
Package prot

import "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/internal/guest/prot"

Overview ▾

Package prot defines any structures used in the communication between the HCS and the GCS. Some of these structures are also used outside the bridge as good ways of packaging parameters to core calls.

Index ▾

type ActiveOperation
type ContainerCreate
type ContainerCreateResponse
type ContainerExecuteProcess
type ContainerExecuteProcessResponse
type ContainerGetProperties
type ContainerGetPropertiesResponse
type ContainerModifySettings
    func UnmarshalContainerModifySettings(b []byte) (*ContainerModifySettings, error)
type ContainerNotification
type ContainerResizeConsole
type ContainerSignalProcess
type ContainerWaitForProcess
type ContainerWaitForProcessResponse
type DumpStacksResponse
type ErrorRecord
type ExecuteProcessSettings
type ExecuteProcessVsockStdioRelaySettings
type GcsCapabilities
type GcsGuestCapabilities
type MappedDirectory
type MappedVirtualDisk
type MessageBase
type MessageCategory
type MessageHeader
type MessageIdentifier
    func GetResponseIdentifier(identifier MessageIdentifier) MessageIdentifier
    func (mi MessageIdentifier) String() string
type MessageResponseBase
    func (mrp *MessageResponseBase) Base() *MessageResponseBase
type MessageType
type NegotiateProtocol
type NegotiateProtocolResponse
type NetworkAdapter
type NotificationType
type OsType
type ProcessDetails
type ProcessParameters
type Properties
type PropertiesV2
type PropertyQuery
type PropertyType
type ProtocolSupport
type ProtocolVersion
type RequestType
type ResourceModificationRequestResponse
type SchemaVersion
    func (s *SchemaVersion) Cmp(v SchemaVersion) int
type SequenceID
type SignalProcessOptions
type VMHostedContainerSettings
type VMHostedContainerSettingsV2

Package files



const (
    // MtNone is the default MessageType.
    MtNone = 0
    // MtRequest is the MessageType when a request is received.
    MtRequest = 0x10000000
    // MtResponse is the MessageType used to send a response.
    MtResponse = 0x20000000
    // MtNotification is the MessageType used to send a notification not
    // initiated by a request.
    MtNotification = 0x30000000
const (
    // McNone is the default category.
    McNone = 0
    // McComputeSystem is the category to define message types for compute
    // systems.
    McComputeSystem = 0x00100000
const (
    // MiNone is the unknown identifier.
    MiNone = 0

    // ComputeSystemCreateV1 is the create container request.
    ComputeSystemCreateV1 = 0x10100101
    // ComputeSystemStartV1 is the start container request.
    ComputeSystemStartV1 = 0x10100201
    // ComputeSystemShutdownGracefulV1 is the graceful shutdown container
    // request.
    ComputeSystemShutdownGracefulV1 = 0x10100301
    // ComputeSystemShutdownForcedV1 is the forceful shutdown container request.
    ComputeSystemShutdownForcedV1 = 0x10100401
    // ComputeSystemExecuteProcessV1 is the execute process request.
    ComputeSystemExecuteProcessV1 = 0x10100501
    // ComputeSystemWaitForProcessV1 is the wait for process exit request.
    ComputeSystemWaitForProcessV1 = 0x10100601
    // ComputeSystemSignalProcessV1 is the signal process request.
    ComputeSystemSignalProcessV1 = 0x10100701
    // ComputeSystemResizeConsoleV1 is the resize console tty request.
    ComputeSystemResizeConsoleV1 = 0x10100801
    // ComputeSystemGetPropertiesV1 is the list process properties request.
    ComputeSystemGetPropertiesV1 = 0x10100901
    // ComputeSystemModifySettingsV1 is the modify container request.
    ComputeSystemModifySettingsV1 = 0x10100a01
    // ComputeSystemNegotiateProtocolV1 is the protocol negotiation request.
    ComputeSystemNegotiateProtocolV1 = 0x10100b01
    // ComputeSystemDumpStacksV1 is the dump stack request
    ComputeSystemDumpStacksV1 = 0x10100c01
    // ComputeSystemDeleteContainerStateV1 is the delete container request.
    ComputeSystemDeleteContainerStateV1 = 0x10100d01

