var ( // ShortenLabelsFlag if true converts added labels to short form , e.g. //foo:bar => :bar ShortenLabelsFlag = true // DeleteWithComments if true a list attribute will be be deleted in ListDelete, even if there is a comment attached to it DeleteWithComments = true )
AllCommands associates the command names with their function and number of arguments.
var AllCommands = map[string]CommandInfo{ "add": {cmdAdd, true, 2, -1, "<attr> <value(s)>"}, "new_load": {cmdNewLoad, false, 1, -1, "<path> <[to=]from(s)>"}, "replace_load": {cmdReplaceLoad, false, 1, -1, "<path> <[to=]symbol(s)>"}, "substitute_load": {cmdSubstituteLoad, false, 2, 2, "<old_regexp> <new_template>"}, "comment": {cmdComment, true, 1, 3, "<attr>? <value>? <comment>"}, "print_comment": {cmdPrintComment, true, 0, 2, "<attr>? <value>?"}, "delete": {cmdDelete, true, 0, 0, ""}, "fix": {cmdFix, true, 0, -1, "<fix(es)>?"}, "move": {cmdMove, true, 3, -1, "<old_attr> <new_attr> <value(s)>"}, "new": {cmdNew, false, 2, 4, "<rule_kind> <rule_name> [(before|after) <relative_rule_name>]"}, "print": {cmdPrint, true, 0, -1, "<attribute(s)>"}, "remove": {cmdRemove, true, 1, -1, "<attr> <value(s)>"}, "remove_comment": {cmdRemoveComment, true, 0, 2, "<attr>? <value>?"}, "remove_if_equal": {cmdRemoveIfEqual, true, 2, 2, "<attr> <value>"}, "rename": {cmdRename, true, 2, 2, "<old_attr> <new_attr>"}, "replace": {cmdReplace, true, 3, 3, "<attr> <old_value> <new_value>"}, "substitute": {cmdSubstitute, true, 3, 3, "<attr> <old_regexp> <new_template>"}, "set": {cmdSet, true, 1, -1, "<attr> <value(s)>"}, "set_if_absent": {cmdSetIfAbsent, true, 1, -1, "<attr> <value(s)>"}, "set_select": {cmdSetSelect, true, 1, -1, "<attr> <key_1> <value_1> <key_n> <value_n>"}, "copy": {cmdCopy, true, 2, 2, "<attr> <from_rule>"}, "copy_no_overwrite": {cmdCopyNoOverwrite, true, 2, 2, "<attr> <from_rule>"}, "dict_add": {cmdDictAdd, true, 2, -1, "<attr> <(key:value)(s)>"}, "dict_set": {cmdDictSet, true, 2, -1, "<attr> <(key:value)(s)>"}, "dict_remove": {cmdDictRemove, true, 2, -1, "<attr> <key(s)>"}, "dict_list_add": {cmdDictListAdd, true, 3, -1, "<attr> <key> <value(s)>"}, "use_repo_add": {cmdUseRepoAdd, false, 2, -1, "([dev] <extension .bzl file> <extension name>|<use_extension variable name>) <repo(s)>"}, "use_repo_remove": {cmdUseRepoRemove, false, 2, -1, "([dev] <extension .bzl file> <extension name>|<use_extension variable name>) <repo(s)>"}, "format": {cmdFormat, false, 0, 0, ""}, }
AllRuleFixes is a list of all Buildozer fixes that can be applied on a rule.
var AllRuleFixes = []struct { Name string Fn func(file *build.File, rule *build.Rule, pkg string) bool Message string }{ {"sortGlob", sortGlob, "Sort the list in a call to glob"}, {"splitOptions", splitOptionsWithSpaces, "Each option should be given separately in the list"}, {"shortenLabels", shortenLabels, "Style: Use the canonical label notation"}, {"removeVisibility", removeVisibility, "This visibility attribute is useless (it corresponds to the default value)"}, {"removeTestOnly", removeTestOnly, "This testonly attribute is useless (it corresponds to the default value)"}, {"genruleRenameDepsTools", genruleRenameDepsTools, "'deps' attribute in genrule has been renamed 'tools'"}, {"genruleFixHeuristicLabels", genruleFixHeuristicLabels, "$(location) should be called explicitly"}, {"sortExportsFiles", sortExportsFiles, "Files in exports_files should be sorted"}, {"varref", removeVarref, "All varref('foo') should be replaced with '$foo'"}, {"mergeLiteralLists", mergeLiteralLists, "Remove useless list concatenation"}, }
BuildFileNames is exported so that users that want to override it in scripts are free to do so.
