
Package build

import "github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/build"

Overview ▾

Package build implements parsing and printing of BUILD files.

Index ▾

func EditChildren(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) Expr)
func Format(f *File) []byte
func FormatString(x Expr) string
func FormatWithRewriter(w *Rewriter, f *File) []byte
func FormatWithoutRewriting(f *File) []byte
func GetParamName(param Expr) (name, op string)
func GetTypes(t Expr) []string
func IsCorrectEscaping(value string) bool
func Rewrite(f *File)
func SortLoadArgs(load *LoadStmt) bool
func SortStringList(x Expr)
func Strings(expr Expr) []string
func Unquote(quoted string) (s string, triple bool, err error)
func Walk(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr))
func WalkInterruptable(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) error)
func WalkOnce(v Expr, f func(x *Expr))
func WalkPointers(v Expr, f func(x *Expr, stk []Expr))
func WalkStatements(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) error)
type AssignExpr
    func (x *AssignExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *AssignExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type BinaryExpr
    func (x *BinaryExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *BinaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type BranchStmt
    func (x *BranchStmt) Copy() Expr
    func (x *BranchStmt) Span() (start, end Position)
type CallExpr
    func (x *CallExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *CallExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type Comment
    func (c Comment) Span() (start, end Position)
type CommentBlock
    func (x *CommentBlock) Copy() Expr
    func (x *CommentBlock) Span() (start, end Position)
type Comments
    func (c *Comments) Comment() *Comments
type Comprehension
    func (x *Comprehension) Copy() Expr
    func (x *Comprehension) Span() (start, end Position)
type ConditionalExpr
    func (x *ConditionalExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *ConditionalExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type DefStmt
    func (x *DefStmt) Copy() Expr
    func (x *DefStmt) HeaderSpan() (start, end Position)
    func (x *DefStmt) Span() (start, end Position)
type DictExpr
    func (x *DictExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *DictExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type DotExpr
    func (x *DotExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *DotExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type End
    func (x *End) Copy() Expr
    func (x *End) Span() (start, end Position)
type Expr
    func Edit(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) Expr) Expr
type File
    func Parse(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)
    func ParseBuild(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)
    func ParseBzl(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)
    func ParseDefault(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)
    func ParseModule(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)
    func ParseWorkspace(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)
    func (f *File) CanonicalPath() string
    func (f *File) Copy() Expr
    func (f *File) DelRules(kind, name string) int
    func (f *File) DisplayPath() string
    func (f *File) Rule(call *CallExpr) *Rule
    func (f *File) RuleAt(linenum int) *Rule
    func (f *File) RuleNamed(name string) *Rule
    func (f *File) Rules(kind string) []*Rule
    func (f *File) Span() (start, end Position)
type FileType
    func (t FileType) String() string
type ForClause
    func (x *ForClause) Copy() Expr
    func (x *ForClause) Span() (start, end Position)
type ForStmt
    func (x *ForStmt) Copy() Expr
    func (x *ForStmt) Span() (start, end Position)
type Function
    func (x *Function) Copy() Expr
    func (x *Function) Span() (start, end Position)
type Ident
    func GetParamIdent(param Expr) (ident *Ident, op string)
    func (x *Ident) Copy() Expr
    func (x *Ident) Span() (start, end Position)
type IfClause
    func (x *IfClause) Copy() Expr
    func (x *IfClause) Span() (start, end Position)
type IfStmt
    func (x *IfStmt) Copy() Expr
    func (x *IfStmt) Span() (start, end Position)
type IndexExpr
    func (x *IndexExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *IndexExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type KeyValueExpr
    func (x *KeyValueExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *KeyValueExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type LambdaExpr
    func (x *LambdaExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *LambdaExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type ListExpr
    func (x *ListExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *ListExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type LiteralExpr
    func (x *LiteralExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *LiteralExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type LoadStmt
    func (x *LoadStmt) Copy() Expr
    func (x *LoadStmt) Span() (start, end Position)
type ParenExpr
    func (x *ParenExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *ParenExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type ParseError
    func (e ParseError) Error() string
type Position
type ReturnStmt
    func (x *ReturnStmt) Copy() Expr
    func (x *ReturnStmt) Span() (start, end Position)
type Rewriter
    func (w *Rewriter) Rewrite(f *File)
type Rule
    func NewRule(call *CallExpr) *Rule
    func (r *Rule) Attr(key string) Expr
    func (r *Rule) AttrDefn(key string) *AssignExpr
    func (r *Rule) AttrKeys() []string
    func (r *Rule) AttrLiteral(key string) string
    func (r *Rule) AttrString(key string) string
    func (r *Rule) AttrStrings(key string) []string
    func (r *Rule) DelAttr(key string) Expr
    func (r *Rule) ExplicitName() string
    func (r *Rule) Kind() string
    func (r *Rule) Name() string
    func (r *Rule) SetAttr(key string, val Expr)
    func (r *Rule) SetKind(kind string)
type SetExpr
    func (x *SetExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *SetExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type SliceExpr
    func (x *SliceExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *SliceExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type StopTraversalError
    func (m *StopTraversalError) Error() string
type StringExpr
    func (x *StringExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *StringExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type TupleExpr
    func (x *TupleExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *TupleExpr) Span() (start, end Position)
type TypedIdent
    func (x *TypedIdent) Copy() Expr
    func (x *TypedIdent) Span() (start, end Position)
type UnaryExpr
    func (x *UnaryExpr) Copy() Expr
    func (x *UnaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Package files

