
Package restful

import "github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3"

Overview ▾

Package restful , a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic.

WebServices and Routes

A WebService has a collection of Route objects that dispatch incoming Http Requests to a function calls. Typically, a WebService has a root path (e.g. /users) and defines common MIME types for its routes. WebServices must be added to a container (see below) in order to handler Http requests from a server.

A Route is defined by a HTTP method, an URL path and (optionally) the MIME types it consumes (Content-Type) and produces (Accept). This package has the logic to find the best matching Route and if found, call its Function.

ws := new(restful.WebService)
	Consumes(restful.MIME_JSON, restful.MIME_XML).
	Produces(restful.MIME_JSON, restful.MIME_XML)

ws.Route(ws.GET("/{user-id}").To(u.findUser))  // u is a UserResource


// GET http://localhost:8080/users/1
func (u UserResource) findUser(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
	id := request.PathParameter("user-id")

The (*Request, *Response) arguments provide functions for reading information from the request and writing information back to the response.

See the example https://github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/v3/examples/user-resource/restful-user-resource.go with a full implementation.

Regular expression matching Routes

A Route parameter can be specified using the format "uri/{var[:regexp]}" or the special version "uri/{var:*}" for matching the tail of the path. For example, /persons/{name:[A-Z][A-Z]} can be used to restrict values for the parameter "name" to only contain capital alphabetic characters. Regular expressions must use the standard Go syntax as described in the regexp package. (https://code.google.com/p/re2/wiki/Syntax) This feature requires the use of a CurlyRouter.


A Container holds a collection of WebServices, Filters and a http.ServeMux for multiplexing http requests. Using the statements "restful.Add(...) and restful.Filter(...)" will register WebServices and Filters to the Default Container. The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux. You can create your own Container and create a new http.Server for that particular container.

container := restful.NewContainer()
server := &http.Server{Addr: ":8081", Handler: container}


A filter dynamically intercepts requests and responses to transform or use the information contained in the requests or responses. You can use filters to perform generic logging, measurement, authentication, redirect, set response headers etc. In the restful package there are three hooks into the request,response flow where filters can be added. Each filter must define a FilterFunction:

func (req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response, chain *restful.FilterChain)

Use the following statement to pass the request,response pair to the next filter or RouteFunction

chain.ProcessFilter(req, resp)

Container Filters

These are processed before any registered WebService.

// install a (global) filter for the default container (processed before any webservice)

WebService Filters

These are processed before any Route of a WebService.

// install a webservice filter (processed before any route)

Route Filters

These are processed before calling the function associated with the Route.

// install 2 chained route filters (processed before calling findUser)

See the example https://github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/v3/examples/filters/restful-filters.go with full implementations.

Response Encoding

Two encodings are supported: gzip and deflate. To enable this for all responses:


If a Http request includes the Accept-Encoding header then the response content will be compressed using the specified encoding. Alternatively, you can create a Filter that performs the encoding and install it per WebService or Route.

See the example https://github.com/emicklei/go-restful/blob/v3/examples/encoding/restful-encoding-filter.go

OPTIONS support

By installing a pre-defined container filter, your Webservice(s) can respond to the OPTIONS Http request.



By installing the filter of a CrossOriginResourceSharing (CORS), your WebService(s) can handle CORS requests.

cors := CrossOriginResourceSharing{ExposeHeaders: []string{"X-My-Header"}, CookiesAllowed: false, Container: DefaultContainer}

Error Handling

Unexpected things happen. If a request cannot be processed because of a failure, your service needs to tell via the response what happened and why. For this reason HTTP status codes exist and it is important to use the correct code in every exceptional situation.

400: Bad Request

If path or query parameters are not valid (content or type) then use http.StatusBadRequest.

404: Not Found

Despite a valid URI, the resource requested may not be available

500: Internal Server Error

If the application logic could not process the request (or write the response) then use http.StatusInternalServerError.

405: Method Not Allowed

The request has a valid URL but the method (GET,PUT,POST,...) is not allowed.

406: Not Acceptable

The request does not have or has an unknown Accept Header set for this operation.

415: Unsupported Media Type

The request does not have or has an unknown Content-Type Header set for this operation.


In addition to setting the correct (error) Http status code, you can choose to write a ServiceError message on the response.

Performance options

This package has several options that affect the performance of your service. It is important to understand them and how you can change it.


DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to false, the container will recover from panics. Default value is true

restful.SetCompressorProvider(NewBoundedCachedCompressors(20, 20))

If content encoding is enabled then the default strategy for getting new gzip/zlib writers and readers is to use a sync.Pool. Because writers are expensive structures, performance is even more improved when using a preloaded cache. You can also inject your own implementation.

Trouble shooting

This package has the means to produce detail logging of the complete Http request matching process and filter invocation. Enabling this feature requires you to set an implementation of restful.StdLogger (e.g. log.Logger) instance such as:

restful.TraceLogger(log.New(os.Stdout, "[restful] ", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile))


The restful.SetLogger() method allows you to override the logger used by the package. By default restful uses the standard library `log` package and logs to stdout. Different logging packages are supported as long as they conform to `StdLogger` interface defined in the `log` sub-package, writing an adapter for your preferred package is simple.


