
Package driver

import "github.com/go-kivik/kivik/v4/driver"

Overview ▾

Package driver defines interfaces to be implemented by database drivers as used by package kivik.

Most code should use package kivik.


EOQ should be returned by a view iterator at the end of each query result set.

const EOQ = err("EOQ")

type AllDBsStatser

AllDBsStatser is an optional interface that a DB may implement, added to support CouchDB 3.2's GET /_dbs_info endpoint. If this is not supported, or if this method returns status 404 or 405, Kivik will fall back to using _all_dbs + the [DBStatser] interface (or its respective emulation).

type AllDBsStatser interface {
    // AllDBsStats returns database statistical information for each database
    // in the CouchDB instance. See the [CouchDB documentation] for supported
    // options.
    // [CouchDB documentation]: https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/server/common.html#get--_dbs_info
    AllDBsStats(ctx context.Context, options Options) ([]*DBStats, error)

type Attachment

Attachment represents a file attachment to a document.

type Attachment struct {
    Filename        string        `json:"-"`
    ContentType     string        `json:"content_type"`
    Stub            bool          `json:"stub"`
    Follows         bool          `json:"follows"`
    Content         io.ReadCloser `json:"-"`
    Size            int64         `json:"length"`
    ContentEncoding string        `json:"encoding"`
    EncodedLength   int64         `json:"encoded_length"`
    RevPos          int64         `json:"revpos"`
    Digest          string        `json:"digest"`

type AttachmentMetaGetter

AttachmentMetaGetter is an optional interface which may be implemented by a DB. When not implemented, [DB.GetAttachment] will be used to emulate the functionality.

type AttachmentMetaGetter interface {
    // GetAttachmentMeta returns meta information about an attachment.
    GetAttachmentMeta(ctx context.Context, docID, filename string, options Options) (*Attachment, error)

type Attachments

Attachments is an iterator over the attachments included in a document when [DB.Get] is called with `attachments=true`.

type Attachments interface {
    // Next is called to populate att with the next attachment in the result
    // set.
    // Next should return [io.EOF] when there are no more attachments.
    Next(att *Attachment) error

    // Close closes the Attachments iterator.
    Close() error

type Bookmarker

Bookmarker is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Rows for returning a paging bookmark.

type Bookmarker interface {
    // Bookmark returns an opaque bookmark string used for paging, added to
    // the /_find endpoint in CouchDB 2.1.1.  See the [CouchDB documentation] for
    // usage.
    // [CouchDB documentation]: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.1.1/api/database/find.html#pagination
    Bookmark() string

type BulkDocer

BulkDocer is an optional interface which may be implemented by a DB to support bulk insert/update operations. For any driver that does not support the BulkDocer interface, the [DB.Put] or [DB.CreateDoc] methods will be called for each document to emulate the same functionality, with options passed through unaltered.

type BulkDocer interface {
    // BulkDocs alls bulk create, update and/or delete operations. It returns an
    // iterator over the results.
    BulkDocs(ctx context.Context, docs []interface{}, options Options) ([]BulkResult, error)

type BulkGetReference

BulkGetReference is a reference to a document given in a [BulkGetter.BulkGet] query.

type BulkGetReference struct {
    ID        string `json:"id"`
    Rev       string `json:"rev,omitempty"`
    AttsSince string `json:"atts_since,omitempty"`

type BulkGetter

BulkGetter is an optional interface which may be implemented by a driver to support bulk get operations.

type BulkGetter interface {
    // BulkGet uses the _bulk_get interface to fetch multiple documents in a single query.
    BulkGet(ctx context.Context, docs []BulkGetReference, options Options) (Rows, error)

type BulkResult

BulkResult is the result of a single doc update in a BulkDocs request.

type BulkResult struct {
    ID    string `json:"id"`
    Rev   string `json:"rev"`
    Error error

type Change

Change represents the changes to a single document.

type Change struct {
    // ID is the document ID to which the change relates.
    ID string `json:"id"`
    // Seq is the update sequence for the changes feed.
    Seq string `json:"seq"`
    // Deleted is set to true for the changes feed, if the document has been
    // deleted.
    Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
    // Changes represents a list of document leaf revisions for the /_changes
    // endpoint.
    Changes ChangedRevs `json:"changes"`
    // Doc is the raw, un-decoded JSON document. This is only populated when
    // include_docs=true is set.
    Doc json.RawMessage `json:"doc"`

type ChangedRevs

ChangedRevs represents a "changes" field of a result in the /_changes stream.