lex.go parse.y.go print.go quote.go rewrite.go rule.go syntax.go utils.go walk.go


const ShiftInstead = 57379


AllowSort allows sorting of these lists even with sorting otherwise disabled (for debugging).

var AllowSort []string

DisableRewrites disables certain rewrites (for debugging).

var DisableRewrites []string

func EditChildren

func EditChildren(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) Expr)

EditChildren is similar to Edit but doesn't visit the initial node, instead goes directly to its children.

func Format

func Format(f *File) []byte

Format rewrites the file and returns the formatted form of it.

func FormatString

func FormatString(x Expr) string

FormatString returns the string form of the given expression.

func FormatWithRewriter

func FormatWithRewriter(w *Rewriter, f *File) []byte

FormatWithRewriter rewites the file with custom rewriter and returns the formatted form of it

func FormatWithoutRewriting

func FormatWithoutRewriting(f *File) []byte

FormatWithoutRewriting returns the formatted form of the given Starlark file. This function is mostly useful for tests only, please consider using `Format` instead.

func GetParamName

func GetParamName(param Expr) (name, op string)

GetParamName extracts the param name from an item of function params.

func GetTypes

func GetTypes(t Expr) []string

GetTypes returns the list of types defined by the a given expression. Examples:

List[tuple[bool, int]] should return [List, Tuple, bool, int] str should return str

func IsCorrectEscaping

func IsCorrectEscaping(value string) bool

IsCorrectEscaping reports whether a string doesn't contain any incorrectly escaped sequences such as "\a".

func Rewrite

func Rewrite(f *File)

Rewrite applies rewrites to a file

func SortLoadArgs

func SortLoadArgs(load *LoadStmt) bool

SortLoadArgs sorts a load statement arguments (lexicographically, but positional first)

func SortStringList

func SortStringList(x Expr)

SortStringList sorts x, a list of strings. The list is broken by non-strings and by blank lines and comments into chunks. Each chunk is sorted in place.

func Strings

func Strings(expr Expr) []string

Strings returns expr as a []string. If expr is not a list of string literals, Strings returns a nil slice instead. If expr is an empty list of string literals, returns a non-nil empty slice. (this allows differentiating between these two cases)

func Unquote

func Unquote(quoted string) (s string, triple bool, err error)

Unquote unquotes the quoted string, returning the actual string value, whether the original was triple-quoted, and an error describing invalid input.

func Walk

func Walk(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr))

Walk walks the expression tree v, calling f on all subexpressions in a preorder traversal.

