
Package goja

import "github.com/dop251/goja"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func IsInfinity(v Value) bool
func IsNaN(v Value) bool
func IsNull(v Value) bool
func IsUndefined(v Value) bool
func Parse(name, src string, options ...parser.Option) (prg *js_ast.Program, err error)
func StartProfile(w io.Writer) error
func StopProfile()
type ArrayBuffer
    func (a ArrayBuffer) Bytes() []byte
    func (a ArrayBuffer) Detach() bool
    func (a ArrayBuffer) Detached() bool
type AsyncContextTracker
type Callable
    func AssertFunction(v Value) (Callable, bool)
type CompilerError
type CompilerReferenceError
    func (e *CompilerReferenceError) Error() string
type CompilerSyntaxError
    func (e *CompilerSyntaxError) Error() string
type Constructor
    func AssertConstructor(v Value) (Constructor, bool)
type ConstructorCall
    func (f ConstructorCall) Argument(idx int) Value
type DynamicArray
type DynamicObject
type Exception
    func (e *Exception) Error() string
    func (e *Exception) String() string
    func (e *Exception) Unwrap() error
    func (e *Exception) Value() Value
type FieldNameMapper
    func TagFieldNameMapper(tagName string, uncapMethods bool) FieldNameMapper
    func UncapFieldNameMapper() FieldNameMapper
type Flag
    func ToFlag(b bool) Flag
    func (f Flag) Bool() bool
type FunctionCall
    func (f FunctionCall) Argument(idx int) Value
type InterruptedError
    func (e *InterruptedError) Error() string
    func (e *InterruptedError) String() string
    func (e *InterruptedError) Unwrap() error
    func (e *InterruptedError) Value() interface{}
type JsonEncodable
type Now
type Object
    func NewSharedDynamicArray(a DynamicArray) *Object
    func NewSharedDynamicObject(d DynamicObject) *Object
    func (o *Object) ClassName() string
    func (o *Object) DefineAccessorProperty(name string, getter, setter Value, configurable, enumerable Flag) error
    func (o *Object) DefineAccessorPropertySymbol(name *Symbol, getter, setter Value, configurable, enumerable Flag) error
    func (o *Object) DefineDataProperty(name string, value Value, writable, configurable, enumerable Flag) error
    func (o *Object) DefineDataPropertySymbol(name *Symbol, value Value, writable, configurable, enumerable Flag) error
    func (o *Object) Delete(name string) error
    func (o *Object) DeleteSymbol(name *Symbol) error
    func (o *Object) Equals(other Value) bool
    func (o *Object) Export() interface{}
    func (o *Object) ExportType() reflect.Type
    func (o *Object) Get(name string) Value
    func (o *Object) GetSymbol(sym *Symbol) Value
    func (o *Object) Keys() (keys []string)
    func (o *Object) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (o *Object) Prototype() *Object
    func (o *Object) SameAs(other Value) bool
    func (o *Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error
    func (o *Object) SetPrototype(proto *Object) error
    func (o *Object) SetSymbol(name *Symbol, value interface{}) error
    func (o *Object) StrictEquals(other Value) bool
    func (o *Object) String() string
    func (o *Object) Symbols() []*Symbol
    func (o *Object) ToBoolean() bool
    func (o *Object) ToFloat() float64
    func (o *Object) ToInteger() int64
    func (o *Object) ToNumber() Value
    func (o *Object) ToObject(*Runtime) *Object
    func (o *Object) ToString() Value
    func (o *Object) UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
type Program
    func Compile(name, src string, strict bool) (*Program, error)
    func CompileAST(prg *js_ast.Program, strict bool) (*Program, error)
    func MustCompile(name, src string, strict bool) *Program
type Promise
    func (p *Promise) Result() Value
    func (p *Promise) State() PromiseState
type PromiseRejectionOperation
type PromiseRejectionTracker
type PromiseState
type PropertyDescriptor
    func (p *PropertyDescriptor) Empty() bool
    func (p *PropertyDescriptor) IsAccessor() bool
    func (p *PropertyDescriptor) IsData() bool
    func (p *PropertyDescriptor) IsGeneric() bool
type Proxy
    func (p Proxy) Handler() *Object
    func (p Proxy) Revoke()
    func (p Proxy) Target() *Object
type ProxyTrapConfig
type RandSource
type Runtime
    func New() *Runtime
    func (r *Runtime) CaptureCallStack(depth int, stack []StackFrame) []StackFrame
    func (r *Runtime) ClearInterrupt()
    func (r *Runtime) CreateObject(proto *Object) *Object
    func (r *Runtime) ExportTo(v Value, target interface{}) error
    func (r *Runtime) ForOf(iterable Value, step func(curValue Value) (continueIteration bool))
    func (r *Runtime) Get(name string) Value
    func (r *Runtime) GlobalObject() *Object
    func (r *Runtime) InstanceOf(left Value, right *Object) (res bool)
    func (r *Runtime) Interrupt(v interface{})
    func (r *Runtime) New(construct Value, args ...Value) (o *Object, err error)
    func (r *Runtime) NewArray(items ...interface{}) *Object
    func (r *Runtime) NewArrayBuffer(data []byte) ArrayBuffer
    func (r *Runtime) NewDynamicArray(a DynamicArray) *Object
    func (r *Runtime) NewDynamicObject(d DynamicObject) *Object
    func (r *Runtime) NewGoError(err error) *Object
    func (r *Runtime) NewObject() (v *Object)
    func (r *Runtime) NewPromise() (promise *Promise, resolve func(result interface{}), reject func(reason interface{}))
    func (r *Runtime) NewProxy(target *Object, nativeHandler *ProxyTrapConfig) Proxy
    func (r *Runtime) NewTypeError(args ...interface{}) *Object
    func (r *Runtime) RunProgram(p *Program) (result Value, err error)
    func (r *Runtime) RunScript(name, src string) (Value, error)
    func (r *Runtime) RunString(str string) (Value, error)
    func (r *Runtime) Set(name string, value interface{}) error
    func (r *Runtime) SetAsyncContextTracker(tracker AsyncContextTracker)
    func (r *Runtime) SetFieldNameMapper(mapper FieldNameMapper)
    func (r *Runtime) SetMaxCallStackSize(size int)
    func (r *Runtime) SetParserOptions(opts ...parser.Option)
    func (r *Runtime) SetPromiseRejectionTracker(tracker PromiseRejectionTracker)
    func (r *Runtime) SetRandSource(source RandSource)
    func (r *Runtime) SetTimeSource(now Now)
    func (r *Runtime) ToValue(i interface{}) Value
    func (r *Runtime) Try(f func()) *Exception
type StackFrame
    func (f *StackFrame) FuncName() string
    func (f *StackFrame) Position() file.Position
    func (f *StackFrame) SrcName() string
    func (f *StackFrame) Write(b *bytes.Buffer)
    func (f *StackFrame) WriteToValueBuilder(b *StringBuilder)
type StackOverflowError
type String
    func StringFromUTF16(chars []uint16) String
type StringBuilder
    func (b *StringBuilder) Grow(n int)
    func (b *StringBuilder) LikelyUnicode(extraLen int)
    func (b *StringBuilder) String() String
    func (b *StringBuilder) WriteRune(r rune)
    func (b *StringBuilder) WriteString(s String)
    func (b *StringBuilder) WriteSubstring(source String, start int, end int)
    func (b *StringBuilder) WriteUTF8String(s string)
type Symbol
    func NewSymbol(s string) *Symbol
    func (s *Symbol) Equals(o Value) bool
    func (s *Symbol) Export() interface{}
    func (s *Symbol) ExportType() reflect.Type
    func (s *Symbol) SameAs(other Value) bool
    func (s *Symbol) StrictEquals(o Value) bool
    func (s *Symbol) String() string
    func (s *Symbol) ToBoolean() bool
    func (s *Symbol) ToFloat() float64
    func (s *Symbol) ToInteger() int64
    func (s *Symbol) ToNumber() Value
    func (s *Symbol) ToObject(r *Runtime) *Object
    func (s *Symbol) ToString() Value
type Value
    func NaN() Value
    func NegativeInf() Value
    func Null() Value
    func PositiveInf() Value
    func Undefined() Value

