
Package billing

import "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/preview/billing/mgmt/2020-05-01-preview/billing"

Overview ▾

Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. A replacement package is available github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/resourcemanager/billing/armbilling(https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/resourcemanager/billing/armbilling). We strongly encourage you to upgrade to continue receiving updates. See [Migration Guide](https://aka.ms/azsdk/golang/t2/migration) for guidance on upgrading. Refer to our [deprecation policy](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/policies_support.html) for more details.

Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version .

Billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

Index ▾

func UserAgent() string
func Version() string
type AcceptanceMode
    func PossibleAcceptanceModeValues() []AcceptanceMode
type Account
    func (a Account) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (a *Account) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type AccountListResult
    func (alr AccountListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (alr AccountListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AccountListResultIterator
    func NewAccountListResultIterator(page AccountListResultPage) AccountListResultIterator
    func (iter *AccountListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *AccountListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter AccountListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter AccountListResultIterator) Response() AccountListResult
    func (iter AccountListResultIterator) Value() Account
type AccountListResultPage
    func NewAccountListResultPage(cur AccountListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AccountListResult) (AccountListResult, error)) AccountListResultPage
    func (page *AccountListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *AccountListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page AccountListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page AccountListResultPage) Response() AccountListResult
    func (page AccountListResultPage) Values() []Account
type AccountProperties
    func (ap AccountProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AccountStatus
    func PossibleAccountStatusValues() []AccountStatus
type AccountType
    func PossibleAccountTypeValues() []AccountType
type AccountUpdateRequest
    func (aur AccountUpdateRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (aur *AccountUpdateRequest) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type AccountsClient
    func NewAccountsClient(subscriptionID string) AccountsClient
    func NewAccountsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AccountsClient
    func (client AccountsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result Account, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AccountsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Account, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client AccountsClient) List(ctx context.Context, expand string) (result AccountListResultPage, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context, expand string) (result AccountListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, expand string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AccountListResult, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client AccountsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters AccountUpdateRequest) (result AccountsUpdateFuture, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters AccountUpdateRequest) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AccountsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Account, err error)
    func (client AccountsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future AccountsUpdateFuture, err error)
type AccountsUpdateFuture
    func (future *AccountsUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type AddressClient
    func NewAddressClient(subscriptionID string) AddressClient
    func NewAddressClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AddressClient
    func (client AddressClient) Validate(ctx context.Context, address AddressDetails) (result ValidateAddressResponse, err error)
    func (client AddressClient) ValidatePreparer(ctx context.Context, address AddressDetails) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AddressClient) ValidateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ValidateAddressResponse, err error)
    func (client AddressClient) ValidateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type AddressDetails
type AddressValidationStatus
    func PossibleAddressValidationStatusValues() []AddressValidationStatus
type Agreement
    func (a Agreement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (a *Agreement) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type AgreementListResult
    func (alr AgreementListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (alr AgreementListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AgreementListResultIterator
    func NewAgreementListResultIterator(page AgreementListResultPage) AgreementListResultIterator
    func (iter *AgreementListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *AgreementListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter AgreementListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter AgreementListResultIterator) Response() AgreementListResult
    func (iter AgreementListResultIterator) Value() Agreement
type AgreementListResultPage
    func NewAgreementListResultPage(cur AgreementListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AgreementListResult) (AgreementListResult, error)) AgreementListResultPage
    func (page *AgreementListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *AgreementListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page AgreementListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page AgreementListResultPage) Response() AgreementListResult
    func (page AgreementListResultPage) Values() []Agreement
type AgreementProperties
    func (ap AgreementProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AgreementType
    func PossibleAgreementTypeValues() []AgreementType
type AgreementsClient
    func NewAgreementsClient(subscriptionID string) AgreementsClient
    func NewAgreementsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AgreementsClient
    func (client AgreementsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, agreementName string, expand string) (result Agreement, err error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, agreementName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Agreement, err error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result AgreementListResultPage, err error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result AgreementListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AgreementListResult, err error)
    func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type Amount
    func (a Amount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AutoRenew
    func PossibleAutoRenewValues() []AutoRenew
type AvailableBalance
    func (ab AvailableBalance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (ab *AvailableBalance) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type AvailableBalanceProperties
    func (abp AvailableBalanceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type AvailableBalancesClient
    func NewAvailableBalancesClient(subscriptionID string) AvailableBalancesClient
    func NewAvailableBalancesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AvailableBalancesClient
    func (client AvailableBalancesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result AvailableBalance, err error)
    func (client AvailableBalancesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client AvailableBalancesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailableBalance, err error)
    func (client AvailableBalancesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type AzurePlan
    func (ap AzurePlan) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type BaseClient
    func New(subscriptionID string) BaseClient
    func NewWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) BaseClient
type Category
    func PossibleCategoryValues() []Category
type Customer
    func (c Customer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (c *Customer) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type CustomerListResult
    func (clr CustomerListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (clr CustomerListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type CustomerListResultIterator
    func NewCustomerListResultIterator(page CustomerListResultPage) CustomerListResultIterator
    func (iter *CustomerListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *CustomerListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter CustomerListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter CustomerListResultIterator) Response() CustomerListResult
    func (iter CustomerListResultIterator) Value() Customer
type CustomerListResultPage
    func NewCustomerListResultPage(cur CustomerListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, CustomerListResult) (CustomerListResult, error)) CustomerListResultPage
    func (page *CustomerListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *CustomerListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page CustomerListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page CustomerListResultPage) Response() CustomerListResult
    func (page CustomerListResultPage) Values() []Customer
type CustomerPolicy
    func (cp CustomerPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (cp *CustomerPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type CustomerPolicyProperties
type CustomerProperties
    func (cp CustomerProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type CustomersClient
    func NewCustomersClient(subscriptionID string) CustomersClient
    func NewCustomersClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) CustomersClient
    func (client CustomersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, expand string) (result Customer, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client CustomersClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Customer, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultPage, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, search string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerListResult, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultPage, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, search string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerListResult, err error)
    func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type Department
    func (d Department) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (d *Department) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type DepartmentProperties
type Document
    func (d Document) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type DocumentSource
    func PossibleDocumentSourceValues() []DocumentSource
type DocumentType
    func PossibleDocumentTypeValues() []DocumentType
type DownloadURL
    func (du DownloadURL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Enrollment
    func (e Enrollment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type EnrollmentAccount
    func (ea EnrollmentAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (ea *EnrollmentAccount) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type EnrollmentAccountContext
type EnrollmentAccountListResult
    func (ealr EnrollmentAccountListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (ealr EnrollmentAccountListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator
    func NewEnrollmentAccountListResultIterator(page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator
    func (iter *EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Response() EnrollmentAccountListResult
    func (iter EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Value() EnrollmentAccountSummary
type EnrollmentAccountListResultPage
    func NewEnrollmentAccountListResultPage(cur EnrollmentAccountListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, EnrollmentAccountListResult) (EnrollmentAccountListResult, error)) EnrollmentAccountListResultPage
    func (page *EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Response() EnrollmentAccountListResult
    func (page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Values() []EnrollmentAccountSummary
type EnrollmentAccountProperties
type EnrollmentAccountSummary
    func (eas EnrollmentAccountSummary) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (eas *EnrollmentAccountSummary) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties
    func (easp EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type EnrollmentAccountsClient
    func NewEnrollmentAccountsClient(subscriptionID string) EnrollmentAccountsClient
    func NewEnrollmentAccountsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) EnrollmentAccountsClient
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, name string) (result EnrollmentAccountSummary, err error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, name string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result EnrollmentAccountSummary, err error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result EnrollmentAccountListResultPage, err error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context) (result EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result EnrollmentAccountListResult, err error)
    func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type EnrollmentPolicies
    func (ep EnrollmentPolicies) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ErrorDetails
    func (ed ErrorDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ErrorResponse
type ErrorSubDetailsItem
    func (esdi ErrorSubDetailsItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Frequency
    func PossibleFrequencyValues() []Frequency
type IndirectRelationshipInfo
type Instruction
    func (i Instruction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (i *Instruction) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type InstructionListResult
    func (ilr InstructionListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (ilr InstructionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InstructionListResultIterator
    func NewInstructionListResultIterator(page InstructionListResultPage) InstructionListResultIterator
    func (iter *InstructionListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *InstructionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter InstructionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter InstructionListResultIterator) Response() InstructionListResult
    func (iter InstructionListResultIterator) Value() Instruction
type InstructionListResultPage
    func NewInstructionListResultPage(cur InstructionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InstructionListResult) (InstructionListResult, error)) InstructionListResultPage
    func (page *InstructionListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *InstructionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page InstructionListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page InstructionListResultPage) Response() InstructionListResult
    func (page InstructionListResultPage) Values() []Instruction
type InstructionProperties
type InstructionsClient
    func NewInstructionsClient(subscriptionID string) InstructionsClient
    func NewInstructionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InstructionsClient
    func (client InstructionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string) (result Instruction, err error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Instruction, err error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InstructionListResultPage, err error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InstructionListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InstructionListResult, err error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) Put(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string, parameters Instruction) (result Instruction, err error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) PutPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string, parameters Instruction) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) PutResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Instruction, err error)
    func (client InstructionsClient) PutSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type Invoice
    func (i Invoice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (i *Invoice) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type InvoiceDocumentType
    func PossibleInvoiceDocumentTypeValues() []InvoiceDocumentType
type InvoiceListResult
    func (ilr InvoiceListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (ilr InvoiceListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InvoiceListResultIterator
    func NewInvoiceListResultIterator(page InvoiceListResultPage) InvoiceListResultIterator
    func (iter *InvoiceListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *InvoiceListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter InvoiceListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter InvoiceListResultIterator) Response() InvoiceListResult
    func (iter InvoiceListResultIterator) Value() Invoice
type InvoiceListResultPage
    func NewInvoiceListResultPage(cur InvoiceListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InvoiceListResult) (InvoiceListResult, error)) InvoiceListResultPage
    func (page *InvoiceListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *InvoiceListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page InvoiceListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page InvoiceListResultPage) Response() InvoiceListResult
    func (page InvoiceListResultPage) Values() []Invoice
type InvoiceProperties
    func (IP InvoiceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InvoiceSection
    func (is InvoiceSection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (is *InvoiceSection) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type InvoiceSectionCreationRequest
type InvoiceSectionListResult
    func (islr InvoiceSectionListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (islr InvoiceSectionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InvoiceSectionListResultIterator
    func NewInvoiceSectionListResultIterator(page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) InvoiceSectionListResultIterator
    func (iter *InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Response() InvoiceSectionListResult
    func (iter InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Value() InvoiceSection
type InvoiceSectionListResultPage
    func NewInvoiceSectionListResultPage(cur InvoiceSectionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InvoiceSectionListResult) (InvoiceSectionListResult, error)) InvoiceSectionListResultPage
    func (page *InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *InvoiceSectionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Response() InvoiceSectionListResult
    func (page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Values() []InvoiceSection
type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult
    func (islwcspr InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (islwcspr InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator
    func NewInvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator(page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator
    func (iter *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Response() InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult
    func (iter InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Value() InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission
type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage
    func NewInvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage(cur InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult, error)) InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage
    func (page *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Response() InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult
    func (page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Values() []InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission
type InvoiceSectionProperties
    func (isp InvoiceSectionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InvoiceSectionState
    func PossibleInvoiceSectionStateValues() []InvoiceSectionState
type InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission
    func (iswcsp InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InvoiceSectionsClient
    func NewInvoiceSectionsClient(subscriptionID string) InvoiceSectionsClient
    func NewInvoiceSectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InvoiceSectionsClient
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, parameters InvoiceSection) (result InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, parameters InvoiceSection) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSection, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result InvoiceSection, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSection, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InvoiceSectionListResultPage, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InvoiceSectionListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSectionListResult, err error)
    func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture
    func (future *InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type InvoiceSectionsOnExpand
    func (isoe InvoiceSectionsOnExpand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type InvoiceStatus
    func PossibleInvoiceStatusValues() []InvoiceStatus
type InvoiceType
    func PossibleInvoiceTypeValues() []InvoiceType
type InvoicesClient
    func NewInvoicesClient(subscriptionID string) InvoicesClient
    func NewInvoicesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InvoicesClient
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (result InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoicePreparer(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoice(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (result InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoicePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoiceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoiceSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoices(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, downloadUrls []string) (result InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, downloadUrls []string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoices(ctx context.Context, downloadUrls []string) (result InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesPreparer(ctx context.Context, downloadUrls []string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (result Invoice, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetByID(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (result Invoice, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetByIDPreparer(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetByIDResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Invoice, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetByIDSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceID(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (result Invoice, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDPreparer(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Invoice, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Invoice, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultPage, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceListResult, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultPage, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceListResult, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscription(ctx context.Context, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultPage, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionComplete(ctx context.Context, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionPreparer(ctx context.Context, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceListResult, err error)
    func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture
    func (future *InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture
    func (future *InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture
    func (future *InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture
    func (future *InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type MarketplacePurchasesPolicy
    func PossibleMarketplacePurchasesPolicyValues() []MarketplacePurchasesPolicy
type Operation
    func (o Operation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type OperationDisplay
    func (o OperationDisplay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type OperationListResult
    func (olr OperationListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (olr OperationListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type OperationListResultIterator
    func NewOperationListResultIterator(page OperationListResultPage) OperationListResultIterator
    func (iter *OperationListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *OperationListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter OperationListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter OperationListResultIterator) Response() OperationListResult
    func (iter OperationListResultIterator) Value() Operation
type OperationListResultPage
    func NewOperationListResultPage(cur OperationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, OperationListResult) (OperationListResult, error)) OperationListResultPage
    func (page *OperationListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *OperationListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page OperationListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page OperationListResultPage) Response() OperationListResult
    func (page OperationListResultPage) Values() []Operation
type OperationsClient
    func NewOperationsClient(subscriptionID string) OperationsClient
    func NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) OperationsClient
    func (client OperationsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result OperationListResultPage, err error)
    func (client OperationsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context) (result OperationListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client OperationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client OperationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result OperationListResult, err error)
    func (client OperationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type Participants
    func (p Participants) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PaymentMethodFamily
    func PossiblePaymentMethodFamilyValues() []PaymentMethodFamily
type PaymentProperties
    func (pp PaymentProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Period
    func (p Period) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (p *Period) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type PeriodProperties
    func (pp PeriodProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PeriodsClient
    func NewPeriodsClient(subscriptionID string) PeriodsClient
    func NewPeriodsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PeriodsClient
    func (client PeriodsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingPeriodName string) (result Period, err error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingPeriodName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Period, err error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter string, skiptoken string, top *int32) (result PeriodsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context, filter string, skiptoken string, top *int32) (result PeriodsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, filter string, skiptoken string, top *int32) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PeriodsListResult, err error)
    func (client PeriodsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type PeriodsListResult
    func (plr PeriodsListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (plr PeriodsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PeriodsListResultIterator
    func NewPeriodsListResultIterator(page PeriodsListResultPage) PeriodsListResultIterator
    func (iter *PeriodsListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *PeriodsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter PeriodsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter PeriodsListResultIterator) Response() PeriodsListResult
    func (iter PeriodsListResultIterator) Value() Period
type PeriodsListResultPage
    func NewPeriodsListResultPage(cur PeriodsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, PeriodsListResult) (PeriodsListResult, error)) PeriodsListResultPage
    func (page *PeriodsListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *PeriodsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page PeriodsListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page PeriodsListResultPage) Response() PeriodsListResult
    func (page PeriodsListResultPage) Values() []Period
type PermissionsClient
    func NewPermissionsClient(subscriptionID string) PermissionsClient
    func NewPermissionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PermissionsClient
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSections(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)
    func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type PermissionsListResult
    func (plr PermissionsListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (plr PermissionsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PermissionsListResultIterator
    func NewPermissionsListResultIterator(page PermissionsListResultPage) PermissionsListResultIterator
    func (iter *PermissionsListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *PermissionsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter PermissionsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter PermissionsListResultIterator) Response() PermissionsListResult
    func (iter PermissionsListResultIterator) Value() PermissionsProperties
type PermissionsListResultPage
    func NewPermissionsListResultPage(cur PermissionsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, PermissionsListResult) (PermissionsListResult, error)) PermissionsListResultPage
    func (page *PermissionsListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *PermissionsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page PermissionsListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page PermissionsListResultPage) Response() PermissionsListResult
    func (page PermissionsListResultPage) Values() []PermissionsProperties
type PermissionsProperties
    func (pp PermissionsProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type PoliciesClient
    func NewPoliciesClient(subscriptionID string) PoliciesClient
    func NewPoliciesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PoliciesClient
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result Policy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Policy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Policy) (result Policy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, parameters CustomerPolicy) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, parameters CustomerPolicy) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Policy) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Policy, err error)
    func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type Policy
    func (p Policy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (p *Policy) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type PolicyProperties
type Product
    func (p Product) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (p *Product) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type ProductProperties
    func (pp ProductProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ProductStatusType
    func PossibleProductStatusTypeValues() []ProductStatusType
type ProductTransferValidationErrorCode
    func PossibleProductTransferValidationErrorCodeValues() []ProductTransferValidationErrorCode
type ProductsClient
    func NewProductsClient(subscriptionID string) ProductsClient
    func NewProductsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ProductsClient
    func (client ProductsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string) (result Product, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Product, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) Move(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (result Product, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) MovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) MoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Product, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) MoveSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters Product) (result Product, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters Product) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Product, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMove(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (result ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult, err error)
    func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMoveSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type ProductsListResult
    func (plr ProductsListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (plr ProductsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ProductsListResultIterator
    func NewProductsListResultIterator(page ProductsListResultPage) ProductsListResultIterator
    func (iter *ProductsListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *ProductsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter ProductsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter ProductsListResultIterator) Response() ProductsListResult
    func (iter ProductsListResultIterator) Value() Product
type ProductsListResultPage
    func NewProductsListResultPage(cur ProductsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ProductsListResult) (ProductsListResult, error)) ProductsListResultPage
    func (page *ProductsListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *ProductsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page ProductsListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page ProductsListResultPage) Response() ProductsListResult
    func (page ProductsListResultPage) Values() []Product
type Profile
    func (p Profile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (p *Profile) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type ProfileCreationRequest
type ProfileListResult
    func (plr ProfileListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (plr ProfileListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ProfileListResultIterator
    func NewProfileListResultIterator(page ProfileListResultPage) ProfileListResultIterator
    func (iter *ProfileListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *ProfileListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter ProfileListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter ProfileListResultIterator) Response() ProfileListResult
    func (iter ProfileListResultIterator) Value() Profile
type ProfileListResultPage
    func NewProfileListResultPage(cur ProfileListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ProfileListResult) (ProfileListResult, error)) ProfileListResultPage
    func (page *ProfileListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *ProfileListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page ProfileListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page ProfileListResultPage) Response() ProfileListResult
    func (page ProfileListResultPage) Values() []Profile
type ProfileProperties
    func (pp ProfileProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ProfileSpendingLimit
    func PossibleProfileSpendingLimitValues() []ProfileSpendingLimit
type ProfileStatus
    func PossibleProfileStatusValues() []ProfileStatus
type ProfileStatusReasonCode
    func PossibleProfileStatusReasonCodeValues() []ProfileStatusReasonCode
type ProfilesClient
    func NewProfilesClient(subscriptionID string) ProfilesClient
    func NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ProfilesClient
    func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Profile) (result ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Profile) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Profile, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, expand string) (result Profile, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Profile, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result ProfileListResultPage, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result ProfileListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProfileListResult, err error)
    func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture
    func (future *ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type ProfilesOnExpand
    func (poe ProfilesOnExpand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type Property
    func (p Property) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (p *Property) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type PropertyClient
    func NewPropertyClient(subscriptionID string) PropertyClient
    func NewPropertyClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PropertyClient
    func (client PropertyClient) Get(ctx context.Context) (result Property, err error)
    func (client PropertyClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PropertyClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Property, err error)
    func (client PropertyClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client PropertyClient) Update(ctx context.Context, parameters Property) (result Property, err error)
    func (client PropertyClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, parameters Property) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client PropertyClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Property, err error)
    func (client PropertyClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type PropertyProperties
    func (pp PropertyProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RebillDetails
    func (rd RebillDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RelationshipType
    func PossibleRelationshipTypeValues() []RelationshipType
type Reseller
    func (r Reseller) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ReservationPurchasesPolicy
    func PossibleReservationPurchasesPolicyValues() []ReservationPurchasesPolicy
type ReservationType
    func PossibleReservationTypeValues() []ReservationType
type Resource
    func (r Resource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RoleAssignment
    func (ra RoleAssignment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (ra *RoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type RoleAssignmentListResult
    func (ralr RoleAssignmentListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (ralr RoleAssignmentListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RoleAssignmentListResultIterator
    func NewRoleAssignmentListResultIterator(page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) RoleAssignmentListResultIterator
    func (iter *RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Response() RoleAssignmentListResult
    func (iter RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Value() RoleAssignment
type RoleAssignmentListResultPage
    func NewRoleAssignmentListResultPage(cur RoleAssignmentListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RoleAssignmentListResult) (RoleAssignmentListResult, error)) RoleAssignmentListResultPage
    func (page *RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *RoleAssignmentListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Response() RoleAssignmentListResult
    func (page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Values() []RoleAssignment
type RoleAssignmentProperties
    func (rap RoleAssignmentProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RoleAssignmentsClient
    func NewRoleAssignmentsClient(subscriptionID string) RoleAssignmentsClient
    func NewRoleAssignmentsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RoleAssignmentsClient
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultPage, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignmentListResult, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultPage, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignmentListResult, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultPage, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignmentListResult, err error)
    func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type RoleDefinition
    func (rd RoleDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (rd *RoleDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type RoleDefinitionListResult
    func (rdlr RoleDefinitionListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (rdlr RoleDefinitionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RoleDefinitionListResultIterator
    func NewRoleDefinitionListResultIterator(page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) RoleDefinitionListResultIterator
    func (iter *RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Response() RoleDefinitionListResult
    func (iter RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Value() RoleDefinition
type RoleDefinitionListResultPage
    func NewRoleDefinitionListResultPage(cur RoleDefinitionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RoleDefinitionListResult) (RoleDefinitionListResult, error)) RoleDefinitionListResultPage
    func (page *RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *RoleDefinitionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Response() RoleDefinitionListResult
    func (page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Values() []RoleDefinition
type RoleDefinitionProperties
    func (rdp RoleDefinitionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type RoleDefinitionsClient
    func NewRoleDefinitionsClient(subscriptionID string) RoleDefinitionsClient
    func NewRoleDefinitionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RoleDefinitionsClient
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (result RoleDefinition, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinition, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (result RoleDefinition, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinition, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (result RoleDefinition, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinition, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultPage, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinitionListResult, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultPage, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinitionListResult, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultPage, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinitionListResult, err error)
    func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type SpendingLimit
    func PossibleSpendingLimitValues() []SpendingLimit
type SpendingLimitForBillingProfile
    func PossibleSpendingLimitForBillingProfileValues() []SpendingLimitForBillingProfile
type StatusReasonCode
    func PossibleStatusReasonCodeValues() []StatusReasonCode
type StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile
    func PossibleStatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileValues() []StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile
type Subscription
    func (s Subscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (s *Subscription) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type SubscriptionProperties
    func (sp SubscriptionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type SubscriptionStatusType
    func PossibleSubscriptionStatusTypeValues() []SubscriptionStatusType
type SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode
    func PossibleSubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeValues() []SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode
type SubscriptionsClient
    func NewSubscriptionsClient(subscriptionID string) SubscriptionsClient
    func NewSubscriptionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) SubscriptionsClient
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result Subscription, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subscription, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) Move(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (result SubscriptionsMoveFuture, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) MovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) MoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subscription, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) MoveSender(req *http.Request) (future SubscriptionsMoveFuture, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters Subscription) (result Subscription, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters Subscription) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subscription, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMove(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (result ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult, err error)
    func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMoveSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type SubscriptionsListResult
    func (slr SubscriptionsListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (slr SubscriptionsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type SubscriptionsListResultIterator
    func NewSubscriptionsListResultIterator(page SubscriptionsListResultPage) SubscriptionsListResultIterator
    func (iter *SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *SubscriptionsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter SubscriptionsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Response() SubscriptionsListResult
    func (iter SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Value() Subscription
type SubscriptionsListResultPage
    func NewSubscriptionsListResultPage(cur SubscriptionsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, SubscriptionsListResult) (SubscriptionsListResult, error)) SubscriptionsListResultPage
    func (page *SubscriptionsListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *SubscriptionsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page SubscriptionsListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page SubscriptionsListResultPage) Response() SubscriptionsListResult
    func (page SubscriptionsListResultPage) Values() []Subscription
type SubscriptionsMoveFuture
    func (future *SubscriptionsMoveFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type TargetCloud
    func PossibleTargetCloudValues() []TargetCloud
type Transaction
    func (t Transaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
    func (t *Transaction) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error
type TransactionListResult
    func (tlr TransactionListResult) IsEmpty() bool
    func (tlr TransactionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TransactionListResultIterator
    func NewTransactionListResultIterator(page TransactionListResultPage) TransactionListResultIterator
    func (iter *TransactionListResultIterator) Next() error
    func (iter *TransactionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (iter TransactionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool
    func (iter TransactionListResultIterator) Response() TransactionListResult
    func (iter TransactionListResultIterator) Value() Transaction
type TransactionListResultPage
    func NewTransactionListResultPage(cur TransactionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, TransactionListResult) (TransactionListResult, error)) TransactionListResultPage
    func (page *TransactionListResultPage) Next() error
    func (page *TransactionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)
    func (page TransactionListResultPage) NotDone() bool
    func (page TransactionListResultPage) Response() TransactionListResult
    func (page TransactionListResultPage) Values() []Transaction
type TransactionProperties
    func (tp TransactionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type TransactionTypeKind
    func PossibleTransactionTypeKindValues() []TransactionTypeKind
type TransactionsClient
    func NewTransactionsClient(subscriptionID string) TransactionsClient
    func NewTransactionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) TransactionsClient
    func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoice(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (result TransactionListResultPage, err error)
    func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (result TransactionListResultIterator, err error)
    func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoicePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)
    func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result TransactionListResult, err error)
    func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
type TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties
type TransferProductRequestProperties
type ValidateAddressResponse
type ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError
type ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult
    func (vpter ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError
type ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult
    func (vster ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ViewCharges
    func PossibleViewChargesValues() []ViewCharges
type ViewChargesPolicy
    func PossibleViewChargesPolicyValues() []ViewChargesPolicy