The stk argument is the stack of expressions in the recursion above x, from outermost to innermost.

func WalkInterruptable

func WalkInterruptable(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) error)

WalkInterruptable is the same as Walk but allows traversal to be interrupted.

func WalkOnce

func WalkOnce(v Expr, f func(x *Expr))

WalkOnce calls f on every child of v.

func WalkPointers

func WalkPointers(v Expr, f func(x *Expr, stk []Expr))

WalkPointers is the same as Walk but calls the callback function with pointers to nodes.

func WalkStatements

func WalkStatements(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) error)

WalkStatements traverses sub statements (not all nodes)

type AssignExpr

An AssignExpr represents a binary expression with `=`: LHS = RHS.

type AssignExpr struct {
    LHS       Expr
    OpPos     Position
    Op        string
    LineBreak bool // insert line break between Op and RHS
    RHS       Expr

func (*AssignExpr) Copy

func (x *AssignExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of AssignExpr

func (*AssignExpr) Span

func (x *AssignExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type BinaryExpr

A BinaryExpr represents a binary expression: X Op Y.

type BinaryExpr struct {
    X         Expr
    OpStart   Position
    Op        string
    LineBreak bool // insert line break between Op and Y
    Y         Expr

func (*BinaryExpr) Copy

func (x *BinaryExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of BinaryExpr

func (*BinaryExpr) Span

func (x *BinaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type BranchStmt

BranchStmt represents a `pass`, `break`, or `continue` statement.

type BranchStmt struct {
    Token    string // pass, break, continue
    TokenPos Position

func (*BranchStmt) Copy

func (x *BranchStmt) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of BranchStmt

func (*BranchStmt) Span

func (x *BranchStmt) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type CallExpr

A CallExpr represents a function call expression: X(List).

type CallExpr struct {
    X              Expr
    ListStart      Position // position of (
    List           []Expr
    End                 // position of )
    ForceCompact   bool // force compact (non-multiline) form when printing
    ForceMultiLine bool // force multiline form when printing

func (*CallExpr) Copy

func (x *CallExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of CallExpr

func (*CallExpr) Span

func (x *CallExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type Comment

A Comment represents a single # comment.

type Comment struct {
    Start Position
    Token string // without trailing newline

func (Comment) Span

func (c Comment) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type CommentBlock

A CommentBlock represents a top-level block of comments separate from any rule.

type CommentBlock struct {
    Start Position

func (*CommentBlock) Copy

func (x *CommentBlock) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of CommentBlock

func (*CommentBlock) Span

func (x *CommentBlock) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type Comments

Comments collects the comments associated with an expression.

type Comments struct {
    Before []Comment // whole-line comments before this expression
    Suffix []Comment // end-of-line comments after this expression

    // For top-level expressions only, After lists whole-line
    // comments following the expression.
    After []Comment

func (*Comments) Comment

func (c *Comments) Comment() *Comments

Comment returns the receiver. This isn't useful by itself, but a Comments struct is embedded into all the expression implementation types, and this gives each of those a Comment method to satisfy the Expr interface.

type Comprehension

A Comprehension represents a list comprehension expression: [X for ... if ...].

type Comprehension struct {
    Curly          bool // curly braces (as opposed to square brackets)
    Lbrack         Position
    Body           Expr
    Clauses        []Expr // = *ForClause | *IfClause
    ForceMultiLine bool   // split expression across multiple lines

func (*Comprehension) Copy

func (x *Comprehension) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of Comprehension

func (*Comprehension) Span

func (x *Comprehension) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type ConditionalExpr

ConditionalExpr represents the conditional: X if TEST else ELSE.

type ConditionalExpr struct {
    Then      Expr
    IfStart   Position
    Test      Expr
    ElseStart Position
    Else      Expr

func (*ConditionalExpr) Copy

func (x *ConditionalExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of ConditionalExpr

func (*ConditionalExpr) Span

func (x *ConditionalExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end position of the expression, excluding leading or trailing comments. Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type DefStmt

A DefStmt represents a function definition expression: def foo(List):.

type DefStmt struct {
    Name           string
    ColonPos       Position // position of the ":"
    ForceCompact   bool     // force compact (non-multiline) form when printing the arguments
    ForceMultiLine bool     // force multiline form when printing the arguments
    Type           Expr     // type annotation

func (*DefStmt) Copy

func (x *DefStmt) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of DefStmt

func (*DefStmt) HeaderSpan

func (x *DefStmt) HeaderSpan() (start, end Position)

