
Package x2j

import "github.com/clbanning/mxj/v2/x2j-wrapper"

Overview ▾

Unmarshal dynamic / arbitrary XML docs and extract values (using wildcards, if necessary). THIS IS ONLY PROVIDED TO FACILIATE MIGRATING TO "mxj" PACKAGE FROM "x2j" PACKAGE.

NOTICE: 03mar18, package mostly replicates github.com/clbanning/x2j using github.com/clbanning/mxj

(Note: there is no concept of Node or Tree; only direct decoding to map[string]interface{}.)

One useful function is:

  • Unmarshal(doc []byte, v interface{}) error where v is a pointer to a variable of type 'map[string]interface{}', 'string', or any other type supported by xml.Unmarshal().

To retrieve a value for specific tag use:

  • DocValue(doc, path string, attrs ...string) (interface{},error)
  • MapValue(m map[string]interface{}, path string, attr map[string]interface{}, recast ...bool) (interface{}, error)

The 'path' argument is a period-separated tag hierarchy - also known as dot-notation. It is the program's responsibility to cast the returned value to the proper type; possible types are the normal JSON unmarshaling types: string, float64, bool, []interface, map[string]interface{}.

To retrieve all values associated with a tag occurring anywhere in the XML document use:

Returned values should be one of map[string]interface, []interface{}, or string.

All the values assocated with a tag-path that may include one or more wildcard characters - '*' - can also be retrieved using:

NOTE: care should be taken when using "*" at the end of a path - i.e., "books.book.*". See the x2jpath_test.go case on how the wildcard returns all key values and collapses list values; the same message structure can load a []interface{} or a map[string]interface{} (or an interface{}) value for a tag.

See the test cases in "x2jpath_test.go" and programs in "example" subdirectory for more.


  • Attributes are parsed to map[string]interface{} values by prefixing a hyphen, '-', to the attribute label.

  • If the element is a simple element and has attributes, the element value is given the key '#text' for its map[string]interface{} representation. (See the 'atomFeedString.xml' test data, below.)

    io.Reader HANDLING

    ToMap(), ToJson(), and ToJsonIndent() provide parsing of messages from an io.Reader. If you want to handle a message stream, look at XmlMsgsFromReader().


    Use the X2jCharsetReader variable to assign io.Reader for alternative character sets.

Index ▾

func ByteDocToJson(doc []byte, recast ...bool) (string, error)
func ByteDocToMap(doc []byte, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func BytePathForTagShortest(doc []byte, key string) (string, error)
func BytePathsForTag(doc []byte, key string) ([]string, error)
func CastNanInf(b bool)
func DocToJson(doc string, recast ...bool) (string, error)
func DocToJsonIndent(doc string, recast ...bool) (string, error)
func DocToMap(doc string, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func DocValue(doc, path string, attrs ...string) (interface{}, error)
func MapValue(m map[string]interface{}, path string, attr map[string]interface{}, r ...bool) (interface{}, error)
func NewAttributeMap(kv ...string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func PathForKeyShortest(m map[string]interface{}, key string) string
func PathForTagShortest(doc string, key string) (string, error)
func PathsForKey(m map[string]interface{}, key string) []string
func PathsForTag(doc string, key string) ([]string, error)
func ReaderValuesForTag(rdr io.Reader, tag string) ([]interface{}, error)
func ReaderValuesFromTagPath(rdr io.Reader, path string, getAttrs ...bool) ([]interface{}, error)
func ToJson(rdr io.Reader, recast ...bool) (string, error)
func ToJsonIndent(rdr io.Reader, recast ...bool) (string, error)
func ToMap(rdr io.Reader, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func Unmarshal(doc []byte, v interface{}) error
func ValuesAtKeyPath(m map[string]interface{}, path string, getAttrs ...bool) []interface{}
func ValuesAtTagPath(doc, path string, getAttrs ...bool) ([]interface{}, error)
func ValuesForKey(m map[string]interface{}, key string) []interface{}
func ValuesForTag(doc, tag string) ([]interface{}, error)
func ValuesFromKeyPath(m map[string]interface{}, path string, getAttrs ...bool) []interface{}
func ValuesFromTagPath(doc, path string, getAttrs ...bool) ([]interface{}, error)
func WriteMap(m interface{}, offset ...int) string
func XmlBufferToJson(b *bytes.Buffer, recast ...bool) (string, error)
func XmlBufferToMap(b *bytes.Buffer, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func XmlMsgsFromFile(fname string, phandler func(map[string]interface{}) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error
func XmlMsgsFromFileAsJson(fname string, phandler func(string) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error
func XmlMsgsFromReader(rdr io.Reader, phandler func(map[string]interface{}) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error
func XmlMsgsFromReaderAsJson(rdr io.Reader, phandler func(string) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error