Package files

accounts.go address.go agreements.go availablebalances.go client.go customers.go enrollmentaccounts.go enums.go instructions.go invoices.go invoicesections.go models.go operations.go periods.go permissions.go policies.go products.go profiles.go property.go roleassignments.go roledefinitions.go subscriptions.go transactions.go version.go


const (
    // DefaultBaseURI is the default URI used for the service Billing
    DefaultBaseURI = "https://management.azure.com"

func UserAgent

func UserAgent() string

UserAgent returns the UserAgent string to use when sending http.Requests.

func Version

func Version() string

Version returns the semantic version (see http://semver.org) of the client.

type AcceptanceMode

AcceptanceMode enumerates the values for acceptance mode.

type AcceptanceMode string
const (
    // ClickToAccept ...
    ClickToAccept AcceptanceMode = "ClickToAccept"
    // ESignEmbedded ...
    ESignEmbedded AcceptanceMode = "ESignEmbedded"
    // ESignOffline ...
    ESignOffline AcceptanceMode = "ESignOffline"

func PossibleAcceptanceModeValues

func PossibleAcceptanceModeValues() []AcceptanceMode

PossibleAcceptanceModeValues returns an array of possible values for the AcceptanceMode const type.

type Account

Account a billing account.

type Account struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // AccountProperties - The properties of the billing account.
    *AccountProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Account) MarshalJSON

func (a Account) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Account.

func (*Account) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Account) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Account struct.

type AccountListResult

AccountListResult the list of billing accounts.

type AccountListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of billing accounts.
    Value *[]Account `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (AccountListResult) IsEmpty

func (alr AccountListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (AccountListResult) MarshalJSON

func (alr AccountListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AccountListResult.

type AccountListResultIterator

AccountListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Account values.

type AccountListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAccountListResultIterator

func NewAccountListResultIterator(page AccountListResultPage) AccountListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the AccountListResultIterator type.

func (*AccountListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *AccountListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*AccountListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *AccountListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (AccountListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter AccountListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (AccountListResultIterator) Response

func (iter AccountListResultIterator) Response() AccountListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (AccountListResultIterator) Value

func (iter AccountListResultIterator) Value() Account

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type AccountListResultPage

AccountListResultPage contains a page of Account values.

type AccountListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAccountListResultPage

func NewAccountListResultPage(cur AccountListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AccountListResult) (AccountListResult, error)) AccountListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the AccountListResultPage type.

func (*AccountListResultPage) Next

func (page *AccountListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*AccountListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *AccountListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (AccountListResultPage) NotDone

func (page AccountListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (AccountListResultPage) Response

func (page AccountListResultPage) Response() AccountListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (AccountListResultPage) Values

func (page AccountListResultPage) Values() []Account

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type AccountProperties

AccountProperties the properties of the billing account.

type AccountProperties struct {
    // DisplayName - The billing account name.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    // SoldTo - The address of the individual or organization that is responsible for the billing account.
    SoldTo *AddressDetails `json:"soldTo,omitempty"`
    // AgreementType - READ-ONLY; The type of agreement. Possible values include: 'MicrosoftCustomerAgreement', 'EnterpriseAgreement', 'MicrosoftOnlineServicesProgram', 'MicrosoftPartnerAgreement'
    AgreementType AgreementType `json:"agreementType,omitempty"`
    // AccountType - READ-ONLY; The type of customer. Possible values include: 'Enterprise', 'Individual', 'Partner'
    AccountType AccountType `json:"accountType,omitempty"`
    // AccountStatus - READ-ONLY; The current status of the billing account. Possible values include: 'Active', 'Deleted', 'Disabled', 'Expired', 'Transferred', 'Extended', 'Terminated'
    AccountStatus AccountStatus `json:"accountStatus,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfiles - The billing profiles associated with the billing account. By default this is not populated, unless it's specified in $expand.
    BillingProfiles *ProfilesOnExpand `json:"billingProfiles,omitempty"`
    // EnrollmentDetails - READ-ONLY; The details about the associated legacy enrollment. By default this is not populated, unless it's specified in $expand.
    EnrollmentDetails *Enrollment `json:"enrollmentDetails,omitempty"`
    // Departments - The departments associated to the enrollment.
    Departments *[]Department `json:"departments,omitempty"`
    // EnrollmentAccounts - The accounts associated to the enrollment.
    EnrollmentAccounts *[]EnrollmentAccount `json:"enrollmentAccounts,omitempty"`
    // HasReadAccess - READ-ONLY; Indicates whether user has read access to the billing account.
    HasReadAccess *bool `json:"hasReadAccess,omitempty"`

func (AccountProperties) MarshalJSON

func (ap AccountProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AccountProperties.

type AccountStatus

AccountStatus enumerates the values for account status.

type AccountStatus string
const (
    // Active ...
    Active AccountStatus = "Active"
    // Deleted ...
    Deleted AccountStatus = "Deleted"
    // Disabled ...
    Disabled AccountStatus = "Disabled"
    // Expired ...
    Expired AccountStatus = "Expired"
    // Extended ...
    Extended AccountStatus = "Extended"
    // Terminated ...
    Terminated AccountStatus = "Terminated"
    // Transferred ...
    Transferred AccountStatus = "Transferred"

func PossibleAccountStatusValues

func PossibleAccountStatusValues() []AccountStatus

PossibleAccountStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the AccountStatus const type.

type AccountType

AccountType enumerates the values for account type.

type AccountType string
const (
    // Enterprise ...
    Enterprise AccountType = "Enterprise"
    // Individual ...
    Individual AccountType = "Individual"
    // Partner ...
    Partner AccountType = "Partner"

func PossibleAccountTypeValues

func PossibleAccountTypeValues() []AccountType

PossibleAccountTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AccountType const type.

type AccountUpdateRequest

AccountUpdateRequest the request properties of the billing account that can be updated.

type AccountUpdateRequest struct {
    // AccountProperties - A billing property.
    *AccountProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`

func (AccountUpdateRequest) MarshalJSON

func (aur AccountUpdateRequest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AccountUpdateRequest.

func (*AccountUpdateRequest) UnmarshalJSON

func (aur *AccountUpdateRequest) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for AccountUpdateRequest struct.

type AccountsClient

AccountsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type AccountsClient struct {

func NewAccountsClient

func NewAccountsClient(subscriptionID string) AccountsClient

NewAccountsClient creates an instance of the AccountsClient client.

func NewAccountsClientWithBaseURI

func NewAccountsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AccountsClient

NewAccountsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AccountsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (AccountsClient) Get

func (client AccountsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result Account, err error)

Get gets a billing account by its ID. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. expand - may be used to expand the soldTo, invoice sections and billing profiles.

func (AccountsClient) GetPreparer

func (client AccountsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (AccountsClient) GetResponder

func (client AccountsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Account, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AccountsClient) GetSender

func (client AccountsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (AccountsClient) List

func (client AccountsClient) List(ctx context.Context, expand string) (result AccountListResultPage, err error)

List lists the billing accounts that a user has access to. Parameters: expand - may be used to expand the soldTo, invoice sections and billing profiles.

func (AccountsClient) ListComplete

func (client AccountsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context, expand string) (result AccountListResultIterator, err error)

ListComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission

func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage, err error)

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission lists the invoice sections for which the user has permission to create Azure subscriptions. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account.

func (AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionComplete

func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator, err error)

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionPreparer

func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionPreparer prepares the ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission request.

func (AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionResponder

func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult, err error)

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionResponder handles the response to the ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionSender

func (client AccountsClient) ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionSender sends the ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (AccountsClient) ListPreparer

func (client AccountsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, expand string) (*http.Request, error)

ListPreparer prepares the List request.

func (AccountsClient) ListResponder

func (client AccountsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AccountListResult, err error)

ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AccountsClient) ListSender

func (client AccountsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (AccountsClient) Update

func (client AccountsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters AccountUpdateRequest) (result AccountsUpdateFuture, err error)

Update updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the update billing account operation.

func (AccountsClient) UpdatePreparer

func (client AccountsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters AccountUpdateRequest) (*http.Request, error)

UpdatePreparer prepares the Update request.

func (AccountsClient) UpdateResponder

func (client AccountsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Account, err error)

UpdateResponder handles the response to the Update request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AccountsClient) UpdateSender

func (client AccountsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future AccountsUpdateFuture, err error)

UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type AccountsUpdateFuture

AccountsUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type AccountsUpdateFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(AccountsClient) (Account, error)

func (*AccountsUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *AccountsUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type AddressClient

AddressClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type AddressClient struct {

func NewAddressClient

func NewAddressClient(subscriptionID string) AddressClient

NewAddressClient creates an instance of the AddressClient client.

func NewAddressClientWithBaseURI

func NewAddressClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AddressClient

NewAddressClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AddressClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (AddressClient) Validate

func (client AddressClient) Validate(ctx context.Context, address AddressDetails) (result ValidateAddressResponse, err error)

Validate validates an address. Use the operation to validate an address before using it as soldTo or a billTo address.

func (AddressClient) ValidatePreparer

func (client AddressClient) ValidatePreparer(ctx context.Context, address AddressDetails) (*http.Request, error)

ValidatePreparer prepares the Validate request.

func (AddressClient) ValidateResponder

func (client AddressClient) ValidateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ValidateAddressResponse, err error)

ValidateResponder handles the response to the Validate request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AddressClient) ValidateSender

func (client AddressClient) ValidateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ValidateSender sends the Validate request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type AddressDetails

AddressDetails address details.

type AddressDetails struct {
    // FirstName - First name.
    FirstName *string `json:"firstName,omitempty"`
    // LastName - Last name.
    LastName *string `json:"lastName,omitempty"`
    // CompanyName - Company name.
    CompanyName *string `json:"companyName,omitempty"`
    // AddressLine1 - Address line 1.
    AddressLine1 *string `json:"addressLine1,omitempty"`
    // AddressLine2 - Address line 2.
    AddressLine2 *string `json:"addressLine2,omitempty"`
    // AddressLine3 - Address line 3.
    AddressLine3 *string `json:"addressLine3,omitempty"`
    // City - Address city.
    City *string `json:"city,omitempty"`
    // District - Address district.
    District *string `json:"district,omitempty"`
    // Region - Address region.
    Region *string `json:"region,omitempty"`
    // Country - Country code uses ISO2, 2-digit format.
    Country *string `json:"country,omitempty"`
    // PostalCode - Postal code.
    PostalCode *string `json:"postalCode,omitempty"`
    // Email - Email address.
    Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"`
    // PhoneNumber - Phone number.
    PhoneNumber *string `json:"phoneNumber,omitempty"`

type AddressValidationStatus

AddressValidationStatus enumerates the values for address validation status.

type AddressValidationStatus string
const (
    // Invalid ...
    Invalid AddressValidationStatus = "Invalid"
    // Valid ...
    Valid AddressValidationStatus = "Valid"

func PossibleAddressValidationStatusValues

func PossibleAddressValidationStatusValues() []AddressValidationStatus

PossibleAddressValidationStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the AddressValidationStatus const type.

type Agreement

Agreement an agreement.

type Agreement struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // AgreementProperties - The properties of an agreement.
    *AgreementProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Agreement) MarshalJSON

func (a Agreement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Agreement.

func (*Agreement) UnmarshalJSON

func (a *Agreement) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Agreement struct.

type AgreementListResult

AgreementListResult result of listing agreements.

type AgreementListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of agreements.
    Value *[]Agreement `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (AgreementListResult) IsEmpty

func (alr AgreementListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (AgreementListResult) MarshalJSON

func (alr AgreementListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AgreementListResult.

type AgreementListResultIterator

AgreementListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Agreement values.

type AgreementListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAgreementListResultIterator

func NewAgreementListResultIterator(page AgreementListResultPage) AgreementListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the AgreementListResultIterator type.

func (*AgreementListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *AgreementListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*AgreementListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *AgreementListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (AgreementListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter AgreementListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (AgreementListResultIterator) Response

func (iter AgreementListResultIterator) Response() AgreementListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (AgreementListResultIterator) Value

func (iter AgreementListResultIterator) Value() Agreement

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type AgreementListResultPage

AgreementListResultPage contains a page of Agreement values.

type AgreementListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewAgreementListResultPage

func NewAgreementListResultPage(cur AgreementListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, AgreementListResult) (AgreementListResult, error)) AgreementListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the AgreementListResultPage type.

func (*AgreementListResultPage) Next

func (page *AgreementListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*AgreementListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *AgreementListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (AgreementListResultPage) NotDone

func (page AgreementListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (AgreementListResultPage) Response

func (page AgreementListResultPage) Response() AgreementListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (AgreementListResultPage) Values

func (page AgreementListResultPage) Values() []Agreement

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type AgreementProperties

AgreementProperties the properties of an agreement.

type AgreementProperties struct {
    // AgreementLink - READ-ONLY; The URL to download the agreement.
    AgreementLink *string `json:"agreementLink,omitempty"`
    // Category - READ-ONLY; The category of the agreement signed by a customer. Possible values include: 'CategoryMicrosoftCustomerAgreement', 'CategoryAffiliatePurchaseTerms', 'CategoryOther'
    Category Category `json:"category,omitempty"`
    // AcceptanceMode - READ-ONLY; The mode of acceptance for an agreement. Possible values include: 'ClickToAccept', 'ESignEmbedded', 'ESignOffline'
    AcceptanceMode AcceptanceMode `json:"acceptanceMode,omitempty"`
    // EffectiveDate - READ-ONLY; The date from which the agreement is effective.
    EffectiveDate *date.Time `json:"effectiveDate,omitempty"`
    // ExpirationDate - READ-ONLY; The date when the agreement expires.
    ExpirationDate *date.Time `json:"expirationDate,omitempty"`
    // Participants - The list of participants that participates in acceptance of an agreement.
    Participants *[]Participants `json:"participants,omitempty"`
    // Status - READ-ONLY; The current status of the agreement.
    Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"`

func (AgreementProperties) MarshalJSON

func (ap AgreementProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AgreementProperties.

type AgreementType

AgreementType enumerates the values for agreement type.

type AgreementType string
const (
    // EnterpriseAgreement ...
    EnterpriseAgreement AgreementType = "EnterpriseAgreement"
    // MicrosoftCustomerAgreement ...
    MicrosoftCustomerAgreement AgreementType = "MicrosoftCustomerAgreement"
    // MicrosoftOnlineServicesProgram ...
    MicrosoftOnlineServicesProgram AgreementType = "MicrosoftOnlineServicesProgram"
    // MicrosoftPartnerAgreement ...
    MicrosoftPartnerAgreement AgreementType = "MicrosoftPartnerAgreement"

func PossibleAgreementTypeValues

func PossibleAgreementTypeValues() []AgreementType

PossibleAgreementTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the AgreementType const type.

type AgreementsClient

AgreementsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type AgreementsClient struct {

func NewAgreementsClient

func NewAgreementsClient(subscriptionID string) AgreementsClient

NewAgreementsClient creates an instance of the AgreementsClient client.

func NewAgreementsClientWithBaseURI

func NewAgreementsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AgreementsClient

NewAgreementsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AgreementsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (AgreementsClient) Get

func (client AgreementsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, agreementName string, expand string) (result Agreement, err error)

Get gets an agreement by ID. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. agreementName - the ID that uniquely identifies an agreement. expand - may be used to expand the participants.

func (AgreementsClient) GetPreparer

func (client AgreementsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, agreementName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (AgreementsClient) GetResponder

func (client AgreementsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Agreement, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AgreementsClient) GetSender

func (client AgreementsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result AgreementListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the agreements for a billing account. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. expand - may be used to expand the participants.

func (AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result AgreementListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AgreementListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client AgreementsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type Amount

Amount the amount.

type Amount struct {
    // Currency - READ-ONLY; The currency for the amount value.
    Currency *string `json:"currency,omitempty"`
    // Value - Amount value.
    Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty"`

func (Amount) MarshalJSON

func (a Amount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Amount.