HeaderSpan returns the span of the function header `def f(...):`

func (*DefStmt) Span

func (x *DefStmt) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type DictExpr

A DictExpr represents a dictionary literal: { List }.

type DictExpr struct {
    Start Position
    List  []*KeyValueExpr
    ForceMultiLine bool // force multiline form when printing

func (*DictExpr) Copy

func (x *DictExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of DictExpr

func (*DictExpr) Span

func (x *DictExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type DotExpr

A DotExpr represents a field selector: X.Name.

type DotExpr struct {
    X       Expr
    Dot     Position
    NamePos Position
    Name    string

func (*DotExpr) Copy

func (x *DotExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of DotExpr

func (*DotExpr) Span

func (x *DotExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type End

An End represents the end of a parenthesized or bracketed expression. It is a place to hang comments.

type End struct {
    Pos Position

func (*End) Copy

func (x *End) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of End

func (*End) Span

func (x *End) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type Expr

An Expr represents an input element.

type Expr interface {
    // Span returns the start and end position of the expression,
    // excluding leading or trailing comments.
    Span() (start, end Position)

    // Comment returns the comments attached to the expression.
    // This method would normally be named 'Comments' but that
    // would interfere with embedding a type of the same name.
    Comment() *Comments

    // Copy returns a non-deep copy of the node. Can be useful if
    // the actual node type is hidden by the Expr interface and
    // not relevant.
    Copy() Expr

func Edit

func Edit(v Expr, f func(x Expr, stk []Expr) Expr) Expr

Edit walks the expression tree v, calling f on all subexpressions in a preorder traversal. If f returns a non-nil value, the tree is mutated. The new value replaces the old one.

The stk argument is the stack of expressions in the recursion above x, from outermost to innermost.

type File

A File represents an entire BUILD or .bzl file.

type File struct {
    Path          string // absolute file path
    Pkg           string // optional; the package of the file (always forward slashes)
    Label         string // optional; file path relative to the package name (always forward slashes)
    WorkspaceRoot string // optional; path to the directory containing the WORKSPACE file
    Type          FileType
    Stmt []Expr

func Parse

func Parse(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)

Parse parses the input data and returns the corresponding parse tree.

Uses the filename to detect the formatting type (build, workspace, or default) and calls ParseBuild, ParseWorkspace, or ParseDefault correspondingly.

func ParseBuild

func ParseBuild(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)

ParseBuild parses a file, marks it as a BUILD file and returns the corresponding parse tree.

The filename is used only for generating error messages.

func ParseBzl

func ParseBzl(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)

ParseBzl parses a file, marks it as a .bzl file and returns the corresponding parse tree.

The filename is used only for generating error messages.

func ParseDefault

func ParseDefault(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)

ParseDefault parses a file, marks it as a generic Starlark file and returns the corresponding parse tree.

The filename is used only for generating error messages.

func ParseModule

func ParseModule(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)

ParseModule parses a file, marks it as a MODULE.bazel file and returns the corresponding parse tree.

The filename is used only for generating error messages.

func ParseWorkspace

func ParseWorkspace(filename string, data []byte) (*File, error)

ParseWorkspace parses a file, marks it as a WORKSPACE file and returns the corresponding parse tree.

The filename is used only for generating error messages.

func (*File) CanonicalPath

func (f *File) CanonicalPath() string

CanonicalPath returns the path of a file relative to the workspace root with forward slashes only

func (*File) Copy

func (f *File) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of File

func (*File) DelRules

func (f *File) DelRules(kind, name string) int

DelRules removes rules with the given kind and name from the file. An empty kind matches all kinds; an empty name matches all names. It returns the number of rules that were deleted.

func (*File) DisplayPath

func (f *File) DisplayPath() string

DisplayPath returns the filename if it's not empty, "<stdin>" otherwise

func (*File) Rule

func (f *File) Rule(call *CallExpr) *Rule

func (*File) RuleAt

func (f *File) RuleAt(linenum int) *Rule

RuleAt returns the rule in the file that starts at the specified line, or null if no such rule.