(c) 2012-2015, http://ernestmicklei.com. MIT License

Index ▾

func Add(service *WebService)
func DefaultRequestContentType(mime string)
func DefaultResponseContentType(mime string)
func EnableTracing(enabled bool)
func Filter(filter FilterFunction)
func NoBrowserCacheFilter(req *Request, resp *Response, chain *FilterChain)
func RegisterEntityAccessor(mime string, erw EntityReaderWriter)
func SetCompressorProvider(p CompressorProvider)
func SetLogger(customLogger log.StdLogger)
func TraceLogger(logger log.StdLogger)
type BoundedCachedCompressors
    func NewBoundedCachedCompressors(writersCapacity, readersCapacity int) *BoundedCachedCompressors
    func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireGzipReader() *gzip.Reader
    func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireGzipWriter() *gzip.Writer
    func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireZlibWriter() *zlib.Writer
    func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseGzipReader(r *gzip.Reader)
    func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseGzipWriter(w *gzip.Writer)
    func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseZlibWriter(w *zlib.Writer)
type CollectionFormat
    func (cf CollectionFormat) String() string
type CompressingResponseWriter
    func NewCompressingResponseWriter(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter, encoding string) (*CompressingResponseWriter, error)
    func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Close() error
    func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool
    func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Flush()
    func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Header() http.Header
    func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)
    func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Write(bytes []byte) (int, error)
    func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) WriteHeader(status int)
type CompressorProvider
    func CurrentCompressorProvider() CompressorProvider
type Container
    func NewContainer() *Container
    func (c *Container) Add(service *WebService) *Container
    func (c *Container) Dispatch(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter, httpRequest *http.Request)
    func (c *Container) DoNotRecover(doNot bool)
    func (c *Container) EnableContentEncoding(enabled bool)
    func (c *Container) Filter(filter FilterFunction)
    func (c *Container) Handle(pattern string, handler http.Handler)
    func (c *Container) HandleWithFilter(pattern string, handler http.Handler)
    func (c *Container) OPTIONSFilter(req *Request, resp *Response, chain *FilterChain)
    func (c *Container) RecoverHandler(handler RecoverHandleFunction)
    func (c *Container) RegisteredWebServices() []*WebService
    func (c *Container) Remove(ws *WebService) error
    func (c *Container) Router(aRouter RouteSelector)
    func (c *Container) ServeHTTP(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter, httpRequest *http.Request)
    func (c *Container) ServiceErrorHandler(handler ServiceErrorHandleFunction)
type CrossOriginResourceSharing
    func (c CrossOriginResourceSharing) Filter(req *Request, resp *Response, chain *FilterChain)
type CurlyRouter
    func (c CurlyRouter) SelectRoute(webServices []*WebService, httpRequest *http.Request) (selectedService *WebService, selected *Route, err error)
type EntityReaderWriter
    func NewEntityAccessorJSON(contentType string) EntityReaderWriter
    func NewEntityAccessorXML(contentType string) EntityReaderWriter
type ExtensionProperties
    func (ep *ExtensionProperties) AddExtension(key string, value interface{})
type FilterChain
    func (f *FilterChain) ProcessFilter(request *Request, response *Response)
type FilterFunction
    func HttpMiddlewareHandlerToFilter(middleware HttpMiddlewareHandler) FilterFunction
    func OPTIONSFilter() FilterFunction
type Header
type HttpMiddlewareHandler
type Items
type Parameter
    func BodyParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func FormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func HeaderParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func MultiPartFormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func PathParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func QueryParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) AddExtension(key string, value interface{}) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) AllowEmptyValue(multiple bool) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) AllowMultiple(multiple bool) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) AllowableValues(values map[string]string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) CollectionFormat(format CollectionFormat) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) Data() ParameterData
    func (p *Parameter) DataFormat(formatName string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) DataType(typeName string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) DefaultValue(stringRepresentation string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) Description(doc string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) Kind() int
    func (p *Parameter) MaxItems(maxItems int64) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) MaxLength(maxLength int64) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) Maximum(maximum float64) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) MinItems(minItems int64) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) MinLength(minLength int64) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) Minimum(minimum float64) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) Pattern(pattern string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) PossibleValues(values []string) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) Required(required bool) *Parameter
    func (p *Parameter) UniqueItems(uniqueItems bool) *Parameter
type ParameterData
type PathProcessor
type RecoverHandleFunction
type Request
    func NewRequest(httpRequest *http.Request) *Request
    func (r Request) Attribute(name string) interface{}
    func (r *Request) BodyParameter(name string) (string, error)
    func (r *Request) HeaderParameter(name string) string
    func (r *Request) PathParameter(name string) string
    func (r *Request) PathParameters() map[string]string
    func (r *Request) QueryParameter(name string) string
    func (r *Request) QueryParameters(name string) []string
    func (r *Request) ReadEntity(entityPointer interface{}) (err error)
    func (r Request) SelectedRoute() RouteReader
    func (r Request) SelectedRoutePath() string
    func (r *Request) SetAttribute(name string, value interface{})
type Response
    func NewResponse(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter) *Response
    func (r Response) AddHeader(header string, value string) Response
    func (r Response) CloseNotify() <-chan bool
    func (r Response) ContentLength() int
    func (r *Response) EntityWriter() (EntityReaderWriter, bool)
    func (r Response) Error() error
    func (r *Response) Flush()
    func (r *Response) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)
    func (r Response) InternalServerError() Response
    func (r *Response) PrettyPrint(bePretty bool)
    func (r *Response) SetRequestAccepts(mime string)
    func (r Response) StatusCode() int
    func (r *Response) Write(bytes []byte) (int, error)
    func (r *Response) WriteAsJson(value interface{}) error
    func (r *Response) WriteAsXml(value interface{}) error
    func (r *Response) WriteEntity(value interface{}) error
    func (r *Response) WriteError(httpStatus int, err error) (writeErr error)
    func (r *Response) WriteErrorString(httpStatus int, errorReason string) error
    func (r *Response) WriteHeader(httpStatus int)
    func (r *Response) WriteHeaderAndEntity(status int, value interface{}) error
    func (r *Response) WriteHeaderAndJson(status int, value interface{}, contentType string) error
    func (r *Response) WriteHeaderAndXml(status int, value interface{}) error
    func (r *Response) WriteJson(value interface{}, contentType string) error
    func (r *Response) WriteServiceError(httpStatus int, err ServiceError) error
type ResponseError
type Route
    func (r *Route) EnableContentEncoding(enabled bool)
    func (r *Route) String() string
type RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) AddExtension(key string, value interface{}) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) AllowedMethodsWithoutContentType(methods []string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Build() Route
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Consumes(mimeTypes ...string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) ContentEncodingEnabled(enabled bool) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) DefaultReturns(message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Deprecate() *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Do(oneArgBlocks ...func(*RouteBuilder)) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Doc(documentation string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Filter(filter FilterFunction) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) If(condition RouteSelectionConditionFunction) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Metadata(key string, value interface{}) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Method(method string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Notes(notes string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Operation(name string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Param(parameter *Parameter) *RouteBuilder
    func (b RouteBuilder) ParameterNamed(name string) (p *Parameter)
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Path(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Produces(mimeTypes ...string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Reads(sample interface{}, optionalDescription ...string) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Returns(code int, message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) ReturnsError(code int, message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) ReturnsWithHeaders(code int, message string, model interface{}, headers map[string]Header) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) To(function RouteFunction) *RouteBuilder
    func (b *RouteBuilder) Writes(samples ...interface{}) *RouteBuilder
type RouteFunction
type RouteReader
type RouteSelectionConditionFunction
type RouteSelector
type RouterJSR311
    func (r RouterJSR311) ExtractParameters(route *Route, webService *WebService, urlPath string) map[string]string
    func (r RouterJSR311) SelectRoute(webServices []*WebService, httpRequest *http.Request) (selectedService *WebService, selectedRoute *Route, err error)
type ServiceError
    func NewError(code int, message string) ServiceError
    func NewErrorWithHeader(code int, message string, header http.Header) ServiceError
    func (s ServiceError) Error() string
type ServiceErrorHandleFunction
type SyncPoolCompessors
    func NewSyncPoolCompessors() *SyncPoolCompessors
    func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireGzipReader() *gzip.Reader
    func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireGzipWriter() *gzip.Writer
    func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireZlibWriter() *zlib.Writer
    func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseGzipReader(r *gzip.Reader)
    func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseGzipWriter(w *gzip.Writer)
    func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseZlibWriter(w *zlib.Writer)
type TypeNameHandleFunction
type WebService
    func RegisteredWebServices() []*WebService
    func (w *WebService) ApiVersion(apiVersion string) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) BodyParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func (w *WebService) Consumes(accepts ...string) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) DELETE(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) Doc(plainText string) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) Documentation() string
    func (w *WebService) Filter(filter FilterFunction) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) FormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func (w *WebService) GET(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) HEAD(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) HeaderParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func (w *WebService) Method(httpMethod string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) MultiPartFormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func (w *WebService) OPTIONS(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) PATCH(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) POST(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) PUT(subPath string) *RouteBuilder
    func (w *WebService) Param(parameter *Parameter) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) Path(root string) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) PathParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func (w *WebService) PathParameters() []*Parameter
    func (w *WebService) Produces(contentTypes ...string) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) QueryParameter(name, description string) *Parameter
    func (w *WebService) RemoveRoute(path, method string) error
    func (w *WebService) RootPath() string
    func (w *WebService) Route(builder *RouteBuilder) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) Routes() []Route
    func (w *WebService) SetDynamicRoutes(enable bool)
    func (w *WebService) TypeNameHandler(handler TypeNameHandleFunction) *WebService
    func (w *WebService) Version() string

Package files

compress.go compressor_cache.go compressor_pools.go compressors.go constants.go container.go cors_filter.go curly.go curly_route.go custom_verb.go doc.go entity_accessors.go extensions.go filter.go filter_adapter.go jsr311.go logger.go mime.go options_filter.go parameter.go path_expression.go path_processor.go request.go response.go route.go route_builder.go route_reader.go router.go service_error.go web_service.go web_service_container.go


const (
    MIME_XML   = "application/xml"          // Accept or Content-Type used in Consumes() and/or Produces()
    MIME_JSON  = "application/json"         // Accept or Content-Type used in Consumes() and/or Produces()
    MIME_ZIP   = "application/zip"          // Accept or Content-Type used in Consumes() and/or Produces()
    MIME_OCTET = "application/octet-stream" // If Content-Type is not present in request, use the default