Package files

array.go array_sparse.go builtin_array.go builtin_boolean.go builtin_date.go builtin_error.go builtin_function.go builtin_global.go builtin_json.go builtin_map.go builtin_math.go builtin_number.go builtin_object.go builtin_promise.go builtin_proxy.go builtin_reflect.go builtin_regexp.go builtin_set.go builtin_string.go builtin_symbol.go builtin_typedarrays.go builtin_weakmap.go builtin_weakset.go compiler.go compiler_expr.go compiler_stmt.go date.go date_parser.go destruct.go func.go ipow.go map.go object.go object_args.go object_dynamic.go object_goarray_reflect.go object_gomap.go object_gomap_reflect.go object_goreflect.go object_goslice.go object_goslice_reflect.go object_template.go profiler.go proxy.go regexp.go runtime.go string.go string_ascii.go string_imported.go string_unicode.go typedarrays.go value.go vm.go


var (
    SymHasInstance        = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.hasInstance"))
    SymIsConcatSpreadable = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.isConcatSpreadable"))
    SymIterator           = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.iterator"))
    SymMatch              = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.match"))
    SymMatchAll           = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.matchAll"))
    SymReplace            = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.replace"))
    SymSearch             = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.search"))
    SymSpecies            = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.species"))
    SymSplit              = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.split"))
    SymToPrimitive        = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.toPrimitive"))
    SymToStringTag        = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.toStringTag"))
    SymUnscopables        = newSymbol(asciiString("Symbol.unscopables"))
var (
    InvalidRuneError = errors.New("invalid rune")

func IsInfinity

func IsInfinity(v Value) bool

IsInfinity returns true if the supplied is (+/-)Infinity

func IsNaN

func IsNaN(v Value) bool

IsNaN returns true if the supplied value is NaN.

func IsNull

func IsNull(v Value) bool

IsNull returns true if the supplied Value is null.

func IsUndefined

func IsUndefined(v Value) bool

IsUndefined returns true if the supplied Value is undefined. Note, it checks against the real undefined, not against the global object's 'undefined' property.

func Parse

func Parse(name, src string, options ...parser.Option) (prg *js_ast.Program, err error)

Parse takes a source string and produces a parsed AST. Use this function if you want to pass options to the parser, e.g.:

p, err := Parse("test.js", "var a = true", parser.WithDisableSourceMaps)
if err != nil { /* ... */ }
prg, err := CompileAST(p, true)
// ...

Otherwise use Compile which combines both steps.

func StartProfile

func StartProfile(w io.Writer) error

StartProfile enables execution time profiling for all Runtimes within the current process. This works similar to pprof.StartCPUProfile and produces the same format which can be consumed by `go tool pprof`. There are, however, a few notable differences. Firstly, it's not a CPU profile, rather "execution time" profile. It measures the time the VM spends executing an instruction. If this instruction happens to be a call to a blocking Go function, the waiting time will be measured. Secondly, the 'cpu' sample isn't simply `count*period`, it's the time interval between when sampling was requested and when the instruction has finished. If a VM is still executing the same instruction when the time comes for the next sample, the sampling is skipped (i.e. `count` doesn't grow).

If there are multiple functions with the same name, their names get a '.N' suffix, where N is a unique number, because otherwise the graph view merges them together (even if they are in different mappings). This includes "<anonymous>" functions.

The sampling period is set to 10ms.

It returns an error if profiling is already active.

func StopProfile

func StopProfile()

StopProfile stops the current profile initiated by StartProfile, if any.

type ArrayBuffer

ArrayBuffer is a Go wrapper around ECMAScript ArrayBuffer. Calling Runtime.ToValue() on it returns the underlying ArrayBuffer. Calling Export() on an ECMAScript ArrayBuffer returns a wrapper. Use Runtime.NewArrayBuffer([]byte) to create one.

type ArrayBuffer struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ArrayBuffer) Bytes

func (a ArrayBuffer) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the underlying []byte for this ArrayBuffer. For detached ArrayBuffers returns nil.

func (ArrayBuffer) Detach

func (a ArrayBuffer) Detach() bool

Detach the ArrayBuffer. After this, the underlying []byte becomes unreferenced and any attempt to use this ArrayBuffer results in a TypeError. Returns false if it was already detached, true otherwise. Note, this method may only be called from the goroutine that 'owns' the Runtime, it may not be called concurrently.

func (ArrayBuffer) Detached

func (a ArrayBuffer) Detached() bool

Detached returns true if the ArrayBuffer is detached.

type AsyncContextTracker

AsyncContextTracker is a handler that allows to track an async execution context to ensure it remains consistent across all callback invocations. Whenever a Promise reaction job is scheduled the Grab method is called. It is supposed to return the current context. The same context will be supplied to the Resumed method before the reaction job is executed. The Exited method is called after the reaction job is finished. This means that for each invocation of the Grab method there will be exactly one subsequent invocation of Resumed and then Exited methods (assuming the Promise is fulfilled or rejected). Also, the Resumed/Exited calls cannot be nested, so Exited can simply clear the current context instead of popping from a stack. Note, this works for both async functions and regular Promise.then()/Promise.catch() callbacks. See TestAsyncContextTracker for more insight.

To register it call Runtime.SetAsyncContextTracker().

type AsyncContextTracker interface {
    Grab() (trackingObject interface{})
    Resumed(trackingObject interface{})

type Callable

Callable represents a JavaScript function that can be called from Go.

type Callable func(this Value, args ...Value) (Value, error)

func AssertFunction

func AssertFunction(v Value) (Callable, bool)

AssertFunction checks if the Value is a function and returns a Callable. Note, for classes this returns a callable and a 'true', however calling it will always result in a TypeError. For classes use AssertConstructor().



vm := New()
_, err := vm.RunString(`
    function sum(a, b) {
        return a+b;
if err != nil {
sum, ok := AssertFunction(vm.Get("sum"))
if !ok {
    panic("Not a function")

res, err := sum(Undefined(), vm.ToValue(40), vm.ToValue(2))
if err != nil {



type CompilerError

type CompilerError struct {
    Message string
    File    *file.File
    Offset  int

type CompilerReferenceError

type CompilerReferenceError struct {

func (*CompilerReferenceError) Error

func (e *CompilerReferenceError) Error() string

type CompilerSyntaxError

type CompilerSyntaxError struct {

func (*CompilerSyntaxError) Error

func (e *CompilerSyntaxError) Error() string

type Constructor

Constructor is a type that can be used to call constructors. The first argument (newTarget) can be nil which sets it to the constructor function itself.

type Constructor func(newTarget *Object, args ...Value) (*Object, error)

func AssertConstructor

func AssertConstructor(v Value) (Constructor, bool)

AssertConstructor checks if the Value is a constructor and returns a Constructor.



vm := New()
res, err := vm.RunString(`
        (class C {
            constructor(x) {
                this.x = x;
if err != nil {
if ctor, ok := AssertConstructor(res); ok {
    obj, err := ctor(nil, vm.ToValue("Test"))
    if err != nil {
} else {
    panic("Not a constructor")



type ConstructorCall

type ConstructorCall struct {
    This      *Object
    Arguments []Value
    NewTarget *Object

func (ConstructorCall) Argument

func (f ConstructorCall) Argument(idx int) Value

type DynamicArray

DynamicArray is an interface representing a handler for a dynamic array Object. Such an object can be created using the Runtime.NewDynamicArray() method.

Any integer property key or a string property key that can be parsed into an int value (including negative ones) is treated as an index and passed to the trap methods of the DynamicArray. Note this is different from the regular ECMAScript arrays which only support positive indexes up to 2^32-1.

DynamicArray cannot be sparse, i.e. hasOwnProperty(num) will return true for num >= 0 && num < Len(). Deleting such a property is equivalent to setting it to undefined. Note that this creates a slight peculiarity because hasOwnProperty() will still return true, even after deletion.

