
Package encoding

import "github.com/apache/arrow/go/v15/parquet/internal/encoding"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func LevelEncodingMaxBufferSize(encoding parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, nbuffered int) int
func NewDictConverter(dict TypedDecoder) utils.DictionaryConverter
type BinaryMemoTable
    func NewBinaryDictionary(mem memory.Allocator) BinaryMemoTable
    func NewBinaryMemoTable(mem memory.Allocator) BinaryMemoTable
type BooleanDecoder
type BooleanEncoder
type Buffer
type BufferWriter
    func NewBufferWriter(initial int, mem memory.Allocator) *BufferWriter
    func NewBufferWriterFromBuffer(b *memory.Buffer, mem memory.Allocator) *BufferWriter
    func (b *BufferWriter) Bytes() []byte
    func (b *BufferWriter) Cap() int
    func (b *BufferWriter) Finish() *memory.Buffer
    func (b *BufferWriter) Len() int
    func (b *BufferWriter) Release()
    func (b *BufferWriter) Reserve(nbytes int)
    func (b *BufferWriter) Reset(initial int)
    func (b *BufferWriter) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
    func (b *BufferWriter) SetOffset(offset int)
    func (b *BufferWriter) Tell() int64
    func (b *BufferWriter) Truncate()
    func (b *BufferWriter) UnsafeWrite(buf []byte) (int, error)
    func (b *BufferWriter) UnsafeWriteCopy(ncopies int, pattern []byte) (int, error)
    func (b *BufferWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error)
    func (b *BufferWriter) WriteAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)
type ByteArrayDecoder
type ByteArrayDictConverter
    func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})
    func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool
type ByteArrayEncoder
type DecoderTraits
type DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder
    func (d DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (d *DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Decode(out []int32) (int, error)
    func (d *DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error
    func (DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) Put(in []int32)
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder
    func (d DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (d *DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Decode(out []int64) (int, error)
    func (d DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error
    func (DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) Put(in []int64)
    func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DeltaByteArrayDecoder
    func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)
    func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error
    func (DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d DeltaByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int
type DeltaByteArrayEncoder
    func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)
    func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Release()
    func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Reset()
    func (DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder
    func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)
    func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error
    func (DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int
type DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder
    func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (enc *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)
    func (enc *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Release()
    func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Reset()
    func (DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictByteArrayDecoder
    func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)
    func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) InsertDictionary(bldr array.Builder) error
    func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)
    func (DictByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictByteArrayEncoder
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) BitWidth() int
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) DictEncodedSize() int
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) NumEntries() int
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)
    func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutByteArray(in parquet.ByteArray)
    func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error
    func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) Release()
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) Reset()
    func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) WriteDict(out []byte)
    func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
type DictDecoder
    func NewDictDecoder(t parquet.Type, descr *schema.Column, mem memory.Allocator) DictDecoder
type DictEncoder
type DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)
    func (DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) BitWidth() int
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) DictEncodedSize() int
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) NumEntries() int
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray)
    func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error
    func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Release()
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Reset()
    func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) WriteDict(out []byte)
    func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
type DictFloat32Decoder
    func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) Decode(out []float32) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)
    func (DictFloat32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictFloat32Encoder
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) BitWidth() int
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) NumEntries() int
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) Put(in []float32)
    func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error
    func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) Release()
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) Reset()
    func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)
    func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
type DictFloat64Decoder
    func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) Decode(out []float64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)
    func (DictFloat64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictFloat64Encoder
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) BitWidth() int
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) NumEntries() int
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) Put(in []float64)
    func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error
    func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) Release()
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) Reset()
    func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)
    func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
type DictInt32Decoder
    func (d *DictInt32Decoder) Decode(out []int32) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt32Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt32Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (d *DictInt32Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)
    func (DictInt32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictInt32Encoder
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) BitWidth() int
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) NumEntries() int
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) Put(in []int32)
    func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error
    func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) Release()
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) Reset()
    func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)
    func (d *DictInt32Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
type DictInt64Decoder
    func (d *DictInt64Decoder) Decode(out []int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt64Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt64Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (d *DictInt64Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)
    func (DictInt64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictInt64Encoder
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) BitWidth() int
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) NumEntries() int
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) Put(in []int64)
    func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error
    func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) Release()
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) Reset()
    func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)
    func (d *DictInt64Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
type DictInt96Decoder
    func (d *DictInt96Decoder) Decode(out []parquet.Int96) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt96Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt96Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt96Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.Int96, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *DictInt96Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (d *DictInt96Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)
    func (DictInt96Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
type DictInt96Encoder
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) BitWidth() int
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) NumEntries() int
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) Put(in []parquet.Int96)
    func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) PutDictionary(arrow.Array) error
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error
    func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.Int96, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) Release()
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) Reset()
    func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)
    func (d *DictInt96Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
type EncoderTraits
type FixedLenByteArrayDecoder
type FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter
    func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})
    func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool
type FixedLenByteArrayEncoder
type Float32Decoder
type Float32DictConverter
    func (dc *Float32DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Float32DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Float32DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})
    func (dc *Float32DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool
type Float32Encoder
type Float64Decoder
type Float64DictConverter
    func (dc *Float64DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Float64DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Float64DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})
    func (dc *Float64DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool
type Float64Encoder
type Int32Decoder
type Int32DictConverter
    func (dc *Int32DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Int32DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Int32DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})
    func (dc *Int32DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool
type Int32Encoder
type Int64Decoder
type Int64DictConverter
    func (dc *Int64DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Int64DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Int64DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})
    func (dc *Int64DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool
type Int64Encoder
type Int96Decoder
type Int96DictConverter
    func (dc *Int96DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Int96DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error
    func (dc *Int96DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})
    func (dc *Int96DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool
type Int96Encoder
type LevelDecoder
    func (l *LevelDecoder) Decode(levels []int16) (int, int64)
    func (l *LevelDecoder) SetData(encoding parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, nbuffered int, data []byte) (int, error)
    func (l *LevelDecoder) SetDataV2(nbytes int32, maxLvl int16, nbuffered int, data []byte) error
type LevelEncoder
    func (l *LevelEncoder) Encode(lvls []int16) (nencoded int, err error)
    func (l *LevelEncoder) EncodeNoFlush(lvls []int16) (nencoded int, err error)
    func (l *LevelEncoder) Flush()
    func (l *LevelEncoder) Init(encoding parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, w utils.WriterAtWithLen)
    func (l *LevelEncoder) Len() int
    func (l *LevelEncoder) Reset(maxLvl int16)
type MemoTable
    func NewFloat32Dictionary() MemoTable
    func NewFloat32MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable
    func NewFloat64Dictionary() MemoTable
    func NewFloat64MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable
    func NewInt32Dictionary() MemoTable
    func NewInt32MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable
    func NewInt64Dictionary() MemoTable
    func NewInt64MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable
    func NewInt96MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable
type NumericMemoTable
type PlainBooleanDecoder
    func (dec *PlainBooleanDecoder) Decode(out []bool) (int, error)
    func (dec *PlainBooleanDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []bool, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainBooleanDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (dec *PlainBooleanDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainBooleanDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainBooleanDecoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainBooleanEncoder
    func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) Put(in []bool)
    func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) PutSpaced(in []bool, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Reset()
    func (PlainBooleanEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PlainByteArrayDecoder
    func (pbad *PlainByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)
    func (pbad *PlainByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *PlainByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainByteArrayEncoder
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)
    func (enc *PlainByteArrayEncoder) PutByteArray(val parquet.ByteArray)
    func (enc *PlainByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Reset()
    func (PlainByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder
    func (pflba *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray) (int, error)
    func (pflba *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray)
    func (enc *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Reset()
    func (PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PlainFloat32Decoder
    func (dec *PlainFloat32Decoder) Decode(out []float32) (int, error)
    func (dec *PlainFloat32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainFloat32Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *PlainFloat32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainFloat32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainFloat32Decoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainFloat32Encoder
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainFloat32Encoder) Put(in []float32)
    func (enc *PlainFloat32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Reset()
    func (PlainFloat32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PlainFloat64Decoder
    func (dec *PlainFloat64Decoder) Decode(out []float64) (int, error)
    func (dec *PlainFloat64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainFloat64Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *PlainFloat64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainFloat64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainFloat64Decoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainFloat64Encoder
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainFloat64Encoder) Put(in []float64)
    func (enc *PlainFloat64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Reset()
    func (PlainFloat64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PlainInt32Decoder
    func (dec *PlainInt32Decoder) Decode(out []int32) (int, error)
    func (dec *PlainInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainInt32Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *PlainInt32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainInt32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainInt32Decoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainInt32Encoder
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainInt32Encoder) Put(in []int32)
    func (enc *PlainInt32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Reset()
    func (PlainInt32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PlainInt64Decoder
    func (dec *PlainInt64Decoder) Decode(out []int64) (int, error)
    func (dec *PlainInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainInt64Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *PlainInt64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainInt64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainInt64Decoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainInt64Encoder
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainInt64Encoder) Put(in []int64)
    func (enc *PlainInt64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Reset()
    func (PlainInt64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PlainInt96Decoder
    func (dec *PlainInt96Decoder) Decode(out []parquet.Int96) (int, error)
    func (dec *PlainInt96Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.Int96, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *PlainInt96Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (d *PlainInt96Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (PlainInt96Decoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *PlainInt96Decoder) ValuesLeft() int
type PlainInt96Encoder
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *PlainInt96Encoder) Put(in []parquet.Int96)
    func (enc *PlainInt96Encoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.Int96, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Release()
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Reset()
    func (PlainInt96Encoder) Type() parquet.Type
type PooledBufferWriter
    func NewPooledBufferWriter(initial int) *PooledBufferWriter
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Bytes() []byte
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Finish() Buffer
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Len() int
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Reserve(nbytes int)
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Reset(initial int)
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) SetOffset(offset int)
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Tell() int64
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) UnsafeWrite(buf []byte) (n int, err error)
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) UnsafeWriteCopy(ncopies int, pattern []byte) (int, error)
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error)
    func (b *PooledBufferWriter) WriteAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)
type RleBooleanDecoder
    func (dec *RleBooleanDecoder) Decode(out []bool) (int, error)
    func (dec *RleBooleanDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []bool, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)
    func (d *RleBooleanDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (dec *RleBooleanDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error
    func (RleBooleanDecoder) Type() parquet.Type
    func (d *RleBooleanDecoder) ValuesLeft() int
type RleBooleanEncoder
    func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator
    func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Bytes() []byte
    func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) Put(in []bool)
    func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) PutSpaced(in []bool, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)
    func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Release()
    func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)
    func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Reset()
    func (RleBooleanEncoder) Type() parquet.Type
type TypedDecoder
    func NewDecoder(t parquet.Type, e parquet.Encoding, descr *schema.Column, mem memory.Allocator) TypedDecoder
type TypedEncoder
    func NewEncoder(t parquet.Type, e parquet.Encoding, useDict bool, descr *schema.Column, mem memory.Allocator) TypedEncoder