    HEADER_Allow                         = "Allow"
    HEADER_Accept                        = "Accept"
    HEADER_Origin                        = "Origin"
    HEADER_ContentType                   = "Content-Type"
    HEADER_ContentDisposition            = "Content-Disposition"
    HEADER_LastModified                  = "Last-Modified"
    HEADER_AcceptEncoding                = "Accept-Encoding"
    HEADER_ContentEncoding               = "Content-Encoding"
    HEADER_AccessControlExposeHeaders    = "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"
    HEADER_AccessControlRequestMethod    = "Access-Control-Request-Method"
    HEADER_AccessControlRequestHeaders   = "Access-Control-Request-Headers"
    HEADER_AccessControlAllowMethods     = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"
    HEADER_AccessControlAllowOrigin      = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
    HEADER_AccessControlAllowCredentials = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
    HEADER_AccessControlAllowHeaders     = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"
    HEADER_AccessControlMaxAge           = "Access-Control-Max-Age"

    ENCODING_GZIP    = "gzip"
    ENCODING_DEFLATE = "deflate"
const (
    // PathParameterKind = indicator of Request parameter type "path"
    PathParameterKind = iota

    // QueryParameterKind = indicator of Request parameter type "query"

    // BodyParameterKind = indicator of Request parameter type "body"

    // HeaderParameterKind = indicator of Request parameter type "header"

    // FormParameterKind = indicator of Request parameter type "form"

    // MultiPartFormParameterKind = indicator of Request parameter type "multipart/form-data"

    // CollectionFormatCSV comma separated values `foo,bar`
    CollectionFormatCSV = CollectionFormat("csv")

    // CollectionFormatSSV space separated values `foo bar`
    CollectionFormatSSV = CollectionFormat("ssv")

    // CollectionFormatTSV tab separated values `foo\tbar`
    CollectionFormatTSV = CollectionFormat("tsv")

    // CollectionFormatPipes pipe separated values `foo|bar`
    CollectionFormatPipes = CollectionFormat("pipes")

    // CollectionFormatMulti corresponds to multiple parameter instances instead of multiple values for a single
    // instance `foo=bar&foo=baz`. This is valid only for QueryParameters and FormParameters
    CollectionFormatMulti = CollectionFormat("multi")


var (
    MarshalIndent = json.MarshalIndent
    NewDecoder    = json.NewDecoder
    NewEncoder    = json.NewEncoder

DefaultResponseMimeType is DEPRECATED, use DefaultResponseContentType(mime)

var DefaultResponseMimeType string

If set the true then panics will not be caught to return HTTP 500. In that case, Route functions are responsible for handling any error situation. Default value is false = recover from panics. This has performance implications. OBSOLETE ; use restful.DefaultContainer.DoNotRecover(true)

var DoNotRecover = false

OBSOLETE : use restful.DefaultContainer.EnableContentEncoding(true) to change this setting.

var EnableContentEncoding = false

PrettyPrintResponses controls the indentation feature of XML and JSON serialization

var PrettyPrintResponses = true

TrimRightSlashEnabled controls whether - path on route building is using path.Join - the path of the incoming request is trimmed of its slash suffux. Value of true matches the behavior of <= 3.9.0

var TrimRightSlashEnabled = true

func Add

func Add(service *WebService)

Add registers a new WebService add it to the DefaultContainer.

func DefaultRequestContentType

func DefaultRequestContentType(mime string)

If ContentType is missing or */* is given then fall back to this type, otherwise a "Unable to unmarshal content of type:" response is returned. Valid values are restful.MIME_JSON and restful.MIME_XML Example:


func DefaultResponseContentType

func DefaultResponseContentType(mime string)

DefaultResponseContentType set a default. If Accept header matching fails, fall back to this type. Valid values are restful.MIME_JSON and restful.MIME_XML Example:


func EnableTracing

func EnableTracing(enabled bool)

EnableTracing can be used to Trace logging on and off.

func Filter

func Filter(filter FilterFunction)

Filter appends a container FilterFunction from the DefaultContainer. These are called before dispatching a http.Request to a WebService.

func NoBrowserCacheFilter

func NoBrowserCacheFilter(req *Request, resp *Response, chain *FilterChain)

NoBrowserCacheFilter is a filter function to set HTTP headers that disable browser caching See examples/restful-no-cache-filter.go for usage

func RegisterEntityAccessor

func RegisterEntityAccessor(mime string, erw EntityReaderWriter)

RegisterEntityAccessor add/overrides the ReaderWriter for encoding content with this MIME type.

func SetCompressorProvider

func SetCompressorProvider(p CompressorProvider)

SetCompressorProvider sets the actual provider of compressors (zlib or gzip).

func SetLogger

func SetLogger(customLogger log.StdLogger)

SetLogger exposes the setter for the global logger on the top-level package

func TraceLogger

func TraceLogger(logger log.StdLogger)

TraceLogger enables detailed logging of Http request matching and filter invocation. Default no logger is set. You may call EnableTracing() directly to enable trace logging to the package-wide logger.

type BoundedCachedCompressors

BoundedCachedCompressors is a CompressorProvider that uses a cache with a fixed amount of writers and readers (resources). If a new resource is acquired and all are in use, it will return a new unmanaged resource.

type BoundedCachedCompressors struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields



// Register a compressor provider (gzip/deflate read/write) that uses
// a bounded cache with a maximum of 20 writers and 20 readers.
SetCompressorProvider(NewBoundedCachedCompressors(20, 20))

func NewBoundedCachedCompressors

func NewBoundedCachedCompressors(writersCapacity, readersCapacity int) *BoundedCachedCompressors

NewBoundedCachedCompressors returns a new, with filled cache, BoundedCachedCompressors.

func (*BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireGzipReader

func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireGzipReader() *gzip.Reader

AcquireGzipReader returns a *gzip.Reader. Needs to be released.

func (*BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireGzipWriter

func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireGzipWriter() *gzip.Writer

AcquireGzipWriter returns an resettable *gzip.Writer. Needs to be released.

func (*BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireZlibWriter

func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) AcquireZlibWriter() *zlib.Writer

AcquireZlibWriter returns an resettable *zlib.Writer. Needs to be released.

func (*BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseGzipReader

func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseGzipReader(r *gzip.Reader)

ReleaseGzipReader accepts a reader (does not have to be one that was cached) only when the cache has room for it. It will ignore it otherwise.

func (*BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseGzipWriter

func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseGzipWriter(w *gzip.Writer)

ReleaseGzipWriter accepts a writer (does not have to be one that was cached) only when the cache has room for it. It will ignore it otherwise.

func (*BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseZlibWriter

func (b *BoundedCachedCompressors) ReleaseZlibWriter(w *zlib.Writer)

ReleaseZlibWriter accepts a writer (does not have to be one that was cached) only when the cache has room for it. It will ignore it otherwise.

type CollectionFormat

type CollectionFormat string

func (CollectionFormat) String

func (cf CollectionFormat) String() string

type CompressingResponseWriter

CompressingResponseWriter is a http.ResponseWriter that can perform content encoding (gzip and zlib)

type CompressingResponseWriter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCompressingResponseWriter

func NewCompressingResponseWriter(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter, encoding string) (*CompressingResponseWriter, error)

NewCompressingResponseWriter create a CompressingResponseWriter for a known encoding = {gzip,deflate}

func (*CompressingResponseWriter) Close

func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Close() error

Close the underlying compressor

func (*CompressingResponseWriter) CloseNotify

func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool

CloseNotify is part of http.CloseNotifier interface

func (*CompressingResponseWriter) Flush

func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Flush()