type ChangedRevs []string

func (*ChangedRevs) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *ChangedRevs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON satisfies the json.Unmarshaler interface

type Changes

Changes is an iterator of the database changes feed.

type Changes interface {
    // Next is called to populate change with the next value in the feed.
    // Next should return [io.EOF] when the changes feed is closed by request.
    Next(change *Change) error
    // Close closes the changes feed iterator.
    Close() error
    // LastSeq returns the last change update sequence.
    LastSeq() string
    // Pending returns the count of remaining items in the feed
    Pending() int64
    // ETag returns the unquoted ETag header, if present.
    ETag() string

type Client

Client is a connection to a database server.

type Client interface {
    // Version returns the server implementation's details.
    Version(ctx context.Context) (*Version, error)
    // AllDBs returns a list of all existing database names.
    AllDBs(ctx context.Context, options Options) ([]string, error)
    // DBExists returns true if the database exists.
    DBExists(ctx context.Context, dbName string, options Options) (bool, error)
    // CreateDB creates the requested database.
    CreateDB(ctx context.Context, dbName string, options Options) error
    // DestroyDB deletes the requested database.
    DestroyDB(ctx context.Context, dbName string, options Options) error
    // DB returns a handle to the requested database.
    DB(dbName string, options Options) (DB, error)

type ClientCloser

ClientCloser is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Client to clean up resources when a client is no longer needed.

type ClientCloser interface {
    Close() error

type ClientReplicator

ClientReplicator is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Client that supports replication between two database.

type ClientReplicator interface {
    // Replicate initiates a replication.
    Replicate(ctx context.Context, targetDSN, sourceDSN string, options Options) (Replication, error)
    // GetReplications returns a list of replications (i.e. all docs in the
    // _replicator database)
    GetReplications(ctx context.Context, options Options) ([]Replication, error)

type Cluster

Cluster is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Client to support CouchDB cluster configuration operations.

type Cluster interface {
    // ClusterStatus returns the current cluster status.
    ClusterStatus(ctx context.Context, options Options) (string, error)
    // ClusterSetup performs the action specified by action.
    ClusterSetup(ctx context.Context, action interface{}) error
    // Membership returns a list of all known nodes, and all nodes configured as
    // part of the cluster.
    Membership(ctx context.Context) (*ClusterMembership, error)

type ClusterMembership

ClusterMembership contains the list of known nodes, and cluster nodes, as returned by the _membership endpoint.

type ClusterMembership struct {
    AllNodes     []string `json:"all_nodes"`
    ClusterNodes []string `json:"cluster_nodes"`

type ClusterStats

ClusterStats contains the cluster configuration for the database.

type ClusterStats struct {
    Replicas    int `json:"n"`
    Shards      int `json:"q"`
    ReadQuorum  int `json:"r"`
    WriteQuorum int `json:"w"`

type Config

Config represents all the config sections.

type Config map[string]ConfigSection

type ConfigSection

ConfigSection represents all key/value pairs for a section of configuration.

type ConfigSection map[string]string

type Configer

Configer is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Client to allow access to reading and setting server configuration.

type Configer interface {
    Config(ctx context.Context, node string) (Config, error)
    ConfigSection(ctx context.Context, node, section string) (ConfigSection, error)
    ConfigValue(ctx context.Context, node, section, key string) (string, error)
    SetConfigValue(ctx context.Context, node, section, key, value string) (string, error)
    DeleteConfigKey(ctx context.Context, node, section, key string) (string, error)

type Copier

Copier is an optional interface that may be implemented by a DB.