Package files

reader2j.go x2j.go x2j_bulk.go x2j_findPath.go x2j_valuesAt.go x2j_valuesFrom.go x2m_bulk.go xml.go


If X2jCharsetReader != nil, it will be used to decode the doc or stream if required

import charset "code.google.com/p/go-charset/charset"
x2j.X2jCharsetReader = charset.NewReader
s, err := x2j.DocToJson(doc)
var X2jCharsetReader func(charset string, input io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)

func ByteDocToJson

func ByteDocToJson(doc []byte, recast ...bool) (string, error)

ByteDocToJson - return an XML doc as a JSON string.

If the optional argument 'recast' is 'true', then values will be converted to boolean or float64 if possible.

func ByteDocToMap

func ByteDocToMap(doc []byte, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)

ByteDocToMap - convert an XML doc into a map[string]interface{}. (This is analogous to unmarshalling a JSON string to map[string]interface{} using json.Unmarshal().)

If the optional argument 'recast' is 'true', then values will be converted to boolean or float64 if possible.
Note: recasting is only applied to element values, not attribute values.

func BytePathForTagShortest

func BytePathForTagShortest(doc []byte, key string) (string, error)

Extract the shortest path from all possible paths - from PathsForTag(). Paths are strings using dot-notation.

func BytePathsForTag

func BytePathsForTag(doc []byte, key string) ([]string, error)

Get all paths through the doc (in dot-notation) that terminate with the specified tag. Results can be used with ValuesAtTagPath() and ValuesFromTagPath().

func CastNanInf

func CastNanInf(b bool)

Cast "Nan", "Inf", "-Inf" XML values to 'float64'. By default, these values will be decoded as 'string'.

func DocToJson

func DocToJson(doc string, recast ...bool) (string, error)

DocToJson - return an XML doc as a JSON string.

If the optional argument 'recast' is 'true', then values will be converted to boolean or float64 if possible.

func DocToJsonIndent

func DocToJsonIndent(doc string, recast ...bool) (string, error)

DocToJsonIndent - return an XML doc as a prettified JSON string.

If the optional argument 'recast' is 'true', then values will be converted to boolean or float64 if possible.
Note: recasting is only applied to element values, not attribute values.

func DocToMap

func DocToMap(doc string, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)

DocToMap - convert an XML doc into a map[string]interface{}. (This is analogous to unmarshalling a JSON string to map[string]interface{} using json.Unmarshal().)

If the optional argument 'recast' is 'true', then values will be converted to boolean or float64 if possible.
Note: recasting is only applied to element values, not attribute values.

func DocValue

func DocValue(doc, path string, attrs ...string) (interface{}, error)

DocValue - return a value for a specific tag

'doc' is a valid XML message.
'path' is a hierarchy of XML tags, e.g., "doc.name".
'attrs' is an OPTIONAL list of "name:value" pairs for attributes.
Note: 'recast' is not enabled here. Use DocToMap(), NewAttributeMap(), and MapValue() calls for that.

func MapValue

func MapValue(m map[string]interface{}, path string, attr map[string]interface{}, r ...bool) (interface{}, error)

MapValue - retrieves value based on walking the map, 'm'.

'm' is the map value of interest.
'path' is a period-separated hierarchy of keys in the map.
'attr' is a map of attribute "name:value" pairs from NewAttributeMap().  May be 'nil'.
If the path can't be traversed, an error is returned.
Note: the optional argument 'r' can be used to coerce attribute values, 'attr', if done so for 'm'.

func NewAttributeMap

func NewAttributeMap(kv ...string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

NewAttributeMap() - generate map of attributes=value entries as map["-"+string]string.

