
Package group

import "github.com/cloudflare/circl/group"

Overview ▾

Package group provides prime-order groups based on elliptic curves.


var (
    ErrType      = errors.New("group: type mismatch")
    ErrUnmarshal = errors.New("group: error unmarshaling")
    ErrSelector  = errors.New("group: selector must be 0 or 1")

func HashToField

func HashToField(u []big.Int, b []byte, e expander.Expander, p *big.Int, L uint)

HashToField generates a set of elements {u1,..., uN} = Hash(b) where each u in GF(p) and L is the security parameter.

type Element

Element represents an element of a prime-order group.

type Element interface {
    // Returns the group that the element belongs to.
    Group() Group
    // Set the receiver to x, and returns the receiver.
    Set(x Element) Element
    // Copy returns a new element equal to the receiver.
    Copy() Element
    // IsIdentity returns true if the receiver is the identity element of the
    // group.
    IsIdentity() bool
    // IsEqual returns true if the receiver is equal to x.
    IsEqual(x Element) bool
    // CMov sets the receiver to x if b=1; the receiver is unmodified if b=0;
    // otherwise panics if b is not 0 or 1. In all the cases, it returns the
    // receiver.
    CMov(b int, x Element) Element
    // CSelect sets the receiver to x if b=1; sets the receiver to y if b=0;
    // otherwise panics if b is not 0 or 1. In all the cases, it returns the
    // receiver.
    CSelect(b int, x, y Element) Element
    // Add sets the receiver to x + y, and returns the receiver.
    Add(x, y Element) Element
    // Dbl sets the receiver to 2 * x, and returns the receiver.
    Dbl(x Element) Element
    // Neg sets the receiver to -x, and returns the receiver.
    Neg(x Element) Element
    // Mul sets the receiver to s * x, and returns the receiver.
    Mul(x Element, s Scalar) Element
    // MulGen sets the receiver to s * Generator(), and returns the receiver.
    MulGen(s Scalar) Element
    // BinaryMarshaler returns a byte representation of the element.
    // BinaryUnmarshaler recovers an element from a byte representation
    // produced either by encoding.BinaryMarshaler or MarshalBinaryCompress.
    // MarshalBinaryCompress returns a byte representation of an element in a
    // compact form whenever the group supports it; otherwise, returns the
    // same byte representation produced by encoding.BinaryMarshaler.
    MarshalBinaryCompress() ([]byte, error)

type Group

Group represents an additive prime-order group based on elliptic curves.

type Group interface {
    Params() *Params // Params returns parameters for the group
    // Creates an element of the group set to the identity of the group.
    NewElement() Element
    // Creates a scalar of the group set to zero.
    NewScalar() Scalar
    // Creates an element of the group set to the identity of the group.
    Identity() Element
    // Creates an element of the group set to the generator of the group.
    Generator() Element
    // Returns a scalar set to the group order.
    Order() Scalar
    // RandomElement creates an element chosen at random (using randomness
    // from rnd) from the set of group elements. Use crypto/rand.Reader as
    // a cryptographically secure random number generator
    RandomElement(rnd io.Reader) Element
    // RandomScalar creates a scalar chosen at random (using randomness
    // from rnd) from the set of group scalars. Use crypto/rand.Reader as
    // a cryptographically secure random number generator
    RandomScalar(rnd io.Reader) Scalar
    // RandomNonZeroScalar creates a scalar chosen at random (using randomness
    // from rnd) from the set of group scalars. Use crypto/rand.Reader as
    // a cryptographically secure random number generator. It is guaranteed
    // the scalar is not zero.
    RandomNonZeroScalar(io.Reader) Scalar
    // HashToElement hashes a message (msg) using a domain separation string
    // (dst) producing a group element with uniform distribution.
    HashToElement(msg, dst []byte) Element
    // HashToElementNonUniform hashes a message (msg) using a domain separation
    // string (dst) producing a group element with nonuniform distribution.
    HashToElementNonUniform(msg, dst []byte) Element
    // HashToScalar hashes a message (msg) using a domain separation string
    // (dst) producing a group scalar with uniform distribution.
    HashToScalar(msg, dst []byte) Scalar
var (
    // P256 is the group generated by P-256 elliptic curve.
    P256 Group = wG{elliptic.P256()}
    // P384 is the group generated by P-384 elliptic curve.
    P384 Group = wG{p384.P384()}
    // P521 is the group generated by P-521 elliptic curve.
    P521 Group = wG{elliptic.P521()}

Ristretto255 is a quotient group generated from the edwards25519 curve.

var Ristretto255 Group = ristrettoGroup{}

type Params

Params stores the size in bytes of elements and scalars.

type Params struct {
    ElementLength           uint // Length in bytes of an element.
    CompressedElementLength uint // Length in bytes of a compressed element.
    ScalarLength            uint // Length in bytes of a scalar.

type Scalar

Scalar represents a scalar of a prime-order group.

type Scalar interface {
    // Returns the group that the scalar belongs to.
    Group() Group
    // Set the receiver to x, and returns the receiver.
    Set(x Scalar) Scalar
    // Copy returns a new scalar equal to the receiver.
    Copy() Scalar
    // IsZero returns true if the receiver is equal to zero.
    IsZero() bool
    // IsEqual returns true if the receiver is equal to x.
    IsEqual(x Scalar) bool
    // SetUint64 sets the receiver to x, and returns the receiver.
    SetUint64(x uint64) Scalar
    // SetBigInt sets the receiver to x, and returns the receiver.
    // Warning: operations on big.Int are not constant time. Do not use them
    // for cryptography unless you're sure it's safe in your use-case.
    SetBigInt(b *big.Int) Scalar
    // CMov sets the receiver to x if b=1; the receiver is unmodified if b=0;
    // otherwise panics if b is not 0 or 1. In all the cases, it returns the
    // receiver.
    CMov(b int, x Scalar) Scalar
    // CSelect sets the receiver to x if b=1; sets the receiver to y if b=0;
    // otherwise panics if b is not 0 or 1. In all the cases, it returns the
    // receiver.
    CSelect(b int, x, y Scalar) Scalar
    // Add sets the receiver to x + y, and returns the receiver.
    Add(x, y Scalar) Scalar
    // Sub sets the receiver to x - y, and returns the receiver.
    Sub(x, y Scalar) Scalar
    // Mul sets the receiver to x * y, and returns the receiver.
    Mul(x, y Scalar) Scalar
    // Neg sets the receiver to -x, and returns the receiver.
    Neg(x Scalar) Scalar
    // Inv sets the receiver to 1/x, and returns the receiver.
    Inv(x Scalar) Scalar
    // BinaryMarshaler returns a byte representation of the scalar.
    // BinaryUnmarshaler recovers a scalar from a byte representation produced
    // by encoding.BinaryMarshaler.