
Package vm

import "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/vm"

Overview ▾


const (
    HCS      = "hcs"
    RemoteVM = "remotevm"
const (
    VPMem = iota


var (
    ErrNotSupported       = errors.New("virtstack does not support the operation")
    ErrAlreadySet         = errors.New("field has already been set")
    ErrUnsupportedGuestOS = errors.New("virtstack does not support the guest operating system")
    ErrUnknownGuestOS     = errors.New("unknown guest operating system supplied")

type BootManager

BootManager manages boot configurations for the Utility VM.

type BootManager interface {
    // SetUEFIBoot sets UEFI configurations for booting a Utility VM.
    SetUEFIBoot(dir string, path string, args string) error
    // SetLinuxKernelDirectBoot sets Linux direct boot configurations for booting a Utility VM.
    SetLinuxKernelDirectBoot(kernel string, initRD string, cmd string) error

type GuestOS

GuestOS signifies the guest operating system that a Utility VM will be running.

type GuestOS string
const (
    Windows GuestOS = "windows"
    Linux   GuestOS = "linux"

type LinuxConfigManager

LinuxConfigManager manages options specific to a Linux host.

type LinuxConfigManager interface{}

type MemoryBackingType

type MemoryBackingType uint8
const (
    MemoryBackingTypeVirtual MemoryBackingType = iota

type MemoryConfig

MemoryConfig holds the memory options that should be configurable for a Utility VM.

type MemoryConfig struct {
    BackingType     MemoryBackingType
    DeferredCommit  bool
    HotHint         bool
    ColdHint        bool
    ColdDiscardHint bool

type MemoryManager

MemoryManager handles setting and managing memory configurations for the Utility VM.

type MemoryManager interface {
    // SetMemoryLimit sets the amount of memory in megabytes that the Utility VM will be assigned.
    SetMemoryLimit(memoryMB uint64) error
    // SetMemoryConfig sets an array of different memory configuration options available. This includes things like the
    // type of memory to back the VM (virtual/physical).
    SetMemoryConfig(config *MemoryConfig) error
    // SetMMIOConfig sets memory mapped IO configurations for the Utility VM.
    SetMMIOConfig(lowGapMB uint64, highBaseMB uint64, highGapMB uint64) error

type NetworkManager

NetworkManager manages adding and removing network adapters for a Utility VM.

type NetworkManager interface {
    // AddNIC adds a network adapter to the Utility VM. `nicID` should be a string representation of a
    // Windows GUID.
    AddNIC(ctx context.Context, nicID string, endpointID string, macAddr string) error
    // RemoveNIC removes a network adapter from the Utility VM. `nicID` should be a string representation of a
    // Windows GUID.
    RemoveNIC(ctx context.Context, nicID string, endpointID string, macAddr string) error

type PCIManager

PCIManager manages assiging pci devices to a Utility VM. This is Windows specific at the moment.

type PCIManager interface {
    // AddDevice adds the pci device identified by `instanceID` to the Utility VM.
    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/instance-ids
    AddDevice(ctx context.Context, instanceID string, vmbusGUID string) error
    // RemoveDevice removes the pci device identified by `instanceID` from the Utility VM.
    RemoveDevice(ctx context.Context, instanceID string, vmbusGUID string) error

type Plan9Manager

Plan9Manager manages adding plan 9 shares to a Utility VM.

type Plan9Manager interface {
    // AddPlan9 adds a plan 9 share to a running Utility VM.
    AddPlan9(ctx context.Context, path, name string, port int32, flags int32, allowed []string) error
    // RemovePlan9 removes a plan 9 share from a running Utility VM.
    RemovePlan9(ctx context.Context, name string, port int32) error

type ProcessorManager

ProcessorManager handles setting and managing processor configurations for the Utility VM.

type ProcessorManager interface {
    // SetProcessorCount sets the number of virtual processors that will be assigned to the Utility VM.
    SetProcessorCount(count uint32) error

type Resource

Resource refers to the type of a resource on a Utility VM.

type Resource uint8

type ResourceOperation

Operation refers to the type of operation to perform on a given resource.

type ResourceOperation uint8
const (
    Add ResourceOperation = iota

type SCSIDiskType

SCSIDiskType refers to the disk type of the scsi device. This is either a vhd, vhdx, or a physical disk.

type SCSIDiskType uint8
const (
    SCSIDiskTypeVHD1 SCSIDiskType = iota

type SCSIManager

SCSIManager manages adding and removing SCSI devices for a Utility VM.

type SCSIManager interface {
    // AddSCSIController adds a SCSI controller to the Utility VM configuration document.
    AddSCSIController(id uint32) error
    // AddSCSIDisk adds a SCSI disk to the configuration document if in a precreated state, or hot adds a
    // SCSI disk to the Utility VM if the VM is running.
    AddSCSIDisk(ctx context.Context, controller uint32, lun uint32, path string, typ SCSIDiskType, readOnly bool) error
    // RemoveSCSIDisk removes a SCSI disk from a Utility VM.
    RemoveSCSIDisk(ctx context.Context, controller uint32, lun uint32, path string) error

type SerialManager

SerialManager manages setting up serial consoles for the Utility VM.