Flush is part of http.Flusher interface. Noop if the underlying writer doesn't support it.

func (*CompressingResponseWriter) Header

func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Header() http.Header

Header is part of http.ResponseWriter interface

func (*CompressingResponseWriter) Hijack

func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)

Hijack implements the Hijacker interface This is especially useful when combining Container.EnabledContentEncoding in combination with websockets (for instance gorilla/websocket)

func (*CompressingResponseWriter) Write

func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) Write(bytes []byte) (int, error)

Write is part of http.ResponseWriter interface It is passed through the compressor

func (*CompressingResponseWriter) WriteHeader

func (c *CompressingResponseWriter) WriteHeader(status int)

WriteHeader is part of http.ResponseWriter interface

type CompressorProvider

CompressorProvider describes a component that can provider compressors for the std methods.

type CompressorProvider interface {
    // Returns a *gzip.Writer which needs to be released later.
    // Before using it, call Reset().
    AcquireGzipWriter() *gzip.Writer

    // Releases an acquired *gzip.Writer.
    ReleaseGzipWriter(w *gzip.Writer)

    // Returns a *gzip.Reader which needs to be released later.
    AcquireGzipReader() *gzip.Reader

    // Releases an acquired *gzip.Reader.
    ReleaseGzipReader(w *gzip.Reader)

    // Returns a *zlib.Writer which needs to be released later.
    // Before using it, call Reset().
    AcquireZlibWriter() *zlib.Writer

    // Releases an acquired *zlib.Writer.
    ReleaseZlibWriter(w *zlib.Writer)

func CurrentCompressorProvider

func CurrentCompressorProvider() CompressorProvider

CurrentCompressorProvider returns the current CompressorProvider. It is initialized using a SyncPoolCompessors.

type Container

Container holds a collection of WebServices and a http.ServeMux to dispatch http requests. The requests are further dispatched to routes of WebServices using a RouteSelector

type Container struct {
    ServeMux *http.ServeMux
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

DefaultContainer is a restful.Container that uses http.DefaultServeMux

var DefaultContainer *Container



// The Default container of go-restful uses the http.DefaultServeMux.
// You can create your own Container using restful.NewContainer() and create a new http.Server for that particular container

ws := new(WebService)
wsContainer := NewContainer()
server := &http.Server{Addr: ":8080", Handler: wsContainer}

func NewContainer

func NewContainer() *Container

NewContainer creates a new Container using a new ServeMux and default router (CurlyRouter)

func (*Container) Add

func (c *Container) Add(service *WebService) *Container

Add a WebService to the Container. It will detect duplicate root paths and exit in that case.

func (*Container) Dispatch

func (c *Container) Dispatch(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter, httpRequest *http.Request)

Dispatch the incoming Http Request to a matching WebService.

func (*Container) DoNotRecover

func (c *Container) DoNotRecover(doNot bool)

DoNotRecover controls whether panics will be caught to return HTTP 500. If set to true, Route functions are responsible for handling any error situation. Default value is true.

func (*Container) EnableContentEncoding

func (c *Container) EnableContentEncoding(enabled bool)

EnableContentEncoding (default=false) allows for GZIP or DEFLATE encoding of responses.

func (*Container) Filter

func (c *Container) Filter(filter FilterFunction)

Filter appends a container FilterFunction. These are called before dispatching a http.Request to a WebService from the container

func (*Container) Handle

func (c *Container) Handle(pattern string, handler http.Handler)

Handle registers the handler for the given pattern. If a handler already exists for pattern, Handle panics.

func (*Container) HandleWithFilter

func (c *Container) HandleWithFilter(pattern string, handler http.Handler)

HandleWithFilter registers the handler for the given pattern. Container's filter chain is applied for handler. If a handler already exists for pattern, HandleWithFilter panics.

func (*Container) OPTIONSFilter

func (c *Container) OPTIONSFilter(req *Request, resp *Response, chain *FilterChain)

OPTIONSFilter is a filter function that inspects the Http Request for the OPTIONS method and provides the response with a set of allowed methods for the request URL Path. As for any filter, you can also install it for a particular WebService within a Container. Note: this filter is not needed when using CrossOriginResourceSharing (for CORS).



// Install the OPTIONS filter on a Container
myContainer := new(Container)

func (*Container) RecoverHandler

func (c *Container) RecoverHandler(handler RecoverHandleFunction)

RecoverHandler changes the default function (logStackOnRecover) to be called when a panic is detected. DoNotRecover must be have its default value (=false).

func (*Container) RegisteredWebServices

func (c *Container) RegisteredWebServices() []*WebService

RegisteredWebServices returns the collections of added WebServices

func (*Container) Remove

func (c *Container) Remove(ws *WebService) error

func (*Container) Router

func (c *Container) Router(aRouter RouteSelector)

Router changes the default Router (currently CurlyRouter)

func (*Container) ServeHTTP

func (c *Container) ServeHTTP(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter, httpRequest *http.Request)

ServeHTTP implements net/http.Handler therefore a Container can be a Handler in a http.Server

func (*Container) ServiceErrorHandler

func (c *Container) ServiceErrorHandler(handler ServiceErrorHandleFunction)

ServiceErrorHandler changes the default function (writeServiceError) to be called when a ServiceError is detected.

type CrossOriginResourceSharing

CrossOriginResourceSharing is used to create a Container Filter that implements CORS. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows JavaScript on a web page to make XMLHttpRequests to another domain, not the domain the JavaScript originated from.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing http://enable-cors.org/server.html http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/cors/#toc-handling-a-not-so-simple-request

type CrossOriginResourceSharing struct {
    ExposeHeaders []string // list of Header names

    // AllowedHeaders is alist of Header names. Checking is case-insensitive.
    // The list may contain the special wildcard string ".*" ; all is allowed
    AllowedHeaders []string

    // AllowedDomains is a list of allowed values for Http Origin.
    // The list may contain the special wildcard string ".*" ; all is allowed
    // If empty all are allowed.
    AllowedDomains []string

    // AllowedDomainFunc is optional and is a function that will do the check
    // when the origin is not part of the AllowedDomains and it does not contain the wildcard ".*".
    AllowedDomainFunc func(origin string) bool

    // AllowedMethods is either empty or has a list of http methods names. Checking is case-insensitive.
    AllowedMethods []string
    MaxAge         int // number of seconds before requiring new Options request
    CookiesAllowed bool
    Container      *Container
    // contains filtered or unexported fields



// To install this filter on the Default Container use:
cors := CrossOriginResourceSharing{ExposeHeaders: []string{"X-My-Header"}, CookiesAllowed: false, Container: DefaultContainer}

func (CrossOriginResourceSharing) Filter

func (c CrossOriginResourceSharing) Filter(req *Request, resp *Response, chain *FilterChain)

Filter is a filter function that implements the CORS flow as documented on http://enable-cors.org/server.html and http://www.html5rocks.com/static/images/cors_server_flowchart.png

type CurlyRouter

CurlyRouter expects Routes with paths that contain zero or more parameters in curly brackets.

type CurlyRouter struct{}

func (CurlyRouter) SelectRoute

func (c CurlyRouter) SelectRoute(
    webServices []*WebService,
    httpRequest *http.Request) (selectedService *WebService, selected *Route, err error)

SelectRoute is part of the Router interface and returns the best match for the WebService and its Route for the given Request.

type EntityReaderWriter

EntityReaderWriter can read and write values using an encoding such as JSON,XML.

type EntityReaderWriter interface {
    // Read a serialized version of the value from the request.
    // The Request may have a decompressing reader. Depends on Content-Encoding.
    Read(req *Request, v interface{}) error