var BuildFileNames = [...]string{"BUILD.bazel", "BUILD", "BUCK"}
EditFile is a function that does any prework needed before editing a file. e.g. "checking out for write" from a locking source control repo.
var EditFile = func(fi os.FileInfo, name string) error { return nil }
FileLevelFixes is a list of all Buildozer fixes that apply on the whole file.
var FileLevelFixes = []struct { Name string Fn func(file *build.File) bool Message string }{ {"movePackageToTop", movePackageDeclarationToTheTop, "The package declaration should be the first rule in a file"}, {"usePlusEqual", usePlusEqual, "Prefer '+=' over 'extend' or 'append'"}, {"unusedLoads", cleanUnusedLoads, "Remove unused symbols from load statements"}, {"moveLicenses", moveLicenses, "Move licenses to the package function"}, }
Usage is a user-overridden func to print the program usage.
var Usage = func() {}
func AddValueToList(oldList build.Expr, pkg string, item build.Expr, sorted bool) build.Expr
AddValueToList adds a value to a list. If the expression is not a list, a list with a single element is appended to the original expression.
func AddValueToListAttribute(r *build.Rule, name string, pkg string, item build.Expr, vars *map[string]*build.AssignExpr)
AddValueToListAttribute adds the given item to the list attribute identified by name and pkg.
func AllLists(e build.Expr) []*build.ListExpr
AllLists returns all the lists concatenated in an expression. For example, in: glob(["*.go"]) + [":rule"] the function will return [[":rule"]].
func AllSelects(e build.Expr) []*build.CallExpr
AllSelects returns all the selects concatenated in an expression.
func AllStrings(e build.Expr) []*build.StringExpr
AllStrings returns all the string literals concatenated in an expression. For example, in: "foo" + x + "bar" the function will return ["foo", "bar"].
func AppendToLoad(load *build.LoadStmt, from, to []string) bool
AppendToLoad appends symbols to an existing load statement Returns true if the statement was acually edited (if the required symbols haven't been loaded yet)
func Buildozer(opts *Options, args []string) int
Buildozer loops over all arguments on the command line fixing BUILD files.
func ComputeIntersection(list1, list2 []build.Expr) []build.Expr
ComputeIntersection returns the intersection of the two lists given as parameters; if the containing elements are not build.StringExpr, the result will be nil.
func ContainsComments(expr build.Expr, str string) bool
ContainsComments returns whether the expr has a comment that includes str.
func ContainsLabels(kind, attr string) bool
ContainsLabels returns true for all attributes whose type is a label or a label list.
func DeleteRule(f *build.File, rule *build.Rule) *build.File
DeleteRule returns the AST without the specified rule
func DeleteRuleByKind(f *build.File, kind string) *build.File
DeleteRuleByKind removes the rules of the specified kind from the AST. Returns an updated copy of f.
func DeleteRuleByName(f *build.File, name string) *build.File
DeleteRuleByName returns the AST without the rules that have the given name.
func DictionaryDelete(dict *build.DictExpr, key string) (deleted build.Expr)
DictionaryDelete looks for the key in the dictionary expression. If the key exists, it removes the key-value pair and returns it. Otherwise it returns nil.
func DictionaryGet(dict *build.DictExpr, key string) build.Expr
DictionaryGet looks for the key in the dictionary expression, and returns the current value. If it is unset, it returns nil.
func DictionarySet(dict *build.DictExpr, key string, value build.Expr) build.Expr
DictionarySet looks for the key in the dictionary expression. If value is not nil, it replaces the current value with it. In all cases, it returns the current value.
func EditFunction(v build.Expr, name string, f func(x *build.CallExpr, stk []build.Expr) build.Expr) build.Expr
EditFunction is a wrapper around build.Edit. The callback is called only on functions 'name'.
func ExistingPackageDeclaration(f *build.File) *build.Rule
ExistingPackageDeclaration returns the package declaration, or nil if there is none.
func ExprToRule(expr build.Expr, kind string) (*build.Rule, bool)
ExprToRule returns a Rule from an Expr. The boolean is false iff the Expr is not a function call, or does not have the expected kind.
func FindExportedFile(f *build.File, name string) *build.Rule
FindExportedFile returns the first exports_files call which contains the file 'name', or nil if not found
func FindRuleByName(f *build.File, name string) *build.Rule
FindRuleByName returns the rule in the file that has the given name. If the name is "__pkg__", it returns the global package declaration.
func FirstList(e build.Expr) *build.ListExpr
FirstList works in the same way as AllLists, except that it returns only one list, or nil.
