func MapToXml(m map[string]interface{}) ([]byte, error)
map[string]interface{} --> ToXml()
func XmlLeafNodes(xmlVal []byte) ([]LeafNode, error)
Wrap LeafNodes for XML. 'xmlVal' is an XML value
func XmlLeafPath(xmlVal []byte) ([]string, error)
Wrap LeafPath for XML. 'xmlVal' is an XML value
func XmlLeafValues(xmlVal []byte) ([]interface{}, error)
Wrap LeafValues for XML. 'xmlVal' is an XML value
func XmlNewJson(xmlVal []byte, tagpairs ...string) ([]byte, error)
Wrap NewMap for XML and return as JSON 'xmlVal' is an XML value 'tagpairs' are "oldTag:newTag" values that conform to 'keypairs' in (Map)NewMap.
func XmlNewXml(xmlVal []byte, tagpairs ...string) ([]byte, error)
Wrap NewMap for XML and return as XML 'xmlVal' is an XML value 'tagpairs' are "oldTag:newTag" values that conform to 'keypairs' in (Map)NewMap.
func XmlPathForTagShortest(xmlVal []byte, tag string) (string, error)
Wrap PathForKeyShortest for XML.
func XmlPathsForTag(xmlVal []byte, tag string) ([]string, error)
Wrap PathsForKey for XML.
func XmlReaderToJson(xmlReader io.Reader, safeEncoding ...bool) ([]byte, []byte, error)
FromXmlReaderRaw() --> ToJson().
func XmlReaderToJsonWriter(xmlReader io.Reader, jsonWriter io.Writer, safeEncoding ...bool) ([]byte, []byte, error)
FromXmlReader() --> ToJsonWriter(). Handy for bulk transformation of documents.
func XmlToJson(xmlVal []byte, safeEncoding ...bool) ([]byte, error)
FromXml() --> ToJson().
func XmlToJsonWriter(xmlVal []byte, jsonWriter io.Writer, safeEncoding ...bool) ([]byte, error)
FromXml() --> ToJsonWriterRaw().
func XmlToMap(xmlVal []byte) (map[string]interface{}, error)
FromXml() --> map[string]interface{}
func XmlUpdateValsForPath(xmlVal []byte, newTagValue interface{}, path string, subkeys ...string) ([]byte, error)
Wrap UpdateValuesForPath for XML
'xmlVal' is XML value 'newTagValue' is the value to replace an existing value at the end of 'path' 'path' is the dot-notation path with the tag whose value is to be replaced at the end (can include wildcard character, '*') 'subkeys' are key:value pairs of tag:values that must match for the tag
func XmlValuesForPath(xmlVal []byte, path string, attrs ...string) ([]interface{}, error)
Wrap ValuesForPath for XML. 'attrs' are key:value pairs for attributes, where key is attribute label prepended with a hypen, '-'.
func XmlValuesForTag(xmlVal []byte, tag string, attrs ...string) ([]interface{}, error)
Wrap ValuesForKey for XML. 'attrs' are key:value pairs for attributes, where key is attribute label prepended with a hypen, '-'.