
Package adal

import "github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal"

Overview ▾

Index ▾

func AddToUserAgent(extension string) error
func DecodePfxCertificateData(pfxData []byte, password string) (*x509.Certificate, *rsa.PrivateKey, error)
func GetMSIAppServiceEndpoint() (string, error)
func GetMSIEndpoint() (string, error)
func GetMSIVMEndpoint() (string, error)
func MSIAvailable(ctx context.Context, s Sender) bool
func SaveToken(path string, mode os.FileMode, token Token) error
func UserAgent() string
type DeviceCode
    func InitiateDeviceAuth(sender Sender, oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID, resource string) (*DeviceCode, error)
    func InitiateDeviceAuthWithContext(ctx context.Context, sender Sender, oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID, resource string) (*DeviceCode, error)
type JWTCallback
type ManagedIdentityOptions
type MultiTenantOAuthConfig
    func NewMultiTenantOAuthConfig(activeDirectoryEndpoint, primaryTenantID string, auxiliaryTenantIDs []string, options OAuthOptions) (MultiTenantOAuthConfig, error)
type MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken
    func NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalToken(multiTenantCfg MultiTenantOAuthConfig, clientID string, secret string, resource string) (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate(multiTenantCfg MultiTenantOAuthConfig, clientID string, certificate *x509.Certificate, privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, resource string) (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) AuxiliaryOAuthTokens() []string
    func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error
    func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) PrimaryOAuthToken() string
    func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchangeWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource string) error
    func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) RefreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error
type MultitenantOAuthTokenProvider
type OAuthConfig
    func NewOAuthConfig(activeDirectoryEndpoint, tenantID string) (*OAuthConfig, error)
    func NewOAuthConfigWithAPIVersion(activeDirectoryEndpoint, tenantID string, apiVersion *string) (*OAuthConfig, error)
    func (oac OAuthConfig) IsZero() bool
type OAuthOptions
type OAuthTokenProvider
type Refresher
type RefresherWithContext
type SendDecorator
type Sender
    func CreateSender(decorators ...SendDecorator) Sender
    func DecorateSender(s Sender, decorators ...SendDecorator) Sender
type SenderFunc
    func (sf SenderFunc) Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret
    func (secret ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (secret *ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error
type ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret
    func (secret ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (secret *ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error
    func (secret *ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) SignJwt(spt *ServicePrincipalToken) (string, error)
type ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret
    func (secret ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (secret *ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(_ *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error
type ServicePrincipalMSISecret
    func (msiSecret ServicePrincipalMSISecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (msiSecret *ServicePrincipalMSISecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error
type ServicePrincipalNoSecret
    func (noSecret ServicePrincipalNoSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (noSecret *ServicePrincipalNoSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error
type ServicePrincipalSecret
type ServicePrincipalToken
    func NewServicePrincipalToken(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, secret string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromAuthorizationCode(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, clientSecret string, authorizationCode string, redirectURI string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, certificate *x509.Certificate, privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedToken(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, jwt string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedTokenCallback(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, jwtCallback JWTCallback, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI(msiEndpoint, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithIdentityResourceID(msiEndpoint, resource string, identityResourceID string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithUserAssignedID(msiEndpoint, resource string, userAssignedID string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManagedIdentity(resource string, options *ManagedIdentityOptions, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualToken(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, resource string, token Token, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualTokenSecret(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, resource string, token Token, secret ServicePrincipalSecret, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromUsernamePassword(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, username string, password string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func NewServicePrincipalTokenWithSecret(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, id string, resource string, secret ServicePrincipalSecret, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFresh() error
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) InvokeRefreshCallbacks(token Token) error
    func (spt ServicePrincipalToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (spt ServicePrincipalToken) MarshalTokenJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) OAuthToken() string
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) Refresh() error
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchange(resource string) error
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchangeWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource string) error
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetAutoRefresh(autoRefresh bool)
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetCustomRefreshFunc(customRefreshFunc TokenRefresh)
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetRefreshCallbacks(callbacks []TokenRefreshCallback)
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetRefreshWithin(d time.Duration)
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetSender(s Sender)
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) Token() Token
    func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ServicePrincipalTokenSecret
    func (tokenSecret ServicePrincipalTokenSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (tokenSecret *ServicePrincipalTokenSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error
type ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret
    func (secret ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (secret *ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error
type Token
    func CheckForUserCompletion(sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)
    func CheckForUserCompletionWithContext(ctx context.Context, sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)
    func LoadToken(path string) (*Token, error)
    func WaitForUserCompletion(sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)
    func WaitForUserCompletionWithContext(ctx context.Context, sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)
    func (t Token) Expires() time.Time
    func (t Token) IsExpired() bool
    func (t Token) IsZero() bool
    func (t *Token) OAuthToken() string
    func (t Token) WillExpireIn(d time.Duration) bool
type TokenError
type TokenRefresh
type TokenRefreshCallback
type TokenRefreshError