    // Write a serialized version of the value on the response.
    // The Response may have a compressing writer. Depends on Accept-Encoding.
    // status should be a valid Http Status code
    Write(resp *Response, status int, v interface{}) error

func NewEntityAccessorJSON

func NewEntityAccessorJSON(contentType string) EntityReaderWriter

NewEntityAccessorJSON returns a new EntityReaderWriter for accessing JSON content. This package is already initialized with such an accessor using the MIME_JSON contentType.

func NewEntityAccessorXML

func NewEntityAccessorXML(contentType string) EntityReaderWriter

NewEntityAccessorXML returns a new EntityReaderWriter for accessing XML content. This package is already initialized with such an accessor using the MIME_XML contentType.

type ExtensionProperties

ExtensionProperties provides storage of vendor extensions for entities

type ExtensionProperties struct {
    // Extensions vendor extensions used to describe extra functionality
    // (https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/swagger-extensions/)
    Extensions map[string]interface{}

func (*ExtensionProperties) AddExtension

func (ep *ExtensionProperties) AddExtension(key string, value interface{})

AddExtension adds or updates a key=value pair to the extension map.

type FilterChain

FilterChain is a request scoped object to process one or more filters before calling the target RouteFunction.

type FilterChain struct {
    Filters       []FilterFunction // ordered list of FilterFunction
    Index         int              // index into filters that is currently in progress
    Target        RouteFunction    // function to call after passing all filters
    ParameterDocs []*Parameter     // the parameter docs for the route
    Operation     string           // the name of the operation

func (*FilterChain) ProcessFilter

func (f *FilterChain) ProcessFilter(request *Request, response *Response)

ProcessFilter passes the request,response pair through the next of Filters. Each filter can decide to proceed to the next Filter or handle the Response itself.

type FilterFunction

FilterFunction definitions must call ProcessFilter on the FilterChain to pass on the control and eventually call the RouteFunction

type FilterFunction func(*Request, *Response, *FilterChain)

func HttpMiddlewareHandlerToFilter

func HttpMiddlewareHandlerToFilter(middleware HttpMiddlewareHandler) FilterFunction

HttpMiddlewareHandlerToFilter converts a HttpMiddlewareHandler to a FilterFunction.

func OPTIONSFilter

func OPTIONSFilter() FilterFunction

OPTIONSFilter is a filter function that inspects the Http Request for the OPTIONS method and provides the response with a set of allowed methods for the request URL Path. Note: this filter is not needed when using CrossOriginResourceSharing (for CORS).



// Install the OPTIONS filter on the default Container

Header describes a header for a response of the API

For more information: http://goo.gl/8us55a#headerObject

type Header struct {
    Description string

type HttpMiddlewareHandler

HttpMiddlewareHandler is a function that takes a http.Handler and returns a http.Handler

type HttpMiddlewareHandler func(http.Handler) http.Handler

type Items

Items describe swagger simple schemas for headers

type Items struct {
    Type             string
    Format           string
    Items            *Items
    CollectionFormat string
    Default          interface{}

type Parameter

Parameter is for documententing the parameter used in a Http Request ParameterData kinds are Path,Query and Body

type Parameter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func BodyParameter

func BodyParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

BodyParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Body for documentation purposes. It is initialized as required without a DataType.

func FormParameter

func FormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

FormParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Form (using application/x-www-form-urlencoded) for documentation purposes. It is initialized as required with string as its DataType.

func HeaderParameter

func HeaderParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

HeaderParameter creates a new Parameter of kind (Http) Header for documentation purposes. It is initialized as not required with string as its DataType.

func MultiPartFormParameter

func MultiPartFormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

func PathParameter

func PathParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

PathParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Path for documentation purposes. It is initialized as required with string as its DataType.

func QueryParameter

func QueryParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

QueryParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Query for documentation purposes. It is initialized as not required with string as its DataType.

func (*Parameter) AddExtension

func (p *Parameter) AddExtension(key string, value interface{}) *Parameter

AddExtension adds or updates a key=value pair to the extension map

func (*Parameter) AllowEmptyValue

func (p *Parameter) AllowEmptyValue(multiple bool) *Parameter

AllowEmptyValue sets the AllowEmptyValue field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) AllowMultiple

func (p *Parameter) AllowMultiple(multiple bool) *Parameter

AllowMultiple sets the allowMultiple field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) AllowableValues

func (p *Parameter) AllowableValues(values map[string]string) *Parameter

AllowableValues is deprecated. Use PossibleValues instead. Both will be set.

func (*Parameter) CollectionFormat

func (p *Parameter) CollectionFormat(format CollectionFormat) *Parameter

CollectionFormat sets the collection format for an array type

func (*Parameter) Data

func (p *Parameter) Data() ParameterData

Data returns the state of the Parameter

func (*Parameter) DataFormat

func (p *Parameter) DataFormat(formatName string) *Parameter

DataFormat sets the dataFormat field for Swagger UI

func (*Parameter) DataType

func (p *Parameter) DataType(typeName string) *Parameter

DataType sets the dataType field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) DefaultValue

func (p *Parameter) DefaultValue(stringRepresentation string) *Parameter

DefaultValue sets the default value field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) Description

func (p *Parameter) Description(doc string) *Parameter

Description sets the description value field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) Kind

func (p *Parameter) Kind() int

Kind returns the parameter type indicator (see const for valid values)

func (*Parameter) MaxItems

func (p *Parameter) MaxItems(maxItems int64) *Parameter

MaxItems sets the maxItems field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) MaxLength

func (p *Parameter) MaxLength(maxLength int64) *Parameter

MaxLength sets the maxLength field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) Maximum

func (p *Parameter) Maximum(maximum float64) *Parameter

Maximum sets the maximum field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) MinItems

func (p *Parameter) MinItems(minItems int64) *Parameter

MinItems sets the minItems field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) MinLength

func (p *Parameter) MinLength(minLength int64) *Parameter

MinLength sets the minLength field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) Minimum

func (p *Parameter) Minimum(minimum float64) *Parameter

Minimum sets the minimum field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) Pattern

func (p *Parameter) Pattern(pattern string) *Parameter

Pattern sets the pattern field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) PossibleValues

func (p *Parameter) PossibleValues(values []string) *Parameter

PossibleValues sets the possible values field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) Required

func (p *Parameter) Required(required bool) *Parameter

Required sets the required field and returns the receiver

func (*Parameter) UniqueItems

func (p *Parameter) UniqueItems(uniqueItems bool) *Parameter

UniqueItems sets the uniqueItems field and returns the receiver

type ParameterData

ParameterData represents the state of a Parameter. It is made public to make it accessible to e.g. the Swagger package.

type ParameterData struct {
    Name, Description, DataType, DataFormat string
    Kind                                    int
    Required                                bool
    // AllowableValues is deprecated. Use PossibleValues instead
    AllowableValues  map[string]string
    PossibleValues   []string
    AllowMultiple    bool
    AllowEmptyValue  bool
    DefaultValue     string
    CollectionFormat string
    Pattern          string
    Minimum          *float64
    Maximum          *float64
    MinLength        *int64
    MaxLength        *int64
    MinItems         *int64
    MaxItems         *int64
    UniqueItems      bool

type PathProcessor

PathProcessor is extra behaviour that a Router can provide to extract path parameters from the path. If a Router does not implement this interface then the default behaviour will be used.

type PathProcessor interface {
    // ExtractParameters gets the path parameters defined in the route and webService from the urlPath
    ExtractParameters(route *Route, webService *WebService, urlPath string) map[string]string

type RecoverHandleFunction

RecoverHandleFunction declares functions that can be used to handle a panic situation. The first argument is what recover() returns. The second must be used to communicate an error response.

