Name | Synopsis |
.. | |
mgmt | |
2017-04-18 | |
cognitiveservices | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
cognitiveservicesapi | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
2021-04-30 | |
cognitiveservices | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
cognitiveservicesapi | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
2021-10-01 | |
cognitiveservices | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
cognitiveservicesapi | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
2022-03-01 | |
cognitiveservices | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
cognitiveservicesapi | Deprecated: Please note, this package has been deprecated. |
v1.0 | |
autosuggest | Package autosuggest implements the Azure ARM Autosuggest service API version 1.0. |
autosuggestapi | |
contentmoderator | Package contentmoderator implements the Azure ARM Contentmoderator service API version 1.0. |
contentmoderatorapi | |
customimagesearch | Package customimagesearch implements the Azure ARM Customimagesearch service API version 1.0. |
customimagesearchapi | |
customsearch | Package customsearch implements the Azure ARM Customsearch service API version 1.0. |
customsearchapi | |
entitysearch | Package entitysearch implements the Azure ARM Entitysearch service API version 1.0. |
entitysearchapi | |
face | Package face implements the Azure ARM Face service API version 1.0. |
faceapi | |
imagesearch | Package imagesearch implements the Azure ARM Imagesearch service API version 1.0. |
imagesearchapi | |
localsearch | Package localsearch implements the Azure ARM Localsearch service API version 1.0. |
localsearchapi | |
newssearch | Package newssearch implements the Azure ARM Newssearch service API version 1.0. |
newssearchapi | |
spellcheck | Package spellcheck implements the Azure ARM Spellcheck service API version 1.0. |
spellcheckapi | |
videosearch | Package videosearch implements the Azure ARM Videosearch service API version 1.0. |
videosearchapi | |
websearch | Package websearch implements the Azure ARM Websearch service API version 1.0. |
websearchapi | |
v1.1 | |
customvision | |
prediction | Package prediction implements the Azure ARM Prediction service API version 2.0. |
predictionapi | |
v1.2 | |
customvision | |
training | Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 2.0. |
trainingapi | |
v2.0 | |
computervision | Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 2.0. |
computervisionapi | |
luis | |
authoring | Package authoring implements the Azure ARM Authoring service API version 2.0. |
authoringapi | |
runtime | Package runtime implements the Azure ARM Runtime service API version 2.0. |
runtimeapi | |
textanalytics | Package textanalytics implements the Azure ARM Textanalytics service API version v2.0. |
textanalyticsapi | |
v2.1 | |
computervision | Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 2.1. |
computervisionapi | |
customvision | |
training | Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 2.1. |
trainingapi | |
textanalytics | Package textanalytics implements the Azure ARM Textanalytics service API version v2.1. |
textanalyticsapi | |
v2.2 | |
customvision | |
training | Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 2.2. |
trainingapi | |
v3.0 | |
computervision | Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 3.0. |
computervisionapi | |
customvision | |
prediction | Package prediction implements the Azure ARM Prediction service API version 3.0. |
predictionapi | |
training | Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 3.0. |
trainingapi | |
luis | |
runtime | Package runtime implements the Azure ARM Runtime service API version 3.0. |
runtimeapi | |
translatortext | Package translatortext implements the Azure ARM Translatortext service API version 3.0. |
translatortextapi | |
v3.1 | |
computervision | Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 3.1. |
computervisionapi | |
customvision | |
prediction | Package prediction implements the Azure ARM Prediction service API version 3.1. |
predictionapi | |
training | Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 3.1. |
trainingapi | |
v3.2 | |
customvision | |
training | Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 3.2. |
trainingapi | |
v3.3 | |
customvision | |
training | Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 3.3. |
trainingapi | |
v4.0 | |
qnamaker | Package qnamaker implements the Azure ARM Qnamaker service API version 4.0. |
qnamakerapi | |
qnamakerruntime | Package qnamakerruntime implements the Azure ARM Qnamakerruntime service API version 4.0. |
qnamakerruntimeapi |