func (*File) RuleNamed

func (f *File) RuleNamed(name string) *Rule

RuleNamed returns the rule in the file that has the specified name, or null if no such rule.

func (*File) Rules

func (f *File) Rules(kind string) []*Rule

Rules returns the rules in the file of the given kind (such as "go_library"). If kind == "", Rules returns all rules in the file.

func (*File) Span

func (f *File) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type FileType

FileType represents a type of a file (default (for .bzl files), BUILD, or WORKSPACE). Certain formatting or refactoring rules can be applied to several file types, so they support bitwise operations: `type1 | type2` can represent a scope (e.g. BUILD and WORKSPACE files) and `scope & fileType` can be used to check whether a file type belongs to a scope.

type FileType int
const (
    // TypeDefault represents general Starlark files
    TypeDefault FileType = 1 << iota
    // TypeBuild represents BUILD files
    // TypeWorkspace represents WORKSPACE files
    // TypeBzl represents .bzl files
    //TypeModule represents MODULE.bazel files

func (FileType) String

func (t FileType) String() string

type ForClause

A ForClause represents a for clause in a list comprehension: for Var in Expr.

type ForClause struct {
    For  Position
    Vars Expr
    In   Position
    X    Expr

func (*ForClause) Copy

func (x *ForClause) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of ForClause

func (*ForClause) Span

func (x *ForClause) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type ForStmt

A ForStmt represents a for loop block: for x in range(10):.

type ForStmt struct {
    For  Position // position of for
    Vars Expr
    X    Expr
    Body []Expr

func (*ForStmt) Copy

func (x *ForStmt) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of ForStmt

func (*ForStmt) Span

func (x *ForStmt) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type Function

A Function represents the common parts of LambdaExpr and DefStmt

type Function struct {
    StartPos Position // position of DEF or LAMBDA token
    Params   []Expr
    Body     []Expr

func (*Function) Copy

func (x *Function) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of Function

func (*Function) Span

func (x *Function) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type Ident

An Ident represents an identifier.

type Ident struct {
    NamePos Position
    Name    string

func GetParamIdent

func GetParamIdent(param Expr) (ident *Ident, op string)

GetParamIdent extracts the param identifier from an item of function params.

func (*Ident) Copy

func (x *Ident) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of Ident

func (*Ident) Span

func (x *Ident) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type IfClause

An IfClause represents an if clause in a list comprehension: if Cond.

type IfClause struct {
    If   Position
    Cond Expr

func (*IfClause) Copy

func (x *IfClause) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of IfClause

func (*IfClause) Span

func (x *IfClause) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type IfStmt

An IfStmt represents an if-else block: if x: ... else: ... . `elif`s are treated as a chain of `IfStmt`s.

type IfStmt struct {
    If      Position // position of if
    Cond    Expr
    True    []Expr
    ElsePos End    // position of else or elif
    False   []Expr // optional

func (*IfStmt) Copy

func (x *IfStmt) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of IfStmt

func (*IfStmt) Span

func (x *IfStmt) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type IndexExpr

An IndexExpr represents an index expression: X[Y].

type IndexExpr struct {
    X          Expr
    IndexStart Position
    Y          Expr
    End        Position

func (*IndexExpr) Copy

func (x *IndexExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of IndexExpr

func (*IndexExpr) Span

func (x *IndexExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type KeyValueExpr

A KeyValueExpr represents a dictionary entry: Key: Value.

type KeyValueExpr struct {
    Key   Expr
    Colon Position
    Value Expr

func (*KeyValueExpr) Copy

func (x *KeyValueExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of KeyValueExpr

func (*KeyValueExpr) Span

func (x *KeyValueExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type LambdaExpr

A LambdaExpr represents a lambda expression: lambda Var: Expr.

type LambdaExpr struct {

func (*LambdaExpr) Copy

func (x *LambdaExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of LambdaExpr

func (*LambdaExpr) Span

func (x *LambdaExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type ListExpr

A ListExpr represents a list literal: [ List ].

type ListExpr struct {
    Start Position
    List  []Expr
    ForceMultiLine bool // force multiline form when printing

func (*ListExpr) Copy

func (x *ListExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of ListExpr

func (*ListExpr) Span

func (x *ListExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type LiteralExpr

A LiteralExpr represents a literal number.

type LiteralExpr struct {
    Start Position
    Token string // identifier token

func (*LiteralExpr) Copy

func (x *LiteralExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of LiteralExpr

func (*LiteralExpr) Span

func (x *LiteralExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type LoadStmt

A LoadStmt loads another module and binds names from it: load(Module, "x", y="foo").