    // ComputeSystemResponseCreateV1 is the create container response.
    ComputeSystemResponseCreateV1 = 0x20100101
    // ComputeSystemResponseStartV1 is the start container response.
    ComputeSystemResponseStartV1 = 0x20100201
    // ComputeSystemResponseShutdownGracefulV1 is the graceful shutdown
    // container response.
    ComputeSystemResponseShutdownGracefulV1 = 0x20100301
    // ComputeSystemResponseShutdownForcedV1 is the forceful shutdown container
    // response.
    ComputeSystemResponseShutdownForcedV1 = 0x20100401
    // ComputeSystemResponseExecuteProcessV1 is the execute process response.
    ComputeSystemResponseExecuteProcessV1 = 0x20100501
    // ComputeSystemResponseWaitForProcessV1 is the wait for process exit
    // response.
    ComputeSystemResponseWaitForProcessV1 = 0x20100601
    // ComputeSystemResponseSignalProcessV1 is the signal process response.
    ComputeSystemResponseSignalProcessV1 = 0x20100701
    // ComputeSystemResponseResizeConsoleV1 is the resize console tty response.
    ComputeSystemResponseResizeConsoleV1 = 0x20100801
    // ComputeSystemResponseGetPropertiesV1 is the list process properties
    // response.
    ComputeSystemResponseGetPropertiesV1 = 0x20100901
    // ComputeSystemResponseModifySettingsV1 is the modify container response.
    ComputeSystemResponseModifySettingsV1 = 0x20100a01
    // ComputeSystemResponseNegotiateProtocolV1 is the protocol negotiation
    // response.
    ComputeSystemResponseNegotiateProtocolV1 = 0x20100b01
    // ComputeSystemResponseDumpStacksV1 is the dump stack response
    ComputeSystemResponseDumpStacksV1 = 0x20100c01

    // ComputeSystemNotificationV1 is the notification identifier.
    ComputeSystemNotificationV1 = 0x30100101
const (
    // NtNone indicates nothing to be sent back to the HCS
    NtNone = NotificationType("None")
    // NtGracefulExit indicates a graceful exit notification to be sent back to
    // the HCS
    NtGracefulExit = NotificationType("GracefulExit")
    // NtForcedExit indicates a forced exit notification to be sent back to the
    // HCS
    NtForcedExit = NotificationType("ForcedExit")
    // NtUnexpectedExit indicates an unexpected exit notification to be sent
    // back to the HCS
    NtUnexpectedExit = NotificationType("UnexpectedExit")
    // NtReboot indicates a reboot notification to be sent back to the HCS
    NtReboot = NotificationType("Reboot")
    // NtConstructed indicates a constructed notification to be sent back to the
    // HCS
    NtConstructed = NotificationType("Constructed")
    // NtStarted indicates a started notification to be sent back to the HCS
    NtStarted = NotificationType("Started")
    // NtPaused indicates a paused notification to be sent back to the HCS
    NtPaused = NotificationType("Paused")
    // NtUnknown indicates an unknown notification to be sent back to the HCS
    NtUnknown = NotificationType("Unknown")
const (
    // AoNone indicates no active operation
    AoNone = ActiveOperation("None")
    // AoConstruct indicates a construct active operation
    AoConstruct = ActiveOperation("Construct")
    // AoStart indicates a start active operation
    AoStart = ActiveOperation("Start")
    // AoPause indicates a pause active operation
    AoPause = ActiveOperation("Pause")
    // AoResume indicates a resume active operation
    AoResume = ActiveOperation("Resume")
    // AoShutdown indicates a shutdown active operation
    AoShutdown = ActiveOperation("Shutdown")
    // AoTerminate indicates a terminate active operation
    AoTerminate = ActiveOperation("Terminate")
const (
    // PtMemory is the property type for memory
    PtMemory = PropertyType("Memory")
    // PtCPUGroup is the property type for CPU group
    PtCPUGroup = PropertyType("CpuGroup")
    // PtStatistics is the property type for statistics
    PtStatistics = PropertyType("Statistics")
    // PtProcessList is the property type for a process list
    PtProcessList = PropertyType("ProcessList")
    // PtPendingUpdates is the property type for determining if there are
    // pending updates
    PtPendingUpdates = PropertyType("PendingUpdates")
    // PtTerminateOnLastHandleClosed is the property type for exiting when the
    // last handle is closed
    PtTerminateOnLastHandleClosed = PropertyType("TerminateOnLastHandleClosed")
    // PtMappedDirectory is the property type for mapped directories
    PtMappedDirectory = PropertyType("MappedDirectory")
    // PtSystemGUID is the property type for the system GUID
    PtSystemGUID = PropertyType("SystemGUID")
    // PtNetwork is the property type for networking
    PtNetwork = PropertyType("Network")
    // PtMappedPipe is the property type for mapped pipes
    PtMappedPipe = PropertyType("MappedPipe")
    // PtMappedVirtualDisk is the property type for mapped virtual disks
    PtMappedVirtualDisk = PropertyType("MappedVirtualDisk")
const (
    // RtAdd is the "Add" request type of operation
    RtAdd = RequestType("Add")
    // RtRemove is the "Remove" request type of operation
    RtRemove = RequestType("Remove")
    // RtUpdate is the "Update" request type of operation
    RtUpdate = RequestType("Update")