type AutoRenew

AutoRenew enumerates the values for auto renew.

type AutoRenew string
const (
    // Off ...
    Off AutoRenew = "Off"
    // On ...
    On AutoRenew = "On"

func PossibleAutoRenewValues

func PossibleAutoRenewValues() []AutoRenew

PossibleAutoRenewValues returns an array of possible values for the AutoRenew const type.

type AvailableBalance

AvailableBalance the latest Azure credit balance. This is the balance available for pay now.

type AvailableBalance struct {
    autorest.Response           `json:"-"`
    *AvailableBalanceProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (AvailableBalance) MarshalJSON

func (ab AvailableBalance) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AvailableBalance.

func (*AvailableBalance) UnmarshalJSON

func (ab *AvailableBalance) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for AvailableBalance struct.

type AvailableBalanceProperties

AvailableBalanceProperties the properties of available balance.

type AvailableBalanceProperties struct {
    // Amount - READ-ONLY; Balance amount.
    Amount *Amount `json:"amount,omitempty"`

func (AvailableBalanceProperties) MarshalJSON

func (abp AvailableBalanceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AvailableBalanceProperties.

type AvailableBalancesClient

AvailableBalancesClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type AvailableBalancesClient struct {

func NewAvailableBalancesClient

func NewAvailableBalancesClient(subscriptionID string) AvailableBalancesClient

NewAvailableBalancesClient creates an instance of the AvailableBalancesClient client.

func NewAvailableBalancesClientWithBaseURI

func NewAvailableBalancesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) AvailableBalancesClient

NewAvailableBalancesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the AvailableBalancesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (AvailableBalancesClient) Get

func (client AvailableBalancesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result AvailableBalance, err error)

Get the available credit balance for a billing profile. This is the balance that can be used for pay now to settle due or past due invoices. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (AvailableBalancesClient) GetPreparer

func (client AvailableBalancesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (AvailableBalancesClient) GetResponder

func (client AvailableBalancesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result AvailableBalance, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (AvailableBalancesClient) GetSender

func (client AvailableBalancesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type AzurePlan

AzurePlan details of the Azure plan.

type AzurePlan struct {
    // SkuID - The sku id.
    SkuID *string `json:"skuId,omitempty"`
    // SkuDescription - READ-ONLY; The sku description.
    SkuDescription *string `json:"skuDescription,omitempty"`

func (AzurePlan) MarshalJSON

func (ap AzurePlan) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for AzurePlan.

type BaseClient

BaseClient is the base client for Billing.

type BaseClient struct {
    BaseURI        string
    SubscriptionID string

func New

func New(subscriptionID string) BaseClient

New creates an instance of the BaseClient client.

func NewWithBaseURI

func NewWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) BaseClient

NewWithBaseURI creates an instance of the BaseClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

type Category

Category enumerates the values for category.

type Category string
const (
    // CategoryAffiliatePurchaseTerms ...
    CategoryAffiliatePurchaseTerms Category = "AffiliatePurchaseTerms"
    // CategoryMicrosoftCustomerAgreement ...
    CategoryMicrosoftCustomerAgreement Category = "MicrosoftCustomerAgreement"
    // CategoryOther ...
    CategoryOther Category = "Other"

func PossibleCategoryValues

func PossibleCategoryValues() []Category

PossibleCategoryValues returns an array of possible values for the Category const type.

type Customer

Customer a partner's customer.

type Customer struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // CustomerProperties - The customer.
    *CustomerProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Customer) MarshalJSON

func (c Customer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Customer.

func (*Customer) UnmarshalJSON

func (c *Customer) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Customer struct.

type CustomerListResult

CustomerListResult the list of customers.

type CustomerListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of customers.
    Value *[]Customer `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (CustomerListResult) IsEmpty

func (clr CustomerListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (CustomerListResult) MarshalJSON

func (clr CustomerListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CustomerListResult.

type CustomerListResultIterator

CustomerListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Customer values.

type CustomerListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCustomerListResultIterator

func NewCustomerListResultIterator(page CustomerListResultPage) CustomerListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the CustomerListResultIterator type.

func (*CustomerListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *CustomerListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*CustomerListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *CustomerListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (CustomerListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter CustomerListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (CustomerListResultIterator) Response

func (iter CustomerListResultIterator) Response() CustomerListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (CustomerListResultIterator) Value

func (iter CustomerListResultIterator) Value() Customer

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type CustomerListResultPage

CustomerListResultPage contains a page of Customer values.

type CustomerListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCustomerListResultPage

func NewCustomerListResultPage(cur CustomerListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, CustomerListResult) (CustomerListResult, error)) CustomerListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the CustomerListResultPage type.

func (*CustomerListResultPage) Next

func (page *CustomerListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*CustomerListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *CustomerListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (CustomerListResultPage) NotDone

func (page CustomerListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (CustomerListResultPage) Response

func (page CustomerListResultPage) Response() CustomerListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (CustomerListResultPage) Values

func (page CustomerListResultPage) Values() []Customer

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type CustomerPolicy

CustomerPolicy the customer's Policy.

type CustomerPolicy struct {
    autorest.Response         `json:"-"`
    *CustomerPolicyProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (CustomerPolicy) MarshalJSON

func (cp CustomerPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CustomerPolicy.

func (*CustomerPolicy) UnmarshalJSON

func (cp *CustomerPolicy) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for CustomerPolicy struct.

type CustomerPolicyProperties

CustomerPolicyProperties the properties of a customer's policy.

type CustomerPolicyProperties struct {
    // ViewCharges - The policy that controls whether the users in customer's organization can view charges at pay-as-you-go prices. Possible values include: 'ViewChargesAllowed', 'ViewChargesNotAllowed'
    ViewCharges ViewCharges `json:"viewCharges,omitempty"`

type CustomerProperties

CustomerProperties the properties of a customer.

type CustomerProperties struct {
    // BillingProfileID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing profile for the invoice section.
    BillingProfileID *string `json:"billingProfileId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing profile for the invoice section.
    BillingProfileDisplayName *string `json:"billingProfileDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // DisplayName - The name of the customer.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    // EnabledAzurePlans - Azure plans enabled for the customer.
    EnabledAzurePlans *[]AzurePlan `json:"enabledAzurePlans,omitempty"`
    // Resellers - The list of resellers for which an Azure plan is enabled for the customer.
    Resellers *[]Reseller `json:"resellers,omitempty"`

func (CustomerProperties) MarshalJSON

func (cp CustomerProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for CustomerProperties.

type CustomersClient

CustomersClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type CustomersClient struct {

func NewCustomersClient

func NewCustomersClient(subscriptionID string) CustomersClient

NewCustomersClient creates an instance of the CustomersClient client.

func NewCustomersClientWithBaseURI

func NewCustomersClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) CustomersClient

NewCustomersClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the CustomersClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (CustomersClient) Get

func (client CustomersClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, expand string) (result Customer, err error)

Get gets a customer by its ID. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. customerName - the ID that uniquely identifies a customer. expand - may be used to expand enabledAzurePlans and resellers

func (CustomersClient) GetPreparer

func (client CustomersClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (CustomersClient) GetResponder

func (client CustomersClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Customer, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (CustomersClient) GetSender

func (client CustomersClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the customers that are billed to a billing account. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. search - used for searching customers by their name. Any customer with name containing the search text will be included in the response filter - may be used to filter the list of customers.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, search string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the customers that are billed to a billing profile. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. search - used for searching customers by their name. Any customer with name containing the search text will be included in the response filter - may be used to filter the list of customers.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, search string, filter string) (result CustomerListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, search string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client CustomersClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type Department

Department a department.

type Department struct {
    // DepartmentProperties - A department.
    *DepartmentProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Department) MarshalJSON

func (d Department) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Department.

func (*Department) UnmarshalJSON

func (d *Department) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Department struct.

type DepartmentProperties

DepartmentProperties the properties of a department.

type DepartmentProperties struct {
    // DepartmentName - The name of the department.
    DepartmentName *string `json:"departmentName,omitempty"`
    // CostCenter - The cost center associated with the department.
    CostCenter *string `json:"costCenter,omitempty"`
    // Status - The status of the department.
    Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // EnrollmentAccounts - Associated enrollment accounts. By default this is not populated, unless it's specified in $expand.
    EnrollmentAccounts *[]EnrollmentAccount `json:"enrollmentAccounts,omitempty"`

type Document

Document the properties of a document.

type Document struct {
    // Kind - READ-ONLY; The type of the document. Possible values include: 'DocumentTypeInvoice', 'DocumentTypeVoidNote', 'DocumentTypeTaxReceipt', 'DocumentTypeCreditNote'
    Kind DocumentType `json:"kind,omitempty"`
    // URL - READ-ONLY; Document URL.
    URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"`
    // Source - READ-ONLY; The source of the document. ENF for Brazil and DRS for rest of the world. Possible values include: 'DRS', 'ENF'
    Source DocumentSource `json:"source,omitempty"`

func (Document) MarshalJSON

func (d Document) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Document.

type DocumentSource

DocumentSource enumerates the values for document source.

type DocumentSource string
const (
    // DRS ...
    DRS DocumentSource = "DRS"
    // ENF ...
    ENF DocumentSource = "ENF"

func PossibleDocumentSourceValues

func PossibleDocumentSourceValues() []DocumentSource

PossibleDocumentSourceValues returns an array of possible values for the DocumentSource const type.

type DocumentType

DocumentType enumerates the values for document type.

type DocumentType string
const (
    // DocumentTypeCreditNote ...
    DocumentTypeCreditNote DocumentType = "CreditNote"
    // DocumentTypeInvoice ...
    DocumentTypeInvoice DocumentType = "Invoice"
    // DocumentTypeTaxReceipt ...
    DocumentTypeTaxReceipt DocumentType = "TaxReceipt"
    // DocumentTypeVoidNote ...
    DocumentTypeVoidNote DocumentType = "VoidNote"

func PossibleDocumentTypeValues

func PossibleDocumentTypeValues() []DocumentType

PossibleDocumentTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the DocumentType const type.

type DownloadURL

DownloadURL a secure URL that can be used to download a an entity until the URL expires.

type DownloadURL struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // ExpiryTime - READ-ONLY; The time in UTC when the download URL will expire.
    ExpiryTime *date.Time `json:"expiryTime,omitempty"`
    // URL - READ-ONLY; The URL to the PDF file.
    URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"`

func (DownloadURL) MarshalJSON

func (du DownloadURL) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for DownloadURL.

type Enrollment

Enrollment the properties of an enrollment.

type Enrollment struct {
    // StartDate - The start date of the enrollment.
    StartDate *date.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"`
    // EndDate - The end date of the enrollment.
    EndDate *date.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"`
    // Currency - READ-ONLY; The billing currency for the enrollment.
    Currency *string `json:"currency,omitempty"`
    // Channel - READ-ONLY; The channel type of the enrollment.
    Channel *string `json:"channel,omitempty"`
    // Policies - READ-ONLY; The policies for Enterprise Agreement enrollments.
    Policies *EnrollmentPolicies `json:"policies,omitempty"`
    // Language - READ-ONLY; The language for the enrollment.
    Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"`
    // CountryCode - READ-ONLY; The country code of the enrollment.
    CountryCode *string `json:"countryCode,omitempty"`
    // Status - READ-ONLY; The current status of the enrollment.
    Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // BillingCycle - READ-ONLY; The billing cycle for the enrollment.
    BillingCycle *string `json:"billingCycle,omitempty"`

func (Enrollment) MarshalJSON

func (e Enrollment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Enrollment.

type EnrollmentAccount

EnrollmentAccount an enrollment account.

type EnrollmentAccount struct {
    // EnrollmentAccountProperties - The properties of an enrollment account.
    *EnrollmentAccountProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (EnrollmentAccount) MarshalJSON

func (ea EnrollmentAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EnrollmentAccount.

func (*EnrollmentAccount) UnmarshalJSON

func (ea *EnrollmentAccount) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for EnrollmentAccount struct.

type EnrollmentAccountContext

EnrollmentAccountContext the enrollment account context

type EnrollmentAccountContext struct {
    // CostCenter - The cost center associated with the enrollment account.
    CostCenter *string `json:"costCenter,omitempty"`
    // StartDate - The start date of the enrollment account.
    StartDate *date.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"`
    // EndDate - The end date of the enrollment account.
    EndDate *date.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"`
    // EnrollmentAccountName - The ID of the enrollment account.
    EnrollmentAccountName *string `json:"enrollmentAccountName,omitempty"`

type EnrollmentAccountListResult

EnrollmentAccountListResult result of listing enrollment accounts.

type EnrollmentAccountListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of enrollment accounts.
    Value *[]EnrollmentAccountSummary `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (EnrollmentAccountListResult) IsEmpty

func (ealr EnrollmentAccountListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (EnrollmentAccountListResult) MarshalJSON

func (ealr EnrollmentAccountListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EnrollmentAccountListResult.

type EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator

EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of EnrollmentAccountSummary values.

type EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEnrollmentAccountListResultIterator

func NewEnrollmentAccountListResultIterator(page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator type.

func (*EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Response

func (iter EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Response() EnrollmentAccountListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Value

func (iter EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator) Value() EnrollmentAccountSummary

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type EnrollmentAccountListResultPage

EnrollmentAccountListResultPage contains a page of EnrollmentAccountSummary values.

type EnrollmentAccountListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEnrollmentAccountListResultPage

func NewEnrollmentAccountListResultPage(cur EnrollmentAccountListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, EnrollmentAccountListResult) (EnrollmentAccountListResult, error)) EnrollmentAccountListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the EnrollmentAccountListResultPage type.

func (*EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Next

func (page *EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) NotDone

func (page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Response

func (page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Response() EnrollmentAccountListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Values

func (page EnrollmentAccountListResultPage) Values() []EnrollmentAccountSummary

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type EnrollmentAccountProperties

EnrollmentAccountProperties the properties of an enrollment account.

type EnrollmentAccountProperties struct {
    // AccountName - The name of the enrollment account.
    AccountName *string `json:"accountName,omitempty"`
    // CostCenter - The cost center associated with the enrollment account.
    CostCenter *string `json:"costCenter,omitempty"`
    // AccountOwner - The owner of the enrollment account.
    AccountOwner *string `json:"accountOwner,omitempty"`
    // Status - The status of the enrollment account.
    Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // StartDate - The start date of the enrollment account.
    StartDate *date.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"`
    // EndDate - The end date of the enrollment account.
    EndDate *date.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"`
    // Department - Associated department. By default this is not populated, unless it's specified in $expand.
    Department *Department `json:"department,omitempty"`

type EnrollmentAccountSummary

EnrollmentAccountSummary an enrollment account resource.

type EnrollmentAccountSummary struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties - An enrollment account.
    *EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (EnrollmentAccountSummary) MarshalJSON

func (eas EnrollmentAccountSummary) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EnrollmentAccountSummary.

func (*EnrollmentAccountSummary) UnmarshalJSON

func (eas *EnrollmentAccountSummary) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for EnrollmentAccountSummary struct.

type EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties

EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties the properties of the enrollment account.

type EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties struct {
    // PrincipalName - READ-ONLY; The account owner's principal name.
    PrincipalName *string `json:"principalName,omitempty"`

func (EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties) MarshalJSON

func (easp EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EnrollmentAccountSummaryProperties.

type EnrollmentAccountsClient

EnrollmentAccountsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type EnrollmentAccountsClient struct {

func NewEnrollmentAccountsClient

func NewEnrollmentAccountsClient(subscriptionID string) EnrollmentAccountsClient

NewEnrollmentAccountsClient creates an instance of the EnrollmentAccountsClient client.

func NewEnrollmentAccountsClientWithBaseURI

func NewEnrollmentAccountsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) EnrollmentAccountsClient

NewEnrollmentAccountsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the EnrollmentAccountsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) Get

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, name string) (result EnrollmentAccountSummary, err error)

Get gets a enrollment account by name. Parameters: name - enrollment Account name.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetPreparer

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, name string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetResponder

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result EnrollmentAccountSummary, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetSender

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) List

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result EnrollmentAccountListResultPage, err error)

List lists the enrollment accounts the caller has access to.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListComplete

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context) (result EnrollmentAccountListResultIterator, err error)

ListComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListPreparer

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error)

ListPreparer prepares the List request.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListResponder

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result EnrollmentAccountListResult, err error)

ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListSender

func (client EnrollmentAccountsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type EnrollmentPolicies

EnrollmentPolicies the policies for Enterprise Agreement enrollments.

type EnrollmentPolicies struct {
    // AccountOwnerViewCharges - READ-ONLY; The policy that controls whether Account Owners can view charges.
    AccountOwnerViewCharges *bool `json:"accountOwnerViewCharges,omitempty"`
    // DepartmentAdminViewCharges - READ-ONLY; The policy that controls whether Department Administrators can view charges.
    DepartmentAdminViewCharges *bool `json:"departmentAdminViewCharges,omitempty"`
    // MarketplacesEnabled - READ-ONLY; The policy that controls whether Azure marketplace purchases are allowed in the enrollment.
    MarketplacesEnabled *bool `json:"marketplacesEnabled,omitempty"`
    // ReservedInstancesEnabled - READ-ONLY; The policy that controls whether Azure reservation purchases are allowed in the enrollment.
    ReservedInstancesEnabled *bool `json:"reservedInstancesEnabled,omitempty"`

func (EnrollmentPolicies) MarshalJSON

func (ep EnrollmentPolicies) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for EnrollmentPolicies.

type ErrorDetails

ErrorDetails the details of the error.

type ErrorDetails struct {
    // Code - READ-ONLY; Error code.
    Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
    // Message - READ-ONLY; Error message indicating why the operation failed.
    Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
    // Target - READ-ONLY; The target of the particular error.
    Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"`
    // Details - READ-ONLY; The sub details of the error.
    Details *[]ErrorSubDetailsItem `json:"details,omitempty"`

func (ErrorDetails) MarshalJSON

func (ed ErrorDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ErrorDetails.

type ErrorResponse

ErrorResponse error response indicates that the service is not able to process the incoming request. The reason is provided in the error message.

type ErrorResponse struct {
    // Error - The details of the error.
    Error *ErrorDetails `json:"error,omitempty"`

type ErrorSubDetailsItem

ErrorSubDetailsItem ...

type ErrorSubDetailsItem struct {
    // Code - READ-ONLY; Error code.
    Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"`
    // Message - READ-ONLY; Error message indicating why the operation failed.
    Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
    // Target - READ-ONLY; The target of the particular error.
    Target *string `json:"target,omitempty"`

func (ErrorSubDetailsItem) MarshalJSON

func (esdi ErrorSubDetailsItem) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ErrorSubDetailsItem.

type Frequency

Frequency enumerates the values for frequency.

type Frequency string
const (
    // Monthly ...
    Monthly Frequency = "Monthly"
    // OneTime ...
    OneTime Frequency = "OneTime"
    // UsageBased ...
    UsageBased Frequency = "UsageBased"

func PossibleFrequencyValues

func PossibleFrequencyValues() []Frequency

PossibleFrequencyValues returns an array of possible values for the Frequency const type.

type IndirectRelationshipInfo

IndirectRelationshipInfo the billing profile details of the partner of the customer for an indirect motion.

type IndirectRelationshipInfo struct {
    // BillingAccountName - The billing account name of the partner or the customer for an indirect motion.
    BillingAccountName *string `json:"billingAccountName,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileName - The billing profile name of the partner or the customer for an indirect motion.
    BillingProfileName *string `json:"billingProfileName,omitempty"`
    // DisplayName - The display name of the partner or customer for an indirect motion.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`

type Instruction

Instruction an instruction.

type Instruction struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // InstructionProperties - A billing instruction used during invoice generation.
    *InstructionProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Instruction) MarshalJSON

func (i Instruction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Instruction.

func (*Instruction) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *Instruction) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Instruction struct.

type InstructionListResult

InstructionListResult the list of billing instructions used during invoice generation.

type InstructionListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of billing instructions used during invoice generation.
    Value *[]Instruction `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (InstructionListResult) IsEmpty

func (ilr InstructionListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (InstructionListResult) MarshalJSON

func (ilr InstructionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InstructionListResult.

type InstructionListResultIterator

InstructionListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Instruction values.

type InstructionListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInstructionListResultIterator

func NewInstructionListResultIterator(page InstructionListResultPage) InstructionListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the InstructionListResultIterator type.

func (*InstructionListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *InstructionListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InstructionListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *InstructionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InstructionListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter InstructionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InstructionListResultIterator) Response

func (iter InstructionListResultIterator) Response() InstructionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InstructionListResultIterator) Value

func (iter InstructionListResultIterator) Value() Instruction

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type InstructionListResultPage

InstructionListResultPage contains a page of Instruction values.

type InstructionListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInstructionListResultPage

func NewInstructionListResultPage(cur InstructionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InstructionListResult) (InstructionListResult, error)) InstructionListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the InstructionListResultPage type.

func (*InstructionListResultPage) Next

func (page *InstructionListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InstructionListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *InstructionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InstructionListResultPage) NotDone

func (page InstructionListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InstructionListResultPage) Response

func (page InstructionListResultPage) Response() InstructionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InstructionListResultPage) Values

func (page InstructionListResultPage) Values() []Instruction

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type InstructionProperties

InstructionProperties a billing instruction used during invoice generation.