type RecoverHandleFunction func(interface{}, http.ResponseWriter)

type Request

Request is a wrapper for a http Request that provides convenience methods

type Request struct {
    Request *http.Request
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRequest

func NewRequest(httpRequest *http.Request) *Request

func (Request) Attribute

func (r Request) Attribute(name string) interface{}

Attribute returns the value associated to the given name. Returns nil if absent.

func (*Request) BodyParameter

func (r *Request) BodyParameter(name string) (string, error)

BodyParameter parses the body of the request (once for typically a POST or a PUT) and returns the value of the given name or an error.

func (*Request) HeaderParameter

func (r *Request) HeaderParameter(name string) string

HeaderParameter returns the HTTP Header value of a Header name or empty if missing

func (*Request) PathParameter

func (r *Request) PathParameter(name string) string

PathParameter accesses the Path parameter value by its name

func (*Request) PathParameters

func (r *Request) PathParameters() map[string]string

PathParameters accesses the Path parameter values

func (*Request) QueryParameter

func (r *Request) QueryParameter(name string) string

QueryParameter returns the (first) Query parameter value by its name

func (*Request) QueryParameters

func (r *Request) QueryParameters(name string) []string

QueryParameters returns the all the query parameters values by name

func (*Request) ReadEntity

func (r *Request) ReadEntity(entityPointer interface{}) (err error)

ReadEntity checks the Accept header and reads the content into the entityPointer.

func (Request) SelectedRoute

func (r Request) SelectedRoute() RouteReader

SelectedRoute returns a reader to access the selected Route by the container Returns nil if no route was matched.

func (Request) SelectedRoutePath

func (r Request) SelectedRoutePath() string

SelectedRoutePath root path + route path that matched the request, e.g. /meetings/{id}/attendees If no route was matched then return an empty string.

func (*Request) SetAttribute

func (r *Request) SetAttribute(name string, value interface{})

SetAttribute adds or replaces the attribute with the given value.

type Response

Response is a wrapper on the actual http ResponseWriter It provides several convenience methods to prepare and write response content.

type Response struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewResponse

func NewResponse(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter) *Response

NewResponse creates a new response based on a http ResponseWriter.

func (Response) AddHeader

func (r Response) AddHeader(header string, value string) Response

AddHeader is a shortcut for .Header().Add(header,value)

func (Response) CloseNotify

func (r Response) CloseNotify() <-chan bool

CloseNotify is part of http.CloseNotifier interface

func (Response) ContentLength

func (r Response) ContentLength() int

ContentLength returns the number of bytes written for the response content. Note that this value is only correct if all data is written through the Response using its Write* methods. Data written directly using the underlying http.ResponseWriter is not accounted for.

func (*Response) EntityWriter

func (r *Response) EntityWriter() (EntityReaderWriter, bool)

EntityWriter returns the registered EntityWriter that the entity (requested resource) can write according to what the request wants (Accept) and what the Route can produce or what the restful defaults say. If called before WriteEntity and WriteHeader then a false return value can be used to write a 406: Not Acceptable.

func (Response) Error

func (r Response) Error() error

Error returns the err created by WriteError

func (*Response) Flush

func (r *Response) Flush()

Flush implements http.Flusher interface, which sends any buffered data to the client.

func (*Response) Hijack

func (r *Response) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error)

Hijack implements the http.Hijacker interface. This expands the Response to fulfill http.Hijacker if the underlying http.ResponseWriter supports it.

func (Response) InternalServerError

func (r Response) InternalServerError() Response

InternalServerError writes the StatusInternalServerError header. DEPRECATED, use WriteErrorString(http.StatusInternalServerError,reason)

func (*Response) PrettyPrint

func (r *Response) PrettyPrint(bePretty bool)

PrettyPrint changes whether this response must produce pretty (line-by-line, indented) JSON or XML output.

func (*Response) SetRequestAccepts

func (r *Response) SetRequestAccepts(mime string)

SetRequestAccepts tells the response what Mime-type(s) the HTTP request said it wants to accept. Exposed for testing.

func (Response) StatusCode

func (r Response) StatusCode() int

StatusCode returns the code that has been written using WriteHeader.

func (*Response) Write

func (r *Response) Write(bytes []byte) (int, error)

Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply. Write is part of http.ResponseWriter interface.

func (*Response) WriteAsJson

func (r *Response) WriteAsJson(value interface{}) error

WriteAsJson is a convenience method for writing a value in json. It uses the standard encoding/json package for marshalling the value ; not using a registered EntityReaderWriter.

func (*Response) WriteAsXml

func (r *Response) WriteAsXml(value interface{}) error

WriteAsXml is a convenience method for writing a value in xml (requires Xml tags on the value) It uses the standard encoding/xml package for marshalling the value ; not using a registered EntityReaderWriter.

func (*Response) WriteEntity

func (r *Response) WriteEntity(value interface{}) error

WriteEntity calls WriteHeaderAndEntity with Http Status OK (200)

func (*Response) WriteError

func (r *Response) WriteError(httpStatus int, err error) (writeErr error)

WriteError writes the http status and the error string on the response. err can be nil. Return an error if writing was not successful.

func (*Response) WriteErrorString

func (r *Response) WriteErrorString(httpStatus int, errorReason string) error

WriteErrorString is a convenience method for an error status with the actual error

func (*Response) WriteHeader

func (r *Response) WriteHeader(httpStatus int)

WriteHeader is overridden to remember the Status Code that has been written. Changes to the Header of the response have no effect after this.

func (*Response) WriteHeaderAndEntity

func (r *Response) WriteHeaderAndEntity(status int, value interface{}) error

WriteHeaderAndEntity marshals the value using the representation denoted by the Accept Header and the registered EntityWriters. If no Accept header is specified (or */*) then respond with the Content-Type as specified by the first in the Route.Produces. If an Accept header is specified then respond with the Content-Type as specified by the first in the Route.Produces that is matched with the Accept header. If the value is nil then no response is send except for the Http status. You may want to call WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) instead. If there is no writer available that can represent the value in the requested MIME type then Http Status NotAcceptable is written. Current implementation ignores any q-parameters in the Accept Header. Returns an error if the value could not be written on the response.

func (*Response) WriteHeaderAndJson

func (r *Response) WriteHeaderAndJson(status int, value interface{}, contentType string) error

WriteHeaderAndJson is a convenience method for writing the status and a value in Json with a given Content-Type. It uses the standard encoding/json package for marshalling the value ; not using a registered EntityReaderWriter.

func (*Response) WriteHeaderAndXml

func (r *Response) WriteHeaderAndXml(status int, value interface{}) error

WriteHeaderAndXml is a convenience method for writing a status and value in xml (requires Xml tags on the value) It uses the standard encoding/xml package for marshalling the value ; not using a registered EntityReaderWriter.

func (*Response) WriteJson

func (r *Response) WriteJson(value interface{}, contentType string) error

WriteJson is a convenience method for writing a value in Json with a given Content-Type. It uses the standard encoding/json package for marshalling the value ; not using a registered EntityReaderWriter.

func (*Response) WriteServiceError

func (r *Response) WriteServiceError(httpStatus int, err ServiceError) error

WriteServiceError is a convenience method for a responding with a status and a ServiceError

type ResponseError

ResponseError represents a response; not necessarily an error.

type ResponseError struct {
    Code      int
    Message   string
    Model     interface{}
    Headers   map[string]Header
    IsDefault bool

type Route

Route binds a HTTP Method,Path,Consumes combination to a RouteFunction.

type Route struct {
    Method   string
    Produces []string
    Consumes []string
    Path     string // webservice root path + described path
    Function RouteFunction
    Filters  []FilterFunction
    If       []RouteSelectionConditionFunction

