
Package dl

import "github.com/cloudflare/circl/zk/dl"

Overview ▾

Package dl provides a Schnorr NIZK discrete-log proof.

This package implements a Schnorr NIZK discrete-log proof obtained from the interactive Schnorr identification scheme through a Fiat-Shamir transformation.

Given (k,G,kG) the Prove function returns a Proof struct attesting that kG = [k]G, which can be validated using the Verify function.

The userID label is a unique identifier for the prover.

The otherInfo label is defined to allow flexible inclusion of contextual information in the Schnorr NIZK proof. The otherInfo is also used as a domain separation tag (dst) for the hash to scalar function.

Reference: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8235

func Verify

func Verify(myGroup group.Group, G, kG group.Element, p Proof, userID, otherInfo []byte) bool

Verify checks whether the proof attests that kG = [k]G.

type Proof

type Proof struct {
    V group.Element
    R group.Scalar

func Prove

func Prove(myGroup group.Group, G, kG group.Element, k group.Scalar, userID, otherInfo []byte, rnd io.Reader) Proof

Prove returns a proof attesting that kG = [k]G.