Package files

config.go devicetoken.go persist.go sender.go token.go token_1.13.go version.go


const (

    // OAuthGrantTypeDeviceCode is the "grant_type" identifier used in device flow
    OAuthGrantTypeDeviceCode = "device_code"

    // OAuthGrantTypeClientCredentials is the "grant_type" identifier used in credential flows
    OAuthGrantTypeClientCredentials = "client_credentials"

    // OAuthGrantTypeUserPass is the "grant_type" identifier used in username and password auth flows
    OAuthGrantTypeUserPass = "password"

    // OAuthGrantTypeRefreshToken is the "grant_type" identifier used in refresh token flows
    OAuthGrantTypeRefreshToken = "refresh_token"

    // OAuthGrantTypeAuthorizationCode is the "grant_type" identifier used in authorization code flows
    OAuthGrantTypeAuthorizationCode = "authorization_code"


var (
    // ErrDeviceGeneric represents an unknown error from the token endpoint when using device flow
    ErrDeviceGeneric = fmt.Errorf("%s Error while retrieving OAuth token: Unknown Error", logPrefix)

    // ErrDeviceAccessDenied represents an access denied error from the token endpoint when using device flow
    ErrDeviceAccessDenied = fmt.Errorf("%s Error while retrieving OAuth token: Access Denied", logPrefix)

    // ErrDeviceAuthorizationPending represents the server waiting on the user to complete the device flow
    ErrDeviceAuthorizationPending = fmt.Errorf("%s Error while retrieving OAuth token: Authorization Pending", logPrefix)

    // ErrDeviceCodeExpired represents the server timing out and expiring the code during device flow
    ErrDeviceCodeExpired = fmt.Errorf("%s Error while retrieving OAuth token: Code Expired", logPrefix)

    // ErrDeviceSlowDown represents the service telling us we're polling too often during device flow
    ErrDeviceSlowDown = fmt.Errorf("%s Error while retrieving OAuth token: Slow Down", logPrefix)

    // ErrDeviceCodeEmpty represents an empty device code from the device endpoint while using device flow
    ErrDeviceCodeEmpty = fmt.Errorf("%s Error while retrieving device code: Device Code Empty", logPrefix)

    // ErrOAuthTokenEmpty represents an empty OAuth token from the token endpoint when using device flow
    ErrOAuthTokenEmpty = fmt.Errorf("%s Error while retrieving OAuth token: Token Empty", logPrefix)
var (
    // ErrMissingCertificate is returned when no local certificate is found in the provided PFX data.
    ErrMissingCertificate = errors.New("adal: certificate missing")

    // ErrMissingPrivateKey is returned when no private key is found in the provided PFX data.
    ErrMissingPrivateKey = errors.New("adal: private key missing")

func AddToUserAgent

func AddToUserAgent(extension string) error

AddToUserAgent adds an extension to the current user agent

func DecodePfxCertificateData

func DecodePfxCertificateData(pfxData []byte, password string) (*x509.Certificate, *rsa.PrivateKey, error)

DecodePfxCertificateData extracts the x509 certificate and RSA private key from the provided PFX data. The PFX data must contain a private key along with a certificate whose public key matches that of the private key or an error is returned. If the private key is not password protected pass the empty string for password.

func GetMSIAppServiceEndpoint

func GetMSIAppServiceEndpoint() (string, error)

GetMSIAppServiceEndpoint get the MSI endpoint for App Service and Functions. It will return an error when not running in an app service/functions environment. Deprecated: NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI() and variants will automatically detect the endpoint.

func GetMSIEndpoint

func GetMSIEndpoint() (string, error)