Package files

boolean_decoder.go boolean_encoder.go byte_array_decoder.go byte_array_encoder.go decoder.go delta_bit_packing.go delta_byte_array.go delta_length_byte_array.go encoder.go fixed_len_byte_array_decoder.go fixed_len_byte_array_encoder.go levels.go memo_table.go memo_table_types.gen.go plain_encoder_types.gen.go typed_encoder.gen.go types.go


var (
    Int32EncoderTraits             int32EncoderTraits
    Int32DecoderTraits             int32DecoderTraits
    Int64EncoderTraits             int64EncoderTraits
    Int64DecoderTraits             int64DecoderTraits
    Int96EncoderTraits             int96EncoderTraits
    Int96DecoderTraits             int96DecoderTraits
    Float32EncoderTraits           float32EncoderTraits
    Float32DecoderTraits           float32DecoderTraits
    Float64EncoderTraits           float64EncoderTraits
    Float64DecoderTraits           float64DecoderTraits
    BooleanEncoderTraits           boolEncoderTraits
    BooleanDecoderTraits           boolDecoderTraits
    ByteArrayEncoderTraits         byteArrayEncoderTraits
    ByteArrayDecoderTraits         byteArrayDecoderTraits
    FixedLenByteArrayEncoderTraits fixedLenByteArrayEncoderTraits
    FixedLenByteArrayDecoderTraits fixedLenByteArrayDecoderTraits

func LevelEncodingMaxBufferSize

func LevelEncodingMaxBufferSize(encoding parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, nbuffered int) int

LevelEncodingMaxBufferSize estimates the max number of bytes needed to encode data with the specified encoding given the max level and number of buffered values provided.

func NewDictConverter

func NewDictConverter(dict TypedDecoder) utils.DictionaryConverter

NewDictConverter creates a dict converter of the appropriate type, using the passed in decoder as the decoder to decode the dictionary index.

type BinaryMemoTable

BinaryMemoTable is an extension of the MemoTable interface adding extra methods for handling byte arrays/strings/fixed length byte arrays.

type BinaryMemoTable interface {
    // ValuesSize returns the total number of bytes needed to copy all of the values
    // from this table.
    ValuesSize() int
    // CopyOffsets populates out with the start and end offsets of each value in the
    // table data. Out should be sized to Size()+1 to accomodate all of the offsets.
    CopyOffsets(out []int32)
    // CopyOffsetsSubset is like CopyOffsets but only gets a subset of the offsets
    // starting at the specified index.
    CopyOffsetsSubset(start int, out []int32)
    // CopyFixedWidthValues exists to cope with the fact that the table doesn't track
    // the fixed width when inserting the null value into the databuffer populating
    // a zero length byte slice for the null value (if found).
    CopyFixedWidthValues(start int, width int, out []byte)
    // VisitValues calls visitFn on each value in the table starting with the index specified
    VisitValues(start int, visitFn func([]byte))
    // Retain increases the reference count of the separately stored binary data that is
    // kept alongside the table which contains all of the values in the table. This is
    // safe to call simultaneously across multiple goroutines.
    // Release decreases the reference count by 1 of the separately stored binary data
    // kept alongside the table containing the values. When the reference count goes to
    // 0, the memory is freed. This is safe to call across multiple goroutines simultaneously.

func NewBinaryDictionary

func NewBinaryDictionary(mem memory.Allocator) BinaryMemoTable

NewBinaryDictionary returns a memotable interface for use with strings, byte slices, parquet.ByteArray and parquet.FixedLengthByteArray only.

func NewBinaryMemoTable

func NewBinaryMemoTable(mem memory.Allocator) BinaryMemoTable

type BooleanDecoder

BooleanDecoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding bool values.

type BooleanDecoder interface {
    Decode([]bool) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]bool, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type BooleanEncoder

BooleanEncoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding bool values.

type BooleanEncoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]bool, []byte, int64)

type Buffer

Buffer is an interface used as a general interface for handling buffers regardless of the underlying implementation.

type Buffer interface {
    Len() int
    Buf() []byte
    Bytes() []byte

type BufferWriter

BufferWriter is a utility class for building and writing to a memory.Buffer with a given allocator that fulfills the interfaces io.Write, io.WriteAt and io.Seeker, while providing the ability to pre-allocate memory.

type BufferWriter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewBufferWriter

func NewBufferWriter(initial int, mem memory.Allocator) *BufferWriter

NewBufferWriter constructs a buffer with initially reserved/allocated memory.

func NewBufferWriterFromBuffer

func NewBufferWriterFromBuffer(b *memory.Buffer, mem memory.Allocator) *BufferWriter

NewBufferWriterFromBuffer wraps the provided buffer to allow it to fulfill these interfaces.

func (*BufferWriter) Bytes

func (b *BufferWriter) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes slice of slice Len

func (*BufferWriter) Cap

func (b *BufferWriter) Cap() int

Cap returns the current capacity of the underlying buffer

func (*BufferWriter) Finish

func (b *BufferWriter) Finish() *memory.Buffer

Finish returns the current buffer, with the responsibility for releasing the memory on the caller, resetting this writer to be re-used

func (*BufferWriter) Len

func (b *BufferWriter) Len() int

Len provides the current Length of the byte slice

func (*BufferWriter) Release

func (b *BufferWriter) Release()

Release the underlying buffer and not allocate anything else. To re-use this buffer, Reset() or Finish() should be called

func (*BufferWriter) Reserve

func (b *BufferWriter) Reserve(nbytes int)

Reserve ensures that there is at least enough capacity to write nbytes without another allocation, may allocate more than that in order to efficiently reduce allocations

func (*BufferWriter) Reset

func (b *BufferWriter) Reset(initial int)

Reset will release any current memory and initialize it with the new allocated bytes.

func (*BufferWriter) Seek

func (b *BufferWriter) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)

Seek fulfills the io.Seeker interface returning it's new position whence must be io.SeekStart, io.SeekCurrent or io.SeekEnd or it will be ignored.

func (*BufferWriter) SetOffset

func (b *BufferWriter) SetOffset(offset int)

func (*BufferWriter) Tell

func (b *BufferWriter) Tell() int64

func (*BufferWriter) Truncate

func (b *BufferWriter) Truncate()

func (*BufferWriter) UnsafeWrite

func (b *BufferWriter) UnsafeWrite(buf []byte) (int, error)

UnsafeWrite does not check the capacity / length before writing.

func (*BufferWriter) UnsafeWriteCopy

func (b *BufferWriter) UnsafeWriteCopy(ncopies int, pattern []byte) (int, error)

func (*BufferWriter) Write

func (b *BufferWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error)

func (*BufferWriter) WriteAt

func (b *BufferWriter) WriteAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)

WriteAt writes the bytes from p into this buffer starting at offset.

Does not affect the internal position of the writer.

type ByteArrayDecoder

ByteArrayDecoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding parquet.ByteArray values.

type ByteArrayDecoder interface {
    Decode([]parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]parquet.ByteArray, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type ByteArrayDictConverter

ByteArrayDictConverter is a helper for dictionary handling which is used for converting run length encoded indexes into the actual values that are stored in the dictionary index page.

type ByteArrayDictConverter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ByteArrayDictConverter) Copy

func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error

Copy populates the slice provided with the values in the dictionary at the indexes in the vals slice.

func (*ByteArrayDictConverter) Fill

func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error

Fill populates the slice passed in entirely with the value at dictionary index indicated by val

func (*ByteArrayDictConverter) FillZero

func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})

FillZero populates the entire slice of out with the zero value for parquet.ByteArray

func (*ByteArrayDictConverter) IsValid

func (dc *ByteArrayDictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool

IsValid verifies that the set of indexes passed in are all valid indexes in the dictionary and if necessary decodes dictionary indexes up to the index requested.

type ByteArrayEncoder

ByteArrayEncoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding parquet.ByteArray values.

type ByteArrayEncoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]parquet.ByteArray, []byte, int64)

type DecoderTraits

DecoderTraits provides an interface for more easily interacting with types to generate decoders for specific types.

type DecoderTraits interface {
    Decoder(e parquet.Encoding, descr *schema.Column, useDict bool, mem memory.Allocator) TypedDecoder
    BytesRequired(int) int

type DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder

DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder decodes Int32 values which are packed using the Delta BitPacking algorithm.

type DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Allocator

func (d DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Decode

func (d *DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Decode(out []int32) (int, error)

Decode retrieves min(remaining values, len(out)) values from the data and returns the number of values actually decoded and any errors encountered.

func (*DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is like Decode, but the result is spaced out appropriately based on the passed in bitmap

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) SetData

func (d DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the bytes and the expected number of values to decode into the decoder, updating the decoder and allowing it to be reused.

