
Package config

import "github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/config"

Overview ▾

Package config provides extensible configuration for Gazelle libraries.

Packages may define Configurers which add support for new command-line options and directive comments in build files. Note that the language.Language interface embeds Configurer, so each language extension has the opportunity

When Gazelle walks the directory trees in a repository, it calls the Configure method of each Configurer to produce a Config object. Config objects are passed as arguments to most functions in Gazelle, so this mechanism may be used to control many aspects of Gazelle's behavior.


const (
    // RulesGoRepoName is the canonical name of the rules_go repository. It must
    // match the workspace name in WORKSPACE.
    // TODO(jayconrod): move to language/go.
    RulesGoRepoName = "io_bazel_rules_go"

    // GazelleImportsKey is an internal attribute that lists imported packages
    // on generated rules. It is replaced with "deps" during import resolution.
    GazelleImportsKey = "_gazelle_imports"


var DefaultValidBuildFileNames = []string{"BUILD.bazel", "BUILD"}

type CommonConfigurer

CommonConfigurer handles language-agnostic command-line flags and directives, i.e., those that apply to Config itself and not to Config.Exts.

type CommonConfigurer struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*CommonConfigurer) CheckFlags

func (cc *CommonConfigurer) CheckFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet, c *Config) error

func (*CommonConfigurer) Configure

func (cc *CommonConfigurer) Configure(c *Config, rel string, f *rule.File)

func (*CommonConfigurer) KnownDirectives

func (cc *CommonConfigurer) KnownDirectives() []string

func (*CommonConfigurer) RegisterFlags

func (cc *CommonConfigurer) RegisterFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet, cmd string, c *Config)

type Config

Config holds information about how Gazelle should run. This is based on command line arguments, directives, other hints in build files.

A Config applies to a single directory. A Config is created for the repository root directory, then copied and modified for each subdirectory.

Config itself contains only general information. Most configuration information is language-specific and is stored in Exts. This information is modified by extensions that implement Configurer.

type Config struct {
    // WorkDir is the effective working directory, used to resolve relative
    // paths on the command line. When Gazelle is invoked with 'bazel run',
    // this is set by BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY.
    WorkDir string

    // RepoRoot is the absolute, canonical path to the root directory of the
    // repository with all symlinks resolved.
    RepoRoot string

    // RepoName is the name of the repository.
    RepoName string

    // ReadBuildFilesDir is the absolute path to a directory where
    // build files should be read from instead of RepoRoot.
    ReadBuildFilesDir string

    // WriteBuildFilesDir is the absolute path to a directory where
    // build files should be written to instead of RepoRoot.
    WriteBuildFilesDir string

    // ValidBuildFileNames is a list of base names that are considered valid
    // build files. Some repositories may have files named "BUILD" that are not
    // used by Bazel and should be ignored. Must contain at least one string.
    ValidBuildFileNames []string

    // ShouldFix determines whether Gazelle attempts to remove and replace
    // usage of deprecated rules.
    ShouldFix bool

    // Strict determines how Gazelle handles build file and directive errors. When
    // set, Gazelle will exit with non-zero value after logging such errors.
    Strict bool

    // IndexLibraries determines whether Gazelle should build an index of
    // libraries in the workspace for dependency resolution
    IndexLibraries bool

    // KindMap maps from a kind name to its replacement. It provides a way for
    // users to customize the kind of rules created by Gazelle, via
    // # gazelle:map_kind.
    KindMap map[string]MappedKind

    // Repos is a list of repository rules declared in the main WORKSPACE file
    // or in macros called by the main WORKSPACE file. This may affect rule
    // generation and dependency resolution.
    Repos []*rule.Rule

    // Langs is a list of language names which Gazelle should process.
    // An empty list means "all languages".
    Langs []string

    // Exts is a set of configurable extensions. Generally, each language
    // has its own set of extensions, but other modules may provide their own
    // extensions as well. Values in here may be populated by command line
    // arguments, directives in build files, or other mechanisms.
    Exts map[string]interface{}

    // Whether Gazelle is loaded as a Bzlmod 'bazel_dep'.
    Bzlmod bool

    // ModuleToApparentName is a function that maps the name of a Bazel module
    // to the apparent name (repo_name) specified in the MODULE.bazel file. It
    // returns the empty string if the module is not found.
    ModuleToApparentName func(string) string

func New

func New() *Config

func (*Config) Clone

func (c *Config) Clone() *Config

Clone creates a copy of the configuration for use in a subdirectory. Note that the Exts map is copied, but its contents are not. Configurer.Configure should do this, if needed.

func (*Config) DefaultBuildFileName

func (c *Config) DefaultBuildFileName() string

DefaultBuildFileName returns the base name used to create new build files.

func (*Config) IsValidBuildFileName

func (c *Config) IsValidBuildFileName(name string) bool

IsValidBuildFileName returns true if a file with the given base name should be treated as a build file.

type Configurer

Configurer is the interface for language or library-specific configuration extensions. Most (ideally all) modifications to Config should happen via this interface.

type Configurer interface {
    // RegisterFlags registers command-line flags used by the extension. This
    // method is called once with the root configuration when Gazelle
    // starts. RegisterFlags may set an initial values in Config.Exts. When flags
    // are set, they should modify these values.
    RegisterFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet, cmd string, c *Config)

    // CheckFlags validates the configuration after command line flags are parsed.
    // This is called once with the root configuration when Gazelle starts.
    // CheckFlags may set default values in flags or make implied changes.
    CheckFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet, c *Config) error

    // KnownDirectives returns a list of directive keys that this Configurer can
    // interpret. Gazelle prints errors for directives that are not recoginized by
    // any Configurer.
    KnownDirectives() []string

    // Configure modifies the configuration using directives and other information
    // extracted from a build file. Configure is called in each directory.
    // c is the configuration for the current directory. It starts out as a copy
    // of the configuration for the parent directory.
    // rel is the slash-separated relative path from the repository root to
    // the current directory. It is "" for the root directory itself.
    // f is the build file for the current directory or nil if there is no
    // existing build file.
    Configure(c *Config, rel string, f *rule.File)

type MappedKind

MappedKind describes a replacement to use for a built-in kind.

type MappedKind struct {
    FromKind, KindName, KindLoad string