The AST is slightly unfaithful to the concrete syntax here because Skylark's load statement, so that it can be implemented in Python, binds some names (like y above) with an identifier and some (like x) without. For consistency we create fake identifiers for all the strings.

type LoadStmt struct {
    Load         Position
    Module       *StringExpr
    From         []*Ident // name defined in loading module
    To           []*Ident // name in loaded module
    Rparen       End
    ForceCompact bool // force compact (non-multiline) form when printing

func (*LoadStmt) Copy

func (x *LoadStmt) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of LoadStmt

func (*LoadStmt) Span

func (x *LoadStmt) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type ParenExpr

A ParenExpr represents a parenthesized expression: (X).

type ParenExpr struct {
    Start Position
    X     Expr
    ForceMultiLine bool // insert line break after opening ( and before closing )

func (*ParenExpr) Copy

func (x *ParenExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of ParenExpr

func (*ParenExpr) Span

func (x *ParenExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type ParseError

ParseError contains information about the error encountered during parsing.

type ParseError struct {
    Message  string
    Filename string
    Pos      Position

func (ParseError) Error

func (e ParseError) Error() string

Error returns a string representation of the parse error.

type Position

A Position describes the position between two bytes of input.

type Position struct {
    Line     int // line in input (starting at 1)
    LineRune int // rune in line (starting at 1)
    Byte     int // byte in input (starting at 0)

type ReturnStmt

A ReturnStmt represents a return statement: return f(x).

type ReturnStmt struct {
    Return Position
    Result Expr // may be nil

func (*ReturnStmt) Copy

func (x *ReturnStmt) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of ReturnStmt

func (*ReturnStmt) Span

func (x *ReturnStmt) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type Rewriter

Rewriter controls the rewrites to be applied.

If non-nil, the rewrites with the specified names will be run. If nil, a default set of rewrites will be used that is determined by the type (BUILD vs default starlark) of the file being rewritten.

type Rewriter struct {
    RewriteSet                      []string
    IsLabelArg                      map[string]bool
    LabelDenyList                   map[string]bool
    IsSortableListArg               map[string]bool
    SortableDenylist                map[string]bool
    SortableAllowlist               map[string]bool
    NamePriority                    map[string]int
    StripLabelLeadingSlashes        bool
    ShortenAbsoluteLabelsToRelative bool

func (*Rewriter) Rewrite

func (w *Rewriter) Rewrite(f *File)

Rewrite applies the rewrites to a file

type Rule

A Rule represents a single BUILD rule.

type Rule struct {
    Call         *CallExpr
    ImplicitName string // The name which should be used if the name attribute is not set. See the comment on File.implicitRuleName.

func NewRule

func NewRule(call *CallExpr) *Rule

NewRule is a simple constructor for Rule.

func (*Rule) Attr

func (r *Rule) Attr(key string) Expr

Attr returns the value of the rule's attribute with the given key (such as "name" or "deps"). If the rule has no such attribute, Attr returns nil.

func (*Rule) AttrDefn

func (r *Rule) AttrDefn(key string) *AssignExpr

AttrDefn returns the AssignExpr defining the rule's attribute with the given key. If the rule has no such attribute, AttrDefn returns nil.

func (*Rule) AttrKeys

func (r *Rule) AttrKeys() []string

AttrKeys returns the keys of all the rule's attributes.

func (*Rule) AttrLiteral

func (r *Rule) AttrLiteral(key string) string

AttrLiteral returns the literal form of the rule's attribute with the given key (such as "cc_api_version"), only when that value is an identifier or number. If the rule has no such attribute or the attribute is not an identifier or number, AttrLiteral returns "".

func (*Rule) AttrString

func (r *Rule) AttrString(key string) string

AttrString returns the value of the rule's attribute with the given key (such as "name"), as a string. If the rule has no such attribute or the attribute has a non-string value, Attr returns the empty string.