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Type

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical parquet type that this decoder decodes, in this case Int32

type DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder

DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder is an encoder for the delta bitpacking encoding for int32 data.

type DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the current amount of data actually flushed out and written

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) FlushValues

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any remaining data and returns the finished encoded buffer or returns nil and any error encountered during flushing.

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) Put

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) Put(in []int32)

Put writes the values from the provided slice of int32 to the encoder

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced takes a slice of int32 along with a bitmap that describes the nulls and an offset into the bitmap in order to write spaced data to the encoder.

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) Type

func (DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder works with, in this case Int32

type DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder

DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder decodes a delta bit packed int64 column of data.

type DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Allocator

func (d DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Decode

func (d *DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Decode(out []int64) (int, error)

Decode retrieves min(remaining values, len(out)) values from the data and returns the number of values actually decoded and any errors encountered.

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is like Decode, but the result is spaced out appropriately based on the passed in bitmap

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) SetData

func (d DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the bytes and the expected number of values to decode into the decoder, updating the decoder and allowing it to be reused.

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Type

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical parquet type that this decoder decodes, in this case Int64

type DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder

DeltaBitPackInt32Encoder is an encoder for the delta bitpacking encoding for int32 data.

type DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the current amount of data actually flushed out and written

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) FlushValues

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any remaining data and returns the finished encoded buffer or returns nil and any error encountered during flushing.

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) Put

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) Put(in []int64)

Put writes the values from the provided slice of int64 to the encoder

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced takes a slice of int64 along with a bitmap that describes the nulls and an offset into the bitmap in order to write spaced data to the encoder.

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) Type

func (DeltaBitPackInt64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder works with, in this case Int64

type DeltaByteArrayDecoder

DeltaByteArrayDecoder is a decoder for a column of data encoded using incremental or prefix encoding.

type DeltaByteArrayDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Allocator

func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Decode

func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)

Decode decodes byte arrays into the slice provided and returns the number of values actually decoded

func (*DeltaByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is like decode, but the result is spaced out based on the bitmap provided.

func (DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Encoding

func (d DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*DeltaByteArrayDecoder) SetData

func (d *DeltaByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error

SetData expects the passed in data to be the prefix lengths, followed by the blocks of suffix data in order to initialize the decoder.

func (DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Type

func (DeltaByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this decoder operates on, in this case ByteArrays only

func (DeltaByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft

func (d DeltaByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type DeltaByteArrayEncoder

DeltaByteArrayEncoder is an encoder for writing bytearrays which are delta encoded this is also known as incremental encoding or front compression. For each element in a sequence of strings, we store the prefix length of the previous entry plus the suffix see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incremental_encoding for a longer description.

This is stored as a sequence of delta-encoded prefix lengths followed by the suffixes encoded as delta length byte arrays.

type DeltaByteArrayEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Allocator

func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Bytes

func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Encoding

func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues

func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

Flush flushes any remaining data out and returns the finished encoded buffer. or returns nil and any error encountered during flushing.

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Put

func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)

Put writes a slice of ByteArrays to the encoder

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is like Put, but assumes the data is already spaced for nulls and uses the bitmap provided and offset to compress the data before writing it without the null slots.

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Release

func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Release()

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Reset

func (e *DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Type

func (DeltaByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this operates on, in this case ByteArrays only

type DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder

DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder is a decoder for handling data produced by the corresponding encoder which expects delta packed lengths followed by the bytes of data.

type DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Allocator

func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Decode

func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with data decoded until it hits the length of out or runs out of values in the column to decode, then returns the number of values actually decoded.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is like Decode, but for spaced data using the provided bitmap to determine where the nulls should be inserted.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Encoding

func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) SetData

func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvalues int, data []byte) error

SetData sets in the expected data to the decoder which should be nvalues delta packed lengths followed by the rest of the byte array data immediately after.

func (DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Type

func (DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying type which is handled by this encoder, ByteArrays only.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *DeltaLengthByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder

DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder encodes data using by taking all of the byte array lengths and encoding them in front using delta encoding, followed by all of the binary data concatenated back to back. The expected savings is from the cost of encoding the lengths and possibly better compression in the data which will no longer be interleaved with the lengths.

This encoding is always preferred over PLAIN for byte array columns where possible.

For example, if the data was "Hello", "World", "Foobar", "ABCDEF" the encoded data would be: DeltaEncoding(5, 5, 6, 6) "HelloWorldFoobarABCDEF"

type DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Allocator

func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Bytes

func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Encoding

func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues

func (enc *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any remaining data and returns the final encoded buffer of data or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Put

func (enc *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)

Put writes the provided slice of byte arrays to the encoder

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is like Put, but the data is spaced out according to the bitmap provided and is compressed accordingly before it is written to drop the null data from the write.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Release

func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Release()

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Reset

func (e *DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Type

func (DeltaLengthByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying type which is handled by this encoder, ByteArrays only.

type DictByteArrayDecoder

DictByteArrayDecoder is a decoder for decoding dictionary encoded data for parquet.ByteArray columns

type DictByteArrayDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictByteArrayDecoder) Decode

func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with min(len(out), remaining values) values, decoding using the dictionary to get the actual values. Returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndices

func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced

func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

Decode spaced is like Decode but will space out the data leaving slots for null values based on the provided bitmap.

func (*DictByteArrayDecoder) InsertDictionary

func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) InsertDictionary(bldr array.Builder) error

func (*DictByteArrayDecoder) SetData

func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the index value data into the decoder.

func (*DictByteArrayDecoder) SetDict

func (d *DictByteArrayDecoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)

SetDict sets a decoder that can be used to decode the dictionary that is used for this column in order to return the proper values.

func (DictByteArrayDecoder) Type

func (DictByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be decoded with this decoder

type DictByteArrayEncoder

DictByteArrayEncoder is an encoder for parquet.ByteArray data using dictionary encoding

type DictByteArrayEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) BitWidth

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) BitWidth() int

BitWidth returns the max bitwidth that would be necessary for encoding the index values currently in the dictionary based on the size of the dictionary index.

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) DictEncodedSize

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) DictEncodedSize() int

DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the maximum number of bytes needed to store the RLE encoded indexes, not including the dictionary index in the computation.

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues dumps all the currently buffered indexes that would become the data page to a buffer and returns it or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) NumEntries

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) NumEntries() int

NumEntries returns the number of entires in the dictionary index for this encoder.

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) PreservedDictionary

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) Put

func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)

Put takes a slice of ByteArrays to add and encode.

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) PutByteArray

func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutByteArray(in parquet.ByteArray)

PutByteArray adds a single byte array to buffer, updating the dictionary and encoded size if it's a new value

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) PutDictionary

func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error

PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with a dictionary from an Arrow Array.

The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only be called on an empty encoder.

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) PutIndices

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced like with the non-dict encoder leaves out the values where the validBits bitmap is 0

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) Release

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) Release()

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) Reset

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops all the currently encoded values from the index and indexes from the data to allow restarting the encoding process.

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) Type

func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be encoded with this encoder

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) WriteDict

func (enc *DictByteArrayEncoder) WriteDict(out []byte)

WriteDict writes the dictionary out to the provided slice, out should be at least DictEncodedSize() bytes

func (*DictByteArrayEncoder) WriteIndices

func (d *DictByteArrayEncoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)

WriteIndices performs Run Length encoding on the indexes and the writes the encoded index value data to the provided byte slice, returning the number of bytes actually written. If any error is encountered, it will return -1 and the error.

type DictDecoder

DictDecoder is a special TypedDecoder which implements dictionary decoding

type DictDecoder interface {
    // SetDict takes in a decoder which can decode the dictionary index to be used

func NewDictDecoder

func NewDictDecoder(t parquet.Type, descr *schema.Column, mem memory.Allocator) DictDecoder

NewDictDecoder is like NewDecoder but for dictionary encodings, panics if type is bool.

if mem is nil, memory.DefaultAllocator will be used

type DictEncoder

DictEncoder is a special kind of TypedEncoder which implements Dictionary encoding.

