
Package common

import "github.com/cloudflare/circl/dh/sidh/internal/common"

Overview ▾

Package common provides types, variables, constants and functions commonly used in SIDH or SIKE.


const (
    // corresponds to words in P751
    FpMaxWords = 12
    // corresponds to byte size of P751 SIDH private key for B
    MaxSidhPrivateKeyBsz = 48
    // corresponds to byte size of P751 SIKE private key for B
    MaxSikePrivateKeyBsz = MaxSidhPrivateKeyBsz + MaxMsgBsz
    // corresponds to SIKE max length of 'n' (see 1.4 of SIKE spec in NIST PQC round 1)
    MaxMsgBsz = 40
    // corresponds to byte size of shared secret generated by SIKEp751
    MaxSharedSecretBsz = 188
    // corresponds to by size of the P751 public key
    MaxPublicKeySz = 3 * FpMaxWords * 64
    // corresponds to by size of the ciphertext produced by SIKE/P751
    MaxCiphertextBsz = MaxMsgBsz + MaxPublicKeySz

Id's correspond to bitlength of the prime field characteristic Currently Fp751 is the only one supported by this implementation

const (
    Fp503 uint8 = iota

func BytesToFp2

func BytesToFp2(fp2 *Fp2, input []byte, bytelen int)

Read 2*bytelen(p) bytes into the given ExtensionFieldElement.

It is an error to call this function if the input byte slice is less than 2*bytelen(p) bytes long.

func Cpick

func Cpick(pick int, out, in1, in2 []byte)

Constant time select. if pick == 1 (out = in1) if pick == 0 (out = in2) else out is undefined.

func Fp2ToBytes

func Fp2ToBytes(output []byte, fp2 *Fp2, bytelen int)

Convert the input to wire format.

The output byte slice must be at least 2*bytelen(p) bytes long.

func Register

func Register(id uint8, p *SidhParams)

Registers SIDH parameters for particular field.

type CurveCoefficientsEquiv

Stores curve projective parameters equivalent to A/C. Meaning of the values depends on the context. When working with isogenies over subgroup that are powers of: * three then (A:C) ~ (A+2C:A-2C) * four then (A:C) ~ (A+2C: 4C) See Appendix A of SIKE for more details

type CurveCoefficientsEquiv struct {
    A Fp2
    C Fp2

type DomainParams

type DomainParams struct {
    // P, Q and R=P-Q base points
    AffineP, AffineQ, AffineR Fp2
    // Size of a computation strategy for x-torsion group
    IsogenyStrategy []uint32
    // Max size of secret key for x-torsion group
    SecretBitLen uint
    // Max size of secret key for x-torsion group
    SecretByteLen uint

type Fp

Representation of an element of the base field F_p.

No particular meaning is assigned to the representation -- it could represent an element in Montgomery form, or not. Tracking the meaning of the field element is left to higher types.

type Fp [FpMaxWords]uint64

type Fp2

Represents an element of the extended field Fp^2 = Fp(x+i)

type Fp2 struct {
    A Fp
    B Fp

type FpX2

Represents an intermediate product of two elements of the base field F_p.

type FpX2 [2 * FpMaxWords]uint64

type ProjectiveCurveParameters

A point on the projective line P^1(F_{p^2}).

This is used to work projectively with the curve coefficients.

type ProjectiveCurveParameters struct {
    A Fp2
    C Fp2

type ProjectivePoint

A point on the projective line P^1(F_{p^2}).

This represents a point on the Kummer line of a Montgomery curve. The curve is specified by a ProjectiveCurveParameters struct.

type ProjectivePoint struct {
    X Fp2
    Z Fp2

type SidhParams

type SidhParams struct {
    ID uint8
    // Bytelen of P
    Bytelen int
    // The public key size, in bytes.
    PublicKeySize int
    // The shared secret size, in bytes.
    SharedSecretSize int
    // 2- and 3-torsion group parameter definitions
    A, B DomainParams
    // Precomputed identity element in the Fp2 in Montgomery domain
    OneFp2 Fp2
    // Precomputed 1/2 in the Fp2 in Montgomery domain
    HalfFp2 Fp2
    // Length of SIKE secret message. Must be one of {24,32,40},
    // depending on size of prime field used (see [SIKE], 1.4 and 5.1)
    MsgLen int
    // Length of SIKE ephemeral KEM key (see [SIKE], 1.4 and 5.1)
    KemSize int
    // Byte size of ciphertext that KEM produces
    CiphertextSize int
    // Defines A,C constant for starting curve Cy^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x
    InitCurve ProjectiveCurveParameters

func Params

func Params(id uint8) *SidhParams

Params returns domain parameters corresponding to finite field and identified by `id` provided by the caller. Function panics in case `id` wasn't registered earlier.