func FixFile(f *build.File, pkg string, fixes []string) *build.File
FixFile fixes everything it can in the BUILD file.
func FixRule(f *build.File, pkg string, rule *build.Rule, fixes []string) *build.File
FixRule aims to fix errors in BUILD files, remove deprecated features, and simplify the code.
func IndexOfLast(stmt []build.Expr, Kind string) int
IndexOfLast finds the index of the last expression of a specific kind.
func IndexOfRuleByName(f *build.File, name string) (int, *build.Rule)
IndexOfRuleByName returns the index (in f.Stmt) of the CallExpr which defines a rule named `name`, or -1 if it doesn't exist.
func InsertAfter(i int, stmt []build.Expr, expr build.Expr) []build.Expr
InsertAfter inserts an expression after index i.
func InsertAfterLastOfSameKind(stmt []build.Expr, expr *build.CallExpr) []build.Expr
InsertAfterLastOfSameKind inserts an expression after the last expression of the same kind.
func InsertAtEnd(stmt []build.Expr, expr build.Expr) []build.Expr
InsertAtEnd inserts an expression at the end of a list, before trailing comments.
func InsertLoad(stmts []build.Expr, location string, from, to []string) []build.Expr
InsertLoad inserts a load statement at the top of the list of statements. The load statement is constructed using a string location and two slices of from- and to-symbols. The function panics if the slices aren't of the same length. Symbols that are already loaded from the given filepath are ignored. If stmts already contains a load for the location in arguments, appends the symbols to load to it.
func InterpretLabel(target string) (buildFile string, pkg string, rule string)
InterpretLabel returns the name of the BUILD file to edit, the full package name, and the rule. It uses the pwd for resolving workspace file paths.
func InterpretLabelForWorkspaceLocation(root, target string) (buildFile, repo, pkg, rule string)
InterpretLabelForWorkspaceLocation returns the name of the BUILD file to edit, the full package name, and the rule. It takes a workspace-rooted directory to use.
func InterpretLabelWithRepo(target string) (buildFile string, repo string, pkg string, rule string)
InterpretLabelWithRepo returns the name of the BUILD file to edit, repo name, the full package name, and the rule. It uses the pwd for resolving workspace file paths.
func IsIntList(attr string) bool
IsIntList returns true for all attributes whose type is an int list.
func IsList(attr string) bool
IsList returns true for all attributes whose type is a list.
func IsString(attr string) bool
IsString returns true for all attributes whose type is a string or a label.
func IsStringDict(attr string) bool
IsStringDict returns true for all attributes whose type is a string dictionary.
func LabelsEqual(label1, label2, pkg string) bool
LabelsEqual returns true if label1 and label2 are equal. Deprecated; use `labels.Equal` instead
func ListAttributeDelete(rule *build.Rule, attr, item, pkg string) *build.StringExpr
ListAttributeDelete deletes string item from list attribute attr, deletes attr if empty, and returns the StringExpr deleted, or nil otherwise.
func ListDelete(e build.Expr, item, pkg string) (deleted *build.StringExpr)
ListDelete deletes the item from a list expression in e and returns the StringExpr deleted, or nil otherwise.
func ListFind(e build.Expr, item string, pkg string) *build.StringExpr
ListFind looks for a string in the list expression (which may be a concatenation of lists). It returns the element if it is found. nil otherwise.
func ListReplace(e build.Expr, old, value, pkg string) bool
ListReplace replaces old with value in all lists in e and returns a Boolean to indicate whether the replacement was successful.
func ListSubstitute(e build.Expr, oldRegexp *regexp.Regexp, newTemplate string) bool
ListSubstitute replaces strings matching a regular expression in all lists in e and returns a Boolean to indicate whether the replacement was successful.
func MoveAllListAttributeValues(rule *build.Rule, oldAttr, newAttr, pkg string, vars *map[string]*build.AssignExpr) error
MoveAllListAttributeValues moves all values from list attribute oldAttr to newAttr, and deletes oldAttr.
func NewLoad(location string, from, to []string) *build.LoadStmt
NewLoad creates a new LoadStmt node
func PackageDeclaration(f *build.File) *build.Rule
PackageDeclaration returns the package declaration. If it doesn't exist, it is created at the top of the BUILD file, after optional docstring, comments, and load statements.
func ParseLabel(target string) (string, string, string)
ParseLabel parses a Blaze label (eg. //devtools/buildozer:rule), and returns the repo name ("" for the main repo), package (with leading slashes trimmed) and rule name (e.g. ["", "devtools/buildozer", "rule"]). Deprecated; use `labels.Parse` instead
func RegisterBuildifier(b Buildifier)
RegisterBuildifier replaces the default buildifier with an alternative implementation.