Note that Runtime.ToValue() does not have any special treatment for DynamicArray. The only way to create a dynamic array is by using the Runtime.NewDynamicArray() method. This is done deliberately to avoid silent code breaks when this interface changes.

type DynamicArray interface {
    // Len returns the current array length.
    Len() int
    // Get an item at index idx. Note that idx may be any integer, negative or beyond the current length.
    Get(idx int) Value
    // Set an item at index idx. Note that idx may be any integer, negative or beyond the current length.
    // The expected behaviour when it's beyond length is that the array's length is increased to accommodate
    // the item. All elements in the 'new' section of the array should be zeroed.
    Set(idx int, val Value) bool
    // SetLen is called when the array's 'length' property is changed. If the length is increased all elements in the
    // 'new' section of the array should be zeroed.
    SetLen(int) bool

type DynamicObject

DynamicObject is an interface representing a handler for a dynamic Object. Such an object can be created using the Runtime.NewDynamicObject() method.

Note that Runtime.ToValue() does not have any special treatment for DynamicObject. The only way to create a dynamic object is by using the Runtime.NewDynamicObject() method. This is done deliberately to avoid silent code breaks when this interface changes.

type DynamicObject interface {
    // Get a property value for the key. May return nil if the property does not exist.
    Get(key string) Value
    // Set a property value for the key. Return true if success, false otherwise.
    Set(key string, val Value) bool
    // Has should return true if and only if the property exists.
    Has(key string) bool
    // Delete the property for the key. Returns true on success (note, that includes missing property).
    Delete(key string) bool
    // Keys returns a list of all existing property keys. There are no checks for duplicates or to make sure
    // that the order conforms to https://262.ecma-international.org/#sec-ordinaryownpropertykeys
    Keys() []string

type Exception

type Exception struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Exception) Error

func (e *Exception) Error() string

func (*Exception) String

func (e *Exception) String() string

func (*Exception) Unwrap

func (e *Exception) Unwrap() error

func (*Exception) Value

func (e *Exception) Value() Value

type FieldNameMapper

FieldNameMapper provides custom mapping between Go and JavaScript property names.

type FieldNameMapper interface {
    // FieldName returns a JavaScript name for the given struct field in the given type.
    // If this method returns "" the field becomes hidden.
    FieldName(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) string

    // MethodName returns a JavaScript name for the given method in the given type.
    // If this method returns "" the method becomes hidden.
    MethodName(t reflect.Type, m reflect.Method) string

func TagFieldNameMapper

func TagFieldNameMapper(tagName string, uncapMethods bool) FieldNameMapper

TagFieldNameMapper returns a FieldNameMapper that uses the given tagName for struct fields and optionally uncapitalises (making the first letter lower case) method names. The common tag value syntax is supported (name[,options]), however options are ignored. Setting name to anything other than a valid ECMAScript identifier makes the field hidden.



vm := New()
vm.SetFieldNameMapper(TagFieldNameMapper("json", true))
type S struct {
    Field int `json:"field"`
vm.Set("s", S{Field: 42})
res, _ := vm.RunString(`s.field`)



func UncapFieldNameMapper

func UncapFieldNameMapper() FieldNameMapper

UncapFieldNameMapper returns a FieldNameMapper that uncapitalises struct field and method names making the first letter lower case.



vm := New()
s := testGoReflectMethod_O{
    Test: "passed",
vm.Set("s", s)
res, _ := vm.RunString(`s.test + " and " + s.method("passed too")`)


passed and passed too

type Flag

type Flag int
const (
    FLAG_NOT_SET Flag = iota

func ToFlag

func ToFlag(b bool) Flag

func (Flag) Bool

func (f Flag) Bool() bool

type FunctionCall

type FunctionCall struct {
    This      Value
    Arguments []Value

func (FunctionCall) Argument

func (f FunctionCall) Argument(idx int) Value

type InterruptedError

type InterruptedError struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*InterruptedError) Error

func (e *InterruptedError) Error() string

func (*InterruptedError) String

func (e *InterruptedError) String() string

func (*InterruptedError) Unwrap

func (e *InterruptedError) Unwrap() error

func (*InterruptedError) Value

func (e *InterruptedError) Value() interface{}

type JsonEncodable

JsonEncodable allows custom JSON encoding by JSON.stringify() Note that if the returned value itself also implements JsonEncodable, it won't have any effect.

type JsonEncodable interface {
    JsonEncodable() interface{}

type Now

type Now func() time.Time

type Object

type Object struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSharedDynamicArray

func NewSharedDynamicArray(a DynamicArray) *Object

NewSharedDynamicArray is similar to Runtime.NewDynamicArray but the resulting Object can be shared across multiple Runtimes. The Object's prototype will be null. If you need to run Array's methods on it, use Array.prototype.[...].call(a, ...). The provided DynamicArray must be goroutine-safe.

func NewSharedDynamicObject

func NewSharedDynamicObject(d DynamicObject) *Object

NewSharedDynamicObject is similar to Runtime.NewDynamicObject but the resulting Object can be shared across multiple Runtimes. The Object's prototype will be null. The provided DynamicObject must be goroutine-safe.

func (*Object) ClassName

func (o *Object) ClassName() string

ClassName returns the class name

func (*Object) DefineAccessorProperty

func (o *Object) DefineAccessorProperty(name string, getter, setter Value, configurable, enumerable Flag) error

DefineAccessorProperty is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {get: getter, set: setter, configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})

func (*Object) DefineAccessorPropertySymbol

func (o *Object) DefineAccessorPropertySymbol(name *Symbol, getter, setter Value, configurable, enumerable Flag) error

DefineAccessorPropertySymbol is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {get: getter, set: setter, configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})

func (*Object) DefineDataProperty

func (o *Object) DefineDataProperty(name string, value Value, writable, configurable, enumerable Flag) error

DefineDataProperty is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {value: value, writable: writable, configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})

func (*Object) DefineDataPropertySymbol

func (o *Object) DefineDataPropertySymbol(name *Symbol, value Value, writable, configurable, enumerable Flag) error

DefineDataPropertySymbol is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {value: value, writable: writable, configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})

func (*Object) Delete

func (o *Object) Delete(name string) error



vm := New()
obj := vm.NewObject()
_ = obj.Set("test", true)
before := obj.Get("test")
_ = obj.Delete("test")
after := obj.Get("test")
fmt.Printf("before: %v, after: %v", before, after)


before: true, after: <nil>

func (*Object) DeleteSymbol

func (o *Object) DeleteSymbol(name *Symbol) error

func (*Object) Equals

func (o *Object) Equals(other Value) bool

func (*Object) Export

func (o *Object) Export() interface{}

Export the Object to a plain Go type. If the Object is a wrapped Go value (created using ToValue()) returns the original value.

If the Object is a function, returns func(FunctionCall) Value. Note that exceptions thrown inside the function result in panics, which can also leave the Runtime in an unusable state. Therefore, these values should only be used inside another ES function implemented in Go. For calling a function from Go, use AssertFunction() or Runtime.ExportTo() as described in the README.

For a Map, returns the list of entries as [][2]interface{}.

For a Set, returns the list of elements as []interface{}.

For a Proxy, returns Proxy.

For a Promise, returns Promise.

For a DynamicObject or a DynamicArray, returns the underlying handler.

For typed arrays it returns a slice of the corresponding type backed by the original data (i.e. it does not copy).

For an untyped array, returns its items exported into a newly created []interface{}.

In all other cases returns own enumerable non-symbol properties as map[string]interface{}.

This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process.