If a DB does not implement Copier, the functionality will be emulated by calling [DB.Get] followed by [DB.Put], with options passed through unaltered, except that the 'rev' option will be removed for the [DB.Put] call.

type Copier interface {
    Copy(ctx context.Context, targetID, sourceID string, options Options) (targetRev string, err error)

type DB

DB is a database handle.

type DB interface {
    // AllDocs returns all of the documents in the database, subject to the
    // options provided.
    AllDocs(ctx context.Context, options Options) (Rows, error)
    // Put writes the document in the database.
    Put(ctx context.Context, docID string, doc interface{}, options Options) (rev string, err error)
    // Get fetches the requested document from the database.
    Get(ctx context.Context, docID string, options Options) (*Document, error)
    // Delete marks the specified document as deleted.
    Delete(ctx context.Context, docID string, options Options) (newRev string, err error)
    // Stats returns database statistics.
    Stats(ctx context.Context) (*DBStats, error)
    // Compact initiates compaction of the database.
    Compact(ctx context.Context) error
    // CompactView initiates compaction of the view.
    CompactView(ctx context.Context, ddocID string) error
    // ViewCleanup cleans up stale view files.
    ViewCleanup(ctx context.Context) error
    // Changes returns an iterator for the changes feed. In continuous mode,
    // the iterator will continue indefinitely, until [Changes.Close] is called.
    Changes(ctx context.Context, options Options) (Changes, error)
    // PutAttachment uploads an attachment to the specified document, returning
    // the new revision.
    PutAttachment(ctx context.Context, docID string, att *Attachment, options Options) (newRev string, err error)
    // GetAttachment fetches an attachment for the associated document ID.
    GetAttachment(ctx context.Context, docID, filename string, options Options) (*Attachment, error)
    // DeleteAttachment deletes an attachment from a document, returning the
    // document's new revision.
    DeleteAttachment(ctx context.Context, docID, filename string, options Options) (newRev string, err error)
    // Query performs a query against a view, subject to the options provided.
    // ddoc will be the design doc name without the '_design/' previx.
    // view will be the view name without the '_view/' prefix.
    Query(ctx context.Context, ddoc, view string, options Options) (Rows, error)
    // Close is called to clean up any resources used by the database.
    Close() error

type DBStats

DBStats contains database statistics.

type DBStats struct {
    Name           string          `json:"db_name"`
    CompactRunning bool            `json:"compact_running"`
    DocCount       int64           `json:"doc_count"`
    DeletedCount   int64           `json:"doc_del_count"`
    UpdateSeq      string          `json:"update_seq"`
    DiskSize       int64           `json:"disk_size"`
    ActiveSize     int64           `json:"data_size"`
    ExternalSize   int64           `json:"-"`
    Cluster        *ClusterStats   `json:"cluster,omitempty"`
    RawResponse    json.RawMessage `json:"-"`

type DBUpdate

DBUpdate represents a database update event.

type DBUpdate struct {
    DBName string `json:"db_name"`
    Type   string `json:"type"`
    Seq    string `json:"seq"`

type DBUpdater

DBUpdater is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Client to provide access to the DB Updates feed.

type DBUpdater interface {
    // DBUpdates must return a [DBUpdates] iterator. The context, or the iterator's
    // Close method, may be used to close the iterator.
    DBUpdates(ctx context.Context, options Options) (DBUpdates, error)

type DBUpdates

DBUpdates is a DBUpdates iterator.

type DBUpdates interface {
    // Next is called to populate DBUpdate with the values of the next update in
    // the feed.
    // Next should return [io.EOF] when the feed is closed normally.
    Next(*DBUpdate) error
    // Close closes the iterator.
    Close() error

type DBsStatser

DBsStatser is an optional interface that a DB may implement, added to support CouchDB 2.2.0's /_dbs_info endpoint. If this is not supported, or if this method returns status 404, Kivik will fall back to calling the method of issuing a GET /{db} for each database requested.

type DBsStatser interface {
    // DBsStats returns database statistical information for each database
    // named in dbNames. The returned values should be in the same order as
    // the requested database names, and any missing databases should return
    // a nil *DBStats value.
    DBsStats(ctx context.Context, dbNames []string) ([]*DBStats, error)

type DesignDocer

DesignDocer is an optional interface that may be implemented by a DB.

type DesignDocer interface {
    // DesignDocs returns all of the design documents in the database, subject
    // to the options provided.
    DesignDocs(ctx context.Context, options Options) (Rows, error)

type DocCreator

DocCreator is an optional interface that extends a DB to support the creation of new documents. If not implemented, [DB.Put] will be used to emulate the functionality, with missing document IDs generated as V4 UUIDs.

