var DefaultSampler = trace.AlwaysSample()
var WithClientSpanKind = trace.WithSpanKind(trace.SpanKindClient)
var WithServerSpanKind = trace.WithSpanKind(trace.SpanKindServer)
func SetSpanStatus(span *trace.Span, err error)
SetSpanStatus sets `span.SetStatus` to the proper status depending on `err`. If `err` is `nil` assumes `trace.StatusCodeOk`.
func StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string, o ...trace.StartOption) (context.Context, *trace.Span)
StartSpan wraps "".StartSpan, but, if the span is sampling, adds a log entry to the context that points to the newly created span.
func StartSpanWithRemoteParent(ctx context.Context, name string, parent trace.SpanContext, o ...trace.StartOption) (context.Context, *trace.Span)
StartSpanWithRemoteParent wraps "".StartSpanWithRemoteParent.
See StartSpan for more information.
LogrusExporter is an OpenCensus `trace.Exporter` that exports `trace.SpanData` to logrus output.
type LogrusExporter struct{}
func (le *LogrusExporter) ExportSpan(s *trace.SpanData)
ExportSpan exports `s` based on the the following rules:
1. All output will contain `s.Attributes`, `s.SpanKind`, `s.TraceID`, `s.SpanID`, and `s.ParentSpanID` for correlation
2. Any calls to .Annotate will not be supported.
3. The span itself will be written at `logrus.InfoLevel` unless `s.Status.Code != 0` in which case it will be written at `logrus.ErrorLevel` providing `s.Status.Message` as the error value.