Example (Map)


vm := New()
m, err := vm.RunString(`
    new Map([[1, true], [2, false]]);
if err != nil {
exp := m.Export()
fmt.Printf("%T, %v\n", exp, exp)


[][2]interface {}, [[1 true] [2 false]]

func (*Object) ExportType

func (o *Object) ExportType() reflect.Type

ExportType returns the type of the value that is returned by Export().

func (*Object) Get

func (o *Object) Get(name string) Value

Get an object's property by name. This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process.

func (*Object) GetSymbol

func (o *Object) GetSymbol(sym *Symbol) Value

GetSymbol returns the value of a symbol property. Use one of the Sym* values for well-known symbols (such as SymIterator, SymToStringTag, etc...). This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process.

func (*Object) Keys

func (o *Object) Keys() (keys []string)

Keys returns a list of Object's enumerable keys. This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process.

func (*Object) MarshalJSON

func (o *Object) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON returns JSON representation of the Object. It is equivalent to JSON.stringify(o). Note, this implements json.Marshaler so that json.Marshal() can be used without the need to Export().

func (*Object) Prototype

func (o *Object) Prototype() *Object

Prototype returns the Object's prototype, same as Object.getPrototypeOf(). If the prototype is null returns nil.

func (*Object) SameAs

func (o *Object) SameAs(other Value) bool

func (*Object) Set

func (o *Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error

func (*Object) SetPrototype

func (o *Object) SetPrototype(proto *Object) error

SetPrototype sets the Object's prototype, same as Object.setPrototypeOf(). Setting proto to nil is an equivalent of Object.setPrototypeOf(null).

func (*Object) SetSymbol

func (o *Object) SetSymbol(name *Symbol, value interface{}) error



type IterResult struct {
    Done  bool
    Value Value

vm := New()
vm.SetFieldNameMapper(UncapFieldNameMapper()) // to use IterResult

o := vm.NewObject()
o.SetSymbol(SymIterator, func() *Object {
    count := 0
    iter := vm.NewObject()
    iter.Set("next", func() IterResult {
        if count < 10 {
            return IterResult{
                Value: vm.ToValue(count),
        return IterResult{
            Done: true,
    return iter
vm.Set("o", o)

res, err := vm.RunString(`
    var acc = "";
    for (var v of o) {
        acc += v + " ";
if err != nil {


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

func (*Object) StrictEquals

func (o *Object) StrictEquals(other Value) bool

func (*Object) String

func (o *Object) String() string

func (*Object) Symbols

func (o *Object) Symbols() []*Symbol

Symbols returns a list of Object's enumerable symbol properties. This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process.

func (*Object) ToBoolean

func (o *Object) ToBoolean() bool

func (*Object) ToFloat

func (o *Object) ToFloat() float64

func (*Object) ToInteger

func (o *Object) ToInteger() int64

func (*Object) ToNumber

func (o *Object) ToNumber() Value

func (*Object) ToObject

func (o *Object) ToObject(*Runtime) *Object

func (*Object) ToString

func (o *Object) ToString() Value

func (*Object) UnmarshalJSON

func (o *Object) UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface. It is added to compliment MarshalJSON, because some alternative JSON encoders refuse to use MarshalJSON unless UnmarshalJSON is also present. It is a no-op and always returns nil.

type Program

Program is an internal, compiled representation of code which is produced by the Compile function. This representation is not linked to a runtime in any way and can be used concurrently. It is always preferable to use a Program over a string when running code as it skips the compilation step.

type Program struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func Compile

func Compile(name, src string, strict bool) (*Program, error)

Compile creates an internal representation of the JavaScript code that can be later run using the Runtime.RunProgram() method. This representation is not linked to a runtime in any way and can be run in multiple runtimes (possibly at the same time).

func CompileAST

func CompileAST(prg *js_ast.Program, strict bool) (*Program, error)

CompileAST creates an internal representation of the JavaScript code that can be later run using the Runtime.RunProgram() method. This representation is not linked to a runtime in any way and can be run in multiple runtimes (possibly at the same time).

func MustCompile

func MustCompile(name, src string, strict bool) *Program

MustCompile is like Compile but panics if the code cannot be compiled. It simplifies safe initialization of global variables holding compiled JavaScript code.

type Promise

Promise is a Go wrapper around ECMAScript Promise. Calling Runtime.ToValue() on it returns the underlying Object. Calling Export() on a Promise Object returns a Promise.

Use Runtime.NewPromise() to create one. Calling Runtime.ToValue() on a zero object or nil returns null Value.

WARNING: Instances of Promise are not goroutine-safe. See Runtime.NewPromise() for more details.

type Promise struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Promise) Result

func (p *Promise) Result() Value

func (*Promise) State

func (p *Promise) State() PromiseState

type PromiseRejectionOperation

type PromiseRejectionOperation int
const (
    PromiseRejectionReject PromiseRejectionOperation = iota

type PromiseRejectionTracker

type PromiseRejectionTracker func(p *Promise, operation PromiseRejectionOperation)

type PromiseState

type PromiseState int
const (
    PromiseStatePending PromiseState = iota

type PropertyDescriptor

type PropertyDescriptor struct {
    Value Value

    Writable, Configurable, Enumerable Flag

    Getter, Setter Value
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PropertyDescriptor) Empty

func (p *PropertyDescriptor) Empty() bool

func (*PropertyDescriptor) IsAccessor

func (p *PropertyDescriptor) IsAccessor() bool

func (*PropertyDescriptor) IsData

func (p *PropertyDescriptor) IsData() bool

func (*PropertyDescriptor) IsGeneric

func (p *PropertyDescriptor) IsGeneric() bool

type Proxy

Proxy is a Go wrapper around ECMAScript Proxy. Calling Runtime.ToValue() on it returns the underlying Proxy. Calling Export() on an ECMAScript Proxy returns a wrapper. Use Runtime.NewProxy() to create one.

type Proxy struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Proxy) Handler

func (p Proxy) Handler() *Object

func (Proxy) Revoke

func (p Proxy) Revoke()

func (Proxy) Target

func (p Proxy) Target() *Object

type ProxyTrapConfig

ProxyTrapConfig provides a simplified Go-friendly API for implementing Proxy traps. If an *Idx trap is defined it gets called for integer property keys, including negative ones. Note that this only includes string property keys that represent a canonical integer (i.e. "0", "123", but not "00", "01", " 1" or "-0"). For efficiency strings representing integers exceeding 2^53 are not checked to see if they are canonical, i.e. the *Idx traps will receive "9007199254740993" as well as "9007199254740994", even though the former is not a canonical representation in ECMAScript (Number("9007199254740993") === 9007199254740992). See https://262.ecma-international.org/#sec-canonicalnumericindexstring If an *Idx trap is not set, the corresponding string one is used.

type ProxyTrapConfig struct {
    // A trap for Object.getPrototypeOf, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, __proto__, Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf, instanceof
    GetPrototypeOf func(target *Object) (prototype *Object)

    // A trap for Object.setPrototypeOf, Reflect.setPrototypeOf
    SetPrototypeOf func(target *Object, prototype *Object) (success bool)

    // A trap for Object.isExtensible, Reflect.isExtensible
    IsExtensible func(target *Object) (success bool)

    // A trap for Object.preventExtensions, Reflect.preventExtensions
    PreventExtensions func(target *Object) (success bool)

    // A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (string properties)
    GetOwnPropertyDescriptor func(target *Object, prop string) (propertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor)

    // A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (integer properties)
    GetOwnPropertyDescriptorIdx func(target *Object, prop int) (propertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor)

    // A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (Symbol properties)
    GetOwnPropertyDescriptorSym func(target *Object, prop *Symbol) (propertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor)

    // A trap for Object.defineProperty, Reflect.defineProperty (string properties)
    DefineProperty func(target *Object, key string, propertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor) (success bool)

    // A trap for Object.defineProperty, Reflect.defineProperty (integer properties)
    DefinePropertyIdx func(target *Object, key int, propertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor) (success bool)

    // A trap for Object.defineProperty, Reflect.defineProperty (Symbol properties)
    DefinePropertySym func(target *Object, key *Symbol, propertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor) (success bool)

    // A trap for the in operator, with operator, Reflect.has (string properties)
    Has func(target *Object, property string) (available bool)

    // A trap for the in operator, with operator, Reflect.has (integer properties)
    HasIdx func(target *Object, property int) (available bool)

    // A trap for the in operator, with operator, Reflect.has (Symbol properties)
    HasSym func(target *Object, property *Symbol) (available bool)

    // A trap for getting property values, Reflect.get (string properties)
    Get func(target *Object, property string, receiver Value) (value Value)

    // A trap for getting property values, Reflect.get (integer properties)
    GetIdx func(target *Object, property int, receiver Value) (value Value)

