IEC Sizes. kibis of bits
const ( Byte = 1 << (iota * 10) KiByte MiByte GiByte TiByte PiByte EiByte )
SI Sizes.
const ( IByte = 1 KByte = IByte * 1000 MByte = KByte * 1000 GByte = MByte * 1000 TByte = GByte * 1000 PByte = TByte * 1000 EByte = PByte * 1000 )
Seconds-based time units
const ( Day = 24 * time.Hour Week = 7 * Day Month = 30 * Day Year = 12 * Month LongTime = 37 * Year )
var ( // BigByte is one byte in bit.Ints BigByte = big.NewInt(1) // BigKiByte is 1,024 bytes in bit.Ints BigKiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigByte, bigIECExp) // BigMiByte is 1,024 k bytes in bit.Ints BigMiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigKiByte, bigIECExp) // BigGiByte is 1,024 m bytes in bit.Ints BigGiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigMiByte, bigIECExp) // BigTiByte is 1,024 g bytes in bit.Ints BigTiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigGiByte, bigIECExp) // BigPiByte is 1,024 t bytes in bit.Ints BigPiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigTiByte, bigIECExp) // BigEiByte is 1,024 p bytes in bit.Ints BigEiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigPiByte, bigIECExp) // BigZiByte is 1,024 e bytes in bit.Ints BigZiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigEiByte, bigIECExp) // BigYiByte is 1,024 z bytes in bit.Ints BigYiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigZiByte, bigIECExp) // BigRiByte is 1,024 y bytes in bit.Ints BigRiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigYiByte, bigIECExp) // BigQiByte is 1,024 r bytes in bit.Ints BigQiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigRiByte, bigIECExp) )
var ( // BigSIByte is one SI byte in big.Ints BigSIByte = big.NewInt(1) // BigKByte is 1,000 SI bytes in big.Ints BigKByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigSIByte, bigSIExp) // BigMByte is 1,000 SI k bytes in big.Ints BigMByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigKByte, bigSIExp) // BigGByte is 1,000 SI m bytes in big.Ints BigGByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigMByte, bigSIExp) // BigTByte is 1,000 SI g bytes in big.Ints BigTByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigGByte, bigSIExp) // BigPByte is 1,000 SI t bytes in big.Ints BigPByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigTByte, bigSIExp) // BigEByte is 1,000 SI p bytes in big.Ints BigEByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigPByte, bigSIExp) // BigZByte is 1,000 SI e bytes in big.Ints BigZByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigEByte, bigSIExp) // BigYByte is 1,000 SI z bytes in big.Ints BigYByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigZByte, bigSIExp) // BigRByte is 1,000 SI y bytes in big.Ints BigRByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigYByte, bigSIExp) // BigQByte is 1,000 SI r bytes in big.Ints BigQByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigRByte, bigSIExp) )
func BigBytes(s *big.Int) string
BigBytes produces a human readable representation of an SI size.
See also: ParseBigBytes.
BigBytes(82854982) -> 83 MB
func BigComma(b *big.Int) string
BigComma produces a string form of the given big.Int in base 10 with commas after every three orders of magnitude.
func BigCommaf(v *big.Float) string
BigCommaf produces a string form of the given big.Float in base 10 with commas after every three orders of magnitude.
func BigIBytes(s *big.Int) string
BigIBytes produces a human readable representation of an IEC size.
See also: ParseBigBytes.
BigIBytes(82854982) -> 79 MiB
func Bytes(s uint64) string
Bytes produces a human readable representation of an SI size.
See also: ParseBytes.
Bytes(82854982) -> 83 MB
func Comma(v int64) string
Comma produces a string form of the given number in base 10 with commas after every three orders of magnitude.
e.g. Comma(834142) -> 834,142
func Commaf(v float64) string
Commaf produces a string form of the given number in base 10 with commas after every three orders of magnitude.
e.g. Commaf(834142.32) -> 834,142.32
func CommafWithDigits(f float64, decimals int) string
CommafWithDigits works like the Commaf but limits the resulting string to the given number of decimal places.
e.g. CommafWithDigits(834142.32, 1) -> 834,142.3
func ComputeSI(input float64) (float64, string)
ComputeSI finds the most appropriate SI prefix for the given number and returns the prefix along with the value adjusted to be within that prefix.