It may only be called once.
func RemoveEmptyPackage(f *build.File) *build.File
RemoveEmptyPackage removes empty package declarations from the file, i.e.:
This might appear because of a buildozer transformation (e.g. when removing a package attribute). Removing it is required for the file to be valid.
func RemoveEmptySelectsAndConcatLists(e build.Expr) build.Expr
RemoveEmptySelectsAndConcatLists iterates the tree in order to turn empty selects into empty lists and adjacent lists are concatenated
func RemoveEmptyUseRepoCalls(f *build.File) *build.File
RemoveEmptyUseRepoCalls removes empty use repo declarations from the file.
func RemoveFromList(li *build.ListExpr, item, pkg string, deleted **build.StringExpr)
RemoveFromList removes one element from a ListExpr and stores the deleted StringExpr at the address pointed by the last parameter
func RenameAttribute(r *build.Rule, oldName, newName string) error
RenameAttribute renames an attribute in a rule.
func ReplaceLoad(stmts []build.Expr, location string, from, to []string) []build.Expr
ReplaceLoad removes load statements for passed to-symbols and replaces them with a new load at the top of the list of statements. The new load statement is constructed using a string location and two slices of from- and to-symbols. If stmts already contains a load for the location in arguments, appends the symbols to load to it. The function panics if the slices aren't of the same lentgh.
func ResolveAttr(r *build.Rule, attr, pkg string)
ResolveAttr extracts common elements of the lists inside select dictionaries and adds them at attribute level rather than select level, as well as turns empty selects into empty lists and concatenates adjacent lists
func SelectDelete(e build.Expr, item, pkg string, deleted **build.StringExpr)
SelectDelete removes the item from all the lists which are values in the dictionary of every select
func SelectListsIntersection(sel *build.CallExpr, pkg string) (intersection []build.Expr)
SelectListsIntersection returns the intersection of the lists of strings inside the dictionary argument of the select expression given as a parameter
func ShortenLabel(label, pkg string) string
ShortenLabel rewrites labels to use the canonical form (the form recommended by build-style). Doesn't do anything if `--shorten_label=false` flag is provided. Use `labels.Shorten` to shorten labels unconditionally.
func SplitOnSpaces(input string) []string
SplitOnSpaces behaves like strings.Fields, except that spaces can be escaped. Also splits on linebreaks unless they are escaped too. " some dummy\\ string" -> ["some", "dummy string"]
func UsedSymbols(stmt build.Expr) map[string]bool
UsedSymbols returns the set of symbols used in the BUILD file (variables, function names).
func UsedTypes(stmt build.Expr) map[string]bool
UsedTypes returns the set of types used in the BUILD file (variables, function names).
Buildifier formats the build file using the buildifier logic.
type Buildifier interface { // Buildify formats the build file and returns the formatted contents. Buildify(*Options, *build.File) ([]byte, error) }
CmdEnvironment stores the information the commands below have access to.
type CmdEnvironment struct { File *build.File // the AST Rule *build.Rule // the rule to modify Vars map[string]*build.AssignExpr // global variables set in the build file Pkg string // the full package name Args []string // the command-line arguments // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CommandInfo provides a command function and info on incoming arguments.
type CommandInfo struct { Fn func(*Options, CmdEnvironment) (*build.File, error) PerRule bool MinArg int MaxArg int Template string }
Options represents choices about how buildozer should behave.
type Options struct { Stdout bool // write changed BUILD file to stdout Buildifier string // path to buildifier binary Parallelism int // number of cores to use for concurrent actions NumIO int // number of concurrent actions CommandsFiles []string // file names to read commands from, use '-' for stdin (format:|-separated command line arguments to buildozer, excluding flags KeepGoing bool // apply all commands, even if there are failures FilterRuleTypes []string // list of rule types to change, empty means all PreferEOLComments bool // when adding a new comment, put it on the same line if possible RootDir string // If present, use this folder rather than $PWD to find the root dir Quiet bool // suppress informational messages. EditVariables bool // for attributes that simply assign a variable (e.g. hdrs = LIB_HDRS), edit the build variable instead of appending to the attribute. IsPrintingProto bool // output serialized devtools.buildozer.Output protos instead of human-readable strings IsPrintingJSON bool // output serialized devtools.buildozer.Output json instead of human-readable strings OutWriter io.Writer // where to write normal output (`os.Stdout` will be used if not specified) ErrWriter io.Writer // where to write error output (`os.Stderr` will be used if not specified) }
func NewOpts() *Options
NewOpts returns a new Options struct with some defaults set.