    // A trap for getting property values, Reflect.get (Symbol properties)
    GetSym func(target *Object, property *Symbol, receiver Value) (value Value)

    // A trap for setting property values, Reflect.set (string properties)
    Set func(target *Object, property string, value Value, receiver Value) (success bool)

    // A trap for setting property values, Reflect.set (integer properties)
    SetIdx func(target *Object, property int, value Value, receiver Value) (success bool)

    // A trap for setting property values, Reflect.set (Symbol properties)
    SetSym func(target *Object, property *Symbol, value Value, receiver Value) (success bool)

    // A trap for the delete operator, Reflect.deleteProperty (string properties)
    DeleteProperty func(target *Object, property string) (success bool)

    // A trap for the delete operator, Reflect.deleteProperty (integer properties)
    DeletePropertyIdx func(target *Object, property int) (success bool)

    // A trap for the delete operator, Reflect.deleteProperty (Symbol properties)
    DeletePropertySym func(target *Object, property *Symbol) (success bool)

    // A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyNames, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, Object.keys, Reflect.ownKeys
    OwnKeys func(target *Object) (object *Object)

    // A trap for a function call, Function.prototype.apply, Function.prototype.call, Reflect.apply
    Apply func(target *Object, this Value, argumentsList []Value) (value Value)

    // A trap for the new operator, Reflect.construct
    Construct func(target *Object, argumentsList []Value, newTarget *Object) (value *Object)

type RandSource

type RandSource func() float64

type Runtime

type Runtime struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New() *Runtime

New creates an instance of a Javascript runtime that can be used to run code. Multiple instances may be created and used simultaneously, however it is not possible to pass JS values across runtimes.

func (*Runtime) CaptureCallStack

func (r *Runtime) CaptureCallStack(depth int, stack []StackFrame) []StackFrame

CaptureCallStack appends the current call stack frames to the stack slice (which may be nil) up to the specified depth. The most recent frame will be the first one. If depth <= 0 or more than the number of available frames, returns the entire stack. This method is not safe for concurrent use and should only be called by a Go function that is called from a running script.

func (*Runtime) ClearInterrupt

func (r *Runtime) ClearInterrupt()

ClearInterrupt resets the interrupt flag. Typically this needs to be called before the runtime is made available for re-use if there is a chance it could have been interrupted with Interrupt(). Otherwise if Interrupt() was called when runtime was not running (e.g. if it had already finished) so that Interrupt() didn't actually trigger, an attempt to use the runtime will immediately cause an interruption. It is up to the user to ensure proper synchronisation so that ClearInterrupt() is only called when the runtime has finished and there is no chance of a concurrent Interrupt() call.

func (*Runtime) CreateObject

func (r *Runtime) CreateObject(proto *Object) *Object

CreateObject creates an object with given prototype. Equivalent of Object.create(proto).

func (*Runtime) ExportTo

func (r *Runtime) ExportTo(v Value, target interface{}) error

ExportTo converts a JavaScript value into the specified Go value. The second parameter must be a non-nil pointer. Returns error if conversion is not possible.

Notes on specific cases:

Empty interface

Exporting to an interface{} results in a value of the same type as Value.Export() would produce.

Numeric types

Exporting to numeric types uses the standard ECMAScript conversion operations, same as used when assigning values to non-clamped typed array items, e.g. https://262.ecma-international.org/#sec-toint32.


Exporting to a 'func' creates a strictly typed 'gateway' into an ES function which can be called from Go. The arguments are converted into ES values using Runtime.ToValue(). If the func has no return values, the return value is ignored. If the func has exactly one return value, it is converted to the appropriate type using ExportTo(). If the last return value is 'error', exceptions are caught and returned as *Exception (instances of GoError are unwrapped, i.e. their 'value' is returned instead). In all other cases exceptions result in a panic. Any extra return values are zeroed.

'this' value will always be set to 'undefined'.

For a more low-level mechanism see AssertFunction().

Map types

An ES Map can be exported into a Go map type. If any exported key value is non-hashable, the operation panics (as reflect.Value.SetMapIndex() would). Symbol.iterator is ignored.

Exporting an ES Set into a map type results in the map being populated with (element) -> (zero value) key/value pairs. If any value is non-hashable, the operation panics (as reflect.Value.SetMapIndex() would). Symbol.iterator is ignored.

Any other Object populates the map with own enumerable non-symbol properties.

Slice types

Exporting an ES Set into a slice type results in its elements being exported.

Exporting any Object that implements the iterable protocol (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterable_protocol) into a slice type results in the slice being populated with the results of the iteration.

Array is treated as iterable (i.e. overwriting Symbol.iterator affects the result).

If an object has a 'length' property and is not a function it is treated as array-like. The resulting slice will contain obj[0], ... obj[length-1].

ArrayBuffer and ArrayBuffer-backed types (i.e. typed arrays and DataView) can be exported into []byte. The result is backed by the original data, no copy is performed.

For any other Object an error is returned.

Array types

Anything that can be exported to a slice type can also be exported to an array type, as long as the lengths match. If they do not, an error is returned.


Proxy objects are treated the same way as if they were accessed from ES code in regard to their properties (such as 'length' or [Symbol.iterator]). This means exporting them to slice types works, however exporting a proxied Map into a map type does not produce its contents, because the Proxy is not recognised as a Map. Same applies to a proxied Set.

Example (ArrayLikeToSlice)


vm := New()
v, err := vm.RunString(`
        length: 3,
        0: 1,
        1: 2,
        2: 3
if err != nil {

var arr []int
err = vm.ExportTo(v, &arr)
if err != nil {



[1 2 3]

Example (Func)


const SCRIPT = `
    function f(param) {
        return +param + 2;

vm := New()
_, err := vm.RunString(SCRIPT)
if err != nil {

var fn func(string) string
err = vm.ExportTo(vm.Get("f"), &fn)
if err != nil {

fmt.Println(fn("40")) // note, _this_ value in the function will be undefined.



Example (FuncThrow)


const SCRIPT = `
    function f(param) {
        throw new Error("testing");

vm := New()
_, err := vm.RunString(SCRIPT)
if err != nil {

var fn func(string) (string, error)
err = vm.ExportTo(vm.Get("f"), &fn)
if err != nil {
_, err = fn("")



Error: testing at f (<eval>:3:9(3))

Example (FuncVariadic)


const SCRIPT = `
    function f() {
        return Array.prototype.join.call(arguments, ",");
vm := New()
_, err := vm.RunString(SCRIPT)
if err != nil {

var fn func(args ...interface{}) string
err = vm.ExportTo(vm.Get("f"), &fn)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(fn("a", "b", 42))



Example (IterableToSlice)


vm := New()
v, err := vm.RunString(`
    function reverseIterator() {
        const arr = this;
        let idx = arr.length;
        return {
            next: () => idx > 0 ? {value: arr[--idx]} : {done: true}
    const arr = [1,2,3];
    arr[Symbol.iterator] = reverseIterator;
if err != nil {

var arr []int
err = vm.ExportTo(v, &arr)
if err != nil {



[3 2 1]

Example (MapToMap)


vm := New()
m, err := vm.RunString(`
    new Map([[1, true], [2, false]]);
if err != nil {
exp := make(map[int]bool)
err = vm.ExportTo(m, &exp)
if err != nil {


map[1:true 2:false]

Example (MapToSlice)


vm := New()
m, err := vm.RunString(`
    new Map([[1, true], [2, false]]);
if err != nil {
exp := make([][]interface{}, 0)
err = vm.ExportTo(m, &exp)
if err != nil {


[[1 true] [2 false]]

Example (MapToTypedSlice)


vm := New()
m, err := vm.RunString(`
    new Map([[1, true], [2, false]]);
if err != nil {
exp := make([][2]interface{}, 0)
err = vm.ExportTo(m, &exp)
if err != nil {


[[1 true] [2 false]]

Example (SetToMap)


vm := New()
s, err := vm.RunString(`
    new Set([1, 2, 3])
if err != nil {
m := make(map[int]struct{})
err = vm.ExportTo(s, &m)
if err != nil {


map[1:{} 2:{} 3:{}]