'kv' arguments are "name:value" pairs that appear as attributes, name="value".
If len(kv) == 0, the return is (nil, nil).

func PathForKeyShortest

func PathForKeyShortest(m map[string]interface{}, key string) string

Extract the shortest path from all possible paths - from PathsForKey(). Paths are strings using dot-notation.

func PathForTagShortest

func PathForTagShortest(doc string, key string) (string, error)

Extract the shortest path from all possible paths - from PathsForTag(). Paths are strings using dot-notation.

func PathsForKey

func PathsForKey(m map[string]interface{}, key string) []string

Get all paths through the map (in dot-notation) that terminate with the specified key. Results can be used with ValuesAtKeyPath() and ValuesFromKeyPath().

func PathsForTag

func PathsForTag(doc string, key string) ([]string, error)

Get all paths through the doc (in dot-notation) that terminate with the specified tag. Results can be used with ValuesAtTagPath() and ValuesFromTagPath().

func ReaderValuesForTag

func ReaderValuesForTag(rdr io.Reader, tag string) ([]interface{}, error)

ReaderValuesForTag - io.Reader version of ValuesForTag()

func ReaderValuesFromTagPath

func ReaderValuesFromTagPath(rdr io.Reader, path string, getAttrs ...bool) ([]interface{}, error)

ReaderValuesFromTagPath - io.Reader version of ValuesFromTagPath()

func ToJson

func ToJson(rdr io.Reader, recast ...bool) (string, error)

ToJson() - parse a XML io.Reader to a JSON string

func ToJsonIndent

func ToJsonIndent(rdr io.Reader, recast ...bool) (string, error)

ToJsonIndent - the pretty form of ReaderToJson

func ToMap

func ToMap(rdr io.Reader, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)

ToMap() - parse a XML io.Reader to a map[string]interface{}

func Unmarshal

func Unmarshal(doc []byte, v interface{}) error

Unmarshal - wraps xml.Unmarshal with handling of map[string]interface{} and string type variables.

Usage: x2j.Unmarshal(doc,&m) where m of type map[string]interface{}
       x2j.Unmarshal(doc,&s) where s of type string (Overrides xml.Unmarshal().)
       x2j.Unmarshal(doc,&struct) - passed to xml.Unmarshal()
       x2j.Unmarshal(doc,&slice) - passed to xml.Unmarshal()

func ValuesAtKeyPath

func ValuesAtKeyPath(m map[string]interface{}, path string, getAttrs ...bool) []interface{}

ValuesAtKeyPath - deliver all values at the same depth in a map[string]interface{} value

If v := ValuesAtKeyPath(m,"x.y.z")
then there exists a _,vv := range v
such that v.(map[string]interface{})[z] == ValuesFromKeyPath(m,"x.y.z")

If there are no values for the path 'nil' is returned.

'm' is the map to be walked
'path' is a dot-separated path of key values
'getAttrs' can be set 'true' to return attribute values for "*"-terminated path
       If a node is '*', then everything beyond is walked.
       E.g., see ValuesFromTagPath documentation.

func ValuesAtTagPath

func ValuesAtTagPath(doc, path string, getAttrs ...bool) ([]interface{}, error)

ValuesAtTagPath - deliver all values at the same level of the document as the specified key.

See ValuesAtKeyPath().

If there are no values for the path 'nil' is returned. A return value of (nil, nil) means that there were no values and no errors parsing the doc.

'doc' is the XML document
'path' is a dot-separated path of tag nodes
'getAttrs' can be set 'true' to return attribute values for "*"-terminated path
       If a node is '*', then everything beyond is scanned for values.
       E.g., "doc.books' might return a single value 'book' of type []interface{}, but
             "doc.books.*" could return all the 'book' entries as []map[string]interface{}.
             "doc.books.*.author" might return all the 'author' tag values as []string - or
         		"doc.books.*.author.lastname" might be required, depending on he schema.

func ValuesForKey

func ValuesForKey(m map[string]interface{}, key string) []interface{}

ValuesForKey - return all values in map associated with 'key'

Returns nil if the 'key' does not occur in the map

func ValuesForTag

func ValuesForTag(doc, tag string) ([]interface{}, error)

ValuesForTag - return all values in doc associated with 'tag'.

Returns nil if the 'tag' does not occur in the doc.
If there is an error encounted while parsing doc, that is returned.
If you want values 'recast' use DocToMap() and ValuesForKey().

func ValuesFromKeyPath

func ValuesFromKeyPath(m map[string]interface{}, path string, getAttrs ...bool) []interface{}

ValuesFromKeyPath - deliver all values for a path node from a map[string]interface{} If there are no values for the path 'nil' is returned.

