
Package params

import "github.com/cloudflare/circl/sign/dilithium/internal/common/params"

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const (
    SeedSize = 32
    N        = 256
    Q        = 8380417 // 2²³ - 2¹³ + 1
    QBits    = 23
    Qinv     = 4236238847 // = -(q^-1) mod 2³²
    ROver256 = 41978      // = (256)⁻¹ R² mod q, where R=2³²
    D        = 13

    // Size of T1 packed.  (Note that the formula is not valid in general,
    // but it is for the parameters used in the modes of Dilithium.)
    PolyT1Size = (N * (QBits - D)) / 8

    // Size of T0 packed.  (Note that the formula is not valid in general,
    // but it is for the parameters used in the modes of Dilithium.)
    PolyT0Size = (N * D) / 8

    // Size of a packed polynomial whose coefficients are in [0,16).
    PolyLe16Size = N / 2