Example (SetToSlice)


vm := New()
s, err := vm.RunString(`
    new Set([1, 2, 3])
if err != nil {
var a []int
err = vm.ExportTo(s, &a)
if err != nil {


[1 2 3]

func (*Runtime) ForOf

func (r *Runtime) ForOf(iterable Value, step func(curValue Value) (continueIteration bool))

ForOf is a Go equivalent of for-of loop. The function panics if an exception is thrown at any point while iterating, including if the supplied value is not iterable (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterable_protocol). When using outside of Runtime.Run (i.e. when calling directly from Go code, not from a JS function implemented in Go) it must be enclosed in Try. See the example.



r := New()
v, err := r.RunString(`
        new Map().set("a", 1).set("b", 2);
if err != nil {

var sb strings.Builder
ex := r.Try(func() {
    r.ForOf(v, func(v Value) bool {
        o := v.ToObject(r)
        key := o.Get("0")
        value := o.Get("1")


        return true
if ex != nil {



func (*Runtime) Get

func (r *Runtime) Get(name string) Value

Get the specified variable in the global context. Equivalent to dereferencing a variable by name in non-strict mode. If variable is not defined returns nil. Note, this is not the same as GlobalObject().Get(name), because if a global lexical binding (let or const) exists, it is used instead. This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process.

func (*Runtime) GlobalObject

func (r *Runtime) GlobalObject() *Object

GlobalObject returns the global object.

func (*Runtime) InstanceOf

func (r *Runtime) InstanceOf(left Value, right *Object) (res bool)

InstanceOf is an equivalent of "left instanceof right". This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process.

func (*Runtime) Interrupt

func (r *Runtime) Interrupt(v interface{})

Interrupt a running JavaScript. The corresponding Go call will return an *InterruptedError containing v. If the interrupt propagates until the stack is empty the currently queued promise resolve/reject jobs will be cleared without being executed. This is the same time they would be executed otherwise. Note, it only works while in JavaScript code, it does not interrupt native Go functions (which includes all built-ins). If the runtime is currently not running, it will be immediately interrupted on the next Run*() call. To avoid that use ClearInterrupt()

func (*Runtime) New

func (r *Runtime) New(construct Value, args ...Value) (o *Object, err error)

New is an equivalent of the 'new' operator allowing to call it directly from Go.

func (*Runtime) NewArray

func (r *Runtime) NewArray(items ...interface{}) *Object



vm := New()
array := vm.NewArray(1, 2, true)
vm.Set("array", array)
res, err := vm.RunString(`
    var acc = "";
    for (var v of array) {
        acc += v + " ";
if err != nil {


1 2 true

func (*Runtime) NewArrayBuffer

func (r *Runtime) NewArrayBuffer(data []byte) ArrayBuffer

NewArrayBuffer creates a new instance of ArrayBuffer backed by the provided byte slice.

Warning: be careful when using unaligned slices (sub-slices that do not start at word boundaries). If later a typed array of a multibyte type (uint16, uint32, etc.) is created from a buffer backed by an unaligned slice, using this typed array will result in unaligned access which may cause performance degradation or runtime panics on some architectures or configurations.

func (*Runtime) NewDynamicArray

func (r *Runtime) NewDynamicArray(a DynamicArray) *Object

NewDynamicArray creates an array Object backed by the provided DynamicArray handler. It is similar to NewDynamicObject, the differences are:

- the Object is an array (i.e. Array.isArray() will return true and it will have the length property).

- the prototype will be initially set to Array.prototype.

- the Object cannot have any own string properties except for the 'length'.

func (*Runtime) NewDynamicObject

func (r *Runtime) NewDynamicObject(d DynamicObject) *Object

NewDynamicObject creates an Object backed by the provided DynamicObject handler.

All properties of this Object are Writable, Enumerable and Configurable data properties. Any attempt to define a property that does not conform to this will fail.

The Object is always extensible and cannot be made non-extensible. Object.preventExtensions() will fail.

The Object's prototype is initially set to Object.prototype, but can be changed using regular mechanisms (Object.SetPrototype() in Go or Object.setPrototypeOf() in JS).

The Object cannot have own Symbol properties, however its prototype can. If you need an iterator support for example, you could create a regular object, set Symbol.iterator on that object and then use it as a prototype. See TestDynamicObjectCustomProto for more details.

Export() returns the original DynamicObject.

This mechanism is similar to ECMAScript Proxy, however because all properties are enumerable and the object is always extensible there is no need for invariant checks which removes the need to have a target object and makes it a lot more efficient.

func (*Runtime) NewGoError

func (r *Runtime) NewGoError(err error) *Object

func (*Runtime) NewObject

func (r *Runtime) NewObject() (v *Object)

func (*Runtime) NewPromise

func (r *Runtime) NewPromise() (promise *Promise, resolve func(result interface{}), reject func(reason interface{}))

NewPromise creates and returns a Promise and resolving functions for it.

WARNING: The returned values are not goroutine-safe and must not be called in parallel with VM running. In order to make use of this method you need an event loop such as the one in goja_nodejs (https://github.com/dop251/goja_nodejs) where it can be used like this:

loop := NewEventLoop()
defer loop.Stop()
loop.RunOnLoop(func(vm *goja.Runtime) {
    p, resolve, _ := vm.NewPromise()
    vm.Set("p", p)
    go func() {
        time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)   // or perform any other blocking operation
        loop.RunOnLoop(func(*goja.Runtime) { // resolve() must be called on the loop, cannot call it here

func (*Runtime) NewProxy

func (r *Runtime) NewProxy(target *Object, nativeHandler *ProxyTrapConfig) Proxy

func (*Runtime) NewTypeError

func (r *Runtime) NewTypeError(args ...interface{}) *Object

func (*Runtime) RunProgram

func (r *Runtime) RunProgram(p *Program) (result Value, err error)

RunProgram executes a pre-compiled (see Compile()) code in the global context.

func (*Runtime) RunScript

func (r *Runtime) RunScript(name, src string) (Value, error)

RunScript executes the given string in the global context.

func (*Runtime) RunString

func (r *Runtime) RunString(str string) (Value, error)

RunString executes the given string in the global context.

func (*Runtime) Set

func (r *Runtime) Set(name string, value interface{}) error

Set the specified variable in the global context. Equivalent to running "name = value" in non-strict mode. The value is first converted using ToValue(). Note, this is not the same as GlobalObject().Set(name, value), because if a global lexical binding (let or const) exists, it is set instead.

Example (Lexical)


r := New()
_, err := r.RunString("let x")
if err != nil {
err = r.Set("x", 1)
if err != nil {
fmt.Print(r.Get("x"), r.GlobalObject().Get("x"))


1 <nil>

func (*Runtime) SetAsyncContextTracker

func (r *Runtime) SetAsyncContextTracker(tracker AsyncContextTracker)

SetAsyncContextTracker registers a handler that allows to track async execution contexts. See AsyncContextTracker documentation for more details. Setting it to nil disables the functionality. This method (as Runtime in general) is not goroutine-safe.

func (*Runtime) SetFieldNameMapper

func (r *Runtime) SetFieldNameMapper(mapper FieldNameMapper)

SetFieldNameMapper sets a custom field name mapper for Go types. It can be called at any time, however the mapping for any given value is fixed at the point of creation. Setting this to nil restores the default behaviour which is all exported fields and methods are mapped to their original unchanged names.

func (*Runtime) SetMaxCallStackSize

func (r *Runtime) SetMaxCallStackSize(size int)

SetMaxCallStackSize sets the maximum function call depth. When exceeded, a *StackOverflowError is thrown and returned by RunProgram or by a Callable call. This is useful to prevent memory exhaustion caused by an infinite recursion. The default value is math.MaxInt32. This method (as the rest of the Set* methods) is not safe for concurrent use and may only be called from the vm goroutine or when the vm is not running.

func (*Runtime) SetParserOptions

func (r *Runtime) SetParserOptions(opts ...parser.Option)

SetParserOptions sets parser options to be used by RunString, RunScript and eval() within the code.



vm := New()

res, err := vm.RunString(`
    "I did not hang!";
//# sourceMappingURL=/dev/zero`)

if err != nil {


I did not hang!

func (*Runtime) SetPromiseRejectionTracker

func (r *Runtime) SetPromiseRejectionTracker(tracker PromiseRejectionTracker)

SetPromiseRejectionTracker registers a function that will be called in two scenarios: when a promise is rejected without any handlers (with operation argument set to PromiseRejectionReject), and when a handler is added to a rejected promise for the first time (with operation argument set to PromiseRejectionHandle).