func (*Rule) AttrStrings

func (r *Rule) AttrStrings(key string) []string

AttrStrings returns the value of the rule's attribute with the given key (such as "srcs"), as a []string. If the rule has no such attribute or the attribute is not a list of strings, AttrStrings returns a nil slice.

func (*Rule) DelAttr

func (r *Rule) DelAttr(key string) Expr

DelAttr deletes the rule's attribute with the named key. It returns the old value of the attribute, or nil if the attribute was not found.

func (*Rule) ExplicitName

func (r *Rule) ExplicitName() string

ExplicitName returns the rule's target name if it's explicitly provided as a string value, "" otherwise.

func (*Rule) Kind

func (r *Rule) Kind() string

Kind returns the rule's kind (such as "go_library"). The kind of the rule may be given by a literal or it may be a sequence of dot expressions that begins with a literal, if the call expression does not conform to either of these forms, an empty string will be returned

func (*Rule) Name

func (r *Rule) Name() string

Name returns the rule's target name. If the rule has no explicit target name, Name returns the implicit name if there is one, else the empty string.

func (*Rule) SetAttr

func (r *Rule) SetAttr(key string, val Expr)

SetAttr sets the rule's attribute with the given key to value. If the rule has no attribute with the key, SetAttr appends one to the end of the rule's attribute list.

func (*Rule) SetKind

func (r *Rule) SetKind(kind string)

SetKind changes rule's kind (such as "go_library").

type SetExpr

A SetExpr represents a set literal: { List }.

type SetExpr struct {
    Start Position
    List  []Expr
    ForceMultiLine bool // force multiline form when printing

func (*SetExpr) Copy

func (x *SetExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of SetExpr

func (*SetExpr) Span

func (x *SetExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type SliceExpr

A SliceExpr represents a slice expression: expr[from:to] or expr[from:to:step] .

type SliceExpr struct {
    X           Expr
    SliceStart  Position
    From        Expr
    FirstColon  Position
    To          Expr
    SecondColon Position
    Step        Expr
    End         Position

func (*SliceExpr) Copy

func (x *SliceExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of SliceExpr

func (*SliceExpr) Span

func (x *SliceExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type StopTraversalError

StopTraversalError is a special error that tells the walker to not traverse further and visit child nodes of the current node.

type StopTraversalError struct{}

func (*StopTraversalError) Error

func (m *StopTraversalError) Error() string

type StringExpr

A StringExpr represents a single literal string.

type StringExpr struct {
    Start       Position
    Value       string // string value (decoded)
    TripleQuote bool   // triple quote output
    End         Position

    // To allow specific formatting of string literals,
    // at least within our requirements, record the
    // preferred form of Value. This field is a hint:
    // it is only used if it is a valid quoted form for Value.
    Token string

func (*StringExpr) Copy

func (x *StringExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of StringExpr

func (*StringExpr) Span

func (x *StringExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type TupleExpr

A TupleExpr represents a tuple literal: (List)

type TupleExpr struct {
    NoBrackets bool // true if a tuple has no brackets, e.g. `a, b = x`
    Start      Position
    List       []Expr
    ForceCompact   bool // force compact (non-multiline) form when printing
    ForceMultiLine bool // force multiline form when printing

func (*TupleExpr) Copy

func (x *TupleExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of TupleExpr

func (*TupleExpr) Span

func (x *TupleExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type TypedIdent

An TypedIdent represents an identifier with type annotation: "foo: int".

type TypedIdent struct {
    Ident *Ident
    Type  Expr

func (*TypedIdent) Copy

func (x *TypedIdent) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of TypedIdent

func (*TypedIdent) Span

func (x *TypedIdent) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node

type UnaryExpr

A UnaryExpr represents a unary expression: Op X.

type UnaryExpr struct {
    OpStart Position
    Op      string
    X       Expr

func (*UnaryExpr) Copy

func (x *UnaryExpr) Copy() Expr

Copy creates and returns a non-deep copy of UnaryExpr

func (*UnaryExpr) Span

func (x *UnaryExpr) Span() (start, end Position)

Span returns the start and end positions of the node