    // documentation
    Doc                     string
    Notes                   string
    Operation               string
    ParameterDocs           []*Parameter
    ResponseErrors          map[int]ResponseError
    DefaultResponse         *ResponseError
    ReadSample, WriteSample interface{}   // structs that model an example request or response payload
    WriteSamples            []interface{} // if more than one return types is possible (oneof) then this will contain multiple values

    // Extra information used to store custom information about the route.
    Metadata map[string]interface{}

    // marks a route as deprecated
    Deprecated bool
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Route) EnableContentEncoding

func (r *Route) EnableContentEncoding(enabled bool)

EnableContentEncoding (default=false) allows for GZIP or DEFLATE encoding of responses. Overrides the container.contentEncodingEnabled value.

func (*Route) String

func (r *Route) String() string

for debugging

type RouteBuilder

RouteBuilder is a helper to construct Routes.

type RouteBuilder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RouteBuilder) AddExtension

func (b *RouteBuilder) AddExtension(key string, value interface{}) *RouteBuilder

AddExtension adds or updates a key=value pair to the extensions map.

func (*RouteBuilder) AllowedMethodsWithoutContentType

func (b *RouteBuilder) AllowedMethodsWithoutContentType(methods []string) *RouteBuilder

AllowedMethodsWithoutContentType overrides the default list GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,DELETE,TRACE If a request does not include a content-type header then depending on the method, it may return a 415 Unsupported Media. Must have uppercase HTTP Method names such as GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,...

func (*RouteBuilder) Build

func (b *RouteBuilder) Build() Route

Build creates a new Route using the specification details collected by the RouteBuilder

func (*RouteBuilder) Consumes

func (b *RouteBuilder) Consumes(mimeTypes ...string) *RouteBuilder

Consumes specifies what MIME types can be consumes ; the Accept Http header must matched any of these

func (*RouteBuilder) ContentEncodingEnabled

func (b *RouteBuilder) ContentEncodingEnabled(enabled bool) *RouteBuilder

ContentEncodingEnabled allows you to override the Containers value for auto-compressing this route response.

func (*RouteBuilder) DefaultReturns

func (b *RouteBuilder) DefaultReturns(message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder

DefaultReturns is a special Returns call that sets the default of the response.

func (*RouteBuilder) Deprecate

func (b *RouteBuilder) Deprecate() *RouteBuilder

Deprecate sets the value of deprecated to true. Deprecated routes have a special UI treatment to warn against use

func (*RouteBuilder) Do

func (b *RouteBuilder) Do(oneArgBlocks ...func(*RouteBuilder)) *RouteBuilder

Do evaluates each argument with the RouteBuilder itself. This allows you to follow DRY principles without breaking the fluent programming style. Example:

ws.Route(ws.DELETE("/{name}").To(t.deletePerson).Do(Returns200, Returns500))

func Returns500(b *RouteBuilder) {
	b.Returns(500, "Internal Server Error", restful.ServiceError{})

func (*RouteBuilder) Doc

func (b *RouteBuilder) Doc(documentation string) *RouteBuilder

Doc tells what this route is all about. Optional.

func (*RouteBuilder) Filter

func (b *RouteBuilder) Filter(filter FilterFunction) *RouteBuilder

Filter appends a FilterFunction to the end of filters for this Route to build.

func (*RouteBuilder) If

func (b *RouteBuilder) If(condition RouteSelectionConditionFunction) *RouteBuilder

If sets a condition function that controls matching the Route based on custom logic. The condition function is provided the HTTP request and should return true if the route should be considered.

Efficiency note: the condition function is called before checking the method, produces, and consumes criteria, so that the correct HTTP status code can be returned.

Lifecycle note: no filter functions have been called prior to calling the condition function, so the condition function should not depend on any context that might be set up by container or route filters.

func (*RouteBuilder) Metadata

func (b *RouteBuilder) Metadata(key string, value interface{}) *RouteBuilder

Metadata adds or updates a key=value pair to the metadata map.

func (*RouteBuilder) Method

func (b *RouteBuilder) Method(method string) *RouteBuilder

Method specifies what HTTP method to match. Required.

func (*RouteBuilder) Notes

func (b *RouteBuilder) Notes(notes string) *RouteBuilder

Notes is a verbose explanation of the operation behavior. Optional.

func (*RouteBuilder) Operation

func (b *RouteBuilder) Operation(name string) *RouteBuilder

Operation allows you to document what the actual method/function call is of the Route. Unless called, the operation name is derived from the RouteFunction set using To(..).

func (*RouteBuilder) Param

func (b *RouteBuilder) Param(parameter *Parameter) *RouteBuilder

Param allows you to document the parameters of the Route. It adds a new Parameter (does not check for duplicates).

func (RouteBuilder) ParameterNamed

func (b RouteBuilder) ParameterNamed(name string) (p *Parameter)

ParameterNamed returns a Parameter already known to the RouteBuilder. Returns nil if not. Use this to modify or extend information for the Parameter (through its Data()).

func (*RouteBuilder) Path

func (b *RouteBuilder) Path(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

Path specifies the relative (w.r.t WebService root path) URL path to match. Default is "/".

func (*RouteBuilder) Produces

func (b *RouteBuilder) Produces(mimeTypes ...string) *RouteBuilder

Produces specifies what MIME types can be produced ; the matched one will appear in the Content-Type Http header.

func (*RouteBuilder) Reads

func (b *RouteBuilder) Reads(sample interface{}, optionalDescription ...string) *RouteBuilder

Reads tells what resource type will be read from the request payload. Optional. A parameter of type "body" is added ,required is set to true and the dataType is set to the qualified name of the sample's type.

func (*RouteBuilder) Returns

func (b *RouteBuilder) Returns(code int, message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder

Returns allows you to document what responses (errors or regular) can be expected. The model parameter is optional ; either pass a struct instance or use nil if not applicable.

func (*RouteBuilder) ReturnsError

func (b *RouteBuilder) ReturnsError(code int, message string, model interface{}) *RouteBuilder

ReturnsError is deprecated, use Returns instead.

func (*RouteBuilder) ReturnsWithHeaders

func (b *RouteBuilder) ReturnsWithHeaders(code int, message string, model interface{}, headers map[string]Header) *RouteBuilder

ReturnsWithHeaders is similar to Returns, but can specify response headers

func (*RouteBuilder) To

func (b *RouteBuilder) To(function RouteFunction) *RouteBuilder

To bind the route to a function. If this route is matched with the incoming Http Request then call this function with the *Request,*Response pair. Required.

func (*RouteBuilder) Writes

func (b *RouteBuilder) Writes(samples ...interface{}) *RouteBuilder

Writes tells which one of the resource types will be written as the response payload. Optional.

type RouteFunction

RouteFunction declares the signature of a function that can be bound to a Route.

type RouteFunction func(*Request, *Response)

type RouteReader

type RouteReader interface {
    Method() string
    Consumes() []string
    Path() string
    Doc() string
    Notes() string
    Operation() string
    ParameterDocs() []*Parameter
    // Returns a copy
    Metadata() map[string]interface{}
    Deprecated() bool

type RouteSelectionConditionFunction

RouteSelectionConditionFunction declares the signature of a function that can be used to add extra conditional logic when selecting whether the route matches the HTTP request.

type RouteSelectionConditionFunction func(httpRequest *http.Request) bool

type RouteSelector

A RouteSelector finds the best matching Route given the input HTTP Request RouteSelectors can optionally also implement the PathProcessor interface to also calculate the path parameters after the route has been selected.

type RouteSelector interface {

    // SelectRoute finds a Route given the input HTTP Request and a list of WebServices.
    // It returns a selected Route and its containing WebService or an error indicating
    // a problem.
        webServices []*WebService,
        httpRequest *http.Request) (selectedService *WebService, selected *Route, err error)

type RouterJSR311

RouterJSR311 implements the flow for matching Requests to Routes (and consequently Resource Functions) as specified by the JSR311 http://jsr311.java.net/nonav/releases/1.1/spec/spec.html. RouterJSR311 implements the Router interface. Concept of locators is not implemented.