Setting a tracker replaces any existing one. Setting it to nil disables the functionality.

See https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-host-promise-rejection-tracker for more details.

func (*Runtime) SetRandSource

func (r *Runtime) SetRandSource(source RandSource)

SetRandSource sets random source for this Runtime. If not called, the default math/rand is used.

func (*Runtime) SetTimeSource

func (r *Runtime) SetTimeSource(now Now)

SetTimeSource sets the current time source for this Runtime. If not called, the default time.Now() is used.

func (*Runtime) ToValue

func (r *Runtime) ToValue(i interface{}) Value

ToValue converts a Go value into a JavaScript value of a most appropriate type. Structural types (such as structs, maps and slices) are wrapped so that changes are reflected on the original value which can be retrieved using Value.Export().

WARNING! These wrapped Go values do not behave in the same way as native ECMAScript values. If you plan to modify them in ECMAScript, bear in mind the following caveats:

1. If a regular JavaScript Object is assigned as an element of a wrapped Go struct, map or array, it is Export()'ed and therefore copied. This may result in an unexpected behaviour in JavaScript:

m := map[string]interface{}{}
vm.Set("m", m)
var obj = {test: false};
m.obj = obj; // obj gets Export()'ed, i.e. copied to a new map[string]interface{} and then this map is set as m["obj"]
obj.test = true; // note, m.obj.test is still false
fmt.Println(m["obj"].(map[string]interface{})["test"]) // prints "false"

2. Be careful with nested non-pointer compound types (structs, slices and arrays) if you modify them in ECMAScript. Better avoid it at all if possible. One of the fundamental differences between ECMAScript and Go is in the former all Objects are references whereas in Go you can have a literal struct or array. Consider the following example:

type S struct {
    Field int

a := []S{{1}, {2}} // slice of literal structs
vm.Set("a", &a)
    let tmp = {Field: 1};
    a[0] = tmp;
    a[1] = tmp;
    tmp.Field = 2;

In ECMAScript one would expect a[0].Field and a[1].Field to be equal to 2, but this is really not possible (or at least non-trivial without some complex reference tracking).

To cover the most common use cases and to avoid excessive memory allocation, the following 'copy-on-change' mechanism is implemented (for both arrays and structs):

* When a nested compound value is accessed, the returned ES value becomes a reference to the literal value. This ensures that things like 'a[0].Field = 1' work as expected and simple access to 'a[0].Field' does not result in copying of a[0].

* The original container ('a' in our case) keeps track of the returned reference value and if a[0] is reassigned (e.g. by direct assignment, deletion or shrinking the array) the old a[0] is copied and the earlier returned value becomes a reference to the copy:

let tmp = a[0];                      // no copy, tmp is a reference to a[0]
tmp.Field = 1;                       // a[0].Field === 1 after this
a[0] = {Field: 2};                   // tmp is now a reference to a copy of the old value (with Field === 1)
a[0].Field === 2 && tmp.Field === 1; // true

* Array value swaps caused by in-place sort (using Array.prototype.sort()) do not count as re-assignments, instead the references are adjusted to point to the new indices.

* Assignment to an inner compound value always does a copy (and sometimes type conversion):

a[1] = tmp;    // a[1] is now a copy of tmp
tmp.Field = 3; // does not affect a[1].Field

3. Non-addressable structs, slices and arrays get copied. This sometimes may lead to a confusion as assigning to inner fields does not appear to work:

a1 := []interface{}{S{1}, S{2}}
vm.Set("a1", &a1)
   a1[0].Field === 1; // true
   a1[0].Field = 2;
   a1[0].Field === 2; // FALSE, because what it really did was copy a1[0] set its Field to 2 and immediately drop it

An alternative would be making a1[0].Field a non-writable property which would probably be more in line with ECMAScript, however it would require to manually copy the value if it does need to be modified which may be impractical.

Note, the same applies to slices. If a slice is passed by value (not as a pointer), resizing the slice does not reflect on the original value. Moreover, extending the slice may result in the underlying array being re-allocated and copied. For example:

a := []interface{}{1}
vm.Set("a", a)
vm.RunString(`a.push(2); a[0] = 0;`)
fmt.Println(a[0]) // prints "1"

Notes on individual types:

Primitive types

Primitive types (numbers, string, bool) are converted to the corresponding JavaScript primitives. These values are goroutine-safe and can be transferred between runtimes.


Because of the difference in internal string representation between ECMAScript (which uses UTF-16) and Go (which uses UTF-8) conversion from JS to Go may be lossy. In particular, code points that can be part of UTF-16 surrogate pairs (0xD800-0xDFFF) cannot be represented in UTF-8 unless they form a valid surrogate pair and are replaced with utf8.RuneError.

The string value must be a valid UTF-8. If it is not, invalid characters are replaced with utf8.RuneError, but the behaviour of a subsequent Export() is unspecified (it may return the original value, or a value with replaced invalid characters).


Nil is converted to null.


func(FunctionCall) Value is treated as a native JavaScript function. This increases performance because there are no automatic argument and return value type conversions (which involves reflect). Attempting to use the function as a constructor will result in a TypeError. Note: implementations must not retain and use references to FunctionCall.Arguments after the function returns.

func(FunctionCall, *Runtime) Value is treated as above, except the *Runtime is also passed as a parameter.

func(ConstructorCall) *Object is treated as a native constructor, allowing to use it with the new operator:

func MyObject(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
   // call.This contains the newly created object as per http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/index.html#sec-13.2.2
   // call.Arguments contain arguments passed to the function

   call.This.Set("method", method)


   // If return value is a non-nil *Object, it will be used instead of call.This
   // This way it is possible to return a Go struct or a map converted
   // into goja.Value using ToValue(), however in this case
   // instanceof will not work as expected, unless you set the prototype:
   // instance := &myCustomStruct{}
   // instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*Object)
   // instanceValue.SetPrototype(call.This.Prototype())
   // return instanceValue
   return nil

runtime.Set("MyObject", MyObject)

Then it can be used in JS as follows:

var o = new MyObject(arg);
var o1 = MyObject(arg); // same thing
o instanceof MyObject && o1 instanceof MyObject; // true

When a native constructor is called directly (without the new operator) its behavior depends on this value: if it's an Object, it is passed through, otherwise a new one is created exactly as if it was called with the new operator. In either case call.NewTarget will be nil.

func(ConstructorCall, *Runtime) *Object is treated as above, except the *Runtime is also passed as a parameter.

Any other Go function is wrapped so that the arguments are automatically converted into the required Go types and the return value is converted to a JavaScript value (using this method). If conversion is not possible, a TypeError is thrown.

Functions with multiple return values return an Array. If the last return value is an `error` it is not returned but converted into a JS exception. If the error is *Exception, it is thrown as is, otherwise it's wrapped in a GoEerror. Note that if there are exactly two return values and the last is an `error`, the function returns the first value as is, not an Array.


Structs are converted to Object-like values. Fields and methods are available as properties, their values are results of this method (ToValue()) applied to the corresponding Go value.

Field properties are writable and non-configurable. Method properties are non-writable and non-configurable.

Attempt to define a new property or delete an existing property will fail (throw in strict mode) unless it's a Symbol property. Symbol properties only exist in the wrapper and do not affect the underlying Go value. Note that because a wrapper is created every time a property is accessed it may lead to unexpected results such as this:

 type Field struct{
 type S struct {
	Field *Field
 var s = S{
	Field: &Field{},
 vm := New()
 vm.Set("s", &s)
 res, err := vm.RunString(`
 var sym = Symbol(66);
 var field1 = s.Field;
 field1[sym] = true;
 var field2 = s.Field;
 field1 === field2; // true, because the equality operation compares the wrapped values, not the wrappers
 field1[sym] === true; // true
 field2[sym] === undefined; // also true

The same applies to values from maps and slices as well.

