
Package helm

import "edge-infra.dev/third_party/k8s/linkerd/helm"

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const (
    ControlPath       = "linkerd/charts/linkerd-control-plane"
    CrdPath           = "linkerd/charts/linkerd-crds"
    Policies          = "templates/policy"
    PartialsChartPath = "linkerd/charts/partials"

    Registry = "ghcr.io/linkerd"
    // Image Names.  Needed to override the container registry URLs, because the
    // Linkerd chart specifies images by repo + name (e.g., cr.l5d.io/linkerd/policy-controller)
    PolicyControllerImage = "policy-controller"
    ProxyImage            = "proxy"
    ProxyInitImage        = "proxy-init"
    ControllerImage       = "controller"
    DebugImage            = "debug"


Templates contains the static chart templates for Linkerd2

var Templates embed.FS
var Version string

func DefaultValues

func DefaultValues() (*l5dvalues.Values, error)

DefaultValues reads the contents of the values.yaml shipped with the Linkerd Helm Chart, unmarshals it into the linkerd2.Values{} struct, and then sets some values which always need updating before returning the result. These are the unopinionated defaults based on the upstream chart. Edge specific defaults are defined in pkg/edge/linkerd.

A general rule of thumb is that this function should only set values that are constants that would typically be set by the L5d Helm Chart publishing process -- everything else should go into pkg/edge/linkerd/render as a rendering option.