func CompareMultipleValues(t *testing.T, value, expected string)
CompareMultipleValues compares comma-separated values, whatever the order is
func EnableContentTrust(c *FakeCli)
EnableContentTrust on the fake cli
func NewFakeStore() credentials.Store
NewFakeStore creates a new file credentials store.
FakeCli emulates the default DockerCli
type FakeCli struct { command.DockerCli // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFakeCli(apiClient client.APIClient, opts ...func(*FakeCli)) *FakeCli
NewFakeCli returns a fake for the command.Cli interface
func (c *FakeCli) BuildKitEnabled() (bool, error)
BuildKitEnabled on the fake cli
func (c *FakeCli) Client() client.APIClient
Client returns a docker API client
func (c *FakeCli) ConfigFile() *configfile.ConfigFile
ConfigFile returns the cli configfile object (to get client configuration)
func (c *FakeCli) ContentTrustEnabled() bool
ContentTrustEnabled on the fake cli
func (c *FakeCli) ContextStore() store.Store
ContextStore returns the cli context store
func (c *FakeCli) CurrentContext() string
CurrentContext returns the cli context
func (c *FakeCli) CurrentVersion() string
CurrentVersion returns the API version used by FakeCli.
func (c *FakeCli) DockerEndpoint() docker.Endpoint
DockerEndpoint returns the current DockerEndpoint
func (c *FakeCli) Err() io.Writer
Err returns the output stream (stderr) the cli should write on
func (c *FakeCli) ErrBuffer() *bytes.Buffer
ErrBuffer Buffer returns the stderr buffer
func (c *FakeCli) In() *streams.In
In returns the input stream the cli will use
func (c *FakeCli) ManifestStore() manifeststore.Store
ManifestStore returns a fake store used for testing
func (c *FakeCli) NotaryClient(imgRefAndAuth trust.ImageRefAndAuth, actions []string) (notaryclient.Repository, error)
NotaryClient returns an err for testing unless defined
func (c *FakeCli) Out() *streams.Out
Out returns the output stream (stdout) the cli should write on
func (c *FakeCli) OutBuffer() *bytes.Buffer
OutBuffer returns the stdout buffer
func (c *FakeCli) RegistryClient(bool) registryclient.RegistryClient
RegistryClient returns a fake client for testing
func (c *FakeCli) ResetOutputBuffers()
ResetOutputBuffers resets the .OutBuffer() and.ErrBuffer() back to empty
func (c *FakeCli) ServerInfo() command.ServerInfo
ServerInfo returns API server information for the server used by this client
func (c *FakeCli) SetConfigFile(configFile *configfile.ConfigFile)
SetConfigFile sets the "fake" config file
func (c *FakeCli) SetContextStore(contextStore store.Store)
SetContextStore sets the "fake" context store
func (c *FakeCli) SetCurrentContext(name string)
SetCurrentContext sets the "fake" current context
func (c *FakeCli) SetDockerEndpoint(ep docker.Endpoint)
SetDockerEndpoint sets the "fake" docker endpoint
func (c *FakeCli) SetErr(err *bytes.Buffer)
SetErr sets the stderr stream for the cli to the specified io.Writer
func (c *FakeCli) SetIn(in *streams.In)
SetIn sets the input of the cli to the specified ReadCloser
func (c *FakeCli) SetManifestStore(manifestStore manifeststore.Store)
SetManifestStore on the fake cli
func (c *FakeCli) SetNotaryClient(notaryClientFunc NotaryClientFuncType)
SetNotaryClient sets the internal getter for retrieving a NotaryClient
func (c *FakeCli) SetOut(out *streams.Out)
SetOut sets the stdout stream for the cli to the specified io.Writer
func (c *FakeCli) SetRegistryClient(registryClient registryclient.RegistryClient)
SetRegistryClient on the fake cli
FakeStore implements a credentials.Store that only acts as an in memory map
type FakeStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (c *FakeStore) Erase(serverAddress string) error
Erase removes the given credentials from the map store
func (c *FakeStore) Get(serverAddress string) (types.AuthConfig, error)
Get retrieves credentials for a specific server from the map store.
func (c *FakeStore) GetAll() (map[string]types.AuthConfig, error)
GetAll returns the key value pairs of ServerAddress => Username
func (c *FakeStore) SetEraseFunc(eraseFunc func(string) error)
SetEraseFunc is used to overrides Erase function
func (c *FakeStore) SetGetAllFunc(getAllFunc func() (map[string]types.AuthConfig, error))
SetGetAllFunc is used to overrides GetAll function
func (c *FakeStore) SetGetFunc(getFunc func(string) (types.AuthConfig, error))
SetGetFunc is used to overrides Get function
func (c *FakeStore) SetStore(store map[string]types.AuthConfig)
SetStore is used to overrides Set function
func (c *FakeStore) SetStoreFunc(storeFunc func(types.AuthConfig) error)
SetStoreFunc is used to override Store function
func (c *FakeStore) Store(authConfig types.AuthConfig) error
Store saves the given credentials in the map store.
NotaryClientFuncType defines a function that returns a fake notary client
type NotaryClientFuncType func(imgRefAndAuth trust.ImageRefAndAuth, actions []string) (notaryclient.Repository, error)
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