
Package newssearchapi

import "github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/services/cognitiveservices/v1.0/newssearch/newssearchapi"

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type NewsClientAPI

NewsClientAPI contains the set of methods on the NewsClient type.

type NewsClientAPI interface {
    Category(ctx context.Context, acceptLanguage string, userAgent string, clientID string, clientIP string, location string, countryCode string, category string, count *int32, headlineCount *int32, market string, offset *int32, originalImage *bool, safeSearch newssearch.SafeSearch, setLang string, textDecorations *bool, textFormat newssearch.TextFormat) (result newssearch.News, err error)
    Search(ctx context.Context, query string, acceptLanguage string, userAgent string, clientID string, clientIP string, location string, countryCode string, count *int32, freshness newssearch.Freshness, market string, offset *int32, originalImage *bool, safeSearch newssearch.SafeSearch, setLang string, sortBy string, textDecorations *bool, textFormat newssearch.TextFormat) (result newssearch.News, err error)
    Trending(ctx context.Context, acceptLanguage string, userAgent string, clientID string, clientIP string, location string, countryCode string, count *int32, market string, offset *int32, safeSearch newssearch.SafeSearch, setLang string, since *int64, sortBy string, textDecorations *bool, textFormat newssearch.TextFormat) (result newssearch.TrendingTopics, err error)