowEmptyPassword sets whether the client allows binding with an empty password // (normally used for unauthenticated bind). AllowEmptyPassword bool }
func NewSimpleBindRequest(username string, password string, controls []Control) *SimpleBindRequest
NewSimpleBindRequest returns a bind request
SimpleBindResult contains the response from the server
type SimpleBindResult struct { Controls []Control }
type SortKey struct { Reverse bool AttributeType string MatchingRule string }
WhoAmIResult is returned by the WhoAmI() call
type WhoAmIResult struct { AuthzID string }