InfiniteWaitTimeout is the value for ContainerWaitForProcess.TimeoutInMs that indicates that no timeout should be in effect.

const InfiniteWaitTimeout = 0xffffffff

MessageHeaderSize is the size in bytes of the MessageHeader struct.

const MessageHeaderSize = 16

type ActiveOperation

ActiveOperation defines an operation to be associated with a notification sent back to the HCS.

type ActiveOperation string

type ContainerCreate

ContainerCreate is the message from the HCS specifying to create a container in the utility VM. This message won't actually create a Linux container inside the utility VM, but will set up the infrustructure needed to start one once the container's initial process is executed.

type ContainerCreate struct {
    ContainerConfig   string
    SupportedVersions ProtocolSupport `json:",omitempty"`

type ContainerCreateResponse

ContainerCreateResponse is the message to the HCS responding to a ContainerCreate message. It serves a protocol negotiation function as well for protocol versions 3 and lower, returning protocol version information to the HCS.

type ContainerCreateResponse struct {
    SelectedVersion         string `json:",omitempty"`
    SelectedProtocolVersion uint32

type ContainerExecuteProcess

ContainerExecuteProcess is the message from the HCS specifying to execute a process either inside or outside the container namespace.

type ContainerExecuteProcess struct {
    Settings ExecuteProcessSettings

type ContainerExecuteProcessResponse

ContainerExecuteProcessResponse is the message to the HCS responding to a ContainerExecuteProcess message. It provides back the process's pid.

type ContainerExecuteProcessResponse struct {
    ProcessID uint32 `json:"ProcessId"`

type ContainerGetProperties

ContainerGetProperties is the message from the HCS requesting certain properties of the container, such as a list of its processes.

type ContainerGetProperties struct {
    Query string

type ContainerGetPropertiesResponse

ContainerGetPropertiesResponse is the message to the HCS responding to a ContainerGetProperties message. It contains a string representing the properties requested.

type ContainerGetPropertiesResponse struct {
    Properties string

type ContainerModifySettings

ContainerModifySettings is the message from the HCS specifying how a certain container resource should be modified.

type ContainerModifySettings struct {
    Request interface{}

func UnmarshalContainerModifySettings

func UnmarshalContainerModifySettings(b []byte) (*ContainerModifySettings, error)

UnmarshalContainerModifySettings unmarshals the given bytes into a ContainerModifySettings message. This function is required because properties such as `Settings` can be of many types identified by the `ResourceType` and require dynamic unmarshalling.

type ContainerNotification

ContainerNotification is a message sent from the GCS to the HCS to indicate some kind of event. At the moment, it is only used for container exit notifications.

type ContainerNotification struct {
    Type       NotificationType
    Operation  ActiveOperation
    Result     int32
    ResultInfo string `json:",omitempty"`

type ContainerResizeConsole

ContainerResizeConsole is the message from the HCS specifying to change the console size for the given process.

type ContainerResizeConsole struct {
    ProcessID uint32 `json:"ProcessId"`
    Height    uint16
    Width     uint16

type ContainerSignalProcess

ContainerSignalProcess is the message from the HCS specifying to send a signal to the given process.

type ContainerSignalProcess struct {
    ProcessID uint32               `json:"ProcessId"`
    Options   SignalProcessOptions `json:",omitempty"`

type ContainerWaitForProcess

ContainerWaitForProcess is the message from the HCS specifying to wait until the given process exits. After receiving this message, the corresponding response should not be sent until the process has exited.

type ContainerWaitForProcess struct {
    ProcessID   uint32 `json:"ProcessId"`
    TimeoutInMs uint32

type ContainerWaitForProcessResponse

ContainerWaitForProcessResponse is the message to the HCS responding to a ContainerWaitForProcess message. It is only sent when the process has exited.

