
Package cli

import "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/cli"

Overview ▾

func AccessTokensPath

func AccessTokensPath() (string, error)

AccessTokensPath returns the path where access tokens are stored from the Azure CLI TODO(#199): add unit test.

func GetAzureCLICommand

func GetAzureCLICommand() *exec.Cmd

GetAzureCLICommand can be used to run arbitrary Azure CLI command

func ParseExpirationDate

func ParseExpirationDate(input string) (*time.Time, error)

ParseExpirationDate parses either a Azure CLI or CloudShell date into a time object

func ProfilePath

func ProfilePath() (string, error)

ProfilePath returns the path where the Azure Profile is stored from the Azure CLI

type GetAccessTokenParams

GetAccessTokenParams is the parameter struct of GetTokenFromCLIWithParams

type GetAccessTokenParams struct {
    Resource     string
    ResourceType string
    Subscription string
    Tenant       string

type Profile

Profile represents a Profile from the Azure CLI

type Profile struct {
    InstallationID string         `json:"installationId"`
    Subscriptions  []Subscription `json:"subscriptions"`

func LoadProfile

func LoadProfile(path string) (result Profile, err error)

LoadProfile restores a Profile object from a file located at 'path'.

type Subscription

Subscription represents a Subscription from the Azure CLI

type Subscription struct {
    EnvironmentName string `json:"environmentName"`
    ID              string `json:"id"`
    IsDefault       bool   `json:"isDefault"`
    Name            string `json:"name"`
    State           string `json:"state"`
    TenantID        string `json:"tenantId"`
    User            *User  `json:"user"`

type Token

Token represents an AccessToken from the Azure CLI

type Token struct {
    AccessToken      string `json:"accessToken"`
    Authority        string `json:"_authority"`
    ClientID         string `json:"_clientId"`
    ExpiresOn        string `json:"expiresOn"`
    IdentityProvider string `json:"identityProvider"`
    IsMRRT           bool   `json:"isMRRT"`
    RefreshToken     string `json:"refreshToken"`
    Resource         string `json:"resource"`
    TokenType        string `json:"tokenType"`
    UserID           string `json:"userId"`

func GetTokenFromCLI

func GetTokenFromCLI(resource string) (*Token, error)

GetTokenFromCLI gets a token using Azure CLI 2.0 for local development scenarios.

func GetTokenFromCLIWithParams

func GetTokenFromCLIWithParams(params GetAccessTokenParams) (*Token, error)

GetTokenFromCLIWithParams gets a token using Azure CLI 2.0 for local development scenarios.

func LoadTokens

func LoadTokens(path string) ([]Token, error)

LoadTokens restores a set of Token objects from a file located at 'path'.

func (Token) ToADALToken

func (t Token) ToADALToken() (converted adal.Token, err error)

ToADALToken converts an Azure CLI `Token“ to an `adal.Token“

type User

User represents a User from the Azure CLI

type User struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Type string `json:"type"`