'm' is the map to be walked
'path' is a dot-separated path of key values
'getAttrs' can be set 'true' to return attribute values for "*"-terminated path
       If a node is '*', then everything beyond is walked.
       E.g., see ValuesFromTagPath documentation.

func ValuesFromTagPath

func ValuesFromTagPath(doc, path string, getAttrs ...bool) ([]interface{}, error)

ValuesFromTagPath - deliver all values for a path node from a XML doc If there are no values for the path 'nil' is returned. A return value of (nil, nil) means that there were no values and no errors parsing the doc.

'doc' is the XML document
'path' is a dot-separated path of tag nodes
'getAttrs' can be set 'true' to return attribute values for "*"-terminated path
       If a node is '*', then everything beyond is scanned for values.
       E.g., "doc.books' might return a single value 'book' of type []interface{}, but
             "doc.books.*" could return all the 'book' entries as []map[string]interface{}.
             "doc.books.*.author" might return all the 'author' tag values as []string - or
         		"doc.books.*.author.lastname" might be required, depending on he schema.

func WriteMap

func WriteMap(m interface{}, offset ...int) string

WriteMap - dumps the map[string]interface{} for examination.

'offset' is initial indentation count; typically: WriteMap(m).
NOTE: with XML all element types are 'string'.
But code written as generic for use with maps[string]interface{} values from json.Unmarshal().
Or it can handle a DocToMap(doc,true) result where values have been recast'd.

func XmlBufferToJson

func XmlBufferToJson(b *bytes.Buffer, recast ...bool) (string, error)

XmlBufferToJson - process XML message from a bytes.Buffer

'b' is the buffer
Optional argument 'recast' coerces values to float64 or bool where possible.

func XmlBufferToMap

func XmlBufferToMap(b *bytes.Buffer, recast ...bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)

XmlBufferToMap - process XML message from a bytes.Buffer

'b' is the buffer
Optional argument 'recast' coerces map values to float64 or bool where possible.

func XmlMsgsFromFile

func XmlMsgsFromFile(fname string, phandler func(map[string]interface{}) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error


'fname' is name of file
'phandler' is the map processing handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing.
'ehandler' is the parsing error handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing and returns error.
Note: phandler() and ehandler() calls are blocking, so reading and processing of messages is serialized.
      This means that you can stop reading the file on error or after processing a particular message.
      To have reading and handling run concurrently, pass arguments to a go routine in handler and return true.

func XmlMsgsFromFileAsJson

func XmlMsgsFromFileAsJson(fname string, phandler func(string) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error


'fname' is name of file
'phandler' is the JSON string processing handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing.
'ehandler' is the parsing error handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing and returns error.
Note: phandler() and ehandler() calls are blocking, so reading and processing of messages is serialized.
      This means that you can stop reading the file on error or after processing a particular message.
      To have reading and handling run concurrently, pass arguments to a go routine in handler and return true.

func XmlMsgsFromReader

func XmlMsgsFromReader(rdr io.Reader, phandler func(map[string]interface{}) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error

XmlMsgsFromReader() - io.Reader version of XmlMsgsFromFile

'rdr' is an io.Reader for an XML message (stream)
'phandler' is the map processing handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing.
'ehandler' is the parsing error handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing and returns error.
Note: phandler() and ehandler() calls are blocking, so reading and processing of messages is serialized.
      This means that you can stop reading the file on error or after processing a particular message.
      To have reading and handling run concurrently, pass arguments to a go routine in handler and return true.

func XmlMsgsFromReaderAsJson

func XmlMsgsFromReaderAsJson(rdr io.Reader, phandler func(string) bool, ehandler func(error) bool, recast ...bool) error

XmlMsgsFromReaderAsJson() - io.Reader version of XmlMsgsFromFileAsJson

'rdr' is an io.Reader for an XML message (stream)
'phandler' is the JSON string processing handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing.
'ehandler' is the parsing error handler. Return of 'false' stops further processing and returns error.
Note: phandler() and ehandler() calls are blocking, so reading and processing of messages is serialized.
      This means that you can stop reading the file on error or after processing a particular message.
      To have reading and handling run concurrently, pass arguments to a go routine in handler and return true.