type DocCreator interface {
    // CreateDoc creates a new doc, with a server-generated ID.
    CreateDoc(ctx context.Context, doc interface{}, options Options) (docID, rev string, err error)

type Document

Document represents a single document returned by [DB.Get].

type Document struct {
    // Rev is the revision number returned
    Rev string

    // Body returns the document JSON.
    Body io.ReadCloser

    // Attachments will be nil except when attachments=true.
    Attachments Attachments

type Driver

Driver is the interface that must be implemented by a database driver.

type Driver interface {
    // NewClient returns a connection handle to the database. The name is in a
    // driver-specific format.
    NewClient(name string, options Options) (Client, error)

type Finder

Finder is an optional interface which may be implemented by a DB. It provides access to the MongoDB-style query interface added in CouchDB 2.

type Finder interface {
    // Find executes a query using the new /_find interface. query is always
    // converted to a [encoding/json.RawMessage] value before passing it to the
    // driver. The type remains `interface{}` for backward compatibility, but
    // will change with Kivik 5.x. See [issue #1015] for details.
    // [issue #1014]: https://github.com/go-kivik/kivik/issues/1015
    Find(ctx context.Context, query interface{}, options Options) (Rows, error)
    // CreateIndex creates an index if it doesn't already exist. If the index
    // already exists, it should do nothing. ddoc and name may be empty, in
    // which case they should be provided by the backend. If index is a string,
    // []byte, or [encoding/json.RawMessage], it should be treated as a raw
    // JSON payload. Any other type should be marshaled to JSON.
    CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, ddoc, name string, index interface{}, options Options) error
    // GetIndexes returns a list of all indexes in the database.
    GetIndexes(ctx context.Context, options Options) ([]Index, error)
    // Delete deletes the requested index.
    DeleteIndex(ctx context.Context, ddoc, name string, options Options) error
    // Explain returns the query plan for a given query. Explain takes the same
    // arguments as [Finder.Find].
    Explain(ctx context.Context, query interface{}, options Options) (*QueryPlan, error)

type Flusher

Flusher is an optional interface that may be implemented by a DB that can force a flush of the database backend file(s) to disk or other permanent storage.

type Flusher interface {
    // Flush requests a flush of disk cache to disk or other permanent storage.
    // See the [CouchDB documentation].
    // [CouchDB documentation]: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.0.0/api/database/compact.html#db-ensure-full-commit
    Flush(ctx context.Context) error

type Index

Index is a MonboDB-style index definition.

type Index struct {
    DesignDoc  string      `json:"ddoc,omitempty"`
    Name       string      `json:"name"`
    Type       string      `json:"type"`
    Definition interface{} `json:"def"`

type LastSeqer

LastSeqer extends the DBUpdates interface, and in Kivik v5, will be included in it.

type LastSeqer interface {
    // LastSeq returns the last sequence ID reported.
    LastSeq() (string, error)

type LocalDocer

LocalDocer is an optional interface that may be implemented by a DB.

type LocalDocer interface {
    // LocalDocs returns all of the local documents in the database, subject to
    // the options provided.
    LocalDocs(ctx context.Context, options Options) (Rows, error)

type Members

Members represents the members of a database security document.

type Members struct {
    Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`
    Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`

type OpenRever

OpenRever is an optional interface that extends a DB to support the open_revs option of the CouchDB get document endpoint. It is used by the replicator. Drivers that don't support this endpoint may not be able to replicate as efficiently, or at all.

type OpenRever interface {
    // OpenRevs fetches the requested document revisions from the database.
    // revs may be a list of revisions, or a single item with value "all" to
    // request all open revs.
    OpenRevs(ctx context.Context, docID string, revs []string, options Options) (Rows, error)

type Options

Options represents a collection of arbitrary client or query options.