Handling of time.Time

time.Time does not get special treatment and therefore is converted just like any other `struct` providing access to all its methods. This is done deliberately instead of converting it to a `Date` because these two types are not fully compatible: `time.Time` includes zone, whereas JS `Date` doesn't. Doing the conversion implicitly therefore would result in a loss of information.

If you need to convert it to a `Date`, it can be done either in JS:

var d = new Date(goval.UnixNano()/1e6);

... or in Go:

 now := time.Now()
 vm := New()
 val, err := vm.New(vm.Get("Date").ToObject(vm), vm.ToValue(now.UnixNano()/1e6))
 if err != nil {
 vm.Set("d", val)

Note that Value.Export() for a `Date` value returns time.Time in local timezone.


Maps with string or integer key type are converted into host objects that largely behave like a JavaScript Object.

Maps with methods

If a map type has at least one method defined, the properties of the resulting Object represent methods, not map keys. This is because in JavaScript there is no distinction between 'object.key` and `object[key]`, unlike Go. If access to the map values is required, it can be achieved by defining another method or, if it's not possible, by defining an external getter function.


Slices are converted into host objects that behave largely like JavaScript Array. It has the appropriate prototype and all the usual methods should work. There is, however, a caveat: converted Arrays may not contain holes (because Go slices cannot). This means that hasOwnProperty(n) always returns `true` if n < length. Deleting an item with an index < length will set it to a zero value (but the property will remain). Nil slice elements are be converted to `null`. Accessing an element beyond `length` returns `undefined`. Also see the warning above about passing slices as values (as opposed to pointers).


Arrays are converted similarly to slices, except the resulting Arrays are not resizable (and therefore the 'length' property is non-writable).

Any other type is converted to a generic reflect based host object. Depending on the underlying type it behaves similar to a Number, String, Boolean or Object.

Note that the underlying type is not lost, calling Export() returns the original Go value. This applies to all reflect based types.

func (*Runtime) Try

func (r *Runtime) Try(f func()) *Exception

Try runs a given function catching and returning any JS exception. Use this method to run any code that may throw exceptions (such as Object.Get, Object.String, Object.ToInteger, Object.Export, Runtime.Get, Runtime.InstanceOf, etc.) outside the Runtime execution context (i.e. when calling directly from Go, not from a JS function implemented in Go).

type StackFrame

type StackFrame struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StackFrame) FuncName

func (f *StackFrame) FuncName() string

func (*StackFrame) Position

func (f *StackFrame) Position() file.Position

func (*StackFrame) SrcName

func (f *StackFrame) SrcName() string

func (*StackFrame) Write

func (f *StackFrame) Write(b *bytes.Buffer)

func (*StackFrame) WriteToValueBuilder

func (f *StackFrame) WriteToValueBuilder(b *StringBuilder)

type StackOverflowError

type StackOverflowError struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

type String

String represents an ECMAScript string Value. Its internal representation depends on the contents of the string, but in any case it is capable of holding any UTF-16 string, either valid or invalid. Instances of this type, as any other primitive values, are goroutine-safe and can be passed between runtimes. Strings can be created using Runtime.ToValue(goString) or StringFromUTF16.

type String interface {
    CharAt(int) uint16
    Length() int
    Concat(String) String
    Substring(start, end int) String
    CompareTo(String) int
    Reader() io.RuneReader
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

func StringFromUTF16

func StringFromUTF16(chars []uint16) String

StringFromUTF16 creates a string value from an array of UTF-16 code units. The result is a copy, so the initial slice can be modified after calling this function (but it must not be modified while the function is running). No validation of any kind is performed.

type StringBuilder

StringBuilder serves similar purpose to strings.Builder, except it works with ECMAScript String. Use it to efficiently build 'native' ECMAScript values that either contain invalid UTF-16 surrogate pairs (and therefore cannot be represented as UTF-8) or never expected to be exported to Go. See also StringFromUTF16.

type StringBuilder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*StringBuilder) Grow

func (b *StringBuilder) Grow(n int)

func (*StringBuilder) LikelyUnicode

func (b *StringBuilder) LikelyUnicode(extraLen int)

LikelyUnicode hints to the builder that the resulting string is likely to contain Unicode (non-ASCII) characters. The argument is an extra capacity (in characters) to reserve on top of the current length (it's like calling Grow() afterwards). This method may be called at any point (not just when the buffer is empty), although for efficiency it should be called as early as possible.

func (*StringBuilder) String

func (b *StringBuilder) String() String

func (*StringBuilder) WriteRune

func (b *StringBuilder) WriteRune(r rune)

func (*StringBuilder) WriteString

func (b *StringBuilder) WriteString(s String)

func (*StringBuilder) WriteSubstring

func (b *StringBuilder) WriteSubstring(source String, start int, end int)

func (*StringBuilder) WriteUTF8String

func (b *StringBuilder) WriteUTF8String(s string)

type Symbol

*Symbol is a Value containing ECMAScript Symbol primitive. Symbols must only be created using NewSymbol(). Zero values and copying of values (i.e. *s1 = *s2) are not permitted. Well-known Symbols can be accessed using Sym* package variables (SymIterator, etc...) Symbols can be shared by multiple Runtimes.

type Symbol struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSymbol

func NewSymbol(s string) *Symbol



sym1 := NewSymbol("66")
sym2 := NewSymbol("66")
fmt.Printf("%s %s %v", sym1, sym2, sym1.Equals(sym2))


66 66 false

func (*Symbol) Equals

func (s *Symbol) Equals(o Value) bool

func (*Symbol) Export

func (s *Symbol) Export() interface{}

func (*Symbol) ExportType

func (s *Symbol) ExportType() reflect.Type

func (*Symbol) SameAs

func (s *Symbol) SameAs(other Value) bool

func (*Symbol) StrictEquals

func (s *Symbol) StrictEquals(o Value) bool

func (*Symbol) String

func (s *Symbol) String() string

func (*Symbol) ToBoolean

func (s *Symbol) ToBoolean() bool

func (*Symbol) ToFloat

func (s *Symbol) ToFloat() float64

func (*Symbol) ToInteger

func (s *Symbol) ToInteger() int64

func (*Symbol) ToNumber

func (s *Symbol) ToNumber() Value

func (*Symbol) ToObject

func (s *Symbol) ToObject(r *Runtime) *Object

func (*Symbol) ToString

func (s *Symbol) ToString() Value

type Value

Value represents an ECMAScript value.

Export returns a "plain" Go value which type depends on the type of the Value.

For integer numbers it's int64.

For any other numbers (including Infinities, NaN and negative zero) it's float64.

For string it's a string. Note that unicode strings are converted into UTF-8 with invalid code points replaced with utf8.RuneError.

For boolean it's bool.

For null and undefined it's nil.

For Object it depends on the Object type, see Object.Export() for more details.

type Value interface {
    ToInteger() int64

    ToString() Value
    String() string
    ToFloat() float64
    ToNumber() Value
    ToBoolean() bool
    ToObject(*Runtime) *Object
    SameAs(Value) bool
    Equals(Value) bool
    StrictEquals(Value) bool
    Export() interface{}
    ExportType() reflect.Type
    // contains filtered or unexported methods

func NaN

func NaN() Value

NaN returns a JS NaN value.

func NegativeInf

func NegativeInf() Value

NegativeInf returns a JS -Inf value.

func Null

func Null() Value

Null returns JS null value.

func PositiveInf

func PositiveInf() Value

PositiveInf returns a JS +Inf value.

func Undefined

func Undefined() Value

Undefined returns JS undefined value. Note if global 'undefined' property is changed this still returns the original value.


Name Synopsis
ast Package ast declares types representing a JavaScript AST.
file Package file encapsulates the file abstractions used by the ast & parser.
ftoa Package ftoa provides ECMAScript-compliant floating point number conversion to string.
parser Package parser implements a parser for JavaScript.
token Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of JavaScript (ECMA5).
unistring Package unistring contains an implementation of a hybrid ASCII/UTF-16 string.