type DictEncoder interface {
    // WriteIndices populates the byte slice with the final indexes of data and returns
    // the number of bytes written
    WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)
    // DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary index.
    DictEncodedSize() int
    // BitWidth returns the bitwidth needed to encode all of the index values based
    // on the number of values in the dictionary index.
    BitWidth() int
    // WriteDict populates out with the dictionary index values, out should be sized to at least
    // as many bytes as DictEncodedSize
    WriteDict(out []byte)
    // NumEntries returns the number of values currently in the dictionary index.
    NumEntries() int
    // PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with
    // a dictionary from an Arrow Array.
    // The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only
    // be called on an empty encoder. The dictionary passed in will
    // be stored internally as a preserved dictionary, and will be
    // released when this encoder is reset or released.
    PutDictionary(arrow.Array) error
    // PreservedDictionary returns the currently stored preserved dict
    // from PutDictionary or nil.
    PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array
    // PutIndices adds the indices from the passed in integral array to
    // the column data. It is assumed that the indices are within the bounds
    // of [0,dictSize) and is not validated. Returns an error if a non-integral
    // array is passed.
    PutIndices(arrow.Array) error

type DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder

DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder is a decoder for decoding dictionary encoded data for parquet.FixedLenByteArray columns

type DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Decode

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with min(len(out), remaining values) values, decoding using the dictionary to get the actual values. Returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndices

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

Decode spaced is like Decode but will space out the data leaving slots for null values based on the provided bitmap.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetData

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the index value data into the decoder.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetDict

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)

SetDict sets a decoder that can be used to decode the dictionary that is used for this column in order to return the proper values.

func (DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Type

func (DictFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be decoded with this decoder

type DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder

DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder is an encoder for parquet.FixedLenByteArray data using dictionary encoding

type DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) BitWidth

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) BitWidth() int

BitWidth returns the max bitwidth that would be necessary for encoding the index values currently in the dictionary based on the size of the dictionary index.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) DictEncodedSize

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) DictEncodedSize() int

DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the maximum number of bytes needed to store the RLE encoded indexes, not including the dictionary index in the computation.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues dumps all the currently buffered indexes that would become the data page to a buffer and returns it or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) NumEntries

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) NumEntries() int

NumEntries returns the number of entires in the dictionary index for this encoder.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PreservedDictionary

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Put

func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray)

Put writes fixed length values to a dictionary encoded column

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutDictionary

func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error

PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with a dictionary from an Arrow Array.

The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only be called on an empty encoder.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutIndices

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is like Put but leaves space for nulls

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Release

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Release()

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Reset

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops all the currently encoded values from the index and indexes from the data to allow restarting the encoding process.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Type

func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be encoded with this encoder

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) WriteDict

func (enc *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) WriteDict(out []byte)

WriteDict overrides the embedded WriteDict function to call a specialized function for copying out the Fixed length values from the dictionary more efficiently.

func (*DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) WriteIndices

func (d *DictFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)

WriteIndices performs Run Length encoding on the indexes and the writes the encoded index value data to the provided byte slice, returning the number of bytes actually written. If any error is encountered, it will return -1 and the error.

type DictFloat32Decoder

DictFloat32Decoder is a decoder for decoding dictionary encoded data for float32 columns

type DictFloat32Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictFloat32Decoder) Decode

func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) Decode(out []float32) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with min(len(out), remaining values) values, decoding using the dictionary to get the actual values. Returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeIndices

func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced

func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

Decode spaced is like Decode but will space out the data leaving slots for null values based on the provided bitmap.

func (*DictFloat32Decoder) SetData

func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the index value data into the decoder.

func (*DictFloat32Decoder) SetDict

func (d *DictFloat32Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)

SetDict sets a decoder that can be used to decode the dictionary that is used for this column in order to return the proper values.

func (DictFloat32Decoder) Type

func (DictFloat32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be decoded with this decoder

type DictFloat32Encoder

DictFloat32Encoder is an encoder for float32 data using dictionary encoding

type DictFloat32Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) BitWidth

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) BitWidth() int

BitWidth returns the max bitwidth that would be necessary for encoding the index values currently in the dictionary based on the size of the dictionary index.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) DictEncodedSize

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int

DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the maximum number of bytes needed to store the RLE encoded indexes, not including the dictionary index in the computation.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) FlushValues

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues dumps all the currently buffered indexes that would become the data page to a buffer and returns it or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) NumEntries

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) NumEntries() int

NumEntries returns the number of entires in the dictionary index for this encoder.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) PreservedDictionary

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) Put

func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) Put(in []float32)

Put encodes the values passed in, adding to the index as needed.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) PutDictionary

func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error

PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with a dictionary from an Arrow Array.

The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only be called on an empty encoder.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) PutIndices

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is the same as Put but for when the data being encoded has slots open for null values, using the bitmap provided to skip values as needed.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) Release

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) Release()

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) Reset

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops all the currently encoded values from the index and indexes from the data to allow restarting the encoding process.

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) Type

func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be encoded with this encoder

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) WriteDict

func (enc *DictFloat32Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)

WriteDict populates the byte slice with the dictionary index

func (*DictFloat32Encoder) WriteIndices

func (d *DictFloat32Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)

WriteIndices performs Run Length encoding on the indexes and the writes the encoded index value data to the provided byte slice, returning the number of bytes actually written. If any error is encountered, it will return -1 and the error.

type DictFloat64Decoder

DictFloat64Decoder is a decoder for decoding dictionary encoded data for float64 columns

type DictFloat64Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictFloat64Decoder) Decode

func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) Decode(out []float64) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with min(len(out), remaining values) values, decoding using the dictionary to get the actual values. Returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeIndices

func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced

func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

Decode spaced is like Decode but will space out the data leaving slots for null values based on the provided bitmap.

func (*DictFloat64Decoder) SetData

func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the index value data into the decoder.

func (*DictFloat64Decoder) SetDict

func (d *DictFloat64Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)

SetDict sets a decoder that can be used to decode the dictionary that is used for this column in order to return the proper values.

func (DictFloat64Decoder) Type

func (DictFloat64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be decoded with this decoder

type DictFloat64Encoder

DictFloat64Encoder is an encoder for float64 data using dictionary encoding

type DictFloat64Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) BitWidth

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) BitWidth() int

BitWidth returns the max bitwidth that would be necessary for encoding the index values currently in the dictionary based on the size of the dictionary index.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) DictEncodedSize

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int

DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the maximum number of bytes needed to store the RLE encoded indexes, not including the dictionary index in the computation.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) FlushValues

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues dumps all the currently buffered indexes that would become the data page to a buffer and returns it or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) NumEntries

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) NumEntries() int

NumEntries returns the number of entires in the dictionary index for this encoder.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) PreservedDictionary

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) Put

func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) Put(in []float64)

Put encodes the values passed in, adding to the index as needed.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) PutDictionary

func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error

PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with a dictionary from an Arrow Array.

The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only be called on an empty encoder.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) PutIndices

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is the same as Put but for when the data being encoded has slots open for null values, using the bitmap provided to skip values as needed.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) Release

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) Release()

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) Reset

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops all the currently encoded values from the index and indexes from the data to allow restarting the encoding process.

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) Type

func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be encoded with this encoder

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) WriteDict

func (enc *DictFloat64Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)

WriteDict populates the byte slice with the dictionary index

func (*DictFloat64Encoder) WriteIndices

func (d *DictFloat64Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)

WriteIndices performs Run Length encoding on the indexes and the writes the encoded index value data to the provided byte slice, returning the number of bytes actually written. If any error is encountered, it will return -1 and the error.

type DictInt32Decoder

DictInt32Decoder is a decoder for decoding dictionary encoded data for int32 columns

type DictInt32Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictInt32Decoder) Decode

func (d *DictInt32Decoder) Decode(out []int32) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with min(len(out), remaining values) values, decoding using the dictionary to get the actual values. Returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*DictInt32Decoder) DecodeIndices

func (d *DictInt32Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictInt32Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced

func (d *DictInt32Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DictInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

Decode spaced is like Decode but will space out the data leaving slots for null values based on the provided bitmap.

func (*DictInt32Decoder) SetData

func (d *DictInt32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the index value data into the decoder.

func (*DictInt32Decoder) SetDict

func (d *DictInt32Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)

SetDict sets a decoder that can be used to decode the dictionary that is used for this column in order to return the proper values.

func (DictInt32Decoder) Type

func (DictInt32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be decoded with this decoder

type DictInt32Encoder

DictInt32Encoder is an encoder for int32 data using dictionary encoding

type DictInt32Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictInt32Encoder) BitWidth

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) BitWidth() int

BitWidth returns the max bitwidth that would be necessary for encoding the index values currently in the dictionary based on the size of the dictionary index.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) DictEncodedSize

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int

DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary

func (*DictInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the maximum number of bytes needed to store the RLE encoded indexes, not including the dictionary index in the computation.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) FlushValues

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues dumps all the currently buffered indexes that would become the data page to a buffer and returns it or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) NumEntries

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) NumEntries() int

NumEntries returns the number of entires in the dictionary index for this encoder.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) PreservedDictionary

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array

func (*DictInt32Encoder) Put

func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) Put(in []int32)

Put encodes the values passed in, adding to the index as needed.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) PutDictionary

func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error

PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with a dictionary from an Arrow Array.

