func CreateRandomLayers(n int) (map[digest.Digest]io.ReadSeeker, error)
CreateRandomLayers returns a map of n digests. We don't particularly care about the order of said digests (since they're all random anyway).
func CreateRandomTarFile() (rs io.ReadSeeker, dgst digest.Digest, err error)
CreateRandomTarFile creates a random tarfile, returning it as an io.ReadSeeker along with its digest. An error is returned if there is a problem generating valid content.
func MakeManifestList(blobstatter distribution.BlobStatter, manifestDigests []digest.Digest) (*manifestlist.DeserializedManifestList, error)
MakeManifestList constructs a manifest list out of a list of manifest digests
func MakeSchema1Manifest(digests []digest.Digest) (distribution.Manifest, error)
MakeSchema1Manifest constructs a schema 1 manifest from a given list of digests and returns the digest of the manifest
func MakeSchema2Manifest(repository distribution.Repository, digests []digest.Digest) (distribution.Manifest, error)
MakeSchema2Manifest constructs a schema 2 manifest from a given list of digests and returns the digest of the manifest
func NewHandler(requestResponseMap RequestResponseMap) http.Handler
NewHandler returns a new test handler that responds to defined requests with specified responses Each time a Request is received, the next Response is returned in the mapping, until no Responses are defined, at which point a 404 is sent back
func UploadBlobs(repository distribution.Repository, layers map[digest.Digest]io.ReadSeeker) error
UploadBlobs lets you upload blobs to a repository
Request is a simplified http.Request object
type Request struct { // Method is the http method of the request, for example GET Method string // Route is the http route of this request Route string // QueryParams are the query parameters of this request QueryParams map[string][]string // Body is the byte contents of the http request Body []byte // Headers are the header for this request Headers http.Header }
func (r Request) String() string
RequestResponseMap is an ordered mapping from Requests to Responses
type RequestResponseMap []RequestResponseMapping
RequestResponseMapping defines a Response to be sent in response to a given Request
type RequestResponseMapping struct { Request Request Response Response }
Response is a simplified http.Response object
type Response struct { // Statuscode is the http status code of the Response StatusCode int // Headers are the http headers of this Response Headers http.Header // Body is the response body Body []byte }