Package unistring
Package unistring contains an implementation of a hybrid ASCII/UTF-16 string.
For ASCII strings the underlying representation is equivalent to a normal Go string.
For unicode strings the underlying representation is UTF-16 as []uint16 with 0th element set to 0xFEFF.
unicode.String allows representing malformed UTF-16 values (e.g. stand-alone parts of surrogate pairs)
which cannot be represented in UTF-8.
At the same time it is possible to use unicode.String as property keys just as efficiently as simple strings,
(the leading 0xFEFF ensures there is no clash with ASCII string), and it is possible to convert it
to valueString without extra allocations.
const (
func Scan(s string) []uint16
Scan checks if the string contains any unicode characters. If it does, converts to an array suitable for creating
a String using FromUtf16, otherwise returns nil.
type String string
func FromUtf16(b []uint16) String
func NewFromRunes(s []rune) String
func NewFromString(s string) String
func (s String) AsUtf16() []uint16
func (String) String
func (s String) String() string