The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only be called on an empty encoder.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) PutIndices

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error

func (*DictInt32Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is the same as Put but for when the data being encoded has slots open for null values, using the bitmap provided to skip values as needed.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) Release

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) Release()

func (*DictInt32Encoder) Reset

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops all the currently encoded values from the index and indexes from the data to allow restarting the encoding process.

func (*DictInt32Encoder) Type

func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be encoded with this encoder

func (*DictInt32Encoder) WriteDict

func (enc *DictInt32Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)

WriteDict populates the byte slice with the dictionary index

func (*DictInt32Encoder) WriteIndices

func (d *DictInt32Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)

WriteIndices performs Run Length encoding on the indexes and the writes the encoded index value data to the provided byte slice, returning the number of bytes actually written. If any error is encountered, it will return -1 and the error.

type DictInt64Decoder

DictInt64Decoder is a decoder for decoding dictionary encoded data for int64 columns

type DictInt64Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictInt64Decoder) Decode

func (d *DictInt64Decoder) Decode(out []int64) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with min(len(out), remaining values) values, decoding using the dictionary to get the actual values. Returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*DictInt64Decoder) DecodeIndices

func (d *DictInt64Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictInt64Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced

func (d *DictInt64Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DictInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

Decode spaced is like Decode but will space out the data leaving slots for null values based on the provided bitmap.

func (*DictInt64Decoder) SetData

func (d *DictInt64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the index value data into the decoder.

func (*DictInt64Decoder) SetDict

func (d *DictInt64Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)

SetDict sets a decoder that can be used to decode the dictionary that is used for this column in order to return the proper values.

func (DictInt64Decoder) Type

func (DictInt64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be decoded with this decoder

type DictInt64Encoder

DictInt64Encoder is an encoder for int64 data using dictionary encoding

type DictInt64Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictInt64Encoder) BitWidth

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) BitWidth() int

BitWidth returns the max bitwidth that would be necessary for encoding the index values currently in the dictionary based on the size of the dictionary index.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) DictEncodedSize

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int

DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary

func (*DictInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the maximum number of bytes needed to store the RLE encoded indexes, not including the dictionary index in the computation.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) FlushValues

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues dumps all the currently buffered indexes that would become the data page to a buffer and returns it or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) NumEntries

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) NumEntries() int

NumEntries returns the number of entires in the dictionary index for this encoder.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) PreservedDictionary

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array

func (*DictInt64Encoder) Put

func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) Put(in []int64)

Put encodes the values passed in, adding to the index as needed.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) PutDictionary

func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) PutDictionary(values arrow.Array) error

PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with a dictionary from an Arrow Array.

The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only be called on an empty encoder.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) PutIndices

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error

func (*DictInt64Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is the same as Put but for when the data being encoded has slots open for null values, using the bitmap provided to skip values as needed.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) Release

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) Release()

func (*DictInt64Encoder) Reset

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops all the currently encoded values from the index and indexes from the data to allow restarting the encoding process.

func (*DictInt64Encoder) Type

func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be encoded with this encoder

func (*DictInt64Encoder) WriteDict

func (enc *DictInt64Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)

WriteDict populates the byte slice with the dictionary index

func (*DictInt64Encoder) WriteIndices

func (d *DictInt64Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)

WriteIndices performs Run Length encoding on the indexes and the writes the encoded index value data to the provided byte slice, returning the number of bytes actually written. If any error is encountered, it will return -1 and the error.

type DictInt96Decoder

DictInt96Decoder is a decoder for decoding dictionary encoded data for parquet.Int96 columns

type DictInt96Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictInt96Decoder) Decode

func (d *DictInt96Decoder) Decode(out []parquet.Int96) (int, error)

Decode populates the passed in slice with min(len(out), remaining values) values, decoding using the dictionary to get the actual values. Returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*DictInt96Decoder) DecodeIndices

func (d *DictInt96Decoder) DecodeIndices(numValues int, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictInt96Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced

func (d *DictInt96Decoder) DecodeIndicesSpaced(numValues, nullCount int, validBits []byte, offset int64, bldr array.Builder) (int, error)

func (*DictInt96Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (d *DictInt96Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.Int96, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

Decode spaced is like Decode but will space out the data leaving slots for null values based on the provided bitmap.

func (*DictInt96Decoder) SetData

func (d *DictInt96Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the index value data into the decoder.

func (*DictInt96Decoder) SetDict

func (d *DictInt96Decoder) SetDict(dict TypedDecoder)

SetDict sets a decoder that can be used to decode the dictionary that is used for this column in order to return the proper values.

func (DictInt96Decoder) Type

func (DictInt96Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be decoded with this decoder

type DictInt96Encoder

DictInt96Encoder is an encoder for parquet.Int96 data using dictionary encoding

type DictInt96Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DictInt96Encoder) BitWidth

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) BitWidth() int

BitWidth returns the max bitwidth that would be necessary for encoding the index values currently in the dictionary based on the size of the dictionary index.

func (*DictInt96Encoder) DictEncodedSize

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) DictEncodedSize() int

DictEncodedSize returns the current size of the encoded dictionary

func (*DictInt96Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the maximum number of bytes needed to store the RLE encoded indexes, not including the dictionary index in the computation.

func (*DictInt96Encoder) FlushValues

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues dumps all the currently buffered indexes that would become the data page to a buffer and returns it or returns nil and any error encountered.

func (*DictInt96Encoder) NumEntries

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) NumEntries() int

NumEntries returns the number of entires in the dictionary index for this encoder.

func (*DictInt96Encoder) PreservedDictionary

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) PreservedDictionary() arrow.Array

func (*DictInt96Encoder) Put

func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) Put(in []parquet.Int96)

Put encodes the values passed in, adding to the index as needed

func (*DictInt96Encoder) PutDictionary

func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) PutDictionary(arrow.Array) error

PutDictionary allows pre-seeding a dictionary encoder with a dictionary from an Arrow Array.

The passed in array must not have any nulls and this can only be called on an empty encoder.

func (*DictInt96Encoder) PutIndices

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) PutIndices(data arrow.Array) error

func (*DictInt96Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.Int96, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is like Put but assumes space for nulls

func (*DictInt96Encoder) Release

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) Release()

func (*DictInt96Encoder) Reset

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops all the currently encoded values from the index and indexes from the data to allow restarting the encoding process.

func (*DictInt96Encoder) Type

func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type that can be encoded with this encoder

func (*DictInt96Encoder) WriteDict

func (enc *DictInt96Encoder) WriteDict(out []byte)

WriteDict populates the byte slice with the dictionary index

func (*DictInt96Encoder) WriteIndices

func (d *DictInt96Encoder) WriteIndices(out []byte) (int, error)

WriteIndices performs Run Length encoding on the indexes and the writes the encoded index value data to the provided byte slice, returning the number of bytes actually written. If any error is encountered, it will return -1 and the error.

type EncoderTraits

EncoderTraits is an interface for the different types to make it more convenient to construct encoders for specific types.

type EncoderTraits interface {
    Encoder(format.Encoding, bool, *schema.Column, memory.Allocator) TypedEncoder

type FixedLenByteArrayDecoder

FixedLenByteArrayDecoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding parquet.FixedLenByteArray values.

type FixedLenByteArrayDecoder interface {
    Decode([]parquet.FixedLenByteArray) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]parquet.FixedLenByteArray, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter

FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter is a helper for dictionary handling which is used for converting run length encoded indexes into the actual values that are stored in the dictionary index page.

type FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) Copy

func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error

Copy populates the slice provided with the values in the dictionary at the indexes in the vals slice.

func (*FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) Fill

func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error

Fill populates the slice passed in entirely with the value at dictionary index indicated by val

func (*FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) FillZero

func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})

FillZero populates the entire slice of out with the zero value for parquet.FixedLenByteArray

func (*FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) IsValid

func (dc *FixedLenByteArrayDictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool

IsValid verifies that the set of indexes passed in are all valid indexes in the dictionary and if necessary decodes dictionary indexes up to the index requested.

type FixedLenByteArrayEncoder

FixedLenByteArrayEncoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding parquet.FixedLenByteArray values.

type FixedLenByteArrayEncoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]parquet.FixedLenByteArray, []byte, int64)

type Float32Decoder

Float32Decoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding float32 values.

type Float32Decoder interface {
    Decode([]float32) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]float32, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type Float32DictConverter

Float32DictConverter is a helper for dictionary handling which is used for converting run length encoded indexes into the actual values that are stored in the dictionary index page.

type Float32DictConverter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Float32DictConverter) Copy

func (dc *Float32DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error

Copy populates the slice provided with the values in the dictionary at the indexes in the vals slice.

func (*Float32DictConverter) Fill

func (dc *Float32DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error

Fill populates the slice passed in entirely with the value at dictionary index indicated by val

func (*Float32DictConverter) FillZero

func (dc *Float32DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})

FillZero populates the entire slice of out with the zero value for float32

func (*Float32DictConverter) IsValid

func (dc *Float32DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool

IsValid verifies that the set of indexes passed in are all valid indexes in the dictionary and if necessary decodes dictionary indexes up to the index requested.

type Float32Encoder

Float32Encoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding float32 values.

type Float32Encoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]float32, []byte, int64)

type Float64Decoder

Float64Decoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding float64 values.

type Float64Decoder interface {
    Decode([]float64) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]float64, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type Float64DictConverter

Float64DictConverter is a helper for dictionary handling which is used for converting run length encoded indexes into the actual values that are stored in the dictionary index page.

type Float64DictConverter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Float64DictConverter) Copy

func (dc *Float64DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error

Copy populates the slice provided with the values in the dictionary at the indexes in the vals slice.

func (*Float64DictConverter) Fill

func (dc *Float64DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error

Fill populates the slice passed in entirely with the value at dictionary index indicated by val

func (*Float64DictConverter) FillZero

func (dc *Float64DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})

FillZero populates the entire slice of out with the zero value for float64

func (*Float64DictConverter) IsValid

func (dc *Float64DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool

IsValid verifies that the set of indexes passed in are all valid indexes in the dictionary and if necessary decodes dictionary indexes up to the index requested.

type Float64Encoder

Float64Encoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding float64 values.

type Float64Encoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]float64, []byte, int64)

type Int32Decoder

Int32Decoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding int32 values.

type Int32Decoder interface {
    Decode([]int32) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]int32, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type Int32DictConverter

Int32DictConverter is a helper for dictionary handling which is used for converting run length encoded indexes into the actual values that are stored in the dictionary index page.

type Int32DictConverter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Int32DictConverter) Copy

func (dc *Int32DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error

Copy populates the slice provided with the values in the dictionary at the indexes in the vals slice.

func (*Int32DictConverter) Fill

func (dc *Int32DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error

Fill populates the slice passed in entirely with the value at dictionary index indicated by val

func (*Int32DictConverter) FillZero

func (dc *Int32DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})

FillZero populates the entire slice of out with the zero value for int32

func (*Int32DictConverter) IsValid

func (dc *Int32DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool

IsValid verifies that the set of indexes passed in are all valid indexes in the dictionary and if necessary decodes dictionary indexes up to the index requested.

type Int32Encoder

Int32Encoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding int32 values.

type Int32Encoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]int32, []byte, int64)

type Int64Decoder

Int64Decoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding int64 values.

type Int64Decoder interface {
    Decode([]int64) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]int64, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type Int64DictConverter

Int64DictConverter is a helper for dictionary handling which is used for converting run length encoded indexes into the actual values that are stored in the dictionary index page.

type Int64DictConverter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Int64DictConverter) Copy

func (dc *Int64DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error

Copy populates the slice provided with the values in the dictionary at the indexes in the vals slice.

func (*Int64DictConverter) Fill

func (dc *Int64DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error

Fill populates the slice passed in entirely with the value at dictionary index indicated by val

func (*Int64DictConverter) FillZero

func (dc *Int64DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})

FillZero populates the entire slice of out with the zero value for int64

func (*Int64DictConverter) IsValid

func (dc *Int64DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool

IsValid verifies that the set of indexes passed in are all valid indexes in the dictionary and if necessary decodes dictionary indexes up to the index requested.

type Int64Encoder

Int64Encoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding int64 values.

type Int64Encoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]int64, []byte, int64)

type Int96Decoder

Int96Decoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement decoding parquet.Int96 values.

type Int96Decoder interface {
    Decode([]parquet.Int96) (int, error)
    DecodeSpaced([]parquet.Int96, int, []byte, int64) (int, error)

type Int96DictConverter

Int96DictConverter is a helper for dictionary handling which is used for converting run length encoded indexes into the actual values that are stored in the dictionary index page.

type Int96DictConverter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Int96DictConverter) Copy

func (dc *Int96DictConverter) Copy(out interface{}, vals []utils.IndexType) error

Copy populates the slice provided with the values in the dictionary at the indexes in the vals slice.

func (*Int96DictConverter) Fill

func (dc *Int96DictConverter) Fill(out interface{}, val utils.IndexType) error

Fill populates the slice passed in entirely with the value at dictionary index indicated by val

func (*Int96DictConverter) FillZero

func (dc *Int96DictConverter) FillZero(out interface{})

FillZero populates the entire slice of out with the zero value for parquet.Int96

func (*Int96DictConverter) IsValid

func (dc *Int96DictConverter) IsValid(idxes ...utils.IndexType) bool

IsValid verifies that the set of indexes passed in are all valid indexes in the dictionary and if necessary decodes dictionary indexes up to the index requested.

type Int96Encoder

Int96Encoder is the interface for all encoding types that implement encoding parquet.Int96 values.

type Int96Encoder interface {
    PutSpaced([]parquet.Int96, []byte, int64)

type LevelDecoder

LevelDecoder handles the decoding of repetition and definition levels from a parquet file supporting bit packed and run length encoded values.

type LevelDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LevelDecoder) Decode

func (l *LevelDecoder) Decode(levels []int16) (int, int64)

Decode decodes the bytes that were set with SetData into the slice of levels returning the total number of levels that were decoded and the number of values which had a level equal to the max level, indicating how many physical values exist to be read.

func (*LevelDecoder) SetData

func (l *LevelDecoder) SetData(encoding parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, nbuffered int, data []byte) (int, error)

SetData sets in the data to be decoded by subsequent calls by specifying the encoding type the maximum level (which is what determines the bit width), the number of values expected and the raw bytes to decode. Returns the number of bytes expected to be decoded.

func (*LevelDecoder) SetDataV2

func (l *LevelDecoder) SetDataV2(nbytes int32, maxLvl int16, nbuffered int, data []byte) error

SetDataV2 is the same as SetData but only for DataPageV2 pages and only supports run length encoding.

type LevelEncoder

LevelEncoder is for handling the encoding of Definition and Repetition levels to parquet files.

type LevelEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LevelEncoder) Encode

func (l *LevelEncoder) Encode(lvls []int16) (nencoded int, err error)

Encode encodes the slice of definition or repetition levels based on the currently configured encoding type and returns the number of values that were encoded.

func (*LevelEncoder) EncodeNoFlush

func (l *LevelEncoder) EncodeNoFlush(lvls []int16) (nencoded int, err error)

EncodeNoFlush encodes the provided levels in the encoder, but doesn't flush the buffer and return it yet, appending these encoded values. Returns the number of values encoded and any error encountered or nil. If err is not nil, nencoded will be the number of values encoded before the error was encountered

func (*LevelEncoder) Flush

func (l *LevelEncoder) Flush()

Flush flushes out any encoded data to the underlying writer.

func (*LevelEncoder) Init

func (l *LevelEncoder) Init(encoding parquet.Encoding, maxLvl int16, w utils.WriterAtWithLen)

Init is called to set up the desired encoding type, max level and underlying writer for a level encoder to control where the resulting encoded buffer will end up.

func (*LevelEncoder) Len

func (l *LevelEncoder) Len() int

Len returns the number of bytes that were written as Run Length encoded levels, this is only valid for run length encoding and will panic if using deprecated bit packed encoding.

func (*LevelEncoder) Reset

func (l *LevelEncoder) Reset(maxLvl int16)

Reset resets the encoder allowing it to be reused and updating the maxlevel to the new specified value.

type MemoTable

MemoTable interface that can be used to swap out implementations of the hash table used for handling dictionary encoding. Dictionary encoding is built against this interface to make it easy for code generation and changing implementations.

Values should remember the order they are inserted to generate a valid dictionary index

type MemoTable interface {
    // Reset drops everything in the table allowing it to be reused
    // Size returns the current number of unique values stored in the table
    // including whether or not a null value has been passed in using GetOrInsertNull
    Size() int
    // CopyValues populates out with the values currently in the table, out must
    // be a slice of the appropriate type for the table type.
    CopyValues(out interface{})
    // CopyValuesSubset is like CopyValues but only copies a subset of values starting
    // at the indicated index.
    CopyValuesSubset(start int, out interface{})

    WriteOut(out []byte)
    WriteOutSubset(start int, out []byte)
    // Get returns the index of the table the specified value is, and a boolean indicating
    // whether or not the value was found in the table. Will panic if val is not the appropriate
    // type for the underlying table.
    Get(val interface{}) (int, bool)
    // GetOrInsert is the same as Get, except if the value is not currently in the table it will
    // be inserted into the table.
    GetOrInsert(val interface{}) (idx int, existed bool, err error)
    // GetNull returns the index of the null value and whether or not it was found in the table
    GetNull() (int, bool)
    // GetOrInsertNull returns the index of the null value, if it didn't already exist in the table,
    // it is inserted.
    GetOrInsertNull() (idx int, existed bool)

func NewFloat32Dictionary

func NewFloat32Dictionary() MemoTable

NewFloat32Dictionary returns a memotable interface for use with Float32 values only

func NewFloat32MemoTable

func NewFloat32MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable

func NewFloat64Dictionary

func NewFloat64Dictionary() MemoTable

NewFloat64Dictionary returns a memotable interface for use with Float64 values only

func NewFloat64MemoTable

func NewFloat64MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable

func NewInt32Dictionary

func NewInt32Dictionary() MemoTable

NewInt32Dictionary returns a memotable interface for use with Int32 values only

func NewInt32MemoTable

func NewInt32MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable

func NewInt64Dictionary

func NewInt64Dictionary() MemoTable

NewInt64Dictionary returns a memotable interface for use with Int64 values only

func NewInt64MemoTable

func NewInt64MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable

func NewInt96MemoTable

func NewInt96MemoTable(memory.Allocator) MemoTable

type NumericMemoTable

type NumericMemoTable interface {
    // WriteOutLE writes the contents of the memo table out to the byteslice
    // but ensures the values are little-endian before writing them (converting
    // if on a big endian system).
    WriteOutLE(out []byte)
    // WriteOutSubsetLE writes the contents of the memo table out to the byteslice
    // starting with the index indicated by start, but ensures the values are little
    // endian before writing them (converting if on a big-endian system).
    WriteOutSubsetLE(start int, out []byte)

type PlainBooleanDecoder

PlainBooleanDecoder is for the Plain Encoding type, there is no dictionary decoding for bools.

type PlainBooleanDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainBooleanDecoder) Decode

func (dec *PlainBooleanDecoder) Decode(out []bool) (int, error)

Decode fills out with bools decoded from the data at the current point or until we reach the end of the data.

Returns the number of values decoded

func (*PlainBooleanDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (dec *PlainBooleanDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []bool, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is like Decode except it expands the values to leave spaces for null as determined by the validBits bitmap.

func (*PlainBooleanDecoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainBooleanDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainBooleanDecoder) SetData

func (dec *PlainBooleanDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

func (PlainBooleanDecoder) Type

func (PlainBooleanDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type for the PlainBooleanDecoder is parquet.Types.Boolean

func (*PlainBooleanDecoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainBooleanDecoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainBooleanEncoder

PlainBooleanEncoder encodes bools as a bitmap as per the Plain Encoding

type PlainBooleanEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the current number of bytes that have been buffered so far

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) FlushValues

func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues returns the buffered data, the responsibility is on the caller to release the buffer memory

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) Put

func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) Put(in []bool)

Put encodes the contents of in into the underlying data buffer.

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainBooleanEncoder) PutSpaced(in []bool, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced will use the validBits bitmap to determine which values are nulls and can be left out from the slice, and the encoded without those nulls.

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) Release

func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Release()

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainBooleanEncoder) Reset

func (e *PlainBooleanEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainBooleanEncoder) Type

func (PlainBooleanEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type for the PlainBooleanEncoder is parquet.Types.Boolean

type PlainByteArrayDecoder

PlainByteArrayDecoder decodes a data chunk for bytearrays according to the plain encoding. The byte arrays will use slices to reference the data rather than copying it.

The parquet spec defines Plain encoding for ByteArrays as a 4 byte little endian integer containing the length of the bytearray followed by that many bytes being the raw data of the byte array.

type PlainByteArrayDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainByteArrayDecoder) Decode

func (pbad *PlainByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.ByteArray) (int, error)

Decode will populate the slice of bytearrays in full or until the number of values is consumed.

Returns the number of values that were decoded.

func (*PlainByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (pbad *PlainByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.ByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is like Decode, but expands the slice out to leave empty values where the validBits bitmap has 0s

func (*PlainByteArrayDecoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainByteArrayDecoder) SetData

func (d *PlainByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the data for decoding into the decoder to update the available data bytes and number of values available.

func (PlainByteArrayDecoder) Type

func (PlainByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns parquet.Types.ByteArray for this decoder

func (*PlainByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainByteArrayEncoder

PlainByteArrayEncoder encodes byte arrays according to the spec for Plain encoding by encoding the length as a int32 followed by the bytes of the value.

type PlainByteArrayEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any unwritten data to the buffer and returns the finished encoded buffer of data. This also clears the encoder, ownership of the data belongs to whomever called FlushValues, Release should be called on the resulting Buffer when done.

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) Put

func (enc *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.ByteArray)

Put writes out all of the values in this slice to the encoding sink

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) PutByteArray

func (enc *PlainByteArrayEncoder) PutByteArray(val parquet.ByteArray)

PutByteArray writes out the 4 bytes for the length followed by the data

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.ByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced uses the bitmap of validBits to leave out anything that is null according to the bitmap.

If validBits is nil, this is equivalent to calling Put

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) Release

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Release()

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainByteArrayEncoder) Reset

func (e *PlainByteArrayEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainByteArrayEncoder) Type

func (PlainByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns parquet.Types.ByteArray for the bytearray encoder

type PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder

PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder is a plain encoding decoder for Fixed Length Byte Arrays

type PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Decode

func (pflba *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Decode(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray) (int, error)

Decode populates out with fixed length byte array values until either there are no more values to decode or the length of out has been filled. Then returns the total number of values that were decoded.

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (pflba *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced does the same as Decode but spaces out the resulting slice according to the bitmap leaving space for null values

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetData

func (d *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the data for decoding into the decoder to update the available data bytes and number of values available.

func (PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Type

func (PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical type this decoder operates on, FixedLength Byte Arrays

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainFixedLenByteArrayDecoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder

PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder writes the raw bytes of the byte array always writing typeLength bytes for each value.

type PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any unwritten data to the buffer and returns the finished encoded buffer of data. This also clears the encoder, ownership of the data belongs to whomever called FlushValues, Release should be called on the resulting Buffer when done.

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Put

func (enc *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Put(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray)

Put writes the provided values to the encoder

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.FixedLenByteArray, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced is like Put but works with data that is spaced out according to the passed in bitmap

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Release

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Release()

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Reset

func (e *PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Type

func (PlainFixedLenByteArrayEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder works with, Fixed Length byte arrays.

type PlainFloat32Decoder

PlainFloat32Decoder is a decoder specifically for decoding Plain Encoding data of float32 type.

type PlainFloat32Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainFloat32Decoder) Decode

func (dec *PlainFloat32Decoder) Decode(out []float32) (int, error)

Decode populates the given slice with values from the data to be decoded, decoding the min(len(out), remaining values). It returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*PlainFloat32Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (dec *PlainFloat32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is the same as decode, except it expands the data out to leave spaces for null values as defined by the bitmap provided.

func (*PlainFloat32Decoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainFloat32Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainFloat32Decoder) SetData

func (d *PlainFloat32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the data for decoding into the decoder to update the available data bytes and number of values available.

func (PlainFloat32Decoder) Type

func (PlainFloat32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical type this decoder is able to decode for

func (*PlainFloat32Decoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainFloat32Decoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainFloat32Encoder

PlainFloat32Encoder is an encoder for float32 values using Plain Encoding which in general is just storing the values as raw bytes of the appropriate size

type PlainFloat32Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) FlushValues

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any unwritten data to the buffer and returns the finished encoded buffer of data. This also clears the encoder, ownership of the data belongs to whomever called FlushValues, Release should be called on the resulting Buffer when done.

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) Put

func (enc *PlainFloat32Encoder) Put(in []float32)

Put encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainFloat32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer which are spaced out including null values defined by the validBits bitmap starting at a given bit offset. the values are first compressed by having the null slots removed before writing to the buffer

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) Release

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Release()

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainFloat32Encoder) Reset

func (e *PlainFloat32Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainFloat32Encoder) Type

func (PlainFloat32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder is able to encode

type PlainFloat64Decoder

PlainFloat64Decoder is a decoder specifically for decoding Plain Encoding data of float64 type.

type PlainFloat64Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainFloat64Decoder) Decode

func (dec *PlainFloat64Decoder) Decode(out []float64) (int, error)

Decode populates the given slice with values from the data to be decoded, decoding the min(len(out), remaining values). It returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*PlainFloat64Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (dec *PlainFloat64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []float64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is the same as decode, except it expands the data out to leave spaces for null values as defined by the bitmap provided.

func (*PlainFloat64Decoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainFloat64Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainFloat64Decoder) SetData

func (d *PlainFloat64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the data for decoding into the decoder to update the available data bytes and number of values available.

func (PlainFloat64Decoder) Type

func (PlainFloat64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical type this decoder is able to decode for

func (*PlainFloat64Decoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainFloat64Decoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainFloat64Encoder

PlainFloat64Encoder is an encoder for float64 values using Plain Encoding which in general is just storing the values as raw bytes of the appropriate size

type PlainFloat64Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) FlushValues

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any unwritten data to the buffer and returns the finished encoded buffer of data. This also clears the encoder, ownership of the data belongs to whomever called FlushValues, Release should be called on the resulting Buffer when done.

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) Put

func (enc *PlainFloat64Encoder) Put(in []float64)

Put encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainFloat64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []float64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer which are spaced out including null values defined by the validBits bitmap starting at a given bit offset. the values are first compressed by having the null slots removed before writing to the buffer

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) Release

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Release()

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainFloat64Encoder) Reset

func (e *PlainFloat64Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainFloat64Encoder) Type

func (PlainFloat64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder is able to encode

type PlainInt32Decoder

PlainInt32Decoder is a decoder specifically for decoding Plain Encoding data of int32 type.

type PlainInt32Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainInt32Decoder) Decode

func (dec *PlainInt32Decoder) Decode(out []int32) (int, error)

Decode populates the given slice with values from the data to be decoded, decoding the min(len(out), remaining values). It returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*PlainInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (dec *PlainInt32Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int32, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is the same as decode, except it expands the data out to leave spaces for null values as defined by the bitmap provided.

func (*PlainInt32Decoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainInt32Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainInt32Decoder) SetData

func (d *PlainInt32Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the data for decoding into the decoder to update the available data bytes and number of values available.

func (PlainInt32Decoder) Type

func (PlainInt32Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical type this decoder is able to decode for

func (*PlainInt32Decoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainInt32Decoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainInt32Encoder

PlainInt32Encoder is an encoder for int32 values using Plain Encoding which in general is just storing the values as raw bytes of the appropriate size

type PlainInt32Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) FlushValues

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any unwritten data to the buffer and returns the finished encoded buffer of data. This also clears the encoder, ownership of the data belongs to whomever called FlushValues, Release should be called on the resulting Buffer when done.

