
Package runtime

import "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/guest/runtime"

Overview ▾

Package runtime defines the interface between the GCS and an OCI container runtime.


var (
    ErrContainerAlreadyExists = gcserr.WrapHresult(errors.New("container already exist"), gcserr.HrVmcomputeSystemAlreadyExists)
    ErrContainerDoesNotExist  = gcserr.WrapHresult(errors.New("container does not exist"), gcserr.HrVmcomputeSystemNotFound)
    ErrContainerStillRunning  = gcserr.WrapHresult(errors.New("container still running"), gcserr.HrVmcomputeInvalidState)
    ErrContainerNotRunning    = gcserr.WrapHresult(errors.New("container not running"), gcserr.HrVmcomputeSystemAlreadyStopped)
    ErrContainerNotStopped    = gcserr.WrapHresult(errors.New("container not stopped"), gcserr.HrVmcomputeInvalidState)
    ErrInvalidContainerID     = gcserr.WrapHresult(errors.New("invalid container ID"), gcserr.HrErrInvalidArg)

type Container

Container is an interface to manipulate container state.

type Container interface {
    ID() string
    Exists() (bool, error)
    Start() error
    ExecProcess(process *oci.Process, stdioSet *stdio.ConnectionSet) (p Process, err error)
    Kill(signal syscall.Signal) error
    Pause() error
    Resume() error
    GetState() (*ContainerState, error)
    GetRunningProcesses() ([]ContainerProcessState, error)
    GetAllProcesses() ([]ContainerProcessState, error)
    GetInitProcess() (Process, error)
    Update(resources interface{}) error

type ContainerProcessState

ContainerProcessState gives information about a process created by a Runtime.

type ContainerProcessState struct {
    Pid              int
    Command          []string
    CreatedByRuntime bool
    IsZombie         bool

type ContainerState

ContainerState gives information about a container created by a Runtime.

type ContainerState struct {
    OCIVersion string
    ID         string
    Pid        int
    BundlePath string
    RootfsPath string
    Status     string
    Created    string

type Process

Process is an interface to manipulate process state.

type Process interface {
    Wait() (int, error)
    Pid() int
    Delete() error
    Tty() *stdio.TtyRelay
    PipeRelay() *stdio.PipeRelay

type Runtime

Runtime is the interface defining commands over an OCI container runtime, such as runC.

type Runtime interface {
    CreateContainer(id string, bundlePath string, stdioSet *stdio.ConnectionSet) (c Container, err error)
    ListContainerStates() ([]ContainerState, error)

type StdioPipes

StdioPipes contain the interfaces for reading from and writing to a process's stdio.

type StdioPipes struct {
    In  io.WriteCloser
    Out io.ReadCloser
    Err io.ReadCloser


Name Synopsis