type ContainerWaitForProcessResponse struct {
    ExitCode uint32

type DumpStacksResponse

type DumpStacksResponse struct {
    GuestStacks string

type ErrorRecord

ErrorRecord represents a single error to be reported back to the HCS. It allows for specifying information about the source of the error, as well as an error message and stack trace.

type ErrorRecord struct {
    Result       int32
    Message      string
    StackTrace   string `json:",omitempty"`
    ModuleName   string
    FileName     string
    Line         uint32
    FunctionName string `json:",omitempty"`

type ExecuteProcessSettings

ExecuteProcessSettings defines the settings for a single process to be executed either inside or outside the container namespace.

type ExecuteProcessSettings struct {
    ProcessParameters       string
    VsockStdioRelaySettings ExecuteProcessVsockStdioRelaySettings

type ExecuteProcessVsockStdioRelaySettings

ExecuteProcessVsockStdioRelaySettings defines the port numbers for each stdio socket for a process.

type ExecuteProcessVsockStdioRelaySettings struct {
    StdIn  uint32 `json:",omitempty"`
    StdOut uint32 `json:",omitempty"`
    StdErr uint32 `json:",omitempty"`

type GcsCapabilities

GcsCapabilities specifies the abilities and scenarios supported by this GCS.

type GcsCapabilities struct {
    // True if a create message should be sent for the hosting system itself.
    SendHostCreateMessage bool `json:",omitempty"`
    // True if a start message should be sent for the hosting system itself. If
    // SendHostCreateMessage is false, a start message will not be sent either.
    SendHostStartMessage bool `json:",omitempty"`
    // True if an HVSocket ModifySettings request should be sent immediately
    // after the create/start messages are sent (if they're sent at all). This
    // ModifySettings request would be to configure the local and parent
    // Hyper-V socket addresses of the VM, and would have a RequestType of
    // Update.
    HVSocketConfigOnStartup bool            `json:"HvSocketConfigOnStartup,omitempty"`
    SupportedSchemaVersions []SchemaVersion `json:",omitempty"`
    RuntimeOsType           OsType          `json:",omitempty"`
    // GuestDefinedCapabilities define any JSON object that will be directly
    // passed to a client of the HCS. This can be useful to pass runtime
    // specific capabilities not tied to the platform itself.
    GuestDefinedCapabilities GcsGuestCapabilities `json:",omitempty"`

type GcsGuestCapabilities

GcsGuestCapabilities represents the customized guest capabilities supported by this GCS.

type GcsGuestCapabilities struct {
    NamespaceAddRequestSupported  bool `json:",omitempty"`
    SignalProcessSupported        bool `json:",omitempty"`
    DumpStacksSupported           bool `json:",omitempty"`
    DeleteContainerStateSupported bool `json:",omitempty"`

type MappedDirectory

MappedDirectory represents a directory on the host which is mapped to a directory on the guest through a technology such as Plan9.

type MappedDirectory struct {
    ContainerPath     string
    CreateInUtilityVM bool   `json:",omitempty"`
    ReadOnly          bool   `json:",omitempty"`
    Port              uint32 `json:",omitempty"`

type MappedVirtualDisk

MappedVirtualDisk represents a disk on the host which is mapped into a directory in the guest.

type MappedVirtualDisk struct {
    ContainerPath     string
    Lun               uint8 `json:",omitempty"`
    CreateInUtilityVM bool  `json:",omitempty"`
    ReadOnly          bool  `json:",omitempty"`
    AttachOnly        bool  `json:",omitempty"`

type MessageBase

MessageBase is the base type embedded in all messages sent from the HCS to the GCS, as well as ContainerNotification which is sent from GCS to HCS.

type MessageBase struct {
    ContainerID string `json:"ContainerId"`
    ActivityID  string `json:"ActivityId"`

    // OpenCensusSpanContext is the encoded OpenCensus `trace.SpanContext` if
    // set when making the request.
    // NOTE: This is not a part of the protocol but because its a JSON protocol
    // adding fields is a non-breaking change. If the guest supports it this is
    // just additive context.
    OpenCensusSpanContext *ocspancontext `json:"ocsc,omitempty"`

type MessageCategory

MessageCategory allows splitting the identifier namespace to easily route similar messages for common processing.

