var UUID = NewUUIDType()
type DictExtensionArray struct { array.ExtensionArrayBase }
func (a DictExtensionArray) ValueStr(i int) string
type DictExtensionType struct { arrow.ExtensionBase }
func NewDictExtensionType() *DictExtensionType
func (DictExtensionType) ArrayType() reflect.Type
func (p *DictExtensionType) Deserialize(storage arrow.DataType, data string) (arrow.ExtensionType, error)
func (p *DictExtensionType) ExtensionEquals(other arrow.ExtensionType) bool
func (DictExtensionType) ExtensionName() string
func (DictExtensionType) Serialize() string
func (p *DictExtensionType) String() string
ExtStructArray is a struct array type for testing an extension type with non-primitive storage
type ExtStructArray struct { array.ExtensionArrayBase }
func (a ExtStructArray) ValueStr(i int) string
ExtStructType is an extension type with a non-primitive storage type containing a struct with fields {a: int64, b: float64}
type ExtStructType struct { arrow.ExtensionBase }
func NewExtStructType() *ExtStructType
func (ExtStructType) ArrayType() reflect.Type
ArrayType returns TypeOf(ExtStructType{})
func (ExtStructType) Deserialize(_ arrow.DataType, serialized string) (arrow.ExtensionType, error)
Deserialize ignores the passed in storage datatype and only checks the serialized data byte slice returning the correct type if it matches "ext-struct-type-unique-code".
func (ExtStructType) ExtensionEquals(other arrow.ExtensionType) bool
ExtensionEquals returns true if other is a *ExtStructType
func (ExtStructType) ExtensionName() string
ExtensionName is always "ext-struct-type"
func (ExtStructType) Serialize() string
Serialize just returns "ext-struct-type-unique-code" to test metadata passing in IPC
func (p *ExtStructType) String() string
Parametric1Array is a simple int32 array for use with the Parametric1Type in testing a parameterized user-defined extension type.
type Parametric1Array struct { array.ExtensionArrayBase }
func (a Parametric1Array) ValueStr(i int) string
A type where ExtensionName is always the same
type Parametric1Type struct { arrow.ExtensionBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewParametric1Type(p int32) *Parametric1Type
func (Parametric1Type) ArrayType() reflect.Type
ArrayType returns the TypeOf(Parametric1Array{})
func (Parametric1Type) Deserialize(storage arrow.DataType, data string) (arrow.ExtensionType, error)
Deserialize requires storage to be an int32 type and data should be a 4 byte little endian int32 value
func (p *Parametric1Type) ExtensionEquals(other arrow.ExtensionType) bool
ExtensionEquals returns true if other is a *Parametric1Type and has the same param
func (Parametric1Type) ExtensionName() string
ExtensionName is always "parametric-type-1"
func (p *Parametric1Type) Serialize() string
Serialize returns the param as 4 little endian bytes
func (p *Parametric1Type) String() string
Parametric2Array is another simple int32 array for use with the Parametric2Type also for testing a parameterized user-defined extension type that utilizes the parameter for defining different types based on the param.
type Parametric2Array struct { array.ExtensionArrayBase }
func (a Parametric2Array) ValueStr(i int) string
a parametric type where the extension name is different for each parameter, and must be registered separately
type Parametric2Type struct { arrow.ExtensionBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewParametric2Type(p int32) *Parametric2Type
func (Parametric2Type) ArrayType() reflect.Type
ArrayType returns TypeOf(Parametric2Array{})
func (Parametric2Type) Deserialize(storage arrow.DataType, data string) (arrow.ExtensionType, error)
Deserialize expects storage to be int32 type and data must be a 4 byte little endian slice.
func (p *Parametric2Type) ExtensionEquals(other arrow.ExtensionType) bool
ExtensionEquals returns true if other is a *Parametric2Type and has the same param
func (p *Parametric2Type) ExtensionName() string
ExtensionName incorporates the param in the name requiring different instances of Parametric2Type to be registered separately if they have different params. this is used for testing registration of different types with the same struct type.
func (p *Parametric2Type) Serialize() string
Serialize returns the param as a 4 byte little endian slice
func (p *Parametric2Type) String() string
SmallintArray is an int16 array
type SmallintArray struct { array.ExtensionArrayBase }
func (a SmallintArray) ValueStr(i int) string
type SmallintType struct { arrow.ExtensionBase }
func NewSmallintType() *SmallintType
func (SmallintType) ArrayType() reflect.Type
func (SmallintType) Deserialize(storageType arrow.DataType, data string) (arrow.ExtensionType, error)
func (s *SmallintType) ExtensionEquals(other arrow.ExtensionType) bool
func (SmallintType) ExtensionName() string
func (SmallintType) Serialize() string
UUIDArray is a simple array which is a FixedSizeBinary(16)
type UUIDArray struct { array.ExtensionArrayBase }
func (a *UUIDArray) GetOneForMarshal(i int) interface{}
func (a *UUIDArray) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (a *UUIDArray) String() string
func (a *UUIDArray) Value(i int) uuid.UUID
func (a *UUIDArray) ValueStr(i int) string
type UUIDBuilder struct { *array.ExtensionBuilder }
func NewUUIDBuilder(builder *array.ExtensionBuilder) *UUIDBuilder
func (b *UUIDBuilder) Append(v uuid.UUID)
func (b *UUIDBuilder) AppendValueFromString(s string) error
func (b *UUIDBuilder) AppendValues(v []uuid.UUID, valid []bool)
func (b *UUIDBuilder) Unmarshal(dec *json.Decoder) error
func (b *UUIDBuilder) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (b *UUIDBuilder) UnmarshalOne(dec *json.Decoder) error
func (b *UUIDBuilder) UnsafeAppend(v uuid.UUID)
UUIDType is a simple extension type that represents a FixedSizeBinary(16) to be used for representing UUIDs
type UUIDType struct { arrow.ExtensionBase }
func NewUUIDType() *UUIDType
NewUUIDType is a convenience function to create an instance of UUIDType with the correct storage type
func (*UUIDType) ArrayType() reflect.Type
ArrayType returns TypeOf(UUIDArray{}) for constructing UUID arrays
func (*UUIDType) Deserialize(storageType arrow.DataType, data string) (arrow.ExtensionType, error)
Deserialize expects storageType to be FixedSizeBinaryType{ByteWidth: 16} and the data to be "uuid-serialized" in order to correctly create a UUIDType for testing deserialize.
func (e *UUIDType) ExtensionEquals(other arrow.ExtensionType) bool
ExtensionEquals returns true if both extensions have the same name
func (*UUIDType) ExtensionName() string
func (e *UUIDType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*UUIDType) NewBuilder(bldr *array.ExtensionBuilder) array.Builder
func (*UUIDType) Serialize() string
Serialize returns "uuid-serialized" for testing proper metadata passing
func (e *UUIDType) String() string