
Package secure

import "github.com/gin-contrib/secure"

Overview ▾

func New

func New(config Config) gin.HandlerFunc

New creates an instance of the secure middleware using the specified configuration. router.Use(secure.N)

type Config

Config is a struct for specifying configuration options for the secure.

type Config struct {
    // AllowedHosts is a list of fully qualified domain names that are allowed.
    //Default is empty list, which allows any and all host names.
    AllowedHosts []string
    // If SSLRedirect is set to true, then only allow https requests.
    // Default is false.
    SSLRedirect bool
    // If SSLTemporaryRedirect is true, the a 302 will be used while redirecting.
    // Default is false (301).
    SSLTemporaryRedirect bool
    // SSLHost is the host name that is used to redirect http requests to https.
    // Default is "", which indicates to use the same host.
    SSLHost string
    // STSSeconds is the max-age of the Strict-Transport-Security header.
    // Default is 0, which would NOT include the header.
    STSSeconds int64
    // If STSIncludeSubdomains is set to true, the `includeSubdomains` will
    // be appended to the Strict-Transport-Security header. Default is false.
    STSIncludeSubdomains bool
    // If FrameDeny is set to true, adds the X-Frame-Options header with
    // the value of `DENY`. Default is false.
    FrameDeny bool
    // CustomFrameOptionsValue allows the X-Frame-Options header value
    // to be set with a custom value. This overrides the FrameDeny option.
    CustomFrameOptionsValue string
    // If ContentTypeNosniff is true, adds the X-Content-Type-Options header
    // with the value `nosniff`. Default is false.
    ContentTypeNosniff bool
    // If BrowserXssFilter is true, adds the X-XSS-Protection header with
    // the value `1; mode=block`. Default is false.
    BrowserXssFilter bool
    // ContentSecurityPolicy allows the Content-Security-Policy header value
    // to be set with a custom value. Default is "".
    ContentSecurityPolicy string
    // HTTP header "Referrer-Policy" governs which referrer information, sent in the Referrer header, should be included with requests made.
    ReferrerPolicy string
    // When true, the whole security policy applied by the middleware is disabled completely.
    IsDevelopment bool
    // Handlers for when an error occurs (ie bad host).
    BadHostHandler gin.HandlerFunc
    // Prevent Internet Explorer from executing downloads in your site’s context
    IENoOpen bool
    // Feature Policy is a new header that allows a site to control which features and APIs can be used in the browser.
    FeaturePolicy string
    // If DontRedirectIPV4Hostnames is true, requests to hostnames that are IPV4
    // addresses aren't redirected. This is to allow load balancer health checks
    // to succeed.
    DontRedirectIPV4Hostnames bool

    // If the request is insecure, treat it as secure if any of the headers in this dict are set to their corresponding value
    // This is useful when your app is running behind a secure proxy that forwards requests to your app over http (such as on Heroku).
    SSLProxyHeaders map[string]string

func DefaultConfig

func DefaultConfig() Config

DefaultConfig returns a Configuration with strict security settings. ```

SSLRedirect:           true
IsDevelopment:         false
STSSeconds:            315360000
STSIncludeSubdomains:  true
FrameDeny:             true
ContentTypeNosniff:    true
BrowserXssFilter:      true
ContentSecurityPolicy: "default-src 'self'"
SSLProxyHeaders:       map[string]string{"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"},



Name Synopsis