type MessageCategory uint32

type MessageHeader

MessageHeader is the common header present in all communications messages.

type MessageHeader struct {
    Type MessageIdentifier
    Size uint32
    ID   SequenceID

type MessageIdentifier

MessageIdentifier describes the Type field of a MessageHeader struct.

type MessageIdentifier uint32

func GetResponseIdentifier

func GetResponseIdentifier(identifier MessageIdentifier) MessageIdentifier

GetResponseIdentifier returns the response version of the given request identifier. So, for example, an input of ComputeSystemCreateV1 would result in an output of ComputeSystemResponseCreateV1.

func (MessageIdentifier) String

func (mi MessageIdentifier) String() string

String returns the string representation of the message identifier.

type MessageResponseBase

MessageResponseBase is the base type embedded in all messages sent from the GCS to the HCS except for ContainerNotification.

type MessageResponseBase struct {
    Result       int32
    ActivityID   string        `json:"ActivityId,omitempty"`
    ErrorMessage string        `json:",omitempty"` // Only used by hcsshim external bridge
    ErrorRecords []ErrorRecord `json:",omitempty"`

func (*MessageResponseBase) Base

func (mrp *MessageResponseBase) Base() *MessageResponseBase

Base returns the response base by reference.

type MessageType

MessageType is the type of the message.

type MessageType uint32

type NegotiateProtocol

NegotiateProtocol is the message from the HCS used to determine the protocol version that will be used for future communication.

type NegotiateProtocol struct {
    MinimumVersion uint32
    MaximumVersion uint32

type NegotiateProtocolResponse

NegotiateProtocolResponse is the message to the HCS responding to a NegotiateProtocol message. It specifies the preferred protocol version and available capabilities of the GCS.

type NegotiateProtocolResponse struct {
    Version      uint32
    Capabilities GcsCapabilities

type NetworkAdapter

NetworkAdapter represents a network interface and its associated configuration.

type NetworkAdapter struct {
    AdapterInstanceID    string `json:"AdapterInstanceId"`
    FirewallEnabled      bool
    NatEnabled           bool
    MacAddress           string `json:",omitempty"`
    AllocatedIPAddress   string `json:"AllocatedIpAddress,omitempty"`
    HostIPAddress        string `json:"HostIpAddress,omitempty"`
    HostIPPrefixLength   uint8  `json:"HostIpPrefixLength,omitempty"`
    AllocatedIPv6Address string `json:"AllocatedIpv6Address,omitempty"`
    HostIPv6Address      string `json:"HostIpv6Address,omitempty"`
    HostIPv6PrefixLength uint8  `json:"HostIpv6PrefixLength,omitempty"`
    HostDNSServerList    string `json:"HostDnsServerList,omitempty"`
    HostDNSSuffix        string `json:"HostDnsSuffix,omitempty"`
    EnableLowMetric      bool   `json:",omitempty"`
    EncapOverhead        uint16 `json:",omitempty"`

type NotificationType

NotificationType defines a type of notification to be sent back to the HCS.

type NotificationType string

type OsType

OsType defines the operating system type identifier of the guest hosting the GCS.

type OsType string

OsTypeLinux is the OS type the HCS expects for a Linux GCS

const OsTypeLinux OsType = "Linux"

type ProcessDetails

ProcessDetails represents information about a given process.

type ProcessDetails struct {
    ProcessID uint32 `json:"ProcessId"`

type ProcessParameters

ProcessParameters represents any process which may be started in the utility VM. This covers three cases: 1.) It is an external process, i.e. a process running inside the utility VM but not inside any container. In this case, don't specify the OCISpecification field, but specify all other fields. 2.) It is the first process in a container. In this case, specify only the OCISpecification field, and not the other fields. 3.) It is a container process, but not the first process in that container. In this case, don't specify the OCISpecification field, but specify all other fields. This is the same as if it were an external process.

