Package pouchdb provides a PouchDB driver for Kivik. It must
be compiled with GopherJS, and requires that the PouchDB JavaScript library
is also loaded at runtime.
General Usage
Use the `pouch` driver name when using this driver. The DSN should be the
blank string for local database connections, or a full URL, including any
required credentials, when connecting to a remote database.
//go:build js
package main
import (
kivik ""
_ "" // PouchDB driver
func main() {
client, err := kivik.New(context.TODO(), "pouch", "")
// ...
The PouchDB driver generally interprets
keys and values as key/value pairs to pass to the relevant PouchDB method. In
general, PouchDB's key/value pairs are the same as the query parameters used
for CouchDB. Consult the PouchDB API documentation for the relevant methods for
any exceptions or special cases.