See also: SI, ParseSI.
e.g. ComputeSI(2.2345e-12) -> (2.2345, "p")
func CustomRelTime(a, b time.Time, albl, blbl string, magnitudes []RelTimeMagnitude) string
CustomRelTime formats a time into a relative string.
It takes two times two labels and a table of relative time formats. In addition to the generic time delta string (e.g. 5 minutes), the labels are used applied so that the label corresponding to the smaller time is applied.
func FormatFloat(format string, n float64) string
FormatFloat produces a formatted number as string based on the following user-specified criteria: * thousands separator * decimal separator * decimal precision
Usage: s := RenderFloat(format, n) The format parameter tells how to render the number n.
See examples:
Examples of format strings, given n = 12345.6789: "#,###.##" => "12,345.67" "#,###." => "12,345" "#,###" => "12345,678" "#\u202F###,##" => "12 345,68" "#.###,###### => 12.345,678900 "" (aka default format) => 12,345.67
The highest precision allowed is 9 digits after the decimal symbol. There is also a version for integer number, FormatInteger(), which is convenient for calls within template.
func FormatInteger(format string, n int) string
FormatInteger produces a formatted number as string. See FormatFloat.
func Ftoa(num float64) string
Ftoa converts a float to a string with no trailing zeros.
func FtoaWithDigits(num float64, digits int) string
FtoaWithDigits converts a float to a string but limits the resulting string to the given number of decimal places, and no trailing zeros.
func IBytes(s uint64) string
IBytes produces a human readable representation of an IEC size.
See also: ParseBytes.
IBytes(82854982) -> 79 MiB
func Ordinal(x int) string
Ordinal gives you the input number in a rank/ordinal format.
Ordinal(3) -> 3rd
func ParseBigBytes(s string) (*big.Int, error)
ParseBigBytes parses a string representation of bytes into the number of bytes it represents.
See also: BigBytes, BigIBytes.
ParseBigBytes("42 MB") -> 42000000, nil ParseBigBytes("42 mib") -> 44040192, nil
func ParseBytes(s string) (uint64, error)
ParseBytes parses a string representation of bytes into the number of bytes it represents.
See Also: Bytes, IBytes.
ParseBytes("42 MB") -> 42000000, nil ParseBytes("42 mib") -> 44040192, nil
func ParseSI(input string) (float64, string, error)
ParseSI parses an SI string back into the number and unit.
See also: SI, ComputeSI.
e.g. ParseSI("2.2345 pF") -> (2.2345e-12, "F", nil)
func RelTime(a, b time.Time, albl, blbl string) string
RelTime formats a time into a relative string.
It takes two times and two labels. In addition to the generic time delta string (e.g. 5 minutes), the labels are used applied so that the label corresponding to the smaller time is applied.
RelTime(timeInPast, timeInFuture, "earlier", "later") -> "3 weeks earlier"
func SI(input float64, unit string) string
SI returns a string with default formatting.
SI uses Ftoa to format float value, removing trailing zeros.
See also: ComputeSI, ParseSI.
e.g. SI(1000000, "B") -> 1 MB e.g. SI(2.2345e-12, "F") -> 2.2345 pF
func SIWithDigits(input float64, decimals int, unit string) string
SIWithDigits works like SI but limits the resulting string to the given number of decimal places.
e.g. SIWithDigits(1000000, 0, "B") -> 1 MB e.g. SIWithDigits(2.2345e-12, 2, "F") -> 2.23 pF
func Time(then time.Time) string
Time formats a time into a relative string.
Time(someT) -> "3 weeks ago"
A RelTimeMagnitude struct contains a relative time point at which the relative format of time will switch to a new format string. A slice of these in ascending order by their "D" field is passed to CustomRelTime to format durations.
The Format field is a string that may contain a "%s" which will be replaced with the appropriate signed label (e.g. "ago" or "from now") and a "%d" that will be replaced by the quantity.
The DivBy field is the amount of time the time difference must be divided by in order to display correctly.
e.g. if D is 2*time.Minute and you want to display "%d minutes %s" DivBy should be time.Minute so whatever the duration is will be expressed in minutes.
type RelTimeMagnitude struct { D time.Duration Format string DivBy time.Duration }