
Package mockdb

import "github.com/go-kivik/kivik/v4/mockdb"

Overview ▾

Package mockdb provides a full Kivik driver implementation, for mocking in tests.

Index ▾

func Document(i interface{}) (*driver.Document, error)
func DocumentT(t *testing.T, i interface{}) *driver.Document
type Changes
    func NewChanges() *Changes
    func (r *Changes) AddChange(change *driver.Change) *Changes
    func (r *Changes) AddChangeError(err error) *Changes
    func (r *Changes) AddDelay(delay time.Duration) *Changes
    func (i *Changes) Close() error
    func (r *Changes) CloseError(err error) *Changes
    func (r *Changes) ETag(etag string) *Changes
    func (r *Changes) Final() driver.Changes
    func (r *Changes) LastSeq(seq string) *Changes
    func (r *Changes) Pending(pending int64) *Changes
type Client
    func New() (*kivik.Client, *Client, error)
    func NewT(t *testing.T) (*kivik.Client, *Client)
    func (c *Client) ExpectAllDBs() *ExpectedAllDBs
    func (c *Client) ExpectAllDBsStats() *ExpectedAllDBsStats
    func (c *Client) ExpectClose() *ExpectedClose
    func (c *Client) ExpectClusterSetup() *ExpectedClusterSetup
    func (c *Client) ExpectClusterStatus() *ExpectedClusterStatus
    func (c *Client) ExpectConfig() *ExpectedConfig
    func (c *Client) ExpectConfigSection() *ExpectedConfigSection
    func (c *Client) ExpectConfigValue() *ExpectedConfigValue
    func (c *Client) ExpectCreateDB() *ExpectedCreateDB
    func (c *Client) ExpectDB() *ExpectedDB
    func (c *Client) ExpectDBExists() *ExpectedDBExists
    func (c *Client) ExpectDBUpdates() *ExpectedDBUpdates
    func (c *Client) ExpectDBsStats() *ExpectedDBsStats
    func (c *Client) ExpectDeleteConfigKey() *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (c *Client) ExpectDestroyDB() *ExpectedDestroyDB
    func (c *Client) ExpectGetReplications() *ExpectedGetReplications
    func (c *Client) ExpectMembership() *ExpectedMembership
    func (c *Client) ExpectPing() *ExpectedPing
    func (c *Client) ExpectReplicate() *ExpectedReplicate
    func (c *Client) ExpectSession() *ExpectedSession
    func (c *Client) ExpectSetConfigValue() *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (c *Client) ExpectVersion() *ExpectedVersion
    func (c *Client) ExpectationsWereMet() error
    func (c *Client) MatchExpectationsInOrder(b bool)
    func (c *Client) NewDB() *DB
    func (c *Client) NewReplication() *Replication
type DB
    func (db *DB) ExpectAllDocs() *ExpectedAllDocs
    func (db *DB) ExpectBulkDocs() *ExpectedBulkDocs
    func (db *DB) ExpectBulkGet() *ExpectedBulkGet
    func (db *DB) ExpectChanges() *ExpectedChanges
    func (db *DB) ExpectClose() *ExpectedDBClose
    func (db *DB) ExpectCompact() *ExpectedCompact
    func (db *DB) ExpectCompactView() *ExpectedCompactView
    func (db *DB) ExpectCopy() *ExpectedCopy
    func (db *DB) ExpectCreateDoc() *ExpectedCreateDoc
    func (db *DB) ExpectCreateIndex() *ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (db *DB) ExpectDelete() *ExpectedDelete
    func (db *DB) ExpectDeleteAttachment() *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (db *DB) ExpectDeleteIndex() *ExpectedDeleteIndex
    func (db *DB) ExpectDesignDocs() *ExpectedDesignDocs
    func (db *DB) ExpectExplain() *ExpectedExplain
    func (db *DB) ExpectFind() *ExpectedFind
    func (db *DB) ExpectFlush() *ExpectedFlush
    func (db *DB) ExpectGet() *ExpectedGet
    func (db *DB) ExpectGetAttachment() *ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (db *DB) ExpectGetAttachmentMeta() *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (db *DB) ExpectGetIndexes() *ExpectedGetIndexes
    func (db *DB) ExpectGetRev() *ExpectedGetRev
    func (db *DB) ExpectLocalDocs() *ExpectedLocalDocs
    func (db *DB) ExpectOpenRevs() *ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (db *DB) ExpectPartitionStats() *ExpectedPartitionStats
    func (db *DB) ExpectPurge() *ExpectedPurge
    func (db *DB) ExpectPut() *ExpectedPut
    func (db *DB) ExpectPutAttachment() *ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (db *DB) ExpectQuery() *ExpectedQuery
    func (db *DB) ExpectRevsDiff() *ExpectedRevsDiff
    func (db *DB) ExpectSecurity() *ExpectedSecurity
    func (db *DB) ExpectSetSecurity() *ExpectedSetSecurity
    func (db *DB) ExpectStats() *ExpectedStats
    func (db *DB) ExpectViewCleanup() *ExpectedViewCleanup
type ExpectedAllDBs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedAllDBs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]string, error)) *ExpectedAllDBs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillReturn(ret0 []string) *ExpectedAllDBs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedAllDBs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedAllDBs
type ExpectedAllDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedAllDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]*driver.DBStats, error)) *ExpectedAllDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillReturn(ret0 []*driver.DBStats) *ExpectedAllDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedAllDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedAllDBsStats
type ExpectedAllDocs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedAllDocs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedAllDocs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedAllDocs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedAllDocs
    func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedAllDocs
type ExpectedBulkDocs
    func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedBulkDocs
    func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 []interface{}, options driver.Options) ([]driver.BulkResult, error)) *ExpectedBulkDocs
    func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillReturn(ret0 []driver.BulkResult) *ExpectedBulkDocs
    func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedBulkDocs
    func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedBulkDocs
type ExpectedBulkGet
    func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedBulkGet
    func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 []driver.BulkGetReference, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedBulkGet
    func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedBulkGet
    func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedBulkGet
    func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedBulkGet
type ExpectedChanges
    func (e *ExpectedChanges) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedChanges
    func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Changes, error)) *ExpectedChanges
    func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillReturn(ret0 *Changes) *ExpectedChanges
    func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedChanges
    func (e *ExpectedChanges) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedChanges
type ExpectedClose
    func (e *ExpectedClose) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedClose) WillExecute(cb func() error) *ExpectedClose
    func (e *ExpectedClose) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedClose
type ExpectedClusterSetup
    func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedClusterSetup
    func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}) error) *ExpectedClusterSetup
    func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedClusterSetup
    func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WithAction(action interface{}) *ExpectedClusterSetup
type ExpectedClusterStatus
    func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedClusterStatus
    func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedClusterStatus
    func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedClusterStatus
    func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedClusterStatus
    func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedClusterStatus
type ExpectedCompact
    func (e *ExpectedCompact) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedCompact) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCompact
    func (e *ExpectedCompact) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) error) *ExpectedCompact
    func (e *ExpectedCompact) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCompact
type ExpectedCompactView
    func (e *ExpectedCompactView) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCompactView
    func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) error) *ExpectedCompactView
    func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCompactView
    func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WithDDoc(ddocID string) *ExpectedCompactView
type ExpectedConfig
    func (e *ExpectedConfig) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedConfig
    func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (driver.Config, error)) *ExpectedConfig
    func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillReturn(ret0 driver.Config) *ExpectedConfig
    func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedConfig
    func (e *ExpectedConfig) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedConfig
type ExpectedConfigSection
    func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedConfigSection
    func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (driver.ConfigSection, error)) *ExpectedConfigSection
    func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillReturn(ret0 driver.ConfigSection) *ExpectedConfigSection
    func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedConfigSection
    func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedConfigSection
    func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedConfigSection
type ExpectedConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 string) (string, error)) *ExpectedConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WithKey(key string) *ExpectedConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedConfigValue
type ExpectedCopy
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCopy
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedCopy
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedCopy
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCopy
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCopy
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) WithSourceID(docID string) *ExpectedCopy
    func (e *ExpectedCopy) WithTargetID(docID string) *ExpectedCopy
type ExpectedCreateDB
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCreateDB
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedCreateDB
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCreateDB
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WithName(name string) *ExpectedCreateDB
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCreateDB
type ExpectedCreateDoc
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCreateDoc
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}, options driver.Options) (string, string, error)) *ExpectedCreateDoc
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillReturn(ret0 string, ret1 string) *ExpectedCreateDoc
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCreateDoc
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WithDoc(doc interface{}) *ExpectedCreateDoc
    func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCreateDoc
type ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 interface{}, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithDDocID(ddocID string) *ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithIndex(index interface{}) *ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithName(name string) *ExpectedCreateIndex
    func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCreateIndex
type ExpectedDB
    func (e *ExpectedDB) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDB) WillExecute(cb func(arg0 string, options driver.Options) (driver.DB, error)) *ExpectedDB
    func (e *ExpectedDB) WillReturn(ret0 *DB) *ExpectedDB
    func (e *ExpectedDB) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDB
    func (e *ExpectedDB) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDB
    func (e *ExpectedDB) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDB
type ExpectedDBClose
    func (e *ExpectedDBClose) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDBClose) WillExecute(cb func() error) *ExpectedDBClose
    func (e *ExpectedDBClose) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBClose
type ExpectedDBExists
    func (e *ExpectedDBExists) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDBExists
    func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (bool, error)) *ExpectedDBExists
    func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillReturn(ret0 bool) *ExpectedDBExists
    func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBExists
    func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDBExists
    func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDBExists
type ExpectedDBUpdates
    func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDBUpdates
    func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.DBUpdates, error)) *ExpectedDBUpdates
    func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillReturn(ret0 *Updates) *ExpectedDBUpdates
    func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBUpdates
    func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDBUpdates
type ExpectedDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 []string) ([]*driver.DBStats, error)) *ExpectedDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillReturn(ret0 []*driver.DBStats) *ExpectedDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBsStats
    func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WithNames(names []string) *ExpectedDBsStats
type ExpectedDelete
    func (e *ExpectedDelete) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDelete
    func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedDelete
    func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedDelete
    func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDelete
    func (e *ExpectedDelete) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedDelete
    func (e *ExpectedDelete) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDelete
type ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithFilename(filename string) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment
type ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 string) (string, error)) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithKey(key string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey
type ExpectedDeleteIndex
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDeleteIndex
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedDeleteIndex
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDeleteIndex
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithDDoc(ddoc string) *ExpectedDeleteIndex
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDeleteIndex
    func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDeleteIndex
type ExpectedDesignDocs
    func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDesignDocs
    func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedDesignDocs
    func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedDesignDocs
    func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDesignDocs
    func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDesignDocs
type ExpectedDestroyDB
    func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDestroyDB
    func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedDestroyDB
    func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDestroyDB
    func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDestroyDB
    func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDestroyDB
type ExpectedExplain
    func (e *ExpectedExplain) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedExplain
    func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}, options driver.Options) (*driver.QueryPlan, error)) *ExpectedExplain
    func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.QueryPlan) *ExpectedExplain
    func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedExplain
    func (e *ExpectedExplain) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedExplain
    func (e *ExpectedExplain) WithQuery(query interface{}) *ExpectedExplain
type ExpectedFind
    func (e *ExpectedFind) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedFind) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedFind
    func (e *ExpectedFind) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedFind
    func (e *ExpectedFind) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedFind
    func (e *ExpectedFind) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedFind
    func (e *ExpectedFind) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedFind
    func (e *ExpectedFind) WithQuery(query interface{}) *ExpectedFind
type ExpectedFlush
    func (e *ExpectedFlush) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedFlush) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedFlush
    func (e *ExpectedFlush) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) error) *ExpectedFlush
    func (e *ExpectedFlush) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedFlush
type ExpectedGet
    func (e *ExpectedGet) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedGet) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGet
    func (e *ExpectedGet) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (*driver.Document, error)) *ExpectedGet
    func (e *ExpectedGet) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Document) *ExpectedGet
    func (e *ExpectedGet) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGet
    func (e *ExpectedGet) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGet
    func (e *ExpectedGet) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGet
type ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (*driver.Attachment, error)) *ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Attachment) *ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WithFilename(docID string) *ExpectedGetAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetAttachment
type ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (*driver.Attachment, error)) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Attachment) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithFilename(filename string) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
    func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta
type ExpectedGetIndexes
    func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetIndexes
    func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]driver.Index, error)) *ExpectedGetIndexes
    func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillReturn(ret0 []driver.Index) *ExpectedGetIndexes
    func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetIndexes
    func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetIndexes
type ExpectedGetReplications
    func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetReplications
    func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]driver.Replication, error)) *ExpectedGetReplications
    func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillReturn(ret0 []*Replication) *ExpectedGetReplications
    func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetReplications
    func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetReplications
type ExpectedGetRev
    func (e *ExpectedGetRev) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetRev
    func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedGetRev
    func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedGetRev
    func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetRev
    func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGetRev
    func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetRev
type ExpectedLocalDocs
    func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedLocalDocs
    func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedLocalDocs
    func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedLocalDocs
    func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedLocalDocs
    func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedLocalDocs
type ExpectedMembership
    func (e *ExpectedMembership) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedMembership
    func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.ClusterMembership, error)) *ExpectedMembership
    func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.ClusterMembership) *ExpectedMembership
    func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedMembership
type ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 []string, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedOpenRevs
    func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WithRevs(revs []string) *ExpectedOpenRevs
type ExpectedPartitionStats
    func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPartitionStats
    func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (*driver.PartitionStats, error)) *ExpectedPartitionStats
    func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.PartitionStats) *ExpectedPartitionStats
    func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPartitionStats
    func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WithName(name string) *ExpectedPartitionStats
type ExpectedPing
    func (e *ExpectedPing) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedPing) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPing
    func (e *ExpectedPing) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)) *ExpectedPing
    func (e *ExpectedPing) WillReturn(ret0 bool) *ExpectedPing
    func (e *ExpectedPing) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPing
type ExpectedPurge
    func (e *ExpectedPurge) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPurge
    func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 map[string][]string) (*driver.PurgeResult, error)) *ExpectedPurge
    func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.PurgeResult) *ExpectedPurge
    func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPurge
    func (e *ExpectedPurge) WithDocRevMap(docRevMap map[string][]string) *ExpectedPurge
type ExpectedPut
    func (e *ExpectedPut) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedPut) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPut
    func (e *ExpectedPut) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 interface{}, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedPut
    func (e *ExpectedPut) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedPut
    func (e *ExpectedPut) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPut
    func (e *ExpectedPut) WithDoc(doc interface{}) *ExpectedPut
    func (e *ExpectedPut) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedPut
    func (e *ExpectedPut) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedPut
type ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 *driver.Attachment, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WithAttachment(att *driver.Attachment) *ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedPutAttachment
    func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedPutAttachment
type ExpectedQuery
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedQuery
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedQuery
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedQuery
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedQuery
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) WithDDocID(ddocID string) *ExpectedQuery
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedQuery
    func (e *ExpectedQuery) WithView(view string) *ExpectedQuery
type ExpectedReplicate
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedReplicate
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (driver.Replication, error)) *ExpectedReplicate
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillReturn(ret0 *Replication) *ExpectedReplicate
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedReplicate
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedReplicate
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WithSource(source string) *ExpectedReplicate
    func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WithTarget(target string) *ExpectedReplicate
type ExpectedRevsDiff
    func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedRevsDiff
    func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedRevsDiff
    func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedRevsDiff
    func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedRevsDiff
    func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WithRevLookup(revLookup interface{}) *ExpectedRevsDiff
type ExpectedSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSecurity) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.Security, error)) *ExpectedSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Security) *ExpectedSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSecurity
type ExpectedSession
    func (e *ExpectedSession) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedSession) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSession
    func (e *ExpectedSession) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.Session, error)) *ExpectedSession
    func (e *ExpectedSession) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Session) *ExpectedSession
    func (e *ExpectedSession) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSession
type ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 string, arg3 string) (string, error)) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithKey(key string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
    func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithValue(value string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue
type ExpectedSetSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSetSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 *driver.Security) error) *ExpectedSetSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSetSecurity
    func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WithSecurity(sec *driver.Security) *ExpectedSetSecurity
type ExpectedStats
    func (e *ExpectedStats) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedStats
    func (e *ExpectedStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.DBStats, error)) *ExpectedStats
    func (e *ExpectedStats) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.DBStats) *ExpectedStats
    func (e *ExpectedStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedStats
type ExpectedVersion
    func (e *ExpectedVersion) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedVersion
    func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.Version, error)) *ExpectedVersion
    func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Version) *ExpectedVersion
    func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedVersion
type ExpectedViewCleanup
    func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) String() string
    func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedViewCleanup
    func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) error) *ExpectedViewCleanup
    func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedViewCleanup
type Replication
    func (r *Replication) EndTime(t time.Time) *Replication
    func (r *Replication) Err(e error) *Replication
    func (r *Replication) ID(id string) *Replication
    func (r *Replication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (r *Replication) Source(s string) *Replication
    func (r *Replication) StartTime(t time.Time) *Replication
    func (r *Replication) State(s kivik.ReplicationState) *Replication
    func (r *Replication) Target(t string) *Replication
type Rows
    func NewRows() *Rows
    func (r *Rows) AddDelay(delay time.Duration) *Rows
    func (r *Rows) AddRow(row *driver.Row) *Rows
    func (r *Rows) AddRowError(err error) *Rows
    func (i *Rows) Close() error
    func (r *Rows) CloseError(err error) *Rows
    func (r *Rows) Final() driver.Rows
    func (r *Rows) Offset(offset int64) *Rows
    func (r *Rows) TotalRows(totalRows int64) *Rows
    func (r *Rows) UpdateSeq(seq string) *Rows
    func (r *Rows) Warning(warning string) *Rows
type Updates
    func NewDBUpdates() *Updates
    func (u *Updates) AddDelay(delay time.Duration) *Updates
    func (u *Updates) AddUpdate(update *driver.DBUpdate) *Updates
    func (u *Updates) AddUpdateError(err error) *Updates
    func (i *Updates) Close() error
    func (u *Updates) CloseError(err error) *Updates
    func (u *Updates) Final() driver.DBUpdates
    func (u *Updates) LastSeq(lastSeq string) *Updates
    func (u *Updates) LastSeqError(err error) *Updates

Package files

changes.go client.go client_gen.go clientexpectations_gen.go clientmock.go clientmock_gen.go common.go db.go db_gen.go dbexpectations.go dbexpectations_gen.go dbmock.go dbmock_gen.go driver.go expectations.go helpers.go iter.go meets.go mockdb.go rows.go updates.go util.go

func Document

func Document(i interface{}) (*driver.Document, error)

Document converts i, which should be of a supported type (see below), into a document which can be passed to ExpectedGet.WillReturn().

i is checked against the following list of types, in order. If no match is found, an error is returned. Attachments is not populated by this method.

func DocumentT

func DocumentT(t *testing.T, i interface{}) *driver.Document

DocumentT calls Document, and passes any error to t.Fatal.

type Changes

Changes is a mocked collection of Changes results.

type Changes struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewChanges

func NewChanges() *Changes

NewChanges returns a new, empty changes set, which can be returned by the DB.Changes() expectation.

func (*Changes) AddChange

func (r *Changes) AddChange(change *driver.Change) *Changes

AddChange adds a change result to be returned by the iterator. If AddResultError has been set, this method will panic.

func (*Changes) AddChangeError

func (r *Changes) AddChangeError(err error) *Changes

AddChangeError adds an error to be returned during iteration.

func (*Changes) AddDelay

func (r *Changes) AddDelay(delay time.Duration) *Changes

AddDelay adds a delay before the next iteration will complete.

func (*Changes) Close

func (i *Changes) Close() error

func (*Changes) CloseError

func (r *Changes) CloseError(err error) *Changes

CloseError sets an error to be returned when the iterator is closed.

func (*Changes) ETag

func (r *Changes) ETag(etag string) *Changes

ETag sets the etag value to be returned by the changes iterator.

func (*Changes) Final

func (r *Changes) Final() driver.Changes

Final converts the Changes object to a driver.Changes. This method is intended for use within WillExecute() to return results.

func (*Changes) LastSeq

func (r *Changes) LastSeq(seq string) *Changes

LastSeq sets the last_seq value to be returned by the changes iterator.

func (*Changes) Pending

func (r *Changes) Pending(pending int64) *Changes

Pending sets the pending value to be returned by the changes iterator.

type Client

Client allows configuring the mock kivik client.

type Client struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New() (*kivik.Client, *Client, error)

New creates a kivik client connection and a mock to manage expectations.

func NewT

func NewT(t *testing.T) (*kivik.Client, *Client)

NewT works exactly as New, except that any error will be passed to t.Fatal.

func (*Client) ExpectAllDBs

func (c *Client) ExpectAllDBs() *ExpectedAllDBs

ExpectAllDBs queues an expectation that AllDBs will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectAllDBsStats

func (c *Client) ExpectAllDBsStats() *ExpectedAllDBsStats

ExpectAllDBsStats queues an expectation that AllDBsStats will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectClose

func (c *Client) ExpectClose() *ExpectedClose

ExpectClose queues an expectation that Close will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectClusterSetup

func (c *Client) ExpectClusterSetup() *ExpectedClusterSetup

ExpectClusterSetup queues an expectation that ClusterSetup will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectClusterStatus

func (c *Client) ExpectClusterStatus() *ExpectedClusterStatus

ExpectClusterStatus queues an expectation that ClusterStatus will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectConfig

func (c *Client) ExpectConfig() *ExpectedConfig

ExpectConfig queues an expectation that Config will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectConfigSection

func (c *Client) ExpectConfigSection() *ExpectedConfigSection

ExpectConfigSection queues an expectation that ConfigSection will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectConfigValue

func (c *Client) ExpectConfigValue() *ExpectedConfigValue

ExpectConfigValue queues an expectation that ConfigValue will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectCreateDB

func (c *Client) ExpectCreateDB() *ExpectedCreateDB

ExpectCreateDB queues an expectation for a CreateDB() call.

func (*Client) ExpectDB

func (c *Client) ExpectDB() *ExpectedDB

ExpectDB queues an expectation that DB will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectDBExists

func (c *Client) ExpectDBExists() *ExpectedDBExists

ExpectDBExists queues an expectation that DBExists will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectDBUpdates

func (c *Client) ExpectDBUpdates() *ExpectedDBUpdates

ExpectDBUpdates queues an expectation that DBUpdates will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectDBsStats

func (c *Client) ExpectDBsStats() *ExpectedDBsStats

ExpectDBsStats queues an expectation that DBsStats will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectDeleteConfigKey

func (c *Client) ExpectDeleteConfigKey() *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

ExpectDeleteConfigKey queues an expectation that DeleteConfigKey will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectDestroyDB

func (c *Client) ExpectDestroyDB() *ExpectedDestroyDB

ExpectDestroyDB queues an expectation that DestroyDB will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectGetReplications

func (c *Client) ExpectGetReplications() *ExpectedGetReplications

ExpectGetReplications queues an expectation that GetReplications will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectMembership

func (c *Client) ExpectMembership() *ExpectedMembership

ExpectMembership queues an expectation that Membership will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectPing

func (c *Client) ExpectPing() *ExpectedPing

ExpectPing queues an expectation that Ping will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectReplicate

func (c *Client) ExpectReplicate() *ExpectedReplicate

ExpectReplicate queues an expectation that Replicate will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectSession

func (c *Client) ExpectSession() *ExpectedSession

ExpectSession queues an expectation that Session will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectSetConfigValue

func (c *Client) ExpectSetConfigValue() *ExpectedSetConfigValue

ExpectSetConfigValue queues an expectation that SetConfigValue will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectVersion

func (c *Client) ExpectVersion() *ExpectedVersion

ExpectVersion queues an expectation that Version will be called.

func (*Client) ExpectationsWereMet

func (c *Client) ExpectationsWereMet() error

ExpectationsWereMet returns an error if any outstanding expectations were not met.

func (*Client) MatchExpectationsInOrder

func (c *Client) MatchExpectationsInOrder(b bool)

MatchExpectationsInOrder sets whether expectations should occur in the precise order in which they were defined.

func (*Client) NewDB

func (c *Client) NewDB() *DB

NewDB creates a new mock DB object, which can be used along with ExpectDB() or ExpectCreateDB() calls to mock database actions.

func (*Client) NewReplication

func (c *Client) NewReplication() *Replication

NewReplication returns a new, empty Replication.

type DB

DB serves to create expectations for database actions to mock and test real database behavior.

type DB struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DB) ExpectAllDocs

func (db *DB) ExpectAllDocs() *ExpectedAllDocs

ExpectAllDocs queues an expectation that DB.AllDocs will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectBulkDocs

func (db *DB) ExpectBulkDocs() *ExpectedBulkDocs

ExpectBulkDocs queues an expectation that DB.BulkDocs will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectBulkGet

func (db *DB) ExpectBulkGet() *ExpectedBulkGet

ExpectBulkGet queues an expectation that DB.BulkGet will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectChanges

func (db *DB) ExpectChanges() *ExpectedChanges

ExpectChanges queues an expectation that DB.Changes will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectClose

func (db *DB) ExpectClose() *ExpectedDBClose

ExpectClose queues an expectation for DB.Close() to be called.

func (*DB) ExpectCompact

func (db *DB) ExpectCompact() *ExpectedCompact

ExpectCompact queues an expectation that DB.Compact will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectCompactView

func (db *DB) ExpectCompactView() *ExpectedCompactView

ExpectCompactView queues an expectation that DB.CompactView will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectCopy

func (db *DB) ExpectCopy() *ExpectedCopy

ExpectCopy queues an expectation that DB.Copy will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectCreateDoc

func (db *DB) ExpectCreateDoc() *ExpectedCreateDoc

ExpectCreateDoc queues an expectation that DB.CreateDoc will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectCreateIndex

func (db *DB) ExpectCreateIndex() *ExpectedCreateIndex

ExpectCreateIndex queues an expectation that DB.CreateIndex will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectDelete

func (db *DB) ExpectDelete() *ExpectedDelete

ExpectDelete queues an expectation that DB.Delete will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectDeleteAttachment

func (db *DB) ExpectDeleteAttachment() *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

ExpectDeleteAttachment queues an expectation that DB.DeleteAttachment will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectDeleteIndex

func (db *DB) ExpectDeleteIndex() *ExpectedDeleteIndex

ExpectDeleteIndex queues an expectation that DB.DeleteIndex will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectDesignDocs

func (db *DB) ExpectDesignDocs() *ExpectedDesignDocs

ExpectDesignDocs queues an expectation that DB.DesignDocs will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectExplain

func (db *DB) ExpectExplain() *ExpectedExplain

ExpectExplain queues an expectation that DB.Explain will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectFind

func (db *DB) ExpectFind() *ExpectedFind

ExpectFind queues an expectation that DB.Find will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectFlush

func (db *DB) ExpectFlush() *ExpectedFlush

ExpectFlush queues an expectation that DB.Flush will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectGet

func (db *DB) ExpectGet() *ExpectedGet

ExpectGet queues an expectation that DB.Get will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectGetAttachment

func (db *DB) ExpectGetAttachment() *ExpectedGetAttachment

ExpectGetAttachment queues an expectation that DB.GetAttachment will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectGetAttachmentMeta

func (db *DB) ExpectGetAttachmentMeta() *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

ExpectGetAttachmentMeta queues an expectation that DB.GetAttachmentMeta will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectGetIndexes

func (db *DB) ExpectGetIndexes() *ExpectedGetIndexes

ExpectGetIndexes queues an expectation that DB.GetIndexes will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectGetRev

func (db *DB) ExpectGetRev() *ExpectedGetRev

ExpectGetRev queues an expectation that DB.GetRev will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectLocalDocs

func (db *DB) ExpectLocalDocs() *ExpectedLocalDocs

ExpectLocalDocs queues an expectation that DB.LocalDocs will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectOpenRevs

func (db *DB) ExpectOpenRevs() *ExpectedOpenRevs

ExpectOpenRevs queues an expectation that DB.OpenRevs will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectPartitionStats

func (db *DB) ExpectPartitionStats() *ExpectedPartitionStats

ExpectPartitionStats queues an expectation that DB.PartitionStats will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectPurge

func (db *DB) ExpectPurge() *ExpectedPurge

ExpectPurge queues an expectation that DB.Purge will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectPut

func (db *DB) ExpectPut() *ExpectedPut

ExpectPut queues an expectation that DB.Put will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectPutAttachment

func (db *DB) ExpectPutAttachment() *ExpectedPutAttachment

ExpectPutAttachment queues an expectation that DB.PutAttachment will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectQuery

func (db *DB) ExpectQuery() *ExpectedQuery

ExpectQuery queues an expectation that DB.Query will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectRevsDiff

func (db *DB) ExpectRevsDiff() *ExpectedRevsDiff

ExpectRevsDiff queues an expectation that DB.RevsDiff will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectSecurity

func (db *DB) ExpectSecurity() *ExpectedSecurity

ExpectSecurity queues an expectation that DB.Security will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectSetSecurity

func (db *DB) ExpectSetSecurity() *ExpectedSetSecurity

ExpectSetSecurity queues an expectation that DB.SetSecurity will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectStats

func (db *DB) ExpectStats() *ExpectedStats

ExpectStats queues an expectation that DB.Stats will be called.

func (*DB) ExpectViewCleanup

func (db *DB) ExpectViewCleanup() *ExpectedViewCleanup

ExpectViewCleanup queues an expectation that DB.ViewCleanup will be called.

type ExpectedAllDBs

ExpectedAllDBs represents an expectation for a call to AllDBs().

type ExpectedAllDBs struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedAllDBs) String

func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) String() string

String satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface.

func (*ExpectedAllDBs) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedAllDBs

WillDelay causes the call to AllDBs() to delay.

func (*ExpectedAllDBs) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]string, error)) *ExpectedAllDBs

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedAllDBs) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillReturn(ret0 []string) *ExpectedAllDBs

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to AllDBs().

func (*ExpectedAllDBs) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedAllDBs

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to AllDBs().

func (*ExpectedAllDBs) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedAllDBs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedAllDBs

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to AllDBs().

type ExpectedAllDBsStats

ExpectedAllDBsStats represents an expectation for a call to AllDBsStats().

type ExpectedAllDBsStats struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedAllDBsStats) String

func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) String() string

func (*ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedAllDBsStats

WillDelay causes the call to AllDBsStats() to delay.

func (*ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]*driver.DBStats, error)) *ExpectedAllDBsStats

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillReturn(ret0 []*driver.DBStats) *ExpectedAllDBsStats

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to AllDBsStats().

func (*ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedAllDBsStats

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to AllDBsStats().

func (*ExpectedAllDBsStats) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedAllDBsStats) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedAllDBsStats

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to AllDBsStats().

type ExpectedAllDocs

ExpectedAllDocs represents an expectation for a call to DB.AllDocs().

type ExpectedAllDocs struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedAllDocs) String

func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) String() string

func (*ExpectedAllDocs) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedAllDocs

WillDelay causes the call to DB.AllDocs() to delay.

func (*ExpectedAllDocs) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedAllDocs

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedAllDocs) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedAllDocs

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.AllDocs().

func (*ExpectedAllDocs) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedAllDocs

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.AllDocs().

func (*ExpectedAllDocs) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedAllDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedAllDocs

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.AllDocs().

type ExpectedBulkDocs

ExpectedBulkDocs represents an expectation for a call to DB.BulkDocs().

type ExpectedBulkDocs struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedBulkDocs) String

func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) String() string

func (*ExpectedBulkDocs) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedBulkDocs

WillDelay causes the call to DB.BulkDocs() to delay.

func (*ExpectedBulkDocs) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 []interface{}, options driver.Options) ([]driver.BulkResult, error)) *ExpectedBulkDocs

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedBulkDocs) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillReturn(ret0 []driver.BulkResult) *ExpectedBulkDocs

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.BulkDocs().

func (*ExpectedBulkDocs) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedBulkDocs

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.BulkDocs().

func (*ExpectedBulkDocs) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedBulkDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedBulkDocs

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.BulkDocs().

type ExpectedBulkGet

ExpectedBulkGet represents an expectation for a call to DB.BulkGet().

type ExpectedBulkGet struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedBulkGet) String

func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) String() string

func (*ExpectedBulkGet) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedBulkGet

WillDelay causes the call to DB.BulkGet() to delay.

func (*ExpectedBulkGet) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 []driver.BulkGetReference, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedBulkGet

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedBulkGet) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedBulkGet

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.BulkGet().

func (*ExpectedBulkGet) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedBulkGet

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.BulkGet().

func (*ExpectedBulkGet) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedBulkGet) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedBulkGet

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.BulkGet().

type ExpectedChanges

ExpectedChanges represents an expectation for a call to DB.Changes().

type ExpectedChanges struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedChanges) String

func (e *ExpectedChanges) String() string

func (*ExpectedChanges) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedChanges

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Changes() to delay.

func (*ExpectedChanges) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Changes, error)) *ExpectedChanges

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedChanges) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillReturn(ret0 *Changes) *ExpectedChanges

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Changes().

func (*ExpectedChanges) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedChanges) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedChanges

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Changes().

func (*ExpectedChanges) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedChanges) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedChanges

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Changes().

type ExpectedClose

ExpectedClose represents an expectation for a call to Close().

type ExpectedClose struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedClose) String

func (e *ExpectedClose) String() string

func (*ExpectedClose) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedClose) WillExecute(cb func() error) *ExpectedClose

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedClose) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedClose) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedClose

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to Close().

type ExpectedClusterSetup

ExpectedClusterSetup represents an expectation for a call to ClusterSetup().

type ExpectedClusterSetup struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedClusterSetup) String

func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) String() string

func (*ExpectedClusterSetup) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedClusterSetup

WillDelay causes the call to ClusterSetup() to delay.

func (*ExpectedClusterSetup) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}) error) *ExpectedClusterSetup

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedClusterSetup) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedClusterSetup

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to ClusterSetup().

func (*ExpectedClusterSetup) WithAction

func (e *ExpectedClusterSetup) WithAction(action interface{}) *ExpectedClusterSetup

WithAction specifies the action to be matched. Note that this expectation is compared with the actual action's marshaled JSON output, so it is not essential that the data types match exactly, in a Go sense.

type ExpectedClusterStatus

ExpectedClusterStatus represents an expectation for a call to ClusterStatus().

type ExpectedClusterStatus struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedClusterStatus) String

func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) String() string

String satisfies the fmt.Stringer interface

func (*ExpectedClusterStatus) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedClusterStatus

WillDelay causes the call to ClusterStatus() to delay.

func (*ExpectedClusterStatus) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedClusterStatus

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedClusterStatus) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedClusterStatus

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to ClusterStatus().

func (*ExpectedClusterStatus) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedClusterStatus

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to ClusterStatus().

func (*ExpectedClusterStatus) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedClusterStatus) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedClusterStatus

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to ClusterStatus().

type ExpectedCompact

ExpectedCompact represents an expectation for a call to DB.Compact().

type ExpectedCompact struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedCompact) String

func (e *ExpectedCompact) String() string

func (*ExpectedCompact) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedCompact) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCompact

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Compact() to delay.

func (*ExpectedCompact) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedCompact) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) error) *ExpectedCompact

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedCompact) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedCompact) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCompact

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Compact().

type ExpectedCompactView

ExpectedCompactView represents an expectation for a call to DB.CompactView().

type ExpectedCompactView struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedCompactView) String

func (e *ExpectedCompactView) String() string

func (*ExpectedCompactView) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCompactView

WillDelay causes the call to DB.CompactView() to delay.

func (*ExpectedCompactView) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) error) *ExpectedCompactView

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedCompactView) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCompactView

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.CompactView().

func (*ExpectedCompactView) WithDDoc

func (e *ExpectedCompactView) WithDDoc(ddocID string) *ExpectedCompactView

WithDDoc sets the expected design doc name for the call to DB.CompactView().

type ExpectedConfig

ExpectedConfig represents an expectation for a call to Config().

type ExpectedConfig struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedConfig) String

func (e *ExpectedConfig) String() string

func (*ExpectedConfig) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedConfig

WillDelay causes the call to Config() to delay.

func (*ExpectedConfig) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (driver.Config, error)) *ExpectedConfig

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedConfig) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillReturn(ret0 driver.Config) *ExpectedConfig

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to Config().

func (*ExpectedConfig) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedConfig) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedConfig

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to Config().

func (*ExpectedConfig) WithNode

func (e *ExpectedConfig) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedConfig

WithNode sets the expected node.

type ExpectedConfigSection

ExpectedConfigSection represents an expectation for a call to ConfigSection().

type ExpectedConfigSection struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedConfigSection) String

func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) String() string

func (*ExpectedConfigSection) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedConfigSection

WillDelay causes the call to ConfigSection() to delay.

func (*ExpectedConfigSection) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string) (driver.ConfigSection, error)) *ExpectedConfigSection

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedConfigSection) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillReturn(ret0 driver.ConfigSection) *ExpectedConfigSection

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to ConfigSection().

func (*ExpectedConfigSection) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedConfigSection

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to ConfigSection().

func (*ExpectedConfigSection) WithNode

func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedConfigSection

WithNode sets the expected node.

func (*ExpectedConfigSection) WithSection

func (e *ExpectedConfigSection) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedConfigSection

WithSection sets the expected section.

type ExpectedConfigValue

ExpectedConfigValue represents an expectation for a call to ConfigValue().

type ExpectedConfigValue struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) String

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) String() string

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedConfigValue

WillDelay causes the call to ConfigValue() to delay.

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 string) (string, error)) *ExpectedConfigValue

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedConfigValue

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to ConfigValue().

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedConfigValue

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to ConfigValue().

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) WithKey

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WithKey(key string) *ExpectedConfigValue

WithKey sets the expected key.

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) WithNode

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedConfigValue

WithNode sets the expected node.

func (*ExpectedConfigValue) WithSection

func (e *ExpectedConfigValue) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedConfigValue

WithSection sets the expected section.

type ExpectedCopy

ExpectedCopy represents an expectation for a call to DB.Copy().

type ExpectedCopy struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedCopy) String

func (e *ExpectedCopy) String() string

func (*ExpectedCopy) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCopy

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Copy() to delay.

func (*ExpectedCopy) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedCopy

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedCopy) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedCopy

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Copy().

func (*ExpectedCopy) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedCopy) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCopy

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Copy().

func (*ExpectedCopy) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedCopy) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCopy

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Copy().

func (*ExpectedCopy) WithSourceID

func (e *ExpectedCopy) WithSourceID(docID string) *ExpectedCopy

WithSourceID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.Copy() call.

func (*ExpectedCopy) WithTargetID

func (e *ExpectedCopy) WithTargetID(docID string) *ExpectedCopy

WithTargetID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.Copy() call.

type ExpectedCreateDB

ExpectedCreateDB represents an expectation to call the CreateDB() method.

Implementation note: Because kivik always calls DB() after a successful CreateDB() is executed, ExpectCreateDB() creates two expectations under the covers, one for the backend CreateDB() call, and one for the DB() call. If WillReturnError() is called, the DB() call expectation is removed.

type ExpectedCreateDB struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedCreateDB) String

func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) String() string

func (*ExpectedCreateDB) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCreateDB

WillDelay will cause execution of DB() to delay by duration d.

func (*ExpectedCreateDB) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedCreateDB

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedCreateDB) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCreateDB

WillReturnError sets the return value for the DB() call.

func (*ExpectedCreateDB) WithName

func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WithName(name string) *ExpectedCreateDB

WithName sets the expectation that DB() will be called with this name.

func (*ExpectedCreateDB) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedCreateDB) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCreateDB

WithOptions set the expectation that DB() will be called with these options.

type ExpectedCreateDoc

ExpectedCreateDoc represents an expectation for a call to DB.CreateDoc().

type ExpectedCreateDoc struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedCreateDoc) String

func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) String() string

func (*ExpectedCreateDoc) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCreateDoc

WillDelay causes the call to DB.CreateDoc() to delay.

func (*ExpectedCreateDoc) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}, options driver.Options) (string, string, error)) *ExpectedCreateDoc

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedCreateDoc) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillReturn(ret0 string, ret1 string) *ExpectedCreateDoc

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.CreateDoc().

func (*ExpectedCreateDoc) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCreateDoc

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.CreateDoc().

func (*ExpectedCreateDoc) WithDoc

func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WithDoc(doc interface{}) *ExpectedCreateDoc

WithDoc sets the expected doc for the call to CreateDoc().

func (*ExpectedCreateDoc) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedCreateDoc) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCreateDoc

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.CreateDoc().

type ExpectedCreateIndex

ExpectedCreateIndex represents an expectation for a call to DB.CreateIndex().

type ExpectedCreateIndex struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) String

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) String() string

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedCreateIndex

WillDelay causes the call to DB.CreateIndex() to delay.

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 interface{}, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedCreateIndex

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedCreateIndex

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.CreateIndex().

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) WithDDocID

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithDDocID(ddocID string) *ExpectedCreateIndex

WithDDocID sets the expected ddocID value for the DB.CreateIndex() call.

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) WithIndex

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithIndex(index interface{}) *ExpectedCreateIndex

WithIndex sets the expected index value for the DB.CreateIndex() call.

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) WithName

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithName(name string) *ExpectedCreateIndex

WithName sets the expected name value for the DB.CreateIndex() call.

func (*ExpectedCreateIndex) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedCreateIndex) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedCreateIndex

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.CreateIndex().

type ExpectedDB

ExpectedDB represents an expectation for a call to DB().

type ExpectedDB struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDB) String

func (e *ExpectedDB) String() string

func (*ExpectedDB) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDB) WillExecute(cb func(arg0 string, options driver.Options) (driver.DB, error)) *ExpectedDB

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDB) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDB) WillReturn(ret0 *DB) *ExpectedDB

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB().

func (*ExpectedDB) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDB) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDB

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB().

func (*ExpectedDB) WithName

func (e *ExpectedDB) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDB

WithName sets the expectation that DB() will be called with this name.

func (*ExpectedDB) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDB) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDB

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB().

type ExpectedDBClose

ExpectedDBClose is used to manage *kivik.Client.Close expectation returned by Mock.ExpectClose.

type ExpectedDBClose struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDBClose) String

func (e *ExpectedDBClose) String() string

func (*ExpectedDBClose) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDBClose) WillExecute(cb func() error) *ExpectedDBClose

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDBClose) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDBClose) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBClose

WillReturnError allows setting an error for *kivik.Client.Close action.

type ExpectedDBExists

ExpectedDBExists represents an expectation for a call to DBExists().

type ExpectedDBExists struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDBExists) String

func (e *ExpectedDBExists) String() string

func (*ExpectedDBExists) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDBExists

WillDelay causes the call to DBExists() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDBExists) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (bool, error)) *ExpectedDBExists

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDBExists) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillReturn(ret0 bool) *ExpectedDBExists

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DBExists().

func (*ExpectedDBExists) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBExists

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DBExists().

func (*ExpectedDBExists) WithName

func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDBExists

WithName sets the expectation that DBExists will be called with the provided name.

func (*ExpectedDBExists) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDBExists) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDBExists

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DBExists().

type ExpectedDBUpdates

ExpectedDBUpdates represents an expectation for a call to DBUpdates().

type ExpectedDBUpdates struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDBUpdates) String

func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) String() string

func (*ExpectedDBUpdates) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDBUpdates

WillDelay causes the call to DBUpdates() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDBUpdates) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.DBUpdates, error)) *ExpectedDBUpdates

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDBUpdates) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillReturn(ret0 *Updates) *ExpectedDBUpdates

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DBUpdates().

func (*ExpectedDBUpdates) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBUpdates

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DBUpdates().

func (*ExpectedDBUpdates) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDBUpdates) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDBUpdates

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DBUpdates().

type ExpectedDBsStats

ExpectedDBsStats represents an expectation for a call to DBsStats().

type ExpectedDBsStats struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDBsStats) String

func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) String() string

func (*ExpectedDBsStats) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDBsStats

WillDelay causes the call to DBsStats() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDBsStats) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 []string) ([]*driver.DBStats, error)) *ExpectedDBsStats

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDBsStats) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillReturn(ret0 []*driver.DBStats) *ExpectedDBsStats

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DBsStats().

func (*ExpectedDBsStats) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDBsStats

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DBsStats().

func (*ExpectedDBsStats) WithNames

func (e *ExpectedDBsStats) WithNames(names []string) *ExpectedDBsStats

WithNames sets the expectation that DBsStats will be called with these names.

type ExpectedDelete

ExpectedDelete represents an expectation for a call to DB.Delete().

type ExpectedDelete struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDelete) String

func (e *ExpectedDelete) String() string

func (*ExpectedDelete) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDelete

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Delete() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDelete) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedDelete

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDelete) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedDelete

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Delete().

func (*ExpectedDelete) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDelete) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDelete

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Delete().

func (*ExpectedDelete) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedDelete) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedDelete

WithDocID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.Delete() call.

func (*ExpectedDelete) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDelete) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDelete

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Delete().

type ExpectedDeleteAttachment

ExpectedDeleteAttachment represents an expectation for a call to DB.DeleteAttachment().

type ExpectedDeleteAttachment struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) String

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) String() string

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

WillDelay causes the call to DB.DeleteAttachment() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.DeleteAttachment().

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.DeleteAttachment().

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

WithDocID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.DeleteAttachment() call.

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithFilename

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithFilename(filename string) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

WithFilename sets the expectation for the filename passed to the DB.DeleteAttachment() call.

func (*ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDeleteAttachment) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDeleteAttachment

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.DeleteAttachment().

type ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

ExpectedDeleteConfigKey represents an expectation for a call to DeleteConfigKey().

type ExpectedDeleteConfigKey struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) String

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) String() string

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

WillDelay causes the call to DeleteConfigKey() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 string) (string, error)) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DeleteConfigKey().

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DeleteConfigKey().

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithKey

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithKey(key string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

WithKey sets the expected key.

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithNode

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

WithNode sets the expected node.

func (*ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithSection

func (e *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedDeleteConfigKey

WithSection sets the expected section.

type ExpectedDeleteIndex

ExpectedDeleteIndex represents an expectation for a call to DB.DeleteIndex().

type ExpectedDeleteIndex struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDeleteIndex) String

func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) String() string

func (*ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDeleteIndex

WillDelay causes the call to DB.DeleteIndex() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedDeleteIndex

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDeleteIndex

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.DeleteIndex().

func (*ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithDDoc

func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithDDoc(ddoc string) *ExpectedDeleteIndex

WithDDoc sets the expected ddoc to be passed to the DB.DeleteIndex() call.

func (*ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithName

func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDeleteIndex

WithName sets the expected name to be passed to the DB.DeleteIndex() call.

func (*ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDeleteIndex) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDeleteIndex

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.DeleteIndex().

type ExpectedDesignDocs

ExpectedDesignDocs represents an expectation for a call to DB.DesignDocs().

type ExpectedDesignDocs struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDesignDocs) String

func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) String() string

func (*ExpectedDesignDocs) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDesignDocs

WillDelay causes the call to DB.DesignDocs() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDesignDocs) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedDesignDocs

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDesignDocs) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedDesignDocs

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.DesignDocs().

func (*ExpectedDesignDocs) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDesignDocs

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.DesignDocs().

func (*ExpectedDesignDocs) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDesignDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDesignDocs

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.DesignDocs().

type ExpectedDestroyDB

ExpectedDestroyDB represents an expectation for a call to DestroyDB().

type ExpectedDestroyDB struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedDestroyDB) String

func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) String() string

func (*ExpectedDestroyDB) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedDestroyDB

WillDelay causes the call to DestroyDB() to delay.

func (*ExpectedDestroyDB) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) error) *ExpectedDestroyDB

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedDestroyDB) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedDestroyDB

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DestroyDB().

func (*ExpectedDestroyDB) WithName

func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WithName(name string) *ExpectedDestroyDB

WithName sets the expectation that DestroyDB will be called with this name.

func (*ExpectedDestroyDB) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedDestroyDB) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedDestroyDB

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DestroyDB().

type ExpectedExplain

ExpectedExplain represents an expectation for a call to DB.Explain().

type ExpectedExplain struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedExplain) String

func (e *ExpectedExplain) String() string

func (*ExpectedExplain) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedExplain

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Explain() to delay.

func (*ExpectedExplain) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}, options driver.Options) (*driver.QueryPlan, error)) *ExpectedExplain

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedExplain) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.QueryPlan) *ExpectedExplain

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Explain().

func (*ExpectedExplain) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedExplain) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedExplain

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Explain().

func (*ExpectedExplain) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedExplain) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedExplain

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Explain().

func (*ExpectedExplain) WithQuery

func (e *ExpectedExplain) WithQuery(query interface{}) *ExpectedExplain

WithQuery sets the expected query for the Explain() call.

type ExpectedFind

ExpectedFind represents an expectation for a call to DB.Find().

type ExpectedFind struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedFind) String

func (e *ExpectedFind) String() string

func (*ExpectedFind) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedFind) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedFind

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Find() to delay.

func (*ExpectedFind) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedFind) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedFind

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedFind) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedFind) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedFind

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Find().

func (*ExpectedFind) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedFind) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedFind

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Find().

func (*ExpectedFind) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedFind) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedFind

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Find().

func (*ExpectedFind) WithQuery

func (e *ExpectedFind) WithQuery(query interface{}) *ExpectedFind

WithQuery sets the expected query for the Find() call.

type ExpectedFlush

ExpectedFlush represents an expectation for a call to DB.Flush().

type ExpectedFlush struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedFlush) String

func (e *ExpectedFlush) String() string

func (*ExpectedFlush) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedFlush) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedFlush

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Flush() to delay.

func (*ExpectedFlush) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedFlush) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) error) *ExpectedFlush

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedFlush) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedFlush) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedFlush

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Flush().

type ExpectedGet

ExpectedGet represents an expectation for a call to DB.Get().

type ExpectedGet struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedGet) String

func (e *ExpectedGet) String() string

func (*ExpectedGet) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedGet) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGet

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Get() to delay.

func (*ExpectedGet) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedGet) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (*driver.Document, error)) *ExpectedGet

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedGet) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedGet) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Document) *ExpectedGet

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Get().

func (*ExpectedGet) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedGet) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGet

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Get().

func (*ExpectedGet) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedGet) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGet

WithDocID sets the expected docID for the DB.Get() call.

func (*ExpectedGet) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedGet) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGet

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Get().

type ExpectedGetAttachment

ExpectedGetAttachment represents an expectation for a call to DB.GetAttachment().

type ExpectedGetAttachment struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) String

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) String() string

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetAttachment

WillDelay causes the call to DB.GetAttachment() to delay.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (*driver.Attachment, error)) *ExpectedGetAttachment

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Attachment) *ExpectedGetAttachment

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.GetAttachment().

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetAttachment

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.GetAttachment().

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGetAttachment

WithDocID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.GetAttachment() call.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) WithFilename

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WithFilename(docID string) *ExpectedGetAttachment

WithFilename sets the expectation for the filename passed to the DB.GetAttachment() call.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachment) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachment) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetAttachment

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.GetAttachment().

type ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta represents an expectation for a call to DB.GetAttachmentMeta().

type ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) String

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) String() string

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

WillDelay causes the call to DB.GetAttachmentMeta() to delay.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (*driver.Attachment, error)) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Attachment) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.GetAttachmentMeta().

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.GetAttachmentMeta().

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

WithDocID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.GetAttachmentMeta() call.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithFilename

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithFilename(filename string) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

WithFilename sets the expectation for the doc passed to the DB.GetAttachmentMeta() call.

func (*ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetAttachmentMeta

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.GetAttachmentMeta().

type ExpectedGetIndexes

ExpectedGetIndexes represents an expectation for a call to DB.GetIndexes().

type ExpectedGetIndexes struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedGetIndexes) String

func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) String() string

func (*ExpectedGetIndexes) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetIndexes

WillDelay causes the call to DB.GetIndexes() to delay.

func (*ExpectedGetIndexes) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]driver.Index, error)) *ExpectedGetIndexes

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedGetIndexes) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillReturn(ret0 []driver.Index) *ExpectedGetIndexes

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.GetIndexes().

func (*ExpectedGetIndexes) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetIndexes

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.GetIndexes().

func (*ExpectedGetIndexes) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedGetIndexes) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetIndexes

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.GetIndexes().

type ExpectedGetReplications

ExpectedGetReplications represents an expectation for a call to GetReplications().

type ExpectedGetReplications struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedGetReplications) String

func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) String() string

func (*ExpectedGetReplications) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetReplications

WillDelay causes the call to GetReplications() to delay.

func (*ExpectedGetReplications) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) ([]driver.Replication, error)) *ExpectedGetReplications

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedGetReplications) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillReturn(ret0 []*Replication) *ExpectedGetReplications

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to GetReplications().

func (*ExpectedGetReplications) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetReplications

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to GetReplications().

func (*ExpectedGetReplications) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedGetReplications) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetReplications

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to GetReplications().

type ExpectedGetRev

ExpectedGetRev represents an expectation for a call to DB.GetRev().

type ExpectedGetRev struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedGetRev) String

func (e *ExpectedGetRev) String() string

func (*ExpectedGetRev) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedGetRev

WillDelay causes the call to DB.GetRev() to delay.

func (*ExpectedGetRev) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedGetRev

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedGetRev) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedGetRev

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.GetRev().

func (*ExpectedGetRev) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedGetRev

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.GetRev().

func (*ExpectedGetRev) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedGetRev

WithDocID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.GetRev call.

func (*ExpectedGetRev) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedGetRev) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedGetRev

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.GetRev().

type ExpectedLocalDocs

ExpectedLocalDocs represents an expectation for a call to DB.LocalDocs().

type ExpectedLocalDocs struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedLocalDocs) String

func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) String() string

func (*ExpectedLocalDocs) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedLocalDocs

WillDelay causes the call to DB.LocalDocs() to delay.

func (*ExpectedLocalDocs) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedLocalDocs

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedLocalDocs) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedLocalDocs

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.LocalDocs().

func (*ExpectedLocalDocs) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedLocalDocs

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.LocalDocs().

func (*ExpectedLocalDocs) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedLocalDocs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedLocalDocs

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.LocalDocs().

type ExpectedMembership

ExpectedMembership represents an expectation for a call to Membership().

type ExpectedMembership struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedMembership) String

func (e *ExpectedMembership) String() string

func (*ExpectedMembership) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedMembership

WillDelay causes the call to Membership() to delay.

func (*ExpectedMembership) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.ClusterMembership, error)) *ExpectedMembership

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedMembership) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.ClusterMembership) *ExpectedMembership

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to Membership().

func (*ExpectedMembership) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedMembership) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedMembership

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to Membership().

type ExpectedOpenRevs

ExpectedOpenRevs represents an expectation for a call to DB.OpenRevs().

type ExpectedOpenRevs struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) String

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) String() string

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedOpenRevs

WillDelay causes the call to DB.OpenRevs() to delay.

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 []string, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedOpenRevs

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedOpenRevs

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.OpenRevs().

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedOpenRevs

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.OpenRevs().

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedOpenRevs

WithDocID sets the expected docID for the DB.OpenRevs() call.

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedOpenRevs

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.OpenRevs().

func (*ExpectedOpenRevs) WithRevs

func (e *ExpectedOpenRevs) WithRevs(revs []string) *ExpectedOpenRevs

WithRevs sets the expected revs for the DB.OpenRevs() call.

type ExpectedPartitionStats

ExpectedPartitionStats represents an expectation for a call to DB.PartitionStats().

type ExpectedPartitionStats struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedPartitionStats) String

func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) String() string

func (*ExpectedPartitionStats) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPartitionStats

WillDelay causes the call to DB.PartitionStats() to delay.

func (*ExpectedPartitionStats) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string) (*driver.PartitionStats, error)) *ExpectedPartitionStats

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedPartitionStats) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.PartitionStats) *ExpectedPartitionStats

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.PartitionStats().

func (*ExpectedPartitionStats) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPartitionStats

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.PartitionStats().

func (*ExpectedPartitionStats) WithName

func (e *ExpectedPartitionStats) WithName(name string) *ExpectedPartitionStats

WithName sets the expectation for the partition name passed to the DB.PartitionStats() call.

type ExpectedPing

ExpectedPing represents an expectation for a call to Ping().

type ExpectedPing struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedPing) String

func (e *ExpectedPing) String() string

func (*ExpectedPing) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedPing) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPing

WillDelay causes the call to Ping() to delay.

func (*ExpectedPing) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedPing) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)) *ExpectedPing

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedPing) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedPing) WillReturn(ret0 bool) *ExpectedPing

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to Ping().

func (*ExpectedPing) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedPing) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPing

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to Ping().

type ExpectedPurge

ExpectedPurge represents an expectation for a call to DB.Purge().

type ExpectedPurge struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedPurge) String

func (e *ExpectedPurge) String() string

func (*ExpectedPurge) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPurge

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Purge() to delay.

func (*ExpectedPurge) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 map[string][]string) (*driver.PurgeResult, error)) *ExpectedPurge

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedPurge) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.PurgeResult) *ExpectedPurge

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Purge().

func (*ExpectedPurge) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedPurge) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPurge

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Purge().

func (*ExpectedPurge) WithDocRevMap

func (e *ExpectedPurge) WithDocRevMap(docRevMap map[string][]string) *ExpectedPurge

WithDocRevMap sets the expected docRevMap for the call to DB.Purge().

type ExpectedPut

ExpectedPut represents an expectation for a call to DB.Put().

type ExpectedPut struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedPut) String

func (e *ExpectedPut) String() string

func (*ExpectedPut) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedPut) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPut

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Put() to delay.

func (*ExpectedPut) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedPut) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 interface{}, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedPut

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedPut) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedPut) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedPut

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Put().

func (*ExpectedPut) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedPut) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPut

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Put().

func (*ExpectedPut) WithDoc

func (e *ExpectedPut) WithDoc(doc interface{}) *ExpectedPut

WithDoc sets the expectation for the doc passed to the DB.Put() call.

func (*ExpectedPut) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedPut) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedPut

WithDocID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.Put() call.

func (*ExpectedPut) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedPut) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedPut

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Put().

type ExpectedPutAttachment

ExpectedPutAttachment represents an expectation for a call to DB.PutAttachment().

type ExpectedPutAttachment struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) String

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) String() string

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedPutAttachment

WillDelay causes the call to DB.PutAttachment() to delay.

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 *driver.Attachment, options driver.Options) (string, error)) *ExpectedPutAttachment

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedPutAttachment

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.PutAttachment().

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedPutAttachment

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.PutAttachment().

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) WithAttachment

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WithAttachment(att *driver.Attachment) *ExpectedPutAttachment

WithAttachment sets the expectation for the rev passed to the DB.PutAttachment() call.

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) WithDocID

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WithDocID(docID string) *ExpectedPutAttachment

WithDocID sets the expectation for the docID passed to the DB.PutAttachment() call.

func (*ExpectedPutAttachment) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedPutAttachment) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedPutAttachment

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.PutAttachment().

type ExpectedQuery

ExpectedQuery represents an expectation for a call to DB.Query().

type ExpectedQuery struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedQuery) String

func (e *ExpectedQuery) String() string

func (*ExpectedQuery) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedQuery

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Query() to delay.

func (*ExpectedQuery) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedQuery

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedQuery) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedQuery

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Query().

func (*ExpectedQuery) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedQuery) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedQuery

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Query().

func (*ExpectedQuery) WithDDocID

func (e *ExpectedQuery) WithDDocID(ddocID string) *ExpectedQuery

WithDDocID sets the expected ddocID value for the DB.Query() call.

func (*ExpectedQuery) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedQuery) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedQuery

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to DB.Query().

func (*ExpectedQuery) WithView

func (e *ExpectedQuery) WithView(view string) *ExpectedQuery

WithView sets the expected view value for the DB.Query() call.

type ExpectedReplicate

ExpectedReplicate represents an expectation for a call to Replicate().

type ExpectedReplicate struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedReplicate) String

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) String() string

func (*ExpectedReplicate) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedReplicate

WillDelay causes the call to Replicate() to delay.

func (*ExpectedReplicate) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, options driver.Options) (driver.Replication, error)) *ExpectedReplicate

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedReplicate) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillReturn(ret0 *Replication) *ExpectedReplicate

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to Replicate().

func (*ExpectedReplicate) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedReplicate

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to Replicate().

func (*ExpectedReplicate) WithOptions

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WithOptions(options ...kivik.Option) *ExpectedReplicate

WithOptions sets the expected options for the call to Replicate().

func (*ExpectedReplicate) WithSource

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WithSource(source string) *ExpectedReplicate

WithSource sets the expected source.

func (*ExpectedReplicate) WithTarget

func (e *ExpectedReplicate) WithTarget(target string) *ExpectedReplicate

WithTarget sets the expected target.

type ExpectedRevsDiff

ExpectedRevsDiff represents an expectation for a call to DB.RevsDiff().

type ExpectedRevsDiff struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedRevsDiff) String

func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) String() string

func (*ExpectedRevsDiff) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedRevsDiff

WillDelay causes the call to DB.RevsDiff() to delay.

