type CompleteFunc func(fn func(runtime.Object) error, eventTypes ...watch.EventType) error
type OwnedKubeClients struct { EnvTest *envtest.Environment Rest *rest.Config Scheme *runtime.Scheme KubeClient *kubernetes.Clientset Client client.WithWatch }
func KubeClients(tb testing.TB, kubeconfig *string) *OwnedKubeClients
func (k *OwnedKubeClients) InstallCRDs(options envtest.CRDInstallOptions) ([]*apiextensionsv1.CustomResourceDefinition, error)
func (k *OwnedKubeClients) SetupNamespace(tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context) (string, context.CancelFunc)
func (k *OwnedKubeClients) StartObjectWatch( tb testing.TB, ctx context.Context, object client.Object, ) CompleteFunc
StartObjectWatch starts a watch for the provided object, the returned function should be used to wait for a condition to succeed. The watch will start after calling this function. This means that the completion function can respond to events received before calling the complete function but after calling StartObjectWatch.