GetMSIEndpoint get the appropriate MSI endpoint depending on the runtime environment Deprecated: NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI() and variants will automatically detect the endpoint.

func GetMSIVMEndpoint

func GetMSIVMEndpoint() (string, error)

GetMSIVMEndpoint gets the MSI endpoint on Virtual Machines. NOTE: this always returns the IMDS endpoint, it does not work for app services or cloud shell. Deprecated: NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI() and variants will automatically detect the endpoint.

func MSIAvailable

func MSIAvailable(ctx context.Context, s Sender) bool

MSIAvailable returns true if the MSI endpoint is available for authentication.

func SaveToken

func SaveToken(path string, mode os.FileMode, token Token) error

SaveToken persists an oauth token at the given location on disk. It moves the new file into place so it can safely be used to replace an existing file that maybe accessed by multiple processes.

func UserAgent

func UserAgent() string

UserAgent returns a string containing the Go version, system architecture and OS, and the adal version.

type DeviceCode

DeviceCode is the object returned by the device auth endpoint It contains information to instruct the user to complete the auth flow

type DeviceCode struct {
    DeviceCode      *string `json:"device_code,omitempty"`
    UserCode        *string `json:"user_code,omitempty"`
    VerificationURL *string `json:"verification_url,omitempty"`
    ExpiresIn       *int64  `json:"expires_in,string,omitempty"`
    Interval        *int64  `json:"interval,string,omitempty"`

    Message     *string `json:"message"` // Azure specific
    Resource    string  // store the following, stored when initiating, used when exchanging
    OAuthConfig OAuthConfig
    ClientID    string

func InitiateDeviceAuth

func InitiateDeviceAuth(sender Sender, oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID, resource string) (*DeviceCode, error)

InitiateDeviceAuth initiates a device auth flow. It returns a DeviceCode that can be used with CheckForUserCompletion or WaitForUserCompletion. Deprecated: use InitiateDeviceAuthWithContext() instead.

func InitiateDeviceAuthWithContext

func InitiateDeviceAuthWithContext(ctx context.Context, sender Sender, oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID, resource string) (*DeviceCode, error)

InitiateDeviceAuthWithContext initiates a device auth flow. It returns a DeviceCode that can be used with CheckForUserCompletion or WaitForUserCompletion.

type JWTCallback

JWTCallback is the type representing callback that will be called to get the federated OIDC JWT

type JWTCallback func() (string, error)

type ManagedIdentityOptions

ManagedIdentityOptions contains optional values for configuring managed identity authentication.

type ManagedIdentityOptions struct {
    // ClientID is the user-assigned identity to use during authentication.
    // It is mutually exclusive with IdentityResourceID.
    ClientID string

    // IdentityResourceID is the resource ID of the user-assigned identity to use during authentication.
    // It is mutually exclusive with ClientID.
    IdentityResourceID string

type MultiTenantOAuthConfig

MultiTenantOAuthConfig provides endpoints for primary and aulixiary tenant IDs.

type MultiTenantOAuthConfig interface {
    PrimaryTenant() *OAuthConfig
    AuxiliaryTenants() []*OAuthConfig

func NewMultiTenantOAuthConfig

func NewMultiTenantOAuthConfig(activeDirectoryEndpoint, primaryTenantID string, auxiliaryTenantIDs []string, options OAuthOptions) (MultiTenantOAuthConfig, error)

NewMultiTenantOAuthConfig creates an object that support multitenant OAuth configuration. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/authenticate-multi-tenant for more information.

type MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken

MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken contains tokens for multi-tenant authorization.

type MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken struct {
    PrimaryToken    *ServicePrincipalToken
    AuxiliaryTokens []*ServicePrincipalToken

func NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalToken

func NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalToken(multiTenantCfg MultiTenantOAuthConfig, clientID string, secret string, resource string) (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalToken creates a new MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken with the specified credentials and resource.

func NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate

func NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate(multiTenantCfg MultiTenantOAuthConfig, clientID string, certificate *x509.Certificate, privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, resource string) (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewMultiTenantServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate creates a new MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken with the specified certificate credentials and resource.

func (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) AuxiliaryOAuthTokens

func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) AuxiliaryOAuthTokens() []string