type InstructionProperties struct {
    // Amount - The amount budgeted for this billing instruction.
    Amount *float64 `json:"amount,omitempty"`
    // StartDate - The date this billing instruction goes into effect.
    StartDate *date.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"`
    // EndDate - The date this billing instruction is no longer in effect.
    EndDate *date.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"`
    // CreationDate - The date this billing instruction was created.
    CreationDate *date.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty"`

type InstructionsClient

InstructionsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type InstructionsClient struct {

func NewInstructionsClient

func NewInstructionsClient(subscriptionID string) InstructionsClient

NewInstructionsClient creates an instance of the InstructionsClient client.

func NewInstructionsClientWithBaseURI

func NewInstructionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InstructionsClient

NewInstructionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InstructionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (InstructionsClient) Get

func (client InstructionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string) (result Instruction, err error)

Get get the instruction by name. These are custom billing instructions and are only applicable for certain customers. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. instructionName - instruction Name.

func (InstructionsClient) GetPreparer

func (client InstructionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (InstructionsClient) GetResponder

func (client InstructionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Instruction, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InstructionsClient) GetSender

func (client InstructionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InstructionListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the instructions by billing profile id. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InstructionListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InstructionListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client InstructionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InstructionsClient) Put

func (client InstructionsClient) Put(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string, parameters Instruction) (result Instruction, err error)

Put creates or updates an instruction. These are custom billing instructions and are only applicable for certain customers. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. instructionName - instruction Name. parameters - the new instruction.

func (InstructionsClient) PutPreparer

func (client InstructionsClient) PutPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, instructionName string, parameters Instruction) (*http.Request, error)

PutPreparer prepares the Put request.

func (InstructionsClient) PutResponder

func (client InstructionsClient) PutResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Instruction, err error)

PutResponder handles the response to the Put request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InstructionsClient) PutSender

func (client InstructionsClient) PutSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

PutSender sends the Put request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type Invoice

Invoice an invoice.

type Invoice struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // InvoiceProperties - An invoice.
    *InvoiceProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Invoice) MarshalJSON

func (i Invoice) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Invoice.

func (*Invoice) UnmarshalJSON

func (i *Invoice) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Invoice struct.

type InvoiceDocumentType

InvoiceDocumentType enumerates the values for invoice document type.

type InvoiceDocumentType string
const (
    // InvoiceDocumentTypeCreditNote ...
    InvoiceDocumentTypeCreditNote InvoiceDocumentType = "CreditNote"
    // InvoiceDocumentTypeInvoice ...
    InvoiceDocumentTypeInvoice InvoiceDocumentType = "Invoice"

func PossibleInvoiceDocumentTypeValues

func PossibleInvoiceDocumentTypeValues() []InvoiceDocumentType

PossibleInvoiceDocumentTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the InvoiceDocumentType const type.

type InvoiceListResult

InvoiceListResult the list of invoices.

type InvoiceListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of invoices.
    Value *[]Invoice `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceListResult) IsEmpty

func (ilr InvoiceListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (InvoiceListResult) MarshalJSON

func (ilr InvoiceListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceListResult.

type InvoiceListResultIterator

InvoiceListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Invoice values.

type InvoiceListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoiceListResultIterator

func NewInvoiceListResultIterator(page InvoiceListResultPage) InvoiceListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the InvoiceListResultIterator type.

func (*InvoiceListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *InvoiceListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InvoiceListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *InvoiceListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InvoiceListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter InvoiceListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InvoiceListResultIterator) Response

func (iter InvoiceListResultIterator) Response() InvoiceListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InvoiceListResultIterator) Value

func (iter InvoiceListResultIterator) Value() Invoice

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type InvoiceListResultPage

InvoiceListResultPage contains a page of Invoice values.

type InvoiceListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoiceListResultPage

func NewInvoiceListResultPage(cur InvoiceListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InvoiceListResult) (InvoiceListResult, error)) InvoiceListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the InvoiceListResultPage type.

func (*InvoiceListResultPage) Next

func (page *InvoiceListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InvoiceListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *InvoiceListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InvoiceListResultPage) NotDone

func (page InvoiceListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InvoiceListResultPage) Response

func (page InvoiceListResultPage) Response() InvoiceListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InvoiceListResultPage) Values

func (page InvoiceListResultPage) Values() []Invoice

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type InvoiceProperties

InvoiceProperties the properties of the invoice.

type InvoiceProperties struct {
    // DueDate - READ-ONLY; The due date for the invoice.
    DueDate *date.Time `json:"dueDate,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceDate - READ-ONLY; The date when the invoice was generated.
    InvoiceDate *date.Time `json:"invoiceDate,omitempty"`
    // Status - READ-ONLY; The current status of the invoice. Possible values include: 'Due', 'OverDue', 'Paid', 'Void'
    Status InvoiceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // AmountDue - READ-ONLY; The amount due as of now.
    AmountDue *Amount `json:"amountDue,omitempty"`
    // AzurePrepaymentApplied - READ-ONLY; The amount of Azure prepayment applied to the charges. This field is applicable to billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    AzurePrepaymentApplied *Amount `json:"azurePrepaymentApplied,omitempty"`
    // BilledAmount - READ-ONLY; The total charges for the invoice billing period.
    BilledAmount *Amount `json:"billedAmount,omitempty"`
    // CreditAmount - READ-ONLY; The total refund for returns and cancellations during the invoice billing period. This field is applicable to billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    CreditAmount *Amount `json:"creditAmount,omitempty"`
    // FreeAzureCreditApplied - READ-ONLY; The amount of free Azure credits applied to the charges. This field is applicable to billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    FreeAzureCreditApplied *Amount `json:"freeAzureCreditApplied,omitempty"`
    // SubTotal - READ-ONLY; The pre-tax amount due. This field is applicable to billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    SubTotal *Amount `json:"subTotal,omitempty"`
    // TaxAmount - READ-ONLY; The amount of tax charged for the billing period. This field is applicable to billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    TaxAmount *Amount `json:"taxAmount,omitempty"`
    // TotalAmount - READ-ONLY; The amount due when the invoice was generated. This field is applicable to billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    TotalAmount *Amount `json:"totalAmount,omitempty"`
    // InvoicePeriodStartDate - READ-ONLY; The start date of the billing period for which the invoice is generated.
    InvoicePeriodStartDate *date.Time `json:"invoicePeriodStartDate,omitempty"`
    // InvoicePeriodEndDate - READ-ONLY; The end date of the billing period for which the invoice is generated.
    InvoicePeriodEndDate *date.Time `json:"invoicePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceType - READ-ONLY; Invoice type. Possible values include: 'AzureService', 'AzureMarketplace', 'AzureSupport'
    InvoiceType InvoiceType `json:"invoiceType,omitempty"`
    // IsMonthlyInvoice - READ-ONLY; Specifies if the invoice is generated as part of monthly invoicing cycle or not. This field is applicable to billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.
    IsMonthlyInvoice *bool `json:"isMonthlyInvoice,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing profile for which the invoice is generated.
    BillingProfileID *string `json:"billingProfileId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing profile for which the invoice is generated.
    BillingProfileDisplayName *string `json:"billingProfileDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // PurchaseOrderNumber - READ-ONLY; An optional purchase order number for the invoice.
    PurchaseOrderNumber *string `json:"purchaseOrderNumber,omitempty"`
    // Documents - READ-ONLY; List of documents available to download such as invoice and tax receipt.
    Documents *[]Document `json:"documents,omitempty"`
    // Payments - READ-ONLY; List of payments.
    Payments *[]PaymentProperties `json:"payments,omitempty"`
    // RebillDetails - READ-ONLY; Rebill details for an invoice.
    RebillDetails map[string]*RebillDetails `json:"rebillDetails"`
    // DocumentType - READ-ONLY; The type of the document. Possible values include: 'InvoiceDocumentTypeInvoice', 'InvoiceDocumentTypeCreditNote'
    DocumentType InvoiceDocumentType `json:"documentType,omitempty"`
    // BilledDocumentID - READ-ONLY; The Id of the active invoice which is originally billed after this invoice was voided. This field is applicable to the void invoices only.
    BilledDocumentID *string `json:"billedDocumentId,omitempty"`
    // CreditForDocumentID - READ-ONLY; The Id of the invoice which got voided and this credit note was issued as a result. This field is applicable to the credit notes only.
    CreditForDocumentID *string `json:"creditForDocumentId,omitempty"`
    // SubscriptionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the subscription for which the invoice is generated.
    SubscriptionID *string `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceProperties) MarshalJSON

func (IP InvoiceProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceProperties.

type InvoiceSection

InvoiceSection an invoice section.

type InvoiceSection struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // InvoiceSectionProperties - The properties of an invoice section.
    *InvoiceSectionProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceSection) MarshalJSON

func (is InvoiceSection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceSection.

func (*InvoiceSection) UnmarshalJSON

func (is *InvoiceSection) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for InvoiceSection struct.

type InvoiceSectionCreationRequest

InvoiceSectionCreationRequest the properties of the invoice section.

type InvoiceSectionCreationRequest struct {
    // DisplayName - The name of the invoice section.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`

type InvoiceSectionListResult

InvoiceSectionListResult the list of invoice sections.

type InvoiceSectionListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of invoice sections.
    Value *[]InvoiceSection `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceSectionListResult) IsEmpty

func (islr InvoiceSectionListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (InvoiceSectionListResult) MarshalJSON

func (islr InvoiceSectionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceSectionListResult.

type InvoiceSectionListResultIterator

InvoiceSectionListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of InvoiceSection values.

type InvoiceSectionListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoiceSectionListResultIterator

func NewInvoiceSectionListResultIterator(page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) InvoiceSectionListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the InvoiceSectionListResultIterator type.

func (*InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Response

func (iter InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Response() InvoiceSectionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Value

func (iter InvoiceSectionListResultIterator) Value() InvoiceSection

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type InvoiceSectionListResultPage

InvoiceSectionListResultPage contains a page of InvoiceSection values.

type InvoiceSectionListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoiceSectionListResultPage

func NewInvoiceSectionListResultPage(cur InvoiceSectionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InvoiceSectionListResult) (InvoiceSectionListResult, error)) InvoiceSectionListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the InvoiceSectionListResultPage type.

func (*InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Next

func (page *InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InvoiceSectionListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *InvoiceSectionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InvoiceSectionListResultPage) NotDone

func (page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Response

func (page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Response() InvoiceSectionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Values

func (page InvoiceSectionListResultPage) Values() []InvoiceSection

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult

InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult the list of invoice section properties with create subscription permission.

type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - The list of invoice section properties with create subscription permission.
    Value *[]InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) IsEmpty

func (islwcspr InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) MarshalJSON

func (islwcspr InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult.

type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator

InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission values.

type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator

func NewInvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator(page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator type.

func (*InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Next

func (iter *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Response

func (iter InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Response() InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Value

func (iter InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultIterator) Value() InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage

InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage contains a page of InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission values.

type InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewInvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage

func NewInvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage(cur InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult) (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult, error)) InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage

Creates a new instance of the InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage type.

func (*InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Next

func (page *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) NotDone

func (page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Response

func (page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Response() InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Values

func (page InvoiceSectionListWithCreateSubPermissionResultPage) Values() []InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type InvoiceSectionProperties

InvoiceSectionProperties the properties of an invoice section.

type InvoiceSectionProperties struct {
    // DisplayName - The name of the invoice section.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    // Labels - Dictionary of metadata associated with the invoice section.
    Labels map[string]*string `json:"labels"`
    // State - READ-ONLY; Identifies the state of an invoice section. Possible values include: 'InvoiceSectionStateActive', 'InvoiceSectionStateRestricted'
    State InvoiceSectionState `json:"state,omitempty"`
    // SystemID - READ-ONLY; The system generated unique identifier for an invoice section.
    SystemID *string `json:"systemId,omitempty"`
    // TargetCloud - READ-ONLY; Identifies the cloud environments that are associated with an invoice section. This is a system managed optional field and gets updated as the invoice section gets associated with accounts in various clouds. Possible values include: 'USGov', 'USNat', 'USSec'
    TargetCloud TargetCloud `json:"targetCloud,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceSectionProperties) MarshalJSON

func (isp InvoiceSectionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceSectionProperties.

type InvoiceSectionState

InvoiceSectionState enumerates the values for invoice section state.

type InvoiceSectionState string
const (
    // InvoiceSectionStateActive ...
    InvoiceSectionStateActive InvoiceSectionState = "Active"
    // InvoiceSectionStateRestricted ...
    InvoiceSectionStateRestricted InvoiceSectionState = "Restricted"

func PossibleInvoiceSectionStateValues

func PossibleInvoiceSectionStateValues() []InvoiceSectionState

PossibleInvoiceSectionStateValues returns an array of possible values for the InvoiceSectionState const type.

type InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission

InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission invoice section properties with create subscription permission.

type InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission struct {
    // InvoiceSectionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the invoice section.
    InvoiceSectionID *string `json:"invoiceSectionId,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the invoice section.
    InvoiceSectionDisplayName *string `json:"invoiceSectionDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionSystemID - READ-ONLY; The system generated unique identifier for an invoice section.
    InvoiceSectionSystemID *string `json:"invoiceSectionSystemId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing profile for the invoice section.
    BillingProfileID *string `json:"billingProfileId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing profile for the invoice section.
    BillingProfileDisplayName *string `json:"billingProfileDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileStatus - READ-ONLY; The status of the billing profile. Possible values include: 'ProfileStatusActive', 'ProfileStatusDisabled', 'ProfileStatusWarned'
    BillingProfileStatus ProfileStatus `json:"billingProfileStatus,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileStatusReasonCode - READ-ONLY; Reason for the specified billing profile status. Possible values include: 'StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfilePastDue', 'StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileSpendingLimitReached', 'StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileSpendingLimitExpired'
    BillingProfileStatusReasonCode StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile `json:"billingProfileStatusReasonCode,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileSpendingLimit - READ-ONLY; The billing profile spending limit. Possible values include: 'SpendingLimitForBillingProfileOff', 'SpendingLimitForBillingProfileOn'
    BillingProfileSpendingLimit SpendingLimitForBillingProfile `json:"billingProfileSpendingLimit,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileSystemID - READ-ONLY; The system generated unique identifier for a billing profile.
    BillingProfileSystemID *string `json:"billingProfileSystemId,omitempty"`
    // EnabledAzurePlans - Enabled azure plans for the associated billing profile.
    EnabledAzurePlans *[]AzurePlan `json:"enabledAzurePlans,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission) MarshalJSON

func (iswcsp InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission.

type InvoiceSectionsClient

InvoiceSectionsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type InvoiceSectionsClient struct {

func NewInvoiceSectionsClient

func NewInvoiceSectionsClient(subscriptionID string) InvoiceSectionsClient

NewInvoiceSectionsClient creates an instance of the InvoiceSectionsClient client.

func NewInvoiceSectionsClientWithBaseURI

func NewInvoiceSectionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InvoiceSectionsClient

NewInvoiceSectionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InvoiceSectionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, parameters InvoiceSection) (result InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)

CreateOrUpdate creates or updates an invoice section. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section. parameters - the new or updated invoice section.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, parameters InvoiceSection) (*http.Request, error)

CreateOrUpdatePreparer prepares the CreateOrUpdate request.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSection, err error)

CreateOrUpdateResponder handles the response to the CreateOrUpdate request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)

CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) Get

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result InvoiceSection, err error)

Get gets an invoice section by its ID. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) GetPreparer

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) GetResponder

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSection, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) GetSender

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InvoiceSectionListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the invoice sections that a user has access to. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result InvoiceSectionListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceSectionListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client InvoiceSectionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture

InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(InvoiceSectionsClient) (InvoiceSection, error)

func (*InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *InvoiceSectionsCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type InvoiceSectionsOnExpand

InvoiceSectionsOnExpand the invoice sections associated to the billing profile. By default this is not populated, unless it's specified in $expand.

type InvoiceSectionsOnExpand struct {
    // HasMoreResults - READ-ONLY; Indicates whether there are more invoice sections than the ones listed in this collection. The collection lists a maximum of 50 invoice sections. To get all invoice sections, use the list invoice sections API.
    HasMoreResults *bool `json:"hasMoreResults,omitempty"`
    // Value - The invoice sections associated to the billing profile.
    Value *[]InvoiceSection `json:"value,omitempty"`

func (InvoiceSectionsOnExpand) MarshalJSON

func (isoe InvoiceSectionsOnExpand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for InvoiceSectionsOnExpand.

type InvoiceStatus

InvoiceStatus enumerates the values for invoice status.

type InvoiceStatus string
const (
    // Due ...
    Due InvoiceStatus = "Due"
    // OverDue ...
    OverDue InvoiceStatus = "OverDue"
    // Paid ...
     InvoiceStatus = "Paid"
    // Void ...
    Void InvoiceStatus = "Void"

func PossibleInvoiceStatusValues

func PossibleInvoiceStatusValues() []InvoiceStatus

PossibleInvoiceStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the InvoiceStatus const type.

type InvoiceType

InvoiceType enumerates the values for invoice type.

type InvoiceType string
const (
    // AzureMarketplace ...
    AzureMarketplace InvoiceType = "AzureMarketplace"
    // AzureService ...
    AzureService InvoiceType = "AzureService"
    // AzureSupport ...
    AzureSupport InvoiceType = "AzureSupport"

func PossibleInvoiceTypeValues

func PossibleInvoiceTypeValues() []InvoiceType

PossibleInvoiceTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the InvoiceType const type.

type InvoicesClient

InvoicesClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type InvoicesClient struct {

func NewInvoicesClient

func NewInvoicesClient(subscriptionID string) InvoicesClient

NewInvoicesClient creates an instance of the InvoicesClient client.

func NewInvoicesClientWithBaseURI

func NewInvoicesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) InvoicesClient

NewInvoicesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the InvoicesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoice

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (result InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture, err error)

DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoice gets a URL to download an invoice. Parameters: invoiceName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice. downloadToken - download token with document source and document ID.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoicePreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoicePreparer(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (*http.Request, error)

DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoicePreparer prepares the DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoice request.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)

DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceResponder handles the response to the DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoice request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceSender

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture, err error)

DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceSender sends the DownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoice request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoice

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoice(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (result InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture, err error)

DownloadInvoice gets a URL to download an invoice. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. invoiceName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice. downloadToken - download token with document source and document ID.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoicePreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoicePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string, downloadToken string) (*http.Request, error)

DownloadInvoicePreparer prepares the DownloadInvoice request.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoiceResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoiceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)

DownloadInvoiceResponder handles the response to the DownloadInvoice request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoiceSender

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadInvoiceSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture, err error)

DownloadInvoiceSender sends the DownloadInvoice request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoices

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoices(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, downloadUrls []string) (result InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture, err error)

DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoices gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. downloadUrls - an array of download urls for individual documents

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesPreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, downloadUrls []string) (*http.Request, error)

DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesPreparer prepares the DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoices request.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)

DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesResponder handles the response to the DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoices request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesSender

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture, err error)

DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesSender sends the DownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoices request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoices

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoices(ctx context.Context, downloadUrls []string) (result InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture, err error)

DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoices gets a URL to download multiple invoice documents (invoice pdf, tax receipts, credit notes) as a zip file. Parameters: downloadUrls - an array of download urls for individual documents

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesPreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesPreparer(ctx context.Context, downloadUrls []string) (*http.Request, error)

DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesPreparer prepares the DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoices request.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesResponder(resp *http.Response) (result DownloadURL, err error)

DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesResponder handles the response to the DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoices request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesSender

func (client InvoicesClient) DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesSender(req *http.Request) (future InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture, err error)

DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesSender sends the DownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoices request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) Get

func (client InvoicesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (result Invoice, err error)

Get gets an invoice by billing account name and ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. invoiceName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice.

func (InvoicesClient) GetByID

func (client InvoicesClient) GetByID(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (result Invoice, err error)

GetByID gets an invoice by ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: invoiceName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice.

func (InvoicesClient) GetByIDPreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) GetByIDPreparer(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByIDPreparer prepares the GetByID request.

func (InvoicesClient) GetByIDResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) GetByIDResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Invoice, err error)

GetByIDResponder handles the response to the GetByID request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) GetByIDSender

func (client InvoicesClient) GetByIDSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByIDSender sends the GetByID request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceID

func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceID(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (result Invoice, err error)

GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceID gets an invoice by subscription ID and invoice ID. Parameters: invoiceName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice.

func (InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDPreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDPreparer(ctx context.Context, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDPreparer prepares the GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceID request.

func (InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Invoice, err error)

GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDResponder handles the response to the GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceID request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDSender

func (client InvoicesClient) GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceIDSender sends the GetBySubscriptionAndInvoiceID request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) GetPreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (InvoicesClient) GetResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Invoice, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) GetSender

func (client InvoicesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the invoices for a billing account for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. periodStartDate - the start date to fetch the invoices. The date should be specified in MM-DD-YYYY format. periodEndDate - the end date to fetch the invoices. The date should be specified in MM-DD-YYYY format.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the invoices for a billing profile for a given start date and end date. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. periodStartDate - the start date to fetch the invoices. The date should be specified in MM-DD-YYYY format. periodEndDate - the end date to fetch the invoices. The date should be specified in MM-DD-YYYY format.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscription

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscription(ctx context.Context, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingSubscription lists the invoices for a subscription. Parameters: periodStartDate - invoice period start date. periodEndDate - invoice period end date.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionComplete

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionComplete(ctx context.Context, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (result InvoiceListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingSubscriptionComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionPreparer

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionPreparer(ctx context.Context, periodStartDate string, periodEndDate string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingSubscriptionPreparer prepares the ListByBillingSubscription request.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionResponder

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result InvoiceListResult, err error)

ListByBillingSubscriptionResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingSubscription request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionSender

func (client InvoicesClient) ListByBillingSubscriptionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingSubscriptionSender sends the ListByBillingSubscription request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture

InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(InvoicesClient) (DownloadURL, error)

func (*InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *InvoicesDownloadBillingSubscriptionInvoiceFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture

InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(InvoicesClient) (DownloadURL, error)

func (*InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *InvoicesDownloadInvoiceFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture

InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(InvoicesClient) (DownloadURL, error)

func (*InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingProfileInvoicesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture

InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(InvoicesClient) (DownloadURL, error)

func (*InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *InvoicesDownloadMultipleBillingSubscriptionInvoicesFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type MarketplacePurchasesPolicy

MarketplacePurchasesPolicy enumerates the values for marketplace purchases policy.

type MarketplacePurchasesPolicy string
const (
    // AllAllowed ...
    AllAllowed MarketplacePurchasesPolicy = "AllAllowed"
    // NotAllowed ...
    NotAllowed MarketplacePurchasesPolicy = "NotAllowed"
    // OnlyFreeAllowed ...
    OnlyFreeAllowed MarketplacePurchasesPolicy = "OnlyFreeAllowed"

func PossibleMarketplacePurchasesPolicyValues

func PossibleMarketplacePurchasesPolicyValues() []MarketplacePurchasesPolicy

PossibleMarketplacePurchasesPolicyValues returns an array of possible values for the MarketplacePurchasesPolicy const type.

type Operation

Operation a Billing REST API operation.

type Operation struct {
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Operation name: {provider}/{resource}/{operation}.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Display - The object that represents the operation.
    Display *OperationDisplay `json:"display,omitempty"`

func (Operation) MarshalJSON

func (o Operation) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Operation.

type OperationDisplay

OperationDisplay the object that represents the operation.

type OperationDisplay struct {
    // Provider - READ-ONLY; Service provider: Microsoft.Billing.
    Provider *string `json:"provider,omitempty"`
    // Resource - READ-ONLY; Resource on which the operation is performed such as invoice and billing subscription.
    Resource *string `json:"resource,omitempty"`
    // Operation - READ-ONLY; Operation type such as read, write and delete.
    Operation *string `json:"operation,omitempty"`

func (OperationDisplay) MarshalJSON

func (o OperationDisplay) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for OperationDisplay.

type OperationListResult

OperationListResult the list of billing operations and a URL link to get the next set of results.

type OperationListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of billing operations supported by the Microsoft.Billing resource provider.
    Value *[]Operation `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; URL to get the next set of operation list results if there are any.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (OperationListResult) IsEmpty

func (olr OperationListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (OperationListResult) MarshalJSON

func (olr OperationListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for OperationListResult.

type OperationListResultIterator

OperationListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Operation values.

type OperationListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewOperationListResultIterator

func NewOperationListResultIterator(page OperationListResultPage) OperationListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the OperationListResultIterator type.

func (*OperationListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *OperationListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*OperationListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *OperationListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (OperationListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter OperationListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (OperationListResultIterator) Response

func (iter OperationListResultIterator) Response() OperationListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (OperationListResultIterator) Value

func (iter OperationListResultIterator) Value() Operation

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type OperationListResultPage

OperationListResultPage contains a page of Operation values.

type OperationListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewOperationListResultPage

func NewOperationListResultPage(cur OperationListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, OperationListResult) (OperationListResult, error)) OperationListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the OperationListResultPage type.

func (*OperationListResultPage) Next

func (page *OperationListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*OperationListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *OperationListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (OperationListResultPage) NotDone

func (page OperationListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (OperationListResultPage) Response

func (page OperationListResultPage) Response() OperationListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (OperationListResultPage) Values

func (page OperationListResultPage) Values() []Operation

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type OperationsClient

OperationsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type OperationsClient struct {

func NewOperationsClient

func NewOperationsClient(subscriptionID string) OperationsClient

NewOperationsClient creates an instance of the OperationsClient client.

func NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI

func NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) OperationsClient

NewOperationsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the OperationsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (OperationsClient) List

func (client OperationsClient) List(ctx context.Context) (result OperationListResultPage, err error)

List lists the available billing REST API operations.

func (OperationsClient) ListComplete

func (client OperationsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context) (result OperationListResultIterator, err error)

ListComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (OperationsClient) ListPreparer

func (client OperationsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error)

ListPreparer prepares the List request.

func (OperationsClient) ListResponder

func (client OperationsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result OperationListResult, err error)

ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (OperationsClient) ListSender

func (client OperationsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type Participants

Participants the details about a participant.

type Participants struct {
    // Status - READ-ONLY; The acceptance status of the participant.
    Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // StatusDate - READ-ONLY; The date when the status got changed.
    StatusDate *date.Time `json:"statusDate,omitempty"`
    // Email - READ-ONLY; The email address of the participant.
    Email *string `json:"email,omitempty"`

func (Participants) MarshalJSON

func (p Participants) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Participants.

type PaymentMethodFamily

PaymentMethodFamily enumerates the values for payment method family.

type PaymentMethodFamily string
const (
    // CheckWire ...
    CheckWire PaymentMethodFamily = "CheckWire"
    // CreditCard ...
    CreditCard PaymentMethodFamily = "CreditCard"
    // Credits ...
    Credits PaymentMethodFamily = "Credits"
    // None ...
    None PaymentMethodFamily = "None"

func PossiblePaymentMethodFamilyValues

func PossiblePaymentMethodFamilyValues() []PaymentMethodFamily

PossiblePaymentMethodFamilyValues returns an array of possible values for the PaymentMethodFamily const type.

type PaymentProperties

PaymentProperties the properties of a payment.

type PaymentProperties struct {
    // PaymentType - READ-ONLY; The type of payment.
    PaymentType *string `json:"paymentType,omitempty"`
    // Amount - READ-ONLY; The paid amount.
    Amount *Amount `json:"amount,omitempty"`
    // Date - READ-ONLY; The date when the payment was made.
    Date *date.Time `json:"date,omitempty"`
    // PaymentMethodFamily - The family of payment method. Possible values include: 'Credits', 'CheckWire', 'CreditCard', 'None'
    PaymentMethodFamily PaymentMethodFamily `json:"paymentMethodFamily,omitempty"`
    // PaymentMethodType - READ-ONLY; The type of payment method.
    PaymentMethodType *string `json:"paymentMethodType,omitempty"`

func (PaymentProperties) MarshalJSON

func (pp PaymentProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PaymentProperties.

type Period

Period a billing period resource.

type Period struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // PeriodProperties - A billing period.
    *PeriodProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Period) MarshalJSON

func (p Period) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Period.

func (*Period) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Period) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Period struct.

type PeriodProperties

PeriodProperties the properties of the billing period.

type PeriodProperties struct {
    // BillingPeriodStartDate - READ-ONLY; The start of the date range covered by the billing period.
    BillingPeriodStartDate *date.Date `json:"billingPeriodStartDate,omitempty"`
    // BillingPeriodEndDate - READ-ONLY; The end of the date range covered by the billing period.
    BillingPeriodEndDate *date.Date `json:"billingPeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceIds - READ-ONLY; Array of invoice ids that associated with.
    InvoiceIds *[]string `json:"invoiceIds,omitempty"`

func (PeriodProperties) MarshalJSON

func (pp PeriodProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PeriodProperties.

type PeriodsClient

PeriodsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type PeriodsClient struct {

func NewPeriodsClient

func NewPeriodsClient(subscriptionID string) PeriodsClient

NewPeriodsClient creates an instance of the PeriodsClient client.

func NewPeriodsClientWithBaseURI

func NewPeriodsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PeriodsClient

NewPeriodsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PeriodsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (PeriodsClient) Get

func (client PeriodsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingPeriodName string) (result Period, err error)

Get gets a named billing period. This is only supported for Azure Web-Direct subscriptions. Other subscription types which were not purchased directly through the Azure web portal are not supported through this preview API. Parameters: billingPeriodName - the name of a BillingPeriod resource.

func (PeriodsClient) GetPreparer

func (client PeriodsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingPeriodName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (PeriodsClient) GetResponder

func (client PeriodsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Period, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PeriodsClient) GetSender

func (client PeriodsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PeriodsClient) List

func (client PeriodsClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter string, skiptoken string, top *int32) (result PeriodsListResultPage, err error)

List lists the available billing periods for a subscription in reverse chronological order. This is only supported for Azure Web-Direct subscriptions. Other subscription types which were not purchased directly through the Azure web portal are not supported through this preview API. Parameters: filter - may be used to filter billing periods by billingPeriodEndDate. The filter supports 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', and 'and'. It does not currently support 'ne', 'or', or 'not'. skiptoken - skiptoken is only used if a previous operation returned a partial result. If a previous response contains a nextLink element, the value of the nextLink element will include a skiptoken parameter that specifies a starting point to use for subsequent calls. top - may be used to limit the number of results to the most recent N billing periods.

func (PeriodsClient) ListComplete

func (client PeriodsClient) ListComplete(ctx context.Context, filter string, skiptoken string, top *int32) (result PeriodsListResultIterator, err error)

ListComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (PeriodsClient) ListPreparer

func (client PeriodsClient) ListPreparer(ctx context.Context, filter string, skiptoken string, top *int32) (*http.Request, error)

ListPreparer prepares the List request.

func (PeriodsClient) ListResponder

func (client PeriodsClient) ListResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PeriodsListResult, err error)

ListResponder handles the response to the List request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PeriodsClient) ListSender

func (client PeriodsClient) ListSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListSender sends the List request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type PeriodsListResult

PeriodsListResult result of listing billing periods. It contains a list of available billing periods in reverse chronological order.

type PeriodsListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of billing periods.
    Value *[]Period `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (PeriodsListResult) IsEmpty

func (plr PeriodsListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (PeriodsListResult) MarshalJSON

func (plr PeriodsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PeriodsListResult.

type PeriodsListResultIterator

PeriodsListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Period values.

type PeriodsListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPeriodsListResultIterator

func NewPeriodsListResultIterator(page PeriodsListResultPage) PeriodsListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the PeriodsListResultIterator type.

func (*PeriodsListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *PeriodsListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*PeriodsListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *PeriodsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (PeriodsListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter PeriodsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (PeriodsListResultIterator) Response

func (iter PeriodsListResultIterator) Response() PeriodsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (PeriodsListResultIterator) Value

func (iter PeriodsListResultIterator) Value() Period

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type PeriodsListResultPage

PeriodsListResultPage contains a page of Period values.

type PeriodsListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPeriodsListResultPage

func NewPeriodsListResultPage(cur PeriodsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, PeriodsListResult) (PeriodsListResult, error)) PeriodsListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the PeriodsListResultPage type.

func (*PeriodsListResultPage) Next

func (page *PeriodsListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*PeriodsListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *PeriodsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (PeriodsListResultPage) NotDone

func (page PeriodsListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (PeriodsListResultPage) Response

func (page PeriodsListResultPage) Response() PeriodsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (PeriodsListResultPage) Values

func (page PeriodsListResultPage) Values() []Period

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type PermissionsClient

PermissionsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type PermissionsClient struct {

func NewPermissionsClient

func NewPermissionsClient(subscriptionID string) PermissionsClient

NewPermissionsClient creates an instance of the PermissionsClient client.

func NewPermissionsClientWithBaseURI

func NewPermissionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PermissionsClient

NewPermissionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PermissionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing account. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the billing permissions the caller has on a billing profile. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByCustomer

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByCustomer lists the billing permissions the caller has for a customer. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. customerName - the ID that uniquely identifies a customer.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerComplete

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByCustomerComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByCustomerPreparer prepares the ListByCustomer request.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerResponder

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)

ListByCustomerResponder handles the response to the ListByCustomer request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerSender

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByCustomerSender sends the ListByCustomer request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSections

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSections(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result PermissionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByInvoiceSections lists the billing permissions the caller has on an invoice section. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsComplete

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result PermissionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionsComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsPreparer

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionsPreparer prepares the ListByInvoiceSections request.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsResponder

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsResponder(resp *http.Response) (result PermissionsListResult, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionsResponder handles the response to the ListByInvoiceSections request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsSender

func (client PermissionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionsSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionsSender sends the ListByInvoiceSections request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type PermissionsListResult

PermissionsListResult result of list billingPermissions a caller has on a billing account.

type PermissionsListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of billingPermissions a caller has on a billing account.
    Value *[]PermissionsProperties `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (PermissionsListResult) IsEmpty

func (plr PermissionsListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (PermissionsListResult) MarshalJSON

func (plr PermissionsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PermissionsListResult.

type PermissionsListResultIterator

PermissionsListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of PermissionsProperties values.

type PermissionsListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPermissionsListResultIterator

func NewPermissionsListResultIterator(page PermissionsListResultPage) PermissionsListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the PermissionsListResultIterator type.

func (*PermissionsListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *PermissionsListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*PermissionsListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *PermissionsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (PermissionsListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter PermissionsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (PermissionsListResultIterator) Response

func (iter PermissionsListResultIterator) Response() PermissionsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (PermissionsListResultIterator) Value

func (iter PermissionsListResultIterator) Value() PermissionsProperties

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type PermissionsListResultPage

PermissionsListResultPage contains a page of PermissionsProperties values.

type PermissionsListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPermissionsListResultPage

func NewPermissionsListResultPage(cur PermissionsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, PermissionsListResult) (PermissionsListResult, error)) PermissionsListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the PermissionsListResultPage type.

func (*PermissionsListResultPage) Next

func (page *PermissionsListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*PermissionsListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *PermissionsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (PermissionsListResultPage) NotDone

func (page PermissionsListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (PermissionsListResultPage) Response

func (page PermissionsListResultPage) Response() PermissionsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (PermissionsListResultPage) Values

func (page PermissionsListResultPage) Values() []PermissionsProperties

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type PermissionsProperties

PermissionsProperties the set of allowed action and not allowed actions a caller has on a billing account

type PermissionsProperties struct {
    // Actions - READ-ONLY; The set of actions that the caller is allowed to perform.
    Actions *[]string `json:"actions,omitempty"`
    // NotActions - READ-ONLY; The set of actions that the caller is not allowed to perform.
    NotActions *[]string `json:"notActions,omitempty"`

func (PermissionsProperties) MarshalJSON

func (pp PermissionsProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PermissionsProperties.

type PoliciesClient

PoliciesClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type PoliciesClient struct {

func NewPoliciesClient

func NewPoliciesClient(subscriptionID string) PoliciesClient

NewPoliciesClient creates an instance of the PoliciesClient client.

func NewPoliciesClientWithBaseURI

func NewPoliciesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PoliciesClient

NewPoliciesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PoliciesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfile

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result Policy, err error)

GetByBillingProfile lists the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the GetByBillingProfile request.

func (PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Policy, err error)

GetByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the GetByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfileSender

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByBillingProfileSender sends the GetByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PoliciesClient) GetByCustomer

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)

GetByCustomer lists the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. customerName - the ID that uniquely identifies a customer.

func (PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerPreparer

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByCustomerPreparer prepares the GetByCustomer request.

func (PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerResponder

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)

GetByCustomerResponder handles the response to the GetByCustomer request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerSender

func (client PoliciesClient) GetByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByCustomerSender sends the GetByCustomer request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PoliciesClient) Update

func (client PoliciesClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Policy) (result Policy, err error)

Update updates the policies for a billing profile. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the update policies operation.

func (PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomer

func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, parameters CustomerPolicy) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)

UpdateCustomer updates the policies for a customer. This operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. customerName - the ID that uniquely identifies a customer. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the update policies operation.

func (PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerPreparer

func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string, parameters CustomerPolicy) (*http.Request, error)

UpdateCustomerPreparer prepares the UpdateCustomer request.

func (PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerResponder

func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result CustomerPolicy, err error)

UpdateCustomerResponder handles the response to the UpdateCustomer request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerSender

func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

UpdateCustomerSender sends the UpdateCustomer request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PoliciesClient) UpdatePreparer

func (client PoliciesClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Policy) (*http.Request, error)

UpdatePreparer prepares the Update request.

func (PoliciesClient) UpdateResponder

func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Policy, err error)

UpdateResponder handles the response to the Update request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PoliciesClient) UpdateSender

func (client PoliciesClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type Policy

Policy a policy.

type Policy struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    *PolicyProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Policy) MarshalJSON

func (p Policy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Policy.

func (*Policy) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Policy) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Policy struct.

type PolicyProperties

PolicyProperties the properties of a policy.

type PolicyProperties struct {
    // MarketplacePurchases - The policy that controls whether Azure marketplace purchases are allowed for a billing profile. Possible values include: 'AllAllowed', 'OnlyFreeAllowed', 'NotAllowed'
    MarketplacePurchases MarketplacePurchasesPolicy `json:"marketplacePurchases,omitempty"`
    // ReservationPurchases - The policy that controls whether Azure reservation purchases are allowed for a billing profile. Possible values include: 'ReservationPurchasesPolicyAllowed', 'ReservationPurchasesPolicyNotAllowed'
    ReservationPurchases ReservationPurchasesPolicy `json:"reservationPurchases,omitempty"`
    // ViewCharges - The policy that controls whether users with Azure RBAC access to a subscription can view its charges. Possible values include: 'ViewChargesPolicyAllowed', 'ViewChargesPolicyNotAllowed'
    ViewCharges ViewChargesPolicy `json:"viewCharges,omitempty"`

type Product

Product a product.

type Product struct {
    autorest.Response  `json:"-"`
    *ProductProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Product) MarshalJSON

func (p Product) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Product.

func (*Product) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Product) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Product struct.

type ProductProperties

ProductProperties the properties of a product.

type ProductProperties struct {
    // AutoRenew - Indicates whether auto renewal is turned on or off for a product. Possible values include: 'Off', 'On'
    AutoRenew AutoRenew `json:"autoRenew,omitempty"`
    // DisplayName - READ-ONLY; The display name of the product.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    // PurchaseDate - READ-ONLY; The date when the product was purchased.
    PurchaseDate *date.Time `json:"purchaseDate,omitempty"`
    // ProductTypeID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the type of product.
    ProductTypeID *string `json:"productTypeId,omitempty"`
    // ProductType - READ-ONLY; The description of the type of product.
    ProductType *string `json:"productType,omitempty"`
    // Status - The current status of the product. Possible values include: 'ProductStatusTypeActive', 'ProductStatusTypeInactive', 'ProductStatusTypePastDue', 'ProductStatusTypeExpiring', 'ProductStatusTypeExpired', 'ProductStatusTypeDisabled', 'ProductStatusTypeCancelled', 'ProductStatusTypeAutoRenew'
    Status ProductStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // EndDate - READ-ONLY; The date when the product will be renewed or canceled.
    EndDate *date.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"`
    // BillingFrequency - The frequency at which the product will be billed. Possible values include: 'OneTime', 'Monthly', 'UsageBased'
    BillingFrequency Frequency `json:"billingFrequency,omitempty"`
    // LastCharge - READ-ONLY; The last month charges.
    LastCharge *Amount `json:"lastCharge,omitempty"`
    // LastChargeDate - READ-ONLY; The date of the last charge.
    LastChargeDate *date.Time `json:"lastChargeDate,omitempty"`
    // Quantity - READ-ONLY; The quantity purchased for the product.
    Quantity *float64 `json:"quantity,omitempty"`
    // SkuID - READ-ONLY; The sku ID of the product.
    SkuID *string `json:"skuId,omitempty"`
    // SkuDescription - READ-ONLY; The sku description of the product.
    SkuDescription *string `json:"skuDescription,omitempty"`
    // TenantID - READ-ONLY; The id of the tenant in which the product is used.
    TenantID *string `json:"tenantId,omitempty"`
    // AvailabilityID - READ-ONLY; The availability of the product.
    AvailabilityID *string `json:"availabilityId,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the invoice section to which the product is billed.
    InvoiceSectionID *string `json:"invoiceSectionId,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the invoice section to which the product is billed.
    InvoiceSectionDisplayName *string `json:"invoiceSectionDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing profile to which the product is billed.
    BillingProfileID *string `json:"billingProfileId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing profile to which the product is billed.
    BillingProfileDisplayName *string `json:"billingProfileDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // CustomerID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the customer for whom the product was purchased. The field is applicable only for Microsoft Partner Agreement billing account.
    CustomerID *string `json:"customerId,omitempty"`
    // CustomerDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the customer for whom the product was purchased. The field is applicable only for Microsoft Partner Agreement billing account.
    CustomerDisplayName *string `json:"customerDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // Reseller - READ-ONLY; Reseller for this product.
    Reseller *Reseller `json:"reseller,omitempty"`

func (ProductProperties) MarshalJSON

func (pp ProductProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProductProperties.