func (*ExpectedRevsDiff) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 interface{}) (driver.Rows, error)) *ExpectedRevsDiff

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedRevsDiff) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillReturn(ret0 *Rows) *ExpectedRevsDiff

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.RevsDiff().

func (*ExpectedRevsDiff) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedRevsDiff

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.RevsDiff().

func (*ExpectedRevsDiff) WithRevLookup

func (e *ExpectedRevsDiff) WithRevLookup(revLookup interface{}) *ExpectedRevsDiff

WithRevLookup sets the expectation for the rev lookup passed to the DB.RevsDiff() call.

type ExpectedSecurity

ExpectedSecurity represents an expectation for a call to DB.Security().

type ExpectedSecurity struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedSecurity) String

func (e *ExpectedSecurity) String() string

func (*ExpectedSecurity) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSecurity

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Security() to delay.

func (*ExpectedSecurity) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.Security, error)) *ExpectedSecurity

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedSecurity) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Security) *ExpectedSecurity

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Security().

func (*ExpectedSecurity) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedSecurity) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSecurity

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Security().

type ExpectedSession

ExpectedSession represents an expectation for a call to Session().

type ExpectedSession struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedSession) String

func (e *ExpectedSession) String() string

func (*ExpectedSession) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedSession) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSession

WillDelay causes the call to Session() to delay.

func (*ExpectedSession) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedSession) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.Session, error)) *ExpectedSession

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedSession) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedSession) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Session) *ExpectedSession

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to Session().

func (*ExpectedSession) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedSession) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSession

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to Session().

type ExpectedSetConfigValue

ExpectedSetConfigValue represents an expectation for a call to SetConfigValue().

type ExpectedSetConfigValue struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) String

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) String() string

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WillDelay causes the call to SetConfigValue() to delay.

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 string, arg1 string, arg2 string, arg3 string) (string, error)) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillReturn(ret0 string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to SetConfigValue().

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to SetConfigValue().

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithKey

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithKey(key string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WithKey sets the expected key.

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithNode

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithNode(node string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WithNode sets the expected node.

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithSection

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithSection(section string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WithSection sets the expected section.

func (*ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithValue

func (e *ExpectedSetConfigValue) WithValue(value string) *ExpectedSetConfigValue

WithValue sets the expected value.

type ExpectedSetSecurity

ExpectedSetSecurity represents an expectation for a call to DB.SetSecurity().

type ExpectedSetSecurity struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedSetSecurity) String

func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) String() string

func (*ExpectedSetSecurity) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedSetSecurity

WillDelay causes the call to DB.SetSecurity() to delay.

func (*ExpectedSetSecurity) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context, arg0 *driver.Security) error) *ExpectedSetSecurity

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedSetSecurity) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedSetSecurity

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.SetSecurity().

func (*ExpectedSetSecurity) WithSecurity

func (e *ExpectedSetSecurity) WithSecurity(sec *driver.Security) *ExpectedSetSecurity

WithSecurity sets the expected security object for the DB.SetSecurity() call.

type ExpectedStats

ExpectedStats represents an expectation for a call to DB.Stats().

type ExpectedStats struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedStats) String

func (e *ExpectedStats) String() string

func (*ExpectedStats) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedStats) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedStats

WillDelay causes the call to DB.Stats() to delay.

func (*ExpectedStats) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedStats) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.DBStats, error)) *ExpectedStats

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedStats) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedStats) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.DBStats) *ExpectedStats

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to DB.Stats().

func (*ExpectedStats) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedStats) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedStats

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.Stats().

type ExpectedVersion

ExpectedVersion represents an expectation for a call to Version().

type ExpectedVersion struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedVersion) String

func (e *ExpectedVersion) String() string

func (*ExpectedVersion) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedVersion

WillDelay causes the call to Version() to delay.

func (*ExpectedVersion) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) (*driver.Version, error)) *ExpectedVersion

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedVersion) WillReturn

func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillReturn(ret0 *driver.Version) *ExpectedVersion

WillReturn sets the values that will be returned by the call to Version().

func (*ExpectedVersion) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedVersion) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedVersion

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to Version().

type ExpectedViewCleanup

ExpectedViewCleanup represents an expectation for a call to DB.ViewCleanup().

type ExpectedViewCleanup struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ExpectedViewCleanup) String

func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) String() string

func (*ExpectedViewCleanup) WillDelay

func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) WillDelay(delay time.Duration) *ExpectedViewCleanup

WillDelay causes the call to DB.ViewCleanup() to delay.

func (*ExpectedViewCleanup) WillExecute

func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) WillExecute(cb func(ctx context.Context) error) *ExpectedViewCleanup

WillExecute sets a callback function to be called with any inputs to the original function. Any values returned by the callback will be returned as if generated by the driver.

func (*ExpectedViewCleanup) WillReturnError

func (e *ExpectedViewCleanup) WillReturnError(err error) *ExpectedViewCleanup

WillReturnError sets the error value that will be returned by the call to DB.ViewCleanup().

type Replication

Replication is a replication instance.

type Replication struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Replication) EndTime

func (r *Replication) EndTime(t time.Time) *Replication

EndTime sets the replication end time.

func (*Replication) Err

func (r *Replication) Err(e error) *Replication

Err sets the replication error.

func (*Replication) ID

func (r *Replication) ID(id string) *Replication

ID sets the replication ID.

func (*Replication) MarshalJSON

func (r *Replication) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON satisfies the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*Replication) Source

func (r *Replication) Source(s string) *Replication

Source sets the replication source.

func (*Replication) StartTime

func (r *Replication) StartTime(t time.Time) *Replication

StartTime sets the replication start time.

func (*Replication) State

func (r *Replication) State(s kivik.ReplicationState) *Replication

State sets the replication state.

func (*Replication) Target

func (r *Replication) Target(t string) *Replication

Target sets the replication target.

type Rows

Rows is a mocked collection of rows.

type Rows struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRows

func NewRows() *Rows

NewRows returns a new, empty set of rows, which can be returned by any of the row-returning expectations.

func (*Rows) AddDelay

func (r *Rows) AddDelay(delay time.Duration) *Rows

AddDelay adds a delay before the next iteration will complete.

func (*Rows) AddRow

func (r *Rows) AddRow(row *driver.Row) *Rows

AddRow adds a row to be returned by the rows iterator. If AddrowError has been set, this method will panic.

func (*Rows) AddRowError

func (r *Rows) AddRowError(err error) *Rows

AddRowError adds an error to be returned during row iteration.

func (*Rows) Close

func (i *Rows) Close() error

func (*Rows) CloseError

func (r *Rows) CloseError(err error) *Rows

CloseError sets an error to be returned when the rows iterator is closed.

func (*Rows) Final

func (r *Rows) Final() driver.Rows

Final converts the Rows object to a driver.Rows. This method is intended for use within WillExecute() to return results.

func (*Rows) Offset

func (r *Rows) Offset(offset int64) *Rows

Offset sets the offset value to be returned by the rows iterator.

func (*Rows) TotalRows

func (r *Rows) TotalRows(totalRows int64) *Rows

TotalRows sets the total rows value to be returned by the rows iterator.

func (*Rows) UpdateSeq

func (r *Rows) UpdateSeq(seq string) *Rows

UpdateSeq sets the update sequence value to be returned by the rows iterator.

func (*Rows) Warning

func (r *Rows) Warning(warning string) *Rows

Warning sets the warning value to be returned by the rows iterator.

type Updates

Updates is a mocked collection of database updates.

type Updates struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewDBUpdates

func NewDBUpdates() *Updates

NewDBUpdates returns a new, empty update set, which can be returned by the DBUpdates() expectation.

func (*Updates) AddDelay

func (u *Updates) AddDelay(delay time.Duration) *Updates

AddDelay adds a delay before the next iteration will complete.

func (*Updates) AddUpdate

func (u *Updates) AddUpdate(update *driver.DBUpdate) *Updates

AddUpdate adds a database update to be returned by the DBUpdates iterator. If AddUpdateError has been set, this method will panic.

func (*Updates) AddUpdateError

func (u *Updates) AddUpdateError(err error) *Updates

AddUpdateError adds an error to be returned during update iteration.

func (*Updates) Close

func (i *Updates) Close() error

func (*Updates) CloseError

func (u *Updates) CloseError(err error) *Updates

CloseError sets an error to be returned when the updates iterator is closed.

func (*Updates) Final

func (u *Updates) Final() driver.DBUpdates

Final converts the Updates object to a driver.DBUpdates. This method is intended for use within WillExecute() to return results.

func (*Updates) LastSeq

func (u *Updates) LastSeq(lastSeq string) *Updates

LastSeq sets the LastSeq value to be returned by the DBUpdates iterator.

func (*Updates) LastSeqError

func (u *Updates) LastSeqError(err error) *Updates

LastSeqError sets the error value to be returned when LastSeq is called.


Name Synopsis
gen Package main generates the bulk of the mockdb driver.