AuxiliaryOAuthTokens returns one to three auxiliary authorization tokens.

func (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFreshWithContext

func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

EnsureFreshWithContext will refresh the token if it will expire within the refresh window (as set by RefreshWithin) and autoRefresh flag is on. This method is safe for concurrent use.

func (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) PrimaryOAuthToken

func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) PrimaryOAuthToken() string

PrimaryOAuthToken returns the primary authorization token.

func (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchangeWithContext

func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchangeWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource string) error

RefreshExchangeWithContext refreshes the token, but for a different resource.

func (*MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) RefreshWithContext

func (mt *MultiTenantServicePrincipalToken) RefreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

RefreshWithContext obtains a fresh token for the Service Principal.

type MultitenantOAuthTokenProvider

MultitenantOAuthTokenProvider provides tokens used for multi-tenant authorization.

type MultitenantOAuthTokenProvider interface {
    PrimaryOAuthToken() string
    AuxiliaryOAuthTokens() []string

type OAuthConfig

OAuthConfig represents the endpoints needed in OAuth operations

type OAuthConfig struct {
    AuthorityEndpoint  url.URL `json:"authorityEndpoint"`
    AuthorizeEndpoint  url.URL `json:"authorizeEndpoint"`
    TokenEndpoint      url.URL `json:"tokenEndpoint"`
    DeviceCodeEndpoint url.URL `json:"deviceCodeEndpoint"`

func NewOAuthConfig

func NewOAuthConfig(activeDirectoryEndpoint, tenantID string) (*OAuthConfig, error)

NewOAuthConfig returns an OAuthConfig with tenant specific urls

func NewOAuthConfigWithAPIVersion

func NewOAuthConfigWithAPIVersion(activeDirectoryEndpoint, tenantID string, apiVersion *string) (*OAuthConfig, error)

NewOAuthConfigWithAPIVersion returns an OAuthConfig with tenant specific urls. If apiVersion is not nil the "api-version" query parameter will be appended to the endpoint URLs with the specified value.

func (OAuthConfig) IsZero

func (oac OAuthConfig) IsZero() bool

IsZero returns true if the OAuthConfig object is zero-initialized.

type OAuthOptions

OAuthOptions contains optional OAuthConfig creation arguments.

type OAuthOptions struct {
    APIVersion string

type OAuthTokenProvider

OAuthTokenProvider is an interface which should be implemented by an access token retriever

type OAuthTokenProvider interface {
    OAuthToken() string

type Refresher

Refresher is an interface for token refresh functionality

type Refresher interface {
    Refresh() error
    RefreshExchange(resource string) error
    EnsureFresh() error

type RefresherWithContext

RefresherWithContext is an interface for token refresh functionality

type RefresherWithContext interface {
    RefreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error
    RefreshExchangeWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource string) error
    EnsureFreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

type SendDecorator

SendDecorator takes and possibly decorates, by wrapping, a Sender. Decorators may affect the http.Request and pass it along or, first, pass the http.Request along then react to the http.Response result.

type SendDecorator func(Sender) Sender

type Sender

Sender is the interface that wraps the Do method to send HTTP requests.

The standard http.Client conforms to this interface.

type Sender interface {
    Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

func CreateSender

func CreateSender(decorators ...SendDecorator) Sender

CreateSender creates, decorates, and returns, as a Sender, the default http.Client.

func DecorateSender

func DecorateSender(s Sender, decorators ...SendDecorator) Sender

DecorateSender accepts a Sender and a, possibly empty, set of SendDecorators, which is applies to the Sender. Decorators are applied in the order received, but their affect upon the request depends on whether they are a pre-decorator (change the http.Request and then pass it along) or a post-decorator (pass the http.Request along and react to the results in http.Response).

type SenderFunc

SenderFunc is a method that implements the Sender interface.

type SenderFunc func(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

func (SenderFunc) Do

func (sf SenderFunc) Do(r *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

Do implements the Sender interface on SenderFunc.

type ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret

ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret implements ServicePrincipalSecret for authorization code auth.

type ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret struct {
    ClientSecret      string `json:"value"`
    AuthorizationCode string `json:"authCode"`
    RedirectURI       string `json:"redirect"`

func (ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret) MarshalJSON

func (secret ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret) SetAuthenticationValues

func (secret *ServicePrincipalAuthorizationCodeSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error

SetAuthenticationValues is a method of the interface ServicePrincipalSecret.

type ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret

ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret implements ServicePrincipalSecret for generic RSA cert auth with signed JWTs.

type ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret struct {
    Certificate *x509.Certificate
    PrivateKey  *rsa.PrivateKey

func (ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) MarshalJSON

func (secret ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) SetAuthenticationValues

func (secret *ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error

SetAuthenticationValues is a method of the interface ServicePrincipalSecret. It will populate the form submitted during oAuth Token Acquisition using a JWT signed with a certificate.

func (*ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) SignJwt

func (secret *ServicePrincipalCertificateSecret) SignJwt(spt *ServicePrincipalToken) (string, error)

SignJwt returns the JWT signed with the certificate's private key.

type ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret

ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret implements ServicePrincipalSecret for Federated JWTs.

type ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret) MarshalJSON

func (secret ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret) SetAuthenticationValues

func (secret *ServicePrincipalFederatedSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(_ *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error

SetAuthenticationValues is a method of the interface ServicePrincipalSecret. It will populate the form submitted during OAuth Token Acquisition using a JWT signed by an OIDC issuer.

type ServicePrincipalMSISecret

ServicePrincipalMSISecret implements ServicePrincipalSecret for machines running the MSI Extension.

type ServicePrincipalMSISecret struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ServicePrincipalMSISecret) MarshalJSON

func (msiSecret ServicePrincipalMSISecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*ServicePrincipalMSISecret) SetAuthenticationValues

func (msiSecret *ServicePrincipalMSISecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error

SetAuthenticationValues is a method of the interface ServicePrincipalSecret.

type ServicePrincipalNoSecret

ServicePrincipalNoSecret represents a secret type that contains no secret meaning it is not valid for fetching a fresh token. This is used by Manual

type ServicePrincipalNoSecret struct {

func (ServicePrincipalNoSecret) MarshalJSON

func (noSecret ServicePrincipalNoSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*ServicePrincipalNoSecret) SetAuthenticationValues

func (noSecret *ServicePrincipalNoSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error

SetAuthenticationValues is a method of the interface ServicePrincipalSecret It only returns an error for the ServicePrincipalNoSecret type

type ServicePrincipalSecret

ServicePrincipalSecret is an interface that allows various secret mechanism to fill the form that is submitted when acquiring an oAuth token.

type ServicePrincipalSecret interface {
    SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, values *url.Values) error

type ServicePrincipalToken

ServicePrincipalToken encapsulates a Token created for a Service Principal.

type ServicePrincipalToken struct {

    // MaxMSIRefreshAttempts is the maximum number of attempts to refresh an MSI token.
    // Settings this to a value less than 1 will use the default value.
    MaxMSIRefreshAttempts int
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewServicePrincipalToken

func NewServicePrincipalToken(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, secret string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalToken creates a ServicePrincipalToken from the supplied Service Principal credentials scoped to the named resource.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromAuthorizationCode

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromAuthorizationCode(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, clientSecret string, authorizationCode string, redirectURI string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromAuthorizationCode creates a ServicePrincipalToken from the

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, certificate *x509.Certificate, privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate creates a ServicePrincipalToken from the supplied pkcs12 bytes.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedToken

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedToken(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, jwt string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedToken creates a ServicePrincipalToken from the supplied federated OIDC JWT.

Deprecated: Use NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedTokenWithCallback to refresh jwt dynamically.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedTokenCallback

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedTokenCallback(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, jwtCallback JWTCallback, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromFederatedTokenCallback creates a ServicePrincipalToken from the supplied federated OIDC JWTCallback.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI(msiEndpoint, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI creates a ServicePrincipalToken via the MSI VM Extension. It will use the system assigned identity when creating the token. msiEndpoint - empty string, or pass a non-empty string to override the default value. Deprecated: use NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManagedIdentity() instead.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithIdentityResourceID

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithIdentityResourceID(msiEndpoint, resource string, identityResourceID string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithIdentityResourceID creates a ServicePrincipalToken via the MSI VM Extension. It will use the azure resource id of user assigned identity when creating the token. msiEndpoint - empty string, or pass a non-empty string to override the default value. Deprecated: use NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManagedIdentity() instead.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithUserAssignedID

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithUserAssignedID(msiEndpoint, resource string, userAssignedID string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithUserAssignedID creates a ServicePrincipalToken via the MSI VM Extension. It will use the clientID of specified user assigned identity when creating the token. msiEndpoint - empty string, or pass a non-empty string to override the default value. Deprecated: use NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManagedIdentity() instead.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManagedIdentity

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManagedIdentity(resource string, options *ManagedIdentityOptions, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManagedIdentity creates a ServicePrincipalToken using a managed identity. It supports the following managed identity environments. - App Service Environment (API version 2017-09-01 only) - Cloud shell - IMDS with a system or user assigned identity

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualToken

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualToken(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, resource string, token Token, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualToken creates a ServicePrincipalToken using the supplied token

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualTokenSecret

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualTokenSecret(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, resource string, token Token, secret ServicePrincipalSecret, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualTokenSecret creates a ServicePrincipalToken using the supplied token and secret

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromUsernamePassword

func NewServicePrincipalTokenFromUsernamePassword(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, clientID string, username string, password string, resource string, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenFromUsernamePassword creates a ServicePrincipalToken from the username and password.

func NewServicePrincipalTokenWithSecret

func NewServicePrincipalTokenWithSecret(oauthConfig OAuthConfig, id string, resource string, secret ServicePrincipalSecret, callbacks ...TokenRefreshCallback) (*ServicePrincipalToken, error)

NewServicePrincipalTokenWithSecret create a ServicePrincipalToken using the supplied ServicePrincipalSecret implementation.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFresh

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFresh() error

EnsureFresh will refresh the token if it will expire within the refresh window (as set by RefreshWithin) and autoRefresh flag is on. This method is safe for concurrent use.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFreshWithContext

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) EnsureFreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

EnsureFreshWithContext will refresh the token if it will expire within the refresh window (as set by RefreshWithin) and autoRefresh flag is on. This method is safe for concurrent use.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) InvokeRefreshCallbacks

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) InvokeRefreshCallbacks(token Token) error

InvokeRefreshCallbacks calls any TokenRefreshCallbacks that were added to the SPT during initialization

func (ServicePrincipalToken) MarshalJSON

func (spt ServicePrincipalToken) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (ServicePrincipalToken) MarshalTokenJSON

func (spt ServicePrincipalToken) MarshalTokenJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalTokenJSON returns the marshalled inner token.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) OAuthToken

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) OAuthToken() string

OAuthToken implements the OAuthTokenProvider interface. It returns the current access token.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) Refresh

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) Refresh() error

Refresh obtains a fresh token for the Service Principal. This method is safe for concurrent use.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchange

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchange(resource string) error

RefreshExchange refreshes the token, but for a different resource. This method is safe for concurrent use.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchangeWithContext

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshExchangeWithContext(ctx context.Context, resource string) error

RefreshExchangeWithContext refreshes the token, but for a different resource. This method is safe for concurrent use.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshWithContext

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) RefreshWithContext(ctx context.Context) error

RefreshWithContext obtains a fresh token for the Service Principal. This method is safe for concurrent use.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) SetAutoRefresh

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetAutoRefresh(autoRefresh bool)

SetAutoRefresh enables or disables automatic refreshing of stale tokens.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) SetCustomRefreshFunc

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetCustomRefreshFunc(customRefreshFunc TokenRefresh)

SetCustomRefreshFunc sets a custom refresh function used to refresh the token.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) SetRefreshCallbacks

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetRefreshCallbacks(callbacks []TokenRefreshCallback)

SetRefreshCallbacks replaces any existing refresh callbacks with the specified callbacks.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) SetRefreshWithin

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetRefreshWithin(d time.Duration)

SetRefreshWithin sets the interval within which if the token will expire, EnsureFresh will refresh the token.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) SetSender

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) SetSender(s Sender)

SetSender sets the http.Client used when obtaining the Service Principal token. An undecorated http.Client is used by default.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) Token

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) Token() Token

Token returns a copy of the current token.

func (*ServicePrincipalToken) UnmarshalJSON

func (spt *ServicePrincipalToken) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface.

type ServicePrincipalTokenSecret

ServicePrincipalTokenSecret implements ServicePrincipalSecret for client_secret type authorization.

type ServicePrincipalTokenSecret struct {
    ClientSecret string `json:"value"`

func (ServicePrincipalTokenSecret) MarshalJSON

func (tokenSecret ServicePrincipalTokenSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*ServicePrincipalTokenSecret) SetAuthenticationValues

func (tokenSecret *ServicePrincipalTokenSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error

SetAuthenticationValues is a method of the interface ServicePrincipalSecret. It will populate the form submitted during oAuth Token Acquisition using the client_secret.

type ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret

ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret implements ServicePrincipalSecret for username and password auth.

type ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret struct {
    Username string `json:"username"`
    Password string `json:"password"`

func (ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret) MarshalJSON

func (secret ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret) SetAuthenticationValues

func (secret *ServicePrincipalUsernamePasswordSecret) SetAuthenticationValues(spt *ServicePrincipalToken, v *url.Values) error

SetAuthenticationValues is a method of the interface ServicePrincipalSecret.

type Token

Token encapsulates the access token used to authorize Azure requests. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v1-oauth2-client-creds-grant-flow#service-to-service-access-token-response

type Token struct {
    AccessToken  string `json:"access_token"`
    RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"`

    ExpiresIn json.Number `json:"expires_in"`
    ExpiresOn json.Number `json:"expires_on"`
    NotBefore json.Number `json:"not_before"`

    Resource string `json:"resource"`
    Type     string `json:"token_type"`

func CheckForUserCompletion

func CheckForUserCompletion(sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)

CheckForUserCompletion takes a DeviceCode and checks with the Azure AD OAuth endpoint to see if the device flow has: been completed, timed out, or otherwise failed Deprecated: use CheckForUserCompletionWithContext() instead.

func CheckForUserCompletionWithContext

func CheckForUserCompletionWithContext(ctx context.Context, sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)

CheckForUserCompletionWithContext takes a DeviceCode and checks with the Azure AD OAuth endpoint to see if the device flow has: been completed, timed out, or otherwise failed

func LoadToken

func LoadToken(path string) (*Token, error)

LoadToken restores a Token object from a file located at 'path'.

func WaitForUserCompletion

func WaitForUserCompletion(sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)

WaitForUserCompletion calls CheckForUserCompletion repeatedly until a token is granted or an error state occurs. This prevents the user from looping and checking against 'ErrDeviceAuthorizationPending'. Deprecated: use WaitForUserCompletionWithContext() instead.

func WaitForUserCompletionWithContext

func WaitForUserCompletionWithContext(ctx context.Context, sender Sender, code *DeviceCode) (*Token, error)

WaitForUserCompletionWithContext calls CheckForUserCompletion repeatedly until a token is granted or an error state occurs. This prevents the user from looping and checking against 'ErrDeviceAuthorizationPending'.

func (Token) Expires

func (t Token) Expires() time.Time

Expires returns the time.Time when the Token expires.

func (Token) IsExpired

func (t Token) IsExpired() bool

IsExpired returns true if the Token is expired, false otherwise.

func (Token) IsZero

func (t Token) IsZero() bool

IsZero returns true if the token object is zero-initialized.

func (*Token) OAuthToken

func (t *Token) OAuthToken() string

OAuthToken return the current access token

func (Token) WillExpireIn

func (t Token) WillExpireIn(d time.Duration) bool

WillExpireIn returns true if the Token will expire after the passed time.Duration interval from now, false otherwise.

type TokenError

TokenError is the object returned by the token exchange endpoint when something is amiss

type TokenError struct {
    Error            *string `json:"error,omitempty"`
    ErrorCodes       []int   `json:"error_codes,omitempty"`
    ErrorDescription *string `json:"error_description,omitempty"`
    Timestamp        *string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
    TraceID          *string `json:"trace_id,omitempty"`

type TokenRefresh

TokenRefresh is a type representing a custom callback to refresh a token

type TokenRefresh func(ctx context.Context, resource string) (*Token, error)

type TokenRefreshCallback

TokenRefreshCallback is the type representing callbacks that will be called after a successful token refresh

type TokenRefreshCallback func(Token) error

type TokenRefreshError

TokenRefreshError is an interface used by errors returned during token refresh.

type TokenRefreshError interface {
    Response() *http.Response


Name Synopsis