type SerialManager interface {
    // SetSerialConsole sets up a serial console for `port`. Output will be relayed to the listener specified
    // by `listenerPath`. For HCS `listenerPath` this is expected to be a path to a named pipe.
    SetSerialConsole(port uint32, listenerPath string) error

type StorageQosManager

StorageQosManager manages setting storage limits on the Utility VM.

type StorageQosManager interface {
    // SetStorageQos sets storage related options for the Utility VM
    SetStorageQos(iopsMaximum int64, bandwidthMaximum int64) error

type UVM

UVM is an abstraction around a lightweight virtual machine. It houses core lifecycle methods such as Create Start, and Stop and also several optional nested interfaces that can be used to determine what the virtual machine supports and to configure these resources.

type UVM interface {
    // ID will return a string identifier for the Utility VM.
    ID() string

    // Start will power on the Utility VM and put it into a running state. This will boot the guest OS and start all of the
    // devices configured on the machine.
    Start(ctx context.Context) error

    // Stop will shutdown the Utility VM and place it into a terminated state.
    Stop(ctx context.Context) error

    // Pause will place the Utility VM into a paused state. The guest OS will be halted and any devices will have be in a
    // a suspended state. Save can be used to snapshot the current state of the virtual machine, and Resume can be used to
    // place the virtual machine back into a running state.
    Pause(ctx context.Context) error

    // Resume will put a previously paused Utility VM back into a running state. The guest OS will resume operation from the point
    // in time it was paused and all devices should be un-suspended.
    Resume(ctx context.Context) error

    // Save will snapshot the state of the Utility VM at the point in time when the VM was paused.
    Save(ctx context.Context) error

    // Wait synchronously waits for the Utility VM to shutdown or terminate. A call to stop will trigger this
    // to unblock.
    Wait() error

    // Stats returns statistics about the Utility VM. This includes things like assigned memory, available memory,
    // processor runtime etc.
    Stats(ctx context.Context) (*stats.VirtualMachineStatistics, error)

    // Supported returns if the virt stack supports a given operation on a resource.
    Supported(resource Resource, operation ResourceOperation) bool

    // ExitError will return any error if the Utility VM exited unexpectedly, or if the Utility VM experienced an
    // error after Wait returned, it will return the wait error.
    ExitError() error

type UVMBuilder

type UVMBuilder interface {
    // Create will create the Utility VM in a paused/powered off state with whatever is present in the implementation
    // of the interfaces config at the time of the call.
    Create(ctx context.Context) (UVM, error)

type VMSocketManager

VMSocketManager manages configuration for a hypervisor socket transport. This includes sockets such as HvSocket and Vsock.

type VMSocketManager interface {
    // VMSocketListen will create the requested vmsocket type and listen on the address specified by `connID`.
    // For HvSocket the type expected is a GUID, for Vsock it's a port of type uint32.
    VMSocketListen(ctx context.Context, socketType VMSocketType, connID interface{}) (net.Listener, error)

type VMSocketType

VMSocketType refers to which hypervisor socket transport type to use.

type VMSocketType uint8
const (
    HvSocket VMSocketType = iota

type VPMemImageFormat

VPMemImageFormat refers to the image type of the vpmem block device. This is either a vhd or vhdx.

type VPMemImageFormat uint8
const (
    VPMemImageFormatVHD1 VPMemImageFormat = iota

type VPMemManager

VPMemManager manages adding and removing virtual persistent memory devices for a Utility VM.

type VPMemManager interface {
    // AddVPMemController adds a new virtual pmem controller to the Utility VM.
    // `maximumDevices` specifies how many vpmem devices will be present in the guest.
    // `maximumSizeBytes` specifies the maximum size allowed for a vpmem device.
    AddVPMemController(maximumDevices uint32, maximumSizeBytes uint64) error
    // AddVPMemDevice adds a virtual pmem device to the Utility VM.
    AddVPMemDevice(ctx context.Context, id uint32, path string, readOnly bool, imageFormat VPMemImageFormat) error
    // RemoveVpmemDevice removes a virtual pmem device from the Utility VM.
    RemoveVPMemDevice(ctx context.Context, id uint32, path string) error

type VSMBManager

VSMBManager manages adding virtual smb shares to a Utility VM.

type VSMBManager interface {
    // AddVSMB adds a virtual smb share to a running Utility VM.
    AddVSMB(ctx context.Context, hostPath string, name string, allowedFiles []string, options *VSMBOptions) error
    // RemoveVSMB removes a virtual smb share from a running Utility VM.
    RemoveVSMB(ctx context.Context, name string) error

type VSMBOptions


type VSMBOptions struct {
    ReadOnly            bool
    CacheIo             bool
    NoDirectMap         bool
    PseudoOplocks       bool
    ShareRead           bool
    TakeBackupPrivilege bool
    NoOplocks           bool
    PseudoDirnotify     bool

type WindowsConfigManager

WindowsConfigManager manages options specific to a Windows host (cpugroups etc.)

type WindowsConfigManager interface {
    // SetCPUGroup sets the CPU group that the Utility VM will belong to on a Windows host.
    SetCPUGroup(ctx context.Context, id string) error


Name Synopsis