An implementation should also implement the fmt.Stringer interface for the sake of display when used by github.com/go-kivik/kivik/v4/mockdb.

type Options interface {
    // Apply applies the option to target, if target is of the expected type.
    // Unexpected/recognized target types should be ignored.
    Apply(target interface{})

type PartitionStats

PartitionStats contains partition statistics.

type PartitionStats struct {
    DBName          string
    DocCount        int64
    DeletedDocCount int64
    Partition       string
    ActiveSize      int64
    ExternalSize    int64
    RawResponse     json.RawMessage

type PartitionedDB

PartitionedDB is an optional interface that may be implemented by a DB to support querying partition-specific information.

type PartitionedDB interface {
    // PartitionStats returns information about the named partition.
    PartitionStats(ctx context.Context, name string) (*PartitionStats, error)

type Pinger

Pinger is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Client. When not implemented, Kivik will call [Client.Version] instead to emulate the functionality.

type Pinger interface {
    // Ping returns true if the database is online and available for requests.
    Ping(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)

type PurgeResult

PurgeResult is the result of a purge request.

type PurgeResult struct {
    Seq    int64               `json:"purge_seq"`
    Purged map[string][]string `json:"purged"`

type Purger

Purger is an optional interface which may be implemented by a DB to support document purging.

type Purger interface {
    // Purge permanently removes the references to deleted documents from the
    // database.
    Purge(ctx context.Context, docRevMap map[string][]string) (*PurgeResult, error)

type QueryPlan

QueryPlan is the response of an Explain query.

type QueryPlan struct {
    DBName   string                 `json:"dbname"`
    Index    map[string]interface{} `json:"index"`
    Selector map[string]interface{} `json:"selector"`
    Options  map[string]interface{} `json:"opts"`
    Limit    int64                  `json:"limit"`
    Skip     int64                  `json:"skip"`

    // Fields is the list of fields to be returned in the result set, or
    // an empty list if all fields are to be returned.
    Fields []interface{}          `json:"fields"`
    Range  map[string]interface{} `json:"range"`

type Replication

Replication represents a _replicator document.

type Replication interface {
    // The following methods are called just once, when the Replication is first
    // returned from [ClientReplicator.Replicate] or
    // [ClientReplicator.GetReplications].
    ReplicationID() string
    Source() string
    Target() string

    // The following methods return values may be updated by calls to [Update].
    StartTime() time.Time
    EndTime() time.Time
    State() string
    Err() error

    // Delete deletes a replication, which cancels it if it is running.
    Delete(context.Context) error
    // Update fetches the latest replication state from the server.
    Update(context.Context, *ReplicationInfo) error

type ReplicationInfo

ReplicationInfo represents a snapshot state of a replication, as provided by the _active_tasks endpoint.

type ReplicationInfo struct {
    DocWriteFailures int64
    DocsRead         int64
    DocsWritten      int64
    Progress         float64

type RevDiff

RevDiff represents a rev diff for a single document, as returned by [RevsDiffer.RevsDiff].

type RevDiff struct {
    Missing           []string `json:"missing,omitempty"`
    PossibleAncestors []string `json:"possible_ancestors,omitempty"`

type RevGetter

RevGetter is an optional interface that may be implemented by a DB. If not implemented, [DB.Get] will be used to emulate the functionality, with options passed through unaltered.

type RevGetter interface {
    // GetRev returns the document revision of the requested document. GetRev
    // should accept the same options as [DB.Get].
    GetRev(ctx context.Context, docID string, options Options) (rev string, err error)

type RevsDiffer

RevsDiffer is an optional interface that may be implemented by a DB.

type RevsDiffer interface {
    // RevsDiff returns a Rows iterator, which should populate the ID and Value
    // fields, and nothing else.
    RevsDiff(ctx context.Context, revMap interface{}) (Rows, error)

type Row

Row is a generic view result row.

type Row struct {
    // ID is the document ID of the result.
    ID string `json:"id"`
    // Rev is the document revision. Typically only set when fetching a single
    // document.
    Rev string `json:"_rev"`
    // Key is the view key of the result. For built-in views, this is the same
    // as [ID].
    Key json.RawMessage `json:"key"`
    // Value is an [io.Reader] to access the raw, un-decoded JSON value.
    // For most built-in views, such as /_all_docs, this is `{"rev":"X-xxx"}`.
    Value io.Reader `json:"-"`
    // Doc is an [io.Reader] to access the raw, un-decoded JSON document.
    // This is only populated by views which return docs, such as
    // /_all_docs?include_docs=true.
    Doc io.Reader `json:"-"`
    // Attachments is an attachments iterator. Typically only set when fetching
    // a single document.
    Attachments Attachments `json:"-"`
    // Error represents the error for any row not fetched. Usually just
    // 'not_found'.
    Error error `json:"-"`

type Rows

Rows is an iterator over a view's results.