type ProductStatusType

ProductStatusType enumerates the values for product status type.

type ProductStatusType string
const (
    // ProductStatusTypeActive ...
    ProductStatusTypeActive ProductStatusType = "Active"
    // ProductStatusTypeAutoRenew ...
    ProductStatusTypeAutoRenew ProductStatusType = "AutoRenew"
    // ProductStatusTypeCancelled ...
    ProductStatusTypeCancelled ProductStatusType = "Cancelled"
    // ProductStatusTypeDisabled ...
    ProductStatusTypeDisabled ProductStatusType = "Disabled"
    // ProductStatusTypeExpired ...
    ProductStatusTypeExpired ProductStatusType = "Expired"
    // ProductStatusTypeExpiring ...
    ProductStatusTypeExpiring ProductStatusType = "Expiring"
    // ProductStatusTypeInactive ...
    ProductStatusTypeInactive ProductStatusType = "Inactive"
    // ProductStatusTypePastDue ...
    ProductStatusTypePastDue ProductStatusType = "PastDue"

func PossibleProductStatusTypeValues

func PossibleProductStatusTypeValues() []ProductStatusType

PossibleProductStatusTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ProductStatusType const type.

type ProductTransferValidationErrorCode

ProductTransferValidationErrorCode enumerates the values for product transfer validation error code.

type ProductTransferValidationErrorCode string
const (
    // CrossBillingAccountNotAllowed ...
    CrossBillingAccountNotAllowed ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "CrossBillingAccountNotAllowed"
    // DestinationBillingProfilePastDue ...
    DestinationBillingProfilePastDue ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "DestinationBillingProfilePastDue"
    // InsufficientPermissionOnDestination ...
    InsufficientPermissionOnDestination ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "InsufficientPermissionOnDestination"
    // InsufficientPermissionOnSource ...
    InsufficientPermissionOnSource ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "InsufficientPermissionOnSource"
    // InvalidSource ...
    InvalidSource ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "InvalidSource"
    // NotAvailableForDestinationMarket ...
    NotAvailableForDestinationMarket ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "NotAvailableForDestinationMarket"
    // OneTimePurchaseProductTransferNotAllowed ...
    OneTimePurchaseProductTransferNotAllowed ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "OneTimePurchaseProductTransferNotAllowed"
    // ProductNotActive ...
    ProductNotActive ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "ProductNotActive"
    // ProductTypeNotSupported ...
    ProductTypeNotSupported ProductTransferValidationErrorCode = "ProductTypeNotSupported"

func PossibleProductTransferValidationErrorCodeValues

func PossibleProductTransferValidationErrorCodeValues() []ProductTransferValidationErrorCode

PossibleProductTransferValidationErrorCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the ProductTransferValidationErrorCode const type.

type ProductsClient

ProductsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type ProductsClient struct {

func NewProductsClient

func NewProductsClient(subscriptionID string) ProductsClient

NewProductsClient creates an instance of the ProductsClient client.

func NewProductsClientWithBaseURI

func NewProductsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ProductsClient

NewProductsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ProductsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (ProductsClient) Get

func (client ProductsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string) (result Product, err error)

Get gets a product by ID. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. productName - the ID that uniquely identifies a product.

func (ProductsClient) GetPreparer

func (client ProductsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (ProductsClient) GetResponder

func (client ProductsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Product, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) GetSender

func (client ProductsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the products for a billing account. These don't include products billed based on usage. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. filter - may be used to filter by product type. The filter supports 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', and 'and'. It does not currently support 'ne', 'or', or 'not'. Tag filter is a key value pair string where key and value are separated by a colon (:).

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the products for a billing profile. These don't include products billed based on usage. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. filter - may be used to filter by product type. The filter supports 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', and 'and'. It does not currently support 'ne', 'or', or 'not'. Tag filter is a key value pair string where key and value are separated by a colon (:).

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client ProductsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProductsClient) ListByCustomer

func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)

ListByCustomer lists the products for a customer. These don't include products billed based on usage.The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. customerName - the ID that uniquely identifies a customer.

func (ProductsClient) ListByCustomerComplete

func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByCustomerComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (ProductsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer

func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByCustomerPreparer prepares the ListByCustomer request.

func (ProductsClient) ListByCustomerResponder

func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)

ListByCustomerResponder handles the response to the ListByCustomer request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) ListByCustomerSender

func (client ProductsClient) ListByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByCustomerSender sends the ListByCustomer request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSection

func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultPage, err error)

ListByInvoiceSection lists the products for an invoice section. These don't include products billed based on usage. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section. filter - may be used to filter by product type. The filter supports 'eq', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'ge', and 'and'. It does not currently support 'ne', 'or', or 'not'. Tag filter is a key value pair string where key and value are separated by a colon (:).

func (ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete

func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, filter string) (result ProductsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer

func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, filter string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer prepares the ListByInvoiceSection request.

func (ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder

func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProductsListResult, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionResponder handles the response to the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender

func (client ProductsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionSender sends the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProductsClient) Move

func (client ProductsClient) Move(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (result Product, err error)

Move moves a product's charges to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported only for products that are purchased with a recurring charge and for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. productName - the ID that uniquely identifies a product. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the move product operation.

func (ProductsClient) MovePreparer

func (client ProductsClient) MovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)

MovePreparer prepares the Move request.

func (ProductsClient) MoveResponder

func (client ProductsClient) MoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Product, err error)

MoveResponder handles the response to the Move request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) MoveSender

func (client ProductsClient) MoveSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

MoveSender sends the Move request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProductsClient) Update

func (client ProductsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters Product) (result Product, err error)

Update updates the properties of a Product. Currently, auto renew can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. productName - the ID that uniquely identifies a product. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the update product operation.

func (ProductsClient) UpdatePreparer

func (client ProductsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters Product) (*http.Request, error)

UpdatePreparer prepares the Update request.

func (ProductsClient) UpdateResponder

func (client ProductsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Product, err error)

UpdateResponder handles the response to the Update request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) UpdateSender

func (client ProductsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProductsClient) ValidateMove

func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMove(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (result ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult, err error)

ValidateMove validates if a product's charges can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported only for products that are purchased with a recurring charge and for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. productName - the ID that uniquely identifies a product. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the validate move eligibility operation.

func (ProductsClient) ValidateMovePreparer

func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, productName string, parameters TransferProductRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)

ValidateMovePreparer prepares the ValidateMove request.

func (ProductsClient) ValidateMoveResponder

func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult, err error)

ValidateMoveResponder handles the response to the ValidateMove request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProductsClient) ValidateMoveSender

func (client ProductsClient) ValidateMoveSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ValidateMoveSender sends the ValidateMove request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type ProductsListResult

ProductsListResult the list of products. It contains a list of available product summaries in reverse chronological order by purchase date.

type ProductsListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of products.
    Value *[]Product `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (ProductsListResult) IsEmpty

func (plr ProductsListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (ProductsListResult) MarshalJSON

func (plr ProductsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProductsListResult.

type ProductsListResultIterator

ProductsListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Product values.

type ProductsListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProductsListResultIterator

func NewProductsListResultIterator(page ProductsListResultPage) ProductsListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the ProductsListResultIterator type.

func (*ProductsListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *ProductsListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*ProductsListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *ProductsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (ProductsListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter ProductsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (ProductsListResultIterator) Response

func (iter ProductsListResultIterator) Response() ProductsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (ProductsListResultIterator) Value

func (iter ProductsListResultIterator) Value() Product

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type ProductsListResultPage

ProductsListResultPage contains a page of Product values.

type ProductsListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProductsListResultPage

func NewProductsListResultPage(cur ProductsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ProductsListResult) (ProductsListResult, error)) ProductsListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the ProductsListResultPage type.

func (*ProductsListResultPage) Next

func (page *ProductsListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*ProductsListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *ProductsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (ProductsListResultPage) NotDone

func (page ProductsListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (ProductsListResultPage) Response

func (page ProductsListResultPage) Response() ProductsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (ProductsListResultPage) Values

func (page ProductsListResultPage) Values() []Product

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type Profile

Profile a billing profile.

type Profile struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // ProfileProperties - The properties of the billing profile.
    *ProfileProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Profile) MarshalJSON

func (p Profile) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Profile.

func (*Profile) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Profile) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Profile struct.

type ProfileCreationRequest

ProfileCreationRequest the request parameters for creating a new billing profile.

type ProfileCreationRequest struct {
    // DisplayName - The name of the billing profile.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    // PoNumber - The purchase order name that will appear on the invoices generated for the billing profile.
    PoNumber *string `json:"poNumber,omitempty"`
    // BillTo - The address of the individual or organization that is responsible for the billing profile.
    BillTo *AddressDetails `json:"billTo,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceEmailOptIn - Flag controlling whether the invoices for the billing profile are sent through email.
    InvoiceEmailOptIn *bool `json:"invoiceEmailOptIn,omitempty"`
    // EnabledAzurePlans - Enabled azure plans for the billing profile.
    EnabledAzurePlans *[]AzurePlan `json:"enabledAzurePlans,omitempty"`

type ProfileListResult

ProfileListResult the list of billing profiles.

type ProfileListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of billing profiles.
    Value *[]Profile `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (ProfileListResult) IsEmpty

func (plr ProfileListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (ProfileListResult) MarshalJSON

func (plr ProfileListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProfileListResult.

type ProfileListResultIterator

ProfileListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Profile values.

type ProfileListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProfileListResultIterator

func NewProfileListResultIterator(page ProfileListResultPage) ProfileListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the ProfileListResultIterator type.

func (*ProfileListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *ProfileListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*ProfileListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *ProfileListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (ProfileListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter ProfileListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (ProfileListResultIterator) Response

func (iter ProfileListResultIterator) Response() ProfileListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (ProfileListResultIterator) Value

func (iter ProfileListResultIterator) Value() Profile

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type ProfileListResultPage

ProfileListResultPage contains a page of Profile values.

type ProfileListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewProfileListResultPage

func NewProfileListResultPage(cur ProfileListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, ProfileListResult) (ProfileListResult, error)) ProfileListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the ProfileListResultPage type.

func (*ProfileListResultPage) Next

func (page *ProfileListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*ProfileListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *ProfileListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (ProfileListResultPage) NotDone

func (page ProfileListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (ProfileListResultPage) Response

func (page ProfileListResultPage) Response() ProfileListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (ProfileListResultPage) Values

func (page ProfileListResultPage) Values() []Profile

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type ProfileProperties

ProfileProperties the properties of the billing profile.

type ProfileProperties struct {
    // DisplayName - The name of the billing profile.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    // PoNumber - The purchase order name that will appear on the invoices generated for the billing profile.
    PoNumber *string `json:"poNumber,omitempty"`
    // BillingRelationshipType - READ-ONLY; Identifies which services and purchases are paid by a billing profile. Possible values include: 'Direct', 'IndirectCustomer', 'IndirectPartner', 'CSPPartner'
    BillingRelationshipType RelationshipType `json:"billingRelationshipType,omitempty"`
    // BillTo - Billing address.
    BillTo *AddressDetails `json:"billTo,omitempty"`
    // IndirectRelationshipInfo - READ-ONLY; Identifies the billing profile that is linked to another billing profile in indirect purchase motion.
    IndirectRelationshipInfo *IndirectRelationshipInfo `json:"indirectRelationshipInfo,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceEmailOptIn - Flag controlling whether the invoices for the billing profile are sent through email.
    InvoiceEmailOptIn *bool `json:"invoiceEmailOptIn,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceDay - READ-ONLY; The day of the month when the invoice for the billing profile is generated.
    InvoiceDay *int32 `json:"invoiceDay,omitempty"`
    // Currency - READ-ONLY; The currency in which the charges for the billing profile are billed.
    Currency *string `json:"currency,omitempty"`
    // EnabledAzurePlans - Information about the enabled azure plans.
    EnabledAzurePlans *[]AzurePlan `json:"enabledAzurePlans,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSections - The invoice sections associated to the billing profile. By default this is not populated, unless it's specified in $expand.
    InvoiceSections *InvoiceSectionsOnExpand `json:"invoiceSections,omitempty"`
    // HasReadAccess - READ-ONLY; Indicates whether user has read access to the billing profile.
    HasReadAccess *bool `json:"hasReadAccess,omitempty"`
    // SystemID - READ-ONLY; The system generated unique identifier for a billing profile.
    SystemID *string `json:"systemId,omitempty"`
    // Status - READ-ONLY; The status of the billing profile. Possible values include: 'ProfileStatusActive', 'ProfileStatusDisabled', 'ProfileStatusWarned'
    Status ProfileStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // StatusReasonCode - READ-ONLY; Reason for the specified billing profile status. Possible values include: 'StatusReasonCodePastDue', 'StatusReasonCodeSpendingLimitReached', 'StatusReasonCodeSpendingLimitExpired'
    StatusReasonCode StatusReasonCode `json:"statusReasonCode,omitempty"`
    // SpendingLimit - READ-ONLY; The billing profile spending limit. Possible values include: 'SpendingLimitOff', 'SpendingLimitOn'
    SpendingLimit SpendingLimit `json:"spendingLimit,omitempty"`
    // TargetClouds - READ-ONLY; Identifies the cloud environments that are associated with a billing profile. This is a system managed optional field and gets updated as the billing profile gets associated with accounts in various clouds.
    TargetClouds *[]TargetCloud `json:"targetClouds,omitempty"`

func (ProfileProperties) MarshalJSON

func (pp ProfileProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProfileProperties.

type ProfileSpendingLimit

ProfileSpendingLimit enumerates the values for profile spending limit.

type ProfileSpendingLimit string
const (
    // ProfileSpendingLimitOff ...
    ProfileSpendingLimitOff ProfileSpendingLimit = "Off"
    // ProfileSpendingLimitOn ...
    ProfileSpendingLimitOn ProfileSpendingLimit = "On"

func PossibleProfileSpendingLimitValues

func PossibleProfileSpendingLimitValues() []ProfileSpendingLimit

PossibleProfileSpendingLimitValues returns an array of possible values for the ProfileSpendingLimit const type.

type ProfileStatus

ProfileStatus enumerates the values for profile status.

type ProfileStatus string
const (
    // ProfileStatusActive ...
    ProfileStatusActive ProfileStatus = "Active"
    // ProfileStatusDisabled ...
    ProfileStatusDisabled ProfileStatus = "Disabled"
    // ProfileStatusWarned ...
    ProfileStatusWarned ProfileStatus = "Warned"

func PossibleProfileStatusValues

func PossibleProfileStatusValues() []ProfileStatus

PossibleProfileStatusValues returns an array of possible values for the ProfileStatus const type.

type ProfileStatusReasonCode

ProfileStatusReasonCode enumerates the values for profile status reason code.

type ProfileStatusReasonCode string
const (
    // PastDue ...
    PastDue ProfileStatusReasonCode = "PastDue"
    // SpendingLimitExpired ...
    SpendingLimitExpired ProfileStatusReasonCode = "SpendingLimitExpired"
    // SpendingLimitReached ...
    SpendingLimitReached ProfileStatusReasonCode = "SpendingLimitReached"

func PossibleProfileStatusReasonCodeValues

func PossibleProfileStatusReasonCodeValues() []ProfileStatusReasonCode

PossibleProfileStatusReasonCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the ProfileStatusReasonCode const type.

type ProfilesClient

ProfilesClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type ProfilesClient struct {

func NewProfilesClient

func NewProfilesClient(subscriptionID string) ProfilesClient

NewProfilesClient creates an instance of the ProfilesClient client.

func NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI

func NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) ProfilesClient

NewProfilesClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the ProfilesClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdate

func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Profile) (result ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)

CreateOrUpdate creates or updates a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. parameters - the new or updated billing profile.

func (ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer

func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, parameters Profile) (*http.Request, error)

CreateOrUpdatePreparer prepares the CreateOrUpdate request.

func (ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder

func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Profile, err error)

CreateOrUpdateResponder handles the response to the CreateOrUpdate request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender

func (client ProfilesClient) CreateOrUpdateSender(req *http.Request) (future ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture, err error)

CreateOrUpdateSender sends the CreateOrUpdate request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProfilesClient) Get

func (client ProfilesClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, expand string) (result Profile, err error)

Get gets a billing profile by its ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. expand - may be used to expand the invoice sections.

func (ProfilesClient) GetPreparer

func (client ProfilesClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (ProfilesClient) GetResponder

func (client ProfilesClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Profile, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProfilesClient) GetSender

func (client ProfilesClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result ProfileListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the billing profiles that a user has access to. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. expand - may be used to expand the invoice sections.

func (ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (result ProfileListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, expand string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ProfileListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client ProfilesClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture

ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(ProfilesClient) (Profile, error)

func (*ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *ProfilesCreateOrUpdateFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type ProfilesOnExpand

ProfilesOnExpand the billing profiles associated with the billing account. By default this is not populated, unless it's specified in $expand.

type ProfilesOnExpand struct {
    // HasMoreResults - READ-ONLY; Indicates whether there are more billing profiles than the ones listed in this collection. The collection lists a maximum of 50 billing profiles. To get all billing profiles, use the list billing profiles API.
    HasMoreResults *bool `json:"hasMoreResults,omitempty"`
    // Value - The billing profiles associated with the billing account.
    Value *[]Profile `json:"value,omitempty"`

func (ProfilesOnExpand) MarshalJSON

func (poe ProfilesOnExpand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ProfilesOnExpand.

type Property

Property a billing property.

type Property struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // PropertyProperties - A billing property.
    *PropertyProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Property) MarshalJSON

func (p Property) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Property.

func (*Property) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Property) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Property struct.

type PropertyClient

PropertyClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type PropertyClient struct {

func NewPropertyClient

func NewPropertyClient(subscriptionID string) PropertyClient

NewPropertyClient creates an instance of the PropertyClient client.

func NewPropertyClientWithBaseURI

func NewPropertyClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) PropertyClient

NewPropertyClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the PropertyClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (PropertyClient) Get

func (client PropertyClient) Get(ctx context.Context) (result Property, err error)

Get get the billing properties for a subscription. This operation is not supported for billing accounts with agreement type Enterprise Agreement.

func (PropertyClient) GetPreparer

func (client PropertyClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (PropertyClient) GetResponder

func (client PropertyClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Property, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PropertyClient) GetSender

func (client PropertyClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (PropertyClient) Update

func (client PropertyClient) Update(ctx context.Context, parameters Property) (result Property, err error)

Update updates the billing property of a subscription. Currently, cost center can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: parameters - request parameters that are provided to the update billing property operation.

func (PropertyClient) UpdatePreparer

func (client PropertyClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, parameters Property) (*http.Request, error)

UpdatePreparer prepares the Update request.

func (PropertyClient) UpdateResponder

func (client PropertyClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Property, err error)

UpdateResponder handles the response to the Update request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (PropertyClient) UpdateSender

func (client PropertyClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type PropertyProperties

PropertyProperties the billing property.

type PropertyProperties struct {
    // AccountAdminNotificationEmailAddress - READ-ONLY; The email address on which the account admin gets all Azure notifications.
    AccountAdminNotificationEmailAddress *string `json:"accountAdminNotificationEmailAddress,omitempty"`
    // BillingTenantID - READ-ONLY; The Azure AD tenant ID of the billing account for the subscription.
    BillingTenantID *string `json:"billingTenantId,omitempty"`
    // BillingAccountID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing account to which the subscription is billed.
    BillingAccountID *string `json:"billingAccountId,omitempty"`
    // BillingAccountDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing account to which the subscription is billed.
    BillingAccountDisplayName *string `json:"billingAccountDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing profile to which the subscription is billed.
    BillingProfileID *string `json:"billingProfileId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing profile to which the subscription is billed.
    BillingProfileDisplayName *string `json:"billingProfileDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileStatus - READ-ONLY; The status of the billing profile. Possible values include: 'ProfileStatusActive', 'ProfileStatusDisabled', 'ProfileStatusWarned'
    BillingProfileStatus ProfileStatus `json:"billingProfileStatus,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileStatusReasonCode - READ-ONLY; Reason for the specified billing profile status. Possible values include: 'PastDue', 'SpendingLimitReached', 'SpendingLimitExpired'
    BillingProfileStatusReasonCode ProfileStatusReasonCode `json:"billingProfileStatusReasonCode,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileSpendingLimit - READ-ONLY; The billing profile spending limit. Possible values include: 'ProfileSpendingLimitOff', 'ProfileSpendingLimitOn'
    BillingProfileSpendingLimit ProfileSpendingLimit `json:"billingProfileSpendingLimit,omitempty"`
    // CostCenter - The cost center applied to the subscription.
    CostCenter *string `json:"costCenter,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the invoice section to which the subscription is billed.
    InvoiceSectionID *string `json:"invoiceSectionId,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the invoice section to which the subscription is billed.
    InvoiceSectionDisplayName *string `json:"invoiceSectionDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // IsAccountAdmin - READ-ONLY; Indicates whether user is the account admin.
    IsAccountAdmin *bool `json:"isAccountAdmin,omitempty"`
    // ProductID - READ-ONLY; The product ID of the Azure plan.
    ProductID *string `json:"productId,omitempty"`
    // ProductName - READ-ONLY; The product name of the Azure plan.
    ProductName *string `json:"productName,omitempty"`
    // SkuID - READ-ONLY; The sku ID of the Azure plan for the subscription.
    SkuID *string `json:"skuId,omitempty"`
    // SkuDescription - READ-ONLY; The sku description of the Azure plan for the subscription.
    SkuDescription *string `json:"skuDescription,omitempty"`

func (PropertyProperties) MarshalJSON

func (pp PropertyProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for PropertyProperties.

