
Directory /src/github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle

Name Synopsis
autogazelle autogazelle is a program that tracks changes in a workspace and runs gazelle to incorporate those changes into Bazel build files.
fetch_repo Command fetch_repo downloads a Go module or repository at a specific version or commit.
gazelle Command gazelle is a BUILD file generator for Go projects.
generate_repo_config Command generate_repo_config takes in a build config file such as WORKSPACE and generates a stripped version of the file.
config Package config provides extensible configuration for Gazelle libraries.
flag Package flag provides some general-purpose types which satisfy the flag.Value interface.
label Package label provides utilities for parsing and manipulating Bazel labels.
language Package language provides an interface for language extensions in Gazelle.
go Package golang provides support for Go and Go proto rules.
gen_std_package_list gen_std_package_list reads a text file containing a list of packages (one per line) and generates a .go file containing a set of package names.
proto Package proto provides support for protocol buffer rules.
merger Package merger provides functions for merging generated rules into existing build files.
pathtools Package pathtools provides utilities for manipulating paths.
repo Package repo provides functionality for managing Go repository rules.
rule Package rule provides tools for editing Bazel build files.
releaser releaser is a tool for managing part of the process to release a new version of gazelle.
walk Package walk provides customizable functionality for visiting each subdirectory in a directory tree.