type Rows interface {
    // Next is called to populate row with the next row in the result set.
    // Next should return [io.EOF] when there are no more rows, or [EOQ] after
    // having reached the end of a query in a multi-query resultset. row should
    // not be updated when an error is returned.
    Next(row *Row) error
    // Close closes the rows iterator.
    Close() error
    // UpdateSeq is the update sequence of the database, if requested in the
    // result set.
    UpdateSeq() string
    // Offset is the offset where the result set starts.
    Offset() int64
    // TotalRows is the number of documents in the database/view.
    TotalRows() int64

type RowsWarner

RowsWarner is an optional interface that may be implemented by a Rows, which allows a rows iterator to return a non-fatal warning. This is intended for use by the /_find endpoint, which generates warnings when indexes don't exist.

type RowsWarner interface {
    // Warning returns the warning generated by the query, if any.
    Warning() string

type SearchIndex

SearchIndex contains textual search index information.

type SearchIndex struct {
    PendingSeq   int64
    DocDelCount  int64
    DocCount     int64
    DiskSize     int64
    CommittedSeq int64

type SearchInfo

SearchInfo is the result of a [Searcher.SearchInfo] request.

type SearchInfo struct {
    Name        string
    SearchIndex SearchIndex
    // RawMessage is the raw JSON response returned by the server.
    RawResponse json.RawMessage

type Searcher

Searcher is an optional interface, which may be satisfied by a DB to support full-text lucene searches, as added in CouchDB 3.0.0.

type Searcher interface {
    // Search performs a full-text search against the specified ddoc and index,
    // with the specified Lucene query.
    Search(ctx context.Context, ddoc, index, query string, options map[string]interface{}) (Rows, error)
    // SearchInfo returns statistics about the specified search index.
    SearchInfo(ctx context.Context, ddoc, index string) (*SearchInfo, error)
    // SearchAnalyze tests the results of Lucene analyzer tokenization on sample text.
    SearchAnalyze(ctx context.Context, text string) ([]string, error)

type Security

Security represents a database security document.

type Security struct {
    Admins          Members             `json:"admins,omitempty"`
    Members         Members             `json:"members,omitempty"`
    Cloudant        map[string][]string `json:"cloudant,omitempty"`
    CouchdbAuthOnly *bool               `json:"couchdb_auth_only,omitempty"`

func (Security) MarshalJSON

func (s Security) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON satisfies the json.Marshaler interface.

type SecurityDB

SecurityDB is an optional interface that extends a DB, for backends which support security documents.

type SecurityDB interface {
    // Security returns the database's security document.
    Security(ctx context.Context) (*Security, error)
    // SetSecurity sets the database's security document.
    SetSecurity(ctx context.Context, security *Security) error

type Session

Session is a copy of github.com/go-kivik/kivik/v4.Session.

type Session struct {
    // Name is the name of the authenticated user.
    Name string
    // Roles is a list of roles the user belongs to.
    Roles []string
    // AuthenticationMethod is the authentication method that was used for this
    // session.
    AuthenticationMethod string
    // AuthenticationDB is the user database against which authentication was
    // performed.
    AuthenticationDB string
    // AuthenticationHandlers is a list of authentication handlers configured on
    // the server.
    AuthenticationHandlers []string
    // RawResponse is the raw JSON response sent by the server, useful for
    // custom backends which may provide additional fields.
    RawResponse json.RawMessage

type Sessioner

Sessioner is an optional interface that a Client may satisfy to provide access to the authenticated session information.

type Sessioner interface {
    // Session returns information about the authenticated user.
    Session(ctx context.Context) (*Session, error)

type Version

Version represents a server version response.

type Version struct {
    // Version is the version number reported by the server or backend.
    Version string
    // Vendor is the vendor string reported by the server or backend.
    Vendor string
    // Features is a list of enabled, optional features.  This was added in
    // CouchDB 2.1.0, and can be expected to be empty for older versions.
    Features []string
    // RawResponse is the raw response body as returned by the server.
    RawResponse json.RawMessage