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) Put

func (enc *PlainInt32Encoder) Put(in []int32)

Put encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainInt32Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int32, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer which are spaced out including null values defined by the validBits bitmap starting at a given bit offset. the values are first compressed by having the null slots removed before writing to the buffer

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) Release

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Release()

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainInt32Encoder) Reset

func (e *PlainInt32Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainInt32Encoder) Type

func (PlainInt32Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder is able to encode

type PlainInt64Decoder

PlainInt64Decoder is a decoder specifically for decoding Plain Encoding data of int64 type.

type PlainInt64Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainInt64Decoder) Decode

func (dec *PlainInt64Decoder) Decode(out []int64) (int, error)

Decode populates the given slice with values from the data to be decoded, decoding the min(len(out), remaining values). It returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*PlainInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (dec *PlainInt64Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []int64, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is the same as decode, except it expands the data out to leave spaces for null values as defined by the bitmap provided.

func (*PlainInt64Decoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainInt64Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainInt64Decoder) SetData

func (d *PlainInt64Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the data for decoding into the decoder to update the available data bytes and number of values available.

func (PlainInt64Decoder) Type

func (PlainInt64Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical type this decoder is able to decode for

func (*PlainInt64Decoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainInt64Decoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainInt64Encoder

PlainInt64Encoder is an encoder for int64 values using Plain Encoding which in general is just storing the values as raw bytes of the appropriate size

type PlainInt64Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) FlushValues

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any unwritten data to the buffer and returns the finished encoded buffer of data. This also clears the encoder, ownership of the data belongs to whomever called FlushValues, Release should be called on the resulting Buffer when done.

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) Put

func (enc *PlainInt64Encoder) Put(in []int64)

Put encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainInt64Encoder) PutSpaced(in []int64, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer which are spaced out including null values defined by the validBits bitmap starting at a given bit offset. the values are first compressed by having the null slots removed before writing to the buffer

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) Release

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Release()

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainInt64Encoder) Reset

func (e *PlainInt64Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainInt64Encoder) Type

func (PlainInt64Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder is able to encode

type PlainInt96Decoder

PlainInt96Decoder is a decoder specifically for decoding Plain Encoding data of parquet.Int96 type.

type PlainInt96Decoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainInt96Decoder) Decode

func (dec *PlainInt96Decoder) Decode(out []parquet.Int96) (int, error)

Decode populates the given slice with values from the data to be decoded, decoding the min(len(out), remaining values). It returns the number of values actually decoded and any error encountered.

func (*PlainInt96Decoder) DecodeSpaced

func (dec *PlainInt96Decoder) DecodeSpaced(out []parquet.Int96, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

DecodeSpaced is the same as decode, except it expands the data out to leave spaces for null values as defined by the bitmap provided.

func (*PlainInt96Decoder) Encoding

func (d *PlainInt96Decoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*PlainInt96Decoder) SetData

func (d *PlainInt96Decoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

SetData sets the data for decoding into the decoder to update the available data bytes and number of values available.

func (PlainInt96Decoder) Type

func (PlainInt96Decoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the physical type this decoder is able to decode for

func (*PlainInt96Decoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *PlainInt96Decoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type PlainInt96Encoder

PlainInt96Encoder is an encoder for parquet.Int96 values using Plain Encoding which in general is just storing the values as raw bytes of the appropriate size

type PlainInt96Encoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) Allocator

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) Bytes

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) Encoding

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) FlushValues

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

FlushValues flushes any unwritten data to the buffer and returns the finished encoded buffer of data. This also clears the encoder, ownership of the data belongs to whomever called FlushValues, Release should be called on the resulting Buffer when done.

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) Put

func (enc *PlainInt96Encoder) Put(in []parquet.Int96)

Put encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *PlainInt96Encoder) PutSpaced(in []parquet.Int96, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

PutSpaced encodes a slice of values into the underlying buffer which are spaced out including null values defined by the validBits bitmap starting at a given bit offset. the values are first compressed by having the null slots removed before writing to the buffer

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) Release

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Release()

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*PlainInt96Encoder) Reset

func (e *PlainInt96Encoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (PlainInt96Encoder) Type

func (PlainInt96Encoder) Type() parquet.Type

Type returns the underlying physical type this encoder is able to encode

type PooledBufferWriter

PooledBufferWriter uses buffers from the buffer pool to back it while implementing io.Writer and io.WriterAt interfaces

type PooledBufferWriter struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPooledBufferWriter

func NewPooledBufferWriter(initial int) *PooledBufferWriter

NewPooledBufferWriter returns a new buffer with 'initial' bytes reserved and pre-allocated to guarantee that writing that many more bytes will not require another allocation.

func (*PooledBufferWriter) Bytes

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes slice of slice Len

func (*PooledBufferWriter) Finish

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Finish() Buffer

Finish returns the current buffer, with the responsibility for releasing the memory on the caller, resetting this writer to be re-used

func (*PooledBufferWriter) Len

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Len() int

Len provides the current Length of the byte slice

func (*PooledBufferWriter) Reserve

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Reserve(nbytes int)

Reserve pre-allocates nbytes to ensure that the next write of that many bytes will not require another allocation.

func (*PooledBufferWriter) Reset

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Reset(initial int)

Reset will release any current memory and initialize it with the new allocated bytes.

func (*PooledBufferWriter) SetOffset

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) SetOffset(offset int)

SetOffset sets an offset in the buffer which will ensure that all references to offsets and sizes in the buffer will be offset by this many bytes, allowing the writer to reserve space in the buffer.

func (*PooledBufferWriter) Tell

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Tell() int64

func (*PooledBufferWriter) UnsafeWrite

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) UnsafeWrite(buf []byte) (n int, err error)

UnsafeWrite does not check the capacity / length before writing.

func (*PooledBufferWriter) UnsafeWriteCopy

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) UnsafeWriteCopy(ncopies int, pattern []byte) (int, error)

func (*PooledBufferWriter) Write

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) Write(buf []byte) (int, error)

func (*PooledBufferWriter) WriteAt

func (b *PooledBufferWriter) WriteAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error)

WriteAt writes the bytes from p into this buffer starting at offset.

Does not affect the internal position of the writer.

type RleBooleanDecoder

type RleBooleanDecoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RleBooleanDecoder) Decode

func (dec *RleBooleanDecoder) Decode(out []bool) (int, error)

func (*RleBooleanDecoder) DecodeSpaced

func (dec *RleBooleanDecoder) DecodeSpaced(out []bool, nullCount int, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64) (int, error)

func (*RleBooleanDecoder) Encoding

func (d *RleBooleanDecoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

Encoding returns the encoding type used by this decoder to decode the bytes.

func (*RleBooleanDecoder) SetData

func (dec *RleBooleanDecoder) SetData(nvals int, data []byte) error

func (RleBooleanDecoder) Type

func (RleBooleanDecoder) Type() parquet.Type

func (*RleBooleanDecoder) ValuesLeft

func (d *RleBooleanDecoder) ValuesLeft() int

ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values that can be decoded

type RleBooleanEncoder

type RleBooleanEncoder struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) Allocator

func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Allocator() memory.Allocator

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) Bytes

func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Bytes() []byte

Bytes returns the current bytes that have been written to the encoder's buffer but doesn't transfer ownership.

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) Encoding

func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Encoding() parquet.Encoding

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize

func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) FlushValues

func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) FlushValues() (Buffer, error)

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) Put

func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) Put(in []bool)

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) PutSpaced

func (enc *RleBooleanEncoder) PutSpaced(in []bool, validBits []byte, validBitsOffset int64)

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) Release

func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Release()

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) ReserveForWrite

func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) ReserveForWrite(n int)

ReserveForWrite allocates n bytes so that the next n bytes written do not require new allocations.

func (*RleBooleanEncoder) Reset

func (e *RleBooleanEncoder) Reset()

Reset drops the data currently in the encoder and resets for new use.

func (RleBooleanEncoder) Type

func (RleBooleanEncoder) Type() parquet.Type

type TypedDecoder

TypedDecoder is the general interface for all decoder types which can then be type asserted to a specific Type Decoder

type TypedDecoder interface {
    // SetData updates the data in the decoder with the passed in byte slice and the
    // stated number of values as expected to be decoded.
    SetData(buffered int, buf []byte) error
    // Encoding returns the encoding type that this decoder decodes data of
    Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    // ValuesLeft returns the number of remaining values to be decoded
    ValuesLeft() int
    // Type returns the physical type this can decode.
    Type() parquet.Type

func NewDecoder

func NewDecoder(t parquet.Type, e parquet.Encoding, descr *schema.Column, mem memory.Allocator) TypedDecoder

NewDecoder constructs a decoder for a given type and encoding

type TypedEncoder

TypedEncoder is the general interface for all encoding types which can then be type asserted to a specific Type Encoder

type TypedEncoder interface {
    // Bytes returns the current slice of bytes that have been encoded but does not pass ownership
    Bytes() []byte
    // Reset resets the encoder and dumps all the data to let it be reused.
    // ReserveForWrite reserves n bytes in the buffer so that the next n bytes written will not
    // cause a memory allocation.
    ReserveForWrite(n int)
    // EstimatedDataEncodedSize returns the estimated number of bytes in the buffer
    // so far.
    EstimatedDataEncodedSize() int64
    // FlushValues finishes up any unwritten data and returns the buffer of data passing
    // ownership to the caller, Release needs to be called on the Buffer to free the memory
    // if error is nil
    FlushValues() (Buffer, error)
    // Encoding returns the type of encoding that this encoder operates with
    Encoding() parquet.Encoding
    // Allocator returns the allocator that was used when creating this encoder
    Allocator() memory.Allocator
    // Type returns the underlying physical type this encodes.
    Type() parquet.Type

func NewEncoder

func NewEncoder(t parquet.Type, e parquet.Encoding, useDict bool, descr *schema.Column, mem memory.Allocator) TypedEncoder

NewEncoder will return the appropriately typed encoder for the requested physical type and encoding.

If mem is nil, memory.DefaultAllocator will be used.