type RebillDetails

RebillDetails the rebill details of an invoice.

type RebillDetails struct {
    // CreditNoteDocumentID - READ-ONLY; The ID of credit note.
    CreditNoteDocumentID *string `json:"creditNoteDocumentId,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceDocumentID - READ-ONLY; The ID of invoice.
    InvoiceDocumentID *string `json:"invoiceDocumentId,omitempty"`
    // RebillDetails - READ-ONLY; Rebill details for an invoice.
    RebillDetails map[string]*RebillDetails `json:"rebillDetails"`

func (RebillDetails) MarshalJSON

func (rd RebillDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RebillDetails.

type RelationshipType

RelationshipType enumerates the values for relationship type.

type RelationshipType string
const (
    // CSPPartner ...
    CSPPartner RelationshipType = "CSPPartner"
    // Direct ...
    Direct RelationshipType = "Direct"
    // IndirectCustomer ...
    IndirectCustomer RelationshipType = "IndirectCustomer"
    // IndirectPartner ...
    IndirectPartner RelationshipType = "IndirectPartner"

func PossibleRelationshipTypeValues

func PossibleRelationshipTypeValues() []RelationshipType

PossibleRelationshipTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the RelationshipType const type.

type Reseller

Reseller details of the reseller.

type Reseller struct {
    // ResellerID - READ-ONLY; The MPN ID of the reseller.
    ResellerID *string `json:"resellerId,omitempty"`
    // Description - READ-ONLY; The name of the reseller.
    Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`

func (Reseller) MarshalJSON

func (r Reseller) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Reseller.

type ReservationPurchasesPolicy

ReservationPurchasesPolicy enumerates the values for reservation purchases policy.

type ReservationPurchasesPolicy string
const (
    // ReservationPurchasesPolicyAllowed ...
    ReservationPurchasesPolicyAllowed ReservationPurchasesPolicy = "Allowed"
    // ReservationPurchasesPolicyNotAllowed ...
    ReservationPurchasesPolicyNotAllowed ReservationPurchasesPolicy = "NotAllowed"

func PossibleReservationPurchasesPolicyValues

func PossibleReservationPurchasesPolicyValues() []ReservationPurchasesPolicy

PossibleReservationPurchasesPolicyValues returns an array of possible values for the ReservationPurchasesPolicy const type.

type ReservationType

ReservationType enumerates the values for reservation type.

type ReservationType string
const (
    // Purchase ...
    Purchase ReservationType = "Purchase"
    // UsageCharge ...
    UsageCharge ReservationType = "Usage Charge"

func PossibleReservationTypeValues

func PossibleReservationTypeValues() []ReservationType

PossibleReservationTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the ReservationType const type.

type Resource

Resource the Resource model definition.

type Resource struct {
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Resource) MarshalJSON

func (r Resource) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Resource.

type RoleAssignment

RoleAssignment the role assignment

type RoleAssignment struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // RoleAssignmentProperties - The properties of the role assignment.
    *RoleAssignmentProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (RoleAssignment) MarshalJSON

func (ra RoleAssignment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RoleAssignment.

func (*RoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON

func (ra *RoleAssignment) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for RoleAssignment struct.

type RoleAssignmentListResult

RoleAssignmentListResult the list of role assignments.

type RoleAssignmentListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of role assignments.
    Value *[]RoleAssignment `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (RoleAssignmentListResult) IsEmpty

func (ralr RoleAssignmentListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (RoleAssignmentListResult) MarshalJSON

func (ralr RoleAssignmentListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RoleAssignmentListResult.

type RoleAssignmentListResultIterator

RoleAssignmentListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of RoleAssignment values.

type RoleAssignmentListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRoleAssignmentListResultIterator

func NewRoleAssignmentListResultIterator(page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) RoleAssignmentListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the RoleAssignmentListResultIterator type.

func (*RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Response

func (iter RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Response() RoleAssignmentListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Value

func (iter RoleAssignmentListResultIterator) Value() RoleAssignment

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type RoleAssignmentListResultPage

RoleAssignmentListResultPage contains a page of RoleAssignment values.

type RoleAssignmentListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRoleAssignmentListResultPage

func NewRoleAssignmentListResultPage(cur RoleAssignmentListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RoleAssignmentListResult) (RoleAssignmentListResult, error)) RoleAssignmentListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the RoleAssignmentListResultPage type.

func (*RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Next

func (page *RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*RoleAssignmentListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *RoleAssignmentListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (RoleAssignmentListResultPage) NotDone

func (page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Response

func (page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Response() RoleAssignmentListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Values

func (page RoleAssignmentListResultPage) Values() []RoleAssignment

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type RoleAssignmentProperties

RoleAssignmentProperties the properties of the role assignment.

type RoleAssignmentProperties struct {
    // CreatedOn - READ-ONLY; The date the role assignment was created.
    CreatedOn *string `json:"createdOn,omitempty"`
    // CreatedByPrincipalTenantID - READ-ONLY; The tenant Id of the user who created the role assignment.
    CreatedByPrincipalTenantID *string `json:"createdByPrincipalTenantId,omitempty"`
    // CreatedByPrincipalID - READ-ONLY; The principal Id of the user who created the role assignment.
    CreatedByPrincipalID *string `json:"createdByPrincipalId,omitempty"`
    // CreatedByUserEmailAddress - READ-ONLY; The email address of the user who created the role assignment.
    CreatedByUserEmailAddress *string `json:"createdByUserEmailAddress,omitempty"`
    // PrincipalID - The principal id of the user to whom the role was assigned.
    PrincipalID *string `json:"principalId,omitempty"`
    // PrincipalTenantID - The principal tenant id of the user to whom the role was assigned.
    PrincipalTenantID *string `json:"principalTenantId,omitempty"`
    // RoleDefinitionID - The ID of the role definition.
    RoleDefinitionID *string `json:"roleDefinitionId,omitempty"`
    // Scope - READ-ONLY; The scope at which the role was assigned.
    Scope *string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
    // UserAuthenticationType - The authentication type.
    UserAuthenticationType *string `json:"userAuthenticationType,omitempty"`
    // UserEmailAddress - The email address of the user.
    UserEmailAddress *string `json:"userEmailAddress,omitempty"`

func (RoleAssignmentProperties) MarshalJSON

func (rap RoleAssignmentProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RoleAssignmentProperties.

type RoleAssignmentsClient

RoleAssignmentsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type RoleAssignmentsClient struct {

func NewRoleAssignmentsClient

func NewRoleAssignmentsClient(subscriptionID string) RoleAssignmentsClient

NewRoleAssignmentsClient creates an instance of the RoleAssignmentsClient client.

func NewRoleAssignmentsClientWithBaseURI

func NewRoleAssignmentsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RoleAssignmentsClient

NewRoleAssignmentsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RoleAssignmentsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccount

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

DeleteByBillingAccount deletes a role assignment for the caller on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingRoleAssignmentName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role assignment.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)

DeleteByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the DeleteByBillingAccount request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

DeleteByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the DeleteByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

DeleteByBillingAccountSender sends the DeleteByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfile

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

DeleteByBillingProfile deletes a role assignment for the caller on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. billingRoleAssignmentName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role assignment.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)

DeleteByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the DeleteByBillingProfile request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfileResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

DeleteByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the DeleteByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfileSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

DeleteByBillingProfileSender sends the DeleteByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSection

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

DeleteByInvoiceSection deletes a role assignment for the caller on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section. billingRoleAssignmentName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role assignment.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionPreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)

DeleteByInvoiceSectionPreparer prepares the DeleteByInvoiceSection request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

DeleteByInvoiceSectionResponder handles the response to the DeleteByInvoiceSection request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) DeleteByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

DeleteByInvoiceSectionSender sends the DeleteByInvoiceSection request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccount

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

GetByBillingAccount gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingRoleAssignmentName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role assignment.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the GetByBillingAccount request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

GetByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the GetByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByBillingAccountSender sends the GetByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfile

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

GetByBillingProfile gets a role assignment for the caller on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. billingRoleAssignmentName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role assignment.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the GetByBillingProfile request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

GetByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the GetByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfileSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByBillingProfileSender sends the GetByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSection

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

GetByInvoiceSection gets a role assignment for the caller on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section. billingRoleAssignmentName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role assignment.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleAssignmentName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer prepares the GetByInvoiceSection request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignment, err error)

GetByInvoiceSectionResponder handles the response to the GetByInvoiceSection request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByInvoiceSectionSender sends the GetByInvoiceSection request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the role assignments for the caller on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignmentListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the role assignments for the caller on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignmentListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSection

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultPage, err error)

ListByInvoiceSection lists the role assignments for the caller on an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleAssignmentListResultIterator, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer prepares the ListByInvoiceSection request.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleAssignmentListResult, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionResponder handles the response to the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender

func (client RoleAssignmentsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionSender sends the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type RoleDefinition

RoleDefinition the properties of a role definition.

type RoleDefinition struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // RoleDefinitionProperties - The properties of the a role definition.
    *RoleDefinitionProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (RoleDefinition) MarshalJSON

func (rd RoleDefinition) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RoleDefinition.

func (*RoleDefinition) UnmarshalJSON

func (rd *RoleDefinition) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for RoleDefinition struct.

type RoleDefinitionListResult

RoleDefinitionListResult the list of role definitions.

type RoleDefinitionListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The role definitions.
    Value *[]RoleDefinition `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (RoleDefinitionListResult) IsEmpty

func (rdlr RoleDefinitionListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (RoleDefinitionListResult) MarshalJSON

func (rdlr RoleDefinitionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RoleDefinitionListResult.

type RoleDefinitionListResultIterator

RoleDefinitionListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of RoleDefinition values.

type RoleDefinitionListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRoleDefinitionListResultIterator

func NewRoleDefinitionListResultIterator(page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) RoleDefinitionListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the RoleDefinitionListResultIterator type.

func (*RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Response

func (iter RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Response() RoleDefinitionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Value

func (iter RoleDefinitionListResultIterator) Value() RoleDefinition

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type RoleDefinitionListResultPage

RoleDefinitionListResultPage contains a page of RoleDefinition values.

type RoleDefinitionListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRoleDefinitionListResultPage

func NewRoleDefinitionListResultPage(cur RoleDefinitionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, RoleDefinitionListResult) (RoleDefinitionListResult, error)) RoleDefinitionListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the RoleDefinitionListResultPage type.

func (*RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Next

func (page *RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*RoleDefinitionListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *RoleDefinitionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (RoleDefinitionListResultPage) NotDone

func (page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Response

func (page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Response() RoleDefinitionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Values

func (page RoleDefinitionListResultPage) Values() []RoleDefinition

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type RoleDefinitionProperties

RoleDefinitionProperties the properties of the a role definition.

type RoleDefinitionProperties struct {
    // Description - READ-ONLY; The role description
    Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"`
    // Permissions - The billingPermissions the role has
    Permissions *[]PermissionsProperties `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
    // RoleName - READ-ONLY; The name of the role
    RoleName *string `json:"roleName,omitempty"`

func (RoleDefinitionProperties) MarshalJSON

func (rdp RoleDefinitionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for RoleDefinitionProperties.

type RoleDefinitionsClient

RoleDefinitionsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type RoleDefinitionsClient struct {

func NewRoleDefinitionsClient

func NewRoleDefinitionsClient(subscriptionID string) RoleDefinitionsClient

NewRoleDefinitionsClient creates an instance of the RoleDefinitionsClient client.

func NewRoleDefinitionsClientWithBaseURI

func NewRoleDefinitionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) RoleDefinitionsClient

NewRoleDefinitionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the RoleDefinitionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccount

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (result RoleDefinition, err error)

GetByBillingAccount gets the definition for a role on a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingRoleDefinitionName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role definition.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the GetByBillingAccount request.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountResponder

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinition, err error)

GetByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the GetByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountSender

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByBillingAccountSender sends the GetByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfile

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (result RoleDefinition, err error)

GetByBillingProfile gets the definition for a role on a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. billingRoleDefinitionName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role definition.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the GetByBillingProfile request.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinition, err error)

GetByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the GetByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfileSender

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByBillingProfileSender sends the GetByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSection

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (result RoleDefinition, err error)

GetByInvoiceSection gets the definition for a role on an invoice section. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section. billingRoleDefinitionName - the ID that uniquely identifies a role definition.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string, billingRoleDefinitionName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetByInvoiceSectionPreparer prepares the GetByInvoiceSection request.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionResponder

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinition, err error)

GetByInvoiceSectionResponder handles the response to the GetByInvoiceSection request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionSender

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) GetByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetByInvoiceSectionSender sends the GetByInvoiceSection request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the role definitions for a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinitionListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the role definitions for a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinitionListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSection

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultPage, err error)

ListByInvoiceSection lists the role definitions for an invoice section. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement or Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result RoleDefinitionListResultIterator, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer prepares the ListByInvoiceSection request.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result RoleDefinitionListResult, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionResponder handles the response to the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender

func (client RoleDefinitionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionSender sends the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type SpendingLimit

SpendingLimit enumerates the values for spending limit.

type SpendingLimit string
const (
    // SpendingLimitOff ...
    SpendingLimitOff SpendingLimit = "Off"
    // SpendingLimitOn ...
    SpendingLimitOn SpendingLimit = "On"

func PossibleSpendingLimitValues

func PossibleSpendingLimitValues() []SpendingLimit

PossibleSpendingLimitValues returns an array of possible values for the SpendingLimit const type.

type SpendingLimitForBillingProfile

SpendingLimitForBillingProfile enumerates the values for spending limit for billing profile.

type SpendingLimitForBillingProfile string
const (
    // SpendingLimitForBillingProfileOff ...
    SpendingLimitForBillingProfileOff SpendingLimitForBillingProfile = "Off"
    // SpendingLimitForBillingProfileOn ...
    SpendingLimitForBillingProfileOn SpendingLimitForBillingProfile = "On"

func PossibleSpendingLimitForBillingProfileValues

func PossibleSpendingLimitForBillingProfileValues() []SpendingLimitForBillingProfile

PossibleSpendingLimitForBillingProfileValues returns an array of possible values for the SpendingLimitForBillingProfile const type.

type StatusReasonCode

StatusReasonCode enumerates the values for status reason code.

type StatusReasonCode string
const (
    // StatusReasonCodePastDue ...
    StatusReasonCodePastDue StatusReasonCode = "PastDue"
    // StatusReasonCodeSpendingLimitExpired ...
    StatusReasonCodeSpendingLimitExpired StatusReasonCode = "SpendingLimitExpired"
    // StatusReasonCodeSpendingLimitReached ...
    StatusReasonCodeSpendingLimitReached StatusReasonCode = "SpendingLimitReached"

func PossibleStatusReasonCodeValues

func PossibleStatusReasonCodeValues() []StatusReasonCode

PossibleStatusReasonCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the StatusReasonCode const type.

type StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile

StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile enumerates the values for status reason code for billing profile.

type StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile string
const (
    // StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfilePastDue ...
    StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfilePastDue StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile = "PastDue"
    // StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileSpendingLimitExpired ...
    StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileSpendingLimitExpired StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile = "SpendingLimitExpired"
    // StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileSpendingLimitReached ...
    StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileSpendingLimitReached StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile = "SpendingLimitReached"

func PossibleStatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileValues

func PossibleStatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileValues() []StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile

PossibleStatusReasonCodeForBillingProfileValues returns an array of possible values for the StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile const type.

type Subscription

Subscription a billing subscription.

type Subscription struct {
    autorest.Response       `json:"-"`
    *SubscriptionProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Subscription) MarshalJSON

func (s Subscription) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Subscription.

func (*Subscription) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Subscription) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Subscription struct.

type SubscriptionProperties

SubscriptionProperties the billing properties of a subscription.

type SubscriptionProperties struct {
    // DisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the subscription.
    DisplayName *string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
    // SubscriptionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the subscription.
    SubscriptionID *uuid.UUID `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty"`
    // SubscriptionBillingStatus - The current billing status of the subscription. Possible values include: 'SubscriptionStatusTypeActive', 'SubscriptionStatusTypeInactive', 'SubscriptionStatusTypeAbandoned', 'SubscriptionStatusTypeDeleted', 'SubscriptionStatusTypeWarning'
    SubscriptionBillingStatus SubscriptionStatusType `json:"subscriptionBillingStatus,omitempty"`
    // LastMonthCharges - READ-ONLY; The last month charges.
    LastMonthCharges *Amount `json:"lastMonthCharges,omitempty"`
    // MonthToDateCharges - READ-ONLY; The current month to date charges.
    MonthToDateCharges *Amount `json:"monthToDateCharges,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing profile to which the subscription is billed.
    BillingProfileID *string `json:"billingProfileId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing profile to which the subscription is billed.
    BillingProfileDisplayName *string `json:"billingProfileDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // CostCenter - The cost center applied to the subscription.
    CostCenter *string `json:"costCenter,omitempty"`
    // CustomerID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the customer for whom the subscription was created. The field is applicable only for Microsoft Partner Agreement billing account.
    CustomerID *string `json:"customerId,omitempty"`
    // CustomerDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the customer for whom the subscription was created. The field is applicable only for Microsoft Partner Agreement billing account.
    CustomerDisplayName *string `json:"customerDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the invoice section to which the subscription is billed.
    InvoiceSectionID *string `json:"invoiceSectionId,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the invoice section to which the subscription is billed.
    InvoiceSectionDisplayName *string `json:"invoiceSectionDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // Reseller - READ-ONLY; Reseller for this subscription.
    Reseller *Reseller `json:"reseller,omitempty"`
    // SkuID - The sku ID of the Azure plan for the subscription.
    SkuID *string `json:"skuId,omitempty"`
    // SkuDescription - READ-ONLY; The sku description of the Azure plan for the subscription.
    SkuDescription *string `json:"skuDescription,omitempty"`

func (SubscriptionProperties) MarshalJSON

func (sp SubscriptionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SubscriptionProperties.

type SubscriptionStatusType

SubscriptionStatusType enumerates the values for subscription status type.

type SubscriptionStatusType string
const (
    // SubscriptionStatusTypeAbandoned ...
    SubscriptionStatusTypeAbandoned SubscriptionStatusType = "Abandoned"
    // SubscriptionStatusTypeActive ...
    SubscriptionStatusTypeActive SubscriptionStatusType = "Active"
    // SubscriptionStatusTypeDeleted ...
    SubscriptionStatusTypeDeleted SubscriptionStatusType = "Deleted"
    // SubscriptionStatusTypeInactive ...
    SubscriptionStatusTypeInactive SubscriptionStatusType = "Inactive"
    // SubscriptionStatusTypeWarning ...
    SubscriptionStatusTypeWarning SubscriptionStatusType = "Warning"

func PossibleSubscriptionStatusTypeValues

func PossibleSubscriptionStatusTypeValues() []SubscriptionStatusType

PossibleSubscriptionStatusTypeValues returns an array of possible values for the SubscriptionStatusType const type.

type SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode

SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode enumerates the values for subscription transfer validation error code.

type SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode string
const (
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeCrossBillingAccountNotAllowed ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeCrossBillingAccountNotAllowed SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "CrossBillingAccountNotAllowed"
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeDestinationBillingProfilePastDue ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeDestinationBillingProfilePastDue SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "DestinationBillingProfilePastDue"
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInsufficientPermissionOnDestination ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInsufficientPermissionOnDestination SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "InsufficientPermissionOnDestination"
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInsufficientPermissionOnSource ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInsufficientPermissionOnSource SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "InsufficientPermissionOnSource"
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInvalidSource ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInvalidSource SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "InvalidSource"
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeNotAvailableForDestinationMarket ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeNotAvailableForDestinationMarket SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "NotAvailableForDestinationMarket"
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeSubscriptionNotActive ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeSubscriptionNotActive SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "SubscriptionNotActive"
    // SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeSubscriptionTypeNotSupported ...
    SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeSubscriptionTypeNotSupported SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode = "SubscriptionTypeNotSupported"

func PossibleSubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeValues

func PossibleSubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeValues() []SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode

PossibleSubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeValues returns an array of possible values for the SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode const type.

type SubscriptionsClient

SubscriptionsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type SubscriptionsClient struct {

func NewSubscriptionsClient

func NewSubscriptionsClient(subscriptionID string) SubscriptionsClient

NewSubscriptionsClient creates an instance of the SubscriptionsClient client.

func NewSubscriptionsClientWithBaseURI

func NewSubscriptionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) SubscriptionsClient

NewSubscriptionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the SubscriptionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (SubscriptionsClient) Get

func (client SubscriptionsClient) Get(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result Subscription, err error)