type ProcessParameters struct {
    // CommandLine is a space separated list of command line parameters. For
    // example, the command which sleeps for 100 seconds would be represented by
    // the CommandLine string "sleep 100".
    CommandLine string `json:",omitempty"`
    // CommandArgs is a list of strings representing the command to execute. If
    // it is not empty, it will be used by the GCS. If it is empty, CommandLine
    // will be used instead.
    CommandArgs      []string          `json:",omitempty"`
    WorkingDirectory string            `json:",omitempty"`
    Environment      map[string]string `json:",omitempty"`
    EmulateConsole   bool              `json:",omitempty"`
    CreateStdInPipe  bool              `json:",omitempty"`
    CreateStdOutPipe bool              `json:",omitempty"`
    CreateStdErrPipe bool              `json:",omitempty"`
    // If IsExternal is false, the process will be created inside a container.
    // If true, it will be created external to any container. The latter is
    // useful if, for example, you want to start up a shell in the utility VM
    // for debugging/diagnostic purposes.
    IsExternal bool `json:"CreateInUtilityVM,omitempty"`
    // If this is the first process created for this container, this field must
    // be specified. Otherwise, it must be left blank and the other fields must
    // be specified.
    OCISpecification *oci.Spec `json:"OciSpecification,omitempty"`

    OCIProcess *oci.Process `json:"OciProcess,omitempty"`

type Properties

Properties represents the properties of a compute system.

type Properties struct {
    ProcessList []ProcessDetails `json:",omitempty"`

type PropertiesV2

type PropertiesV2 struct {
    ProcessList []ProcessDetails `json:"ProcessList,omitempty"`
    Metrics     *v1.Metrics      `json:"LCOWMetrics,omitempty"`

type PropertyQuery

PropertyQuery is a query to specify which properties are requested.

type PropertyQuery struct {
    PropertyTypes []PropertyType `json:",omitempty"`

type PropertyType

PropertyType is the type of property, such as memory or virtual disk, which is to be modified for the container.

type PropertyType string

type ProtocolSupport

ProtocolSupport specifies the protocol versions to be used for HCS-GCS communication.

type ProtocolSupport struct {
    MinimumVersion         string `json:",omitempty"`
    MaximumVersion         string `json:",omitempty"`
    MinimumProtocolVersion uint32
    MaximumProtocolVersion uint32

type ProtocolVersion

ProtocolVersion is a type for the selected HCS<->GCS protocol version of messages

type ProtocolVersion uint32

Protocol versions.

const (
    PvInvalid ProtocolVersion = 0
    PvV4      ProtocolVersion = 4
    PvMax     ProtocolVersion = PvV4

type RequestType

RequestType is the type of operation to perform on a given property type.

type RequestType string

type ResourceModificationRequestResponse

ResourceModificationRequestResponse details a container resource which should be modified, how, and with what parameters.

type ResourceModificationRequestResponse struct {
    ResourceType PropertyType
    RequestType  RequestType `json:",omitempty"`
    Settings     interface{} `json:",omitempty"`

type SchemaVersion

SchemaVersion defines the version of the schema that should be deserialized.

type SchemaVersion struct {
    Major uint32 `json:",omitempty"`
    Minor uint32 `json:",omitempty"`

func (*SchemaVersion) Cmp

func (s *SchemaVersion) Cmp(v SchemaVersion) int

Cmp compares s and v and returns:

-1 if s <  v
0 if s == v
1 if s >  v

type SequenceID

SequenceID is used to correlate requests and responses.

type SequenceID uint64

type SignalProcessOptions

SignalProcessOptions represents the options for signaling a process.

type SignalProcessOptions struct {
    Signal int32

type VMHostedContainerSettings

VMHostedContainerSettings is the set of settings used to specify the initial configuration of a container.

type VMHostedContainerSettings struct {
    Layers []hcsschema.Layer
    // SandboxDataPath is in this case the identifier (such as the SCSI number)
    // of the sandbox device.
    SandboxDataPath    string
    MappedVirtualDisks []MappedVirtualDisk
    MappedDirectories  []MappedDirectory
    NetworkAdapters    []NetworkAdapter `json:",omitempty"`

type VMHostedContainerSettingsV2

VMHostedContainerSettingsV2 defines the portion of the ContainerCreate.ContainerConfig that is sent via a V2 call. This correlates to the 'HostedSystem' on the HCS side but rather than sending the 'Container' field the Linux GCS accepts an oci.Spec directly.

type VMHostedContainerSettingsV2 struct {
    SchemaVersion    SchemaVersion
    OCIBundlePath    string    `json:"OciBundlePath,omitempty"`
    OCISpecification *oci.Spec `json:"OciSpecification,omitempty"`
    // ScratchDirPath represents the path inside the UVM at which the container scratch
    // directory is present.  Usually, this is the path at which the container scratch
    // VHD is mounted inside the UVM. But in case of scratch sharing this is a
    // directory under the UVM scratch directory.
    ScratchDirPath string