type RouterJSR311 struct{}

func (RouterJSR311) ExtractParameters

func (r RouterJSR311) ExtractParameters(route *Route, webService *WebService, urlPath string) map[string]string

ExtractParameters is used to obtain the path parameters from the route using the same matching engine as the JSR 311 router.

func (RouterJSR311) SelectRoute

func (r RouterJSR311) SelectRoute(
    webServices []*WebService,
    httpRequest *http.Request) (selectedService *WebService, selectedRoute *Route, err error)

SelectRoute is part of the Router interface and returns the best match for the WebService and its Route for the given Request.

type ServiceError

ServiceError is a transport object to pass information about a non-Http error occurred in a WebService while processing a request.

type ServiceError struct {
    Code    int
    Message string
    Header  http.Header



resp := new(Response)
resp.WriteEntity(NewError(http.StatusBadRequest, "Non-integer {id} path parameter"))

func NewError

func NewError(code int, message string) ServiceError

NewError returns a ServiceError using the code and reason

func NewErrorWithHeader

func NewErrorWithHeader(code int, message string, header http.Header) ServiceError

NewErrorWithHeader returns a ServiceError using the code, reason and header

func (ServiceError) Error

func (s ServiceError) Error() string

Error returns a text representation of the service error

type ServiceErrorHandleFunction

ServiceErrorHandleFunction declares functions that can be used to handle a service error situation. The first argument is the service error, the second is the request that resulted in the error and the third must be used to communicate an error response.

type ServiceErrorHandleFunction func(ServiceError, *Request, *Response)

type SyncPoolCompessors

SyncPoolCompessors is a CompressorProvider that use the standard sync.Pool.

type SyncPoolCompessors struct {
    GzipWriterPool *sync.Pool
    GzipReaderPool *sync.Pool
    ZlibWriterPool *sync.Pool

func NewSyncPoolCompessors

func NewSyncPoolCompessors() *SyncPoolCompessors

NewSyncPoolCompessors returns a new ("empty") SyncPoolCompessors.

func (*SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireGzipReader

func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireGzipReader() *gzip.Reader

func (*SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireGzipWriter

func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireGzipWriter() *gzip.Writer

func (*SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireZlibWriter

func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) AcquireZlibWriter() *zlib.Writer

func (*SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseGzipReader

func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseGzipReader(r *gzip.Reader)

func (*SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseGzipWriter

func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseGzipWriter(w *gzip.Writer)

func (*SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseZlibWriter

func (s *SyncPoolCompessors) ReleaseZlibWriter(w *zlib.Writer)

type TypeNameHandleFunction

TypeNameHandleFunction declares functions that can handle translating the name of a sample object into the restful documentation for the service.

type TypeNameHandleFunction func(sample interface{}) string

type WebService

WebService holds a collection of Route values that bind a Http Method + URL Path to a function.

type WebService struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func RegisteredWebServices

func RegisteredWebServices() []*WebService

RegisteredWebServices returns the collections of WebServices from the DefaultContainer

func (*WebService) ApiVersion

func (w *WebService) ApiVersion(apiVersion string) *WebService

ApiVersion sets the API version for documentation purposes.

func (*WebService) BodyParameter

func (w *WebService) BodyParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

BodyParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Body for documentation purposes. It is initialized as required without a DataType.

func (*WebService) Consumes

func (w *WebService) Consumes(accepts ...string) *WebService

Consumes specifies that this WebService can consume one or more MIME types. Http requests must have one of these values set for the Content-Type header.

func (*WebService) DELETE

func (w *WebService) DELETE(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

DELETE is a shortcut for .Method("DELETE").Path(subPath)

func (*WebService) Doc

func (w *WebService) Doc(plainText string) *WebService

Doc is used to set the documentation of this service.

func (*WebService) Documentation

func (w *WebService) Documentation() string

Documentation returns it.

func (*WebService) Filter

func (w *WebService) Filter(filter FilterFunction) *WebService

Filter adds a filter function to the chain of filters applicable to all its Routes

func (*WebService) FormParameter

func (w *WebService) FormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

FormParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Form (using application/x-www-form-urlencoded) for documentation purposes. It is initialized as required with string as its DataType.

func (*WebService) GET

func (w *WebService) GET(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

GET is a shortcut for .Method("GET").Path(subPath)

func (*WebService) HEAD

func (w *WebService) HEAD(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

HEAD is a shortcut for .Method("HEAD").Path(subPath)

func (*WebService) HeaderParameter

func (w *WebService) HeaderParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

HeaderParameter creates a new Parameter of kind (Http) Header for documentation purposes. It is initialized as not required with string as its DataType.

func (*WebService) Method

func (w *WebService) Method(httpMethod string) *RouteBuilder

Method creates a new RouteBuilder and initialize its http method

func (*WebService) MultiPartFormParameter

func (w *WebService) MultiPartFormParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

MultiPartFormParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Form (using multipart/form-data) for documentation purposes. It is initialized as required with string as its DataType.

func (*WebService) OPTIONS

func (w *WebService) OPTIONS(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

OPTIONS is a shortcut for .Method("OPTIONS").Path(subPath)

func (*WebService) PATCH

func (w *WebService) PATCH(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

PATCH is a shortcut for .Method("PATCH").Path(subPath)

func (*WebService) POST

func (w *WebService) POST(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

POST is a shortcut for .Method("POST").Path(subPath)

func (*WebService) PUT

func (w *WebService) PUT(subPath string) *RouteBuilder

PUT is a shortcut for .Method("PUT").Path(subPath)

func (*WebService) Param

func (w *WebService) Param(parameter *Parameter) *WebService

Param adds a PathParameter to document parameters used in the root path.

func (*WebService) Path

func (w *WebService) Path(root string) *WebService

Path specifies the root URL template path of the WebService. All Routes will be relative to this path.

func (*WebService) PathParameter

func (w *WebService) PathParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

PathParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Path for documentation purposes. It is initialized as required with string as its DataType.

func (*WebService) PathParameters

func (w *WebService) PathParameters() []*Parameter

PathParameters return the path parameter names for (shared among its Routes)

func (*WebService) Produces

func (w *WebService) Produces(contentTypes ...string) *WebService

Produces specifies that this WebService can produce one or more MIME types. Http requests must have one of these values set for the Accept header.

func (*WebService) QueryParameter

func (w *WebService) QueryParameter(name, description string) *Parameter

QueryParameter creates a new Parameter of kind Query for documentation purposes. It is initialized as not required with string as its DataType.

func (*WebService) RemoveRoute

func (w *WebService) RemoveRoute(path, method string) error

RemoveRoute removes the specified route, looks for something that matches 'path' and 'method'

func (*WebService) RootPath

func (w *WebService) RootPath() string

RootPath returns the RootPath associated with this WebService. Default "/"

func (*WebService) Route

func (w *WebService) Route(builder *RouteBuilder) *WebService

Route creates a new Route using the RouteBuilder and add to the ordered list of Routes.

func (*WebService) Routes

func (w *WebService) Routes() []Route

Routes returns the Routes associated with this WebService

func (*WebService) SetDynamicRoutes

func (w *WebService) SetDynamicRoutes(enable bool)

func (*WebService) TypeNameHandler

func (w *WebService) TypeNameHandler(handler TypeNameHandleFunction) *WebService

TypeNameHandler sets the function that will convert types to strings in the parameter and model definitions. If not set, the web service will invoke reflect.TypeOf(object).String().

func (*WebService) Version

func (w *WebService) Version() string

Version returns the API version for documentation purposes.


Name Synopsis