Get gets a subscription by its ID. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement and Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account.

func (SubscriptionsClient) GetPreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) GetPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)

GetPreparer prepares the Get request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) GetResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) GetResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subscription, err error)

GetResponder handles the response to the Get request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) GetSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) GetSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

GetSender sends the Get request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccount

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccount(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingAccount lists the subscriptions for a billing account. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingAccountComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingAccountPreparer prepares the ListByBillingAccount request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)

ListByBillingAccountResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingAccount request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingAccountSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingAccountSender sends the ListByBillingAccount request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfile

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfile(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByBillingProfile lists the subscriptions that are billed to a billing profile. The operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement or Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByBillingProfileComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfilePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByBillingProfilePreparer prepares the ListByBillingProfile request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)

ListByBillingProfileResponder handles the response to the ListByBillingProfile request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByBillingProfileSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByBillingProfileSender sends the ListByBillingProfile request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByCustomer lists the subscriptions for a customer. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Partner Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. customerName - the ID that uniquely identifies a customer.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerComplete

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByCustomerComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, customerName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByCustomerPreparer prepares the ListByCustomer request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)

ListByCustomerResponder handles the response to the ListByCustomer request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByCustomerSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByCustomerSender sends the ListByCustomer request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSection

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSection(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultPage, err error)

ListByInvoiceSection lists the subscriptions that are billed to an invoice section. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. billingProfileName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing profile. invoiceSectionName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice section.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (result SubscriptionsListResultIterator, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, billingProfileName string, invoiceSectionName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionPreparer prepares the ListByInvoiceSection request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionResponder(resp *http.Response) (result SubscriptionsListResult, err error)

ListByInvoiceSectionResponder handles the response to the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ListByInvoiceSectionSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByInvoiceSectionSender sends the ListByInvoiceSection request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (SubscriptionsClient) Move

func (client SubscriptionsClient) Move(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (result SubscriptionsMoveFuture, err error)

Move moves a subscription's charges to a new invoice section. The new invoice section must belong to the same billing profile as the existing invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the move subscription operation.

func (SubscriptionsClient) MovePreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) MovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)

MovePreparer prepares the Move request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) MoveResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) MoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subscription, err error)

MoveResponder handles the response to the Move request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) MoveSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) MoveSender(req *http.Request) (future SubscriptionsMoveFuture, err error)

MoveSender sends the Move request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (SubscriptionsClient) Update

func (client SubscriptionsClient) Update(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters Subscription) (result Subscription, err error)

Update updates the properties of a billing subscription. Currently, cost center can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the update billing subscription operation.

func (SubscriptionsClient) UpdatePreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) UpdatePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters Subscription) (*http.Request, error)

UpdatePreparer prepares the Update request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) UpdateResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) UpdateResponder(resp *http.Response) (result Subscription, err error)

UpdateResponder handles the response to the Update request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) UpdateSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) UpdateSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

UpdateSender sends the Update request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMove

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMove(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (result ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult, err error)

ValidateMove validates if a subscription's charges can be moved to a new invoice section. This operation is supported for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. parameters - request parameters that are provided to the validate move eligibility operation.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMovePreparer

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMovePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, parameters TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties) (*http.Request, error)

ValidateMovePreparer prepares the ValidateMove request.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMoveResponder

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMoveResponder(resp *http.Response) (result ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult, err error)

ValidateMoveResponder handles the response to the ValidateMove request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMoveSender

func (client SubscriptionsClient) ValidateMoveSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ValidateMoveSender sends the ValidateMove request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type SubscriptionsListResult

SubscriptionsListResult the list of billing subscriptions.

type SubscriptionsListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of billing subscriptions.
    Value *[]Subscription `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (SubscriptionsListResult) IsEmpty

func (slr SubscriptionsListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (SubscriptionsListResult) MarshalJSON

func (slr SubscriptionsListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for SubscriptionsListResult.

type SubscriptionsListResultIterator

SubscriptionsListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Subscription values.

type SubscriptionsListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSubscriptionsListResultIterator

func NewSubscriptionsListResultIterator(page SubscriptionsListResultPage) SubscriptionsListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the SubscriptionsListResultIterator type.

func (*SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*SubscriptionsListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *SubscriptionsListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (SubscriptionsListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter SubscriptionsListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Response

func (iter SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Response() SubscriptionsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Value

func (iter SubscriptionsListResultIterator) Value() Subscription

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type SubscriptionsListResultPage

SubscriptionsListResultPage contains a page of Subscription values.

type SubscriptionsListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSubscriptionsListResultPage

func NewSubscriptionsListResultPage(cur SubscriptionsListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, SubscriptionsListResult) (SubscriptionsListResult, error)) SubscriptionsListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the SubscriptionsListResultPage type.

func (*SubscriptionsListResultPage) Next

func (page *SubscriptionsListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*SubscriptionsListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *SubscriptionsListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (SubscriptionsListResultPage) NotDone

func (page SubscriptionsListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (SubscriptionsListResultPage) Response

func (page SubscriptionsListResultPage) Response() SubscriptionsListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (SubscriptionsListResultPage) Values

func (page SubscriptionsListResultPage) Values() []Subscription

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type SubscriptionsMoveFuture

SubscriptionsMoveFuture an abstraction for monitoring and retrieving the results of a long-running operation.

type SubscriptionsMoveFuture struct {
    // Result returns the result of the asynchronous operation.
    // If the operation has not completed it will return an error.
    Result func(SubscriptionsClient) (Subscription, error)

func (*SubscriptionsMoveFuture) UnmarshalJSON

func (future *SubscriptionsMoveFuture) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaller for CreateFuture.

type TargetCloud

TargetCloud enumerates the values for target cloud.

type TargetCloud string
const (
    // USGov ...
    USGov TargetCloud = "USGov"
    // USNat ...
    USNat TargetCloud = "USNat"
    // USSec ...
    USSec TargetCloud = "USSec"

func PossibleTargetCloudValues

func PossibleTargetCloudValues() []TargetCloud

PossibleTargetCloudValues returns an array of possible values for the TargetCloud const type.

type Transaction

Transaction a transaction.

type Transaction struct {
    *TransactionProperties `json:"properties,omitempty"`
    // ID - READ-ONLY; Resource Id.
    ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`
    // Name - READ-ONLY; Resource name.
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
    // Type - READ-ONLY; Resource type.
    Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"`

func (Transaction) MarshalJSON

func (t Transaction) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for Transaction.

func (*Transaction) UnmarshalJSON

func (t *Transaction) UnmarshalJSON(body []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON is the custom unmarshaler for Transaction struct.

type TransactionListResult

TransactionListResult the list of transactions.

type TransactionListResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Value - READ-ONLY; The list of transactions.
    Value *[]Transaction `json:"value,omitempty"`
    // NextLink - READ-ONLY; The link (url) to the next page of results.
    NextLink *string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`

func (TransactionListResult) IsEmpty

func (tlr TransactionListResult) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the ListResult contains no values.

func (TransactionListResult) MarshalJSON

func (tlr TransactionListResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for TransactionListResult.

type TransactionListResultIterator

TransactionListResultIterator provides access to a complete listing of Transaction values.

type TransactionListResultIterator struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTransactionListResultIterator

func NewTransactionListResultIterator(page TransactionListResultPage) TransactionListResultIterator

Creates a new instance of the TransactionListResultIterator type.

func (*TransactionListResultIterator) Next

func (iter *TransactionListResultIterator) Next() error

Next advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*TransactionListResultIterator) NextWithContext

func (iter *TransactionListResultIterator) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next value. If there was an error making the request the iterator does not advance and the error is returned.

func (TransactionListResultIterator) NotDone

func (iter TransactionListResultIterator) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (TransactionListResultIterator) Response

func (iter TransactionListResultIterator) Response() TransactionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (TransactionListResultIterator) Value

func (iter TransactionListResultIterator) Value() Transaction

Value returns the current value or a zero-initialized value if the iterator has advanced beyond the end of the collection.

type TransactionListResultPage

TransactionListResultPage contains a page of Transaction values.

type TransactionListResultPage struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewTransactionListResultPage

func NewTransactionListResultPage(cur TransactionListResult, getNextPage func(context.Context, TransactionListResult) (TransactionListResult, error)) TransactionListResultPage

Creates a new instance of the TransactionListResultPage type.

func (*TransactionListResultPage) Next

func (page *TransactionListResultPage) Next() error

Next advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned. Deprecated: Use NextWithContext() instead.

func (*TransactionListResultPage) NextWithContext

func (page *TransactionListResultPage) NextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error)

NextWithContext advances to the next page of values. If there was an error making the request the page does not advance and the error is returned.

func (TransactionListResultPage) NotDone

func (page TransactionListResultPage) NotDone() bool

NotDone returns true if the page enumeration should be started or is not yet complete.

func (TransactionListResultPage) Response

func (page TransactionListResultPage) Response() TransactionListResult

Response returns the raw server response from the last page request.

func (TransactionListResultPage) Values

func (page TransactionListResultPage) Values() []Transaction

Values returns the slice of values for the current page or nil if there are no values.

type TransactionProperties

TransactionProperties the properties of a transaction.

type TransactionProperties struct {
    // Kind - The kind of transaction. Options are all or reservation. Possible values include: 'All', 'Reservation'
    Kind TransactionTypeKind `json:"kind,omitempty"`
    // Date - READ-ONLY; The date of transaction.
    Date *date.Time `json:"date,omitempty"`
    // Invoice - READ-ONLY; Invoice on which the transaction was billed or 'pending' if the transaction is not billed.
    Invoice *string `json:"invoice,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the invoice on which the transaction was billed. This field is only applicable for transactions which are billed.
    InvoiceID *string `json:"invoiceId,omitempty"`
    // OrderID - READ-ONLY; The order ID of the reservation. The field is only applicable for transaction of kind reservation.
    OrderID *string `json:"orderId,omitempty"`
    // OrderName - READ-ONLY; The name of the reservation order. The field is only applicable for transactions of kind reservation.
    OrderName *string `json:"orderName,omitempty"`
    // ProductFamily - READ-ONLY; The family of the product for which the transaction took place.
    ProductFamily *string `json:"productFamily,omitempty"`
    // ProductTypeID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the product type for which the transaction took place.
    ProductTypeID *string `json:"productTypeId,omitempty"`
    // ProductType - READ-ONLY; The type of the product for which the transaction took place.
    ProductType *string `json:"productType,omitempty"`
    // ProductDescription - READ-ONLY; The description of the product for which the transaction took place.
    ProductDescription *string `json:"productDescription,omitempty"`
    // TransactionType - The type of transaction. Possible values include: 'Purchase', 'UsageCharge'
    TransactionType ReservationType `json:"transactionType,omitempty"`
    // TransactionAmount - READ-ONLY; The charge associated with the transaction.
    TransactionAmount *Amount `json:"transactionAmount,omitempty"`
    // Quantity - READ-ONLY; The quantity purchased in the transaction.
    Quantity *int32 `json:"quantity,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the invoice section which will be billed for the transaction.
    InvoiceSectionID *string `json:"invoiceSectionId,omitempty"`
    // InvoiceSectionDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the invoice section which will be billed for the transaction.
    InvoiceSectionDisplayName *string `json:"invoiceSectionDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the billing profile which will be billed for the transaction.
    BillingProfileID *string `json:"billingProfileId,omitempty"`
    // BillingProfileDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the billing profile which will be billed for the transaction.
    BillingProfileDisplayName *string `json:"billingProfileDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // CustomerID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the customer for which the transaction took place. The field is applicable only for Microsoft Partner Agreement billing account.
    CustomerID *string `json:"customerId,omitempty"`
    // CustomerDisplayName - READ-ONLY; The name of the customer for which the transaction took place. The field is applicable only for Microsoft Partner Agreement billing account.
    CustomerDisplayName *string `json:"customerDisplayName,omitempty"`
    // SubscriptionID - READ-ONLY; The ID of the subscription that was used for the transaction. The field is only applicable for transaction of kind reservation.
    SubscriptionID *string `json:"subscriptionId,omitempty"`
    // SubscriptionName - READ-ONLY; The name of the subscription that was used for the transaction. The field is only applicable for transaction of kind reservation.
    SubscriptionName *string `json:"subscriptionName,omitempty"`
    // AzurePlan - READ-ONLY; The type of azure plan of the subscription that was used for the transaction.
    AzurePlan *string `json:"azurePlan,omitempty"`
    // AzureCreditApplied - READ-ONLY; The amount of any Azure credits automatically applied to this transaction.
    AzureCreditApplied *Amount `json:"azureCreditApplied,omitempty"`
    // BillingCurrency - READ-ONLY; The ISO 4217 code for the currency in which this transaction is billed.
    BillingCurrency *string `json:"billingCurrency,omitempty"`
    // Discount - READ-ONLY; The percentage discount, if any, applied to this transaction.
    Discount *float64 `json:"discount,omitempty"`
    // EffectivePrice - READ-ONLY; The price of the product after applying any discounts.
    EffectivePrice *Amount `json:"effectivePrice,omitempty"`
    // ExchangeRate - READ-ONLY; The exchange rate used to convert charged amount to billing currency, if applicable.
    ExchangeRate *float64 `json:"exchangeRate,omitempty"`
    // MarketPrice - READ-ONLY; The retail price of the product.
    MarketPrice *Amount `json:"marketPrice,omitempty"`
    // PricingCurrency - READ-ONLY; The ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the product is priced.
    PricingCurrency *string `json:"pricingCurrency,omitempty"`
    // ServicePeriodStartDate - READ-ONLY; The date of the purchase of the product, or the start date of the month in which usage started.
    ServicePeriodStartDate *date.Time `json:"servicePeriodStartDate,omitempty"`
    // ServicePeriodEndDate - READ-ONLY; The end date of the product term, or the end date of the month in which usage ended.
    ServicePeriodEndDate *date.Time `json:"servicePeriodEndDate,omitempty"`
    // SubTotal - READ-ONLY; The pre-tax charged amount for the transaction.
    SubTotal *Amount `json:"subTotal,omitempty"`
    // Tax - READ-ONLY; The tax amount applied to the transaction.
    Tax *Amount `json:"tax,omitempty"`
    // UnitOfMeasure - READ-ONLY; The unit of measure used to bill for the product. For example, compute services are billed per hour.
    UnitOfMeasure *string `json:"unitOfMeasure,omitempty"`
    // Units - READ-ONLY; The number of units used for a given product.
    Units *float64 `json:"units,omitempty"`
    // UnitType - READ-ONLY; The description for the unit of measure for a given product.
    UnitType *string `json:"unitType,omitempty"`

func (TransactionProperties) MarshalJSON

func (tp TransactionProperties) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for TransactionProperties.

type TransactionTypeKind

TransactionTypeKind enumerates the values for transaction type kind.

type TransactionTypeKind string
const (
    // All ...
    All TransactionTypeKind = "all"
    // Reservation ...
    Reservation TransactionTypeKind = "reservation"

func PossibleTransactionTypeKindValues

func PossibleTransactionTypeKindValues() []TransactionTypeKind

PossibleTransactionTypeKindValues returns an array of possible values for the TransactionTypeKind const type.

type TransactionsClient

TransactionsClient is the billing client provides access to billing resources for Azure subscriptions.

type TransactionsClient struct {

func NewTransactionsClient

func NewTransactionsClient(subscriptionID string) TransactionsClient

NewTransactionsClient creates an instance of the TransactionsClient client.

func NewTransactionsClientWithBaseURI

func NewTransactionsClientWithBaseURI(baseURI string, subscriptionID string) TransactionsClient

NewTransactionsClientWithBaseURI creates an instance of the TransactionsClient client using a custom endpoint. Use this when interacting with an Azure cloud that uses a non-standard base URI (sovereign clouds, Azure stack).

func (TransactionsClient) ListByInvoice

func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoice(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (result TransactionListResultPage, err error)

ListByInvoice lists the transactions for an invoice. Transactions include purchases, refunds and Azure usage charges. Parameters: billingAccountName - the ID that uniquely identifies a billing account. invoiceName - the ID that uniquely identifies an invoice.

func (TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceComplete

func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceComplete(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (result TransactionListResultIterator, err error)

ListByInvoiceComplete enumerates all values, automatically crossing page boundaries as required.

func (TransactionsClient) ListByInvoicePreparer

func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoicePreparer(ctx context.Context, billingAccountName string, invoiceName string) (*http.Request, error)

ListByInvoicePreparer prepares the ListByInvoice request.

func (TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceResponder

func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceResponder(resp *http.Response) (result TransactionListResult, err error)

ListByInvoiceResponder handles the response to the ListByInvoice request. The method always closes the http.Response Body.

func (TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceSender

func (client TransactionsClient) ListByInvoiceSender(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

ListByInvoiceSender sends the ListByInvoice request. The method will close the http.Response Body if it receives an error.

type TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties

TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties request parameters to transfer billing subscription.

type TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties struct {
    // DestinationInvoiceSectionID - The destination invoice section id.
    DestinationInvoiceSectionID *string `json:"destinationInvoiceSectionId,omitempty"`

type TransferProductRequestProperties

TransferProductRequestProperties the properties of the product to initiate a transfer.

type TransferProductRequestProperties struct {
    // DestinationInvoiceSectionID - The destination invoice section id.
    DestinationInvoiceSectionID *string `json:"destinationInvoiceSectionId,omitempty"`

type ValidateAddressResponse

ValidateAddressResponse result of the address validation

type ValidateAddressResponse struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // Status - status of the address validation. Possible values include: 'Valid', 'Invalid'
    Status AddressValidationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
    // SuggestedAddresses - The list of suggested addresses.
    SuggestedAddresses *[]AddressDetails `json:"suggestedAddresses,omitempty"`
    // ValidationMessage - Validation error message.
    ValidationMessage *string `json:"validationMessage,omitempty"`

type ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError

ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError error details of the product transfer eligibility validation.

type ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError struct {
    // Code - Error code for the product transfer validation. Possible values include: 'InvalidSource', 'ProductNotActive', 'InsufficientPermissionOnSource', 'InsufficientPermissionOnDestination', 'DestinationBillingProfilePastDue', 'ProductTypeNotSupported', 'CrossBillingAccountNotAllowed', 'NotAvailableForDestinationMarket', 'OneTimePurchaseProductTransferNotAllowed'
    Code ProductTransferValidationErrorCode `json:"code,omitempty"`
    // Message - The error message.
    Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
    // Details - Detailed error message explaining the error.
    Details *string `json:"details,omitempty"`

type ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult

ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult result of the product transfer eligibility validation.

type ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // IsMoveEligible - READ-ONLY; Specifies whether the transfer is eligible or not.
    IsMoveEligible *bool `json:"isMoveEligible,omitempty"`
    // ErrorDetails - Validation error details.
    ErrorDetails *ValidateProductTransferEligibilityError `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`

func (ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult) MarshalJSON

func (vpter ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ValidateProductTransferEligibilityResult.

type ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError

ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError error details of the transfer eligibility validation

type ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError struct {
    // Code - Error code for the product transfer validation. Possible values include: 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInvalidSource', 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeSubscriptionNotActive', 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInsufficientPermissionOnSource', 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeInsufficientPermissionOnDestination', 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeDestinationBillingProfilePastDue', 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeSubscriptionTypeNotSupported', 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeCrossBillingAccountNotAllowed', 'SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeNotAvailableForDestinationMarket'
    Code SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode `json:"code,omitempty"`
    // Message - The error message.
    Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"`
    // Details - Detailed error message explaining the error.
    Details *string `json:"details,omitempty"`

type ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult

ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult result of the transfer eligibility validation.

type ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult struct {
    autorest.Response `json:"-"`
    // IsMoveEligible - READ-ONLY; Specifies whether the subscription is eligible to be transferred.
    IsMoveEligible *bool `json:"isMoveEligible,omitempty"`
    // ErrorDetails - Validation error details.
    ErrorDetails *ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityError `json:"errorDetails,omitempty"`

func (ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult) MarshalJSON

func (vster ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON is the custom marshaler for ValidateSubscriptionTransferEligibilityResult.

type ViewCharges

ViewCharges enumerates the values for view charges.

type ViewCharges string
const (
    // ViewChargesAllowed ...
    ViewChargesAllowed ViewCharges = "Allowed"
    // ViewChargesNotAllowed ...
    ViewChargesNotAllowed ViewCharges = "NotAllowed"

func PossibleViewChargesValues

func PossibleViewChargesValues() []ViewCharges

PossibleViewChargesValues returns an array of possible values for the ViewCharges const type.

type ViewChargesPolicy

ViewChargesPolicy enumerates the values for view charges policy.

type ViewChargesPolicy string
const (
    // ViewChargesPolicyAllowed ...
    ViewChargesPolicyAllowed ViewChargesPolicy = "Allowed"
    // ViewChargesPolicyNotAllowed ...
    ViewChargesPolicyNotAllowed ViewChargesPolicy = "NotAllowed"

func PossibleViewChargesPolicyValues

func PossibleViewChargesPolicyValues() []ViewChargesPolicy

PossibleViewChargesPolicyValues returns an array of possible values for the ViewChargesPolicy const type.


Name Synopsis
billingapi Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated.